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mariacallous · 9 months ago
Climate denial may be on the decline, but a phenomenon at least as injurious to the cause of climate protection has blossomed beside it: doomism, or the belief that there’s no way to halt the Earth’s ascendant temperatures. Burgeoning ranks of doomers throw up their hands, crying that it’s too late, too hard, too costly to save humanity from near-future extinction.
There are numerous strands of doomism. The followers of ecologist Guy McPherson, for example, gravitate to wild conspiracy theories that claim humanity won’t last another decade. Many young people, understandably overwhelmed by negative climate headlines and TikTok videos, are convinced that all engagement is for naught. Even the Guardian, which boasts superlative climate coverage, sometimes publishes alarmist articles and headlines that exaggerate grim climate projections.
This gloom-and-doomism robs people of the agency and incentive to participate in a solution to the climate crisis. As a writer on climate and energy, I am convinced that we have everything we require to go carbon neutral by 2050: the science, the technology, the policy proposals, and the money, as well as an international agreement in which nearly 200 countries have pledged to contain the crisis. We don’t need a miracle or exorbitantly expensive nuclear energy to stave off the worst. The Gordian knot before us is figuring out how to use the resources we already have in order to make that happen.
One particularly insidious form of doomism is exhibited in Kohei Saito’s Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto, originally published in 2020 and translated from Japanese into English this year. In his unlikely international bestseller, Saito, a Marxist philosopher, puts forth the familiar thesis that economic growth and decarbonization are inherently at odds. He goes further, though, and speculates that the climate crisis can only be curbed in a classless, commons-based society. Capitalism, he writes, seeks to “use all the world’s resources and labor power, opening new markets and never passing up even the slightest chance to make more money.”
Capitalism’s record is indeed damning. The United States and Europe are responsible for the lion’s share of the world’s emissions since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, yet the global south suffers most egregiously from climate breakdown. Today, the richest tenth of the world’s population—living overwhelmingly in the global north and China—is responsible for half of global emissions. If the super-rich alone cut their footprints down to the size of the average European, global emissions would fall by a third, Saito writes.
Saito’s self-stated goals aren’t that distinct from mine: a more egalitarian, sustainable, and just society. One doesn’t have to be an orthodox Marxist to find the gaping disparities in global income grotesque or to see the restructuring of the economy as a way to address both climate breakdown and social injustice. But his central argument—that climate justice can’t happen within a market economy of any kind—is flawed. In fact, it serves next to no purpose because more-radical-than-thou theories remove it from the nuts-and-bolts debate about the way forward.
We already possess a host of mechanisms and policies that can redistribute the burdens of climate breakdown and forge a path to climate neutrality. They include carbon pricing, wealth and global transaction taxes, debt cancellation, climate reparations, and disaster risk reduction, among others. Economies regulated by these policies are a distant cry from neoliberal capitalism—and some, particularly in Europe, have already chalked up marked accomplishments in reducing emissions.
Saito himself acknowledges that between 2000 and 2013, Britain’s GDP increased by 27 percent while emissions fell by 9 percent and that Germany and Denmark also logged decoupling. He writes off this trend as exclusively the upshot of economic stagnation following the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008. However, U.K. emissions have continued to fall, plummeting from 959 million to 582 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent between 2007 and 2020. The secret to Britain’s success, which Saito doesn’t mention, was the creation of a booming wind power sector and trailblazing carbon pricing system that forced coal-fired plants out of the market practically overnight. Nor does Saito consider that from 1990 to 2022, the European Union reduced its emissions by 31 percent while its economy grew by 66 percent.
Climate protection has to make strides where it can, when it can, and experts acknowledge that it’s hard to change consumption patterns—let alone entire economic systems—rapidly. Progress means scaling back the most harmful types of consumption and energy production. It is possible to do this in stages, but it needs to be implemented much faster than the current plodding pace.
This is why Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet by Hannah Ritchie, a data scientist at the University of Oxford, is infinitely more pertinent to the public discourse on climate than Saito’s esoteric work. Ritchie’s book is a noble attempt to illustrate that environmental protection to date boasts impressive feats that can be built on, even as the world faces what she concedes is an epic battle to contain greenhouse gases.
Ritchie underscores two environmental afflictions that humankind solved through a mixture of science, smart policy, and international cooperation: acid rain and ozone depletion. I’m old enough to remember the mid-1980s, when factories and power plants spewed out sulfurous and nitric emissions and acid rain blighted forests from the northeastern United States to Eastern Europe. Acidic precipitation in the Adirondacks, my stomping grounds at the time, decimated pine forests and mountain lakes, leaving ghostly swaths of dead timber. Then, scientists pinpointed the industries responsible, and policymakers designed a cap-and-trade system that put a price on their emissions, which forced industry into action; for example, power plants had to fit scrubbers on their flue stacks. The harmful pollutants dropped by 80 percent by the end of the decade, and forests grew back.
The campaign to reverse the thinning of the ozone layer also bore fruit. An international team of scientists deduced that man-made chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) in fridges, freezers, air conditioners, and aerosol cans were to blame. Despite fierce industry pushback, more than 40 countries came together in Montreal in 1987 to introduce a staggered ban on CFCs. Since then, more countries joined the Montreal Protocol, and CFCs are now largely a relic of the past. As Ritchie points out, this was the first international pact of any kind to win the participation of every nation in the world.
While these cases instill inspiration, Ritchie’s assessment of our current crisis is a little too pat and can veer into the Panglossian. The climate crisis is many sizes larger in scope than the scourges of the 1980s, and its antidote—to Saito’s credit—entails revamping society and economy on a global scale, though not with the absolutist end goal of degrowth communism.
Ritchie doesn’t quite acknowledge that a thoroughgoing restructuring is necessary. Although she does not invoke the term, she is an acolyte of “green growth.” She maintains that tweaks to the world’s current economic system can improve the living standards of the world’s poorest, maintain the global north’s level of comfort, and achieve global net zero by 2050. “Economic growth is not incompatible with reducing our environmental impact,” she writes. For her, the big question is whether the world can decouple growth and emissions in time to stave off the darkest scenarios.
Ritchie approaches today’s environmental disasters—air pollution, deforestation, carbon-intensive food production, biodiversity loss, ocean plastics, and overfishing—as problems solvable in ways similar to the crises of the 1980s. Like CFCs and acid rain, so too can major pollutants such as black carbon and carbon monoxide be reined in. Ritchie writes that the “solution to air pollution … follows just one basic principle: stop burning stuff.” As she points out, smart policy has already enhanced air quality in cities such as Beijing (Warsaw, too, as a recent visit convinced me), and renewable energy is now the cheapest form of power globally. What we have to do, she argues, is roll renewables out en masse.
The devil is in making it happen. Ritchie admits that environmental reforms must be accelerated many times over, but she doesn’t address how to achieve this or how to counter growing pushback against green policies. Just consider the mass demonstrations across Europe in recent months as farmers have revolted against the very measures for which Ritchie (correctly) advocates, such as cutting subsidies to diesel gas, requiring crop rotation, eliminating toxic pesticides, and phasing down meat production. Already, the farmers’ vehemence has led the EU to dilute important legislation on agriculture, deforestation, and biodiversity.
Ritchie’s admonishes us to walk more, take public transit, and eat less beef. Undertaken individually, this won’t change anything. But she acknowledges that sound policy is key—chiefly, economic incentives to steer markets and consumer behavior. Getting the right parties into office, she writes, should be voters’ priority.
