#Fairfield Avenue
unteriors · 10 months
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Forest Avenue, Fort Fairfield, Maine.
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domini-porter · 3 months
Congratulations on another job well done. I'm curious about the order of research and idea when it comes to the Age of Wickedness stories (and I guess your process in general). Is it usually the case that you're reading about something for pleasure and curiosity and decide it would make for a good story or do you get struck by an idea and then do the research? Of course, it could be both too, but I guess I'm wondering if it's more: "How interesting, this would be great to include in a story" or more: Waking up in the middle of the night like "RAILROAD" "SALVATION ARMY" "THE GENERALLY HORRIFIC CONDITIONS OF 19th CENTURY MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT"
(Hi thank you here is another essay answer but I have included a tl;dr because I cannot not be tl and do not blame anyone for nr-ing)
It’s sort of both! I’ve mentioned it usually starts with one strong image (Maura doing taxidermy in a fancy dress, Jane being pulled from an ice bath)(poor Jane) and then I gotta find context. For the third story I knew I wanted an asylum setting so I had to find a B plot (RAILROAD) and that came from thinking about what kind of things a couple heartless social climbers might seize on to in that era, something with high enough stakes, so that was something that required actual consideration. But the era determines so much—someone like Huntington Fairfax (my veiled Garrett Fairfield) who wanted to make a big splash had only a few avenues at that exact point in time—land ownership, industry, banking—and most were already well-established in ways it would be weird to pretend weren’t (I’m obsessed with plausibility enough to make my fictional Sloan Steel second to Carnegie, etc). So the railroad was kind of it, given the constraints.
The Gilded Age is super-exciting in that everything everywhere was changing super-fast; medicine, social services, technology. Infrastructure and exploration. There was so much undiscovered, or being discovered, that practically everything feels like a possible setting or theme. Narrowing it down is pretty hard, actually! But there are practical restrictions—the biggest one being that it has to be an environment open to women, at least somewhat; if not, that conflict has to be a key element of the story. That one constraint makes for the easiest way to discover what makes sense for these characters in this era. So, asylum! Access for both of them. Salvation Army! Largely run by female members at all levels, also providing an overlap for social classes (also I have always been a hater of that org, so that’s on me; plus the timing worked out, historically).
The next one(!!) will have a totally different setting; I’m coming at that one location-first, which is already proving more difficult, since I have to poke around to see what would have been reasonable or possible for them to be doing. But the other great part, of course, is the fundamental contrast between J&M, class-wise; it sure makes it easier when everything’s bankrolled, even cosplaying as Poors. So that opens up a lot too—they can essentially go anywhere.
Which is where research comes in! I definitely add stuff I discover in discovery (most notably the Elephantine Colossus; I was gonna do something else but then I read about a seven-story elephant with a brothel in it and it was all over), and it’s a definite relief to know they can go anywhere and do anything that requires resources (from Coney Island to the Royal Albert Hall), should something seem fun or interesting or relevant.
So, tl;dr: it’s nature+nurture for sure. Sometimes I do wake up thinking SALVATION ARMY or GAY BAR but that’s followed by the how and the what and the why, etc. Sometimes it’s some cool detail I learn about and become immediately solemnly sworn to include.
(The other thing about the time period, of course, is the parallels with our own—I don’t even have to try. It’s depressingly easy to make those comparisons, and I def find myself drawn to historical contexts and situations where the similarities are clear, so I can shoehorn in my gay feminist agenda like a good sjw)
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smallvictories · 2 years
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usaccidents · 1 day
FAIRFIELD, CA (September 26, 2024) – A pregnant woman lost her unborn child after she was struck by a vehicle on East Tabor Avenue in Fairfield Tuesday evening on September 24.
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fairfieldthinkspace · 1 month
In Memoriam: A Eulogy for Professor Walter J. Petry Jr. 
Professor Emeritus Walter J. Petry Jr. died on August 13, 2024, at the age of 92. The first Black professor to join the faculty of Fairfield University, Professor Petry taught history in the College of Arts and Sciences for 48 years, from 1957 to 2005.  He served as inaugural director of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program and received the Martin Luther King Jr. Vision Award in 2003. 
Donations in memory of Professor Petry’s many contributions to the University community may be made to the Fairfield Bellarmine Fund. 
By Lee Penyak ’84, PhD
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Photo: Professor Walter Petry teaches class on "Modernization in the West."
