#Fairy!Sero Hanta
selitoxicmoon · 2 years
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BNHA Dragons Part 5!!! Yup! After a looong time I finally finished the fifth pack. That's all from me this month, I gotta work unto commissions and I hope this satisfy you all. I really enjoyed the last two designs. For any questions about the designs, just comment ;)
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arbitrarycategories · 2 years
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suashii · 3 months
— 𝒾 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇 ౨ৎ
sero hanta x reader. 7.8k wc. ノ sfw ( w/ some suggestive bits ) ノ fluff accompanied by a teensy bit of angst ノ summer romance ノ college au ノ swearing ノ mentions of alcohol & food ノ denki appearance ノ multiple tenses used ノ repost!
a/n: i recommend listening to never not by lauv before or after reading :3 ++ i edited this and read it through once so i apologize for any mistakes u may find!
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this party fucking sucks.
you can’t put your finger on why it’s such a drag—maybe you’d grown out of your partying phase, gotten enough of it the past two years of university. had the scene at the  kappa xi sigma house become bland? or maybe it has to do with the fact that the beer pong and blaring music that was meant to serve as a distraction is proving to be more annoying than a useful diversion. 
the answer that is staring you in the face, the one you know is the most obvious, is the last one you want to consider.
the excitement of returning to campus with your friends feels dull this year. the transition from summer break to the fall semester has left a foreign void in your life. the annual welcome party hosted by greek life seemed like the perfect way to fill that void—they’d been fun in the past, anyway. but now that you’re here, sitting on the fourth step of the staircase with a concoction of who knows what in your red solo cup, it’s obvious that your intentions are backfiring. because instead of providing you any consolation, the party is only reminding you of what you were trying to force yourself to forget—your time with him.
you met him in the summer at a party similar to the one you’re currently miserable at, but the frat house was traded in for a sandy beach and cozy bonfire. instead of staying in your big city apartment for the seasonal break, you decided to take a trip to the town you’d been born in. it had been far too long since you’d visited your hometown and of course, your aunt was more than happy to have you for a few months. your cousin, too—you’d barely finished unpacking in the guest room when she barged in, insisting that you accompany her to a gathering.
“people come here all the time but it’ll be especially packed tonight since everyone is done with their classes. and you’ll get to meet a bunch of my friends!” your arms are linked and she tugs you in closer, resting her head on your shoulder.
“sounds like fun.” you smile and squeeze her arm. you missed that while you were away—the transparency people offered here. it’s not like that back home. the same people who will smile and wave at you would wait until you were out of earshot before finding some reason to talk shit about you. it’s exhausting, not knowing what people truly think. but it’s different here. no one ever feels the need to hide behind a mask. even if someone hates your guts, at least you’ll be sure of it. and as odd as it might sound, it’s comforting in its own strange way.
“we’re here!”
you’d visited this beach more times than you could count in your childhood but the sight before you is one you’ve never witnessed before. as the sun begins to dip below the horizon and the blue of the sky melts away into shades of pink and purple—both signs that the day is nearing its end—the beach comes to life. you’ve never seen the area after sunset, maybe because you hadn’t reached the double digits in age before you left, but after sundown, the atmosphere completely shifts. family fun during the day quickly turned to the escapades of students after dark. the set-up isn’t too formal—fairy lights are wrapped around any posts in the sand and bamboo torches fill the gaps that may have ended up too dark without them. there’s no stand for a bar—any drinks are kept cold in the coolers filled with ice. and to top it all off, a large fire sits in a dug-out hole of sand, the flames following the course of the soft breeze.
“wow,” you draw out the vowel, “you guys know how to throw a party.”
the town is small and the biggest school it harbors is a community college but you would be willing to bet money that most of the students who attend it are here tonight. even though summer still hasn’t technically started, there are plenty of people dressed in swimsuits and other summer apparel. you almost feel undressed in your tank top and shorts.
“be impressed later, we have rounds to make.” before you can gawk any longer, your cousin grabs your hand and leads you away. the two of you go from group to group so that you can introduce yourself to everyone. the task takes longer than you expect. it feels like the girl knows every face on the beach. you aren’t complaining though—her connections are sure to land you a few friends of your own. you aren’t sure how long it’s been since you started, but you’re relieved when, instead of hopping from one crowd to the next, you come to a standstill. you don’t think you can remember any more names even if you tried. though, your relief is short-lived.
“there’s one more person i want you to meet.” the girl’s eyes scan the beach in search of a particular someone as you sigh at the thought of having to give the same short “about me” spiel once more. “oh, there he is!”
just like she had all night, your cousin takes your hand and hers and guides you, seemingly to the figure sitting on the ground with their knees pulled up, one hand resting behind them in the sand, the other holding a brown bottle.
“sero! this is my cousin.” she gives him your name.
the man—sero—is quite a sight. a metal bar with a ball on each end sits on the arch of his right eyebrow, a small ring hugging his lip on the opposite side. the top half of his hair is pulled back into a loose bun that is having trouble keeping all the dark strands contained—a few pieces have escaped to frame his face. all three buttons on the chest of his white, long-sleeved shirt are undone, revealing a fair amount of tanned skin and just a sliver of something else. you can’t see exactly where it leads, but the ink on display due to his rolled up sleeves gives you an idea of what it is—a tattoo that stretches from his pec nearly down to his wrist. the dark lines warp and wind around his arm to paint a precise and beautiful image. vibrant pops of red on the petals of lotus flowers and scales of koi fish catch your eye as you inspect it. you will yourself to look away and back up to his face. if there wasn’t such a friendly smile gracing his lips, you would have found him intimidating.
“it’s nice to meet you.” you clear your throat and smile, sending him a polite wave.
“the pleasure is mine. wanna sit?” he holds your eye, jerking his head to the empty spot in the sand beside him.
“oh i should probably...” you were going to say stick with your cousin but when you turn your head to where she was standing, the girl was nowhere to be found. it doesn’t take long to find her, though, a familiar obnoxious laugh drifting through the air, the source of it several feet away. she’s a ways away now, but not so far that you can’t see her. you don’t see the harm in spending time with sero if she has found company elsewhere. “i guess i’ll take you up on that offer.”
crossing your ankles, you lower yourself into a sitting position beside sero, being sure to leave a reasonable space between you. you hug your knees to your chest. your head turns to face him, lips turning up into a slightly awkward smile. he was the first of many who didn’t follow up and ask the basic questions; what school you go to, where you’re visiting from, and whatnot. you have to admit, without the casual conversation starter, you’re at a loss for words.
“want something from the cooler?” maybe the silence was becoming too awkward for him and he decided to put you out of your misery, but you’re thankful for his words—even knowing you’ll have to find a new topic in a couple of seconds.
“if you have water, that’d be great.” sero seems nice enough but you don’t trust yourself to drink anything alcoholic in the presence of a stranger.
he nods, reaching over to open the cooler. he digs through the ice for a bit before pulling out a bottle of water. he holds the beverage out to you, fat drops of the melted ice dripping down onto the sand below. you stick your hand out to accept it.
“nice tattoo,” he comments upon seeing the mid-size piece on your extended forearm.
“oh this?” you turn your arm up so the ink on your skin is completely visible. the butterfly on your forearm was an impulsive decision that you made at the ripe age of eighteen. just looking at it brings back memories of the day you and your friends excitedly entered the tattoo shop. all of you had gotten some sort of symbol or pattern marked on you. they were something of a rite of passage into adulthood, or at least that’s what you told yourselves. you don’t hate it, but you don’t think much of it nowadays. “it’s nothing compared to yours.”
“it’s a little flashy, huh?” he chuckles as he twists his arm from side to side, examining the extravagant piece.
“no. well, maybe, but i like it.” your gaze finds its way back to his tattoo. it’s so much different than your own and you wonder what compelled him to get it. it must have been painful considering it takes up so much space, but even if his pain tolerance is high, you imagine the piece required multiple sessions in the chair. the dedication must mean the tattoo holds some sort of significance to him. “is there a story behind it?”
“nothing deep; i wanted it, so i got it.” the bottle in his hand meets his lips and he takes a swig of the beer.
“really?” his answer surprises you. while you can understand it—his reasoning is practically identical to yours—you weren’t expecting it. something made you think there would be a more grand explanation. “that’s all?”
he nods. “that’s all.”
sero is strange. not in a way that makes you uncomfortable or wary of him, but he’s certainly different. sure, you’ve only spent less than half an hour with him but from what you’ve gathered in that time, your conclusion is that he’s best compared to a puzzle. from his appearance to the way he speaks to the mysterious air that floats around him—you’re intrigued. you want to put the pieces together.
