#Fairy Tail 545
raijin-tribe · 2 months
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Color Page for Chapter 545!
Source: Fairy Tail Chapter 545 [FULL COLOR] | Imgur [7/29/17] The English colored version of the entire final chapter was made possible by the awesome people (u/AmazingSpiderMan & u/11thDoctr) over on Reddit! And was actually released 7 years ago today!
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fairytailuv4life · 2 years
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Colored by me
A very beginner btw
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fire-keys-and-wings · 2 years
Natsu and Lucy moments, Lucy and Happy moments - Chapter 545 (final)
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The final chapter in full color by Hiro Mashima can be found here (x)
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malewifehenrycooldown · 9 months
When Ly.on meets Nova at a poignant point in his life, he doesn’t become infatuated with Ju.via. However I think it would be cool if Ly.on and Ju.via were friends :D
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fairydares · 3 months
Princes to Dragons
[Putting this up here now while I have a spare moment! Nalu oneshot for Nalu Week. Day 1 Prompt: Cuddling/Nightmare. Rated G.
[Summary: Day 1 of Nalu Week 2024! Prompt: “Cuddling/Nightmare.” A scene you’d expect, given the prompt: the first time Natsu sneaks into Lucy’s bed after Porlyusica made Lucy cuddle with him in order to save him from hypothermia. Takes place just after Alvarez. Lucy’s perspective.
[Here's the AO3 Link. If you like it, consider giving it a hit/kudo or something over there, plus keeping your eye out for when I post the other prompts 😅]
"Gajeel and Levy have gotten closer. I kind of get jealous when I see them." - Fairy Tail Chapter 545: “Friends You Can’t Do Without”, Lucy’s internal monologue (pg. 9, scan)
"I’ve been following developments between Gray and Juvia, but…there are other pairings to take an interest in, too!" - Fairy Tail Chapter 545: “Friends You Can’t Do Without”, Lucy’s internal monologue (pg. 14, scan)
When Lucy’s eyes opened in the middle of the night and found the full moon glowing between her breeze-stirred curtains, she knew exactly what she’d find in her bed, and it made her heart leap in a completely different way than it ever had.
Why? Well…at that point, she still wasn’t thinking about it, thank you very much!
(It was all starting to leak out of a box she’d once been only dimly aware of, and she had no clue what to do.)
Her overconditioned Home Invader Instincts (“That’s called ‘paranoia,’ Lucy,” Happy had once quipped, earning a loud “Shut it, Cat!”) once again proved tragically sharp; before she was even fully awake or could really articulate why she knew to start looking, she began squirming and rooting groggily through her pink sheets and blankets. The bleariness finally wore off enough for her to sit up and yank back the blankets, revealing an obscenely toned bare back and an unmistakable head of wild pink hair on a drool-stained pillow.
“Those jerks! After all the times I’ve told them to quit breaking in here! They’re unbelievable! Wait…where’s Happy?” Her grip loosened and her eyes went wide and blinked in the dark.
Digging through the blankets—and no, she was not being gentle about it. Why should she be when digging around an intruder? Also, her heart was not “fluttering” like the romantically-inclined writer in her was trying to insist; it was pounding. And even if it had been “fluttering,” it was not because an entire year lay between this and the last time she’d found the pyro in her bed—it was because of anger!
(Her hands shook in the moonlight even as she grabbed and tugged at bunches of quilt. Her cheeks felt molten. Her stomach was a storm of butterflies, the feeling as panic-inducing as it was thrilling. Worse, she couldn’t understand why she was feeling this way…it never used to be this bad! Seriously, what was wrong with her lately?)
Anyways, digging through the blankets did not reveal Natsu’s abidingly present partner, confirming the improbable:
Happy wasn’t there.
“H-he didn’t even bring the cat?!” Lucy whisper-screeched, clutching at blankets like pearls. Oh, now she really couldn’t believe him! Not only had the creep broken into her apartment and snuck into her bed, he hadn’t even brought Happy so it wasn’t just her and him in the bed...alone.