Yet the parties fully behind Ritchie’s agenda tend to be the Green parties, which are largely in Northern Europe and usually garner little more than 10 percent of the vote. Throughout Europe, environmentalism is badmouthed by center-right and far-right politicos, many of whom lead or participate in governments, as in Finland, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Serbia, Slovakia, and Sweden. And while she argues that all major economies must adopt carbon pricing like the EU’s cap-and-trade system, she doesn’t address how to get the United States, the world’s second-largest emitter, to introduce this nationwide or even expand its two carbon markets currently operating regionally—one encompassing 12 states on the East Coast, the other in California.
History shows that the best way to make progress in the battle to rescue our planet is to work with what we have and build on it. The EU has a record of exceeding and revising its emissions reduction targets. In the 1990s, the bloc had the modest goal of sinking greenhouse gases to 8 percent below 1990 levels by 2008-12; by 2012, it had slashed them by an estimated 18 percent. More recently, the 2021 European Climate Law adjusted the bloc’s target for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions from 40 percent to at least 55 percent by 2030, and the European Commission is considering setting the 2040 target to 90 percent below 1990 levels.
This process can’t be exclusively top down. By far the best way for everyday citizens to counter climate doomism is to become active beyond individual lifestyle choices—whether that’s by bettering neighborhood recycling programs, investing in clean tech equities, or becoming involved in innovative clean energy projects.
Take, for example, “community energy,” which Saito considers briefly and Ritchie misses entirely. In the 1980s, Northern Europeans started to cobble together do-it-yourself cooperatives, in which citizens pooled money to set up renewable energy generation facilities. Many of the now more than 9,000 collectives across the EU are relatively small—the idea is to stay local and decentralized—but larger co-ops illustrate that this kind of enterprise can function at scale. For example, Belgium’s Ecopower, which forgoes profit and reinvests in new energy efficiency and renewables projects, provides 65,000 members with zero-carbon energy at a reduced price.
Grassroots groups and municipalities are now investing in nonprofit clean energy generation in the United States, particularly in California and Minnesota. This takes many forms, including solar fields; small wind parks; electricity grids; and rooftop photovoltaic arrays bolted to schools, parking lots, and other public buildings. Just as important as co-ownership—in contrast to mega-companies’ domination of the fossil fuel market—is democratic decision-making. These start-ups, usually undertaken by ordinary citizens, pry the means of generation out of the hands of the big utilities, which only grudgingly alter their business models.
Around the world, the transition is in progress—and ideally, could involve all of us. The armchair prophets of doom should either join in or, at the least, sit on the sidelines quietly. The last thing we need is more people sowing desperation and angst. They play straight into the court of the fossil fuel industry.
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justplainwhump · 2 years ago
So you want to be a BBU writer...
Congratulations, you are one. The idea of the shared BBU multiverse is, that all takes at the core concepts are valid; there is no canon, and the same time, everything can be canon for your story!
Is there something everyone agrees on?
Probably not; but here are some things I consider widely accepted/canon:
- The setting is dystopian, somewhere between present and near future; in a society similar to ours but with (even) more power in the hands of corporations.
- In several countries, there is a "pet industry", a legalised concept of serfdom/ slavery that allows to own other humans as so called pets, (usually) in a household.
- The term "Pet" is more focused on the ownership and companionship aspects; in most BBU stories the pets are considered less than free people, but aren't actually treated like animals.
- The law states that these people have signed up voluntarily and have been compensated for it. Sometimes though, rich people or corporations go against the law.
- The whole process, from signing up to marketing and sales is in the hands of influential corporations
- Biggest of these, usually, is WRU; there is no canon on what the letters stand for. (It was a tumblr inside joke that makes absolutely no sense in-universe, but the acronym stuck). Some writers create other companies with different methods or focus.
- Pets are classified according to 'designations'; at the core there are Domestics (household chores), Platonics (companionship, nannies, caretakers...) and Romantics (different sort of companionship, including... bedroom chores), plus combinations. Guard Dog (protection) has made it into many stories as a fourth designation. This isn't the limit, though; there are also writers with Object designations, more involved 'service' concepts, 'Chewtoys' and several more.
- Pets are identified by number codes, usually six digits, every writer has a different system behind them. As an abbreviation, handlers tend to use the last three digits. This number is also tattooed on them as a bar code, often on the wrist.
- Somewhere during the training process, trainees are made to forget their entire past and also certain skill sets that pets aren't meant to have. Owners can specify certain things they want to be erased or remembered. Usually, this is handwaved by writers; there's advanced drugs and neurological stimulation involved. The process and the drug administered for the memory loss is often referred to as "The Drip".
- Often, Pets are made illiterate to make them more dependent on their owners
- Often, Pets are made to wear collars and consider these "safe". There's a lot of themes around "safety" taught to pets to keep them contained.
- There are standardised sets of numbered positions the trainees are taught; extra positions can be added on request
- There are also a lot of memorised rules and phrases from training the pets are made to repeat and will sometimes in their everyday life
- Training involves all sort of torture, mostly psychological, drugs, isolation, shock collars and shock batons and serious gaslighting
- Often, training facilities are described as uniform and white and designed like mazes; trainees at facilities wear a 'uniform' of a white shirt and black shorts
- Pets are usually terrified of the memories of their training; including especially "white rooms"
- The term "Respect" spoken by a person with authority will make the pet fall to their knees instantly and await further instruction
- Pets are shipped in a box, which is the idea that spawned the whole universe; usually in a human sized crate with some accessories added. They're also called boxies, box boys/box babes/... because of that.
- Unwanted or stubborn pets are sent back to WRU for "refurb", trained again and sold with big discounts; it's used as a threat and most pets are horribly afraid of this
- In the outside world, there are movements to help runaway pets or even fight the system overall; usually called "pet lib"
- Pet lib runs safehouses where they take in runaways and work on deconditioning
There are more posts like this out these, some more extensive, some very similar; a very good one here. This is the set of things I consider most basic for my own writing, at least.
I've reblogged some more posts and discussions on @bbu-on-the-side as well, so feel free to look around, use whatever you like, and discard the rest.
Also, new (and old) BBU writers always feel free to tag @bbu-on-the-side should you ever do an intro. I'll share them there.
*Edit- I've also started an archive on established tropes and the existing writing for it, here!
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digitalmore · 17 days ago
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5xtrade · 1 month ago
Understanding Margin Trading in India: A Beginner's Guide
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Margin trading has become an appealing option for many Indian investors looking to boost their potential returns. With the promise of higher gains, it also carries significant risks. This guide breaks down the essentials of margin trading, helping you navigate its complexities safely.
The Allure of Margin Trading
Margin trading in India allows investors to borrow money from their brokers to invest more than they could with just their own funds. This form of trading offers the allure of amplified profits. However, while the upside sounds tempting, it’s important to grasp how it works to avoid pitfalls along the way.
Understanding the Risks Involved
With the potential for higher rewards comes the chance of substantial losses. Margin trading can lead you to lose more than your initial investment. Understanding the risks and implementing solid risk management strategies is key to trading responsibly.
What is Margin Trading?
Margin trading involves using borrowed funds to trade assets, such as stocks. Here are important concepts to know:
Margin: The amount of money you need to deposit to open a margin trade. Leverage: The ratio of borrowed funds to your own capital. Margin Call: A request from your broker to deposit more funds if your account value falls below a certain level. How Margin Trading Works in India
In India, margin trading is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Indian brokers offer margin accounts with specific limits and conditions. This ensures fair practices while protecting investors.
