#Falbi headcanons
onlyymirknows · 2 months
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Post-Rumbling. Gabi and Falco are in their twenties for most of these. Safe for work content. Some angst but mostly cute. Alcohol/intoxication is mentioned. Colt’s death is mentioned.
Falco does most of the cooking between the two. It’s not that Gabi can’t cook but she gets too impatient with all of the prep work that’s involved. Falco, on the other hand, loves to cook and enjoys tweaking his recipes to match the tastes of his dinner guests. Gabi teases him whenever he goes overboard on plating but he knows she appreciates all of his efforts.
Gabi has a bad habit of inviting people to join them on their dates. She just really enjoys spending time with all of her people, especially her cousin Reiner. The three of them spend a lot of time together on outings. Falco doesn’t mind that much since he also enjoys Reiner’s company.
However, if Falco ever wants alone time with her he needs to plan ahead. Namely, he either needs to tell Gabi his intentions or make sure anyone she would want to invite is conveniently busy on the day in question.
Romantic surprises are understandably a big production and Falco doesn’t even want to think how much effort will need to go into his eventual proposal. He knows it will be worth it, though, because he loves her so much.
Gabi loves giving Falco surprise kisses because he still gets flustered even after years of dating. He’ll get a big blush on his face and sometimes jump a little. If he whines about how she startled him Gabi will give him a pout with her best puppy dog eyes until he forgives her. Falco can’t be mad at that adorable face.
Falco never gets drunk when he’s out with Gabi because someone needs to keep an eye out on her. Booze just makes her more impulsive, after all. But that’s not the only reason for his sobriety. The truth is that drunk Falco is way more affectionate and the idea of someone like Reiner or Captain Levi seeing him make a public display of affection mortifies him.
It is a different story when he and Gabi have a night in at home. Falco is much more comfortable loosening up in that case. Gabi loves how, even though drink makes him more affectionate, it also makes him even easier to fluster. She uses the opportunity to tease him mercilessly until he gets fed up and makes her shut up by kissing her on the lips. Mission accomplished as far as Gabi is concerned.
Sometimes they go off to the edge of town to cloud gaze, usually bringing the Captain along with them. Gabi likes the way the sun feels on her skin while Falco imagines himself flying with the birds again. Having Levi there more or less ensures silence as Gabi knows he won’t hesitate to chide her for unnecessary chatter. If either of the kids need advice, however, then Levi is content to listen and share his wisdom.
Every year on the anniversary of Colt’s death, Gabi takes extra care of Falco. Even though it’s been around a decade since it happened, she wants him to take it easy and so does all of the chores and errands for the day. Falco usually cries, not only because he misses his brother but because part of him still feels like it was his fault. Gabi makes sure to disabuse him of the notion while comforting him in her arms.
Gabi still tries to turn everything into a competition. This is especially the case out in the field. Who can harvest the most crops or plant the most trees. Who can run supplies to and from locations faster. Who can distribute more plates of food or lay more bricks. The list goes on and on. This annoys Falco initially but he plays along to appease her. Eventually Falco also takes it seriously, leading Levi to scold them when their games pose a nuisance.
Before their first official date, a very nervous Falco asks all of the older guys in his life who aren’t his father for advice. That’s when he learns all of them either have no real dating experience or are too shy to share. The exception of course is Jean, who insists he’s an expert on wooing women, but Falco is very skeptical of his methodology. He eventually caves and asks his dad.
Gabi decides to mostly wing it, even though she’s also super nervous (not that she’ll ever admit it, though.) Pieck helps her get dressed into something cute and assures her Falco will enjoy some flowers, gender norms be damned. Gabi asks Reiner if he’ll beat Falco up if the date goes wrong. He is very relieved when his cousin says she was joking.
The two are fiercely defensive of each other. The only people allowed to make fun of them are each other and Captain Levi, god damn it. Generally people are pretty nice to Falco because he is so unassuming. However the moment someone complains about Gabi being too loud or annoying in front of him he goes a little feral. Some people laugh him off because it’s still Falco but they immediately change their tune when they see Levi glaring at them. The wheels do not interfere with his talent for intimidation.
