#Fallopian Cancer Treatment in Pune
drkunaalshinde · 4 months
Fallopian Tube Cancer
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drasmitadongare · 7 months
Fibroids and Fertility: What You Need to Know
Worried about fibroids impacting your baby’s dreams? Millions of women face the challenging reality of uterine fibroids. Female factor infertility can occur due to many reasons. It is highly important to regularly observe one’s reproductive health. Many women of young age have issues related to the menstrual cycle ranging from heavy periods, prolonged periods, irregular periods, intermenstrual bleeding, low back pain, anemia, pain during sex, bleeding after intercourse, etc. The reasons could be PCOS, endometriosis, uterine polyps or fibroids, or any other issue that can lead to infertility.
In this blog, Dr. Asmita Dongare has to consult one of the Best Female Gynecologists in Baner, Pune as a proper diagnosis is very essential in averting any serious health problems. Let us get to know in detail about uterine fibroids the way they can affect one’s fertility and also the wide range of treatment possibilities.
What are Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in the uterine wall. They are incredibly common, impacting up to 70% of women by age 50. And while most fibroids do not generate any signs, some women can experience heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and even difficulty getting pregnant. 3 types of fibroids can occur depending on the location in the uterus such as:
Subserous (fibroids in the outer wall of the uterus)
Submucosal (fibroids within the uterine cavity)
Intramural (fibroids in the muscles of the uterus)
Not all women with fibroids face infertility issues. Based on the size and where the fibroid is located, assessment and treatment are necessary.
How to Fibroids hamper Fertility:
For many women, fibroids do not interfere with fertility. However, depending on their size and location, fibroids can affect fertility in several ways:
Distorting the Uterine Cavity: Submucosal fibroids, which grow into the uterine cavity, can disrupt the implantation of the embryo and hinder embryo development.
Blocking Fallopian Tubes: Large fibroids near the fallopian tubes can block the path of the egg, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg for fertilization.
Interfering with Blood Flow: Fibroids may disrupt blood flow to the uterus, affecting the ability of the embryo to implant properly.
Causing Inflammation: In some cases, fibroids may lead to inflammation in the uterine lining, making it less receptive to a fertilized egg.
Fibroids Treatment Options:
For women facing fertility challenges due to fibroids, various therapy options are available. The approach depends on factors such as the size, number, and location of the fibroids, as well as the severity of signs. Some Therapy options may include:
Medication: Hormonal therapies or medications may be prescribed to control signs and manage the size of the fibroids.
Fibroid Surgery: Surgical methods such as myomectomy (removal of fibroids) can be considered, either through traditional surgery or minimally invasive techniques.
Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE): This method involves blocking the blood supply to the fibroids, leading them to shrink over time.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): In some cases, assisted reproductive technologies like IVF may be recommended to avoid any potential barriers to conception posed by fibroids.
What can you do?
Talk to our Gynecologist: They can diagnose fibroids and assess their potential impact on your fertility.
Consider therapy options: Depending on the severity, Dr. Dongare may suggest medication, minimally invasive procedures, or even surgery to remove fibroids.
Analyze fertility options: If fibroids are causing important challenges, helped reproductive technologies like IVF could be an option.
One need not worry about fibroids as several therapy methods are available to treat this disease. But the most important thing is to consult a specialist without any delay if women have any issues related to their menstrual cycle as it can affect one’s fertility possibility.
If You are looking for infertility treatment, Dr. Asmita Dongare is provide best Infertility Treatment in Wakad , pune . she has experience in handling difficult cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She provides the highest quality services to the mother and child.
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Advances in Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India: Current Options and Future Directions
Dr. Snita Sinukumar Best ovarian cancer /tumor specialist in pune
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A woman's ovaries, which are the female reproductive organs that generate eggs, can become infected with an illness called ovarian cancer. It is one of the most common types of gynecological cancers and is often called a "silent killer" because it often goes undetected until it has reached an advanced stage. In India, ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer among women and is responsible for more deaths than any other gynecological cancer. In this blog, we will discuss the various treatment options available for ovarian cancer in India.
Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer
Diagnosis of ovarian cancer typically involves a combination of physical examinations, imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scans or MRI, and blood tests. A biopsy is often performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of the cancer.
