#Fantastic Beasts fanfic
psyzook · 2 years
I love Original Percival Graves so much. He’s like- a very stern intimidating himbo. Definitely a himbo, but the opposite of the stereotypical happy-go-lucky golden retriever type. He’s a emotionally repressed dude who is literally the definition of whump.
I frequently read Newt Scamander/Original Percival Graves fics, and I always absolutely love that they are just- idiots in love. Percival is usually super besotted and smitten in fics and I love that.
I absolutely love how the Fantastic Beasts (movies) fandom circa 2016 saw him and his character and went ‘yup. this dude who went through trauma? he’s our new blorbo.’ Like- bitch I’m new-ish to the fandom and he’s already one of the two comfort characters I have.
My point is, Percy is my babygirl and I love him. Give me more Percival content guys!! I fucking beg of you! I wanna see into his head- I wanna see what makes him tick. I want to examine his whole personality like one of those police profilers. I love him, and I want more content.
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uefb · 9 months
Chapter 7 of Older, or Two Brothers and a Train Station up now :)
Summary: In which the Scamander parents get a bit too busy for caretaking; the extended family proves themselves rather useless at babysitting without inflicting borderline-trauma; and Theseus finds himself handling the unwieldy consequences (e.g., Newt). (yes, this is the lull before the storm...)
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In retrospect, Theseus maybe should have noticed earlier than he did that he had been very seriously tasked with watching his little brother on and off for the majority of the summer, far more than his usual elder brother duties. And it wasn't like he was tasked with it because he did not have anything else better to do himself , but because, by July, their parents—almost overnight—became truly and impressively and inordinately busy. 
…Really busy.
With Muggle London’s recent fascination and consequent reliance on the electric tram [4], Helios was dealing with an influx of opportunistic magical troublemakers that pulled him out on investigations and into raids at every hour of the day and night; while Rowan had become rather single-mindedly preoccupied with several of her hippogriff mares (who were having a difficult laying season), all on top of her other preexisting business and family commitments [5]. 
At first, Rowan had roped her younger sister Willow—a mediwitch at the St. Mungo Children’s Ward—into helping Theseus with Newt a few afternoons and evenings a week, but after several attempts at having him stay over at hers entirely on his own (particularly on the nights before his appointments), that method quickly proved disastrous. Newt apparently did not like that he was unfamiliar with Aunt Willow’s flat and customs; and Aunt Willow was disturbed by waking up every morning to a childless cot, which forced her to search Newt out in a state of panic until she stumbled upon wherever he had tucked himself away the night before [6, 6a]
(Theseus never really thought he’d have to listen to anyone receive a lecture on why sleeping in the broom closet or the bathtub or on the floor behind the wood-stove instead of a perfectly suitable mattress was inappropriate, but Newt did a lot of things that made him question his previous understanding of the world.)
Before Helios and Rowan consented to explicitly using Theseus as a full-time third parent, however, they had tried Helios’ siblings. Both sets of grandparents were out of the question because Grandfather Ptolemy was about as warm with Newt as their father’s brother Hesiod was; and Rowan’s mother was frailer even than their Longbottom great great grandparents—even Newt seemed to tiptoe about her house (even if he did so exceedingly unsuccessfully) whenever they visited…
And that left only Helios’ older sister Hippolyta, down at the border of Devon and Cornwall at Rame Head [7].
Theseus knew the very moment his parents decided to ask her that sending Newt there would absolutely not work (which was unfortunate, for Newt could have been very entertained on the Sound under different circumstances)... But, because Aunty Hippa had always adored her youngest brother, she immediately said yes anyway, despite the fact her formerly aristocratic husband Arundel Helston Mount-Edgecombe was—according to Helios—a “piece of work” [8]; and even though Theseus and Newt’s only real cousin Eloise (a very pretty, very poised, and very disturbingly intelligent nineteen-year-old witch) was almost always in as much trouble as Newt was, if for remarkably different reasons… 
Not the ideal location for an inquisitive six-year-old with very little regard for hierarchical respect or social niceties, Theseus personally thought.
But, because Theseus was just fourteen-almost-fifteen, he could only watch as Helios and Rowan approached Newt where he sat on a small boulder near the treeline, gently tugging the illustrated copy of Black Beauty out of his hands—(a book which Aunt Willow had bartered for him at a Muggle Curiosities shop while he stayed with her, in an attempt to bribe him into compliance)—and nudging him until the he’d made room for them to flank him on either side [9, 9a]. They explained in clear and calm language that Aunty Hippa had asked for his company for a few weeks, after which Newt asked if they still lived near the sea, and, upon hearing the answer—while still looking minorly concerned—nevertheless leapt off the rock to tear past Theseus and disappear into the house, where he proceeded to scour every shelf and trunk for "the book about oceans!" and Theseus' now-too-small bathing costume, from when they'd still lived in Dorset [10].
It was very clear his little brother was under the impression he might get to meet a sea serpent, and Theseus wasn’t cruel enough to disavow him of that belief if it made him happy enough to venture off the farm without complaint. Neither of their parents did anything to dampen his spirits either. In Newt’s wake, in fact, Rowan simply caught Theseus’ eye with a wink and a shrug, and then turned back to Helios briefly—letting him tuck an errant curl behind her ear—before rushing off after Newt to supervise his attempts at packing.
Newt was gone the next morning. Beaten-up binoculars hanging off his neck—a crab net woven through the front straps of his pink linen dungarees [11, 11a]—he had tolerated Theseus’ affectionate attention for a full half minute, even promising to write (with Eloise’s help, of course).
Not that the child even had time to fulfil that promise, though, for the owl Theseus received from Eloise six days after his little brother’s departure only proved his initial instincts unfortunately correct… 
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afrenchaugurey · 1 year
Just a little sweet nothing this morning
Because I'm sure Newt loves to say Porpentina.
And Tina likes that, very much.
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He is the only one from whom she likes to hear pronouncing her complete name.
He does that only on rare occasions, generally when they’re in the park, leaning back against a tree, her back against his bust, his nose buried in her neck, a book on her lap, as his arms surround her with a shield making her invincible. Between his lips, these four syllables transform into a soft melody, a prayer, a sweet little treat, the promise of a joyful future. He is the only one, since her parents left, who gives her a respite, a semblance of happiness. These few weeks she spent with him restored some colours on the dark canvas of her life. He is hope. He is love.
Even the good moments with Queenie don’t feel the same.
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freedomforthewin · 3 months
The Spaghetti Mountain and the Snowman
Part 1
(This is Part 2 of The Chosen Ones series. These stories are not written in chronological order.)
After Leta finished preschool duties at the Scamander brothers’ home with three-year-olds Juliet and Judette, the girls excitedly pulled Newt and Theseus toward the table that their paintings were lying on to dry. Leta smiled at the scene, but when her gaze landed on Judette and Newt, her smile became a little nervous.
Judette eagerly grabbed her painting and showed it to Newt. Newt took it from her, and his jaw slightly dropped when he saw it. There was a giant triangularish-shaped blob of reddish-pink paint in the middle. The blob was very thick with paint, so thick that it was probably going to take around two days to dry.
Newt’s lips then curled into a humorous smile, and he said, “It’s nice, Judette. What is it?”
“It’s a spaghetti mountain!” she said enthusiastically, a big smile on her face.
Newt burst out laughing.
Theseus’s head turned towards Newt and Juliet. His hands were holding Juliet’s painting.
“What is it?” Theseus asked, smiling.
Newt just motioned to him to look at Judette’s painting.
Theseus set Juliet’s painting back on the table and patted his daughter’s shoulder affectionately. Then he turned and looked at the painting in Newt’s hands.
“Oh!” He saw the blob but also noticed how much paint was on the paper. “Wow.”
“She said it’s a spaghetti mountain,” Newt said, grinning.
“A spa—” Theseus put his hand to his forehead and shook his head, laughing.
Both men looked over at Leta, who gave them an apologetic but amused smile.
“It’s nice, Judette,” Theseus finally said to his niece as his laughter died down. Judette grinned proudly.
Newt carefully set Judette’s very thickly-painted painting back on the table, and gently squeezed his daughter’s shoulder in affection. Then his gaze turned to Juliet, and he asked to see her painting. She happily showed him her painting of a snowman.
“Tell him who the snowman is,” Theseus said, grinning.
“He’s Frosty’s brother!” Juliet declared.
“Is he now?” Newt asked, smiling at her.
“Alright,” he said softly. “What’s his name?”
“Sky,” she murmured.
“Sky,” Newt repeated. “That’s a nice name.”
Newt admired the painting and then looked at his niece as he said, “It’s great, Juliet.”
Juliet beamed.
