#Faceless Insects ✿ Anons
blooming-flame · 2 months
[Asked multiple blogs this, but I guess I missed this one.]
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what’s one thing you make sure you do today?
"Spend the day with the one person that means more to me than anything else. If I was going to die, at least I'd do it in the arms of the one I love, knowing things would be better in a different reality"
They hum a bit in thought
"That's assuming there was nothing I could do about it at least... I'd rather avoid dying altogether if there was some means to do so"
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royal-chess-piece · 4 months
*tickles the silly king to cheer 'em up*
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*flops around like a fish*
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feebledetective · 5 years
Are all your missing pet cases as wild as the baby alligator one, boy?
    –   " N-Not really…? So far the baby alligator case is the only… Wild case, but other than that it’s been fairly normal. Usually, the most common cases I’ve dealt with were missing cats or dogs. “
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   There were a variety of pets he had to find, there was an instance where he had to find someone’s bug, it was odd but he managed. Thankfully enough he was quick to find it, and he’s only ever received one case that was related to insects. It’s still not as wild as the baby alligator, so he didn’t think it was worth mentioning. –
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
can i be gettin some Ej, Masky, Toby, or Bloody Painter headcanons with a s/o that is a cryptozooligist but specializes in Mothman stuff? So they go camping and just visit cryptid sites a lot? -Mothman anon
Eyeless Jack:
- he’s 100% insistent that cryptids don’t exist
- “Jack, you’re a demon” “yeah but mothman? Pffft”
- Regardless he’s SUPER curious about the surrounding mythology
- He’s never been one to shy away from horror movies or legends so he wants to know everything about any other scary creature out there
- His favorite cryptid is nessie :)
- Just cause it’s super easy to look at plausible anatomy for it since it’s so close to the description of a plesiosaur, same goes with Bigfoot
- Sure fire way to get him into your cryptid antics is to be like “Jack I’d like to plot out some potential anatomy for mothman :)”
- He’s like hold the fuck up I’ll be right there
- Dumps like a million anatomy books on your desk
- “Okay I studied insect anatomy too so I-“ “you know that he’s not part moth right they just call him mothman”
- “Why the fuck would they do that”
- Actually he loves learning about mothman simply because he sees how much everyone LOVES the man the moth the legend and is secretly like “if they can love mothman.… maybe they’ll think I’m cool too”
- 100% is already a local cryptid, encourage his dreams
- like EJ with the whole “uhhhh cryptids don’t exist” thing
- “You work for a 15 foot tall faceless… thing” “......okay fair what should I know about mothman”
- He kinda rolls his eyes while you talk excitedly but he loves listening to you and god damn if you don’t know what you’re talking about, he’s very impressed with your cryptid trivia
- He tries to keep it from the other creeps that he looks into stuff with you but word eventually gets out
- At that point he can’t deny it and will be like “well at least my s/o has an interesting hobby” and THEN defend you vigorously
- He’ll go cryptid hunting with you and he is the honored camera bearer
- If you do want to visit Point Pleasant, he’s insistent on going to some of the touristy places. Like if I’m here I’m at least getting a Mothman coffee, for God’s sakes
- “Tim put the goddamn cigarettes away we’re on a cryptid hunt!” “Maybe he wants one. Mothman! Do you want a smoke!”