Treatment Options for Ovarian Cancer in India
The treatment options for ovarian cancer in India depend on the stage of the cancer, the size and location of the tumor, and the patient's overall health. The primary treatment options for ovarian cancer in India include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
In India, surgery is frequently used as the initial form of therapy for ovarian cancer. In order to assess the cancer's stage and remove as much of the tumour as feasible, surgery is performed. A total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and debulking surgery, among other procedures, may be carried out according on the tumor's stage and size. The uterus and cervix are removed during a total hysterectomy, whereas the ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed with a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. As much of the tumour as is possible is removed during a more involved technique called debulking surgery. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy may sometimes be administered after surgery.
In India, chemotherapy—either by itself or in conjunction with surgery—is frequently used to treat ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy is the process of administering drugs to cancer cells. Intranasal or oral administration of chemotherapy medications is an option. Cisplatin, carboplatin, paclitaxel, and docetaxel are the most often utilised chemotherapeutic medicines in India to treat ovarian cancer. Hair loss, nausea, and exhaustion are some of the adverse effects that can result from chemotherapy, however these side effects are frequently treatable with medication.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is not typically used as a primary treatment for ovarian cancer in India, but it may be used in some cases to shrink the tumor before surgery or to kill any remaining cancer cells after surgery. For the purpose of killing cancer cells, radiation treatment uses high-energy radiation. The most common type of radiation therapy used to treat ovarian cancer in India is external beam radiation therapy.
Targeted Therapy
A more recent form of cancer treatment that is gaining popularity in India is targeted therapy. Drugs that target cancer cells selectively while preserving healthy cells are used in targeted therapy. Bevacizumab and olaparib are the most often prescribed targeted therapy medications for the treatment of ovarian cancer in India. The use of chemotherapy and targeted therapy is both possible.
Clinical Trials
New treatments for ovarian cancer are tested in clinical trials, which are research investigations. In India or other nations, clinical trials could be carried out. Patients who take part in clinical trials might gain access to cutting-edge medical procedures that are not yet accessible to the general population. A key method for improving our knowledge of and approach to treating ovarian cancer is through clinical trials.
Ovarian cancer is a serious disease that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. In India, the treatment options for ovarian cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and clinical trials. The choice of treatment depends on the stage and extent of the cancer, as well as the patient's overall health.
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drpankaj-1 · 2 years
Gynecologic Cancer Surgery in Pune
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Dr pankaj is the best doctor for Gynecological cancer surgery in pune  The rise in India, estimated at about 200,000 per year, accounting for about 30% of all gynecologic cancer treatment cancers in women in India also lso Ovarian and cervical cancers are the most common  affecting women worldwide and in India.
gynecologic treatment in women begins to spread in the pelvic area, therefor lying in the lower abdomen and between the hip bones. Most women are affected by cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and gynecological uterine cancer (endometrium). also less common gynecological tumors include vulvar, vaginal, gestational trophoblastic tumors, and fallopian tubes.
Gynecological cancer surgery in pune is a surgical procedure performed by a gynecological oncologist to remove cancerous tissues from the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and vulva. The type of surgery depends on the type, stage, and location of the cancer.
Some common types of gynecological cancer surgeries include:
1.            Hysterectomy: This surgery involves removing the uterus and sometimes the cervix.
2.            Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: This surgery involves removing both ovaries and fallopian tubes.
3.            Lymph node dissection: This surgery involves removing lymph nodes from the pelvis and abdomen to check for the spread of cancer.
4.            Vulvectomy: This surgery involves removing the vulva (external female genitalia) for vulvar cancer.
5.            Radical trachelectomy: This surgery involves removing the cervix and upper part of the vagina, but leaving the uterus intact for early-stage cervical cancer.
In addition to surgery, other treatments for gynecological cancer may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.
It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of surgery and other treatment options with a gynecological oncologist to determine the best course of action for each individual case.
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Do You Really Need IVF Treatment?
IVF is a successful reproductive technology that helps women become pregnant. This procedure involves fertilizing an egg outside the body and implanting it in the woman's uterus. Every year, a large number of babies are born as a result of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).
Many couples who cannot become parents naturally can visit the IVF center in Pune and make their dream come true. The first step is to see an IVF specialist to properly diagnose infertility.
