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pennsyltuckyheathen · 2 years ago
It never happened.  It was a “what if” fictional case that any other Supreme Court would have refused to consider.  She was not sanctioned or fined by the state of Colorado for discriminating against a same sex couple because it NEVER HAPPENED!  She was not subjected to any personal or business injury that damaged her business reputation or resulted in financial losses.  And she can’t even present reliable evidence to substantiate her case.  
I’m sure the Christian Religious Freedom gay-hating groups that backed her and who want to use their freedom to stomp all over yours, and who want to erase LGBTQ+ from American society are celebrating the smears, lies and fiction they used to present a bogus case to Supreme Court.  For the court to even agree to hear a case with no basis in reality, without an aggrieved or injured party, proves the “conservative” (aka compromised) Justices have followed the example of Republicans and white Christian elitists in abandoning morals, ethics, integrity and the rule of law.  The “conservatives” on the current court lied during their confirmation hearings, deceived Congress and acted only to the benefit of themselves and their personal beliefs.  
This ruling shows - yet again - that precedent and the rule of law is a superfluous consideration and they are only concerned with their allegiances to the Federalist Society who groomed them, top percenters and the billionaires with whom they��ve developed relationships that have been financially beneficial.  
The liberals on the Supreme Court have maintained their integrity, standards and fair, accurate and reasonable interpretations of the law.  They’re saints compared to the conservative, self-serving degenerates they must tolerate.
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 3 years ago
Impeach these unethical, unqualified two-faced SCROTUS whack-job 'justices' who lied through their teeth so they could betray all Americans.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has suggested justices who may have lied to Congress should be impeached. The right is not happy about it.
Right-wing media are attacking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for suggesting that Supreme Court justices who lied to Congress in their confirmation hearings should face impeachment investigations. Their panicked reaction reveals the continued importance of the court in the conservative movement’s project to roll back an array of social and civil rights gained over the last half-century. 
Ocasio-Cortez has also offered proposals that would fundamentally rein in the power of the Supreme Court and called for a mass mobilization in support of abortion rights, which right-wing media is cynically attempting to equate to the fascist insurrection Donald Trump instigated on January 6.
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neto-hikari · 5 years ago
So where is #feminism now where is the #equiltyforall if you cared you would be doing something about this! Don't fucking lie all you want is power! Power that you are unworthy of! #facts #notsorry #getreal #getoffended #japan #korean #china #womanwhoreallysuffed #realpeople #youarefake #fakewarriors #fakejustice #cancelculture https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzUQU5nhqW/?igshid=1n8qsmy04p3x4
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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🖍Eneko las Heras 20.12.19 #vinyeta #cartoon #fakejustice #justíciafarsa #EspanyaNoésunaDemocràcia #TribunalSupremo #TS #faketrial #llibertatpresospolÍtics #stoprepressió #prorepressió #S_Pain (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6h4hV_pyNM/?igshid=lk0cvvjd2ppv
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kings-court-poetry · 6 years ago
Pseudo Justice verses
Pseudo Justice vs the masses
Dictating the classes
Flips from side to side
Pseudo Justice vs the people
Lands us in a deep hole
Sitting under assault ready to die
Pseudo Justice vs empathy
Not caring what this could mean for many
And yet they’re the ones who decide
Pseudo Justice vs those on the other side
Telling them to bare the avoidable responsibilities
Whilst they run and hide
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danielgarciaperis · 6 years ago
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A #Gelida ja es va ocupar la setmana passada un comando nocturn de treure aquestes pancartes de l’@ANCGelida de la Plaça de la Vila #FakeJustice #Makeamove #LlibertatPresosPolítics (at Gelida, Alt Penedès, Catalunya) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvM_haelVCD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qaq048vi55oo