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letthewhumpbegin · 11 months
Faithful, chapter 2 - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
This is the second (and final) chapter to this story. Chapter 1 can be found HERE.
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Characters: Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald Short summary: Newt finds a fugitive Gellert Grindelwald and is forced to a duel. Word count: 2108 Warnings: contains magical injury, mentions of blood, passing out and magical healing.
A/N: this story is already posted on my FF.net and AO3 account, but now posted onto here as well.
(GIF by me)
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Dumbledore and Newt waited until Grindelwald was taken away and the last of the Ministry officials had Disapparated.
"Now it's our time to go." Dumbledore tightened his grip on Newt's arm and turned on the spot. Newt felt the familiar, yet somewhat unpleasant, sensation of Side-Along Apparition. Whatever destination Dumbledore had in mind for them, Newt would be taken there, too.
After a few seconds and a whirlwind of blurry images, Newt's feet slammed into the ground at their destination. The impact made him stagger so much that he needed Dumbledore's steady physique next to him to remain standing.
Newt inhaled the cool night air and the smell of pine trees, and he immediately knew where they were. There, sitting on top of a hill, by the edge of a large lake, lay Hogwarts Castle.
"Why did you take me here?" Newt asked weakly. His energy was even more rapidly draining than before now. "It is the only place in the entire world that I trust to be safe," Dumbledore answered, "and a place where I know you will feel at ease while you recover."
"How are we getting to the castle?" It hadn't eluded Newt that they had Apparated at the edge of the school grounds, and he remembered fairly well that Apparating inside Hogwarts grounds was not possible. "I'm afraid we have to walk." Dumbledore looked genuinely sorry about this. "I know I'm asking a lot of you, but given the current circumstances, I did not think it wise to lower the school's security in any way." Newt nodded shortly. He knew Dumbledore had made the right choices, but still was not looking forward to this next part. He was feeling shaky and unsteady from his wounds, and it was getting worse by the second. "I'm– I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it all that way," Newt confessed. "We're not in a hurry." A compassionate smile played on Dumbledore's lips. "Take all the time you need."
Dumbledore made sure that Newt could properly lean on him for support, and did not pressure him in any way. "Whenever you're ready." Newt carefully took a step forward. Dumbledore moved forward with him, always making sure that Newt had plenty of support. He let Newt determine their tempo, and would wait patiently whenever Newt needed to stop for a moment to catch his breath.
It took a long time, but finally they set foot in the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts Castle. It was just as Newt remembered it, with the Great Hall on one side and the giant marble staircase on the other. Even though Newt was heavily weakened by his injuries and barely able to hold onto consciousness, it still felt like coming home.
Dumbledore had already felt Newt's weight grow heavier against him, so it did not come as a surprise when Newt started to sag. "It's alright, give into it." Dumbledore gently guided Newt to lie down on the marble floor of the entrance hall. Newt was as good as unresponsive by now, the injuries of the day finally taking the better of him.
Hurried, slippered footsteps announced the arrival of someone. Dumbledore looked up to find Professor McGonagall coming down the marble staircase. With her wand at the ready to fend off possible intruders, she trotted down the stairs.
"Albus?" She was clearly shaken up. "Is that you?" "Yes, Minerva," Dumbledore answered calmly. "Would you please wake up Madam Pomfrey? Her assistance is urgently needed." "Is that… Mr. Scamander?" McGonagall only now had a better look at the person lying on the floor. "It is," Dumbledore answered serenely, "Madam Pomfrey, Minerva, please." "Yes, of course." McGonagall hurried back up the steps and disappeared from view.
Dumbledore brought Newt over to the hospital wing, and arrived there at the same time McGonagall arrived with Madam Pomfrey.
The matron took one look at Newt and immediately determined this was serious. "Over here." She motioned to one of the beds. Dumbledore carefully laid Newt down on it, and retreated to the side to give the matron the space she needed to do her job.
McGonagall came to stand next to Dumbledore. "Does this mean Grindelwald was captured, Albus?" He nodded slowly. "It indeed does." "What happened to Mr. Scamander?" McGonagall stared horror-struck as Madam Pomfrey pulled aside Newt's coat and revealed the lacerations to his chest and shoulders. "They duelled," Dumbledore spoke thoughtfully, "I can think of some of the curses he's been hit with. McGonagall shook her head in disbelief. "It's a wonder he survived." "Come now, Minerva, don't underestimate him." The usual twinkle was back in Dumbledore's eyes as he spoke. "Newt knows how to stand his ground. You should see some of the creatures he works with."
Madam Pomfrey had chosen that moment to come over to Dumbledore. "Those are some serious injuries, Albus," she said disapprovingly, "only dark magic could cause those." "I know, I know." Dumbledore held up his hands to stop the reprimand he knew would follow. "But nothing I can't heal," she continued, "it will take time for him to recover properly from this, but I have all the spells and ointments ready to treat him." "Thank you, Poppy." Dumbledore smiled at her. Madam Pomfrey mumbled something no one quite caught, and set to work on Newt's injuries.
"Minerva?" Dumbledore turned to McGonagall. "I need you to travel to London, to the Leaky Cauldron, and find a man named Jacob Kowalski." "Who is he?" McGonagall looked rather confused by this request. "A Muggle in a wizard's inn will probably be easy to find." Dumbledore grinned at his own remark. "You will find him to be in possession of something very valuable to Newt, and I need you to escort Mr. Kowalski here." The dozens of questions shone on McGonagall's face, but she didn't ask them. "Right away."
Dumbledore silently sat down in the chair by Newt's bed. Madam Pomfrey was applying ointment to the wounds on Newt's chest and back, and topped it off with a generous amount of bandages. She tutted a few times disapprovingly during her treatment, but made no further comments.
"I don't know what else you have planned for this man, Albus," she began after a short while, "but he needs rest for at least the next few days. Absolute rest." "Certainly." Dumbledore nodded solemnly. "He will feel the after-effects of this for quite a while." She shook her head once more to show her disapprovement, before leaving for her office.
Dumbledore sat back in his chair. The hunt for Grindelwald had dominated his life in the past few months, and now, all of a sudden, it was over. It had cost him, surely. The very result of that was lying right in front of him. He did not know what the next few days would bring him, but for now his main concern was Newt. Dumbledore would not even think of anything else until he was sure Newt would be alright and would make a full recovery.
Newt slowly felt the comforts of sleep leave him. He willed it to overtake him once more, for he was still utterly tired, but it would not. He listened to the sounds around him. It was mostly quiet, but far in the distance were sounds of people talking and laughing.
"Lunch hour at Hogwarts." A solemn voice suddenly spoke. "My favourite time of the day."
Newt slowly opened his eyes to find Dumbledore standing by the window beside his bed. The professor stood with his hands buried deep in his trouser pockets, staring out of the window with a faint smile on his face. He observed his students having fun in the snow in the courtyard below. How he knew Newt was awake before the younger man was even fully aware of it himself, was a mystery.
"... Wh–what?" Newt stammered, still dazed with sleep. He made a feeble attempt to push himself more upright. "No, no, don't do that." Dumbledore stopped Newt from moving. "Or Madam Pomfrey will have my head." Newt lay back against his pillows. He had to admit that moving hurt quite a bit, so he would have probably stayed put without Dumbledore's intervention as well.
Dumbledore sat down in the chair by the bed. He gave Newt a friendly, yet intriguing stare. Suddenly his face broke into a smile as he held up a flat hand, where Pickett was swinging from one of the long, slender fingers. "This is a funny little fellow." "Pickett," Newt mumbled, relieved. Dumbledore shortly placed his hand on the bed covers, so Pickett could scurry over to Newt and sit down on his chest. Newt smiled briefly at the little creature seeking his company.
"Newt…" Dumbledore began. The tone of his voice indicated he meant to start a serious conversation. "What happened last night was more than I could ever have asked of you." "Did the Ministry arrest Grindelwald?" Newt ignored Dumbledore's remark. "Yes." Dumbledore folded his hands in his lap. "All thanks to you." "Yet you do not seem at ease." Newt tried to read Dumbledore's expression. "Grindelwald is a smart and powerful wizard, Newt" Dumbledore answered thoughtfully, "he will try to escape, and we cannot rule out that getting captured was even part of his plan." "So, last night was utterly useless." Newt shrugged. He had suddenly lost all confidence in his actions. "Absolutely not." Dumbledore sounded somewhat stern now. "Do not ever doubt the choices that you've made." Newt chuckled softly, plucking at his bedsheets. "How often have you told me that already?" "Apparently, not often enough," Dumbledore smiled.