“my legs are getting cramped.” he stretches the limbs out with a dramatic groan before boosting himself up off the ground. his fingers brush the sand off from his khaki-colored palazzo pants. now that he’s standing at his full height, you can see how truly tall he is—over six feet for sure. despite his loose-fitting clothes, you can tell he is on the thinner side; his muscles more lean than bulky. he looks down at your sitting figure, holding a hand out, presumably for you to take it. “care to join me for a walk, butterfly?”
“butterfly?” you question with raised brows. there’s a glint of playfulness in his obsidian eyes.
he shrugs, a smile finding its way to his lips. “i thought it was fitting. so, are you going to leave me by my lonesome or hang out a little longer?”
you look at his outstretched hand. “well, can’t have you feeling lonely, now can we?”
you take his hand in yours and sero pulls you up to your feet. you struggle to find your footing in the sand, but sero doesn’t let go until you regain your balance. before the two of you set off, your companion helps you find your cousin so that you can inform her of where you are heading. the voices and music of the party become hushed the further you both makes your way down the shore.
the rush of waves laps at the sand of the beach as you walk beside them. the sound was soothing, a far cry from the atmosphere you’d just left behind. another wave rushes toward you and sero. you’re nervous that it will reach his sandal-clad feet but it stops just short of them. even if the water had hit him, you don’t think he would mind.
“so...” he breaks the comfortable silence, sticking his hands away in his pockets. you turn to face him upon hearing his voice, but he’s looking up to the sky. the sun was setting when you had arrived but it’s long gone now, the night sky illuminated by sparkling stars. “you’re only here until you go back to school?”
you nod even though he isn’t looking at you. “i wanted a change of scenery and my family used to live here, so this was the first place i thought of.”
he hums in understanding.
“how about you?” your mission of putting the puzzle that is sero together will remain unaccomplished if you don’t make an effort at getting to know him. “you probably go to UA if my cousin knows you from school.”
“yeah, i do. well, i guess i did. i’m transferring so this’ll be my last summer in town.” 
“i guess we’ll both be gone in a few months then.” you point out.
“all the more reason to make those months unforgettably exciting, right?”
he has a point; without assignments or essays or presentations to worry about, you’re free to have as much fun as you’d like. living carelessly and creating memories before going your separate ways is a lot like the coming-of-age movies you watched in high school. what sero is proposing sounds similar, but instead of making those memories with people you’d known your entire life, you’d be doing it with some guy you had just met. and, honestly, the thought is exhilarating. maybe the change of scenery you sought would come in the form of a person, not a place.
“what do you say?” he gently nudges your shoulder, looking down at you with eyes full of promise. “want to be my partner in crime for the summer?”
it’s been a month since that night. of those thirty days, nearly all of them were spent with sero. you were able to get his phone number before you went home with your cousin and were pleasantly surprised to wake up to a text from him asking to hang out. that’s how it usually went—he either messaged you in the early hours of the morning or super late at night to take you to his favorite spots in town. you could recall a few of them from childhood but others were entirely new to you. one thing remained the same across all the places you visited together, that being with each stop you made, you grew closer and closer to sero.
today is no different—well, just a little. sero’s texts are usually accompanied by a location where you’d meet him. this time around, he asks for your address so that he can pick you up. you gave it to him without a second thought. when you get the text that he’s on his way, you grab your phone and keys and sit outside on one of the steps of the front porch to wait for him. despite expecting him, you’re caught off guard when he pulls into your aunt’s driveway.
“hey, butterfly.” he rarely ever calls you by your name, opting to use the nickname he had coined instead. you don’t mind it. “what’s with the face?”
“nothing, nothing. it’s just, when you said you were picking me up, i thought it would be in a car.” or a truck. maybe even a van. something with four doors; hell, even something with two doors would be on par with your expectations. the two-wheeled, one-seat scooter before you doesn’t even have doors. you aren’t even sure if you’ll be able to sit behind him on the cushioned leather.
“are you telling me you don’t like my vespa? you wound me.” sero dramatically holds a hand to his heart. you shake your head, your feet taking you to stand beside his unconventional mode of transport. upon further surveillance, the white scooter looks cute, charming. it even has a ledge where you could set a bag or basket in the back. still, in the month you’ve spent getting to know him, you never imagined that sero would own a ride that so drastically juxtaposed his image.
“no, no. it’s cool but... i guess i figured if you were driving something with two wheels, it’d be a motorcycle. or, you know, something edgier than a scooter.”
“it’s a vespa.” he corrects you, shoving his spare helmet in your direction. you snort as you take it, placing it on your head and clipping the strap under your chin. “and it’s plenty edgy.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night. so, where do i go on this situation?” you gesture. now that you’re closer, it looks even less likely that there’s enough space left on the seat for you to squeeze on.
“hop on the back.” sero reaches behind him to pat the brown leather.
you give him a doubtful look and he returns it with one of challenging amusement. you can tell when you were beat. with a sigh, you toss one leg over and shimmy forward until your chest is pressed firmly against sero’s back. if you lean back the slightest bit, you’re sure you’ll hit the ground. “i’m not going to fall off, am i?”
you can feel the laughter ripple through sero’s body as the vespa roars to life. he nudges the kickstand back, balancing the both of you on the scooter effortlessly. his head turns to look over his shoulder. the playfully mischievous look that seems to linger in his dark eyes is present—tenfold. “not if you hold on.”
your arms tightly wrap around his midsection as he reverses out of your driveway and speeds down the street. most of your hair is tucked away in the helmet settled on your head, but any of the strands that happened to escape are blown in the direction of the wind. the warm breeze tickles your face. each time sero curves into a turn, your heart feels as though it is floating up toward your throat. it’s nerve-wracking at first, but as you grow more confident that sero isn’t going to skid off the road, fear is traded in for enthusiasm whenever you see his lithe fingers reach for the turn signal. the ride ends up being much more pleasant than you imagined. so much so that you’re slightly disappointed when sero pulls into a parking lot and situates the vespa in an empty spot.
you follow his lead and remove your helmet, taking his hand when he offers it to help you off the scooter. you take the time sero spends making sure the vehicle won’t fall over to survey where he had taken you. he claimed that he was treating you to lunch and the sign spelling out “hamburgers” in bold letters cements his word.
the building is only large enough to house a kitchen—there’s no indoor seating, but a few picnic tables take up space on either side of the establishment. the lack of an indoor dining room doesn’t deter the townspeople from enjoying the food, though. a number of families and groups of friends lounge outside, conversing and laughing over their meals. the environment is friendly.
“mind if i order for us both?” sero bumps his shoulder against yours.
from the start, sero told you he’d never lead you astray. he made a habit of rubbing it in your face and saying “i told you so” during the times when your skepticism at his suggestions turned into you begrudgingly admitting defeat. as a result, you quickly learned to trust his judgement. you shake your head in response to his question, “go for it.”
“i’ll be back.”
you watch as sero makes his way toward the stand to place the order. he greets the employee with a smile and they return it. you’re too far away to hear their exchange but something tells you that it had shifted from food to something else, if the fact that sero was shoving his wallet back into his pocket is any evidence. his comfortability makes you wonder if he is familiar with the worker. if that’s the case, sero has ties with almost everyone in town. it’s possible that he is just charismatic enough to make it seem as though he knows everyone he chats with, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he really did. it made you think about how difficult it would be for him to move away.
“i’m back and bearing food.” sero approaches with a bright red tray carrying all the menu items he had ordered. “let’s go find somewhere to sit.”
you nod and fall into step beside him, walking past parked cars to find the seating area. he jerks his head toward an empty table, silently asking whether or not that one was okay. it is clean and unoccupied which checks the two boxes on the short list of what you consider a suitable table. you sit down on the bench and sero takes a seat beside you, setting the tray down on the table. you finally get a good look at its contents. two burgers, a large serving of french fries, and a paper cup filled to the brim with a strawberry milkshake, two red straws sticking out of the frozen beverage.
“a milkshake with two straws? and you continue to deny that you’re a romantic.” you waste no time popping a fry into your mouth. the whole “sero the romantic” thing started as a joke. he was gentlemanly whenever the two of you hung out, always offering to pay, guiding you with a hand on the small of your back, and never failing to open a door for you. you took every opportunity to point out his kind gestures, even going as far as calling him boyfriend material. he’d always laugh and brush it off, but his behavior never changed.
“because i’m not. this,” he gestures to the paper cup, “was a frugal choice.” 
you smile at his excuse.