In a normal pregnancy, the male sperm fertilizes the female egg in her body and after the fertilized egg matures, it begins to develop into a baby. If natural conception is not possible, fertility treatment is necessary. In general, you need IVF treatment if you have any of the following problems:
Fallopian Tube Blockage
Ovulation Disorders 
Ovulation Disorders 
Tubal Sterilization
low sperm production 
Unexplained Fertility 
Other Health Issues
Infertility is common in women and can also be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, premature ovarian failure, pelvic surgery, cervical surgery, endometriosis, cervical mucus problems, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or taking certain medications. Some possible side effects of IVF include:
Breathing Difficulties
Sleeping Difficulties 
Abdominal Pain
Vomiting and Nausea
Male infertility can occur for a variety of reasons, including low sperm count, abnormal sperm, testicular surgery, testicular cancer, testicular infection, sterilization, ejaculation disorders, hypogonadism, and the use of certain medications.
Before starting an IVF cycle, you and your partner will go through various screenings, including:
Examination of the uterus
Sperm analysis
Embryo transfer tests
Ovarian reserve analysis
Screening for infectious diseases
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drkunaalshinde · 7 months
Understanding Ectopic Pregnancy – Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
Going through an ectopic pregnancy can be a scary and emotionally challenging time. Ectopic pregnancies are when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes on its way to the uterus. This potentially serious condition puts the mother’s life at risk. The uterus is the usual site for a healthy pregnancy to develop. But, in ectopic pregnancies, the fertilized egg implants in other locations, such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, or abdominal cavity. Ectopic pregnancies are relatively rare, occurring in about 1-2% of all pregnancies, but they require prompt medical attention as they can result in significant health consequences if left untreated. Dr. Kunaal Shinde helped thousands of women who have been through an ectopic pregnancy conceive healthy, viable pregnancies through mild. he is the Best Gyneac Cancer Specialist in Pune. and providing the best Services in nearby areas.
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
During a typical pregnancy, an egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube before traveling to the uterus where it implants and develops into a baby. The term ectopic pregnancy describes any pregnancy that implants outside of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies can happen in a variety of places in the body, including:
Tubal Pregnancy: The most common form, where the pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube.
Ovarian Pregnancy: A rare occurrence where the egg implants on the ovary.
Abdominal Pregnancy: Another rare condition, where the egg implants in the abdomen.
Cervical Pregnancy: Here, the egg implants in the cervix.
Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy:
Understanding the signs and symptoms can be a real game-changer. Here are some common symptoms that may point to an ectopic pregnancy:
Severe abdominal pain
Vaginal bleeding
Nausea and vomiting
Weakness and dizziness
Shoulder pain
Severe symptoms of ectopic Pregnancy typically develop close to the sixth week of one’s Pregnancy, but it varies. This is almost two weeks after a missed period if you have a regular period cycle. However, these symptoms may develop at any time between four and ten weeks of one’s Pregnancy.
What causes an ectopic pregnancies?
Another important part of learning what is ectopic pregnancy is to learn who is at risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. This helps people avoid such conditions and can proceed with caution.
Previous history of ectopic pregnancy- People who have had a previous experience with ectopic pregnancy are more likely to have another.
Inflammation or infection- Sexually transmitted infections for eg. gonorrhea or chlamydia may increase the risk of having ectopic pregnancies.
Surgery in the fallopian tubes- If you have had a surgical correction procedure for complications like damaged or closed fallopian tubes, then it can increase the risk of this medical condition.
Birth control- Tubal ligation, a type of birth control procedure can be one of the causes of an ectopic pregnancy.
Smoking- Cigarette smoking before getting pregnant is one of the causes of ectopic pregnancy as it affects the inner lining of the fallopian tubes.
Reproductive health condition- Endometriosis, and fibroid tumors, can disrupt egg transportation, which can also cause an ectopic pregnancy.
Diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy?
Dr. Shinde suggested you may have to have additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. These tests could include:
Pregnancy test: If you have not already taken a pregnancy test, your gynecologist will ask you to take one to confirm that you are pregnant.
Vaginal ultrasound scan: This often allows medical staff to see the location of a pregnancy, as a gestational sac will be visible either inside or outside of the uterus. Occasionally, the location of the pregnancy may be hard to see. This is called a pregnancy of an unknown location.
HCG blood tests: Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is typically only released during pregnancy. During an ectopic pregnancy, hCG levels tend to be lower and rise more slowly than during a pregnancy that has implanted in the uterus. Medical staff can monitor hCG levels every few days to help determine whether a pregnancy is ectopic.
Laparoscopic surgery: Occasionally, it may be necessary to perform keyhole surgery to confirm an ectopic pregnancy. A surgeon will check the reproductive system and if an ectopic pregnancy is found, it will be removed during the operation.
Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy:
At Love Your Belly, we use state-of-the-art techniques for ectopic pregnancy treatment. The course of action might include:
Medication: The doctor may decide the case of an ectopic pregnancy would not have any immediate effects. If detected early, an injectable medicine called methotrexate can stop the egg from growing.
Surgery: If the ectopic pregnancy is causing severe symptoms or is detected late, surgery might be necessary to remove the ectopic tissue.
So, to get a complete understanding of what is ectopic pregnancy, the most important takeaway is to be aware of all the symptoms. It begins with a missed period like all other pregnancies, however, to be safe if you notice anything abnormal, do visit a Fertility Specialist or Ectopic pregnancy treatment in Pune like Dr Kunnal Shinde immediately. If you’re looking to find out more about the treatment we do, get in touch with our team today.
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drkunaalshinde · 8 months
The Importance of Regular Gynecological Cancer Screenings
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In reality as we know it where wellbeing frequently takes a secondary lounge to our warmed ways of life, it’s important to clear light on the importance of regular gynecological cancer screenings. Dr. Kunnal Shinde, a recognized Gyneac Cancer Specialist in Pune, Maharashtra, emphasizes the significance of ending the quiet by wrapping these screenings. In this blog, we explore why regular gynecological cancer screenings are a must for a healthy and peaceful.
Gynecological Cancer: The Silent Threat:
Dr. Kunaal shinde tells about gynecological cancers, including cervical, ovarian, uterine, cervical, and vaginal cancers, which impact millions of women worldwide. often develop silently, without detectable signs in the early stages. While these cancers can be devastating, in any case, fortunately, large numbers of them are preventable or treatable when seen early. This silent progression makes regular screenings a strong tool in early detection, drastically improving the chances of successful treatment. This is where common gynecological cancer screenings come in.
What are gynecological cancer screenings?
Gyneac Surgical oncologist in Pune, Dr. Shinde tests that specialists use to search for early signs of cancer in the reproductive organs. Dr. Kunnal Shinde is concerned with various screening methods, such as Pap smears, HPV tests, pelvic exams, mammograms, and genetic testing, underlining their roles in specifying possible risks. By providing exhaustive information on these screenings, we aim to fit women with the knowledge needed to make informed judgments about their health.
The most standard types of screenings include:
Pap test: This test checks for irregular cells on the cervix, which can be a precursor to cervical cancer. It is usually done every 3-5 years for women aged 21-65.
HPV test: This test notices the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the main risk factor for cervical cancer. It’s often connected with the Pap test for women aged 30 and above.
Pelvic exam: This exam allows Dr. Shinde to feel for any lumps or masses in your uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. It is usually done during your annual well-woman exam.
Transvaginal ultrasound (TVU): This test uses sound waves to create images of your uterus and ovaries. It may be used to screen for ovarian cancer in women at high risk.
CA-125 blood test: This test estimates the level of a protein called CA-125 in your blood. While not a typical test for ovarian cancer, it can be used to help observe women who are at high risk.
Why are gynecological cancer screenings important?
Early detection saves lives: Gynecological malignant changes repeatedly don’t display side effects until they come at cutting edge phases. By the time signs appear, treatment options become limited, and the forecast declines. Screenings catch precancerous cells or early-stage cancers, allowing for timely intervention and improved results.
Peace of mind: Normal screenings give true serenity, realizing you’re assuming command over your wellbeing. Early detection can help anxiety and allow you to focus on enjoying life to the fullest.
Improved treatment options: Early-stage cancers offer a wider range of treatment options, often less invasive and with higher success rates. This means more limited recuperation times and better personal satisfaction during and after treatment.
Who should get screened?
Dr. Kunnal Shinde Suggests all women should get screened for cervical cancer, starting at age 21. The suggested screening schedule may vary depending on your age, risk aspects, and medical record. Talk to our Gyneac Surgical oncologist in Pune about the best screening schedule for you.
What are the benefits of gynecological cancer screenings?
Dr. Kunnal Shinde Suggests many benefits of gynecological cancer screenings, including:
Early detection of cancer: Screenings detect early cancers or precancerous alterations before any symptoms appear. This implies that there is potential for simpler, more effective treatment with greater rates of cure.
Improved survival rates: Early detection can seriously improve the possibilities of successful therapy and cure.