And he’d…he’d taken his shirt off! She knew he was still injured from the battle against Zeref and Acnologia, more injured even than most of them, and that he’d probably shed the garment to let his bandages breathe. After all, he’d been whining about it plenty around the guild. But still! There went what little propriety (and with their nosy, raunchy guild, what little plausible deniability) he’d ever given her to begin with. With how thick he was, she doubted he’d have any notion of the difference, and she’d be the one left to to splutter explanations no one would believe. Mavis knew that was all Lucy needed. For reasons unknown, Levy, Mira, and Cana’s teasing had gotten worse than ever lately, to the point that they were hard enough to handle without this ammo.
With her fluster pitching to outrage—
(More slowly than usual, her heart seeming to stagger into it as she turned her focus to him. Much to her dismay, she needed a moment to hold her hand over her chest and try to calm the organ galloping within.)
—Lucy reached for the tanned skin glowing in the moonlight over more dips and swells of muscle than she’d quite gotten used to, shrieking, “Natsu!”
The choked cry caused her hand to freeze above his back, all the anger startled right out of her. Despite how loud she’d been and the fact she’d said his name, the groggy quality to his answer along with the out-of-place fear and desperation told her instincts that he was still fast asleep. Her expression of anger shifted to one of shock, and then concern in the moonlit dark, eyes widening even as her brow furrowed and the corners of her lips tugged down.
“…Natsu? Hey, are you alright?” Much softer this time, but it still did no good. Leaning over to examine him more closely only confirmed her suspicions, and deepened her worried frown. Sweat beaded over his skin. His face was contorted into an expression of fear—and agony that seemed to clench her heart in a fist stronger even than Erza’s. The Dragon Slayer grew visibly more agitated by the second, fists clenching at her pillow hard enough that she was sure it would rip. That, or his hurt hand would wake him up.
In this strange and unusual moment, though, neither of those possibilities really registered as a concern to Lucy.
That helpless, almost childlike expression…she wasn’t used to seeing Natsu like this. From the very beginning, he’d been her rock. Protecting her from crazy situations as surely as he dragged her into them, lending her strength when she was out, and giving her hope when she was sure there was none left. The almost childlike, terrified, grief-stricken expression he wore scared her a lot more than she wanted to admit.
(She never wanted to see this look on his face again, but also wanted to be the one person he shared all his hidden sides with…even his fears. Wasn’t that strange?)
“Natsu…” she mumbled again, desperate to help him the way he always helped her, but unsure how. Should she wake him up, or would that just embarrass both of them?
And what was he dreaming about that made him look so awful, anyway? With the war they’d just fought, she could think of plenty. Her dreams hadn’t exactly been all cake and peaches, either, but—
“…Eyes?”—he whimpered, a fat tear running down the cheek facing her—“Why aren’t you…moving? Lucy!”
Lucy’s eyes went wide.
If that’s what’ll make you happy, then I don’t need these eyes, you scum!
You little witch! When I’m done with you…no one will even be able to tell who you were!
Sorry about before. I don’t remember much, but…I guess I got carried away. See, I thought Lucy was dead, so…
Realization, with all the horrible memories attached, hit the Celestial Mage hard enough to knock all the breath, lines, and in-betweens out of her, if only for a moment.
Her breath was what she got back first.
“Oh, Natsu…” she mumbled feelingly, understanding fully what was going on right away. How could she not? She’d been having flashbacks, too. Sometimes during the day, catching her off-guard and leaving her very shaken, requiring her to step away from everyone for a moment. But more often they happened at night, just like this. Others had mentioned it, too, but Natsu hadn’t said a word about having the same problems…obviously, he’d been keeping it to himself. Trying to be everyone’s strength, to look forward with a smile just like always. Empathy wrung at her, drawing her to clamber over him before she really realized she was doing it. The blankets and sheets rustled as she effectively straddled him, not that she was thinking of it that way. Brown eyes fretted over his miserable-looking face in the dark.
“L-Lucy…” he whimpered.
What she did next was pure instinct, something she’d done on the one and only real job Team Natsu had taken after the war, mostly to keep Erza from battering him into unconsciousness on the train to Peonia. Crawling over him as quietly and carefully as she could to get a good angle, she lowered trembling fingers towards his hair.
