crownsparrow · 1 year
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it’s a regular occurrence that emily finds herself arguing with bashir over one thing or another.  truly,  more often than not?  she’s starved for entertainment.  the nobility she’s surrounded by on a daily basis are extraordinarily dull  —  it’s only when wyman’s in dunwall that emily’s able to hold onto some sense of entertainment.  unfortunately,  it’s all too rare that they’re in gristol,  let alone dunwall.  with a heavy sigh,  gaze drifts idly around the room…  at least she’s faced with hints of entertainment now.  
“sokolov may be growing older,  but he’s still entirely capable of accomplishing plenty,”   of course,  emily’s too fond of anton to push him beyond his limits,  so there’s a hint of annoyance in the fact that the physician is so entirely correct.   “though i suppose you make a decent point,”   a concession offered begrudgingly as the empress’ eyes roll,  and a moment later she does as he’d asked,  her leg lifting to allow an examination.
    “A decent point,” he echoed with a grin. But he looked over her wounds, brows ticking together as he tried to surmise how deep they might be. She’d still been able to walk, so that was good. Some stitching and then monitoring in the coming days to ensure it wouldn’t become infected. He’d hate to see what ‘got the Empress’ leg hacked off at the hip’ did for his medical career.
“This will sting, feel free to hit the pillow, not me, Your Majesty.” He got to work, applying something for the pain (though it was far from a perfect concoction) and began the slow process of stitching. “If you’re wondering, however, I believe the answer to your tailor’s disposition is along the lines of "peeved”.“
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"don't let it go to your head," the warning fired in @dimensionalspades' direction a lighthearted quip more than a genuine warning -- truth be told, bashir is one of those surrounding her with whom emily finds herself least annoyed with... though she'd never tell him that. he's kind, gifted, and most importantly? he's not afraid of going toe-to-toe with her. he doesn't back down where so many others cringe away at the mere idea of having a bit of fun with her.
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of course, not every aspect of their encounters is pleasant -- and the fact that, more often than not, she's injured when they cross paths puts a bit of a damper on things. this will sting -- and it does, the scowl on her face deepening as emily attempts to keep quiet. a matter of pride, perhaps, in looking more annoyed than pained, though she's too distracted to say for certain. "i believe my tailor will live," she manages shortly, eyes rolling in a further attempt to appear nonchalant.
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
Hey everyone! Col ( @FacetedSpades ) is just fine! Tumblr terminated their account and they're working on getting it back online as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions, please let us know and I'll pass them on!
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lietwice · 2 years
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        plotted starter for @facetedspades​​
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        “I NEED ONE FURTHER MEASUREMENT.”    He’s been up and down from this seat a dozen times now, taking measurement after measurement, most of which would be entirely unnecessary if not for the complex panelling he’s repeatedly been changing on the pattern. Each time he tweaks his idea, he needs to take the measurement from Julian in a slightly different place, or at a slightly different angle. Quite honestly, he’s having an excellent time choosing the most inconvenient moments to request Julian’s help. He’ll wait until Julian has just begun to read a new paragraph, or has gotten halfway through his summary of a diagram, before announcing his immediate need for a new measurement, and wasting no time in jumping up, sonic scanner at the ready. It wouldn’t do to give Julian time to protest, now, would it?
        “THIS TRULY IS THE LAST, I PROMISE.”    Unfortunately, it’s true. He can only adjust the pattern so many times before his need for new measurements becomes suspicious and unrealistic. There are only so many measurements he can take. After this, however, will come a more exciting stage. He’ll have to pin the pieces in place on his model, and follow every single seam, adjusting the pins until he believes he has it just right, before he even begins to construct his rough draft of the piece. 
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noonegetsleftbehind · 2 years
Leon smacks Chris' ass as he runs by, seeya Redfield.
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that's it. no words needed
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iamselfmade · 2 years
🌿 (for Julian give me the lads)
"Well, I looked up what the salad is for. I may not really understand the significance of it, but..." Hugh smiles and kisses Julian on the nose. "I love you."
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heroselect · 2 years
@facetedspades​: You can track how polite he is by the position of his hairline
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“By that logic, he would have gone bald in his twenties.“
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constable · 2 years
5, 9, 16
5. someone they’ve forgiven
Worf. Worf was kind of a huge dick to Odo when he was first transferred to DS9, and Odo was pretty awful back, frankly, but with time, they came to an understanding and Odo, at least, forgave Worf for overstepping his boundaries and trying to tell him how to do his job.