Walter J. Petry Jr., professor of history at Fairfield University from 1957 to 2004, died on August 13, 2024, at the age of 92. He was the only child of Walter J. Petry Sr. and Lois Petry (née Gairy). His father moved from New Iberia, Louisiana, to New York City in 1921. His mother’s parents, originally from the Caribbean islands of Grenada and St. Kitts (now both tiny independent nations), settled in New York in the late 19th century. Walter Petry Sr. worked for several years in the U.S. Postal Service, was one of the founders of the Catholic Layman’s Union of New York, and, in 1989, received from Cardinal John O’Connor the prestigious Pierre Toussaint Medallion – awarded to a member of New York City’s Black community for demonstrating an active commitment to freedom, human rights, and spiritual values. Lois Gairy graduated from Hunter College in 1930 with a major in Latin and Greek, and eventually taught English, earth science, and mathematics to junior high students in the New York City Public Schools system for many decades. To a significant extent, Professor Petry followed in his parents’ footsteps by combining their commitment to education and social justice into an extraordinary academic career at Fairfield University that spanned nearly 50 years.
Born on June 30, 1932, Walter Jr. and his parents first lived on the top floor of a brownstone with extended family on East 130th Street in Harlem. Among his earliest recollections and frustrations was working on his basic Lionel train set which needed to be equipped with a transformer to allow the AC locomotive engine to run on the DC current then dominant on Manhattan’s East Side. In 1943, his parents bought an 1890 brownstone on 418 West 160th St. in Washington Heights which had a magnificent view of the Morris-Jumel Mansion, Manhattan’s oldest (1765) surviving residence. Walter lived with his parents, maternal grandfather, and aunt (his mother’s sister, Aunt Dorie) and was proud to call 418 home for the rest of his life. When reminiscing about his dwindling childhood in the Heights, he mentioned being walked by his mother to school, taking the five-cent subway ride by himself once he turned 13, and the historic 25-inch snowstorm on December 26, 1947, that allowed him to sleigh ride from the bottom of his stoop to Edgecomb Avenue. Walter spent parts of every summer until he was 16 years old at the Catskills home of his beloved godmother Harriet Baltimore. Daily hikes instilled in him a deep appreciation for nature and advocacy for the protection of the environment.
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The Petrys were members of the Church of St. Joseph of the Holy Family on West 125th Street and Convent Avenue, and traveled there by subway for Sunday Mass. Now known as a Catholic church with mostly Black parishioners, the parish was originally established for German Catholics and had become predominantly Irish by the 1940s. St. Joseph’s parochial school accepted Walter as a student in 1938 (he had been denied entrance at other parochial schools in upper Manhattan and the Bronx based on race) and he studied there until graduating from eighth grade in 1945. He recalled being one of about six Black students in the graduating class of 30. He was a member of the small student choir that sang daily Mass before school, and he kept his books of Gregorian chants as prized mementos. 
Before graduating from grammar school, Walter took a competitive exam and earned admission and a scholarship to attend Manhattan Prep in the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx, about four miles north of his home on the Number 1 IRT Subway. This school (closed in 1971), run by the Christian Brothers, a Catholic religious teaching congregation, emphasized the liberal arts and a commitment to Christian ethos as envisioned by its founder St. Jean-Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719). Walter always exaggerated saying he spent more time tackling the challenging readings he was assigned in high school than he did as an undergraduate student. He admired his intimidating and demanding teacher of physics, Brother Alphonsus, and the equally difficult and engaging teacher of English and history, Charles Winans, who also served as moderator of the school’s forensic team, where he pushed Walter to become an effective debater. Walter ran cross country in the Van Courtland Park flats and woods and the half mile as a member of the indoor track team.
Walter made the seamless transfer from the Prep to Manhattan College by walking across campus in September 1949. Beginning that year, Manhattan implemented an experimental four-year core curriculum for students in its liberal arts school focusing on literature, history, philosophy, and fine arts during the ancient world (year one), the medieval period (year two), early-modern Europe (year three), and the 20th century (year four), with additional coursework dedicated to a student’s major — mathematics, in Walter’s case. Manhattan’s faculty quickly recognized the dearth of important coursework in the hard and social sciences and promptly initiated curricular changes for all subsequent students of the liberal arts. The 35 members of Walter’s cohort of 1953, however, stuck to the original four-year plan. Despite flaws in its design, Walter eventually considered that unique pedagogical approach critical to his intellectual and professional formation. He particularly enjoyed the history courses taught by Brother Gabriel, PhD, and Dr. Morrison Swift, and credited them with helping him decide to pursue an advanced degree in history.
The Korean War (June 1950 – July 1953) corresponded to Petry’s undergraduate years at Manhattan College; he and his fellow students had received deferrals before graduating. Once he graduated in May 1953, he was promptly inducted into the U.S. Army and served stateside until June 1955, first being sent to Camp Kilmer in New Jersey and then completing basic training at Camp (now Fort) Gordon in northwest Georgia. His most vivid memories of Camp Gordon were the never-ending mounds of mud in which he trained and his difficulty completing the number of pull-ups required to pass. Notwithstanding these challenges, he enjoyed getting into the best physical shape of his life and meeting young Americans from all over the country. After basic training, he was sent to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, where Petry and other privates were assigned KP duty, usually washing mess trays if they arrived early and garbage cans if they arrived on time. He made it a point to arrive early. After being promoted to corporal, he worked exclusively as a clerk in the medical service corps. Walter and other members of his unit took advantage of San Antonio’s proximity to Mexico to travel by bus to Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, where they spent a few days eating delicious “foreign” food, exploring neighborhoods, and trying to converse in Spanish with the local population. This would be his first foray outside the U.S. and seems fitting since he would later become deeply interested in Latin American history.