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hangeslefteye · 11 months
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tulipanka-a · 2 years
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Falco Grice & Gabi Braun
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oxygenbefore1775 · 2 years
AoT Warriors As Ghosts
AoT Warriors with usually quiet s/o snorting while laughing
Ghost Warriors vs Ghoul Boys (from Buzzfeed Unsolved)
AoT Characters Staging Romeo&Juliette
AoT Alliance At A Restaurant
Jeankasa Headcanons
AoT Warriors Dealing With A Crying Toddler
AoT Alliance's Dating Advice For Falco (crackpost)
AoT Warriors And Alcohol Of Their Choice
Marleyans As The Things I Did In My Childhood
AoT Warriors Seeing A Spider
AoT Warriors And Their Cooking Skills
AoT Warriors As Roommates
Reipikujean NSFW Headcanons
Baby Daddy!Porco Headcanons (pt1, pt2)
Yeager Jr. At The Warriors' Office
AoT Warriors Losing Their Kid In A Shopping Mall
Jikupiku Headcanons
AoT Warriors' Comforting Methods
AoT Warriors Teaching Their Kid How To Swim
AoT Warriors At A Pool Party
AoT Warriors Stranded On An Island
AoT Warriors At A Christmas Market
Porco With A Short S/O
AoT Warriors At A Family Gathering
Kabedon Headcanons (reiner, porco)
The Home To Return To (jeankasa postcanon fluff)
If This Feeling Flows Both Ways (reijean smut)
Cloaked Under The Night (jeankasa love confession)
Jeankasa Dealing With Jealousy
Jeankasa And The Challenges Of Being Young Parents (feat. Connie)
Jean's First Months In The Cadet Corps (jeanmarco)
Assigning Household Chores During Mikasa's Pregnancy (jeankasa)
Falbi And Memory Loss (modern au)
Jeankasa Vampire AU
Trying On Their Red Armband (warriors x reader)
Vacation With Zeke (modern au zeke x reader)
Someone To Lose (postcanon jeankasa angst)
After A Visit To The Dentist's Office ( modern au, warriors x reader)
Helping You Carry The Weight (modern au, warriors x reader)
Not Mad Just Dissapointed (modern au, reiner x reader)
When There's Too Much Alcohol In The System (Porco, Reiner, Zeke)
last updated 13/02/23
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pandasan-power · 1 year
Post-canon SnK headcanons. Contains spoilers for the end of the manga, please read at your own risk!
(DISCLAIMER: Please do not take these seriously lol)
Mikasa's partner/husband is Jean. She spends a few years mourning Eren and Jean is always there supporting her. They end up getting together at some point and having kids.
Jeankasa's first-born kid, regardless of gender, is named Eren.
Everyone else (mostly) has a kid named Eren too.
Mikasa tries to distance herself from politics but always ends up getting roped into disputes. She'd rather just be a housewife.
Jean is the next leader of the Survey Corps but after a coup he gets kicked out.
Falbi are the first couple to have a kid and it's unexpected. Falco doesn't really handle it well.
Falco has a job related to peace talks and Gabi uhhhh... Gabi probably sticks to military stuff.
Levi marries a woman he meets in Marley who's a friend of Onyankopon's. Initially he's very against the idea of having kids, but his wife points out that it would be a huge fuck you to Zeke, and that (eventually) convinces him to be a dad. Everyone is shocked when they find out.
Connie has a thing with Nicolo. They hook up after Connie starts working at Nicolo's restaurant.
Annie and Armin get together, rush into marriage, have an unexpected kid and things proceed to go tits up. Armin is very mentally unstable for most of the rest of his life.
Annie works as a martial arts instructor and passes on the teachings of her dad. Armin becomes a marine biologist after he steps down as the Survey Corps commander and passes the job on to Jean.
Reiner remains single because he doesn't think he's worthy of someone else's affection. (And his crush is taken.) He's a nurse? Idk I like nurse Reiner.
Pieck never marries. She spends her days working as an archivist for Marley.
Yelena survived and was arrested and sent to jail for war crimes. While in jail, she discovers she's pregnant, escapes and runs off to a far-away country. Her kid is either Eren's or Zeke's (I haven't decided which lol) and she keeps them hidden.
The kid walking up to Eren's tree at the very end of the manga is Mikasa's descendant and they're looking for Eren so they can awaken the powers of the Founding Titan and revive him.
Falco and Gabi eventually reclaim the Survey Corps from the Yeagerists and end up being in control of most of Paradis's military.
Onyankopon is a hairstylist? Also I see him getting married but maybe not having kids.
Historia's husband is killed during another uprising attempt but Historia and her daughter are unharmed.
A few decades after his death, Eren becomes a meme.
