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WoLCred Week 2023 Day 5
“Good morning!”
“Sweet dreams...”
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applebunch · 7 years
Mia Oliva had two children. And she planned to pass down her money to her eldest one, Jake Oliva, who was 23 years old, to take care of the both of them as the youngest one, Emily Oliva, who was 15 years old, was much too young to handle so much money.
The two had found out about this. (they had found her Last Will) Jake was pretty happy with himself, trying to comfort Emily and being way more energetic for a few days.
Emily had avoided her mother and brother a lot after, not that Jake blamed her. Emily was only 15 and hopefully someday she would understand that and start warming up to her family, but until then Jake will give her space when needed.
One day while Jake was lying down on the red couch Jake saw that Emily was approaching him. excited. Plastic bags in hand with some brownies in it.
“Jake! want to go to the backyard with me?” She questioned, skipping in place, smiling. She hadn’t been this happy in a while… But Jake had always been really skeptical (He thinks he got it from his mother) and she rarely acted like this before, hell! she wouldn’t be this excited over going outside with him! He voices these concerns.
“Uh… Emily? Are you okay?” Jake questioned back
Emily tilted her head, smile falling. “What do you mean?” she asked.
“You were really… Upset with us” ‘Us’ being Jake and his mother. “after… you know, and you… um, uh…” Jake trailed off, forgetting the word for a second.
“Avoided?” Emily guessed.
”Avoided!” Jake confirmed. “You avoided us, and now you’re really happy, Not that that’s a problem but, I don’t know… Are you… Drunk or something? Because I told you to wait until you’re twenty o-
“NO NO NO!” Emily cut him off, while reaching her hands out in front of her face and shaking them animatedly. Jake had jumped at the outburst. “I’m sorry I was so mean to you and mom. I was just really mad…” Emily looked down at her feet, frowning. Jake was still skeptical, but kept it to himself. He hadn’t wanted to make her feel bad! But in hindsight… What he said was pretty rude…
“It’s okay!” Jake replied, not sure what else to say.
“Thank you!” Emily responded, smiling again, and then continued. “Lets start over… Jake! want to go to the backyard with me? I got brownies! Mom made them!” she repeated what she said from earlier but she mentioned the brownies this time.
“Not that I don’t appreciate the offer but its…” He looks at the clock on the Television cable “2 AM in the morning, sis.”
She had puppy dog eyed the hell out of him, He doesn’t normally fall for things like that… But it was like her eyes were filled with a thousand tortured souls… And they were all out for his blood. He, hesitantly, agreed, and went out to the backyard.
The backyard had fences that attached to the very side of the house. Opposite the house, there was a another wall of fences, but two of them beside each other in the middle of it were broken clean off, leading into a patch of woods… They needed to fix that. There were three fold up chairs in the grass, the tramples patches of grass where a fourth fold up chair used to stand had been still there, Jake frowned.
Emily and Jake went to pull two of the folded chairs next to each other, Jake’s skeptical…ness…? forgotten for the moment, Emily took one of the baggies of brownie out and ate it, getting another one and she held it out to Jake.
“Want some?” She asked through a mouth full.
Jake didn’t say anything, he took it and ate it, and they ate brownie after brownie until the first bag of brownies was gone. Emily looked troubled, before she took the other bag out, slowly eating her brownie from the last bag, and opened it.
Jake took and ate one of the brownies without hesitation, his sister stared at him intently, he was about to ask why, but a sudden pain coursed through him why…? He coughed up… blood? he’s not really thinking about that right because dear god ow ow oW OW OW OW OW-
His sister pulled him toward the broken fences- HE WAS POISONED HE WAS POISONED HE WAS POISONE-
The last thing he saw was a giant hole behind the fences before he lost feeling and passed out.  
Jake stood above a patch of dirt, which was surrounded by grass. which raised some questions.
He suddenly remembered what had happened a few hours prior.
“HA! I knew it! she was trying to kill me!”
Let it sink in…
Ah, there we go.
Mia awoke at 7:00 AM, feeling like someone was screaming in the backyard, but she didn’t hear anything, and immediately felt as though she must do something about something that had happened… She assumed it was work, but it was her day off. So that shouldn’t be it…
She checked her computer, No. She checked her calendar, No. She really had nothing she had to handle today except… The children!
She went down the stairs, and soon saw Emily sitting on the red couch, she was shaking, however. It seemed to be a little chilly in here, so that must have been it.
