theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Master Post
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons after the fall of the Autobot Base. Instead he was given to Shockwave as a test subject. Through a series of horrific experiments, Wheeljack is no longer a normal Cybertronian. He’s been turned into a Predacon. When Starscream and Knockout cause a zombie outbreak on the Nemesis, Wheeljack escapes. Now out for revenge and seeking to learn how to control his new body he finds an unlikely new friend, another Predacon experiment who was long thought dead.
Story inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice and her “Of Flesh and Steel” AU
Also posted on Wattpad in book format
Chapter One: Rebirth
Chapter Two: Monster
Chapter Three: Fangs and Claws
Chapter Four: Skirmish
Chapter Five: Closer
Chapter Six: Separation
Chapter Seven: Rescue
Chapter Eight: Mated Pair 🍋
Chapter Nine: Negotiating an Alliance
Chapter Ten: Creatures and Caverns
Chapter Eleven: Wheyr the Wild Things Are
Chapter Twelve: A Union of Forces
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fablebreakers · 7 years
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Follow Fablebreakers for more art inspiration (and probably more Vincent Van Gogh quotes...)
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ruby-jubilee · 7 years
@embers-loves-lucius Dan Jones and Dragons is a fun DnD Podcast that I enjoy! You can find it on Soundcloud, Critical Role is another DnD thing that I enjoy that's on Youtube and you've probably already listened to it but Fablebreakers is great too!
@lumineoff Ive also been listening to Critical Role! Theyve started campaign 2 recently
Ahhh yes!  Critical Role, I keep hearing about that, maybe I should look into that.  DnD podcasts seem to be so popular right now.  I tried The Adventure Zone, but I never listened past the first episode
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tinymintywolf · 7 years
Not a question. Just wanna let you know I listened to your interview on Fablebreakers and as someone who wants to find myself in the same career as yours, it was very inspiring to listen to. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. =)
that makes me so happy to hear! im glad you it was inspiring to you ♥ ♥ i wish you the best on your own creative journey!
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jeremyloomis · 7 years
Fablebreakers podcast, with guest Jeremy Loomis
Fablebreakers had me as a guest to discuss the topic of creative block! Here’s the link:
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theicescorpions · 1 day
Primal Fire Chapter Eleven: Wheyr the Wild Things Are
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master Post
Chapter One
Several weeks quickly passed by without incident and the four predacons had turned the cavern into a functioning shielded base of operations. Wheeljack’s affinity for engineering began to slowly return though he still spent large amounts of time reading on the subject in the crashed ship’s computer archives. He had taken time away from his research to help Fablebreaker carve out a hollow of their own and she began nesting and fussing over her space while he worked. Thunderdrum and Fidget made their own hollows before going out to bring back resources and other offerings for the nesting female.
Fablebreaker found the process of creating her hollow both exhilarating and exhausting. She meticulously arranged rocks and branches to form a cozy nest, weaving together different materials to create a warm and inviting space. As Wheeljack worked on his engineering projects, she busied herself with preparing for the arrival of their offspring.
Meanwhile, Thunderdrum and Fidget scoured the surrounding area for resources to support their growing community. They brought back fresh energon deposits, salvaged technology from nearby wreckage, and even discovered hidden caches of ancient Cybertronian artifacts in pockets of fractured off wreckage. Their efforts were essential in ensuring the well-being of their group within the environment of the cavern.
Eventually, Wheeljack felt secure enough to call the Autobots. He reached out to his former comrades using the encrypted communication channels that he had managed to repair within the crashed ship. The massive mech waited for a response with his arms crossed over his chest.
The response to Wheeljack's call came sooner than expected. A crackling voice filled the cavern as Optimus Prime's familiar tone resonated through the communication system. ::Wheeljack, it is good to hear from you. We are relieved to see that you and your group are safe.::
Wheeljack kept his voice even and calm. "Optimus, we have established a wheyr. It is well-hidden and well-protected. I’m calling because I was hoping that Ratchet could come check out Fablebreaker. I don’t know why but something feels off. She’s already nesting. We need to know if Shockwave did anything more to her.”
Optimus Prime's response was swift and filled with concern. "We will send Ratchet immediately. Your caution is wise, Wheeljack. We cannot afford to overlook any potential threats or unseen tampering from Shockwave."
“I’ll send Thunderdrum to these coordinates to retrieve Ratchet and anyone else you send here.”
Thunderdrum immediately transformed into his beast mode, a flat-headed feline-esque dragon form, and took off towards the coordinates designated by his clan leader.
The journey to rendezvous with the Autobots was a swift one for Thunderdrum. His powerful wings beat against the air as he soared over the rugged terrain, his keen optics scanning the landscape below for any signs of trouble.
As he approached the designated coordinates, Thunderdrum spotted Ratchet and a small team of Autobots waiting below. With a graceful descent, he landed before them, transforming back into his towering robotic form.
“Who is coming with you?” Thunderdrum asked the medic.
Ratchet nodded in acknowledgment of Thunderdrum's question. "I've brought Arcee and Bumblebee with me," he replied, gesturing to the two Autobots standing beside him.
Arcee gave Thunderdrum a nod of greeting.
Bumblebee, beeped his greeting cheerfully.
“I hope you do not mind flying. The terrain is too rough for wheels.” Thunderdrum told them.
“Flying? How?” Ratchet asked
“I’d carry you.” The Predacon said as if it were obvious.
With a look of surprise mixed with uncertainty, Ratchet hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "We don't have much time to waste. Let's not keep Wheeljack waiting."
Thunderdrum transformed back into dragon form and crouched down, offering his foreleg as a step, allowing Ratchet, Arcee, and Bumblebee to climb onto his broad back. Once they were securely in place, Thunderdrum spread his powerful wings and took off into the sky with a mighty leap. The Autobots held on tightly as they soared through the air, the wind rushing past them.