Example of a Margin Trade in the Indian Stock Market
Let’s consider a hypothetical trade involving Reliance Industries (RELIANCE.NS). If you wish to buy shares worth ₹1,00,000, but you only have ₹50,000, you can borrow the remaining ₹50,000 from your broker. If the stock price rises, you can sell at a profit. However, if it drops significantly, you face a financial loss, plus the obligation to repay the borrowed amount.
Types of Margin Accounts Available to Indian Investors
Indian brokers offer various types of margin accounts, including:
Standard Margin Account: Allows for borrowing but has maximum leverage limits. Day Trading Margin Account: Provides higher leverage for intraday trades but requires quick buying and selling. Portfolio Margin Account: Offers flexibility but has stricter requirements. Choosing the Right Margin Account
When selecting a margin account, consider factors such as:
Fees: Review the costs associated with trading. Leverage Limits: Understand how much you can borrow. Brokerage Services: Check for additional services like research and customer support. Understanding Brokerage Fees and Charges
When engaging in margin trading, several fees may apply:
Interest on Borrowed Funds: Charged daily or monthly. Brokerage Fee: A flat fee or percentage for each trade. Transaction Charges: Fees charged by the stock exchange. Risks and Rewards of Margin Trading
Margin trading offers exciting opportunities but poses significant risks. The possibility of losing more than your initial investment makes it essential to be cautious.
Risk Management Strategies for Margin Trading
To mitigate risks, consider the following strategies:
Set Stop-Loss Orders: Automatically sell if a stock hits a predetermined price. Diversify Investments: Spread your risk across different assets. Proper Position Sizing: Don’t use all your margin to limit potential losses. Case Studies: Successful and Unsuccessful Margin Trading
Successful trade: An investor bought shares of TCS (TCS.NS) using margin during a growth trend, leading to substantial profits.
Unsuccessful trade: An investor heavily invested in a volatile stock that plummeted, resulting in a margin call and significant losses.
Margin Trading Regulations in India
SEBI governs margin trading in India, ensuring that brokers adhere to strict standards.
Penalties for Non-Compliance
Violating SEBI regulations can result in heavy penalties. This includes hefty fines or suspension from trading platforms, emphasizing the importance of compliance.
Protecting Yourself from Fraud
To avoid fraudulent schemes, always check:
Broker Registration: Ensure your broker is registered with SEBI. Transparency: Look for full disclosure of fees and terms. Conclusion: Margin Trading: A Powerful Tool When Used Wisely
Margin trading can be a beneficial tool for investors looking to maximize returns. However, the inherent risks necessitate a cautious approach.
Actionable Steps for Beginners Start with a small investment to familiarize yourself with margin trading. Consult financial experts to better understand the market. Keep learning about market trends and strategies. Resources for Further Learning
For continuous learning, explore these resources:
SEBI: Official website for regulations and guidelines. Books: "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham. Webinars: Online courses offered by financial institutions.
Understanding margin trading equips you with the tools necessary for smart investing. Approach it with knowledge and caution for the best chances at success.
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hariganesh858 · 2 months ago
Fuel Additives Market
Fuel Additives Market Size, Share, Trends: BASF SE Leads
Shift towards bio-based fuel additives driving sustainable fuel solutions
Market Overview: 
The global Fuel Additives market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% from 2024 to 2031. The market value is expected to increase significantly during this period. North America currently dominates the market, accounting for the largest share of global revenue. Key metrics include increasing demand for high-performance fuels, stringent environmental regulations, and growing automotive and aviation industries. The market is experiencing steady growth due to the rising need for improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and enhanced engine performance across various sectors.
The fuel additives market is seeing a considerable transition towards bio-based and renewable options. This trend is being driven by growing environmental concerns and the demand for sustainable fuel solutions. Bio-based fuel additives, made from renewable sources including plant oils and waste biomass, are gaining popularity due to their lower carbon footprint and environmental impact. These additives improve lubricity, fuel stability, and reduce emissions, all of which align with global environmental goals. The adoption of bio-based additives is especially high in regions with tight environmental legislation, such as Europe and North America. As consumers and industries become more environmentally concerned, demand for these sustainable additives is likely to rise further, altering the gasoline additives landscape and spurring industry innovation.
Market Trends: 
Increasingly strict pollution standards around the world are a primary driver for the gasoline additives business. To tackle air pollution and climate change, governments and environmental organisations are tightening automobile emission limits. This regulatory pressure is driving automakers and fuel companies to use innovative fuel additives that can minimise hazardous emissions while increasing fuel efficiency. For example, the European Union's Euro 6d emission rules, which went into effect in 2020, imposed stricter restrictions on nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter emissions from cars. Similarly, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Tier 3 Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Program intends to cut smog-forming volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides by 80% from their current levels. These requirements have resulted in a 25% rise in the usage of cetane improvers in diesel fuel over the last five years, as they aid to reduce NOx emissions and improve fuel combustion efficiency.
The unpredictability in crude oil prices presents a substantial challenge to the gasoline additives sector. Many fuel additives are petroleum-based, hence their production costs are directly affected by crude oil prices. This volatility may result in uncertain pricing of fuel additives, reducing manufacturers' profit margins and potentially increasing expenses for end users. For example, during the 2020 oil price fall, the average cost of creating some fuel additives fell by 15-20%, resulting in temporary market volatility. However, as oil prices recovered dramatically in 2021, production costs rose again, creating pricing uncertainty in the fuel additives industry.
Market Segmentation: 
Deposit control additives, often known as detergents, account for the biggest market share in the gasoline additives business. These additives help keep engines clean and efficient by preventing deposits from forming in fuel systems and combustion chambers. This segment's prominence can be ascribed to the widespread demand for deposit management across all fuel types and applications.
In recent years, the automotive sector has seen a growth in the use of sophisticated deposit control additives. For example, a large global oil corporation reported a 30% increase in the use of its premium deposit control ingredient in petrol compositions during the previous three years. This increase is primarily due to the increasing complexity of modern engines, which are more prone to performance problems caused by deposits.
The aircraft industry has also contributed to the expansion of deposit control additives. With a greater emphasis on fuel efficiency and engine longevity in aeroplanes, the use of these additives in aviation fuel has increased by 15% since 2020. Major airlines have recorded fuel efficiency gains of up to 2% after introducing advanced deposit control additives into their fuel management techniques, resulting in significant cost savings and lower emissions.
Market Key Players:
Afton Chemical Corporation
Chevron Oronite Company LLC
Evonik Industries AG
Innospec Inc.
Contact Us:
Name: Hari Krishna
Website: https://aurorawaveintellects.com/
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energypricesdirect · 3 months ago
Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings Made Simple: Steve Caldwell Leadership at Energy Prices Direct
Steve leads Energy Prices Direct, one of the largest energy-selling groups in the UK, serving thousands of business and charity customers. With many years of experience in the energy industry, we help businesses and charities of all sizes get fair, competitive energy prices. Our main goal is to lower your energy costs and reduce how much energy you use, making sure you never pay more than necessary. We also provide excellent service to ensure your energy needs are always well cared for.
What is business electricity?
Business electricity in the UK supplies power to businesses, from small shops to big manufacturers. Unlike domestic electricity, it serves all business interests through alternative pricing structures and other contract types. The companies have available various tariffs. The team at Energy Prices Direct assists enterprises in solving their electricity requirements with competitive rates and tailored solutions to cut down energy costs and increase efficiency.
Are business electricity rates cheaper than domestic electricity rates?
Business electricity rates are usually cheaper than domestic rates, but this can vary due to several factors. While domestic consumers are charged higher unit rates, they are spared from price fluctuations and subsequent VAT charges, hence sometimes making direct comparison impossible.