“stop looking at me like that and taste your food.”
you laugh and raise your hands in mock surrender before unwrapping the burger from its parchment paper. sero had been raving about this restaurant that supposedly had the best burger in town. the one in your hold looks plainly average but you figure that this must be the place he was talking about—you can feel his stare burning into the side of your face, waiting for your reaction. you would’ve messed with him for a little longer if you weren’t so hungry. so, you turn to face him and take a bite. 
he raises his eyebrows in curiosity as you chew. you nod your head and give him a thumbs up so you wouldn’t speak with your mouth full.
“mm, i think it’s more than a head nod and thumbs up if it’s all over your face,” sero comments. while you’re sure that he was exaggerating, you can admit that the first bite usually is messy. your eyes scan the table for a napkin so that you can wipe off whatever is staining your face. luckily, a small pile of white rectangles sit on the tray. before you can grab one, sero softly presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, his tongue poking out to clean off the lingering sauce. your frown brings a smirk to his lips as he pulls away.
you can’t say exactly when that started—the kissing, not licking. maybe a couple weeks into the summer? it was nighttime, you remembered that much, and it was spontaneous. neither of you initiated the kiss, it just happened, almost as though there was a magnet between the both of you drawing you together. and it felt good. too good. sero knew as much, which was why the first words out of his mouth were ones explaining that it would be easier if the two of you didn’t label your relationship. it was strange to you—the concept of being intimate with someone and not calling them your partner, but you understood that it was better this way. you’d have to say goodbye eventually and dissolving ties would come as a less painful task if you didn’t think of sero as your boyfriend.
“i could have done that myself, you know.” you hold up your free hand to flick his forehead but he catches it before you are able. instead, he kisses the pulse located at your wrist, smiling against your skin.
“where’s the fun in that?” he asks through a laugh after you swatted him away.
“ugh,” you groan theatrically, “just eat.”
even though you’re here at sero’s suggestion, he has a more enjoyable time playing around than eating. he spends practically the rest of the outing trying to see if he can land small, torn up pieces of the food in your open mouth and dipping french fries into the strawberry-flavored shake despite you fighting him on it, claiming that the saltiness would throw off the taste. before the two of you clean up to leave, sero pulls out his phone to document the moment. it had become a sort of tradition—taking a photo every time you hung out. he said that this way, the both of you could look at the image and relive the day.
the picture taken to highlight the day is one of you and sero happily drinking your shared milkshake.
“why couldn’t we ride your stupid vespa here?”
ever since sero introduced you to his vespa last month, he started taking you everywhere on the moped you insulted as if to spite you. so when he came to pick you up tonight, you were surprised to see him on foot. you don’t mind it much, but it’s a little odd strolling down the sidewalk—arm in arm with sero—in your swimsuit after dark.
“first of all, fuck you—it’s not stupid.” he tries to shake you off of him but you only hold on tighter, grinning at his reaction. he never lets any of your sly comments about his vespa go unnoticed. god, he loves that dumb little scooter. “second of all, it might have drawn some unwanted attention.”
“now what is that supposed to mean? you’re not going to get me arrested, are you?” of course you don’t really think sero would take you to do anything illegal, but his wording warrants cause for concern.
he tries once more to escape your grasp, but this time around, you let him go. his now free arm wraps around your shoulder to pull you into his chest. you stumble at the unexpected motion, but he makes sure to keep you on your feet. a pair of soft lips meet your forehead in an obnoxiously messy kiss. “have some faith in me, butterfly. i promise we won’t have any run-ins with the law.” 
“so you’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” you ask.
“nope,” he pops the p, “wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
sero promised you a summer full of excitement and he has yet to disappoint. no matter how vague he is in regard to what adventure you’re taking next, you trust him.
so when he asks you to close your eyes, you do so without hesitation.
one of his hands covers the upper half of your face to ensure you won’t peek while the other guides you. his touch grounds you but your fingers restlessly tap at your thighs in anticipation. maybe it’s because you gave up one of your senses, but it feels like you’ve been walking blindly forever.
“i feel like people usually do the whole ‘close your eyes’ thing when they’re closer to their destination.”
“so impatient.” his hand moves from your back to tickle your side in a weak gesture of scolding you. you giggle and flinch, but there isn’t much you can do to get him to stop without your eyesight. his fingers don’t continue for long, though, as teasing tickles turn into a comforting squeeze. “we’re here, but keep your eyes shut.”
the warmth that had spread across your face is replaced by a brisk breeze when sero pulls his hand away. even with your eyes closed, the street lights make the darkness within your eyelids a tad bit brighter. you aren’t sure how far away he is, maybe a couple of feet, but you can hear sero fiddling with something—something metal that clacks against more metal. finally, a creaking sound. his sandals scrape against the sidewalk as he moves to stand beside you.
“you can open them in three, two, one.” as soon as his countdown comes to an end, your eyelids flutter open. beyond the gate that sero just made work of unlocking is a sparkling blue pool. the light breeze creates soft ripples throughout the water that is illuminated by circular lights. “ta-da.”
“wow, i didn’t know you had a pool.” a while ago—you can’t say when—you had told sero that you thought swimming in the sea under the stars was something you always wanted to do when you were a kid. you knew that it was pretty much impossible considering how dangerous it might be, so the thought only lived in your head as an unattainable fantasy. this is a little different but the premise is still there—swimming in the blue under the night sky. and you can’t believe that sero had remembered the little piece of information you shared with him.
“i don’t.” sero nonchalantly replies, pulling his crew neck over his head and tossing it onto one of the chairs. the lack of sleeves reveals the tattoo you’d easily grown to love. he lets his hair loose from the hair tie that binds it, smoothing a hand over the dark strands  to tame any flyaways. you stare at him incredulously. didn’t he just tell you that you didn’t have to worry about getting into any trouble?
“whose house are we at then?” you question. your feet are anchored to the ground. as much as you want to live out this modified version of what you often imagined, you aren’t entirely comfortable with the thought of trespassing on someone’s property to do so.
“a friend’s. and don’t worry, no one’s home. his family is away on vacation.” it seems plausible enough. the silver key that sits on top of his jacket shines under the moonlight. that’s proof that he hadn’t picked the lock. so unless he stole the key, maybe you two really are in the clear.
“hey, relax.” sero can sense your reluctance and moves to stand behind you. his hands reach around you to unzip the hoodie that served as a coverup. once he’s pulled it off your arms, he flings the article of fabric and it joins his in a pile on the pool chair. with your shoulders now exposed, he presses a light kiss to each of them before wrapping his arms around your waist. “i wouldn’t lie to you.”
“yeah, yeah.” he’s right, though. it isn’t like him to lie, not in a situation like this, anyway. you’ve spent enough time worrying and the walk here wasn’t a particularly short one. all things considered, you’re wasting valuable time. “let’s get—”
you aren’t able to finish your sentence before sero’s hold on you tightens and your feet are pulled up and out of your flip-flops. your eyes widen in shock at the sudden motion. there isn’t time to question his actions as sero begins walking you to the edge of the pool. he swings you back to gain momentum before hurling you forward. you’re already mid-air and above the water when a scream rips from your throat.
under the water, everything around you sounds muffled. the cold temperature is jarring enough to shake you from your state of surprise and urge you to swim up. when you emerge at the surface, the first thing you can hear is sero’s irksome laughter. your hands move to push the wet hair sticking to your forehead off of your face. the sight of sero recovering from his fit of chuckles has you narrowing your eyes. “hanta, you asshole!”
you don’t mean to scream—your plan was to keep your volume down in hopes of not disturbing any of the neighbors, but you can’t help it considering what the man had just done. and he has no remorse as he wipes a tear from his eye at your reaction to his antics. to make things worse, you can’t even get him back by splashing the chilly water at his dry figure because he’s jumping in to join you before you have the chance.
the water splatters with his weight, leaving the drops that had escaped to decorate the pool patio in dark little specks. you shield your face with an arm to keep yourself from becoming a victim of his cannonball. he surfaces not long after, shaking his hair out as if he’s a dog getting out of the bath. he meets your gaze with a bright smile.
“i can’t believe you.” you kick your feet to take you away, not wanting to be pulled in by his charm. the waves tickle your face as you float to the other end of the pool. now that you have been in it for a while, the water doesn’t feel as cold.
loud splashes and a new set of waves alert you of sero’s presence. he’s beside you in an instant, still wearing that very same smile. “you can’t?”
you aren’t mad—you don’t think it’s possible for you to truly be upset with him. and despite the little stunt he pulled catching you off guard, you have to admit that it was on-brand for him. all of your lingering annoyance with him disappears as he juts his lip out in a pout. you huff out a laugh at his childish expression.
upon seeing your relaxed countenance, he swathes you in his arms, pulling you close so that the tips of your noses are touching. the blue of the water accompanies your reflection in his dark irises. “i know a pool doesn’t really compare to the open expanse of the sea, but i hope you’re having fun.”