Eventually the idea of titans becomes a conspiracy theory and many people don't think they ever actually existed (or at least not in the way they did in canon).
Paradis eventually becomes completely uninhabitable -- as in the entire island, not just the hill. However, a handful of people escape to the underground and reside there. The underground is accessible through Eren's tree, and many inhabitants are related to the main/secondary characters.
Mikasa's descendant discovers the underground civilisation and gets to know the people living there.
Eren is chilling in paths in place of Ymir Fritz and gets a surprise when someone who looks kinda sorta like Mikasa shows up (don't ask me how they're able to use paths, maybe it's the direct contact with the Founder).
Maybe eventually, once it's destroyed, Paradis is treated as though it never existed and is erased from the history books. Similarly to Paradis residents being brainwashed into thinking the rest of the world is gone.
Mikasa passes on the Azumabito mark to her kids and they pass it on to theirs.
Mikasa's descendant never visited Paradis because it was destroyed before they were born, but they would always read their (great?) grandmother's diaries and letters and wished to go one day.
The dog seen with the kid is named Sasha. All dogs owned by Jeankasa's family are named Sasha. This one is Sasha V.
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Hi! I’m so new to this fandom but I binged your AS You Are fic today for like 4 hours straight and am so in love with your writing style. The way you craft the characters is incredible and feels so realistic. Valentine’s Day is coming up and was curious if there could be a potential head cannon for our fav couple or how each spend their days including ReiKasa, Porco/Pieck, even Gabi and Falco!!!
Hello Anonie! Welcome to the fandom & thank you so much for reading AYA in one go! Zomg I truly hope the 4 hour seating was worth it 😭 Oh, Happy Valentine's Day to you 🥰 I am sorry I took quite a long time to complete your Ask but today just couldn't be a more perfect time for it ❤ I hope you'll enjoy this!
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Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa) Fic AU Headcanon #9
Fic AU : As You Are
ft. Falco x Gabi & Porco x Pieck
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Falco x Gabi (Falbi)
Valentine's Day, according to Falco, is a day when people share their love for one another. Unfortunately for Gabi, she thinks it's just a day when people acts super weird & corny. According to Porco, horny *snorts*
But, it's also a day where there will be a special fair hosted in Liberio with many fun things to do, cool things to see and many delicious things to eat - like pizzas, burgers and ice-cream!
That year, Falco told Reiner that he'd like to ask Gabi out and take her to the fair, to which Reiner agrees to chaperone their little outing/'date'.
Falco woke up early that day and brought a paper flower that he made using the art of Origami, which Mikasa had helped him with the day before. According to Mikasa, paper flowers lasts forever but Gabi was too oblivious of the young boy's well-hidden message.
Reiner and Mikasa accompanied the children to the fair where they got on the carousel rides together. Reiner even bought the children balloon animals, popcorns and sweet treats like caramel apples and chocolate-dipped pretzels. They had a great time at the petting zoo, bobbing for apples and tagging along with Reiner and Mikasa into the Tunnel of Love boat ride.
Apart from sharing the same birthdate, Falco shares the same love for ice-cream with Mikasa. They both bonded over the shared enjoyment of that creamy, cold vanilla goodness.
Falco goes to the shooting range to win a giant soft plush for Gabi, but Gabi is too competitive to allow Falco to beat her at her forté - no scope shooting. They ended up having won four big ones instead.
Falco and Gabi, with Reiner's permission/supervision, got to stay outside after dinner time. They joined the adults for an open air classical romance movie screening for the first time ever in Liberio's town. They had a nice picnic mat spread out with some snacks and drinks until both the children fell asleep in the second half of the movie. Reiner ended up carrying Gabi home and Colt came by to bring Falco back with him.
Despite their continuous bickering, Falco and Gabi had an amazing time together. With Mikasa's help, Gabi bought a small falcon-shaped pin as a present for Falco which the boy really loves.
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Porco x Pieck (PokkoPikku)
In the morning, Porco took Pieck to the bee farm and sunflower farm. Porco almost got stung because he forgot to close the visor of his bee suit much to Pieck's amusement. They both had a lot of fun diving in the sunflower beds.
Pieck wants to do something new and fun that year so after lunch, Porco took her to a vineyard in the outskirts of Liberio. They learnt how wines are made, Pieck even get to squash grapes in a giant tub and they got to do some wine tasting with cheese platters.
Porco took Pieck to the seaside later that evening to catch the sunset and enjoy the evening breeze together.