Newt stared at his own knees now, avoiding at all cost to look Dumbledore in the eye. The older wizard did not seem bothered by this at all. He merely watched Newt with interest.
Dumbledore broke the silence after a short while. "Do you know what amuses me, Newt?" "Hogwarts at lunch hour?" Newt answered with the hint of a smirk. Dumbledore chuckled. "That, too. No, I meant that suitcase of yours." Newt's head snapped up, as he looked at Dumbledore with wide eyes. "It… that… my creatures," he stammered frantically. Dumbledore held up his hands and gestured for Newt to calm down. "Your creatures are safe. Mr. Kowalski has been taking excellent care of them. It's good to see how much the Muggle community knows about magical creatures these days." "I…" Newt tried to get some words out, but wasn't sure if he should speak. Dumbledore's words had not been accusatory or reprimanding, but he knew perfectly well he had broken quite a few laws when getting Jacob involved in taking care of his creatures.
Dumbledore quietly studied Newt, watching the young man's internal struggle. "What have I just said about doubting your choices, Newt?" He finally smiled. "Right," Newt chuckled rather nervously. "Mr. Kowalski is a very likeable man, and you've taught him well on magical creatures," Dumbledore continued. Newt was genuinely surprised now. "You've met him?" "Certainly," Dumbledore nodded, "he's right here at Hogwarts."
Newt hesitated shortly. If Jacob was here, that meant his case was here as well, and with that: his creatures. "I need to see my creatures." He made another attempt to get out of bed, ignoring the pain moving caused. "No." Dumbledore put a firm hand on Newt's shoulder, and easily kept him in check. "Madam Pomfrey will curse and jinx me with everything she has knowledge of when she sees you out of bed." "But…" Newt protested. "I'm afraid I will have to be firm," Dumbledore said calmly. "I can, however, send Mr. Kowalski to visit you. He'll be able to tell you all about your creatures' well-being." Newt fidgeted his hands together. This was not exactly what he had had in mind, but it would have to do for now. "Alright." The smile with which Dumbledore answered Newt betrayed that he was perfectly aware of Newt's reluctance to agree to this.
"Good." Dumbledore rose to his feet, taking the jacket which he had hung over the back of the chair. "I have a class to teach. We still have lots of things to discuss, which I will not bother you with now, but I will visit you again later today."
Dumbledore walked to the door of the hospital wing. "Oh!" He suddenly stopped and turned back to Newt. "I nearly forgot: I will send Mr. Kowalski over to you. And remember, do not get out of bed. Not even when Madam Pomfrey is on her hour-long lunch break." His words were followed by a mischievous wink. Newt smirked in understanding. "Thank you, professor."
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desired-misery · 4 months
The Restoration of New York Series | In Progress Canon Divergence // Where is Percival Graves? There is a hell of a lot to fix in the wake of Grindelwald.
Wisconsin Night Oversight | 8k, Complete Pre-Canon // Percival Graves // Tina Goldstein Grindelwald wasn't supposed to be anywhere but terrorizing Europe- not in North Wisconsin, waiting among dead aurors and his own supporters. The set up for the fall.
All I Suffered | 35k, Complete *WARNING FOR GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF VIOLENCE/RAPE/NON-CON Percival Graves // Gellert Grindelwald // Torture // Angst // Dark Torture isn't pretty or heroic— it destroys. Until he doesn't know up from down, can't breathe without causing more pain, can't stay lucid long enough to recite his own name. It doesn't matter. The only constant in his life is agony and Grindelwald, and he fucking hates them both.
Graves's Safe | Oneshot, Complete Percival Graves // Gellert Grindelwald // Angst // Hurt One of the many things Gellert Grindelwald discovered about the fallen director while taking over his life. Gellert has time and resources-- Graves is only useful in what he can provide.
His Partner | Oneshot, Complete *WARNING FOR RAPE/NON-CON Percival Graves // Gellert Grindelwald // Angst // Dark He closes his eyes and lets it happen. He closes his eyes and relives his memory.
Blame the State | 5k, In Progress Seraphina Picquery // Magical Investigation // Post-Canon What is left in Graves' absence is nothing short of an international crisis. Seraphina’s POV as she realizes what is happening at the end of Fantastic Beasts, and what she has to make herself do when Grindelwald is captured.
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rainintheevening · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
So I got two of these (not surprising) and I'm gonna give different answers for both. Hehe.
A Coal Yet Burning MCU
A brief exploration of Steve Rogers's life in the post-Snap world (between Infinity War and Endgame). So much angst, I cried multiple times writing this, and the opening chapter was the result of reading The Hunger Games trilogy, especially Mockingjay. It's about being surrounded by darkness, and the stubbornness of light (and the hope we know is coming). Bucky isn't in this one, but his presence is felt everywhere.
This We'll Defend MCU
He gets a mention and a photo in the movie, but I gave Sam's buddy Riley a last name and a whole life. This is just a snippet of life for a family with a man in the Forces, and heavily inspired by Dean Brody's song 'Brothers'. Short and sweet.
Change My Name HP (Fantastic Beasts)
Arguably my most popular fic, this is an alternate ending to the first Fantastic Beasts movie. Where Newt manages to save Credence (he gets a new, better name), and everything is just generally better. Lots of hugs, Newt being sweetly awkward, and the power of found family. The first time I ever wrote a fix-it immediately after taking in a story.
Promise MCU
Hard-core Brothers2Infinity (Steve and Bucky) Christmas angst, fluff, hope, and h/c. I framed different Christmases in their lives around the song 'I'll Be Home For Christmas', which premiered in WW2. Like all my Steve and Bucky stuff, it's embedded in the whole world I built around the movies, but still totally readable on its own.
Even Soldiers Have Heroes Sherlock
One of my Rememberance Day specials, this is a recognition of John's military career, and I had a lot of fun with it. The war in Afghanistan was fraught with questionable motives and uncertain objectives, but how do the soldiers who were simply there to do their best make peace with themselves? John gets a beautiful reminder that his presence in that land of rocks and ancient dust was not pointless. I just loved writing both John and Mary in this, and building a plausible story for him. (And if anyone feels like drawing that picture of John, please feel free!)
Thanks so much for ask! This was fun!!!
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ravenclaws-eulchen · 1 year
AdA, Kapitel 86: Feuer frei
Jacob schlief noch halb, als seine Füße ihn durch die inzwischen vertrauten Straßen trugen. Es war halb drei am Morgen und er gestattete sich ein herzhaftes Gähnen, während er in Gedanken schon bei dem neuen Scones-Rezept war, dass Mr. Wynn ihm gegeben hatte. Es störte ihn nicht, früh aufzustehen, wenn das bedeutete, bald vor einer Schüssel Teig und einem warmen Ofen zu stehen. London war nie ruhig, aber die Straßen waren leer und Jacob trottete gemütlich voran, als ihm plötzlich ein verbrannter Geruch in die Nase stieg.
Weiterlesen hier: Kapitel 86: Feuer frei
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elisha-am · 1 year
Ten First Lines
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your fanfics and tag ten people. If you’ve written fewer than 10 fics, don’t be shy and share anyway. If you’re an artist or meta-writer, feel free to find a way to participate if you’d like. :)  
Thanks @themysteriousphoenix for tagging me!!! (p.s: sorry this took eons aksjdh)
1. In The Woods (newtina)
"Ow, OW!” Tina yelped when Newt half guided, half pressed her down to sit on the double cot in their tent.
2. Do it all again (newtina)
He looked up from his case to see her stepping into the alley.
3. Learning Fear (newtina)
Newt heard the most horrifying scream in his life.
4. Never Break The Chain (Tina & Queenie)
Tina walked into the special ward in St. Mungo's and came to an abrupt halt at the doorway.
5. Eye of The Beholder (newtina)
She married a handsome man.
6. Hopeful Return (newtina)
“Guess he isn’t coming back, is he?”
7. Alleviated (newtina)
Her right knee was troubling her again.
8. A chance across the ocean (Tina & Credence Twins AU)
“We need to send them away,” the mother said with her voice trembling.
9. Tipsy on Power (newtina)
First, it was a loud thud, second came a masculine grunt and then followed by feminine giggles.
10. untitled (Tina & Lally)
Every step Tina took seemed to add another ton of dread in her stomach.