“this is more than enough for me. thank you.” your hands tangle in his wet strands of raven hair to draw him in impossibly closer. your lips brush against his softly in what can barely be considered a kiss. the unintentional teasing has more of an effect on sero than you expect, his lips chasing yours the moment you drag them away.
the cool metal of the jewelry that hangs from his lip presses against your skin as he deepens this kiss. your legs unconsciously wrap around his waist as you suck in a breath through your nose. his tongue swipes across your lower lip and you part the two without hesitation. though, you aren’t granted the opportunity to continue on much further without interruption.
“sero, what the fuck?” an unfamiliar voice rings out in the air causing you to hastily pull away. you search for the source of the noise, following sero’s gaze as he turns around to address the person calling for him. you tilt your head up to the second story of the house you’d barely paid any mind to and are met with a head of yellow hair that is strikingly bright in comparison to the darkness surrounding it. this must be the friend that sero was talking about.
“hey, kami.” he’s considerably calm for having just been caught in such a promiscuous position. does he not find this the slightest bit embarrassing? “i thought you were out of town until tomorrow.”
“yeah, well, obviously plans changed.” the guy’s—kami’s—eyes finally fall on you. the burning in your cheeks tempts you to hide behind sero, but there’s nothing malicious behind his stare. there is only fatigue and a little alarm swimming in his golden eyes. they dart back to sero. “i hate to cut whatever you’re doing short, but you need to get out of here. my parents are going to kill me if they find out you have a spare key.”
“we’ll be out of your hair, man.” sero sends him a two-finger salute. his friend shakes his head and closes his window, presumably to go back to bed.
sero rotates to face you.
“on vacation, huh?” you shoot him a questioning look.
“you heard him,” he shrugs with a smile, “plans changed.”
aside from the chirping of crickets and the gentle wind rustling the lush leaves, it’s silent. your head rests comfortably on sero’s shoulder, his arm folded around your waist. he’s brought you to a hill that overlooks what seems like the entire town. it would have been nice—his company and the view—if the silence wasn’t so suffocating.
even your first night together wasn’t this quiet.
you try to ignore the stillness by turning your focus to the scenery before you. somewhere down below is denki’s pool that you swam in last month, the burger place you’d eaten at the month before, and the beach where you met sero the month before that one. you can only pick out the beach now. just like that mid-may night, it’s lit up by string lights and contained flames, and the stretch of sand is occupied by the very same people you became acquainted with three months ago. there’s a party going on—some end of the summer get together that your cousin invited you to just out of courtesy. she knew you wanted to spend your last night here with sero.
“it’s really our last night together...” his voice cuts through the silence. you normally love hearing him talk; it usually brings a smile to your face. but just like the rest of this night, his voice has a different effect on you—one you can’t claim to be fond of.
“yeah.” your voice breaks. there it is—the reason, or part of the reason, you can’t will yourself to break the silence, will yourself to speak. you don’t know what to say and you figure any words you can string together into a coherent sentence will only end up cracking in your throat.
your cheeks are wet—you’re crying. the tears slip from their ducts, sliding down your cheeks and slipping past the corners of your mouth, leaving a taste as bitter as this moment on your tongue. an instinctive sniffle makes you wrinkle your nose. you don’t even realize that the sleeve of sero’s shirt is soaking up half of your tears.
“hey, no tears, butterfly.” you can feel the vibrations of his voice on the side of your face. he squeezes your side in hopes of comforting you. and it does, a little, but part of it hurts. not physically, but knowing that these few touches from him will be your last is painful. “didn’t we have fun?”
you think back to one of your first conversations with sero—the one when he asked you to join him in making the summer unforgettably exciting. you had no way of knowing just how much fun you’d have and how many memories you’d make along the way. at some point, sero had wedged his way into your heart and made a room for himself. all the memorable moments you had lived with him over the summer would reside in that room.
you nod weakly, as best you could in your current position. “yeah, we did.”
from the start, you knew that this was bound to end eventually, that this world you were living in would only last the summer. what you couldn’t have predicted was the bond you’d make with sero. you knew that the closer you got to him, the more difficult it would be for you to say goodbye in the end. still, even facing the hardship now, you wouldn’t change anything given the chance. 
"thank you.” his utterance is barely a whisper, as though the words were meant for you and you only—as if you’re in a bubble secluded from everyone and everything else.
“hm?” you snuggle into the crook of his neck, taking in the familiar fragrance of his cologne—just another thing you’ll miss. “for what?”
“being my partner in crime.” his head comes to rest on your own and your eyes drift shut at the contact. he breathes in a heavy sigh against your hairline. you can feel his lips curl up into a smile. “i can’t imagine giving the position to anyone else.”
a smile of your own makes its way to your lips. “same here.”
sero is much better at hiding the emotion in his voice, but if you were able to get a look at him, you’d be able to see his eyes glossed over with unshed tears.
it’s been almost two weeks since you’d last seen him. as happy as you are to be back in your element, you’d be lying if you said things had bounced back to the way they were before you met sero. something about life now feels off. it isn’t that you aren’t yourself, rather, that a newly discovered piece of you has gone missing. you’ve been driving yourself crazy trying to figure out how parting ways with someone after only four months of knowing them could leave you feeling so hollow.
all you are sure of is that you want to get out of here.
you throw back the pink liquid in your cup, the sting causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head. no point in letting a perfectly good drink go to waste, right? you stand up and wipe the condensation that had transferred from the cup to your hand on the front of your pants. your feet carry you to the nearest trash can and you crumple the plastic, tossing it in the bin. you attempt to recall where your roommate said she had wandered off to—you can’t remember if she said beer pong or king’s cup. either way, you need to find her to see if she planns on staying much longer.
process of elimination; beer pong up first.
the scent of liquor and sweat invades your nostrils as you near the room where the long, black table is situated. it’s nauseating but you push on, determined to find the person you’re searching for. unfortunately, your roommate is nowhere to be found in the crowd of people packed within the four walls. you scan each room left on the first floor of the frat house and there is still no sign of them.
it isn’t like her to go somewhere without a word and she definitely wouldn’t leave without telling you. you have yet to pull out your phone but it’s becoming clear that you’ll require the aide. you just hope she has her phone somewhere on her person.
your eyes are glued to the screen in your hand, fingers tapping out a message while you make your way to the back door. you’re just about to hit send on the text when you collide with something hard. the impact draws an “oof” out of the barrier you had just run into. that much tells you that it isn’t a wall, but a person. you rush to apologize for your fault. 
“shit, sorry.” you rub your forehead at the site that had bumped into what must have been a chest. everything inside your skull feels jumbled.
“no worries—butterfly?”
your ears perk up at the nickname. only one person calls you that and as far as you know, he isn’t anywhere near here. but there is no mistaking that voice—it sounds exactly like him. your eyes drag up from the floor to face the figure. you must have put back that alcohol too fast or hit your head harder than you thought because you swear that sero is standing in front of you.
“don’t tell me you forgot about me already. or are you just drunk off your ass?”
you almost, almost, can’t believe it’s him, but everything about the guy from his daring piercings to his hypnotizing dark eyes to the stunning tattoo on his arm screams sero. it is him. it has to be.
“the one and only.”
you blink at his confirmation. all he can do is smile at your confusion.
“wh-what are you doing here?” you ask—not that you aren’t unhappy to see him—it was quite the opposite, but you’re still trying to wrap your head around him being here.
“this happens to be my new campus. thought i’d try to make some friends before classes started. but i can’t say i expected to see you here—what a pleasant surprise.”
he told you that he was planning on transferring schools but you figured there was no point in asking what or where that school might be. and what was the likelihood of him ending up on the very campus you called your own? apparently, the odds were greater than you thought. 
the awkwardness of your encounter is melting away into the comfortability you’d come to associate with sero due to the newfound information. you don’t know if it’ll be possible to jump back in where the two of you left off, but having him back in your life is more than you could ever ask for.
you nod, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back the wide smile that threatens to stretch across your lips. “how’s that going for you?”
he shrugs. “eh, doesn’t matter. i just ran into an old one.”
“oh yeah?” you raise an eyebrow in question.
“yeah.” he shoots you a knowing look. the sparkle in his eye serves as a signal that something playfully entertaining is brewing behind them. and, more than any time during the summer, you can’t wait to find out what he might be scheming. “hey, do you wanna get out of here?”
you don’t have to think about your answer. “i’d love that.”