Walter completed his military service in June 1955 and that fall began the master’s program in European History at Columbia University. There, he especially enjoyed classes taught by Jacques Barzun and Garrett Mattingly. Barzun’s publications and the courses he taught focused on European ideas and cultures and emphasized the themes of power, ideology, class, and race, synthesized in his From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present. Mattingly had recently published Catherine of Aragonand Renaissance Diplomacy and was finishing his brilliant manuscript, The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 
In 1957, with his master’s degree in hand, Walter contacted several universities within commuting distance from Manhattan, including Fairfield, which had only been in operation for fifteen years and which Walter had never heard of prior to applying. He was delighted to be asked to join its faculty and commenced his nearly five-decades' routine of commuting to Fairfield via the New Haven Line every Monday morning, walking from the train station to Canisius Hall, up and down Bellarmine Road daily to his rented room near the University, and then back to the train station each Friday evening for the return trip to the city. (He never learned to drive and bragged to others — who frequently shuttled him to and from important engagements — that, as a New Yorker, he had no need for a driver’s license or a car.) As a new history teacher at Fairfield, Walter taught four sections of basic Western Civilization each semester. Upper-level European history classes at the time had usually been taught by Francis A. Small, S.J., but when he was tasked with directing the library and moving the main collection from Xavier Hall to Canisius Hall (where it remained until 1968), Walter was given the opportunity to teach courses on the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and Romanticism. Fairfield’s history department was decidedly Euro and Americentric during Walter’s first two decades; changing times and student prompting slowly convinced the department to diversify its offerings. In the late 1970s, James Murphy, S.J., chair, asked Walter to consider a reduced courseload to take classes in Latin American history at Yale University with a view toward teaching the same at Fairfield. Walter accepted the challenge and traveled to Yale every Monday for a year to study under renowned Brazilian historian Emilia Viotti da Costa, famous for her work on slavery and abolition. Henceforth at Fairfield, Walter became most known as its Latin American historian. Until his retirement in 2005, he regularly taught courses on Latin America’s colonial and modern periods and frequently served as faculty historian on seminars offered by the Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, which he periodically directed. As professor emeritus with expertise on church and politics in Nicaragua, he was frequently invited as a guest speaker in classes where he continued to entrance students by his lively performances.
Petry was a demanding, inquisitive, intimidating, animated, and unforgettable teacher. Forever fascinated with ethnicity and family origin, he frequently referred to students solely by their surname. One needed to arrive to class prepared since Petry did not suffer fools lightly. His lengthy and challenging readings for class — mostly primary sources — forced students to analyze on their own and think independently. It wasn’t uncommon for students to spend an entire class examining two or three sentences from a single document.
Read it again,” he would bellow, after a student made a feeble attempt at analysis. “Okay, you’re getting there, but what’s the author really saying?” His follow-up questions might include: Does the author have an agenda? What school of thought does he belong to? Who is the intended audience? What’s the author conveniently leaving out? What would his detractors say? One’s head hurt from thinking so much after a Petry class. He received Fairfield’s Distinguished Faculty Award in 1983 a Distinguished Teaching Award in 2004.
Petry also made his presence felt outside the classroom. Students from the ’60s and early ’70s will particularly remember his role in seminars, protests, and sit-ins against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He helped lead the (unsuccessful) charge against the granting of an honorary degree to Secretary of State Alexander Haig in 1981. At university events he frequently brought attention to repressive military dictatorships and structural violence in Latin America and to U.S. interventionism and revolutionary regime change in that region. Fairfield student newspaper articles from the 1950s to the 2000s regularly mention him and include letters to the editor written by and about him.
Petry was an inveterate traveler. Summer vacations found him visiting the British Isles, western Europe including Spain after Franco died in 1975, and many Latin American countries, including Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. He made his first trip to Nicaragua in July 1981 to observe the second anniversary of the Sandinista triumph and visited the country annually from 1983 to 1992. He methodically collected and preserved materials of the Sandinista revolutionary project for analysis by future scholars. These documents, journals, newspapers, propaganda, posters, and photos now form part of the “Walter J. Petry Collection—Nicaragua: The Sandinista Years (1979-1990)” at the DiMenna-Nyselius Library. He donated some 400 books from his personal collection to the library’s main collection.
