#Faq: Octurnius is the prev angelic Persecutor. Deirdre and Delilah were orphaned young
grokebaby · 1 year
"We make magnificent offspring my love."
Grandefel proclaimed, her eyes closed in pride, chest puffed. Deirdre snorted out a little laugh, wrapping her tail under the lion's jawline affectionately. "We do." her smile faded away quickly as she rest her chin on her partner's side. "It's a shame not many people agree.."
Grandefel huffed pensively, yellow swirls bubbling on her crown. "If it were up to me.."
"Yes, when you rule the Ether, my monarch, but alas.." Deirdre quipped, smiling against her fur. "Laugh along demon, but must I remind you The Throne has the form of a lion!" she huffed, setting her head atop her tucked paws. A still silence fell between the two for a moment.
"My point is.."
Deirdre glanced to her partner's direction as she continued her train of thought. "I'd wish we could have more of them.. I used to think maybe someday I'd train an heir, as is customary, but I didn't think I'd be so fond of.. Having a.. Family.." the angel mused softly, her eyes to the ground. Deirdre hummed. "Like your own little Pride.."
Grandefel lifted her head. "Pride..?"
"Yeah, like.. A pack of lions with the parents as the leaders. A Pride." Deirdre replied, lifting her head in turn, her eyes warm. Grandefel scoffed in awe. "A Pride! How genius of those mortals to think of such a term! Let's form our own Pride together, you and me!" her paws knead the ground with excitement, melting a little bit of Deirdre's heart. "I would really like that too.." her voice had a hint of melancholic resignation, and she lowered her head on the warm flank of her beloved.
"I could carry this time." Grandefel suggested, brushing her wispy tail across Deirdre's back bristle, leaving tiny glimmers along the black and white hair. "You could focus on the ones we already have, they're not grown up yet.." Deirdre closed her eyes.
"Ykno, raise them first, then we'll see.." Deirdre said serenely, only half minding the topic. The angel's longer silence after that however made her doubtful and she half turned to face her, meeting a faceful of deeply thoughtful eyes. "Grande..?"
"It.. Occurs to me, that.. Angels, as opposed to.. Everyone else, have different concepts of raising young.." The angel's eyes half lidded wistfully. Deirdre continued to look at her, now becoming a slight bit concerned. "Only when becoming a sire myself I realised what mortals talk of in regards to parenting. It truly is.. A process, not entirely unlike mentoring, but so much more than i could've imagined. Angels are considered youth so briefly, afterall. Why pamper them beyond that? Or.. Even during.." she closed her lemon colored eyes, voice losing steam towards the end. Deirdre curled up closer, brushing her cheek bristles against the lion's crown softly. "Octurnius was a formidable mentor, but.. A subpar father. It seems that I personally, was never truly parented by him, as it were.." Grandefel hummed, not necessarily melancholic, but her voice carried some sense of loss and otherness that she'd only begun to untangle recently. Deirdre stalled her voice, looking for the words.
"You angels are weird."
Grandefel blew out a scoff, nudging her half grinning girlfriend. Deirdre nudged her back, chittering. "No but, I guess I wasn't much better off.. You could say my sister raised me, since our mother had something better to be doing than carrying two grubs all day. Ykno, like a guardian usually would.." she rolled her top pair of eyes. "And don't get me wrong, from what I've met others of our species, that's not, like, the default. Our kind of demons live in colonies or groups, not.. Duos.. Especially not from infanthood.." Deirdre reminisced, tucking her chin atop her hands. She didn't sound gravely saddened either, but the whole sentence sounded like one long sigh.
"Hmp.. I guess we're both a bit in over our heads.." Grandefel half yawned, squinting at her partner calmly. Deirdre hummed, not finding anything but an agreeing tone to reply with.
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