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thank u for reading! if u enjoyed, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated ❤︎
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quirkwizard · 7 months
So recently I have been on a huge tabletop RPG kick so I thought it would be fun to talk about Class 1-A playing their own tabletop game, both the characters they'd play and how they'd be as players. For the sake of this, I will be writing in the context of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition since that's the system myself and others would be the most familiar with.
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Rikido Sato: Half Orc Life Cleric Doesn't really get the game too much. Tends to forget the rules a lot and his own abilities. Just kind of picked a class at random. Is the king of bringing snacks and the like, all of which are homemade.
Mashirao Ojiro: Wood Elf Open Hand Monk Pretty average in all respects as a player. Not too remarkable in all respects. Doesn't realized how bad the monk is until they started playing, but is too attached to the character and their concept.
Koji Koda: Firbolg Shepard Druid Is only really here to hang out with his friends. Too shy to really do any roleplay with the rest of the gang, mostly doing small moments with his animals friends. Accidently made an overpowered build.
Minoru Mineta: Dhampir Phantom Rogue Knows the rules, but is a power gamer. Uses the game more as a power fantasy to look as cool as possible at all times, even if it is dumb, though will quickly panic if anything goes slightly wrong.
Hanta Sero: Gith Horizon Walker Ranger Really interested in all the lore and history of whatever the dungeon master came up with. The kind that dungeon masters either love or dread. Is the one constantly asking question and cracking the odd joke about it.
Toru Hagakure: Changeling Arcane Trickster Rogue Super big into the roleplay of it all and is always excited. Mostly took Changeling so she'd have the excess to play as many roles as possible. Probably makes little masks to remind people who she currently is.
Yuga Aoyama: Aasimar Glory Paladin Is insanely devoted to the role of the noble paladin, much to the detriment of everyone else. Likely says the line "But it's what my character would do more then any other player. Constantly hints at a backstory that nobody is biting on.
Mezo Shoji: Hobgoblin Gloomstalker Ranger Not the biggest into roleplay, does fairly well with the actual gameplay. Plays the typically reserved ranged. Tried to tie his and Koda's backstory together to try and take some of the stress off of him in terms of roleplaying.
Kyoka Jiro: Half Elf Whispers Bard Wasn't really sure about all of this before play and went with a bard because she liked the idea of playing music. It was a rocky start, but quickly got into it and started having fun. Will make custom songs and playlists for the party, as well ambient tracks and battle music.
Denki Kaminari: Air Genesi Storm Sorcerer Wanted to try it out because it was popular. Went with something he thought was cool and did not expect it to be so complicated. Needs to be constantly handed the book and remined of the rules in order to make sure he gets it. The amount of math hurts his head. Eijiro Kirishima: Goliath Giant Barbarian Like Denki, wanted to get into because it was popular. Bakugou helped a lot with building the character. Has a lot of fun smashing stuff. Plays his role pretty well, even if his character doesn't go beyond the nice brute whose name is very close to Kirishima's own.
Mina Ashido: Satyr Glamour Bard One of the students the most into the roleplaying. Is very light hearted and goofy about the whole thing. Can play a lot in bard stereotypes because she thinks it's funny. Another instigator, though mostly from her getting too into character at the worst of times. Fumikage Tokoyami: Tiefling Fiend Warlock Has been playing the game the longest and super familiar with all of it. Always makes characters he thinks are "cool", which means are super gothic and depress, both in class and in race. Does occasionally have Dark Shadow dress up and roleplay as his patron. Ochako Uraraka: Fairy Zealot Barbarian Ochako just wants to smash stuff. She has a lot of fun rolling dice and doing cool stuff with her friends, both good and bad. Likes playing the typically pixie before going nuts. Can be an instigator, but tends to backtrack when she realizes just how badly it goes wrong. Tsuyu Asui: Halfling Moon Druid Like Koda, is mostly here to have fun with friends. Often plays mediator both in and out of character. Does a good job with roleplaying thanks to how much she had to play pretend with her simplies. Always causes a riot whenever she becomes a dinosaur. Shoto Todoroki: Hill Dwarf Fighter Champion One of the worst players both in game and in roleplay. Played a character Izuku basically made for him. Is somehow still one of the best because he is constantly getting amazing rolls at the most critical moments, much to the frustration of Bakugou.
Katsuki Bakugo: Custom Lineage Chronurgy Wizard Powergamer, no question. He knows the rules back and forth to make the most broken build possible. Acts like D&D is a game you can win, even when it comes to roleplaying. Not a full on murder hobo, but by far the biggest instigator in the group.
Tenya Iida: Warforged Devotion Paladin Very much devoted to the rules, both in and out of the game. Gets confused when people say that he's doing a good job at playing a robot. Collects a lot of dice. One of the best Dungeon Masters of any of the students, though can be rather controlling at times. Momo Yaoyorozu: High Elf Forge Cleric A really good player with the rules though can be pretty awkward with the roleplay with how much she tries to get into it. One of the best DMs in the class. Makes custom miniatures for everyone in the party. Puts a lot of money to make the ultimate game room. Izuku Midoriya: Variant Human Bladesinging Wizard The perfect player. Knows the roles, but focuses more on making characters. Takes the most notes, pay attention, and makes sure everyone is having fun and feels included. Likely gets roped into the role of dungeon master more then anyone else because of these reasons.
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hanta-seros-wifey · 29 days
lacrosse and cheer- hanta sero x f!reader
summary: in a quirkless AU, hanta sero and our dear reader find themselves in a fake relationship to ward off exes (toru hagakure & juzo honenuki). maybe they’ll fall in love?
authors note: okay this has been BREWING for the past couple of weeks and i’ve finalized the plot and everything. weekly updates, our lovely class 1A will be aged up to 3rd years, class 1B appreciation alright, reader is part of the dekusquad.
chapter 2: kiss?
“cmon girls move the line up” you said as mina and ochaco helped distribute the new cheer uniforms for the school year. your cheerleaders currently distracted by the football, basketball, and lacrosse team as they headed into the boys locker rooms after practice.
“hey” hanta said as he placed a hand on your waist and kissed the top of your head. some girls couldnt help but stare at the interaction. how they wish they were you. when it came to kisses you were fine with forehead and cheek kisses. the lips were a big no. did you want to kiss hanta? so badly.
“when will you be done with this? i want to take you out” he said looking into your eyes. you can tell he was serious. “i should be in about 20 minutes or so” you said handing a package towards a first year and smiling at her. “let me shower real quick then” he said placing a kiss on your cheek and rushing off.
between the three of you, you were able to finally head off to your dorm to change out of your uniform. you put on a nice white off the shoulder sweater with some light baggy jeans and uggs. during the nighttime it got a bit on the colder side.
a knock on your door snaps you out of your daze and you move to open it fumbling with your earrings. “hi” you smiled at hanta as you let him in and he closes the door behind him. he focuses on you as you finally clasp a gold hoop into place and move to grab your lip gloss off your vanity.
“headband or no?” you ask holding a white one up. “headband” he smiles at you and its then you realize he has flowers. “okay han you didnt have to get me flowers” you blush starting to put the headband on and adjusting it.
“i wanted to get princess rubbers some speaking of where are they hiding?” he asks obviously joking and you give him an unamused look. “not funny” you say grabbing them from his hands. “thank you” you smile up at him as you go in for a hug.
he gladly accepts the hug wrapping his arms around you. you place the flowers into a vase with water and go back to looking at yourself in the mirror. “you look fine lets go” he said pulling on your arm and grabbing your purse for you.
you walk out of your dorm together and walk hand in hand outside. he leads you down the woods considering the high school was literally on a hill. “okay whats all this?” you asked as a picnic came into view with fairy lights surrounding the area. “you know im not your real girlfriend right?” you giggle looking up at him.
“we have to sell the act cmon” he says tugging on your hand leading you to the area. you sit down and smile at all of this. “might have to keep you around if this is what being your fake girlfriend feels like” you joke and he laughs.
“smile” he says pulling out his phone. you immediately do as he snaps the picture and shows you. “new screensaver look” he says showing you his lock screen. you take one of him and set it as yours. “juzo been pestering you?” he says picking up a strawberry and tossing it into his mouth.
“yea wants me to get back with him” you say picking up one too. “im confused” he starts and he sits up. “about?” you ask confused. “how would you guys like kiss?” he asks and you laugh. “i would kiss his nose or his forehead. he would try and reciprocate but it was difficult” you laughed and he smiles at you.
you giggle and goof off together, basking in each others presence. it was easy. you guys had a great friendship established already. your feelings for him only grew. he stops laughing and looks at you seriously.