As usual, I tag whoever want to do this! I am long over due for some fanftic reading :DDD
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obaewankenope · 1 year
yooooo, part part 12 of signalling theory officially has a name
but i'm not gonna tell ya'll it until i've got a fair bit more written down bc... i'm evil and it's a Damned Good Title
it has
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lacollectionneuse1967 · 11 months
slip of the tongue
Theseus Scamander x Reader
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The word left your mouth before you could process it, “Daddy.” He froze completely, locking eyes with you. You couldn’t read the expression on his face.
summary: you're a personal assistant at the british aurors office. you accidentally call your boss, theseus scamander, "daddy."
fem!reader. theseus scamander x reader.
category: smut with plot
warnings: 18+ smut, ddlg themes, (light) mdom/femsub dynamics, (light) size difference kink, unprotected penetration
It was mid-November. London was dark by four in the afternoon and you were out of the Ministry by five, pulling your trench coat around you and shouldering your way out into the stone streets and coal black skies. It wasn’t bitingly cold yet, but you kept your arms tucked close to your body regardless. Dipping in and out of the indistinct crowds, moving with purpose.
You had about fifteen stacks of classified documents on you, but they were safely magicked away into the lining of your coat, and they weighed nothing. Magic almost always weighed nothing, cost nothing. 
For you, at least. 
“A natural.” “The brightest witch of her year!”
That’s what they’d called you at Hogwarts. Even your closest friends in [your House] eventually grew bitter and irritable, so you had to feign stress before exams and pretend to practice your spells alongside them in the common room, in a display of camaraderie.
The truth was you didn’t need to practice, or study. Ever.
You were muggle-born, everything in your life before Hogwarts had been so difficult to bear, your parents’ death, the streets of East London, the orphanage. Even talking to other people, simple conversation, bore some inexplicable strain for you.
But magic had come as easy as breathing. Your wand was like a limb, an extension of your body, you didn’t even have to reach for magic, it just sprung forth, dancing into the world. 
You wanted to be an Auror since you were fifteen. You were good at magic, and little else, and you were curious, had a talent for dueling and abhorred those who took advantage of the weak. It seemed a natural path.
You were hired straight out of graduation. You were only meant to work as an Administrative Assistant at the Ministry of Magic for a few months. But that was nearly a year ago…
In truth, you’d already been offered a position as an Auror. You turned it down discreetly. Theseus Scamander, Head of the British Auror Office, was the man you’d been assigned to as an assistant. He was the figure you answered to, and you’d been his sole, personal secretary.
Before you loved him, you liked him, but even then you could recognize that you liked him too much for what was appropriate to feel for your boss. He was nothing like you in that he was maddeningly easy to become fond of. He was funny and charming, kind and handsome. Sarcastic and a bit of a straight edge. You glowed in his praise.
Every “Excellent work, Y/N” or “Y/N, you’re a lifesaver,” or casual introduction beginning with “This is my genius assistant-” swelled inside of you with happiness. Once he’d even, absent-mindedly and only half-looking up from his copy of The Daily Prophet, said “Good girl,” and you’d nearly fainted. 
The first time he hugged you, after some successful project of yours, he’d braced his arms around you and spun you around, and you’d gone wide-eyed and stiff. He set you down in a flourish.
You were terrified your reaction would put him off touching you forever, but he only laughed aloud, the sound like bells in the wind.
“Not scared of the death threats we receive from dark wizards but you’re scared of a little hug from your boss?” 
Your heart seized, though you returned his laugh in relief. If he only knew what you were really scared of.
“Try it again,” you smiled and met his gaze defiantly. “I’ll do better this time, I promise.” 
It always seemed to shock and delight him in equal parts, the way you responded to him. You liked to challenge him, and to make him smile just to see it spread across his face.
When Theseus hugged you the second time it was him who hesitated at the feel of your warm body pressing into his, his large hands hovered in mid-air before resting delicately on your upper back. 
When you were hired he was still engaged to Leta Lestrange, as he was when you turned down the promotion you were offered. Pathetically, being his assistant was the closest you could get to him. You weren’t about to walk away from that, walk away from him. Between late-night talks at the office and laughter-filled afternoon teatimes at his house, he’d become something like a friend. You couldn’t have him, but this was enough to sustain you. You weren’t her, but you knew you meant something to him…
When you entered his dark apartment, slipping the key out from under the welcome mat, it was no warmer than the outside world. Barren and cold as death, no signs of life. You whisked your wand out and spelled on the lights, spelled the documents free and they fell heavily from your coat, thunking unceremoniously on the hardwood floor.
Since he broke up with Leta, Theseus hadn’t been home, that was clear from the state of his place. He had hardly been at the office. You covered for him without even having to think about it, without even blinking you spewed out excuses and deftly dismissed the Aurors who came to call on him.
You didn’t think about what that meant about your loyalty, to the Ministry and to him. 
"Y/N," he’d prefaced in a letter, an owl sent to your house. "I trust you with my life. Not in theory, but in practice: with this letter you hold my life in your hands. You’re my assistant, but you’ve also become my closest and most cherished friend."
He’d mentioned Grindelwald, going behind the Ministry's back, “choosing sides,” and that he was with his younger brother, Newt. He told you to tell the Ministry he was on business if they asked, to make up something about a dark wizard lead in Romania. And he mentioned that he would need you to make copies of some confidential documents from the archives for him. He asked you to set them aside "but not in my office. Not safe. Bring them to my apartment. Key under the mat. I’ll be in touch soon. I owe you."
And so here you were. Still in your work clothes, a navy blue pencil skirt and chiffon blouse, black tights and your [hair color] hair pressed into loose finger waves, your heels scattered somewhere across his floor. You were organizing the documents into piles.
He’d requested the strangest things, all top secret, in the most restricted section of the Ministry Archives. Old maps and travelogs pertaining to sightings of some ancient creature with certain prophetic or spiritual abilities. Topographical maps of Bhutan and Austria. Classified research on dark magical objects that bound promises in blood.
It made you feel like you were in school again, made your head spin.
Wishing always hurt for you, coming from your background, you hardly let yourself indulge in it. But right now you wished he would’ve told you more. You wished, more sharply and painfully, that he was here.
In the middle of organizing the endless piles of parchment you began to drift off. The words on paper began to cross and blur in your vision. You didn’t want to disturb his apartment or his things, so you hadn’t put on the fireplace. Cold and tired you padded to his empty room. 
Just a little rest before I finish up here. You thought to yourself. Just going to rest my eyes.
You crawled under his crisp bed sheets and your eyes pricked at the overwhelming smell of him. If you didn’t allow yourself to miss him before this, you couldn’t help it now. You’d never been in his room before, you thought distantly, fatigue already claiming you, dragging you down into a black sleep. 
You weren’t cold anymore. Someone had put the fireplace on. You became aware of this before you heard him.
“Y/N,” Theseus’s voice was rough and low and sweet. It must've been past midnight. He was dressed in a suit still, bending over the bed, his eyes tender and tired. “Did you fall asleep, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart. You stirred. That word undid something in you. Unfettered any tension or stress you’d been holding in your body since he’d been gone.
“Theseus,” you muttered, still half-sleep. Your eyes were swollen, you would’ve been mortified, but he was here, at last, and he was looking at you with a gentle smile, so affectionate.
“M’sorry, the documents—I fell asleep-"
“It’s okay,” he chuckled. He dragged a hand over his face and stood. You felt guilty for stealing his bed, you didn't know where he'd been, but he looked positively wrecked. “Rest. I’ll wake you in the morning.”
He turned to leave, presumably for the couch. You reached out for him, any part of him, and your hand caught the waistline of his pants, a finger hooked there.
He looked down at the offending hand and raised a brow.
You were half dreaming, his arrival was so unexpected, so surreal. Your face felt hot, something like fever. 
"Mm, don't go," you mumbled. And then, the word left your mouth before you could process it, “Daddy.”
He froze completely, locking eyes with you. You couldn’t read the expression on his face. You were suddenly terrifyingly awake. 
You clapped a hand over your face, mortified, and rolled over in his bed so that the pillow concealed your face. Consciousness seeped in gradually and with every sober second you were swallowed by dread. 
“Oh,” you said stupidly. “Oh god, I have to leave. I'm sorry, I was sleeping, I don't know why I said that."
You stood as clumsily as a drunkard, taking half his sheets to the floor with you. Your hair was a mess and your skirt had hiked up nearly around your waist, revealing your black panties through your sheer tights.
“Oh god,” you said again. You couldn’t look at him. You began to fix your skirt and pat down your hair when he stepped forward, eyes dark, hand gripped around your wrist. 
You startled, confused. But he looked the opposite, an absolute calm washed over his face.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he said.
“What? I don’t understand.”
“Coming home to you in my bed,” he let out a sharp breath, something like a stifled groan. “You have no idea what I wanted to do to you.”
Your stomach fluttered. You searched his face for any signs of confusion. He looked tired, a little undone, but more himself than ever.