She stopped just above the soft curve of the highest pink spike, finally wondering what on earth she was doing. Even if he had been having nightmares, that was no excuse for breaking and entering! She should have been throwing him out, not encouraging him! Although now that she knew what it was like when he never snuck into her bed, she grudgingly admitted it was worse than the alternative.
(How many nights had she ached to wake up and find him and Happy in her bed? Or, on hotter nights—she flushed—just him. For the first time under these circumstances, the thought of a Lucy kick or her usual method of screaming made her falter. This wasn’t like her, not at all...)
She grimaced. Had another whimper not escaped him, and his palms not started smoking against her pillow, she might not have followed through. But alarm drove her over that last, scary edge. And before she knew it, her fingers were moving through his hair.
“Natsu, it’s okay,” Lucy murmured in her most soothing voice, stroking at the surprisingly soft spikes. “Everything’s okay, now…I’m okay. We’re okay.”
(In that moment, she was jealous of his lack of awareness. How desperately she wanted not to know full well she was speaking to both of them.)
Slowly, the smoke dissipated from sight, leaving only its scent hanging in the air along with the slightly cloying scent of burnt fabric, which Lucy subconsciously decided to deal with later. As she continued to run her fingers tenderly through the salmon strands, from scalp to ends, the distraught Dragon Slayer’s expression eased, a flush rising against his cheeks. Slowly, the tension ebbed from muscles he’d left her to build. By the time the moon brushed the top of the window’s frame, he was practically purring under her attention, still asleep. Gravelly, happy noises emanated into Lucy’s pillow, making her bite the inside of her cheek against a giggle.
At first, all she could do was hold her breath. But before long, her eyes narrowed, growing dark and sparkly in affection as she studied his much more peaceful looking form. A soft smile tugged at her lips.
(The protectiveness—tender as it was fierce, glowed right there in her chest, strong enough to scare the everliving crap right out of her all over again.)
If there was a time to gather her blankets and a pillow and head to the couch, it was then. Natsu looked much calmer now. Her attempts at soothing him had clearly worked, all signs of nightmare gone. She could walk away, yell at him in the morning, ask where Happy was (feigning obliviousness to the reason she now knew exactly what might have drawn her over), and let things go back to normal.
(If there was a time to rebury it all, now was it.)
(But as she let her eyes devour his bliss, it was like she became entranced. The simple fact that she had such an effect on him was mesmerizing, and made her much happier than she wanted to admit. A small giggle escaped despite her best efforts, all the adoration bubbling up inside her and spilling out without her permission, fueling her to drop her lips to his ear.)
(“Quit making people worry about you,” she whispered the same thing she’d said to him when they’d reunited back then, adding a warm, “dummy.”)
“Lucy,” he groaned just as she’d started to move carefully away from him, the urgency in his rough voice making it seem like he knew—on some level—that she was leaving. She gasped as a large, warm hand encircled her wrist in a strong grip and began tugging.
“N-Natsu!” It took all the strength she could muster at this time of night to keep the stammer down to a hiss, the sound tipping into a gasp and then a squeak as she found herself drawn against him in a preternaturally strong embrace. He’d subconsciously rolled to his side, almost his back. He had both arms wrapped around her, one around her upper back and the other around her lower, even their legs tangled together. Her entire face exploded in heat as his large, taut, warm inner thigh (He’d taken off his pants, too?! That jerk!) slid up the outside of hers, an equally strong calf curving around the back of hers to further entrap her.
(Another, embarrassing gasp fled her lungs. Her entire body gave one, strong shudder, erupting in goosebumps.)
Once she got her bearings, she struggled to get free. She really did. But there was no fighting the Dragon Slayer’s constant oozing into her space under the best of circumstances, and these were not them. Not only was she tired, she was desperate not to wake him up. In fact, if he woke up now, she was sure she’d die of embarrassment. She had absolutely no clue how she’d explain their current situation to the fiery, dense, ever-wicked idiot. Already, she could hear Happy’s teasing after Natsu told him what had transpired here tonight, and the thought had her forcibly relaxing every muscle in her body and biting her lip.
After giving herself time to calm down, she finally looked up at him again.