“what hanta?” you ask with a smile on your face. “you’ve seriously never been kissed?” he asks shaking his head with disbelief. “i havent han” you said your tone mixed with a hint of sadness. “notice how whenever we played spin the bottle with our classmates it never landed on me?” you start looking at him seriously.
“heck even mineta’s been landed on, the creep” you say shuddering. hanta only looks at you. “okay lets put the contract aside for a second” he started and scooted closer to you. “hanta what are you doing” you say slightly panicking.
“can i be the one to give you your first kiss?” he asks politely as he puts a hand on yours. you can be my first and last, you thought. you thought it over for a minute. you eventually nod as he cups your face smiling at you. your breath hitched amd you smiled at him.
“ready?” he asks and you nod as he leans in. you close your eyes as he closes the space between you two. damn this feels so good, you thought. you let hanta lead eventually finding a good rhythm. you placed your hands on his shoulders holding him tightly as his gripped your waist pulling you closer to him.
if this is what kissing hanta felt like, you could only imagine what else he’s capable of. you find yourself making out with hanta sero. his lips feel too good. he pulls away gently and you smile at him. “we can cross that off the rules list cause damn this feels too good” you giggle as he laughs too.
he brings you in for a sweet tender kiss. he pulls away and smiles. “want to head back?” he asks and you nod as you cleaned up the area and grabbed your things. you walked hand in hand back to the dorms.
upon reaching them hanta pulls you in by the waist and you giggle. “one more” he says pulling you in and kissing you. you stand on your tip toes kissing him back. “hey guys” you hear and you both pull away. hanta wraps his arm around your waist and looks at who interrupted.
juzo honenuki.
“hi juzo” you wince wrapping your arm around hanta’s waist. “how have you been?” he asks and you nod indicating that you’ve been good. he nods his head. shits awkward, you thought.
“well my girlfriend here wants some sleep so we’ll be on our way now man. it was nice seeing you juzo good luck on tomorrow’s opening game” hanta said as he waved him a bye and led you both inside. mina, eijiro, and katsuki sat in the common room discussing tomorrow’s game plan.
mina sat next to eijiro and raked her nails across his muscled arms. “hi guys” you smiled at them and mina lights up at the sight for you. “how was it!” she says excitedly gripping your arm.
you blush as you tell her it was just fine and she squeals none the less. “i’ve been waiting for this pairing for years you two are just so perfect for each other” she says with the biggest smile on her face.
“hey shut it over there” katsuki grumbles and looks at eijiro. “cmon man dont talk to her that way” eijiro says with a stern look on his face. katsuki lets out a sorry towards mina.
“it is i” you heard and turned around to find yuga aoyama, yours and mina’s best friend. “alright good night babe were heading off to yuga’s dorm for last minute cheer planning, i love you” mina says wrapping her arms around eijiro’s neck from behind and places many kisses on his cheek,
“goodnight babe, i love you more” eijiro says turning his head slightly to capture mina’s lips with his own. “night katsuki” mina teases and he grumbles out a goodnight to her. you turn towards hanta and smile up at him.
“goodnight hanta” you say standing on your tip toes and placing a kiss on his cheek. he smiles and kisses your head mumbling a good night, you walk over to katsuki and throw your arms around his neck from behind.
he grips your arms and continues to look at the game plan he and eijiro were currently discussing. “night katsuki” you squeeze him lightly and place a quick kiss on his head and ruffle his hair. “night eiji” you say waving at him and look at hanta.
he seems a little uncomfortable? to sell the act, you move towards him and wrap your arms around him, leave a small kiss on his lips, and link arms with aoyama as he talked about his day.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
classes went on as usual the next day. you were currently trying not to sleep as miss kayama went on and on about honestly something you couldn’t care about. you, ochaco, mina, and yuga sported the cheer uniform. mezo, katsuki, and eijiro sported their football jerseys.
you looked at hanta and he seemed to be irritated. he didnt walk with you to class this morning, he walked with denki. you peered over at denki and he quickly looked away and you squinted your eyes at him. miss kayama stood at the front as class finally concluded and she left.
you all waited for the next teacher to come and you quickly got up and stormed over to denki. “denks a word” you said and walked over to the door. he followed you out of the class. “whats up?” he asked confused and you sighed. “is something wrong with hanta?” you asked and he stared at the floor.
“he uh- he didnt like how you hugged katsuki yesterday or something like that. you had wrapped your arms around him or something im not sure he just said it looked way too intimate for someone who’s taken” he stuttered over the right choice of words. “he also thinks katsuki has the biggest crush on you” he admitted and you looked at him with wide eyes.
“he does not” you said trying to stifle a laugh at this ridiculous statement. its katsuki bakugo. the man has no time for crushes or relationships. “i can figure it out dude i’ll report back as soon as i have the information” he said saluting you. “thank you denki kaminari” you said imitating his stance. “at your service” he said jokingly and you both walked back in.
you walked over to hanta and wrapped your arms around him from behind. “hi” you said cautiously afraid he might still be bothered. “hi” he says turning his head to look at you and grabbed your hands gently. “i talked to denks and im sorry” you apologized and he squeezed your hand.
“its okay” he smiled at you and leaned in to whisper something to you. “had to put on an act after all it is fake right” he whispered to you and you nod immediately. “right” you say swallowing the lump in your throat.
fake dating the guy you’ve had a crush on for years wasnt easy. you are constantly reminded that this is only fake. hanta will never reciprocate those feelings for you. “is katsuki the guy you’ve had a crush on for years?” he asks quietly and you look at him with a crazy look.
“absolutely not” you defend and he looks around the room. “hm it cant be izuku, maybe tenya” he mutters to himself and you roll your eyes. “i will not be telling you who it is, its strictly a secret” you hiss and head over to momo and ochaco.
“you and hanta are so cute!” ochaco gushed and momo giggled. “the most perfect couple ever” she says grabbing your arm and squeezing it. “i will be cheering on my two favorite girls tonight” she says squeezing both yours and ochaco’s hands.
“we all will” you hear shoto say and the boys came into view. izuku put his arm around ochaco and she immediately hugged him close to her. tenya grabbed momo’s hand softly grabbing it. you turn to shoto and smile at him.
“any luck in the love department for you sho?” you ask him leaning back on the desk as he stood next to you almost towering over you. “no the girl i have romantic feelings for is taken” he shakes his head and you give him a sad smile. “im sorry sho” you say grabbing his arm conforting.
“wait aww were your favorite girls” you tease the boys as they have a slight blush. “well yea. tenya and i obviously have our favorite girls but youre like a sister to us!” izuku says and you smile. “yea same here” shoto said somewhat sadly and before you could ask the bell chimed.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
you walked with hanta hand in hand back to the dorms. “you nervous?” he asks looking down at you as you subtly nod that you were. you were honestly thinking about his words earlier. had to put on an act after all it is fake right, rang in your ears. “hi hanta!” you both hear and look up to see toru. he ignores her as you both pass by her and she lets out a huff.
“its not nice to ignore people you know!” she calls out obviously annoyed. “and its not nice to be chasing after someone’s boyfriend” you say as you wrap your arm around hanta’s waist as his goes around your shoulders.
“well just saying i left mashirao” she says and he stops and you look up at him. “you dont even know what you want” he says not even looking at her. “you dont even like her!” she says in a whiny voice as she stomps her foot into the ground.
hanta doesnt reply and only turns you towards him and plants a kiss on your lips. he keeps it going and you feel him smirk on your lips. you kiss back way too into your head about this. toru storms off and hanta slowly pulls away. “sorry” he whispers and your smile immediately falls.
“no problem” you say and continue the walk to the dorms. maybe im better off with shoto, you thougut. “im going up to get ready alright?” you say slightly irritated with him. he only nods and throws himself next to denki on the couch.
so much for selling an act, you thought as you stormed towards the elevator.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
you come back down an hour and a half later finally ready for the game. mina, ochaco, and yuga sqeal upon seeing you and immediately drag you outside. “BABE!” mina yelled as eijiro quickly ran out to attend to mina. the things i would do to have a man that obsessed with me, you thought as eijiro listened intently to mina and her directions.
izuku made his way out and froze upon seeing ochaco. he was speechless. “okay pose!” mina said excitedly as you stood in between yuga and ochaco. you all wrapped your arms around each other and smiled as eijiro snapped the picture.
katsuki came out with denki, kyoka, and hanta. “go beyond” eijiro said as he waited for the plus ultra from you guys. “plus ultra!” the four of you exclaimed while somewhat giggling. “we’ll take more on the field!” mina said grabbing her phone from eijiro.