9. someone they would like to befriend
Odo would like to befriend Rom, but every time he tries, he gets frustrated by how very differently they communicate. Odo always ends up calling Rom stupid, at least to himself, then regretting it later.
16. someone they used to view negatively, but now view positively 
Nog, definitely. And Jake, a little bit, but mostly Nog, for actually pursuing that absolutely insane dream and totally changing everything about himself and becoming a very well-respected adult. Nog totally moved past his childhood criminal status and that impresses Odo a lot.
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evcryopeneye · 2 years
@facetedspades​​ asked: ❛  nothing ever goes as planned or thought.  ❜ (From Julian)
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“Join Starfleet, they said.” Tilly mumbled quietly, “will be fun they said.” Yeah. It was. Sometimes. Most of the time it was just straight up terror like you couldn’t imagine. Though, if the nerve wrecked and socially award Cadet could see where she had ended up, she probably would have passed out. Tilly couldn’t quite believe that they were the same person.
She was just a little bit salty about tonight's turn of events, Tilly had always struggled to make friends, but a few of the other lower ranked officers had been planning a night out. Hit the bars, drink. Not get in any fights. Certainly not any trouble. Instead, trouble had found her. Well. More like dragged her back into the lab in her civvies. Black dress, red curls cascading down her shoulders she pressed a few buttons on the control panel. “Its both.” She answered bluntly, “hybrid magnetar pulsars have been documented, six in fact, though theres none in the alpha quadrant. They shouldn’t be alive though after coming that close to one. The magnetic forces should have ripped that ship apart never mind the radiation…”
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therapardalis · 2 years
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[OC Questions Meme from @facetedspades​.]
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
That’s pretty much an ‘eye of the beholder’ kind of thing. Strong contenders would be her legs or her shoulders and neck - possibly followed by smile and eyes. 
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Thera believes she’s physically attractive, though just how much so depends again on who’s looking and what their personal tastes are. She has used it to her advantage, usually to get information or charm her way into somewhere that she can find that information.
On the more personal side, though, she believes that most people attracted to the physical are going to lose interest when they get to know what a difficult hard-ass she actually is ...
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missxnsuppxrt · 2 years
@facetedspades asked: one of us is clearly smarter than the other (from Leon. It's Ingrid. Ingrid is smarter)
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One of Ingrid’s eyebrows shot up from behind the rims of her glasses. She passed him the takeout carton with stir fry over her desk. It was pretty late, and they were both stuck at the office so she got them both takeout. She reached for a box of rice and dipped it out onto the paper plate she was using for herself.
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“Choose your next words very carefully, Leon Kennedy,” she said with a sly smirk and a mischievous glint in her eye. “And remember I’m the one who keeps you alive on missions.”
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everdaring · 2 years
Happy holidays!
ooc ✨ happy holidays, dear! have a couple edits of everyone's favourite grill dad~
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Send ‘Happy Holidays! ⛄’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat![ tentatively accepting, only from friends, mostly ]
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
Facetedspades, Flashofyellowlights and Femtaille
All the F blogs
Spread some joy this evening ! || accepting (always tbh)
Listen nonnie, Col is one of the best writers on this website. They put so much care and attention in all of their characters ( especially Jack, but I might be a little biased there). Their writing is beautiful, and they're willing to indulge my shenanigans. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to talk to them ic and ooc, and to have them in my life. I'm truly blessed to have them as a friend.
I can't find/don't remember your penname and I'm sorry but!! You have one of the most consistent, well characterised Angela's on the website! You balance the lightness and fun of her personality with her intensity as a doctor so well, and I'm in constant aw of how much time, work, and effort that you take into consideration when you write her. I love all of your aesthetic/musing/ enviroment posts because it adds such a depth to her, and it's clear that you're just so passionate about her. Thank you so much for being here, and being a member of OWRPC.
@femtaille (Round 2 )
Sue is continuing to wound me with her headcanons, musing and music. She manages to wrap up so many different aspects of Widow, Amelie, Moira, Gerard, and the other characters and consideres so closely how they all impact Widow. Sue listens to, and includes the headcanons, of different musees that Widow interacts with, and we've managed to go from a simple battle scene to developing a rich and deep back story that makes it hurt so much more.
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flashofyellowlights · 2 years
" I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, doc. " (from Jack)
Mendings, Major and Minor ( no longer accepting)
“ Well you’re not trying to take any sound advice either now are you? ”
Barely a glance is spent in Jack’s direction, Angela doing her very best to complete her work in the midst of what feels like a petty argument. It’s late, paperwork is backed up and here her commanding officer is standing in this stuffy as hell office to pester her. On normal occasions she invites his company; a good talk with the man can go a long way and is most vital on nights like this. It’s a short sweet break from all the mess of work and often the both of them leave with a smile. 