(Within moments of studying the smile he now wore, so starkly different from his earlier fear, she was no longer pouting and glaring.)
Defeated, Lucy—slow, halting, and hesitant—nestled closer to him. For the very first time, she followed the pull of whatever he’d unknowingly rooted in her. As the blankets rustled with her uncharacteristically careful, gentle movement and settling, she was unable to help how she blushed at the way their bodies seemed to fit together so tenderly, how her breath hitched at the way her chest melted to shape against his firm one, how the safety she found in his arms filled her with warmth.
(She’d changed. She could feel it. It was too late to prevent a thing, and the thought terrified her.)
This was Natsu, after all. Her best friend. He was always protecting her…now it was her turn to protect him, too. Even just in her own small way.
She squeezed her eyes shut.
(Mama…she thought, then stopped, unable to force herself to tell her mother how she felt even in thought, let alone ink. She felt so lost. The Prince Charming she’d always imagined herself ending up with was turning into a dragon—no, he had turned into one. And not only had she realized it at the same time she actually started to feel ready for that part of her life after the trauma of almost being married off by her father, but when Natsu leaving forced her to learn that the one thing she could never bear to do was risk losing him. She had no clue what to do.)
Natsu moved—sluggishly, in a still-asleep way. Regardless, it was abrupt (and weird) enough that she still squeaked and struggled against the urge to either flail or scream at him for being CREEPY when he turned his nose into her hair and breathed deeply.
After sniffing her (again, creepy!) Natsu sighed.
“Luce…” he mumbled one last time, light as air. The sound—her name, that one word—was so full of relief and contentment that she couldn’t help but peek up at him slowly one last time. And once again, as she let her eyes take in the adorable sight of his sleepy, smiling face, there was just no helping the balm that wormed its way into her soul and heart, none at all.
She buried her face into his warm, solid chest.
It will be fine like this...won’t it? she thought, eyes drifting shut as his warmth filled her. As long as I have him, as long as I can stay by his side...that’s all I need. It’ll be fine.
(It has to be.)
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allfiredupfornalu · 1 year
Chapter 545: Irreplaceable Friends
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In the year X793, Lucy wins an award for her new book while all the guilds in the country of Fiore move on with their lives. Hisui pardons Crime Sorcière of their crimes, allowing them to live on to the future.
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Gajeel points out that since Lucy and Anna have the same smell, it means he likes Anna. In which Natsu does not deny. It's cute how the Heartfilia Clan has this history with him. He even got the heiress, as his.
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Lucy wakes up thinking everything was just a dream. Then sees Natsu and Happy in his house comfortably waiting for her to wake up. She remembers what she did while drunk. We should've seen more of it! Don't fret Lucy, you are Natsu's future bride.
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And as Natsu invites her for a job, Lucy is bombarded with memories of them together. Let's dissect this:
1. The Duke of Everloo episode, wherein Natsu tells Lucy that she must burn the book since this is their job. First job and first partnership together!
2. Galuna Island Arc
3. When Natsu saves Lucy from falling, Phantom Lord Arc
4. Loke Arc, when the monsters (Natsu, Gray, and Erza) were having a pillow fight.
5. When an injured Natsu talks with Laxus
6. Oracion seis arc, when they were bombed by Zero
7. Edolas arc, when Earth Lucy met Edo Lucy.
8. Tenrou Island Arc, their battle with Cain Hikaru
9. GMG Arc, Natsu thanks Future Lucy
10. Tartaros Arc, Natsu vs Mard Geer and Igneel vs Acnologia
11. Natsu comes back after the 1 year timeskip
12. Alvarez Arc, the end of the war
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Lucy envelops Natsu in a hug. She is thankful and happy with everything that happened. And when it gets emotional, Natsu drags her out to go for a job.
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With a promise.
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We end Fairy Tail on their 100 year quest.
I never thought that this would happen. Many people were supporting me along the way. I shared with my first blog that I was doing this to heal my inner child who has always been a Fairy Tail fan since 2011. It's been part of my growth and will always be part of my heart.
I'm happy I was able to finish the whole series and finish my NaLu blog! I'm still thinking if I shall proceed with the 100 year quest (it's still ongoing thus I'm hesitating). We'll know when we cross that bridge.