“I don’t understand,” you didn't know why you felt on the brink of tears, when this is all you’d wanted all along. “You… you want me? But you were engaged, you…”
The look in his eyes was blazing and still, fire in water. It was enough to silence you. 
“I want you. I ended things with her because I couldn’t live with it, wanting you. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, not at your job, and I’m sorry to bother you with it now, but it can’t be helped. You can leave if you want, things can go back to normal. Me, wanting you, and you knowing nothing about it.” 
He seemed to return to himself now, he sounded like the Theseus you knew. Poised, sure of himself. Mercifully kind. But his chest was heaving and the desire, plain on his face, was enough to make your knees buckle.
He wants me. He wants me. With each beat of your heart you felt the truth of it swell inside you. You could see it, unmistakable, the look of want that mirrored your own. Ready to worship and renounce and claim.
“I don’t wanna leave,” you admitted, weakly. When he spoke again his words were terse, strained.
“Get back in bed,” is all he could manage, and then, “And call me that again.” 
And for the first time since you’d known him, you defied him.
Like the possessed, you fell into him, kissing him. He stumbled back in surprise, catching you with his hands crowded around your face. And you were both kissing and grabbing at each other, you fell to your knees and he followed you down.
You couldn't stop kissing him, not even to regain your balance, to catch your breath. He tasted so good, and his mouth on yours would've been enough to sustain you forever. The two of you were so desperate with need, you were half-kneeling on the floor. 
You began to whine in protest when he pulled away at last, but he stood and pulled you up from under your arms. When he threw you back onto his bed, your stomach flipped. He was looking down at you, pulling off his shoes and jacket, unbuttoning the cuffs of his sleeves. With him looking at you like that, you would've let him do anything to you, anything at all.
“Sweetheart, I said,” he pulled off his dress shirt and your head went dizzy at the sight of his bare chest, his shoulders and arms. “Get back in bed.”
His voice was stern, but fond. You knew what he wanted immediately, and it thrilled you to give it to him.
“Yes, daddy.”
You could see him struggling to control his expression, he just bowed his head back and pinched his eyes shut. The corner of his mouth twitched.
The knowledge that it was you doing this to him, driving him crazy, turning him on, heightened your arousal. Submitting to him strangely felt like power in your hands. 
“Good girl,” he said at last.
He was in his boxers now. The shape of his dick through the thin cloth made your mouth water. You wanted to press your open mouth against it there, wanted to pull it out and kiss it. You don’t know what had come over you. You couldn't think straight.
He got into bed beside you.
“Come and sit in my lap.” 
Your body purred and thrummed in delight. This is all you’d ever wanted at the office, to drape yourself over and onto him like this.
You crawled over him and sat firmly in his lap, legs splayed around his thick thighs. His hands came up around your waist, sliding further up to your chest. He looked up at you unblinkingly, eyes hooded and reverent, but his fingers moved of their own accord, unbuttoning your shirt.
You reddened, suddenly self-conscious. “Wait, don’t-“
“Don't?” he raised an eyebrow. “What, you want me to stop?”
He made a tutting noise and continued to remove your shirt, you had to look away when he flung it across the room, you were so embarrassed. He had your bra off in seconds.
“So cute. So shy.” he said dotingly, but his actions were anything but cute, massaging and running the rough pads of his thumbs over your nipples over and over again in circles. 
You moaned without meaning to, and the sound embarrassed you further. You felt him grow even bigger beneath you, between your legs.
“No, you don’t want me to stop.” He sounded so cocky you wanted to tell him off, but you couldn't, not with him playing with you like this. You could only moan weakly beneath his hands.
Your hips began grinding against the outline of his cock. It was so big your entire body thrilled at the feel of him, at the ludicrous idea of fitting it inside of you.
He seemed determined to humiliate you, he kept talking you through it.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Can you feel how hard I am?”
“Yes,” you answered, breathless.
“Tell me what you want. How you want me.”
“Inside me, please.”
“Please, who?”
You were so frustrated you could've cried. You wanted to come so bad, your legs were trembling. Up and down grinding and rubbing wasn't enough when you knew he wanted to be inside of you, that you could've had him inside of you.
“Please, daddy," You cried, feeling broken. 
Theseus pushed you back onto the bed roughly and crawled over you, reaching down to hike your skirt even further up your midsection. You were already topless, but he gripped into your tights with both arms flexing and ripped them apart at the seam.
You gasped and instinctually tried to cover up, bringing your legs together, but he was already pushing your panties down past your ankles, and then his broad hands were covering your kneecaps, pushing them apart.
“No, no, don’t do that. You’re mine," He reprimanded.
It felt so vulgar, him seeing this part of you. But you were only half a person now. You needed Theseus inside of you to be complete, you were dumb with want. A whining, needy mess and he couldn't get enough of you.
Tears stained your cheeks.
“Please, pleaseplease-" You started to beg, but he silenced you with his mouth on yours, wet and warm and perfect. When he shushed you this time it was surprisingly caring, he caressed your face reassuringly.
“Okay, baby. It’s okay, I’m not trying to tease you, hold on.” 
When he pulled out his length, your mouth went dry. You instinctually spread your legs wider. It was big, bigger than you thought. Both thick and long.
He reached a hand down between your legs to find wetness. Your back arched, your whole body curled and keened in pleasure against his hand, his touch.
But when he pushed a single finger at your entrance it met resistance. You moaned in pain and contentment when it finally slid in fully, past the knuckle.
“Ah,” he said with a grunt. “You can barely fit my finger, baby. You’re so tight.” He said this in equal parts admiration and lament. 
“No!” you whined. “Please, please, I can take it-“
Theseus shushed you and kissed your forehead.
“I know you can, pretty girl. I don’t wanna hurt you, though.”
“I want you to. Please, please.” 
He hissed something like fuck under his breath and began to add more fingers, a second and, then, absurdly, a third. You already felt like you were being split in half. He could barely move them, but soon enough he was pumping them deep and slow, in and out, and the act was so lewd you wanted to cry again.
“Fuck, that’s tight," he said to himself again. “Christ, Y/N, you’re gonna kill me.”
When he removed his hand you wanted to cry out at the loss, but then he was moving his body up, his hands clasped around the inside of your knees and he spread your legs up and open and wide, just for him.
When he sank down into you, his dick was so big and hard that your eyes bulged and your mouth opened pathetically.
“Oh,” you said, stupefied.
Then he pushed in and in, endlessly, until he bottomed out. You were already throbbing around him, so overstimulated from before, coming and fluttering around his cock before he’d even fucked you properly.
“Oh!” you exclaimed again, throwing your head back against the pillow and bringing the back of your hand to your mouth to bite, hoping to stifle the moan as your orgasm washed over you hard. Waves of pleasure ran from the crown of your head all the way down your legs, you could see it coming from a mile away but were nonetheless overcome, completely. 
He made a small noise at the sensation of you tightening and pulsing around him and ripped your hand away from your mouth.
“I wanna hear you,” he ordered, and so you let him. It was almost an out-of-body experience, the way he materialized in front of you, inside of you, when you finally came back down to earth, blood roaring in your ears.
“I just stuck it in, and you already came?” His tone was dark and teasing. “That’s all it takes, darling?”
He leaned over and kissed you deeply, passionately, and then straightened your legs and threw them over one of his shoulders, bending you in half. He began to fuck you in earnest, fucked you limp. You really felt like a rag doll now, helplessly pinned beneath his weight, his hips pounding into your backside. He drilled into you, growing impossibly harder by the second, it was almost like being filled for the first time all over again. 
You couldn't stop moaning, he kept telling you how good you were doing, how you were almost there. Kept asking you questions that made you blush, making you answer them.
Every thrust of his hips was pure ecstasy, vibrating shocks of pleasure were sent straight to your core, your whole pussy throbbing with it. He was fucking you and it was the best thing you’d ever felt, you never imagined sex could be this good.
You felt his dick stretching you wider and wider when he said, “Where do you want me to come?” 
You didn't even think. The word preceded any thought.
“Inside. Please, please-"
The feel of him shooting into you, hot and warm and pulsing, sent you tumbling into another orgasm, it hit you so hard your vision went white and spotty. You had the impression your whole body was vibrating with the force of it.
He rolled your sweat-slick bodies over so that he was cradling you, holding you. You could feel his heartbeat, feel the air rushing in and out of his ribcage. He held you for a few minutes before finally relenting and pulling out with a hiss.
“You’re so perfect,” he panted, pressing a kiss to your temple, your chin, your neck. 
You felt overwhelmed with emotion. Overstimulated. Completely at his mercy.
“I love you,” you said. Powerless. All your life you had clung to power, whatever power you could cling to and not be kicked off like a dog. But for him alone you allowed yourself to be weak.