For dinner, Porco took Pieck to his favorite steakhouse where they shared a giant Meat Lover's platter.
They went to the military's watering hole where a Valentine's Dance night was hosted. They went dancing and had another round of drinks for a nightcap.
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Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa)
Reiner volunteers to chaperone Falco and Gabi's outing, therefore he also saw that as an opportunity to take Mikasa out for a date and leisure in Liberio's town. He got speechless the first time he saw Mikasa in that beautiful light blue sundress. She doesn't wear jewellery but he thought she looked beautiful with a single blossoming frangipani slid in between her ears and that she smelt amazing.
They took the children on carousel rides and the Tunnel of Love rides. They snuck in quick kisses inside the dark tunnel when the children weren't looking. They don't hold hands in public but Reiner would always make sure he has a hand on the small of her back so he wouldn't be separated from her in public.
Reiner discovers that Mikasa enjoys ice-cream very much that he bought three different flavors for her in the morning, afternoon and dinner.
Reiner also learns that he and Mikasa both really enjoy trying new or rare cuisines.
When they catch the classic movie in the open air viewing under a sky full of stars, Reiner spent more time admiring Mikasa's face more than actually watching the movie itself. They held hands the whole night. He draped his long overcoat on her and Gabi to keep them both warm.
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Mikasa loves the fresh clean smell that Reiner always has after he shaves and that day before they go to the fair, Reiner made sure he has a fresh trim with his razor. She showed her appreciation by rubbing the side of his jaw or leaning much closer to his face more often than usual on that day.
She loves sharing an ice-cream with him. She also noticed that they like to take a bite on the spot where the other's lips had been.
She enjoys accompanying the children on the rides and found herself laughing more than she's ever had in one day. She also secretly admires the way Reiner had been so naturally fun and loving with the children.
Both her and Reiner found themselves stammering and flushing so hard when other fair attendees mistaken Falco and Gabi as their children. Gabi accidentally calling Mikasa "mom" wasn't helping either. Reiner jokingly reassured her that it would be a good practice drill for the two of them.
She discovers that she and Reiner both love dark chocolates and fried street snacks.
It makes her weak in the knees everytime Reiner leant in to sneak her a swift kiss on the forehead in public. She also loves that smile on his face whenever he saw Falco and Gabi got into their competitive mode. He said it reminded him to when they were young cadets in Paradis and that he's always been proud to be the 'number 2' to her 'number 1'.
In the evening, she gave him a surprise gift: a custom kerchief that she had self-embroidered with a monogram of the letters R & M; the initials of their first names.
They ended that night just holding hands while gazing deep into each other's eyes until they fall asleep.
I hope the above headcanons are ok! Thank you for the Ask 💐 xoxo
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
✨ Falco and Gabi came across a stray kitten in a box, and they wouldn't stop pestering Levi to adopt it
✨ Levi refused for a whole week but Gabi and Falco put on their best puppy faces and they swear on their lives they'll be responsible with the kitten, so Levi grudgingly says yes
✨ He thought he'd ignore the cat, but once he sees how gentle and independent the little white kitty is, he's gonna warm up to it and soon enough, they're besties and cuddle partners
✨ Chamomile is now a part of the family! (Levi named it)
✨ Gabi kisses Levi on the cheek when she has to park his wheelchair and run somewhere WITHOUT FAIL
✨ Falco and Gabi are amazing rant buddies and in different ways too. Like Falco will sit and patiently listen to Levi go off about whateva, he's gonna sympathize and give awkward but comforting shoulder pats
✨ Gabi on the other hand, she's a firy one. She's gonna cuss at whoever pissed Levi off with him and add her own opinions. Levi finds both of them equally endearing
✨ I know for sure Levi gives them head pats
✨ Levi adores their difference in personality though he never admits it. It reminds him of the duos he's spent so much time training. Falco and Gabi remind him of Moblit and Hange, Armin and Eren, and ofc, Sasha and Jean
✨ Gabi and Levi have the cutest relationship ever! Like they have banter everyday
✨ Falco DEFO hits a growth spurt, which Levi grumbles about but he's proud to see them grow up. It's familiar, it remind him of his old squad
✨ Levi is learning how to properly raise and nurture children without going into Captain mode. Treating them gently and sweetly without yelling instructions is a whole new experience for him, but he's doing his best to learn
✨ He's lucky he's responsible for tough, mature children who are used to rough behaviour, and the kids are lucky Levi is a softie at heart
✨ Honestly, Falco saw through Levi's tough exterior before Gabi. Gabi just acts like herself around everyone and Levi accepted it
✨ Happiest family ever
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feralaot · 3 years
Falbi hcs??