Energy Prices Direct, understands these dynamics and strives to help businesses get the best electricity rates available. Its expertise in energy procurement allows it to take care of the complex negotiations required to save businesses money on energy bills and make sure they get their most effective management possible.
How can I save money on the electricity my business shares with Energy Prices Direct?
To save money on your business electricity bills, focus on using energy conservation and regularly checking electricity prices. Metering devices can help, but it's also important to monitor your energy bills to understand the cost per unit and daily charges. Make a note of when your current contract ends, as you can start comparing prices up to a year in advance. The Energy Prices Direct team are here to get the best deals and maximize your savings. Many suppliers offer free smart meters to track your usage in real-time—contact us for more information!
What types of energy tariff can you get?
When considering a change in electricity or gas suppliers through Energy Prices Direct, you can choose from several types of energy tariffs:
Fixed Rate Tariff: The unit price for electricity and gas remains constant throughout the contract term, usually up to 24 months, but can extend to 60 months. This offers price certainty and protection from market fluctuations.
Variable Rate Tariff: The price can fluctuate based on wholesale energy market rates, meaning costs may rise or fall during the year.
Green Tariff: Your energy supplier matches your usage with renewable energy, promoting sustainability and reducing your company's carbon footprint.
No Standing Charge: Some tariffs forgo the daily standing charge, but the unit price may be higher to compensate for the absence of this fixed cost.
How can I find the right energy supplier for my business?
Finding the right energy supplier for your business can be challenging, especially in a competitive market. Consider bundling your gas and electricity with one supplier for convenience. If sustainability is important to you, look for suppliers that offer green energy options. To maximize savings, analyze your business's electricity usage patterns. Partnering with a knowledgeable company like Energy Prices Direct can help you optimize your energy supply through their industry expertise and strong relationships with energy suppliers.
Our Quality Policy
The Energy Prices Direct Team are committed to high standards in energy procurement and customer service:
Customer Centricity: We prioritize our clients' needs in a competitive and ever-changing market.
Excellence in Performance: We focus on continuous improvement, ensuring accurate billing and exceptional service for all customers.
Partnering Expertise: Leveraging our buying power and decades of experience, we provide tailored energy solutions to enhance efficiency and savings.
Regular Reviews: Our management team continually evaluates our standards and systems to maintain the highest levels of customer satisfaction and operational excellence.
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industrynewsupdates · 5 months ago
Industrial Insulation Market Emerging Trends And Forecast, 2030
The global industrial insulation market size was valued at USD 8.21 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.0% from 2023 to 2030. 
Increasing product demand for boosting process efficiency, condensation control, noise reduction, freeze protection, and for reducing environmental pollution is expected to drive market growth over the forecast period. In addition, the rising awareness regarding the benefits of insulation in the industrial application and its related costs is expected to drive the market for industrial insulation in North America.
The market witnessed a severe downfall in the investments in the industrial sector owing to the pandemic, thereby impacting the market. In addition, dramatic fall in crude oil prices led to a drop in fiscal resources for oil-producing countries, which affected the product demand from oil & gas sector.
The market in the U.S. is expected to witness increased demand for insulation for industrial applications, such as, machinery, boilers, pipes, and storage tanks, and in linings of heat exchangers, cooling towers, and ventilation & air conditioning systems, among others. The demand outlook for the U.S. is favorable, with private investments in the industrial sector reaching the highest levels in 2018. The industrial sector is predicted to witness significant expansion owing to the rising GDP.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Industrial Insulation Market
Industrial Insulation Market Highlights
• Stone wool accounted for the largest market share of 21.6% in 2022, owing to its high-temperature tolerance, flame resistance, and its ability to offer thermal and acoustic insulation
• Pipe insulation led the market and accounted for about 47.76% share of the revenue in 2022. The market is projected to witness notable demand, expanding at a CAGR 5.5% from 2023 to 2030, due to its superior performance and ability to stabilize the process temperatures.
• Power generation industry is expected to witness a heightened demand for these products, owing to its ability to minimize power losses. Growing concerns regarding the energy management among the power generation industry across the globe is expected to drive the market growth over the forecast period.
Browse through Grand View Research's Advanced Interior Materials Industry Research Reports.
• The global air deflector market size was estimated at USD 11.51 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global district heating market size was valued at USD 190.5 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2024 to 2030. 
Industrial Insulation Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global industrial insulation market based on material, product, application and region:
Industrial Insulation Material Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Billion; 2018 - 2030)
• Stone Wool
• Elastomeric Foam
• Micro Silica
• Glass Wool
• Composites
• CMS Fibers
• Calcium Silicate
• Cellular Glass
• Foamed Plastic
• Perlite
• Aerogel
• Cellulose
• Others
Industrial Insulation Product Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Billion; 2018 - 2030)
• Pipe
• Board
• Blanket
• Others
Industrial Insulation Application Type Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Billion; 2018 - 2030)
• Power Generation
• Petrochemical & Refineries
• EIP Industries
• Others
Industrial Insulation Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue; USD Billion; 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o U.K.
o France
o Poland
o Spain
o Italy
o Benelux
o Nordic
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Indonesia
o Malaysia
o Thailand
o Vietnam
• Central & South America
o Brazil
o Argentina
o Colombia
• Middle East & Africa
o Turkey
Order a free sample PDF of the Industrial Insulation Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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poonamcmi · 6 months ago
Construction Safety Net Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Stringent Government Rules Regarding Worker Safety
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Construction safety nets are equipment that are installed at construction sites to prevent objects and workers from falling, enabling an added level of safety at construction projects. Construction safety nets serve a crucial function in mitigating fall-related accidents and injuries at work sites. They provide reliable protection for workers operating at height and are essential for mandatory compliance with safety regulations. Construction projects often involve hazards associated with working at elevated levels, and safety nets help create a safe working environment for laborers.
The global construction safety net market is estimated to be valued at US$ 4.02 billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.9% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the construction safety net market are Heraeus Holding, PPG Industries, Inc., Akzo Nobel N.V., The Sherwin-Williams Company and AnCatt Inc. These market leaders hold a substantial share of the market through extensive R&D efforts and global expansion initiatives.
The rising number of Construction Safety Net Market Demand worldwide provides significant opportunities for market players to tap new geographies and gain additional market share. Government incentives for infrastructure development in emerging economies will further boost demand.
Stringent worker safety regulations across regions are compelling contractors to deploy safety nets as a mandatory on-site precaution. This is driving the global expansion of the construction safety net industry as manufacturers focus on meeting international quality and compliance standards.
Market Drivers
Stringent government rules regarding worker safety at construction sites have been a major market driver. Construction Safety Net Market Size And Trends Regulators emphasize the need for reliable fall protection systems to minimize occupational hazards. Non-compliance with safety net installation norms can invite heavy penalties, encouraging wider adoption among contractors. Furthermore, the implementation of new worker safety laws in developing markets will expand the potential customer base in the coming years.
PEST Analysis
Political: Regulations regarding worker safety have increased in many countries, driving demand for construction safety nets to help adhere to compliance. Building codes now require proper safety measures to be implemented on construction sites.
Economic: With increased infrastructure spending and real estate development projects, the construction industry is witnessing steady growth. This is positively impacting the construction safety net market as safety becomes a priority with higher spending.
Social: Greater awareness about workplace safety and accidents has led to a change in attitudes. Both construction companies and workers recognize the need for safety nets as an effective fall protection solution.
Technological: Digital technologies now allow safety nets to incorporate features like remote monitoring and automated alerts. This helps ensure proper implementation and management of safety measures on sites. New materials are also being tested to develop stronger and longer-lasting nets.