Utterly and devastatingly weak. 
You always imagined him saying it to you, first, but the thought barely had the chance to dampen your soaring heart because then he said, “I love you more. I promise you, whatever love you have for me, Y/N, I'll always have more for you.” 
He cleaned you up and gave you some of his clothes to change into. Soft and oversized, you were almost drowning in them. He changed into his own pajamas, changed the bedsheets and threw the old ones on the floor. Gave you a toothbrush to use and soon you were both cozy and tucked back in his bed.
“I wanted to do that from the first time I saw you," He admitted. “Even though I was your boss, and your friend, and I was a taken man at the time. It made me feel ashamed, sick with myself. How badly I desired you.” 
Hearing Theseus say these words was like a dream, or something you wouldn’t even dare to dream.
“Are you staying here for good now? Or are you leaving me again?” You asked.
“You’re coming with me. With us.” He said in a way that was so sure and simple, it made you feel safe. Made you forget about the Ministry, and the world falling apart. “We need your help. And besides, I've missed you.”
part two here
A/N: woohoo first fic ever! let me know if you have any requests or if you'd like a part two. right now i am only writing for theseus and no one else.
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psyzook · 2 years
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (Movies)
Newt/Original Female Character
Major Tags:
Time Travel, Slow-Burn, Fluff, Humor, Self-Indulgent, Slight Crack
OFC (yet to be named) works at MACUSA in their Department of Mysteries. She is a Level Five unspeakable who is asked to examine a strange old and powerful object that the Space and Time unspeakables are interested in. She is proficient in enchantments, charms, and warding (but has a masteries in enchantments). When experimenting with the many layers of magic in and on the object she seems to (accidentally) disrupt a part of its magic. The very sensitive magical object lashes out, and she finds herself somehow transported into a random field. She experiences pain, something akin to a very intense portkey mixed with apperation, and odd physical feelings. Soon Aurors show up because there was a strong burst of magical energy, and they find her. The rest of the fic is basically her trying to adjust to the new time she finds herself in. She discovers that she is in an alternate timeline during February of 1926.
More Facts:
She is a half-blood. She is Gen-Z. She is born in 2005, and is from the year 2032.
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uefb · 11 months
A fic excerpt from 1914, half a year after Newt’s expulsion (ages 17 and 25)
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I’ve spent my free time over the past month writing Theseus and Newt between 1897 and 1919, and oh my goodness did their relationship evolution give me fits 😅 35k words later and I’m almost ready to post it! But I must get closer to turning in my dissertation chapter drafts first or I will be thoroughly reprimanded/have a mental breakdown and my soft little heart can’t handle that rn lmao)
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afrenchaugurey · 9 months
I realize I forgot to post here but I posted chapter 4 of my New Year's fic.
Summary : After a complicated moment, Newt finally mixes with the New Year party.
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And the introduction scene
In the centre of the room, a large table sagged under the profusion of drinks, food and cutlery. Soft music came from nowhere, and would have bathed the area with a tender lullaby if it hadn’t been covered by all the other voices and noises. The chanting soapy bubbles had disappeared when Adeline had sat at the table, Evie replacing them by hovering oranges, pinecones and cinnamon sticks –mirrors of the tree’s decorations– that filled their noses with forest smells.
Evie had probably circled the dining space with Fencing Charms , as the dog and the puffskeins herd remained far from the food. The pre-dinner mini-sandwiches trays and drinks replenished automatically as soon as they emptied, offering enough provisions for a whole army.
“Snidget, you’re back! Come, and have a firewhisky!”
Theseus’s face had turned crimson, and Newt didn’t want to know how many glasses he had drunk already. Apparition or flight wouldn’t be an option to come back home for his brother that night; Newt would have to make sure of it.
“Snidget?” asked a woman Newt didn’t recognize, but whose cheeks gleamed as red as Theseus’s.
Her hair was like the plants frozen over the lake, a dark brown surrounded by white, and something in her gaze –traces of a complicated and heavy past, courage, and empowerment– reminded him of Tina.
“That was Newton’s nickname as a child, Sunshine,” Titania whispered in the other witch’s ear, before she wove their fingers and kissed her knuckles.
The woman’s eyes opened wide, and she stared at Newt who intensely looked at the ground.
“Of course! Snidget ! Newt Scamander! How could I have forgotten this!” she exclaimed, “I’m Poppy Sweeting.
Thank you for reading !
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letthewhumpbegin · 11 months
Faithful, chapter 1 - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Characters: Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald Short summary: Newt finds a fugitive Gellert Grindelwald and is forced to a duel. Word count: 2230 Warnings: contains magical injury, mentions of blood, passing out and magical healing.
A/N: this story is already posted on my FF.net and AO3 account, but now posted onto here as well.
This is chapter 1 of 2. Second chapter will be up on 8 November.
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The manhunt for Gellert Grindelwald lasted for months now. Over several continents, the Ministries of Magic of at least a dozen countries, and even Albus Dumbledore, were involved in the search, but Grindelwald was neither caught nor found.
That was, until now…
It was a cold, snowy December evening when the unlikeliest of wizards, quite accidentally, stumbled across the clue that led to the discovery of Grindelwald's hiding place.
Newt Scamander was not a man who went looking for an opportunity to duel or see his name in the newspapers. Quite to the contrary even: he usually stayed away as far as possible from things like that, but this information on Grindelwald's location looked very solid, and at least worth investigating. Newt had simply overheard a couple of wizards talking in a tavern earlier in the evening, and he had to admit it all sounded way too good to be true. Still, it felt wrong to dismiss it as bollocks immediately, and only a few short checks later, Newt could only conclude that this might be the clue they had been hoping for.
Newt knew he had to act fast, or Grindelwald would slip through their fingers once again. The information he found led to an abandoned estate in Scotland, not even that far from where Newt was now, and he decided in a split-second that he would go and check it out. Supposedly, Grindelwald stayed there alone at the moment, but that could very well be a trap of course.
It would be dangerous, very dangerous even, but there was no time for doubt. Grindelwald had eyes and ears everywhere, and would know in a heartbeat that he had been discovered, so there was no time to lose.
Before he left, Newt sent word to everyone he could think of being involved in the manhunt here in Britain, but he would not wait for them. No, he had to act immediately. He tried not to think of the possibility that he might not survive this, and what that would mean for his creatures. That he would escape the inevitable duel unscathed was unlikely, but Newt had made his decision: if he didn't act now, it would be too late. And he at least owed Dumbledore this level of commitment and faith.
So, for now, and probably against his better judgement, Newt set off on his own…
Newt Apparated at the beginning of a lane, lined with tall trees, that ended at a handsome mansion. One of the Scottish lochs in the distance reflected the moon overhead, and the fresh snow crunched softly under Newt's feet as he hurried up the lane.
The lack of defenses as he carefully made his way to the mansion set Newt unbelievably on edge. It was highly unlikely that a wanted criminal and exceptionally skilled wizard like Grindelwald, would not have any defensive spells in place to fend off intruders. Still, so far, Newt encountered nothing.
The entire mansion was dark, except for one window on the ground floor. A faint light escaped through drawn curtains, betraying someone was in that room.
All of Newt's senses were in a state of highest alert as he approached the front door. At any moment, curses could start flying his way, and he knew those would not be innocent Body-Binding curses…
The front door of the mansion stood slightly ajar, almost as if to welcome him in. Newt pushed it open and stepped into the hallway, wand at the ready. He halted for a moment, looking sharply around for movement that announced an oncoming attack, but all remained eerily quiet and desolate.
"I must say, I am disappointed."
The voice came from the living room to the right side of the hallway. Newt apprehensively crossed the threshold, and found Gellert Grindelwald sitting in an armchair by the hearth fire. Even though Grindelwald had his back turned to him, Newt knew very well that the wizard's wand was pointing towards him.
"What disappoints you?" Newt ventured the question. His eyes darted around the room for a possible ambush from Grindelwald's allies, and yet again he saw none. Grindelwald indeed seemed to be alone here.
"I had rather hoped to see my old friend Albus," Grindelwald replied, still not looking at Newt. "And no worries, Mr. Scamander, I am quite alone here." Newt nervously took another step closer, reducing the distance between himself and Grindelwald to less than three meters. "That's close enough." The menace dripped from Grindelwald's voice.
Newt readied himself for the attack that could start any second now. He was well aware that he alone would likely be no match for Grindelwald, not even with Grindelwald being without allies, so delaying was his best strategy.
"I might be able to persuade Dumbledore to come here," Newt tried. Grindelwald scoffed. "You and I both know he is already on his way. But he is not coming for me, he is only coming here for you." "Dumbledore doesn't care about me," Newt lied. "Well, you might be right," Grindelwald sneered, "sending you here is tantamount to killing you, so maybe indeed he doesn't care… or he just grossly overestimates your abilities."