Petry was co-editor of two Orbis Books on religion in Latin America. The first book, Religion in Latin America: A Documentary History (2006), won 1st Place in the category of “Reference Work” by the Catholic Press Association. The second book, Religion and Society in Latin America: Interpretive Essays from Conquest to Present (2009), contains his provocative co-authored chapter titled, “The Right to Appropriate, The Duty to Evangelize,” which analyzed the core set of assumptions that 16th-century Iberians brought with them to the New World. His final publication, “Roman Catholicism in Latin America,” appeared in Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions (2019) and includes valuable sections on church-state relations during the long 19th century and the emergence of a reinvigorated church since the middle of the 20th century. Petry examined topics he cared about: the human tragedy of captured and enslaved Africans, the misery and desperation of the poor, the recalcitrance and belligerence of elites, and defenders of human rights such as António de Vieira S.J. (1608-1697), Hélder Pessoa Câmara (1909-1999), and Samuel Ruiz (1924-2011). His complex prose sometimes made emotional appeals. For example, when writing about Gustavo Gutiérrez O.P. (b. 1928), the “father” of Liberation Theology, he provided the following contextual analysis and questions: “What does the Christian minister (of any denomination, time, or place) mean when he/she proclaims, ‘God loves you?’ Are not the implications of that apparently simple message that each person is worth something, has dignity, can free him or herself from base instincts, is capable of achievement, even transcendence, and is certainly capable of freeing him/herself from the snare of ‘sin,’ that is, self-indulgence, selfishness, and isolation? But is not this also true of one’s neighbor, and of all ‘neighbors,’ i.e., the entire human community?” (2006, p. 272).
Walter forged strong personal and professional relationships with former students and colleagues who could count on him for advice and wonderful tours of Manhattan. He enjoyed sharing meals and traveling with them, and appreciated the innumerable times friends chauffeured him to and from events. He spent his retirement years in much the same way he tried to spend his weekends while still teaching at Fairfield. The perfect day would have included a thorough reading of The New York Times, listening to classical music, such as cantatas by Bach (whom he considered music’s greatest genius), harpsichord compositions by Rameau, chamber music by Schubert, and nearly anything by Handel, Mozart, and Beethoven, then going to an independent movie theater to see an alternative or foreign movie he boasted could only be seen by New Yorkers, followed by a late lunch or early dinner at an Indian restaurant on East 6th Street (“take your pick, they’re all good,” he’d say), and topping off the day by seeing an opera by Mozart at The Met where he had a subscription for a seat in First Row, Balcony.
To honor Walter’s many contributions to the University community, please consider donating in his memory to the Fairfield Bellarmine Fund on the university’s website at Fairfield.edu/bellarmine-give. 
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brennanbalzi · 1 month
Originally born in Fairfield County, CT, to an italian-american family, struggles with opioids in high school after an injury led Brennan to South Florida for addiction treatment. After being exposed to both the positives and negatives in the industry as a client and eventually in management, he was determined to make a change in the industry. After re-establishing to California, in 2017, some struggles and changes within the substance abuse sector of healthcare, led Brennan to seek out other avenues and diversify. First, studying medical billing and coding, aiding his companies to complete billing compliance and set them apart from the rest, and most importantly, diving in deep to online marketing and advertising to solidify an above board niche for client acquisition. As Brennan scaled up and scaled down his facilities multiple times, he landed on what he considers the perfect number: 5 centers across the United States. His main focus today remains the same: driving revenue through his online expertise and controlling that revenue with his billing oversight. As his healthcare business has become more automated from his efforts, He has also been able to carry that methodology to multiple different realms over the years, understanding his marketing abilities can drive business and yields in many industries outside of healthcare, too.
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Danielle Durant’s Mindset Tips to Take Your Business to the Next Level
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Danielle Durant's journey from a young ballet dancer to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to her extraordinary mindset and resilience. As the founder of Southampton’s first cannabis dispensary, Danielle has leveraged her diverse background to build a thriving business. Here are some of Danielle Durant mindset tips that can help take your business to the next level:
Embrace Adaptability
Danielle’s career path has been anything but conventional. From studying Economics at Fairfield University to working in fashion with Alberta Ferretti and costume design for an Academy Award-winning film, she has shown that adaptability is key to success. Her transition into the cannabis industry was not a straightforward move but a testament to her ability to pivot and embrace new opportunities.
Tip: Be open to change and willing to explore new avenues. Flexibility in your approach can open doors to unexpected opportunities and innovations.
Cultivate a Creative Vision
Creativity has been a constant throughout Danielle Durant's career, whether it was in fashion, public relations, or event production. Her role in producing events for Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Foundation showcases her ability to think outside the box and bring unique ideas to life.
Tip: Develop a clear and innovative vision for your business. Creativity isn’t limited to product design or marketing; it’s about envisioning new ways to solve problems and meet customer needs.
Build a Supportive Network
Danielle Durant success can also be attributed to the strong network she has built over the years. From her involvement with People’s Revolution to working alongside prominent figures in the fashion and film industries, she understands the value of surrounding oneself with supportive and influential people.