Geographical Regions with High Market Concentration
The construction safety net market in terms of value is highly concentrated in North America and Europe. Stringent safety rules implemented by regulatory bodies in countries like the US, Canada, Germany, UK, and France have boosted adoption. Proactive approach of large construction firms also contributes to market growth.
Fastest Growing Regional Market
The Asia Pacific region is poised to witness the fastest growth in the construction safety net market over the forecast period. This is mainly attributed to rapid infrastructure development drives economic growth in emerging nations like China and India. Increasing foreign investments into real estate and new construction projects indicates continued demand upsurge. Greater enforcement of worker safety laws will further augment the Asia Pacific market. Get More Insights On, Construction Safety Net Market For More Insights Discover the Report In language that Resonates with you
About Author: Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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rutujamnm · 6 months ago
Carbon Fiber Construction Repair Market worth $192 million by 2028
The report "Carbon Fiber Construction Repair Market by Product Type (Rebar, Fabric, Plate), Application (Residential & Commercial Building, Infrastructure, Industrial), and Region (North America, Europe, APAC, Latin America, MEA) - Global Forecast to 2028", is estimated at USD 119 million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 192 million by 2028, at a CAGR of 10.0% from 2023 to 2028. The aging infrastructure, government support for construction repair projects, and rapid urbanization are triggering the growth of the carbon fiber construction repair market. The high growth of construction repair composites can be attributed to the growing number of construction repair projects globally due to the rising population, rapid urbanization, and high economic growth in some regions. Emerging markets like China, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia are showing remarkable growth due to the aforementioned factors. Also, construction repair composites are much better alternatives to traditional substitutes, i.e., steel and aluminum. This has been a decisive factor in carbon fiber composite growth, especially in regions like North America and Europe, where the usage of construction repair composite products is quite high.
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The carbon fiber fabric segment is expected to account for the largest market share in 2022, in terms of both value and volume.
Carbon fiber fabric is a lightweight, high-strength material that is increasingly being used in commercial building repair. It is especially well-suited for repairing and strengthening concrete structures, which are the most common type of commercial building structure. It can be used to repair a wide range of concrete defects, including cracks, spalls, delamination, and corrosion. It can also be used to strengthen concrete structures to increase their load-bearing capacity or resistance to seismic forces. Generally, epoxy bonding is used to apply carbon fiber fabric to concrete surfaces. The fabric is first cut to size before being bonded to the concrete with a special epoxy resin. The epoxy resin cures to form a strong and long-lasting bond between the fabric and the concrete.
Residential & commercial building applications are expected to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Carbon fiber composite products have a wide range of properties that make them ideal to use in the repair of residential projects across the globe. These properties include a high strength to weight ratio and anti-corrosion properties. Steel mesh is getting widely replaced by grids or sheets of composite fiber made carbon fiber composites, which are used in the inner as well as outer sections of concrete wall elements. The use of composite fiber sheets helps to decrease the overall weight of structural units and provides the needful chemical protection.
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North America is expected to account for the largest share in 2022
Carbon fiber construction repair is in high demand in the North American region due to its use in the repair of commercial, residential, bridges, silo-flue pipes, oil and natural gas pipelines, water structures, and industrial structures. Among the many repair projects driving the market of carbon fiber construction repair in North America are the Old Youngs Bay Bridge across Youngs Bay in Astoria, Oregon (US), Huntley Bridge Perry's Creek Bridge in Burleigh Falls, Ontario (Canada), and Teed Bridge Cumberland County, Nova Scotia (Canada).
Prominent companies in the carbon fiber composite repair market include SIKA AG (Switzerland), Mapei SpA (Italy), Fosroc Inc. (UAE), Master Builders Solutions (Germany), Critica Infrastructure (US), AB-SCHOMBURG Yapi Kimyasallari A.S. (Turkey), Dowaksa (UAE), Dextra Group (Thailand), Rhino Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Products (US), Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (Japan), Toray Industries Inc. (Japan), Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. (US), Antop Global Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Sireg Geotech S.r.l. (Italy), and Chomarat Group (US).
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mayuresh782 · 8 months ago
Navigating the Global Marketplace: The Power of Professional Translation Services
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In today's interconnected world, businesses are increasingly expanding their reach beyond national borders. This global ambition brings exciting opportunities but also presents a significant challenge: language barriers. To effectively communicate and succeed in diverse markets, businesses need a reliable partner to bridge the language gap. That's where professional translation services come in.
The Importance of Professional Translation
While online translation tools may seem tempting, they often fall short in accurately conveying the nuances of meaning, cultural context, and industry-specific terminology. This can lead to misinterpretations, misunderstandings, and even damage to a brand's reputation.
Professional translation services, on the other hand, offer a range of benefits that are crucial for businesses seeking to:
Reach a wider audience: Translate your website, marketing materials, and product descriptions to connect with new customers and expand your market share.
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PEC Translation: Your Partner in Global Communication
At PEC Translation, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by globalization. Our team of highly skilled and experienced translators offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses of all sizes:
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Ready to take your business global? Let PEC Translation be your trusted partner in bridging the language gap.
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supriyab · 8 months ago
Crop Protection Chemicals Market: Industry Insights, Swot Analysis, Size, Share, and Key Growth Factors
The global crop protection chemicals market is estimated at USD 79.3 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 101.0 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast period.  According to the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), approximately 40% of global crop yields are lost annually due to pests, pathogens, and weeds, including the destructive Fall armyworm (FAW). This threat, intensified by climate change, poses significant risks to essential crops like maize, wheat, banana, and coffee, impacting household incomes, national economies, and global food security. Such challenges underscore the critical role of effective crop protection solutions in mitigating these risks. The demand for crop protection chemicals is therefore bolstered as farmers seek reliable methods to combat pests and diseases, ensuring stable yields and safeguarding agricultural production. This market growth is driven by the necessity for advanced formulations and technologies that can efficiently manage evolving pest pressures while supporting sustainable agricultural practices. As such, the ongoing need to protect crops from a wide array of threats continues to drive innovation and investment in the crop protection chemicals sector globally. 
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By origin, the biopesticides segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period in terms of value.
The overuse of chemical pesticides has led to increased pest resistance, reducing the effectiveness of these products. Biopesticides, with their unique modes of action, provide an alternative that can manage pest resistance issues. They often work in conjunction with chemical pesticides in integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, helping to mitigate resistance and extend the useful life of both biopesticides and chemical pesticides. Consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental and health impacts of chemical pesticides. This awareness is driving demand for organic and sustainably produced food, which in turn increases the demand for biopesticides. Farmers are responding to market demand by adopting biopesticides to meet consumer preferences for organic products. Governments and regulatory bodies are increasingly supporting the use of biopesticides through favorable policies and regulations. For example, the European Union's strict regulations on chemical pesticides encourage the adoption of biopesticides. Similarly, countries like the United States and India are implementing policies that promote sustainable farming practices and the use of biopesticides.
By crop type, cereals & grains are estimated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Cereals and grains are highly susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases. For instance, wheat rust, rice blast, and corn borers can cause significant yield losses. Effective crop protection chemicals, including fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides, are crucial in mitigating these threats and ensuring healthy crop yields. Many governments are investing in agricultural development to ensure food security. Subsidies and support for farmers to purchase and use crop protection chemicals are driving the growth of this market segment. For example, initiatives in countries like India and China aim to boost cereal and grain production through better pest management practices. Cereals and grains are cultivated on a vast scale globally. Regions like North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific have extensive areas dedicated to these crops. The large-scale cultivation necessitates substantial use of crop protection chemicals to manage pests and diseases over large areas efficiently. For instance, the United States, one of the largest producers of corn, has seen consistent growth in the use of herbicides and insecticides to manage weeds and pests that threaten corn production. Similarly, in Asia, rice cultivation heavily relies on fungicides and insecticides to combat diseases like rice blast and pests like planthoppers.