Newt fidgeted his hands together without slackening the grip on his wand. He would not be able to keep Grindelwald talking for much longer. The only thing Grindelwald wanted was to kill Newt and disappear again before anyone else arrived, and Newt was sure he would do so sooner rather than later.
Grindelwald slowly rose to his feet, back still turned to Newt. "Any last words, Mr. Scamander?" Newt kept his gaze firmly fixed on Grindelwald, taking in every minute movement, but he refused to answer that question. "Have it your way," Grindelwald mumbled venomously.
In a flash, Grindelwald spun round. The first curse was already flying before he was even fully facing Newt. A jet of green light flashed past Newt's head, but this attack was what he had been expecting. He fairly easily dodged the curse and sent his own counterattack in Grindelwald's direction. Grindelwald blocked Newt's curse, immediately sending the next one flying.
Newt was not fully able to dodge or block this one. He felt the intense pain of the Cruciatus Curse flood his body, but he willed himself to remain upright. If he ended up on his knees, Grindelwald would be able to finish him off before this duel had even properly started. Newt bit through the paralysing pain of the curse, and with immense power of will, managed to send a jinx hurtling towards Grindelwald.
Grindelwald had clearly not been expecting this. Newt's jinx hit him square in the chest, and the force of it threw him backwards against a bookcase. His reply, however, was instantaneous.
It was the first curse Grindelwald actually spoke, but he did so with so much menace that the word alone instilled fear in Newt. There was no chance for him to block this curse, and he only half managed to leap out of its way. The curse only scraped the right side of his chest, but it still left deep gashes across Newt's ribs. Warm blood spilled onto his shirt and hands, making the grip on his wand slippery. The injury left Next momentarily unaware of his adversary. A mistake he immediately regretted.
Grindelwald cast the Diffindo-curse again, hitting Newt across the back of his shoulders. Fresh wounds bit into Newt's flesh and sent him crashing to the floor. Grindelwald seized this opportunity to cast the Cruciatus Curse again. This time Newt caught the full force of the curse, seizing him with an excruciating pain.
To Newt it felt like hours later before Grindelwald lowered his wand and lifted the curse. Newt lay on the floor, panting and trembling as the after-effects of the torture curse still flowed through his system. "What shall we do next?" Grindelwald taunted, glaring down at Newt with a look that promised a whole lot of misery. Newt's vision was blurry, but he did his utmost best to keep his focus. If he didn't act now it would surely be the end of him.
Grindelwald obviously did not expect Newt's next move, or he just believed Newt was already beaten. With the last of his strength, Newt tightened the grip on his wand and rolled himself onto his back, ignoring his painfully protesting wounds.
Now with an unobstructed line of fire, Newt bellowed his curse."Reducto!" It knocked Grindelwald clean off his feet, throwing him to the ground a few metres across the room. "Expelliarmus!" Newt quickly disarmed Grindelwald before the wizard could even think of another curse to cast. With another flick of his wand Newt made ropes appear which tightly bound Grindelwald and left him unable to move.
"Newt?" The familiar voice of Albus Dumbledore was heard only faintly from outside, but to Newt it was the sound of saviour. "In here," Newt answered. He suddenly became aware how weak his own voice sounded. Black spots blurred his vision all of a sudden, and the world swam around him. He firmly closed his eyes, willing the unpleasant sensation to pass. It only got worse, though, and Newt had to grab hold of a nearby desk to keep himself on his feet.
He startled to hear a voice from so close by and hands suddenly resting on his shoulders. Newt opened his eyes. The blurry shape of Albus Dumbledore, standing in front of him, slowly came into focus. "Professor?" "You don't look too good, Newt." Concern was written all over Dumbledore's face and laced in his voice. "I– I'm f-fine…" Newt hadn't even fully finished his sentence when his legs would no longer support his weight. Dumbledore caught him by the armpits before he could fully collapse, and guided him to sit down on the rubble-strewn floor. "I got you, take it easy now."
Blood stained Dumbledore's hands as he released his grip on Newt. He carefully pulled Newt's coat a little aside to reveal the wounds to the magizoologist's chest. Dumbledore's brow furrowed into a concerned frown. "This looks serious, Newt. You injured your back as well?" Newt nodded weakly, but did not find the strength to answer with words. "We need to wait for Ministry officials to take him away." Dumbledore motioned over his shoulder to Grindelwald. "But then I'm going to take you to have those wounds treated, okay?" "It's not looking good, is it?" Newt wasn't able to keep the tremble and the hint of fear out of his voice. Dumbledore gave him a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine, Newt."
They had to wait for at least another 15 minutes for the Ministry officials to arrive. Newt remained sitting on the floor. Even just breathing hurt him, and he was still losing blood. All his muscles hurt with the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse, and suddenly he felt cold as ice. Altogether, Newt knew his condition was deteriorating fast now, but he just had to hold on for a little while longer.
Dumbledore stood leaning against the desk in the room, hands buried deep in his trouser pockets and his gaze directed down at his own shoes. His eyes often darted in Newt's direction, but not once did he acknowledge that Grindelwald was in the room, too. Grindelwald, on the other hand, was glaring at Dumbledore. The ropes Newt had conjured were still binding him tightly and made it impossible for him to move. Several times it looked as if Grindelwald would speak to try and provoke Dumbledore, but he never actually did.
Voices from outside announced the arrival of the Ministry officials. Within seconds the room was filled with at least a dozen Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore hurriedly spoke to one of the Aurors, while the rest safely incarcerated Grindelwald and inspected the rest of the house for other possible threats.
"We need you to come with us to the Ministry, Dumbledore," the Auror with whom Dumbledore had spoken suddenly said. "No." Dumbledore shook his head. His tone was friendly, but final. "I have more urgent obligations at the moment, and I'm sure the Ministry can handle this alone." The Auror looked ready to protest, but Dumbledore had already turned his attention to Newt.
"Come on, we need to have you looked at." Dumbledore rested a hand on Newt's forearm. "Merlin's beard, you feel like a popsicle." He shook off his coat and carefully draped it across Newt's shoulders for extra warmth. "Thank you," Newt mumbled. He only now realised he was the 'more urgent obligation' Dumbledore had to attend to. "Where are we going?" "The only place that is always safe," Dumbledore winked, before moving away to collect his things.
Newt slowly hoisted himself up onto his feet by the desk. He felt even worse than before, and his exertions did not improve the pain much either. As soon as he stood, he was in immediate danger of collapsing again. Vertigo hit him like a sledgehammer, and he swayed ominously on his feet.
Dumbledore caught up on the situation, hurrying over to Newt's side again. "That's not such a good idea." He slung an arm around Newt's waist for support. Newt stammered some objections, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I won't have it, Newt." Dumbledore shook his head. "You are coming with me, whether you like it or not."
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maximwtf · 1 year
can I request an animagus!reader x platonic!Newt Scamander where the reader has just become an animagus, and Newt finds them in their animagus form (maybe a lynx or kneazle) and takes them in? He doesn’t know it’s the reader and the reader stays in animagus form to see what happens and mess with Newt
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Platonic! Newt Sacamander  x Animagus! Reader
Words: 2350
Google docs pages: 4
Warnings: None, I believe
Opening: The reader is a new kneazle animagus who gets found by Newt on accident. The reader recognizes Newt from some time ago, but decides against changing forms to see how far they could go before Newt would realise who the creature truly was. 
AN// Any pronouns for reader! Haha, I didn’t even realise how much I missed writing for this man. Thank you for the request, I hope it's to your liking. (Oh, and thank you for the other requests I’ve also gotten, I’ll get to those as soon as I can! ^^)
                                  “Are you lost?”
You hadn't meant to change forms now, but after completing some…unofficial work as some might call it, you had to make sure no one was after you and it just kind of happened. Not that you hadn’t been trying to turn for the first time, you had been but without any success. There wasn’t much time to get used to the form, but you knew enough about magical creatures to pinpoint what your form might have been. It also turned out your new form was a great getaway, especially from places where there were kneazles roaming around anyway. No one would pay no mind to your escape. 