these kids share one (1) brain cell I swear
Falbi headcanons
no warnings
some modern
gabi is just the wildest little creature in existence. falco is ALL of her impulse control and he's the poor sod that has to deal with the fallout of her going ape
gabi and falco have the marriage pact. ya know the whole "if we're both still single when we're adults we're gonna get married" type thing
falco has noticed that gabi has a habit of getting really into people's faces when talking without realizing it so he often slowly backs up during their conversations because she will unknowingly close the distance between them and falco uses this to lead her around the room
falco gives the BIGGEST hugs. like if they haven't seen each other for a while? boy is gonna come running and knock that girl over with a bear hug. she's the same way though so no problems
unfortunately falco is gabi's only source of common sense so once that source of common sense is gone all hell breaks loose
falco used to hate animated movies but gabi LOVES studio ghibli so she forced him to watch her favorite movie and now spirited away is falco's favorite movie too
no matter how old they get neither of them will ever get over building pillow forts. reiner will come home and hear laughing from gabi's room and he walks in to find them sitting underneath a cavern of blankets and pillows with a flashlight making dumb faces at each other
neither of them can cook for shit (falco can maybe make toast) so their go-to "date night food" is gummies and rice krispies
gabi is so oblivious :/ it took like 3 confessions from falco for her to finally get the hint
falco is scared of bugs but gabi likes them so sometimes she's like "falco! look at this!!!" and opens her fist to reveal a spider she found. he gets SO upset
eventually he gets over the fear though because of her and in a modern au teen gabi would own a tarantula
gabi doesn't bother to do much with her hair other than keeping it out of her face so falco went out of his way to learn how to style long hair to impress her and he's actually really good at it
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jayteacups · 2 years
AOT Ensemble Masterlist
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This is for the headcanons and shitposts that don’t fit into the ‘AOT Discussions’ post. 
AOT asks tag
AOT Vets Incorrect Quote: Yearbook
HC - Levi checking in on Hange & 104th at night
AOT x It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
AOT men as Brits (+ original post that started it all) 
Actor AU Headcanons | AOT Actor AU asks
A Metalhead, A Nerd, A Horse, and a Baby 
Falbi as the troublesome gremlin kids
‘Let me see what you have, Gabi’
Birthday princess Eren | the Jean edition
Drunk AOT men
The adventures of dadvi and gothkasa
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mimirexx · 3 years
So this chapter was one hell of a ride and i didn’t like most of it and much confused the heck outta me but there were a few panels i liked that i wanna put here to forget about that absurd and ridiculous and a little disappointing? chapter
Here we go~
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First of all this precious sight of Connie and Jean seeing Sasha in the fog and her beautiful smile 🥰
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Then we have Levi seeing his comrades. That was actually a very heart warming scene because we see that happen a lot and Levi saluting to them with that fondness in his expression is a panel i wanna print and hang up over my bed 🥺 the poor old man finally is at peace at least (also is that a tear?? Cause there wasn’t any sweat on Levis cheek the moment before)
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Next we have a bunch of handsome people in one room! I like how Jean kept his hair long and is styling it in the mirror. I also like Pieck’s little comment “who do you want to impress?” its a cute addition 😂 what i didnt like was Reiners sniffing i think yams only added it for a laugh its not really necessary for the scene i mean Historia has a three year old now and Reiner is grown up but whatever i guess :/
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Uhhhmmmm—??? Im sorry???? Do i really need to say anything?? Words cant descibe what im feeling towards this very panel 😍 Look at the utter beauty here no words would do him justice 😔 bless this beautiful man 💕💕
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Dad!Levi and Falbi taking care of him! This is soooo precious 🥺 i always felt like Levi is such dad material and the way Falco and Gabi are now with him and probably taking care of him is such a cute headcanon cause Levi deserves to be taken care of and i like that its Falco and Gabi who do so 🥰
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And last but not least the hugs 🥺 the comfort is good after everything these guys have been through! (And after reading this damned chapter)💕
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
From your analysis about the final battle and Levi mourning Hange and fighting reckless to save Jean and Connie.
We know that he fights and keeps going forward from important bonds that keeps him going. But, after mourning Hange -and like, every veteran he knew of-
Who or what do you think it's his reason to keep alive now? His former squad? Gabi and Falco? Giving respect and meaning to the ones that didn't make it until the end??