Tip: Invest time in building and nurturing professional relationships. A strong network can provide valuable advice, open doors to new opportunities, and offer support during challenging times.
Focus on Passion and Purpose
Throughout her diverse career, Danielle has consistently followed her passions, from ballet to cannabis entrepreneurship. Her dedication to her work and her role as a mother highlight her commitment to living with purpose and passion.
Tip: Align your business goals with your passions and values. When you are passionate about what you do, it’s easier to stay motivated and overcome obstacles.
Prioritize Work-Life Balance
Balancing her entrepreneurial endeavors with her responsibilities as a mother and volunteer, Danielle demonstrates the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This balance not only enhances personal well-being but also boosts productivity and creativity.
Tip: Make time for self-care and family. A well-balanced life can lead to increased energy and a more positive outlook, which in turn benefits your business.
Embrace Lifelong Learning
Danielle’s educational background in Economics and English, combined with her professional experiences, underscores her commitment to continuous learning. Whether through formal education or hands-on experience, she understands the importance of staying informed and adapting to new knowledge.
Tip: Invest in your personal and professional development. Staying curious and continually learning can keep you ahead of industry trends and improve your business skills.
Take Calculated Risks
Danielle’s move into the cannabis industry involved significant risks, but her careful planning and strategic approach helped her navigate this new venture successfully. Taking risks is a fundamental part of business growth, but it requires thoughtful consideration and preparation.
Tip: Assess potential risks and rewards before making major decisions. A calculated approach can help you take bold steps while minimizing potential downsides.
Stay Resilient
Resilience is a crucial trait in Danielle’s story. Despite the challenges and setbacks she faced, her determination and perseverance have been key to her success. Resilience allows you to bounce back from failures and continue moving forward.
Tip: Develop a resilient mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Stay focused on your long-term goals and learn from setbacks rather than being discouraged by them.
Danielle Durant’s remarkable career journey illustrates the power of mindset in achieving business success. By embracing adaptability, creativity, and resilience, and by prioritizing balance and continuous learning, you can elevate your business and reach new heights.
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duicheckpointsfinder · 3 months
DUI Checkpoints 21 June, 2024
Hey everyone,
Website: https://www.duicheckpointsfinder.com/
Here's the latest on DUI checkpoints happening today, June 21, 2024:
Middletown, OH: OVI Checking at Roosevelt Boulevard, Middletown, OH 45044, from 6 PM onwards.
Palmdale, CA: DUI Checking at an undisclosed location from 6:00 PM to 2:00 AM.
Los Angeles, CA: DUI Checkpoint at Washington Boulevard and Yale Avenue from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
Los Angeles, CA: DUI Saturation Patrol in the Central Area from 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
San Jose, CA: DUI Checkpoint at an undisclosed location from 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM.
Brielle, NJ: DWI checkpoint diverts southbound vehicles on Route 71 to Brielle Boro Hall parking lot, from 6 PM to 2 AM.
Ontario, CA: DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint at an undisclosed location within Ontario city limits from 6 PM to 2 AM.
Camarillo, CA: DUI Checkpoint on Arniel Avenue near the Vons Shopping Center heading towards Las Posas Road.
Victorville, CA: DUI Checkpoint on the northern side of Victorville city from 6 PM to 2 AM.
Fairfield, CA: DUI and driver’s license checkpoint at North Texas Street and Marigold Drive from 7 PM to Midnight.
Make sure to plan your routes accordingly and drive safely!
#DUI #Checkpoints #DriveSafe #StaySafe #MiddletownOH #PalmdaleCA #LosAngelesCA #SanJoseCA #BrielleNJ #FairfieldCA #RooseveltBoulevard #WashingtonBlvd #YaleAvenue #CentralLA #NorthTexasStreet #MarigoldDrive #Route71 #BrielleBoroHall #DUI
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fairfield-research · 4 months
Aged Care Market Trends, Challenges, In-Depth Insights, Strategies (2023-2030)
The global aged care market is poised for remarkable expansion, with revenues expected to soar from approximately $1.8 billion in 2023 to a staggering $2.7 billion by 2030, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2%. This surge is attributed to a confluence of factors including the integration of cutting-edge technologies, a shift towards proactive healthcare approaches, and the rapidly expanding geriatric population worldwide.
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For More Industry Insight: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/aged-care-market
Revolutionizing Geriatric Healthcare with Technology
In the geriatric care industry, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as wearable health technology and artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the landscape. These innovations enable personalized care plans, real-time health monitoring, and predictive analytics, empowering healthcare providers to deliver tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Telehealth Solutions Transforming Healthcare Delivery
Telehealth solutions are experiencing rapid growth, providing essential healthcare services to the elderly, particularly in geographically isolated areas. Telemedicine, remote monitoring, and virtual consultations are enhancing the convenience and accessibility of medical services, ensuring that seniors receive timely and comprehensive care from the comfort of their homes.