“okay we all need to be out there lets go” ochaco rushed katsuki and eijiro and the group trailed behind. hanta grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to him. “i’ll be cheering you on” he whispers in your ear and you smile at him.
“i hear the todoroki’s are gonna be there” eijiro says and you tilt your head in confusion. “shoto isnt on the football team though?” you said and eijiro shrugs. “enji funds our school so much doesnt he?” yuga asked and izuku nodded his head. “yea he does” izuku said as he bids a goodluck to ochaco and kisses her head.
before you leave to head onto the field hanta stops you. “you’ll do great i know it” he says cupping your face with both of his hands and smiling down at you. he leans down and gives you a sweet kiss. “goodluck out there fake girlfriend” he whispers at you and pulls away to walk with the others.
you’re absolutely whipped for hanta sero.
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Bee's Flufftober 2023 Masterlist!
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Hello and welcome to my masterlist for Flufftober 2023! Here you can find all of my (planned/posted) works for each day's prompt, featuring various characters! I hope you enjoy, and happy October everyone! :D
Flufftober 2023
Day 1: "I've got you" feat. Keigo Takami/Hawks (BNHA)
Day 2: Family, Friends, Loved Ones feat. Satoru Gojo (JJK)
Day 3: "Wait, you love me?" "I always have." feat. Kento Nanami (JJK)
Day 4: Cinderella Moment feat. Denki Kaminari (BNHA)
Day 5: ___ + 1 feat. Rintaro Suna (Haikyuu)
Day 6: Corn Maze feat. Saeyoung Choi/707 (Mystic Messenger)
Day 7: Porch Swing Alternate Prompt - Hot Chocolate feat. Izuku Midoriya (BNHA)
Day 8: Rainy Day feat. Kim Jihyun/V (Mystic Messenger)
Day 9: Hate At First Sight feat. Atsumu Miya (Haikyuu)
Day 10: Love of my Life feat. Toge Inumaki (JJK)
Day 11: Sweet Tooth feat. Satoru Gojo (JJK) + Alternate Prompt - "Oh no, you're a morning person!" feat. Historia Reiss (AOT)
Day 12: Fire and Ice feat. Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA)
Day 13: Wrong Number feat. Hanta Sero (BNHA)
Day 14: "I hate it" "No you don't" feat. Tetsuro Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Day 15: Emergency, Confession, Adventure feat. Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
Day 16: Singing One Another to Sleep feat. Belphegor (Obey Me!)
Day 17: Encouraging Someone to Achieve a Goal feat. Eren Jaeger (AOT)
Day 18: "Did You Plan For This to Happen?" feat. Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)
Day 19: Keeping Someone Safe feat. Aren Kuboyasu (Saiki K)
Day 20: Pumpkin feat. Tanjiro Kamado (KNY)
Day 21: Swoon feat. Shoto Todoroki (BNHA)
Day 22: Picking Apples feat. Osamu Miya (Haikyuu)
Day 23: Trinket feat. Fumikage Tokoyami (BNHA) + Alternate Prompt - Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights feat. Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu)
Day 24: (Melting Emoji) feat. Kyojuro Rengoku (KNY)
Day 25: Nook feat. Kusuo Saiki (Saiki K)
Day 26: Fireplace feat. Saeran Choi/Ray (Mystic Messenger)
Day 27: Outdoor Event (Picnic) feat. Yuta Okkotsu (JJK)
Day 28: Soothing Touch feat. Tomioka Giyuu (KNY)
Day 29: "Hey, wake up!" feat. Shota Aizawa (BNHA)
Day 30: Self Worth/Self Love feat. Satan (Obey Me!)
Day 31: Dreams do Come True feat. Armin Arlert (AOT)
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squishytenya · 6 months
headcanons masterlist
katsuki bakugou
catching you in the act (smut)
baking with him (fluff)
when he's jealous (suggestive)
calm and quiet reader (fluff)
short reader (fluff)
glasses (fluff)
cuddles (fluff)
tenya iida
catching you in the act (smut)
he makes you cry (angst)
comforting you (angst // fluff)
how he'd react to you crying (angst // fluff)
glasses (fluff)
poly iida + ochaco (plus size reader // fluff // smut)
"give me some sugar" (fluff)
cuddles (fluff)
fairy quirk (m!reader // fluff)
shouto todoroki
short reader (fluff)
crushing on a curvy reader (fluff)
cuddles (fluff)
izuku midoriya
cuddles (fluff)
glasses (fluff)
cockwarming (smut)
how he'd react to you crying (angst // fluff)
eijirou kirishima
catching you in the act (smut)
cuddle headcanons (fluff)
short reader (fluff)
setting you up (fluff)
comforting reader (fluff // angst // curvy!reader)
hanta sero
cuddle headcanons (fluff)
denki kaminari
poly relationship (fluff // with shinsou)
baking with him (fluff)
hitoshi shinsou
poly relationship (fluff // with shinsou)
"give me some sugar" (fluff)
shouta aizawa
cooking for them (fluff)
they get jealous (angst)
insecure reader (angst // comfort)
he makes you cry (angst)
baking with him (fluff)
panic attack comfort (angst // comfort)
wearing lingerie in front of him (smut // m!reader)
forgetting your birthday (angst)
hizashi yamada
forgetting your birthday (angst)
they get jealous (angst)
panic attack comfort (angst // comfort)
cooking for them (fluff)
toshinori yagi
baking with him (fluff)
oral headcanons (smut)
cooking for them (fluff)
taishiro toyomitsu
comforting reader (fluff // angst // curvy!reader)
setting you up (fluff)
size kink (smut)
panic attack comfort (angst // comfort)
oral headcanons (smut)
nemuri kayama
cooking for them (fluff)
sekijiro kan
cooking for them (fluff)
they get jealous (angst)
enji todoroki
dating him (fluff)
mirai sasaki
wearing lingerie in front of him (smut // m!reader)
wearing lingerie in front of him (smut // m!reader)
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Mystery’s Muse’s Masterlist ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
I’m so happy you’re here to enjoy and share in some of my favorite daydreams
I love seeing comments and kudos on all my things! And I appreciate any and all reblogs (as long as nobody steals anything.)
I do not do requests. ★彡
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
_____________________________ Tales of Arcadia Oaks:
Douxie Masterlist
Bakugou Katsuki Masterlist
Being the PR Manager for Shoto, Izuku, and Bakugou Headcannons Fall for me ~ (fairy prince! Shoto Todoroki)
Parent/Teacher Conference Pretty! (Shoto Todoroki)
Bangs + Hair Clips = Visible Forehead (Shoto Todoroki)
Toilet Paper (Touya Todoroki)
The Pas de Deux Cobbler (Izuku Midoriya)
Cover(s) Story (Izuku Midoriya)
Fiancée Headcannons (Sero Hanta)
The Washing Machines (Eijirou Kirishima)
Collections/Series/AUs in this Universe
HouseBoat Holiday AU 🌊⛴️☀️🐠🎉💗
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beansnsoup · 1 year
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Fluff - 🍊
Angst - 🏵
Who/what I write for: ☆☆☆
Fic Recs: Part One -> Part Two
Requests: Closed
Super Mario
Birthday Girl 🍊🏵
Cap and Gown 🍊
Birthday Girl 🍊🏵
Cap and Gown 🍊
"It's all going to be okay, I'm here." 🍊🏵
Take A Break 🍊🏵
Just Say Yes 🍊
"Just please tell me you're okay." 🏵
Luigi headcanons (having children with him) 🍊
It's My Party 🍊
"I'd never let anything happen to you." 🍊🏵
Draw Me Like One of Your Italian Boys 🍊
Boo! 🍊
Shut Up and Drive 🍊
Mushroom Season 🍊
Lover 🍊
"I'm sorry, I love you." 🍊🏵
P.U.N.K. 🍊
Sing Me A Melody 🍊
Prince Charming 🍊
Star Lover 🍊
Sworn Protector 🍊
Jealous, Jealous, Jealous Boy 🍊
"Really? You Do?" 🍊
New Hire 🍊
Luigi Headcanons (fairy reader) 🍊
Luigi Headcanons (Meeting the family) 🍊
Knight In Shining Armor 🍊
Meet The Family 🍊
"...do you like them?" 🍊
Giant Woman 🍊
"I don't think you're evil, I think you're great." 🍊🏵
Tangled Up 🍊
Luigi Headcanons (platonic and romantic) 🍊
His reaction to Bowser kidnapping you 🍊🏵
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Headcanons 🍊
More Donkey Kong Headcanons 🍊
Good Arrangement 🍊
Good Arrangement (part two) 🍊
Trying to keep your feelings from him 🍊
Trying to keep your feelings from him 🍊
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
"Tu es tout pour moi." 🍊
Fan Favorites (Maya Hawke) 🍊
I wanna be your girlfriend 🍊
Eddie Munson
"I think I love you." 🍊
Always and forever 🍊
My brother's best friend 🍊
Spark 🍊🏵?