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germandejuana · 6 years ago
#VagaGeneral21F #FakeTrial#FakeJustice Milers de persones a #Girona a la reclamant la #RepublicaCatalana pic.twitter.com/p8W4phr2KS
— Freddy (@FredigVba) February 21, 2019
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watchmennews · 6 years ago
LIBERAL TEARS OVER ' #TrumpFakeEmergency ' DEMS PROMOTE: #FakeAmericans #FakeCitizens #FakeGender #FakeRacism #FakeTolerance #FakeJustice #FakeOaths #FakeHysteria #FakeVotes #FakeNews #DumpDems & #MAGA on. https://t.co/afojWpi0c8
LIBERAL TEARS OVER ‘ #TrumpFakeEmergency ‘ DEMS PROMOTE: #FakeAmericans #FakeCitizens #FakeGender #FakeRacism #FakeTolerance #FakeJustice #FakeOaths #FakeHysteria #FakeVotes #FakeNews #DumpDems & #MAGA on. https://t.co/afojWpi0c8
LIBERAL TEARS OVER ' #TrumpFakeEmergency '
DEMS PROMOTE:#FakeAmericans#FakeCitizens#FakeGender#FakeRacism#FakeTolerance#FakeJustice#FakeOaths#FakeHysteria#FakeVotes#FakeNews#DumpDems & #MAGA on. pic.twitter.com/afojWpi0c8
— Watchmen News (@watchmennews911) February 15, 2019
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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🐥 twitter.com/eduardvoltas/status/1219524931366608896 #Trapero #Mossos #1Oct #1octubre #judicifarsa #lawfare #fakejustice #EduardVoltas #twitter #twitterquotes #twitterposts #twitter #algúhohaviadedir (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mD5GPBWSb/?igshid=vovmjzsxv79p
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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🐥 twitter.com/soler_toni/status/1215583405590614017 #CDR #ToniSoler #fakejustice #EspanyaNoésunademocràcia #Noésjustíciaésvenjança #monaquiabananera #OperacióJudes #guerrabruta #Ñ #Espanya (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7J5Rx6JAKx/?igshid=1820hoti58qva
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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🖍Ferreres 02.01.20 #Ferreres #ManuelMarchena #FelipeVI #fakejustice #EspanyaNoésunademocràcia #Noésjustíciaésvenjança #vinyeta #cartoon #dibuix #illustració #drawing #caricature #monaquiabananera (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Eu2pUBBpn/?igshid=2lfelbzzhmwt
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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#CarmeForcadell #EspanyaNoésunaDemocràcia #MonarquiaBananera #fakejustice #NoÉsJustíciaÉsVenjança (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7CFTmTBdnQ/?igshid=1kes3x0hj7g8a
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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🖍Ferreres 05.01.20 #Ferreres #PabloLlarena #fakejustice #EspanyaNoésunademocràcia #Noésjustíciaésvenjança #vinyeta #cartoon #dibuix #illustració #drawing #caricature #monaquiabananera (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_FdCfBTkB/?igshid=4jadp6c57aff
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danielgarciaperis · 6 years ago
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Alegres i combatius #Manifestació #AutodeterminacióNoÉsDelicte #DemocràciaÉsDecidir #JudiciFarsa #FakeJustice #MakeAMove #Madrid (at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvFBpeFBJCK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gepvqe2fnpay
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danielgarciaperis · 6 years ago
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54a concentració setmanal @ANCGelida amb lectura de la #carta als socis d’@omnium de @jcuixart, el seu #audio al #JudiciFarsa i com sempre exigint la #llibertat de tots els presos polítics i exiliats #MakeAMove #FakeJustice #LlibertatPresosPolítics #Gelida #Penedès (at Gelida, Alt Penedès, Catalunya) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bueos5ohtNj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=28585zzausc1
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danielgarciaperis · 6 years ago
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53a concentració setmanal @ANCGelida amb lectura del #manifest de l’oposició a l’@AjuntamGelida dels grups d’@EsquerraGelida, @CDCGelida i @CUPGelida contra el #JudiciFarsa #Makeamove #FakeJustice #LlibertatPresosPolítics #Gelida #Penedès (at Gelida, Alt Penedès, Catalunya) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMmLQSBZvz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k2xptjywxqm9
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