Shifting towards Preventive Healthcare
A notable trend in the market is the shift towards preventive healthcare approaches, emphasizing proactive health management and personalized care strategies. This paradigm change underscores the industry's commitment to enhancing the overall well-being of the elderly population, addressing chronic diseases, and improving quality of life through tailored interventions.
Empowering Seniors with Assistive Devices
Sophisticated assistive devices, ranging from wearable health technologies to smart home solutions, are empowering seniors by promoting safety, independence, and addressing the changing needs of an aging population. These devices play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for seniors while enabling them to maintain autonomy and dignity.
Pharmaceutical Sector Leads the Way
The pharmaceutical sector remains a cornerstone of the aged care industry, driven by the high incidence of chronic diseases among the elderly. The demand for pharmaceutical interventions, medications, and healthcare supplements continues to grow, underscoring the importance of pharmaceutical innovations in addressing the healthcare needs of seniors.
Regional Dynamics
North America leads the global aged care market, leveraging advanced technological adoption and a well-established healthcare infrastructure to deliver comprehensive healthcare services to seniors. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific region is poised for rapid expansion, driven by an aging population, increased healthcare awareness, and government initiatives aimed at bolstering elderly care services.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the aged care industry faces challenges such as financial limitations and a shortage of qualified healthcare practitioners, there are ample opportunities for growth and innovation. Expansion of telehealth applications, growing focus on wearable technology, and increasing demand for personalized healthcare solutions present avenues for market participants to thrive in this dynamic landscape.
Regulatory Landscape
The global market for senior care is governed by a multifaceted regulatory framework, with region-specific directives and guidelines shaping industry dynamics. Compliance with evolving regulatory demands is crucial for market participants to adapt their service offerings and strategies to meet the needs of seniors while ensuring quality and safety standards.
Fairfield’s Competitive Landscape Analysis
Prominent players in the global aged care space, including Koninklijke Philips N.V., Amedisys, and Medtronic, are leading the charge in delivering innovative solutions and driving industry growth. Strategic alliances, personalized healthcare offerings, and technological innovation are key factors driving competition and shaping the competitive landscape.
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dfroza · 5 months
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shared by my sister from Edgewood Avenue (Grand Rapids, MI) last night (who i was also living with on this day in 2010 on Kinnrow Court in Walker, MI)
i was writing a lot back then too
[Barbie Morales]
The sky right now. This is amazing! Erin Fairfield thanks for telling me to take a photo this is too cool
5.10.24 • Facebook
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dtgriffith · 5 months
May 9, 2024: HWA-CT Author Reading at Black Rock Books
Hi everyone, I will be participating in a live author reading at Black Rock Books as part of the Horror Writers’ Association Connecticut Chapter. The bookstore is located in the Black Rock neighborhood of Bridgeport, CT on Fairfield Avenue. The event starts at 6:30 PM and features authors Edward Ahern, Gevera Bert Piedmont, and Jackson Kuhl. Hope to see you there! Local Horror Writers Come to…
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unteriors · 1 year
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E Hempstead Avenue, Fairfield, Iowa.
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pmmechanicalny5fa · 6 months
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The HVAC companies in Connecticut and New York were first-rate, but I haven't heard anything regarding a decision as of yet. Always keep your hold firmly. You can obtain property insurance if you reside in Connecticut or New York or operate a business there. We provide almost all types of HVAC systems in stock. Ensuring adequate space would be a vital part of the planning process between the property and its neighbors. We were much more committed to meeting customer wants after bringing in HVAC specialists. Since time is of the essence, we won't stop until we've looked into every avenue. Your HVAC system can be installed, serviced, repaired, or diagnosed by our qualified technicians, regardless of its brand or model. I'd venture to guess that the majority of Americans have never entered a climate control room, even if only a small number of Connecticut residents have actually done so. Our services will protect your home from every storm, regardless of the type that hits your community. Why? Remain inside till the weather gets better. What the weather brings is not important. Whatever the weather in New York City throws at us, our knowledgeable technicians can quickly repair the air conditioning system in any building. It is up to you to confirm that your air conditioner is reliable. Maintaining a temperature that is comfortable requires air conditioning.
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Many happy customers in the New York and New Jersey areas can attest to the excellence of our HVAC services. With these additional facts, we should have no trouble finishing the assignment on schedule. Our success stems from our ability to quickly exceed our clients' expectations. No matter how big or small the work, we can handle it. This agreement will be fiercely defended in the event that it is ever contested in court. You'll have to demonstrate your worth somehow. All of our efforts will be in vain if we are not united and steadfast in our commitment to our objectives.