For all the FT fans and the NaLu fans, I'm wishing you all the best. Hope we can see you again soon! Love lots 🩷💛
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xanvasofxords · 2 years
Miraxus Canon Masterlist
Stanning Miraxus in 2022, more likely than you think HA!
Anyways, this is my contribution to Miraxus day this year. A post containing all Miraxus content from manga and 100 Years Quest sequel. Feel free to add if I missed something!
Fairy Tail Manga
Chapter 025 : Mira finds out about the stolen S-class job, Laxus informs about Happy (Page 06). Mira scolds him about not informing earlier (Page 07). Laxus says that he hasn't seen her angry face in a while (Page 08).
Chapter 051 : Mira asks Laxus to help the guild in its crisis against Phantom Lord (Page 11). She tells him about Lucy but he disrespects Lucy, then Cana resulting in Mira breaking the lacrima in anger (Page 12). Mira complains about Laxus' behavior while crying (Page 13).
Chapter 069 : Mira tells Laxus to not blame Lucy for the Phantom Lord incident, reminding him that he didn't help the guild (Page 11).
Chapter 106 : Mira tells Makarov that it'd be nice if Laxus joined in the festival (Page 16).
Chapter 276 : Mira guesses that Laxus also gets motion sick on moving vehicles like all other dragon slayers, he then tells her to not say a word to anybody else (Page 12).
Chapter 279 : Laxus reminds the others on his team that Mira isn't someone they want to make angry (Page 22).
Chapter 286 : Mira cheers for Laxus (Page 09). She's shocked to see him getting beat up by Alexei (Page 14).
Chapter 287 : Mira becomes really happy after Laxus defeats Raven Tail (Page 14).
Chapter 329 : Cover page features Mira giving Laxus a different haircut!
Chapter 358 : Mira is distraught after hearing Laxus' life-threatening situation from Porlyusica (Page 19).
Chapter 359 : Mira worriedly looks over at an injured Laxus in the infirmary, assuring him he’ll get better and that he should just rest for now (Page 13).
Chapter 380 : Cover page features Mira and Laxus doing a couple dance!
Chapter 545 : Mira and Laxus are talking and drinking together, Lucy mentions a rumor about them dating each other a while back.
100 Years Quest
Chapter 70 : Cover page features Mira and Laxus on an aquarium date!
• Detailed but incomplete •
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ao3feed-gratsu · 1 month
Icey Pet
by Green_Savior
Gray's long defeated rival, Lyon, kidnaps his boyfriend, Natsu. The guild tries long and hard to find their lost member. When they do... Well... Is it too late?
Words: 545, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lyon Vastia, Gray Fullbuster
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lyon Vastia, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel & Happy, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia
Additional Tags: Natsu Dragneel Needs a Hug, Bottom Natsu Dragneel, Protective Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster Needs a Hug, Gay Gray Fullbuster, Bisexual Male Character, it's natsu, Master/Pet, Master/Slave, Out of Character Natsu Dragneel, Kinda, more like, Mind Manipulation, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Blow Jobs, Rape/Non-con Elements, Collars
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just-absolutely-super · 3 months
FT Oneshot Review
Doing this because it’s been so looooooong since I’ve done a review for a FT chapter
Gonna talk in depth under the cut but here’s the TLDR version:
It’s a oneshot chapter that takes place a day before the final chapter of the series proper and before 100YQ, definitely a celebration for the upcoming anime series. The plot is nothing major or groundbreaking, but it’s a very cute in-between chapter that is full of typical FT humor, and that’s what i loved about it.