By type, the herbicides segment is estimated to dominate the crop protection chemicals market.
Herbicides are crucial for managing weeds, which compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight, significantly impacting crop yields. For example, glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides globally, has seen extensive application due to its effectiveness in controlling a broad spectrum of weeds. Glyphosate's market presence is significant, with sales reaching billions of dollars annually. Its use is particularly prominent in countries like the United States, Brazil, and Argentina, where large-scale, industrial farming is prevalent. Another example is atrazine, commonly used in corn production. Atrazine has been integral in managing weed populations and enhancing crop yields, especially in the United States, which leads global corn production. The effectiveness of atrazine in various climatic conditions and soil types has contributed to its widespread adoption, further solidifying the dominance of herbicides in the market. Furthermore, the development of herbicide-resistant crops, such as Roundup Ready soybeans, has bolstered herbicide usage. These genetically modified crops can withstand applications of specific herbicides, allowing farmers to manage weeds more effectively without harming the crops.
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The crop protection chemicals market in the South America region is expected to grow constantly during the forecast period.
South America boasts a vast and diverse agricultural landscape, with countries like Brazil and Argentina being major global producers of key crops such as soybeans, corn, sugarcane, and coffee. The region's extensive agricultural activities drive substantial demand for crop protection chemicals to ensure high yields and crop quality. The tropical and subtropical climates prevalent in much of South America create favorable conditions for a wide range of pests and diseases. Crops in the region are frequently threatened by insects, fungi, weeds, and pathogens, necessitating the use of effective crop protection chemicals to mitigate losses and maintain productivity. For example, soybean rust and the fall armyworm are significant threats that require robust chemical management. The region's integration into global agricultural markets through favorable trade policies and agreements enhances its competitiveness and export potential. High crop production for export markets necessitates rigorous pest and disease management to meet international quality standards, further fueling the demand for crop protection chemicals.
Key players in the crop protection chemicals market BASF SE (Germany), Bayer AG (Germany), FMC Corporation (US), Syngenta Group (Switzerland), Corteva (US), UPL (India), Nufarm (Australia), Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd (Japan), Albaugh LLC (US), Koppert (Netherlands), Gowan Company (US), American Vanguard Corporation (US), Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd (Japan), PI Industries (India), and Chr. Hansen A/S (Denmark).
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businessindustry · 8 months ago
Aerial Work Platforms Market Trends, Share - 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Aerial Work Platforms Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Aerial Work Platforms Market Trends share, size, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Aerial Work Platforms Market?
The aerial work platforms market size reached US$ 11.0 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 17.4 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% during 2024-2032.
What are Aerial Work Platforms?
Aerial Work Platforms (AWPs) are mechanical devices employed to offer temporary access for individuals or equipment to elevated locations, typically in construction, maintenance, and repair settings where ladders or scaffolding are unsuitable or hazardous. AWPs encompass various equipment types like scissor lifts, boom lifts, and personnel lifts, designed to elevate workers, tools, and materials to varying heights. These platforms are equipped with safety features such as guardrails, fall protection systems, and emergency lowering mechanisms to ensure the safety of operators and workers utilizing them.
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What are the growth prospects and trends in the Aerial Work Platforms industry?
The aerial work platforms (AWPs) market growth is driven by various factors. The market for aerial work platforms (AWPs) is experiencing significant growth, driven by rising demand across the global construction, maintenance, and repair sectors. AWPs offer a safe and effective way to access elevated areas, replacing conventional methods like ladders and scaffolding. Growth in the market is fueled by factors such as urbanization, infrastructure development, and strict safety regulations. Technological advancements, including the incorporation of advanced safety features and electric-powered AWPs, are also playing a role in market expansion. Furthermore, the increasing popularity of rental services for AWPs is contributing to the market's growth trajectory. Hence, all these factors contribute to aerial work platforms (AWPs) market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type:
Scissor Lifts
Boom Lifts
Vertical Mast Lifts
Personal Portable Lifts
By Platform Height:
Below 20 feet
20 to 40 feet
40 to 60 feet
Above 60 feet
By Fuel Type:
Electric Powered
Diesel Powered
Hybrid Powered
By Application:
Construction & Maintenance
Transport & Logistics
By End-Use:
Rental Providers
Construction Industry
Telecommunication Industry
Transportation Industry
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
Asia Pacific:
Australia & New Zealand
South Africa
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Rest of Asia Pacific
The U.K.
BENELUX (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg)
NORDIC (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark)
Rest of Europe
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
The Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Rest of MEA (Middle East & Africa)
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
JLG Industries
Haulotte Group
Terex Corporation
Manitou Group
Aichi Corporation
Tadano Ltd.
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Aerial Work Platforms-market
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Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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kaushalkumar1711 · 9 months ago
Hiring Made Easy: Exploring Candidate Sourcing Tools 
In today’s competitive job market, finding the right talent can be a daunting task for companies of all sizes. Traditional hiring methods often fall short, leading to prolonged vacancies and increased recruitment costs. To streamline the hiring process and ensure that organizations can attract the best candidates, leveraging candidate sourcing tools has become essential. 
 The Importance of Candidate Sourcing 
Candidate sourcing is the proactive search for qualified job candidates for current or planned open positions. This process is crucial for building a robust talent pipeline, reducing time-to-hire, and ensuring that businesses have access to a diverse and skilled workforce. Effective candidate sourcing goes beyond posting job ads and waiting for applications; it involves using a variety of tools and strategies to identify and engage potential candidates. 
 Top Tools for Sourcing Candidates 
1. LinkedIn Recruiter: LinkedIn Recruiter is a social network for recruiters. It gives them access to tools that make finding and hiring candidates quicker and more efficient. 
Advanced Search Filters: Allows recruiters to search for candidates based on industry, experience, skills, location, and more. 
InMail Messaging: Enables direct communication with potential candidates. 
Talent Insights: Provides data-driven insights to improve sourcing strategies. 
Broad Talent Pool: Access to over 700 million professionals. 
Enhanced Engagement: Personalized messaging and interaction. 
Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage insights to refine searches and strategies. 
LinkedIn Recruiter is a powerful tool for sourcing passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but are open to hearing about potential roles. 
2. Indeed, Smart sourcing: Indeed, smart sourcing is an AI-powered tool that makes hiring quicker by matching people with the right jobs.   Features: 
Resume Database: Access to millions of resumes from various industries. 
Advanced Filters: Search resumes based on criteria like job title, location, skills, and experience. 
Candidate Alerts: Receive notifications when new resumes matching your criteria are uploaded. 
Comprehensive Database: Extensive collection of resumes, including active and passive candidates. 
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Automated Alerts: Stay updated with new potential candidates. 
Indeed Resume is particularly useful for filling positions quickly and efficiently by tapping into a vast database of active job seekers. 
3. ZOHO RECRUIT: Zoho recruit is a candidate sourcing platform that combines ATS and CRM to help recruiters fill vacancies quickly and efficiently. 
Comprehensive sourcing: Quickly find candidates from multiple sources such as job boards, social networks and referral programs. 
Resume parsing: The powerful resume analysis tool quick extracts information about candidates from resumes. 
Recruitment automation: Automates the entire hiring process right from start to end. 