“Emily?” Mia asked her, Emily’s head spun around to face her pretty quickly, her eyes were wide but they went back to the way she had been for a while… she had tried to ask her about whats wrong but she actively ignored her… She had yet to have asked Jake however.
“Have you seen Jake? He is usually out here…” she questioned, she realized that Jake was not out here.
“No” Emily had said, she turned her head back away from Mia. Emily’s shaking had increased, Mia really needed to go handle the air conditioning.
Jake had been screaming out of shock for a good while, then it devolved into seeing how long he can scream, upon finding out that he could literally be screaming forever, he had eventually stopped. It was day time. What in the funky fresh hell.
He went back through the fence to open the door inside the house, he realized that he could not open he door. Oh, right…
He slowly reached a hand through the still closed door, before he put his other hand to his face as he walked through said still closed door.
On the couch sat his sister- his MURDERER, WHAT THE-
“-HELL!?” He yelled, suddenly realizing that he had said those last four words out loud, but he didn’t care. He stomped over to the couch. He was just screaming and he threw a punch to her arm, it went through, and all she did as start shivering.
He kept screaming and crying until his mother came down the stairs, confusion clear on her face.
“MOM!” He cried, moving toward her before he realized she didn’t react. Before remembering she can’t hear him.
“Emily?” Jake’s mother asked his murderer. Emily the Murdererthemurdererthemurderer- turned her head toward her, eyes widened for a second. Before going back to how it was before she asked him to go to the backyard-
“Have you seen Jake? He is usually out here…” His mother continued, looking around.
“No.” His murderer lied. He tried to smack her upside the head, knowing full well he couldn’t do anything to her like this. Her shivering increased.
“Jake?” His mother called out, walking out the room. Jake curled up on the floor
Mia went around the house in search of her son “Jaaake? I need to ask you something!” Upon finding out he was not in the house, she paced around the house before assuming that he was outside socializing for once… Or he was just in the backyard, Or his friend’s house, but he would usually ask…
She went through the house and picked up the house phone, dialing in her sons number…
“Ring Ring Bop” The phone chimes
“Ring Ring Bop” The phone chimes again
“Ring Ring Bop” Said the house phone for the third time, Mia intently listened for the fateful moment that the phone says something other than ‘Ring Ring Bop’
It never came.
The phone stopped ringing, but no voice came through. She dialed again.
No answer.
She dialed again.
No answer.
Okay, this was starting to get worrying. She spent a few hours checking his Facebook, before she noticed she had not checked the backyard yet.
Emily was not the main room anymore, she was possibly in her room, and Mia went out to the backyard,
There were splotches of red that were staining the grass. they were mostly faded, but still noticeable if there was light, which there was.
It was leading to a break in the fence.
She knelt down and picked one of the pieces of grass, it was still wet and it had gotten on her fingers, it smelled like blood, she had to be imagining things, after more inspecting she found out it was blood she stared at it in shock for a good while, before following the path, finding a patch of dirt with blood stained on top of it, she stared at it in disbelief, she forgot about finding her son because who is this? Who DID this? Who-? She had stared at it in disbelief before she had numbly walked back to the house, picked up the house phone, and dialed 911
“911 whats your emergency?” The phone spoke, for once not going ‘Ring Ring Bop’. But not in the way she had hoped it would
Jake had still been in the living room curled up on the floor until his mother came back she was looking through his Facebook Which I am not going to be able to update again because of Emily. He thought bitterly.
His mother went towards the backyard and eyed it,
“Do it.” Jake started, she started towards the door
“DO IT” Jake continued, she continued.
“DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT! DO-” He began to chant as she entered the backyard, put to a stop at her reaction at the bloo- THE BLOOD. Wow, he… He did not think he coughed up that much, if he was alive he would be sick.
He saw her pick some of the grass, it got on her fingers. she picked up more grass, took it away from the yard. Came back to the yard. and stared at the grass again. she followed the trail of blood to where Jake was buried, blood was on the top of his “grave” because he was not buried very deep.
She slowly walked back to the house and Jake followed her. She picked up the house phone and probably called the police
“911 whats your emergency?” The phone sang.