More in depth thoughts here:
First, i want to talk about the art style
Mashima’s art has always been great, and i love seeing his improvement whenever i read a work of his. The changes from FT 545 and now is rather subtle, but i can tell the difference. His girls are now more soft in features, while the men look more sharp and mature. Even the way he draws eyes are now different. I saw it during the course of EZ, but comparing Lucy then and now makes it more obvious. Here’s a comparison for people
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That being said, seeing this chapter actually DRAWN by Mashima feels more like Fairy Tail to me. Don’t get me wrong, Ueda does great work at replicating the style…but in the end it’s a replica. Mashima may be involved in the sequel but he’s not the one in the driver’s seat (maybe more like a backseat driver but Ueda is behind this wheel and I WISH EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT STOP PUTTING THE BLAME SOLELY ON MASHIMA WHEN SOMETHING HAPPENS IN 100YQ, HE HAS A PARTNER IN CRIME)
Anyways, since Mashima isn’t completely involved with 100YQ, i can tell fully this oneshot was all him. The style, the humor, even the way the characters act seemed more real for me. And that’s part of why I can’t always get enthused about 100YQ, there’s always a dash of Mashima, not a main course
But this isn’t about me comparing this one little omake chapter to the sequel, so I’ll stop with that now
I liked the acknowledgment that Team Natsu (or at least everyone on the team but Erza) are not S class and therefore have no fucking business taking on the 100 Year Quest mission. And it is so on brand of Natsu to be told this and he be like, “k but imma do it anyway!” I love him your honor
It’s also on brand for all of Fairy Tail to go on a manhunt for him to keep him from doing the thing gosh dangit!
Sadly not enough Lucy T-T I know she’s not prominent because she’s supposed to be in the dark about the decision to go on the mission but still… At least she got to look fabulous for a panel with her gala dress from 545
But what do you MEAN her book isn’t selling well???? She won AN AWARD that shit should be selling like hot cakes! Justice for my queen, I’ll buy all her books!
(HC most of her sales are from the guild and surrounding guilds who know and love her <3)
Anyways, nothing really else to comment on. The humor was typical FT, and the sudden random appearance of Ichiya was wild. He’s just here for the lulz I guess lmao I just enjoyed how wacky the plot was, I missed how silly this manga could be
And the ending was perfect imo. The callback to the beginning of the series with Makarov’s words about following the path you choose really hit me harder than it probably should have lol but seeing him give the team his blessing was nice. I really liked it…
So to conclude everything, it wasn’t a big extravagant plot. With Ueda taking the reins (with supervision) with 100YQ, there really isn’t much Mashima could have written about. It’s a good prequel to chapter 545 as well as the sequel, and it’s a good celebration of the upcoming anime series
I hope Mashima continues to revisit FT independently. If he does, I’ll always be here to read about my favorite fictional people ❤️❤️❤️
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enruiinas · 8 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓: for read/watch progress and AU/verse plotting purposes. I love AUs & verses in general and am always happy to use a fandom we're both familiar with as a starting point, whether it's borrowing the whole setting, elements we enjoyed or both recognize from a fandom, etc. This is a long post so I'll read-more after "currently reading/watching" - a full list of fandoms I'm familiar with or enjoy is available below the cut.
bold - fandoms i'm familiar enough to base an AU on, pull elements from, etc. italicized - fandoms i'm fairly confident on my grasp of. can base an AU on or pull elements from, but might need a tiny bit of time to revisit some things. ★ - muses from this fandom will likely feature on or will soon be tested on the multimuse i'm working on in the background.
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★ ONE PIECE. (manga re-read): ch. 339/????. I am technically "caught up" through the end of Wano and peep on spoilers for the ongoing arc, but as I speed-read the entire thing in a month last year, I'm not always super confident in my grasp on the second half of the series because I was so ready to be caught up. Wano grasp is particularly abysmal but I'm okay with exploring ongoing Egghead stuff with Law in interactions. [Potential muses: Baby 5, Mihawk, Usopp] ★ FAIRY TAIL. (manga first-time read): ch. 285/545.
★ POKEMON (mostly Kanto/Johto stuff though). I grew up on Pokémon and love lol things Kanto/Johto but haven’t watched, played, or read anything since Ruby and Sapphire were current content. I’m starting from scratch and working my way up again, beginning with Pokemon Adventures (manga) and Pokémon Origins + an original Kanto rewatch on Netflix.
