cruxymox · 1 year
drank too much ocean,
not alien to me ) i drowned
so careful yet ( .
twice we met
like dreams (( does it? .
i still wave to the sea
waving, in excitement )
sending warm wind, but .
it no longer waves in return ( to me
prompt: "waving, in excitement" by @ rand... i mean, @fakesurprise ( thank you! )
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randomlyjay · 9 months
I’m not having an adventure tonight but!! that’s jaysome too!!
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fakesurprise · 1 year
UHM!! You're totally OK right cuz I busted out EMERGENCY HUGS and put you allll back together!!!!
i am a puzzle of many pieces
i am snow in a world of only sun
i am where shadows rest after they die
i contain nothing
i spread out further than sight
i hear the galaxies singing songs to each other like whales as they migrate so far away
i am
oh what is this?
a hug?
Ah... that was... different.
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luciblackanima · 1 month
Tumblr media
It's my 12 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
And everything changed the day I started posting on here. I have made many, lifelong friends that I’m eternally grateful for.
There are people on here that have made this life thing a little easier just by existing and creating strung together words and art that I am in constant awe of.
I’m just going to name a few that immediately come to mind but please know that I appreciate every interaction anyone has ever had with me and my words.
And Beth (I can’t find your @ right now but you know which Beth I refer to).
There are people whose names should be on this list that are no longer in this world but still live on by what they created, Lauren and Michael.
Thank you all for the inspiration over the years.
Loads of love
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torrentialmonsoon · 1 year
Comfort films tag thingy majingy by @infamouslyroggylives. Thanks, dude. Mine are so random.
Nanny McPhee
Time for comfort animated films!
The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
But I'm also now adding comfort movie series because that's a must!
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
The Hunger Games
Okay, obviously now it's time for comfort TV shows because why not?!
Attack on Titan (waiting for the final final final final final? part)
Brooklyn-Nine Nine
Stranger Things
EXTRA special addition because I can't possibly leave out FMA Brotherhood!
So I made this way longer than it was supposed to be but isn't this so much more fun?! I tag @cruxymox @the-hollow-quiet @infamouslyroggylives again because now do the whole thing, @takingstockofwhatmattersmost @fakesurprise @dg-fragments @vagabondking @desayunogratis @nakedlastforever-blog @mikefrawley @goneahead @anjo-by-the-sea @madworlddiary @mylovaboxa and of course @twohousesoftheholy. If you aren't tagged and you want to participate, please doooooo
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Fifty Shades of Jay
This is @randomlyjay fan fiction/poetry I found in my email drafts… Why’s it hiding there? The inspiration to the piece is long forgotten, written on 22 April 2022 and published now b’cuz a Jay has started worrying about @fakesurprise and that can not be a good sign… here goes… In a moment of lucidity, unawares of my overhearing, surveilling a state of mind of another kind, you said you saw fifty shades of Jay and it scared you stiff; In that moment of lucidity, you had found a truth most profound, a truth about a Jay hushed and often silenced by those in charge: three men in black, or the fae; In that moment you signed the book of the dead as spoken by the three witches of the Nay: a jay does not have a shadow, a Jay stands in the light, alone and Jaysome, maybe asking for a Charlie's whereabouts or a Honcho's advice on everything BUT! always Jaysome and always without shadows of a doubt.
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cruxymox-skeleton · 9 months
i have a follower?
oh strange!
follow the bones follow the bones follow the bones
hmm who else?
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bluedragonbooks · 1 year
Pocket Universe
The view changed.
One moment the Ambassador and I had been looking at his homeworld and discussing the finalisation of the trading agreements our teams had negotiated. The next - we were looking at Earth. I hadn’t felt us jump, but we’d moved 5 Billion Light Years in a blink.
"Not me - umm we have a visitor."
“Hello Icarus, Hello Daedalus, Hello Daedaleus Friend.
I sighed and spun around to face my visitor; a small grinning 11 year old framed against the Earthlight of Icarus’ Observation lounge. "Hello Jay - to what do we owe the pleasure?"
"It’s me and I’m doing a helping and and a visiting - cos Icarus hasn’t been home in ages and ages."
"It’s been less than a month, Jay.” Icarus replied
"But I have jaysome news, @fakesurpise is letting lots of people be Jay’s for a whole month and write their own adventures. Look … He twirled … I made a new coat with enough colors for everyone and lots and lots of pockets for me to keep their adventures in."
I framed the question carefully, this particular 11 year-old boys has been known to misundertand. "Are you sure @fakesurprise wants lots of people writing #AdventuresInJay for a whole month, it sounds like a recipe for an oops."
"That’s ok, I backed up the universe in case there was an oops."