Only, while checking that no one was after you, a man passing by noticed you. You being too busy frantically looking around caused you to not notice him though. This allowed him to get rather close, but far enough to not be able to touch you. The surprise of a wizard staring at you caught you off guard, and as much as you’d hate to admit it, a hiss left your muzzle. Your movements, as far as you knew, weren't too graceful either, most likely resembling an injured animal rather than a kneazle used for guarding. The man took a respectful step back, kneeling down to your level. You stared back at him with a fierce expression, trying your best to scare him away. Surely, like most people, he knew that the kneazles around here were used as guardians. For all he knew, he could have gotten attacked by you, not that you’d do that to him of course. Your speckled fur rose up, big ears pinning back as you showed your sharp teeth to him. The man didn’t seem afraid, even more oddly…he seemed to try and relax even more. At this point, you knew that even a real kneazle would have come to the conclusion that this man was to be trusted, but you were no house pet. You didn’t need to be taken back to your home, you didn’t even live here. No matter how kind this man was. But he did seem insistent on trying to get your trust, for whatever reason that may have been for. 
Newt offered out his hand. The kneazle seemed more scared to him rather than trying to chase him away. This kept him persistent on trying again, thinking that the creature might have been hurt for the way it was moving. “Did you get lost? You’re quite far from home, if you did.” He smiled, keeping his hand out before his eyes lit up. “Would you like a treat?” He kept speaking in a calm tone, not wishing to scare you.
It was when he had begun to speak that the realisation had hit you. The wizard trying to get you to come to him was someone who you had met briefly before. Newt Scamander, you remember his name being. That must have been why he seemed so calm around you, ignoring any warning signs that you had given him. It now felt like he knew how to handle your form better than you yourself. Embarrassing, but thankfully you’d never have to admit that to him…
The realisation must have calmed the way you looked, and the wizard had taken that as a ‘yes’ to his offer. You watched as Newt opened the briefcase he always carried with him, putting it against a corner of a house. The place was so far on the edge of the living area, no one ever came there. Except for you and him it seemed.
 Keeping your eyes on the man, you saw him climb into the briefcase, soon a hand poking out as if the wizard was inviting you to join him. Reluctantly you took a couple of steps closer, looking down into the briefcase. It seemed like a house, not even a small one that was. At the bottom of the ladder you saw Newt again, he was holding a piece of meat in his hand which he showed to you and then placed down on a table, coming back to the end of the ladder. He held out his arms, asking for you to come down. He did still believe you had just gotten lost, but perhaps you could have some fun before ultimately you’d have to reveal yourself to him. Before that though, you’d have to figure out how to turn back…
With that, you stepped down and allowed Newt to catch you. You looked around the briefcase as the wizard set you down and held out the treat yet again, lowering it to you. The thought of eating in your animagus form almost made you recoil but if that was what had to be done in order for your plan to work, you’d do it. You took the rather small piece of meat from him, munching it away while he leaned on a table. When your eyes travelled back to him, he seemed to be thinking.
 Thinking of what to do with you now. It was getting quite late, and he didn’t want to bother the residents at night by knocking on their doors, asking if someone had lost their kneazle. Which meant he’d either have to let you wander the night alone or keep you in the briefcase until the sun rose up again. Which of he chose the latter, of course. “Right, I suppose you’re going to have to stay with me. It’s okay, we’ll find your home tomorrow.” He smiled with the same gentle smile you had seen before and reached down to you. Newt waited for you to sniff his hand, as if letting you recheck if you trusted him before he allowed himself to pet your head briefly. 
A gush of air hit your face as Newt pushed himself away from the table, and walked to the kitchen, continuing on to a place in the ‘house’ that you had heard animalistic noises from, your heightened senses allowing you to smell other creatures in that area. With cautious steps you followed along, watching as he fed the other creatures. You knew he was well informed on magical creatures, and it showed. All the creatures had their own assigned habitats, and Newt seemed to know exactly how much and what to feed them. Heck, as far as you knew he was treating you like you had read all kneazles should be treated. It rather warmed your heart to see him care for the creatures so deeply, even if some may have claimed them as dangerous and as something to never go near. 
Though, the feeding meant that you had time to explore without his attention being on you. Your paws turned, trotting back to the kitchen area where after some thinking you decided to jump on the counter. It wasn’t a graceful jump, and as much as you’d hate to admit it, you did have to drag yourself up to be able to fully stand up. While walking to the other side of it, you made note of what had been on it. As you were about to jump down the sound of footsteps on the wooden floor almost echoed in your ears before you could cast a look towards the man. He seemed almost just as surprised to see you on the counter, a playful smile on his face as he got closer. “Be careful, I haven’t yet checked you for injuries!” You jumped down, running away but not far enough to not hear him. “Hm, were you looking for food as well?” Newt’s voice spoke again as he made sure that nothing on the counter was broken. “Come on then, you’ll get some too.” He hummed, seemingly happy to have a visitor. 
You had made your way to where the habitats were, eyes wide as your much smaller form marched past huge creatures, some you had never even seen before. While in your thoughts something had managed to sneak up on you, tugging your tail for a few times. A rather rough hiss came from you while turning around, finding a small, almost blue-ish creature sitting behind you. As soon as it saw the opportunity, which was the clear confusion on your face, it scattered away. Your gaze followed it run and get picked up by Newt. The expression on his face looked as if even without seeing he knew the creature must have met you. “You met Teddy, then?” The creature named ‘Teddy’ climbed onto his shoulder, not keeping it safe for much longer as Newt picked you up as well, carrying you as he walked. 
You didn’t look, but you felt his eyes on you every now and then. As if he was thinking about something, making notes of your behaviour. 
The wizard had heard the rather odd hiss coming from you earlier. He had his doubts about you, thinking that maybe you lacked some of the high intelligence the kneazle usually had or perhaps it was something else making him suspicious of you…or perhaps you were just injured. Either way, he set you down, you only now noticing he had brought you back into the kitchen. “Be careful around the habitats, better not get too close when they’re eating you see.” He spoke to your animagus form, as if you’d understand. Of course you did, but he didn’t know that. 
A bowl was placed on the ground, slightly under the table so he wouldn’t accidentally step on it or kick it while walking by. “There you go.” Another smile. While sniffing the food, you could feel his eyes examine your form, but he couldn’t find any signs of bruises or injuries.  With that he retreated himself to his room, and as if no time had passed the sounds of writing began to chime from behind the curtain he seemed to use as a door. 
You were not eating again. Not in this form at least. Though, you were getting thirsty but there was absolutely no way you’d be able to turn on the faucet without him noticing. So it became a waiting game. Waiting until he’d fall asleep and you could figure out how to turn back to your human form. 
Eventually the waiting paid off. The noises of writing and pages being turned stopped and you could have sworn you heard the bed sheets move as he settled down. Some of the creatures had calmed down as well it seemed, even better for you. 
With a couple of careful glances to your sides and a long sigh, you sat down and closed your eyes. What felt like hours of concentrating worked, you were back to your human form. It felt oddly nice to be standing on two legs, to be able to reach the countertop without having to jump on top of it. Though, the first couple of steps you took were clumsy. 
You opened some of the cabinets and soon found a glass which you filled with water a couple of times and drank. To your fortune and maybe to Newt's misfortune he had left some bread on the counter as well, a night snack for you. 
While working on preparing some food for yourself, someone had woken up. He was staring at you from the corner of his bedroom and it didn’t take long until you could feel eyes on your back. Assuming it was either the ‘Teddy’ creature or one of the free roaming bird-like ones, you turned around calmly only to find Newt staring at you. You froze and it almost felt like time had done the same, but the environment soon warmed up as Newt laughed gently. “I thought there was something odd about the kneazle I rescued.” He walked closer, leaning on the kitchen table. He seemed calm enough on the outside, but you still felt the need to apologise. “I- I’m sorry, Newt. I should probably leave, I know you don’t like-” The stutter mixed ramble was interrupted by Newt putting his hand up. “It’s quite alright. Only a surprise to meet you again like this.” He spoke, a hint of awkwardness in his voice but he seemed to hide it well. “You never told me you were an animagus?” He asked, Newt's voice now filled with interest as he got to bring up the topic of magical creatures once more. “Not necessarily a registered one, so I don’t tend to bring it up…” You grinned a little awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck as you retreated from the countertops and seated yourself around the kitchen table. “Ah, I see. I’m assuming you don’t use the form often then either?” Newt hummed, taking your earlier spot. “ He reached into the cabinets. “O-oh, no. I- This was actually the first time it worked.” You said, knowing your clumsy movements in the form must have seemed odd to Newt. The wizard’s eyes moved back to you, slight worry mixed with interest in his eyes. “Are you feeling alright?” The question slipped from him so suddenly. You blinked a couple of times. “Oh yes, I suppose. Got some getting used to, I suppose.” You tried to smile, only now feeling the exhaustion from the changes. Newt took a moment to say anything. “Would you like some tea? I was coming to make some for myself earlier but..” He smiled. You bit your inner lip in embarrassment, not letting it show. “Sure.”
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