This kinda burns my mind so much. I love your analysis and agree with they a lot! So I really want to know your insight about it!
Thanks you!
Thank you for this question! It's a really interesting one.
There are honestly a lot of theories to this and I do not know how many of them have actually been proven or disproven already but lemme just drop my own thoughts here and feel free to process the information and my own insights as you see fit.
The Promise
I’m falling into eruri territory here already but I’m not going to deny either the bond which Erwin and Levi shared and the promise he made to Erwin. Even when Hange died, Levi was still searching for Monke so either way, I think whatever promise he had with Erwin, still rings true, enough at least to have him thinking about it even chapters after Hange’s death.
But I want to unearth one of my own personal headcanons and discuss this here.
What keeps Levi going in general?
I had an HC about Levi’s personality and his general outlook on life and Imma discuss this again.
So, this is what I noticed when I would discuss people, there are ‘money’ people, there are ‘career’ people and there are ‘relationships’ people. (There are probably more but I’m not going into that now.” People can be all at once but regardless, there are people who will value one over the other.
A lot of people in attack on titan were ‘truth or freedom’ people which puts them in the ‘career’ classification.
I think while ‘revenge’ kept Eren going, ‘Eren’ kept Mikasa going, ‘the truth’ kept Erwin and Hange going, Levi’s relationships were what kept Levi going in the first place.
Levi didn’t have much ambition for anyone else. Of course, he valued freedom but what did Levi value the freedom for? Levi wanted the freedom for everyone else, not for himself.
Levi is a relationship driven person. He didn’t actually hold the drive for freedom as strongly as Hange or as Erwin did.
But since Levi was close to Erwin and Hange, of course, he would hold their ambitions close to himself as well. Levi knew he had a duty towards both commanders, to open up the world and to beat Monke (for Erwin) and for Hange, to stop the genocide in whatever way he can.
The death of the whole survey corps and the ones living was the reason Levi kept going in general and I think this has already been cited multiple times at least subtly.
In the final scene before the epilogue, he was talking about the sacrifice of the whole survey corps, he saw all of the ghosts of his comrades. He also made that same speech when he was looking for Monke.
“Is this what everyone died for?”
At that point, it’s kinda obvious still that what keeps Levi going anyway are the relationships. Sure, he does get motivated by freedom but I think, if Levi could have lived comfortably without the survey corps, iif Isabel and Farlan didn’t die, maybe Levi wouldn’t even have continued his career in the survey corps anyway.
He was only there for them after all because they wanted the opportunity to live above ground and if they killed Erwin and stole the documents, they could have lived peacefully above ground.
As soon as Isabel and Farlan died, he literally found himself looking for someone else to follow right after. I think it was Levi’s natural instinct to look for someone else to form a bond or a home with afterwards, which could also explain why in the epilogue, he eventually found one with Falbi and Onyankopon.
It’s kinda a reiteration maybe of what happened in A choice with no regrets, he lost those close to him, so he naturally found a new group of people to call family.
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warm-starlight · 3 years
Do you like Levi’s canon ending or would you prefer an ending with him opening a tea shop?
We can always headcanon he Did open a teashop. I don't know, i feel a little torn. The way he was sitting seemed he is relaxed and comfortable, but his face after he saw that plane was sad. I do hope he got to live his life as well as he could and deal with all the painful memories and trauma as well as he could with the support of Onyankopon and Falbi. Maybe he finally found a family that he didn't lose and those thoughts give me comfort.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 2 years
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I'm delivering on my promise
AoT Alliance's dating advice for Falco
cw: 100% crackpost and stupid cruel jokes
mentions of aruani and jeankasa also reikuri (i love'em all just keep that in mind)
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Armin: Remember, every little step on the way counts. Firstly, make a sudden compliment. Show her your appreciation. Tell her what a kind person she is.
Falco: Alright, that sounds like a good start.
Armin: This would drive her into a false sense of security as you carefully set an exquisite trap for her. Corner her and cut off any possible way of escape. Desparation is the key element here. If she's desperate enough she will be forced to confine herself. She'd think that she'd escaped the confrontation but that's only the beginning.
Falco: What?! Mr Arlert, I don't understand
Armin: You're a smart boy, Falco. I'm sure you will come up with some kind of plan. Just be sure to visit her every day in her confinement and talk to her. Only then she wouldn't be able to do anything but to listen to your confession.