- He’s mostly making fun of you but like… what if it worked 👀
- holy fuck if there was a creep to immediately jump onto your interests it’s this boy
- He is immediately captivated and wants to know more
- He is??? The only one to not be like “psh cryptids aren’t real” instead he’s like “I live in a mansion full of dead and murderous people. Yeah a mothman is plausible”
- He’s not good at researching by himself so he’ll listen to you talk about cryptids and mothman and jump in with all his theories
- He’ll drag you to search for him before you can even mention a cryptid hunt
- He brings sleeping bags and everything
- He really likes sleeping under the stars instead of in a tent, so either you sleep with him outside or go “k have fun” and stay in your slightly warmer tent
- If you choose to sleep in the tent like a normal person he’ll inevitably crawl inside at like 3 AM like “ok I’m scared and cold now :(“
- But he is 100% invested and enthusiastic right now, definitely the best cryptid hunter in the mansion 😤👌
Bloody Painter:
- he’s.… skeptic but curious
- He’ll stand and read books/webpages over your shoulder while you study
- He delved into really grotesque artwork of cryptids and really digs the statue of Mothman in point pleasant
- To the point where you have to stop him from recreating it once you get back to the mansion
- “Consider this, Helen: where will you find gigantic wings or a moth head?” “I could probably just tan some skin” “like cows skin right” *he starts sweating* “Helen you’re talking about using cows skin right? Please tell me you mean cows skin”
- If you do go camping he’s gonna want to look for the cryptid right away, don’t have time to set up tents or cameras, lets just GO I wanna SEE it
- His favorite theory is that mothman is some kind of angel or ultra-terrestrial being. Tbh he finds aliens stupid :/
- Beyond mothman his absolute favorite cryptid is the chupacabra. He’s like obsessed with the pictures of that dog they thought was a chupacabra, the bloodsucking, the reptilian versions of them, everything
- Tbh getting him into cryptids was maybe not the best bc now there are corpses in the woods that he’s working on modeling into cryptid “corpses” and you know that’s kind of his gig but it’s grOSS
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
I was wondering if you could do a prompt with Cal and the reader where they’re both inquisitors, or the reader (as a Jedi/force-sensitive) having been supposedly “killed” during a fight with an inquisitor, only for Cal to find out later down the road that they’ve been turned into one, and it becomes his mission to save them and convince that he would never abandon them? I hope that’s okay and not asking for too much! ;~;
Nonsense! This is definitely okay and you’re not asking too much 😊😉 It was a little tricky to make the fic not look like a reverse twin of my 2 similar-sounding fics “Come Back To You” and “A Path I Can’t Follow,” but I saw it as a chance and a happy challenge to mix up the plot and add up what I wished I could’ve done on either fics. So, here you go, Anon! ☺ I hope you’ll enjoy the fic and I’m really sorry that it took a while in making it—as I was caught up in other requests and my own fic as well.
“Someone Left to Save” | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: The Mantis crew arrives to the capital of Ulfin, in the planet of Pevera, under siege. They meet the local rebel cell spearheaded by the former Republic admiral, Jax Beneb, who seeks to destroy the Empire’s occupation that was aggressively imposed upon while exploiting the planet of its natural resources. A plan is devised to destroy the Imperial’s main base of operations—as well as their influence—in the planet; however, it was a do-or-die mission that you and Cal had gotten yourselves caught in.
A/N: Also, Happy 40th Fic for me! ;;w;; I never saw myself expanding my masterlist with requests from other people, I just thought it would slowly grow with my own ideas and prompts but here I am now! 😭😭❤❤ I’m so glad you guys stuck around and liked my content, I’m forever grateful and really appreciate the support! You guys are the greatest!!! 🥰💖✨💜🌼
Tags: Force-Sensitive! Reader, Inquisitor! Reader, Jedi! Reader, Fake Death, Jedi turned Inquisitor, Seduction to the Dark Side, Turn to the Dark Side, The Dark Side of the Force, Aftermath of Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Redemption Arc! Reader, Possible Redemption, Premonitions
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, physical and psychological torture
Also in AO3
Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
1 of ?
Many travelers would call Pevera as Felucia’s near twin—due to the vibrant, unusual, and colorful flora, the formidable yet fascinating fauna, and the great lakes that stretched and blotched across the continent. However, it colors begin to fade as the Empire devours it with its shroud.
All of you have gathered in one of the temple ruins that make up for the rebel cell’s meeting halls. Beneb and the fighters settled in the jungle that’s miles away from the capital Ulfin’s boundary. You and Cal listen in on the exchange of the soldiers and Beneb regarding their plan of their counterattack.
The main target? The Imperial outpost that’s been erected at the city.
The operation was quite elaborate for a rebel cell, nevertheless, Beeneb was confident that it was manageable—since he had put his faith on his soldiers to be the good ones, albeit being an interesting medley of misfits.
“We will strike at night—when they are most vulnerable, they’ll be under the impression that nobody will be outside due to the curfew,” Beneb interjects, he raises a finger at you. “[Y/N] will be part of the small division who’s in charge of planting the explosions at the very foundation of the building. The explosion will divert the Imps’ attention to their outpost while we free the captives and our men in their holding camps.”
And the former admiral moves his finger to Cal, “You, on the other hand, will go with the assault division. You’re one of the best fighters I’ve seen, my boy, and we’re gonna need all the brawn we can get until the captives have been freed.”