Improved candidate experience: Seamless and transparent recruitment process. 
Better team collaboration: Multiple team members can collaborate and share feedback about candidates during the hiring process. 
Data security: Encryption, role-based access and GDPR compliance ensure candidate data protection 
In the digital age, the competition for candidates is fierce, so staying ahead of the competition is important. By utilizing a candidate sourcing platform, you can gain a competitive advantage as it drastically improves your recruitment efforts, ensuring you attract the top talent for your organization. 
Is your recruitment team facing challenges in sourcing and hiring the right candidates? Contact Talent pool. Their comprehensive candidate sourcing platform not only streamlines the different hiring processes but also automates routine administrative tasks, ensuring a seamless recruitment experience for both recruiters and candidates. 
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trendingreportz · 9 months ago
Global Ready To Drink Tea Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Overview
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market size is estimated to reach $38.9 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Ready-to-drink tea falls under the category of already prepared beverages generally served in cold and hot form. Black tea and green tea are the two most frequently consumed types of RTD tea. Moreover, there is a variety of flavor options available in RTD tea such as fruit, lemon, herbal, spices, and others. During the industrialization preparation of ready-to-drink tea, chemical compounds like acidulants are added with the aim to reduce the overall pH level. Also, various herbs added to it to extend the properties of nutraceuticals. Besides extending appealing aroma and taste, this pre-made drink extends several health benefits as it is prepared according to the criteria of clean label standards. RTD tea has naturally occurring polyphenolic antioxidants that curb the risk of developing cancer. Moreover, green tea is scientifically proven to have anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties. The global ready-to-drink tea market outlook is fairly enchanting as the popularity of pre-made tea is enlarging worldwide. Furthermore, appealing packaging, availability of a variety of flavors, rising health consciousness among people and ascending disposable income benefits which protect consumers from are factors set to drive the growth of the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market for the period 2022-2027.
Report Coverage
The report: “Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market.
By Type: Bottled, RTD refrigerated tea, Instant tea mixes, and bagged tea.
By Flavor: Lemon, Fruit, Herbal, Spices, and others.
By Packaging: Cans, Plastic bottles, Glass containers, and others.
By Distribution Channel: Offline (Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience stores, and others), and online.
By End User: Households and Foodservice providers (cafes, restaurants, hotels, and others).
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Geographically, the Asia-Pacific Ready to Drink Tea Market accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021 and it is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027. The growth is owing to spiraling GDP per capita income, humungous population, and rising health cognizance among people.
Health-hitches linked with carbonated drinks, appealing packaging, strengthening retail channel networks, and health benefits accompanied by ready-to-drink tea are said to be preeminent drivers driving the growth of the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market. Harsh environmental conditions, strangled production attributed to the COVID-19, and high price compared to ordinary tea are said to reduce the market growth.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market report.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Segment Analysis-By Distribution Channel
The Global Ready to Drink Tea Market based on the distribution channel can be further segmented into offline (supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, and others), and online. The offline segment held the largest share in 2021. High dependence of consumers on physical stores for FMCG products for their day-to-day lives. Moreover, consumers prefer buying in bulk so they can escape the hassle of going to shop every day which is not possible with online buying as e-commerce deliver most of the products separately. Also, one thing online platforms lack that modern retail outlets and traditional stores have in common is their across-the-board presence. Thus, still the first preference for billions of people living in rural and pastoral areas. Furthermore, the online segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to changing lifestyles of people. The COVID-19 outbreak has changed peoples’ way of perceiving the world. To ensure safety consumers nowadays are looking for every single reason to avoid contact with others. On another hand, technological advancements, budding smartphone users, and advantages associated with e-commerce (round-the-clock access, time-saving, festival sales, doorstep delivery, return options, and others) are providing growth opportunities.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Segment Analysis-By End-User
The Global Ready to Drink Tea Market based on end-user can be further segmented into Households and Foodservice providers (cafes, restaurants, hotels, and others). The household segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to enlarging trend of healthy drinks like RTD tea among youngsters. Moreover, the non-availability of café services during widespread lockdowns to curb infection rates around the globe. However, the food service provider segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 6.3% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to the reopening of such hospitality venues. In addition to that, the trend of having tea and coffee in cafes is deeply indulged in the lives of millions of consumers living in high-income countries. Also, these hospitality venues provide a conducive atmosphere for spending quality time with loved ones, interacting with strangers, and clinching business deals.
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Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Global Ready to Drink Tea Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. Asia-Pacific held the largest share with 39% of the overall market in 2021. The growth in this segment is owing to the factors such as the biggest tea-producing countries which include China, India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Japan. Every year China produces nearly 2,400,000 tons of tea, whereas, India has over 900,000 tons annual production. Tea is already deeply rooted in Asian culture as it is consumed among billions of households to kick start the day. Therefore, the Asian population has a natural inclination toward ready-to-drink tea. Moreover, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to the mounting GDP per capita income of developing countries like China, Indonesia, and India. Thus, with expanding disposable income middle-class consumers have started reaching out to such products. In addition to that, rising health complications like obesity and diabetes with enlarging old-age population the overall demand for RTD tea has witnessed a sheer surge.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Drivers
Growing health attentiveness is Anticipated to Boost Market Demand.
Green tea is deemed to be a sound source with anti-obesity and anticancer properties as it is home to naturally occurring polyphenol antioxidants. Unsurprisingly, obesity is one of those health problems that has affected the quality of life of millions of individuals worldwide. According to a report by Harvard University, nearly 35-36 percent of the world population was obese in 2020. Likewise, the figure reached 36.2 percent in 2021. In addition to that, many island nations such as Nauru, Cook Island, Tonga, and others have more than 50 percent obesity rates. In addition to that, the numbers are anticipated to witness a rise owing to poor sedentary habits, poor ingestion, and little to no exercise. As a result, the demand for RTD tea is growing steadily.
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Augmenting GDP per capita of developing nations is Expected to Boost Market Demand.
The developing countries like India, China. Brazil, Indonesia, and others are becoming the new wealth center of the world as the exports of these nations are witnessing a sheer rise year after year. Owing to cheap labor, a massive network of quality expressways, skilled labor, and appealing government policies China has emerged as the biggest exporter worldwide. China’s GDP per capita has recorded a sheer rise in the last decade and has reached over $12,551 in 2021. Similarly, Indonesia’s GDP per capita income was whirling around $4,256 (nominal) in 2021 and is anticipated to reach nearly $5000 by 2023. On another hand, India is recording slow growth in terms of GDP per capita but the situation is likely to improve as it is projected that India will take over Japan to become 3rd largest economy in the world by the year 2030.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Challenges
Harsh environmental conditions, high price, and negatively impacted production are Anticipated to Hamper Market Growth.
Enlarging population, widescale CO2 emission, and rising global warming are resulting in extreme weather anomalies such as unexpected floods, widespread drought, changed season durations, torpedoes, and others with are not conducive for tea cultivation. According to NOAA's 2020 Annual Climate Report, the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit ( 0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade since 1880; however, the average rate of increase since 1981 (0.18°C / 0.32°F) has been more than twice that rate. As a result, it is posing a serious threat in front of the global ready-to-drink tea market. On another hand, compare to traditional tea, RTD is a bit expensive which may turn consumers aversive toward it, Also, negatively impacted production activities are resulting in a gap between demand and supply chain.
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Global Ready to Drink Tea Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the aforementioned Market. Global Ready to Drink Tea top 10 companies include-
Suntory Holding
Coca-Cola Company
Sapporo Beverage
PepsiCo Inc.