Jean: Surely I can help you with your love ordeal. Now tell me, does she have a sweetheart? Someone she's madly in love with?
Falco: What? No! I wouldn't try and ask her out if she already had someone
Jean: Well, this has to change in case you want the things to work out in your favour eventually. This sweetheart of hers... you need to be prepared to be in the constant rivalry with him. It's exhausting, I must admit but you gotta win in this race. Outlive this mf so that she would be grieving over his death. And then just wait for her to show affection towards you - months, years... However long it would take.
Falco: Your long-term... plan, Mr Kirstein - will it even work out?
Jean *showing the ring on his finger*: You tell me. Had to wait only ten years for it.
Reiner: Manifestation, Falco, that's what counts. Repeat after me. "I gotta marry her"
Falco: I'm not sure what you mean here, Mr Braun
Reiner: You gotta set your goals straight. Repeat this phrase to yourself everytime she starts talking with you, lays her eyes on you, breathes in your direction. "I will marry her", "She for sure will be my wife" - and any other variation of this but it must include the words "marry" and "wedding". If you announce your intentions loud and clear, the universe will hear you and grant you what you want.
Falco *after a long pause* : You didn't succeed, did you?
Reiner *sighs*: No... But at least I've got her letters to comfort me.
Falco: Oh, you re-reading the letters she'd sent you?
Reiner: Of course not, these letters are not even for me. I just sniff the paper where her scent still lingers.
(i'm sorry, it's so crazy)
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Thank you so much for sending in those sweet & beautiful headcanon Asks guys! I promise I’ll get to all of them in the next few days (I’m trying to finish a special milestone insert chapter for As You Are!) 💖
My To-Do-List :   
1) As You Are - Sexy R18 headcanons Pt.2
2) It’s Gotta Be You - Sexy R18 headcanons Pt.2
3) As You Are - Valentine’s Day headcanons (ft. PokkoPiku & Falbi)
4) It’s Gotta Be You - Pregnant!Mikasa, Dad-to-be!Reiner ft. babies R & M ;)
Please bear with me while I work on these & I thank you all for your amazing patience 🥰
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
✨ Oooohh boy..... Eren Yeager
✨ In this post, I'll be discussing Eren as a child and Eren as the 19-year-old Chad we now know him as
✨ Okay, so Eren as a child
✨ Everyday he wakes up looking like an angry gremlin and he growls at people saying hi to him in the hallways
✨ The elementary school teachers genuinely like him and they know deep down he's a very sweet boy but KIDDO PLS GET YOUR HANDS OFF LIL TIMMY'S NECK AND DO YOUR MATHS MANIA MULTIPLICATION WORKSHEET HE DIDN'T MEAN TO DROP YOUR FAVORITE ERASER
✨ Mikasa and Armin were the only people who could calm him down
✨ You know that one kid who gets sent outta the classroom every week? And like teachers always call said kid's parents for a meeting? Eren is that kid
✨ At first, a very disappointed Grisha went to the meetings, and then neither parent went cuz they were too busy, and then Carla always went. By "too busy" I mean having yelling matches and digging up old bones and then storming off like toddlers. That was the hardest part of Eren's life
✨ A lot of Eren's rage came from his parent's crumbling marriage and he missed his dad but MY GOD he was relieved when Grisha left them. Eren has a soft spot deep down for him, but he's gonna break a damn wall if he sees Grisha again, and near his mom
✨ Eren's behavior improves at the start of middle school though. He's still not to be fucked with and lowkey terrifies the teachers, but he's much more amiable
✨ Eren's grades also improve in middle school. He finds more motivation and his study routine is shite but atleast he's putting more effort. Speaking of grades, he always scores 100% in PE
✨ Eren was always the fastest runner and even though he isn't super passionate about sports, he's competitive
✨ I feel like Eren would sometimes do sports for fun, but his main interests lie in martial arts. I hc he learns karate or judo or smth and get numerous degrees in it throughout the years
✨ Eren is popular despite being a hardass. He still gets clowned doe
✨ Now onto college Eren with the long hair and dem abs
✨ He's chill for the most part ig, still scary doe
✨ He gets daily reminders from Mikasa and Armin to study and that's the only reason he passes
✨ I feel like he'd take the same classes as his friends and be nonchalant about college but then get interest in his subject and find it's his passion
✨ "Woah", Eren doing a perfect Gabbie Hannah impression at 3 AM after realizing how much his major means to him
✨ Eren's handwriting is messy but readable. Hw takes notes on random pieces of paper and random notebooks so the night before the exams he's turning the house down looking for that half ripped sticky note