He never liked this idea not one bit—since its conception, he wasn’t really keen on the thought of having you take on one of the most dangerous tasks of this mission: explosives. You had to talk it out of him just so he’s convinced and reassured that this plan will come through.
At the end of the briefing, Cal pulled you to a secluded spot in the camp: at the side of a tent, which is still slightly in sight of other people around the camp.
“You’ve been uneasy since the start of the briefing,” you point out.
He reasons out his exact sentiments on the plan—he doesn’t like how Jax Beneb planned this whole counterattack.
“It seems risky,”
“Cal, in these times, everything is risky,” you argue. “I was hoping you’d have some trust in me—given that they put me in the explosives team.”
“I do trust you. It’s… It’s the plan I don’t trust,” Cal muttered, strictly within your earshot.
“They’re gonna have to do better if they wanted to kill me off,”
“Don’t joke like that,” he clicked his tongue, apparently ticked.
“I’m not joking,” you shrug your shoulders. “I meant it—I’m not that easy to get rid of, and neither are you.”
Cal fell silent. You had him back to a corner on that one. His eyes were wary of the partisans that passed you by, those pair of green irises shifted from one person to another, avoiding eye contact or greeting them with curt nods and mumbled hey’s and hi’s.
You bring your hand to his cheek, gingerly turning him to face you.
“I know it’s scary, but it’s gonna be okay,” you caress his cheek with the knuckle of your forefinger, he nuzzled his lip to the cushion of your thumb.
That same night, you were restless.
You’re haunted by the vision of red and orange burning blindingly behind your eyes, the rumble felt so surreal you feel the vibration at the soles of your feet, and whatever tension it brought you it was suffocating. Later on, in your nightmare, you’re greeted with the sight of Cal lying flat on the floor, facing up, his face is covered in ash and soot, red marks signify fresh yet minor burns, a streak of blood paints along the side of his face. Meanwhile, you can feel yourself lying right beside Cal’s unconscious—and seemingly dead—body. You want to scream, but you’re mute, with only the sound of a hundred, faceless screams, explosions, and the flaring inferno wrapping around the two of you.
“Cal, please get up…!” you hear your subconscious self beg, your voice cracking as you choke on your own words. You couldn’t even hoist your hand to nudge him, let alone touch.
He doesn’t budge. Embers continue to flutter over a plume of black smoke wafting in your direction.
You jolt up, awake in a cold sweat. Your eyes adjust to the dimness of your tent, lit by a single power lamp, your ears prick up and listen to the cacophony of insects chirping in the sparse vegetation of the outskirts. The bioluminescent sap of the trees flowing underneath the bark glowed around the camp in place of the bonfire that’s been put out for tonight.
Cal shuffled in his bed, he was woken up by your exclamation and shallow, rapid breathing.
“[Y/N], is something wrong?”
“I… Yeah…” you stammered, massaging both sides of your head as you hunched your back. “Bad dream is all… Sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep, Cal.”
He hesitated, but did so shortly afterwards. He didn’t close his eyes yet when he laid his back flat on his bed, he tossed to his side facing you, but you returned to your own bed with your back turned to him. Cal watched the steady by labored rise and fall of your shoulders as you coax yourself back to sleep, although you struggled in doing so.
It was a restless night. You literally fought it off by having a quick sparring session with one of the partisans.
Cal approached and leaned against the banister of the pen where you and spar buddy fought. He noticed the sleight of your hand is still intact—the grip around the hilt is firm and secure—but your ankles when buckling seemed flimsy; it’s not that he wanted you to fail, rather he anticipated the likeliness of you fumbling once the opponent lands a blow against your practice rod—which is nothing short of a typical electrostaff with a dead circuit.
“Did you get enough sleep last night?” asked Cal as soon as your sparring was over.
“I’ve caught enough winks. Why?”
“Your form looked off, that’s what,”
“Did I now?”
“Looks like you’re not as confident as you were yesterday,”
“Cal, my nightmare had nothing to do with the counterattack,”
He dismisses it by mouthing the word “Sure” and then the two of continued to talk with the banister between you. Seeing that he is the only person you can confide to with these kinds of dreams, you eventually caved in and narrated everything to him—even the macabre part where you find him lying lifeless next to you and he doesn’t budge.
“Okay, I won’t lie: that is scary.”