Unfortunately, Angela hasn’t been blessed with such as of recent. 
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Feels like it’s been more than a couple weeks that he randomly appears to talk about issues, to vent about the oddities that revolve around several other Overwatch agents. Which at first was no problem; there have been several happenings that have been concerning the doctor as well. But anytime she offers a solution, or asks if Jack has something like one-- it’s dismissed, dodged, or simply denied. And now here he was again, repeating the same conversation and daring to be shocked when Angela isn’t enthused. 
She couldn’t be bothered, truly. At this point it was irritating. 
“ You came to me for advice-- you don’t ask me to lend an ear, you ask me for advice-- only to turn around and say you don’t want to do anything I suggest. Then have the nerve to say you don’t want to pick a fight do you even hear yourself? ”
The clicking of keys had switched from rapid typing to aggressive backspacing, Angela clearly growing increasingly frustrated while continuing on. The agitation has caused far too many typos than the doctor can handle, and seem to only get worse as she goes on. 
“ You do not understand how frustrating it feels. It’s like-- I-- I-- I just-- ”
The sentence falls flat, Angela now flustered by the stutter and with a gentle motion the doctor stops to lie her palms over the keys. Work is now on hold, at least until this matter is squashed. Angela bows her head, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose to try and ease the oncoming ache. With her eyes closed, there’s a deep inhale through her nose, a softer exhale out her mouth… And she relaxes her posture, hands resting on her lap when she turns in her chair to face him. 
“ Why are you here, really? Is there a reason you keep coming to me about these things and nobody else? ”
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“You’re not alone in this.“
@facetedspades​ { Jack }
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“I know,” Gabriel answers just before he exhales a heavy sigh and brings one hand up to rub at his eyes. 
He’s been staring at these damn maps for too long. The place names are almost starting to blur together.
“I know that I’m not. I just… I need to get these plans prepped and refined for the next assault. I don’t want any mistakes.”
He doesn’t want their people getting caught in crossfire or led to the slaughter or––
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“There’s no room for mistakes. No margin for error.”
It’s not the first time he’s had people who rely on him. It’s not the first time that he’s led a team. 
But the stakes are higher now. More people under his command. More moving parts. More potential for things to go off the rails. 
More dire consequences if it does.
More pressure.
“… Those tin cans are getting smarter with their strategies. They’re forming better plans of attack and defense. I have to plan better, too.”
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lietwice · 2 years
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        @facetedspades​ said: ‘ yeah? make me. ’ (from Julian)
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        OH?    Oh, he can certainly do that. Julian has the nerve to wear that shirt in here, in Garak's quarters... and believes he can go around challenging Garak to 'make him' get rid of it? Well, if he wants a battle over this, Garak is nothing short of ecstatic to give it to him. This can surely only go well for him. Not only does he get to fight with Julian ( with a physical element, too, if he's assuming correctly! ) but if he wins, he can dispose of that awful shirt once and for all!
        GARAK ADVANCES SLOWLY.    He expects Julian to run, sooner or later, though likely not until Garak has reached a critical distance from him. Garak has no intention of waiting for that to happen. His slow, calculated footsteps cease suddenly and he darts forward, at what he's decided appears to be the most illogical place to switch speed. That way, he hopes, he can catch Julian by surprise.
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sohelish · 2 years
The main villain was slain, outsmarted and tricked into accidentally falling on his machete. The co-conspirator in a Swamp Creature costume - caught and unmasked. Spooky background noises transformed into a triumphant melody at the end of the sequence.
@facetedspades​ asked: we make a pretty good team . (from Julian)
'We do.' The way she said it held no surprise. It didn't radiate any sentiment either. Yet the statement had the firmness of pure certainty to it. Hel was also aware that it was to Julian's credit. She had been evaluated on the subject of teamwork by several organisations. All confirmed a poor affinity for it, and she had the results "on paper," so to speak. The woman worked best alone. This rare exception she attributed to the doctor's kindness and uncanny ability to adapt and cooperate with any being.
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'Let's see now.' In a series of skilful gestures, she shut down the running holosuite programme and brought up the stats. 'All enemies neutralised. All easter eggs found?' She knew they did well but didn't expect such an advanced performance. 'And that's why it felt so short. We did finish early.' Both her brows raised, she tilted her head to the side. In fact...
'We still have twenty-two minutes of booked time left!' It occurred to her that they should acquire some new material.
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