Nestlé S.A.
Unilever PLC.
Danone S.A.
The Republic of Tea
Snapple Beverage Co
Tata Global Beverages
Recent Developments
On July 27, 2021, Kolkata, India-based well-recognized tea supplier company “Tata Tea” announced that the company has successfully acquired London, United Kingdom-based teas company “Tetley.” A payment of $450 million was made by Tata in order to bring the acquisition to a close. Tata has used leveraged buyout option to conclude the transaction.
On October 6, 2020, London, United Kingdom-based company “Unilever” which is well-recognized for its supplements, foods, and tea announced that it has successfully acquired California, United States-based company “Liquid I.V” known for its health-science portfolio. The financials of the acquisition were kept closed. Also, the transaction strengthened the wellness products portfolio of Unilever.
On March 11, 2020, New York, United States-based renowned food and beverage company “PepsiCo” announced that it has successfully acquired Nevada, United States-based company “Rockstar Inc” Known for its non-alcoholic drinks. A payment of $3.85 billion was made by PepsiCo to bring the acquisition to a close.
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ocomsoftwaresubmissions · 9 months ago
Boosting Efficiency: 7 Reasons Why Custom Software is Essential for Small Businesses
In the competitive landscape of small businesses, efficiency is the name of the game. To stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's digital age, small businesses need to leverage every tool at their disposal. Custom software tailored specifically to the unique needs of a small business can be a game-changer. Here are seven compelling reasons why investing in custom software is essential for small businesses:
1. Tailored Solutions for Specific Needs (Customization)
Off-the-shelf software may offer a one-size-fits-all solution, but it often falls short when it comes to meeting the specific needs of a small business. Custom software, on the other hand, can be tailored to address the unique challenges and requirements of your business. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows, or integrating with existing systems, custom software can be designed to fit your business like a glove, providing solutions that are perfectly aligned with your objectives and processes.
2. Increased Efficiency and Productivity (Efficiency)
Custom software is designed with efficiency in mind, which means it can automate tasks, eliminate bottlenecks, and streamline workflows in ways that off-the-shelf software cannot. By reducing manual processes and optimizing resource allocation, custom software can help small businesses operate more efficiently and make the most of their limited resources. Whether it's automating inventory management, scheduling appointments, or generating custom reports, custom software can help small businesses accomplish more in less time, allowing them to focus on what matters most—growing their business.
3. Scalability to Support Growth (Scalability)
As small businesses grow and evolve, so too must their software solutions. Custom software offers the flexibility and scalability to adapt to the changing needs of a growing business. Whether you're adding new users, expanding into new markets, or launching new products and services, custom software can scale seamlessly to accommodate your growth. This scalability ensures that your software investment continues to deliver value long into the future, without the need for costly upgrades or replacements.
4. Enhanced Data Security and Compliance (Security)
Data security is a top priority for small businesses, especially in industries that handle sensitive information or transactions. Custom software can be built with security in mind from the ground up, implementing robust security measures such as encryption, authentication, and access controls to protect your data from unauthorized access or breaches. Additionally, custom software can help small businesses comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as GDPR or HIPAA, by ensuring that sensitive data is handled in accordance with legal requirements.
5. Integration with Existing Systems (Integration)
Many small businesses rely on a variety of software systems and tools to manage their operations, from accounting software and CRM systems to inventory management and e-commerce platforms. Custom software can be designed to seamlessly integrate with these existing systems, allowing for data sharing, automated workflows, and improved collaboration across departments. By integrating custom software with existing systems, small businesses can streamline their operations, reduce duplicate data entry, and improve overall efficiency.
6. Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run (Cost-Effectiveness)
While the initial cost of custom software development may seem daunting, it can actually be more cost-effective in the long run compared to off-the-shelf solutions. Custom software is designed to meet the specific needs of your business, which means you won't be paying for unnecessary features or functionality that you don't need. Additionally, custom software can help small businesses save money by automating tasks, improving efficiency, and reducing the need for manual intervention. Over time, these cost savings can more than offset the initial investment in custom software development.
7. Competitive Advantage in the Marketplace (Competitive Advantage)
In today's competitive business landscape, gaining a competitive edge is essential for small businesses looking to succeed. Custom software can give small businesses the edge they need by providing unique features and functionality that set them apart from the competition. Whether it's a custom mobile app that enhances the customer experience, a proprietary analytics platform that provides valuable insights, or a specialized CRM system that improves sales and marketing efforts, custom software can help small businesses differentiate themselves and attract customers in a crowded marketplace.
In conclusion, custom software is essential for small businesses looking to boost efficiency, support growth, enhance data security, and gain a competitive edge. By investing in custom software tailored to their specific needs, small businesses can streamline their operations, improve productivity, and position themselves for long-term success in today's digital world. Whether you're a startup or an established small business, custom software can be a game-changer that helps you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.
Please visit my website at https://ocom.com.au/
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industrynewsupdates · 7 months ago
Personal Protective Equipment Procurement Intelligence: Key Trends and Insights
The personal protective equipment (PPE) category is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2022 to 2030. In 2022, North America accounted for 30% of the market share followed by Europe and APAC. Many small and medium-sized organizations are procuring protective clothing and equipment from low-cost independent manufacturers located in the APAC region. The APAC market is projected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period.
The major cost components are raw materials, equipment and manufacturing, testing and labor, along with facilities and maintenance. However, the overall cost of clothing or any equipment may depend on multiple factors such as customizations, types of raw materials used, quality of the product, the time required for manufacturing, testing, and standards, etc. For instance, reusable PPE clothing will relatively cost more than disposable one. Similarly, non-woven fabrics can be manufactured easily on a large scale and hence tends to be more cost-effective than woven fabrics.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, India has become a major PPE kit production hub. In 2021, India was the second-largest PPE kits manufacturer - as it produced 200,000 kits and 200,000 N95 masks daily. The textile industries ramped up production to meet the kits demand and the number of companies increased to 1,100. Meltblown fabric manufacturers for N95 masks had also increased to 80. Since 2021, the Indian government has taken numerous initiatives to improve personal protective equipment production in the country such as reducing the licensing facilities and product costs, promoting and boosting manufacturing lines, strengthening local supply chains, and assisting small companies to overcome barriers to production by tying up with technological companies and utilizing MSMEs.
Order your copy of the Personal Protective Equipment Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Personal Protective Equipment Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
• The global personal protective equipment category is highly fragmented, and the balance of PPE sales is highly diversified across many smaller product segments such as head, eye, ear, and face coverings hence top players account for a comparatively smaller portion of the market share
• Suppliers of hand-protection product sector were mainly held by private companies
• In the disposal PPE clothing market, the competitive rivalry is high due to increasing government initiatives (India and China) to encourage local garment manufacturers to meet the surging demand
List of Key Suppliers 
• Honeywell International Inc.
• 3M
• Ansell Limited
• DuPont
• FallTech
• Avon Rubber Plc
• Cardinal Health Inc.
• COFRA S.r.l
• Dynarex Corporation
• Lakeland Industries Inc.
• Kimberly-Clark Corporation
• MSA Safety Incorporated
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Manned Guarding Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2024 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• HDPE Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
PPE Procurement Intelligence Report Scope 
• PPE Category Growth Rate (CAGR): CAGR of 6.7% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 8% - 10%
• Pricing Models: Volume-based pricing model, Fixed price pricing model
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier selection criteria: Types of products (first responder safety, fall protection and first aid, gas, and flame detection, hand-eye and face protection, respiratory protection, etc.), technical specifications, operational capabilities, regulatory standards and mandates, category innovations, and others.
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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