“It’s only a dream, Cal, don’t take it so seriously,”
“For a while there, you sounded like you did,”
“Well, it felt real—but that doesn’t mean I believe it,”
The bickering ended before the tension would even rise. Even if neither of you are talking about it, there’s always something that reminds you of it—anything was a potential stimulus: the campfire evoked the images of the burning light that seared your eyes, the collective voices of the fighters gradually melding together into one indistinct voice reminded you of the faceless screams.
This went on for the rest of the day, even during a recap meeting with Jax and the partisans. After that short meeting, you were led by one of the partisans who will handle the explosives with you on the day of the operation.
“Come on, we’ll teach you how the detonators work,”
The partisan sensed the warble in your tone, she chuckled, although not to offend. The adult woman clapped your shoulder and slung her arm around it, hauling you to her side.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, little spark! You’ve got enough time to run away from it before the Imps could even realize it exists!”
While you were being stowed away by the detonations experts, Cal joined in with the fighters who were constantly warming up and sparring at one another—with the one collective reason that they want to be in tiptop shape when it’s time for the operation to be executed. Even without touching you, Cal had sensed your anxiety, he’s noticed your episodic wincing and migraine attacks, and though you insist that you’re fine—both of you perfectly know that nothing seems fine anymore as the day for the counterattack approaches ever so briskly.
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blooming-flame · 2 months
Are you scared?
".... No. I trust Even"
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blooming-flame · 3 months
So what are your parents like? Are they fun? They seem fun
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"I mean he has the whole troupe and they do all kinds of neat stuff. I get to see two of my siblings when they visit. But travel isn't a problem because I can see him when I sleep. He's always been there for me!"
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"She just kinda stuck me in her garden when I was little with a few retainers and guards to watch me. Sure I was her first kid, but her parenting never really improved... I think she sees kids more like a pet... Either way we don't really... Get along"
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blooming-flame · 3 months
You like flowers? What's your favorite type of flower?
"I love flowers actually! I like to try and make new kinds in my garden! My favorite one would be this one I made as a gift to someone very dear to me... It reminds me of them"
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blooming-flame · 2 months
well at least whatevers down there won't come out and hunt you down! Maybe.
"It can't"
They say that with such certainty, though their expression seems far less certain. More confused than anything.
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blooming-flame · 2 months
Do you think whatevers down there hates you? Do you think it wants you dead?
"I... Maybe? I don't know... Exactly. I think... It hates a lot of things... That much hatred can't be without reason... I.."
They wave their hand dismissively, shaking off whatever train of thought that was, it felt weird.
"I could be wrong haha... It's not like I even know what it is, nor like it knows me. I've never encountered anything from down there in my entire life. And I've ah, lived a very long time. Lost track after several thousand... I've just learned to trust my instincts, and they say whatever is down there is bad news... Yeah, that's it"
They didn't like the feeling they had...
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blooming-flame · 2 months
How about we go look for even again?? Clearly theyre not dead and stuff
"If she's still in that Abyss place, I can't go down there... I have the distinct feeling that for me to go is a death wish... Thinking about it kinda makes me feel an ache all the way into my soul... It's... Unpleasant"
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blooming-flame · 2 months
What do you think killed Odd?
"I don't know... I almost don't want to know... A lot could kill someone so young though. But down there, in that eerie place... Who knows what horrors could be hiding. But at the same time... A really big drop could have probably killed her... I..."
They get quiet again, before shaking their head
"I don't want to think about it more... Let's talk about something else... Please..."
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blooming-flame · 2 months
For now!
"Shut up! As long as it does't hurt... I know she's okay. Even is strong. I have faith in her, that she'll be okay..."
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blooming-flame · 2 months
The father of all void wants to be free.. The void beings are coming to free him. I don't think whatever happens when he's freed will be particularly good, for you anyways.
"Gee, thanks"
They're somewhat struggling to grasp the severity of the statement, but that will probably hit them at a later date, when they're not currently struggling from a loss.
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blooming-flame · 2 months
All void beings have been called to the void... Has something to do with the big void man
"Something about that feels... Wrong. Something worse is coming, isn't it?"
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blooming-flame · 2 months
Was the laugh Umbra? Why do you hate her so much- er. Actually maybe not the best time to ask. I'm so sorry for your loss
"No, no. It's fine... A distraction is nice... hah..."
Why was Umbra back there...
"It was her... She... She has a love of tormenting me... She would have just made things worse... Much worse"
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