"God, your hair is soft" 🍊
Him 🍊
Love at first sight 🍊
"Can I paint your nails?" 🍊
"I think I love you." 🍊
Steve Harrington
Ahoy 🍊
Will Byers
"You're all I need." 🍊🏵?
High and in love (part one) 🍊
High and in love (part two) 🍊
High and in love (part three) 🍊
Getting high with Argyle 🍊
Xavier Thorpe
Jealous Girl 🍊🏵?
Outreach Day 🍊🏵?
Inside Job
Reagan Ridley
"I don't know what I'd do without you." 🍊🏵
Peter Parker/Spiderman
First love 🍊
That 90s Show
Leia Forman
Old "Friend" 🍊🏵
Gwen Runck
Get To Know You Mani-Pedi 🍊
Rebel Girl 🍊
Jay Kelso
"Never know unless we try." 🍊
That 70s Show
Eric Forman
“I love you.” “I know.” 🍊
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya dating headcanons 🍊
Out of My League 🍊
Hanta Sero
You Stupid B!tch 🏵🍊
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
In Deep 🍊
Fred Weasley
All Love No Jokes 🍊
Can't Help Falling In Love With You 🍊
Forbidden savor 🍊🏵
George Weasley
See You Again 🍊🏵?
Test Subject 🍊
Ginny Weasley
Starry Night 🍊
Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood headcanons 🍊
Casual (Vi - Arcane) 🏵 (has a part two!)
The World We Knew (Loid Forger - Spy x Family) 🏵
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jisokai · 28 days
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(a symbol after the name indicates part of a series) (content warnings are at the beginning notes of each fic)
sero hanta x reader: Wading for you ♡ Red Spell At (y)our own pace ♡ If it tastes like salt (you know you're home) 𓇼
kirishima & sero x reader: Green Curse ♡
One Piece
strawhats x reader: If a tree falls (does it bring you to tears?) 𓇼
kita shinsuke x reader: If you cross the river (will the fighting end?) 𓇼
♡ - healing my inner teenager (can be read standalone, recommend WFY first) 𓇼 - climate grief (only thematically related)
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The Old Archive
(I can't get myself to read any of these even out of curiosity, but maybe someone else will like them)
BNHA (2019)
ao3 eternal love [KiriBaku]
Mystic Messenger (2018)
masterlist of hcs/scenarios/drabbles ao3 before you came [jumin] ao3 saturation [jihyun]
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Not Posted / DNF
(longfics that will never see the light of day)
2018 - the dark side of the moon [fairy tail] 2019 - moon child [bnha] 2019 - red strings [death note] 2020 - flight [haikyuu!!]
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usagirln120 · 10 months
Hanta Sero: Hogwarts AU
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Hanta Sero is a muggleborn wizard born on the 28th of July 1980 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1991, being sorted into Hufflepuff house.
He is usually seen hanging out with his best friends Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari and Mina Ashido, with the five of them often playing pranks on each other and others.
In his fifth year, he became a member of Makarov's Army and one of the new chasers of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
In his sixth year, his family practically adopted his best friend Denki after his parents tried to make him a Death Eater and the two of them went on the run together later on due to Hanta's status as a muggleborn.
He later participated in the Battle of Hogwarts and after graduating, became an auror before he retired so that he and his wife Setsuna could take over as the new managers of the Fairy Tail orphanage (an orphanage for wizards).
He has a spruce wand with a unicorn hair core.
His Patronus is a Dabble Gray Stallion.
His favorite subjects are Flying and Herbology.
His least favorite subjects are Transfiguration and History of Magic.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 4 months
Is That Tinkerbell?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rl80v5o by MarketDogParlor "Who was that?" Kirishima asked, still staring after what he swears is a trail of left over sparks falling. "That was Katsuki Bakugou, but I wouldn't get involved with him. He doesn't usually like strangers" Mina said as she painted her nail. Or, Fantasy Highschool with Fairy!Bakugou and Werewolf!Kirishima. Words: 1615, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Izuku Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fairy Bakugou Katsuki, Werewolf Kirishima Eijirou read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rl80v5o
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 months
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 8 months
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paradoxoflucidity · 8 months
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hello? has this message reached you? if you have seen this, then there is somebody in the dream world who is calling out to you ; they are wishing to meet you once again.
PARADOX OF LUCIDITY is a 18+ multifandom role-play group based on Discord. P.O.L focuses on the aspects of having fun while writing with a world built around your characters. Our rules are more laid back and emphasizes the joy of writing with others exploring your characters in a new situation. Won’t you join us?
rules | masterlist | discord invite
( ADVENTURE ZONE . ) - any characters from adventure zone
( BALDUR'S GATE . ) - any characters from baldur's gate 3
( BLEACH . ) - ichigo, urahara, shuhei, shinji, renji, rose, gin, izuru
( BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . ) - izuku midoriya, toshinori yagi, todoroki shoto, eijiro kirishima, hanta sero, any characters from class 1-a
( BUNGO NO STRAY DOGS . ) - nakajima atsushi, ryūnosuke akutagawa, doppo kunikida, any characters from bungo no stray dogs
( CHAINSAW MAN . ) - power, aki hayakawa, any characters from chainsaw man
( DEVIL MAY CRY. ) - any characters from devil may cry
( ELSWORD . ) - any characters from elsword
( ENSEMBLE STARS. ) - hokuto hidaka, suburu akehoshi, makoto yuuki, izumi sena, hiiro amagi, any characters from ensemble stars
( FAIRY TAIL . ) - any characters from fairy tail
( FINAL FANTASY . ) - zenos yae galvus, any final fantasy characters
( FIRE EMBLEM . ) - male!robin, lucina, lissa, owain, any characters from fire emblem: awakening
( FRUITS BASKET . ) - any fruits basket characters
( HORIMIYA . ) - any horimiya characters
( HYPNOSIS MICROPHONE. ) - rei amayado, ramuda amemura, gentaro yumeno, rio mason busujima, samatoki aohitsugi any characters from hypnosis microphone
( IRIS . ) - father tyrant
( LEAGUE OF LEGENDS . ) - jayce tails, zed, sona, heartsteel members, any characters from league of legends
( MYSTIC MESSENGER . ) - saeran choi, any characters from mystic messenger
( NICHIJOU . ) - any nichijou characters
( ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. ) - any original characters
( PARADOX LIVE. ) - allen sugasano, naoakira saimon, yohei kanbayashi, shiki ando
( PERSONA . ) - zen (persona q), any phantom thief/persona 5 members
( PROJECT SEKAI : COLORFUL STAGE. ) - hanasato minori, kiritani haruka, momoi airi, hinomori shizuku, kagamine len, kagamine rin ( REVUE STARLIGHT. ) - karen aijou, mahiru tsuyuzaki, tendou maya, claudine saijo, junna hoshimi, nana daiba, kaoruko hanayagi, futuba isuragi
( SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI. ) - any shin megami tensei characters
( TEARS OF THEMIS . ) - any characters from tears of themis
( TWISTED WONDERLAND . ) - sebek zigvolt, malleus draconia
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candlecoo · 2 years
YESSSS SPOOKY MONTH: what do you think the bnha characters would go as?
1. Katsuki Bakugo : a werewolf (it's a couple costume with Kirishima)
2. Mashirao Ojiro : Goku (because he lost a bet)
3. Yuga Aoyama : Joan of arc
4. Toru Hagakure : the invisible man
5. Rikido Sato : a wrestler
6. Denki Kaminari : Marty McFly
7. Izuku Midoriya : All Might (for obvious reasons)
8. Hanta Sero : a Walmart associate
9. Mina Ashido : glam rock singer
10. Kyoka Jiro : Lydia from Beetlejuice
11.Tenya Iida : Phoenix Wright
12. Momo Yaoyorozu : a (mad) scientist
13. Shinso Hitoshi : a cat (shoosh he's sleeping)
14. Eijiro Kirishima : lumber jack or buff red riding hood
15. Fumikage Tokoyami : Jekyll and Hyde(dark shadow)
16. Ochaco Uraraka : a fairy (she could use her quirk to float)
17. Shoto Todoroki : All Might to spite his father
18. Koji Koda : a magician with his pet bunny in a hat
19. Asui Tsuyu : the creature from the black lagoon (but cute?)
20. Mezo Shoji : Jeff the spider from Billy and Mandy
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