Peace of mind: Knowing that you are cancer-free can give you peace of mind.
What are the risks of gynecological cancer screenings?
Dr. Kunnal Shinde is the best gynecologist in Pune. he is signify cancer screenings are generally secure. However, there are some possible risks, such as:
Discomfort: Some screenings, such as pap tests, can be painful.
False negatives: A false negative is a test result that suggests cancer is not current when it is. This can delay diagnosis and therapy.
False positives: A false positive is a test result that indicates cancer is present when it is not. This can cause stress and worry.
What can I do to reduce my risk of gynecological cancer?
There are a few things you can do to decrease your risk of gynecological cancer, such as:
Getting vaccinated against HPV
Holding a healthy weight
Not smoking
Limiting alcohol intake
Exercising regularly
Regular gynecological cancer screenings are important in the fight against silent and potentially killer conditions. Dr. Kunnal Shinde’s expertise underscores the need for proactive measures, early detection, and education to break the quiet surrounding gynecological cancers. By prioritizing regular screenings, women can take control of their health and well-being, providing a brighter and more beneficial future.
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IVF Center in Pune - A Complete Infertility Solution
For both women and men, aging, excessive exercise, diabetes, eating disorders, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, environmental toxins, cancer treatments, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), stress, obesity, and being underweight all contribute to infertility.
If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for more than a year after having unprotected sex but have been unsuccessful, it means that you or your partner or both are infertile. Infertility never stops you from being a parent. You can become a parent when you visit the best IVF center in Pune.
Let's see how you can become a parent after consulting the doctor at the IVF clinic. But first, we must understand what causes infertility and how to avoid it to be fertile.
For Women:
Abnormal Periods
Fallopian tube obstruction
Damage fallopian tube 
Celiac disease
Kidney disease
Ectopic pregnancy
Cysts in the ovaries
Sickle cell disease
Uterine fibroids
Uterine Polyps
Thyroid disorder
Pituitary gland dysfunction
Ovarian insufficiency
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
For Men:
Enlarged veins in the scrotum
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
Low sperm count.
Testicular Injury
Premature ejaculation
Low testosterone levels
Anabolic steroid overuse
Ejaculation in reverse
Cancer of the testicles
Heat exposure to testicles
How Can I Avoid Infertility Forever?
Consume a well-balanced diet
Maintain physical activity
Don't use drugs.
Avoid smoking
Limit alcohol.
Get checked for STDs.
Toxin exposure should be limited.
Don't overdo exercise.
Keep a healthy weight
Women's Infertility Diagnosis Process:
For Women:
Body temperature 
Pelvic examination 
Blood test
Ultrasound transvaginal
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) 
Saline sonohysterography (SIS)
For Men:
Analysis of sperm
Blood test
Scrotal Ultrasound 
Infertility Treatment Process for Female:
Fertility Medication - fertility medication that helps to stimulate ovulation.
Surgery - Surgery is only applicable to remove uterine fibroids and uterine polyps, treat endometriosis, and open blocked fallopian tubes.
Related blog: A Detailed Guide to Female Infertility
Infertility Treatment Process for Male:
Fertility Medications - used to treat erectile dysfunction and improve hormone levels.
Surgery - Surgery can help to improve the health of sperm.
Related blog:  A Detailed Guide to Male Infertility
The right time to take fertility treatment:
According to a survey, after the age of 35, the chances of increasing fertility begin to decrease and both men and women are recommended to talk to a fertility specialist to improve body function along with positive lifestyle changes.
Procedures Associated with Treatment
Before you prepare for the treatment, you should learn more about the treatment procedure, which includes a blood test and a hormonal balance check. Depending on her body condition, the woman may be prescribed fertility medication if necessary. Even the male partner must undergo sperm testing to determine the motility rate of the sperm, and if the results show that the sperm count is low, a donor is introduced to complete the process. the female partner will be undergoing numerous tests and observations.
Every month a woman produces an egg in the uterus and the body gets it for the reproductive process. Test Tube Baby Center in Nashik examines the eggs closely and once they are found to be mature; they can remove the eggs for further treatment. For effective results, the mature eggs are either mixed with sperm drawn from the male partner or kept in the laboratory for several days until the best sperm is found.
Pregnancy occurs after the embryo has successfully developed and transferred to the woman's uterus. With the efficient support provided by Test Tube Baby Center, the sooner you start, the more effectively you can control the situation rather than accepting any risk factors.
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