When the Police arrived they had at one point or another, sampled the blood, and dug up what had been buried, It was Jake’s corpse. neither Jake or his mother were happy to see it, Jake was really unnerved, but he already knew he was dead… His mother didn’t know. When she found out it seemed like she was close to losing the light in her eyes herself. When her tears had formed Jake had suddenly lost his grip- his grip? on what? he tripped, but he didn’t land. he kept falling and falling until-
One week after a trip to the hospital Ruth and Cara Winston’s child opened his eyes- “GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!’ Screams “Luke Winston”, their new child. they were almost as shocked as he was
Jake was more shocked than these two- the Winstons? He had met them a lot, they were good friends, they had met through his mother. But what the hell were they doing here? Where the hell was he? he was… not standing, he saw why. He said the first thing that came to mind
“GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY!” He screamed at the top of his now very small lungs. Hey. At least it was PG.
Ruth and Cara were good friends of the Oliva family, so when they heard that Jake Oliva was killed in Mia’s backyard… They were pretty heartbroken, the funeral would be held a week from the time they had heard about Jake’s death, however they had to piece that information together after the phone call, that was a lot to take in.
So when Luke screamed “GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY” a few days later… their life was going more than a bit off course, in fact it was in the ocean.
They slowly turned towards Luke, expecting him to say something else. He didn’t. His lips were pressed tightly together.
Ok- Welp- Uh- Ok- Have a legible thought, there we go.
So in that situation, it would’ve been best to not say anything lest these two have done something about it that he would’ve rather not had happen, but he already said something. So he’s gonna stay silent until the Winstons ignore it. This was not going to be easy. They were staring at him. he pursed his lips.
Jake-Luke? Oliva-Winston?? He decided to stick with Jake Oliva, Jake Olvia’s plan of keeping silent had worked for the most part, he still got looks. probably because of something that had happened a few days ago.
Jake was in your typical brightly colored baby room, in a crib.
“Alright Luke, Say “If”!” Cara said, baby talk. kneeling next to 2 other kids, Ruth had been across the room and another kid was with him.
“If two guys were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be messed up or what” Replied Jake, before he could stop himself.
Cara went on to blame her 10 year old, Sally, who was the kid next to Ruth, for that. Sally, despite not having done anything, took the blame as if she did, It was better to believe that one of the kids couldn’t stay quiet around the baby and taught the baby something like that than to think anything else, Jake guessed, even if that didn’t make sense. But later on, when Cara, Ruth and the other two kids (Jake thought one of them was named Arnold, he wasn’t sure which one) had left the room, Sally stayed and had approached him, sat down, but sat up straight and looked him straight in the eye.
“This isn’t your first life, is it?” Said Sally in an even tone.
Jake blinked, what the hell. He stayed silent.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Luke. If that even is your real name. Which it isn’t.”
Jake sighed, “No… Its not…” He spoke, defeated.
Then it was Sally’s turn to blink. She stopped sitting up straight. “Really? I would’ve thought it would’ve taken more than that to break you”
“HEY!” Jake exclaimed, offended. He hated that she was right about that, but it still hurts.
She shrugged “Well enough about that” she continued “Who were you?”
He sat up and glared at her.
She put her hands up “Okay okay that’s fair, how about I tell you who I was, then you tell me who you were. deal?” she bargained, reaching a hand though the bars of the crib.
He sat down and thought about it, there i\was no way in hell to know if she was telling the truth about who she was… At the same time she also wouldn’t know if he was telling the truth… Eh whatever it was worth a shot, what was the worst that could happen?
“Deal” He said, taking her hand. Well, her thumb. He was still a baby
“Ok. Here we go… I was Abigail Lowe, Call me Sally though”
He blinked “Was that rhyme intentional?” He asked
“Yup” She responded
“Cool, I was Jake Oliva. Just call me Jake.”
Her eyes widened “Jake Olivia?” she asked.
“Oliva“ he corrected.
She shook her head “Right, Jake Oliva? Wasn’t that the guy my mom was friends with who got murdered in his own backyard? We’re supposed to be going to his funeral in-” she counted on her fingers “-four days.”
Jake groaned “Yup, that was me…”
“Who killed you?” Sally asked.
“I would rather not say…” Jake said.
“Understandable” Sally replied.
“Hey, if you’re going, can you sneak me out to see my funeral?”
She blinked twice “That’s a sentence I never thought I would ever hear, but sure, why not?”
“Sally! come downstairs!” Shouted Cara from downstairs.
“Whoops, gotta blast! Smell ya later!”
Jake used a hand salute as she walked out the the room.
“Why were you up there so long with Luke?” Jake heard Cara ask from downstairs
“I just wanted to spend time with him.” Sally replied.