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Anime / Manga:
★ ONE PIECE. see above. ★ FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD. I haven't watched FMA (2003) in years, but it's on my list to revisit. [Potential muses: Winry Rockbell] ★ DEMON SLAYER. Have dabbled in Demon Slayer muses and plan to bring them back after a rewatch to spark my muse again. [Potential muses: TBD pending revisit.] ★ FAIRY TAIL. Reading for the first time. Current progress: ch. 285/545. Potential muses (once I've completed my read only): Cana Alberona, Loke, Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden. CHARLOTTE. Anime. This is one I would love to explore AU plots based on. It's short (13 episodes?) and I would probably revisit before jumping into anything but highly recommend if you're looking for a short anime to watch sometimes. ★ NORAGAMI. I slacked off following the manga there for a bit at the end and would need to revisit, but might add muses after a re-read. [Potential muses: TBD pending revisit.] ★ TOILET-BOUND HANAKO-KUN. Need to revisit, but I loved what I'd read so far and would likely end up adding muses. ★ BUNGOU STRAY DOGS.
LABYRINTH. 1986 - the David Bowie movie. always a fave. ★ DISNEY MOVIES. Pretty much any, but my favorites are Hercules*, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Emperor's New Groove, Lilo & Stitch... HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE. (Also reading the book trilogy at the moment, currently on 2/3. Potential muses: Sophie Hatter, Lettie Hatter, Martha Hatter.) SPIRITED AWAY. BARBIE (2023).
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. I loooove ACTOAR but it's admittedly been a while. I want to reread soon! (mun confession: after getting @climatact I realized the full extent to which Law is accidentally/unintentionally Rhys-coded. Oops.) ARTEMIS FOWL My all-time favorite book series. I re-read this at least once a year. I doubt I'll add muses, but I'm definitely familiar enough with it I feel like I could muse almost anyone. PRIDE & PREJUDICE. Won't add muses, but enjoy a lot of themes & character tropes/archetypes here. THE LAST UNICORN. [finished 2/19/2024.]
TV Shows:
★ Once Upon a Time. Other than the last season, probably my favorite TV show, but I'm due for a rewatch. [Potential muses: not sure yet but there will be some.]
Video Games:
* - I love Greek mythology (or any polytheistic belief system) in general. There are probably plenty of things i'd need to read up on but I am always up for Greek mythology or fairy tale (Disney-fied or original versions) inspired verses/themes.
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Pokemon (Anime? Manga? Games? Where do I wanna start?)
Kaoru Hana Wa Rin To Saku.
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dontmatterblog · 9 months
When you think about something related to Fairy Tail but remember that it doesn't matter because Mashima is the writer and nothing me and other fans say will change anything what he is doing.
545 chapters and there's many characters that deserved better writing.
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ao3feed-nalu · 1 year
Natsu's Strategy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/g3Dx5Wj
by UEvangeline
He had tried, fairies!, had he tried hard. But Lucy seemed to always be teaching him things about himself he wouldn't have noticed alone.
Words: 545, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of NaLu Love
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Additional Tags: Fairy Tail Chapter 331, Dai Matou Enbu | Grand Magic Games Arc
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/g3Dx5Wj
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fire-keys-and-wings · 2 years
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jjingureum · 3 years
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My goddess ♥
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fairydares · 3 months
With my family stuff dealt with (or at least no longer in my house anymore) I finally got Day 1 of Nalu Week up! It's imperfect, and I might touch it up a bit, but for now time to go back and edit the others.
Beginning Excerpt:
"Gajeel and Levy have gotten closer. I kind of get jealous when I see them." - Fairy Tail Chapter 545: “Friends You Can’t Do Without”, Lucy’s internal monologue (pg. 9, scan) "I’ve been following developments between Gray and Juvia, but…there are other pairings to take an interest in, too!" - Fairy Tail Chapter 545: “Friends You Can’t Do Without”, Lucy’s internal monologue (pg. 14, scan) --- When Lucy’s eyes opened in the middle of the night and found the full moon glowing between her breeze-stirred curtains, she knew exactly what she’d find in her bed, and it made her heart leap in a completely different way than it ever had. Why? Well…at that point, she still wasn’t thinking about it, thank you very much! (It was all starting to leak out of a box she’d once been only dimly aware of, and she had no clue what to do.)
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cartoonnickname · 4 years
Hey this is my five hundred and forty-fifth post! 
Gee I wonder why that number feels so familiar?
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