Our company is the one to call if you live in Connecticut and need information on HVAC systems. Our support team is available to assist you with any questions or problems you may have at any time of day or night. Our Connecticut HVAC firm has a stellar reputation because we cherish every single customer. Right now, our only goal is to obtain one of the fifty states. Are you in need of a trustworthy HVAC technician? New York City is where you ought to be. The HVAC system may need to be fixed or replaced if the issue persists. Are you having problems finding a reliable HVAC expert in the New York, Connecticut, area? For further information, get in contact with P&M Mechanical Industries, Inc. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you ever need a professional HVAC service. You can always get help when you need it.
Leading utilities like Con Edison and Eversource are some of the most vociferous advocates. The number of houses that have thermostats that are favorable to the environment is growing.
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bakerchiropractic · 7 months
Finding Comfort Neck Pain Relief in Fairfield
Neck pain is a common ailment that can significantly impact daily life, hindering movement and causing discomfort. For residents of Fairfield, finding effective relief is essential for restoring comfort and functionality. Fortunately, there are various approaches to neck pain relief available in the area.
Chiropractic care offers non-invasive and drug-free solutions for neck pain relief in Fairfield. Experienced chiropractors utilize adjustments to realign the spine and alleviate pressure on nerves, addressing the root cause of neck pain. By restoring proper spinal alignment, chiropractic care promotes healing and improves mobility, providing long-term relief.
Physical therapy is another valuable option for neck pain relief in Fairfield. Licensed physical therapists design customized treatment plans to address individual needs, incorporating exercises, stretches, and manual therapy techniques. Through targeted interventions, physical therapy helps strengthen neck muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce pain, enabling patients to regain function and mobility.
Massage therapy is widely recognized for its ability to alleviate neck pain by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. Skilled massage therapists in Fairfield employ various techniques, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and trigger point therapy, to target tight and sore muscles in the neck and shoulders. Regular massage sessions can effectively alleviate pain, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being.
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese therapy, offers another avenue for neck pain relief in Fairfield. By stimulating specific acupuncture points on the body, licensed acupuncturists promote the flow of energy, known as Qi, and facilitate the body's natural healing process. Acupuncture has been shown to effectively reduce neck pain, alleviate muscle tension, and improve range of motion, providing holistic relief.
Heat and cold therapy are simple yet effective methods for relieving neck pain in Fairfield. Applying heat, such as a heating pad or warm towel, helps relax muscles, increase blood flow, and reduce stiffness. Conversely, cold therapy, in the form of an ice pack or cold compress, can numb the area, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. Alternating between heat and cold treatments can further enhance their therapeutic benefits.
Posture correction plays a crucial role in preventing and alleviating neck pain in Fairfield. Poor posture, often exacerbated by prolonged sitting and screen time, contributes to muscle imbalances and strain on the neck and spine. By practising good posture habits and incorporating ergonomic adjustments, individuals can alleviate neck pain and prevent a recurrence.
In conclusion, residents of Fairfield have access to a range of effective options for neck pain relief. Whether seeking chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, or incorporating heat and cold therapy, finding the right approach requires consulting with qualified healthcare professionals. By addressing the underlying causes of neck pain and adopting preventive measures, individuals can experience lasting relief and improved quality of life.
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Book Your Free Class
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Book Your Free Class With Pinnacle Martial Arts using the form below! Marrickville Address 23 Yabsley Avenue, Marrickville NSW, 2204 Chester Hill Address 12 Banool St, Chester Hill NSW 2162 Our members travel to Pinnacle Martial Arts Academy from Marrickville, Tempe, Dulwich Hill, St Peters, Chester Hill, Bass Hill, Regents Park and South Granville to experience the finest in Martial Arts training for kids, teens and adults. Pinnacle Martial Arts Marrickville Address 23 Yabsley Avenue, Marrickville NSW, 2204 Pinnacle Martial Arts Chester Hill Address 12 Banool St, Chester Hill NSW 2162Phone 0410 686 585 Pinnacle Taekwondo Martial Arts in Penrith is located at the Penrith Baptist Church, Morello Terrace Caddens in Penrith Area Western Sydney. Pinnacle Karate Martial Arts in Earlwood Canterbury Bankstown area in Sydney delivers many Martial Arts Fitness, Taekwondo, and Martial Arts Self Defence programs Sydney wide. E-mail [email protected] Pinnacle Martial Arts Taekwondo Academy in Sydney is the ideal place to learn and progress to your own Pinnacle. The Black Belt Master Instructors and Elite Coaches at Pinnacle Martial Arts Sydney  are here to Teach, Motivate and Inspire. Due to the popular and unique Pinnacle Martial Arts in Sydney Style that is a combination of  The Dynamic Martial Art of Taekwondo, proven Korean Karate, Progressive Kung Fu influenced Martial Arts, Japanese Karate, Olympic Taekwondo, Boxing and Fitness our members travel to Pinnacle Martial Arts Academy in Chester Hill Southwest Sydney from these nearby suburbs: Chester Hill, Guildford, Bass Hill, Sefton, Birrong, Yagoona, Bankstown, Georges Hall, Villawood, Lansdowne, Old Guildford, Guildford East, Guildford West, South Granville, Granville, Merrylands, Lidcombe, Auburn, Clyde, Fairfield East, Fairfield, Holroyd, Harris Park, Berala, Potts Hill, Condell Park, Chullora, Greenacre, Pinnacle Taekwondo Martial Arts Marrickville Inner West Sydney is with in 2-5 Km from the following nearby suburbs: Earlwood, Dulwich Hill, Hurlstone Park, Canterbury, Lewisham, Petersham, Stanmore, Enmore, Newtown, Erskineville, St Peters, Tempe, Sydenham, Wolli Creek, Turrella, Arncliffe, Rockdale, Mascot, Alexandria, Clemton Park, Clemton Valley, Bexley, Bexley North, Campsie, Kingsgrove North, Kingsgrove, Ashfield, Ashbury, Croydon Park, Summer Hill, Leichhardt, Alexandria, Beaconsfield, Camperdown to experience the finest in Martial Arts Fitness & Martial Arts Self Defence training for kids, teens, Adults males and females of all levels. Read the full article
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pmmechanicalny10k · 7 months
hvac companies in new york
In 2000, Westchester and Fairfield counties were home to a large number of cutting-edge HVAC enterprises. The issue can be resolved by turning on the air conditioner.