“That’s nice honey.” Cara replied
Four days later, Alternate Title: Jake’s Funeral…
Jake was still in his crib, he can walk but he had to pretend he couldn’t, he was supposed to be laying low.
Not that that’s going to be hard, he’s like a week old now.
Sally was back.
“So do you have an Idea on how I can get you to the funeral?” Sally asked, approaching the crib like she did yesterday, sitting down but not bothering to sit up straight.
Jake had not thought of that
“I had not thought of that.” Jake admits, Sally raises an eyebrow “What, it’s not like I can leave the room.
“That may be a good reason on why you haven’t thought of anything, but I feel like that isn’t THE reason” Sally confessed
“Eeeeeeeh” Goes Jake “Did you think of anything?” He asked.
“Nope.” She said, after a good amount of silence, she spoke up again.
“Oh! I got it!” She said, darting out of the room and most likely down the stairs.
She came back with a fabric bag that was two times as big as Jake, which was not shocking.
“I will carry you in this!” She announced.
“Won’t I suffocate or something?” Jake asked.
She rolled her eyes “Oh relax, I’ll be careful.” She said
Ruth was waiting in the car, since they were all going to the funeral, the person behind the wheel was going to have to have been the best driver, and we all knew who that is…
“Cara can you drive?” Ruth asked his wife.
“Sure dear!” Cara responded.
The whole family was about to go to the funeral because they couldn’t leave the children home… Well actually Luke must have stood home, he was much too young to have gone! The children had brought some shopping bags to bring their things with them… well Except for Sally- Did. Did her bag move?
“Sally? What in your bag?” Asked Ruth.
“A couple of my toys.” Sally replied.
Huh, Ruth must have imagined it.
They all got in the car and Cara drove to the funeral.
(Authors Note: I have no idea how funerals work forgive me)
“My older brother, Jake, was a kind young man, and would never hurt someone without reason. He cared for me and my mother very deeply, and I wish I got more time to spend with him” Said Emily, she was saying her eulogy at Jake’s funeral, Jake himself couldn’t have been any more mad, the bag he was in was laying on the ground, meaning he could easily jump out. And he did. He pointed at Emily.
Less than half of the funeral attendants stared at Jake, but, shockingly. The majority was not shocked at all by his outburst, and they instead stared at Emily
“…What?” Said Emily, shaking. But everyone knew it was not the cold “I would never do such a thing!”
“Oh snap.” mumbles Sally “You’re lucky the majority of these people are staring at her and not you-”
Emily attempted to run from the funeral, but she was stopped by one of the guards, most of the other guards were really confused
“Where are you going?” Asked the guard.
“I- I- I-” she stuttered instead of answering the guard’s question, she turned to Jake “What?”
“It’s me, Emily.” Answered Jake
“No you’re not!” Emily exclaimed
“Maybe not physically.” Said Jake
“You can’t be believing him!” Said Emily, forgetting about her outburst about the inheritance.
The guard shook her head “My name is Sora, 35 years old. But 36 years ago, I was Carie.” Said the guard - Sora -
Emily shrinks under everyone’s gaze.
(Authors note: I don’t know how legal stuff works, lets just say she confessed.)
(Authors Note: I also don’t know how to write endings so uh…)
                                                  THE END?
Credit to writing-prompt-s for the... Well... Writing prompt
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Day Thirty-Four: Ham and Jam
Just after midnight on the 6th of June 1944, over a hundred gliders land behind Sword Beach, north of Caen. Major John Howard’s D Company, Ox and Bucks, lands not far from bridges over the Caen Canal and the Orne River. Their mission – secure these bridges, codenamed ‘Ham’ and ‘Jam’ respectively by the British Army, prevent the Germans from using them to reinforce the beachfront, and hold them until relieved by forces advancing from Sword Beach.
The mission is pulled of almost without a hitch. Lieutenant Den Brotheridge, commanding the company’s first platoon, is hit – the first British soldier to die in the campaign in Northwestern Europe. The other platoon commanders are wounded in the attack. But the Germans come off far worse, with only one man escaping the British attack. With Pegasus in D Company’s hands, Howard’s job was now to hold. It will not be easy – attacks with intensify throughout the day, and by midday, panzers under the command of Oberst von Luck will be advancing towards them.