✨ But I mean the grade is good so he won't stop the bad practice
✨ 9/10 times Eren is the veteran face showing new college students around the campus. Him and Jean actually
✨ In a modern world, Eren and Jean are frenemies becuz Eren finds him annoying. They have roast battles and even rap battles. Eren tells Jean to stfu if he even breathes
✨ Eren goes to bed at 2 and he actually tries to fix his sleeping schedule but then Jean sends him game invites and he's just MAD
✨ Sasha and Connie throw parties every weekend and you best believe Jean and Eren are in the convenience stores getting snacks and then tampons to make a tampon princess castle tgt later on
✨ Eren is the friend who has a nice ass car. He picks ppl up and drops them off everyday
✨ He LOVES going on late night rides with his peeps
✨ Eren is head over heels for Mikasa and Mikasa is the same and their mutual pining is so fucking embarrassing atp
✨ Eren is one of those ppl who are scared of love so the intensity of his feelings for Mikasa scare him so when he's hanging out he's like
" Mikasa looks pretty I wanna hold her hand. Welp, time to fuck or beat one out"
✨ Eren is defo popular among the ladies but he isn't flirty, he's just polite. He isn't a fboi despite what other writers say
✨ He does like hookups doe. He'll back off if a gal aint interested doe
✨ Eren also seems like a tattoo kinda guy. He has one of an eagle on his neck and his initials on his back
✨ Idk why but he rubs me as the type of dude who'd be friends with kids. Like 1 or 2. Namely, Gabi and Falco
✨ Eren goes to Paradis college and FalBi go to Paradis middle school. They used the college performing hall for a play and Eren volunteered to help prepare the stage to get out of classes. That's when he met a sweet, quiet Falco and a hyper, feral Gabi. He was amused by their interactions and got nostalgic seeing them tbh cuz he remembered his elementary days with Armin
✨ Gabi was trying to rope Falco in for another one of her dangerous plans and Falco ultimately caved
" Let's sleepover in this hall tonight. Our parents are out and I bought all the stuff we need"
" What? That's crazy! What if we get caught?"
" Come of, Falco. Pleeaaassseee?"
" Fine, but it's on you if we get in trouble"
✨ " Kid with the ponytail, that's a crazy plan but Imma cover for you", said Eren joining in
✨ They've been talking ever since and when Eren realized Gabi is Reiner's fave and closest cousin, they became closer
✨ Overall, Eren is a loveable dude despite being a bit chaotic
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tolkienlockian · 3 years
Part 2 of the Send me a ship and I’ll tell you who Asks for Anon :)
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you who Link here
Tries to start role-playing in bed
Pokkopikku: Honestly, I could see them both wanting to experiment a little and try new things. Pieck, maybe, would be the one to suggest it, but Porco would definitely be up for it.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
Aruani: Like I said, Annie can’t get drunk even if she tries in my headcanon. However, once she has a drink or two, she can loosen up and even start dancing. The others from the squad don’t dare to tease her about it, though, because they know that Annie and Armin will kick their asses if they do :P
Still cries watching Titanic
Falbi: Falco openly cries whenever they watch Titanic, and he even hides his head on Gabi’s shoulders. Gabi is trying to hide her own tears, so she either holds Falco silently, or she starts yelling at the screen that there is room for two on that door and that Jack’s death is totally meaningless.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Falbi: Hmmm...Probably neither. Falco is too anxious about his own costume anyway, and Gabi is the type of person who thinks that all this is unnecessary. She IS quite curious to see Falco’s costumes, though.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Aruani: Both, both, BOTH. They both believe the motto that it’s the thought that counts, and that a small, yet meaningful gift is way more important than any expensive gift.
Makes the other eat breakfast
Pokkopikku: Just like in the previous Ask about lunch, Porco makes sure that Pieck eats a healthy breakfast every day. He doesn’t even let Pieck near the kitchen, insisting he makes breakfast himself.
Remembers anniversaries
Falbi: Definitely both. They have it in their mind even weeks before the anniversary, and make plans about the day in advance. Especially on their birthdays, they plan small and adorable surprises for the other.
Brings up having kids
Aruani: Both decide to take things slow and at their own pace before starting to think of a family. Armin would be the one to first think of kids, but he would first try to see what Annie thinks about it and they would have long talks abut it.
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