Leading utilities like Con Edison and Eversource are some of the most vociferous advocates. Eco-friendly thermostats are becoming more and more common in households.
Would you like a security system installed? When it comes to contacting P&M Mechanical, Inc., time is of the essence. Regardless of the cost, we will see the project through to its completion.
There are three different maintenance plans to choose from; select the one that best fits your needs and budget.
It might make sense to stock up before costs go up even further. HVAC firms located in New York My identity will be significantly impacted by it. Try out a variety of strategies until you find the one that works best for you. You can save the most money if you purchase all three of these things at once.
Before continuing, we must make sure the air conditioner is operating properly. If you have any plumbing, HVAC, or related problems, you can get in touch with us at any time of day or night. At P&M Mechanical Inc., located in Port Chester, New York, customers come first. We are always available due to our office's handy location in Port Chester, hvac companies in new york
Here, our needs are totally disregarded. Doctors and dietitians are aware that many chief executive officers have very strict feeding regimens. Possessing an abundance of fresh concepts at one's disposal is a praiseworthy attribute. Even though we are a tiny family-run business, we have a huge number of happy clients.
They will be completely satisfied because we always go above and above for them. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you ever find yourself in a financial jam and could require our aid.
Despite the great quality of the HVAC companies in Connecticut and New York, I haven't heard anything regarding a final decision as of yet. Always keep your hold firmly. Anyone living in New York or Connecticut or operating a business there can get property insurance. We provide almost all types of HVAC systems in stock. Ensuring adequate space would be a vital part of the planning process between the property and its neighbors. After bringing in HVAC specialists, we became much more committed to meeting client needs. We won't stop until we've explored every avenue since time is of the importance. Your HVAC system can be installed, serviced, repaired, or diagnosed by our qualified technicians, regardless of its brand or model. It is perplexing that Connecticut has chosen to ignore climate change in light of the widespread concern about it. However, I could be totally wrong. Our services will keep your house safe throughout any storm that strikes your community. Why? Until the weather gets better, stay inside. What the weather brings is not important. Any building's air conditioning system can be quickly fixed by our skilled specialists, regardless of the New York City weather. It is up to you to confirm that your air conditioner is reliable. The presence of air conditioning is necessary to maintain a pleasant temperature.
Many happy customers in the New York and New Jersey areas can attest to the excellence of our HVAC services. With these additional facts, we should have no trouble finishing the assignment on schedule. Our capacity to quickly exceed our clients' expectations has been the key to our success. No matter how big or small the work, we can handle it. This agreement will be fiercely defended in the event that it is ever contested in court. You'll have to demonstrate your worth somehow. All of our efforts will be in vain if we are not united and steadfast in our commitment to our objectives.
For anyone in the Connecticut region looking for information about HVAC systems, our website is a veritable gold mine. Our support team is available to assist you with any questions or problems you may have at any time of day or night. Our Connecticut HVAC firm has a stellar reputation because we cherish every single customer. Right now, our only goal is to obtain one of the fifty states. Are you in need of a trustworthy HVAC technician? New York City is where you ought to be. If the issue persists, the HVAC system might need to be replaced or repaired. Are you having problems finding a reliable HVAC expert in the New York, Connecticut, area? For further information, get in contact with P&M Mechanical Industries, Inc. In the unlikely event that you need the assistance of a qualified HVAC specialist, don't hesitate to contact us. You can always get help when you need it.
Leading utilities like Con Edison and Eversource are some of the most vociferous advocates. Eco-friendly thermostats are becoming more and more common in households.
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