Meanwhile, the British Army has begun its landing at Sword Beach. Bill Millin and his commandos come ashore, and Lord Lovat gives the Scotsman one of the most bizarre orders given to a soldier on D-Day – he is ordered to take up the bagpipes. Thus, as men fight and die on the beach all around, and as tanks are offloaded and rolled towards the fortifications of the Atlantic Wall, there is a man standing on the beach playing Highland Laddie. More than it is glorious or hell, war is surreal.
Just after lunch, as the panzers advance towards Howard’s positions, the sound of bagpipes fills the air around the Caen Canal. Lovat’s commandos have arrived, and they and their Centaur tanks take position in defence of the bridge from von Luck’s panzers. (Von Luck is already having precious little luck – the Luftwaffe has entirely failed to sally forth against the Allies, and the RAF and USAAF are wreaking havoc on his tanks as they move down the open roads). At about nine, the Royal Warwickshires arrive and take over the position from the exhausted paratroopers and commandos.
The British have not achieved all of their D-Day objectives – one of the most important ones, Caen itself, will take many weeks and many lives to conquer. But they have created a beachhead from which the Germans have no hope of forcing them from, and when the breakout from Normandy finally comes, the bridges will be a vital supply route. Major John Howard will be presented with the Distinguished Service Order by Montgomery.
As for Millin, he later has the opportunity to ask German soldiers who had opposed him why they had not shot him while he was piping in the open at D-Day. Their answer is simple – they all thought he was mad.
Save for the failure to capture Caen, the British landings have gone relatively well. But over to the west, where the Americans have been slated to land, there are unexpectedly heavy concentrations of anti-air artillery. In the early hours of D-Day in the ground behind Utah Beach, the night sky is lit by fire…
We left Amiens early this morning (early starts are becoming a thing for us, aren’t they?), driving through a seemingly endless procession of toll booths until reaching Langrune-sur-Mer on the Normandy coastline. Langrune-sur-Mer is on the extreme right flank of Sword Beach, to the point where some maps seem to mark it as being part of the neighbouring Juno Beach (where the Canadians landed). We stopped to look at the memorial to No. 48 Royal Marines Commando and headed on, following the guide written by Major and Mrs. Holt.
Note for future reference; the Holts are rubbish at giving clear directions.
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They are good at finding me tanks through.
After ambling through Lion-sur-Mer and getting lost repeatedly, we reached the middle of QUEEN sector of Sword Beach, which is roughly the middle of the beach. It’s a quiet place today, where the silence of the ocean swell is occasionally broken by the sound of holidaymakers on the beach. It’s a peaceful place – a far cry from the blood and fire of D-Day. Perhaps some might argue that it should be preserved as a memorial, but in a way, it’s nice that it’s become a public beach – there are no longer mines here, no tank traps, no burnt hulls or machine gun nests. Things are peaceful now.
We carried on from there to the museum of the No. 4 Commando, which is a bit small and probably only worth a look if you’re really interested in Tommies, like I am. After that, we went to the Grand Bunker, a surviving fortification of the Atlantic Wall which I found absolutely fascinating, even if it contained the single most terrifying mannequin in the history of the world.
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At the top of the bunker was a rangefinder for artillery – this part also affords a view of the surrounding area, which is quite nice. In the grounds of the bunker are a Stuart tank, an M7 Priest, a few artillery pieces and a Higgins Boat, which you can actually board and look inside. Worth a visit, although the price they ask is a little much.
After the Grand Bunker, we headed over to the bridge over the Caen Canal. Today, the bridge is called Pegasus Bridge, after the divisional emblem of the 6th Airborne Division. The old bridge has been replaced, and is now displayed in the grounds of an excellent museum to the battle. Pegasus is definitely one of my biggest recommendations if you’re in Normandy – it’s narrow focus allows to go into deep detail about it. Also it has a Liberator pistol in it – they cost $2 each to make and were completely and hilariously useless.
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Glider troops are like Buzz Lightyear – they don’t fly, they fall with style.
By then, we were beached (see what I did there?), so we headed to our hotel in Rouen. In retrospect, I would probably not have stayed in Rouen – it’s a lovely place, but it’s also a long drive away from the beaches. Note to self – next time, stay in either St. Lo or Falaise if you want to do something different to Caen. We didn’t do too much tonight, as we were a bit tired.
Tomorrow, we’re off to the other end of the beaches to Utah, Pointe du Hoc and the US Airborne landing sites. Once that is done, I’ll finally be able to say that I’ve done all of the D-Day landing areas…
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