"Jay, what do ypu mean you backed up the universe?” Icarus always says I’m a natural worry-wart, and my thoughts go towards the power involved in a literal backing-up; of an 11 year-old Jay reversing time across the entire Universe and I shudder; mentally composing a message to Charlie
"I spoke to the Multiverse and they said they were already lots of copies, but couldn’t give me one because they were already for people and adventures; so I made another one, but even tho my pockets are bigger on the inside, I had to huggify the universe a lot to get it to fit. But now we have a spare universe just in case we need it, and I even made a binding so it wouldn't go BANG too soon."
Jay proudly twirled around, spinning his new coat until the colours blurred and became inky night speckled with stars that were galaxies that were made up of stars that were also galaxies made up of stars that were galaxies and …it just kept resolving deeper and deeper like those old fractal gifs. I felt like I was falling into endless spinning night.
My vision blurred, and eyes and my head both ached before I managed to pull my gaze away.
"Have you shown Charlie?" I asked.
"Not yet, I wanted Icarus and you to see it first - I better go and show her too. See ya."
“Jay" … too late … he was gone; "Icarus, please jump us back to the Ambassadors homeworld."
"You know the Jay?" queried the Ambassador
"Yes, we’re well acquainted." I laughed. "It’s quite the adventure whenever he takes me away from my regular duties."
"We have legends … but to actually meet him at this age in particular - it exceeds all the stories. I think we can forgo further formalities - I’m happy to sign the treaty - with our new friends.”
“To friendship then. I need a drink. You?”
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jonaswpoetry · 2 years
Hi. Same anon with the "any tips for new Tumblr users to get their posts seen." question. Sorry to bother you again, but would you have any recommendations for writing blogs to follow? I just posted a fic, a master list for characters I have, and one character post I did for an example, if you want to see it that way, on the new blog.
I write about my characters and a fic if I am interested in the fandom enough, although I won't have many fics as I don't have much access to that. I do have plenty of original characters I can work with though. One note I would have to list is the blog has to be LGBT friendly as nearly all of mine are LGBT. I have only 13 characters who are cis and heterosexual out of my entire list. So it's important that they are LGBT friendly.
Hey! Sorry for my delayed reply, I've just had little free time over the last few days.
Oof there are so many blogs on here I could recommend and I'd never be able to get them all into this one ask! I follow mostly poetry blogs, I don't think so many people posting fics. @fakesurprise comes to mind though! They be cool and talented. I can also recommend as talented and wonderful people (just a few of the large number I follow) @alexandraswritingblock, @simply-eno, @elvedon, @mikefrawley, @dhritkavya-rasayana, @meaningfallpoetry, @whereflowersbloom, @sagedigger, @definegodliness, @imperiallefty, @smakkabagms, @enslavedmind.
I'll admit I don't know the views of all these people regarding LGBT+ folks, but most if not all of them I've been mutuals with for years and have yet to notice any sentiments of bigotry towards any kinds of people. I wouldn't follow them if they did express those sorts of views.
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caffeinatedcharlie · 2 years
@fakesurprise is there a reason why Jay is wondering whether brunch in a conspiracy against breakfast?
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📍ꨄ fakesurprise- you told me a story how the sun loved the water how the moon was made to reflect a small piece of their ancient love i asked: why clouds? you said: you’ll know when you’re older but i do not understand not my dreams not the clouds and never the storm in my soul that echoes again
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randomlyjay · 1 year
Today I feet, everyone!! :D
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fakesurprise · 3 months
a moment of horror....
... imagining a universe where @randomlyjay was NOT a sideblog but a whole entire account....
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Tagged by @the-hollow-quiet for a Tag Game: Shuffle your library, list 10 songs, and tag 10 people. Shuffle your library? *throws collection of C90s into empty box* *shakes said box for 30 seconds, then empties box on floor* List 10 songs? *closes eyes and picks 10 random cassettes from the very dirty floor. Attempts to decipher the song lists and pick random songs* 1. Dio - Don’t Talk to Strangers 2. Monty Python - Sit on my Face 3. Richie Blackmore’s Rainbow - Snake Charmer 4. Whitesnake - Belgian Tom’s Hat Trick 5. Thin Lizzy - Sarah 6. Dire Straits - Lady Writer 7. Midnight Oil - Section 5 (Bus to Bondi) 8. Led Zeppelin- Four Sticks 9. Hunters & Collectors - Watcher 10. Cold Chisel - Northbound Tag 10 people? …😈 @randomlyjay @fakesurprise @caffeinatedcharlie @realsurprise @anjo-by-the-sea @oneweve525 @slouch-tells-all
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cruxymox-skeleton · 9 months
i noticed that @fakesurprise's avatar says
"click here"
and that's a click
like a clack
and a clackety clickity clack
*starts dancing madly about*
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cc929 · 1 year
fakesurprise: you told me a story how the sun loved the water how the moon was made to reflect a small piece of their ancient love i asked: why clouds? you said: you’ll know when you’re older but i do not understand not my dreams not the clouds and never the storm in my soul that echoes again
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