After a swift flight, Thunderdrum landed gracefully outside the entrance to the wheyr. Wheeljack was there to greet them, his expression a mix of relief and concern.
"It’s not much to look at.” The wrecker turned Predacon ushered the three Autobots into the cavern, alerting them to dips and holes in the path until they reached the main chamber.
“Where is the patient?” Ratchet asked.
“In our hollow. She’s constantly fussing over her nest.”
Fablebreaker was nestled in her carefully constructed nest, a mix of packed dirt, rocks, and salvaged materials woven together into a cozy haven. Her optics brightened at the sight of Ratchet and the other Autobots entering the hollow.
Ratchet approached her slowly, his medical scanners already activated to assess her condition. Fablebreaker watched him intently, a mix of curiosity and wariness in her gaze.
Ratchet's examination was thorough, his expert hands deftly checking her systems for any signs of tampering or irregularities. As he worked, Fablebreaker remained surprisingly still, a sense of trust evident in her posture.
After a few moments, Ratchet straightened up and turned to face Wheeljack. "She seems physically fine, Wheeljack. No signs of tampering or external interference. It's possible that her behavior is simply due to the natural instincts of your species. We know precious little about the Predacon species. Like what conditions they had when they existed or how quickly their young developed in the carrier’s body. Modern Cybertronians when sparked often take two earth years to produce their sparklings because the carrier’s body produces the needed spark before manufacturing the new spark’s frame. With Predacons it seems that the bodies are manufactured at the same time as the new spark is being developed. It may take half the time or less for your young to come into this world.”
“I see.” Wheeljack hummed before glancing at his mate, “Were you able to tell how many whelps she’s carrying?”
Fablebreaker shifted slightly in her nest, a low rumble emanating from her vocalizer. Wheeljack knelt down beside her, gently placing a hand on her side as if seeking some kind of confirmation.
Ratchet's optics narrowed as he scanned Fablebreaker once more, focusing on the readings related to her spark and the life growing within her. After a moment of intense concentration, he finally spoke, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and awe.
"She's carrying three sparklings," Ratchet announced, his words hanging in the air with a weight of significance. "It's rare for Cybertronians to carry multiple sparklings at once, but not unheard of. However, given the differences in Predacon biology and reproduction, we may need to be prepared for the unexpected. Multiple young at a time may be incredibly common.”
Fablebreaker looked at Wheeljack “Three whelplings? The others I witnessed had five to seven whelps.” She said in the musical Predacon language.
“Five to seven? How many females were bred in shockwave’s first experiment with predacons?” Wheeljack asked stunned.
She replied with a simple chirp.
“four females?” Wheeljack mused.
Ratchet looked thoughtful as he considered the implications of Fablebreaker's words. The revelation of the potential numbers of sparklings and Shockwave's experiments weighed heavily on his processor. The mysteries surrounding the Predacons deepened with each passing moment, presenting a challenge unlike any he had faced before.
"We'll need to monitor her closely," Ratchet finally stated, breaking the thoughtful silence that had settled over the chamber. "The gestation and birth process for Predacons may be vastly different from what we're familiar with. We can't afford to take any risks with Fablebreaker or her whelps."
Wheeljack nodded in agreement. "We'll do whatever it takes to ensure her safety."
when they left her to continue fussing over her nest the three autobots spotted the ancient ship embedded inside the main cavern. It was decently lit up and the cargo was stacked out in different piles it definitely appeared that the predacons were integrating the ship into their base of operations.
It was a massive ship, its metallic hull gleaming in the soft light of the cavern. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ratchet approached it cautiously, their optics scanning the area for any signs of movement or activity. As they drew closer, they could see Predacons working diligently to unpack and sort through the cargo that had been housed within the ship.
Ratchet's attention was immediately drawn to a stack of crates marked with ancient Cybertronian symbols. He knelt down to examine them, his curiosity piqued by the possibility of finding valuable resources or technology that could aid them in their mission.
Arcee and Bumblebee kept a vigilant watch as Ratchet carefully opened one of the crates, revealing a trove of ancient artifacts and components that had been preserved over countless cycles. The Autobots' optics widened in amazement at the sight before them, realizing the potential significance of the discoveries within.
"We need to report this to Optimus," Arcee whispered, her voice tinged with excitement.
Ratchet nodded in agreement as he quickly scanned the contents of the crate, cataloging each item for further analysis. The implications of their find were monumental, hinting at a deeper connection between the Predacons and the ancient history of Cybertron that had long been shrouded in mystery.
“oooh what did you find?” Fidget chirped as he appeared behind the three autobots.
Fidget's sudden appearance startled the Autobots, causing them to whirl around to face the small, curious Predacon. Ratchet quickly closed the crate, hiding its contents from Fidget's view.
"We found some ancient artifacts and components," Arcee explained, her voice calm but guarded.
“We’ve found plenty of that stuff. They aren’t worth as much as these though.” The small Predacon male said eagerly as he quickly showed the Autobots to a stack of twenty six crates.
Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ratchet followed Fidget to the stack of crates, their curiosity piqued by the small Predacon's insistence on the importance of these particular containers. As Fidget excitedly motioned towards them, Ratchet knelt down to examine the nearest crate, his optics scanning the symbols etched into its surface.
"These crates are different," Ratchet observed, his processor analyzing the intricate markings.
“Yes.” Fidget reached in one crate and pulled out a Predacon skull. “Clan leader thinks they were destined for museums. But the ship crashed here and never made it to its destination.”
“That’s a-“ Ratchet began, stunned.
“Now you can keep your promise.” Fidget smiled happily. “The ship has decently in tact medical and scientific rooms. The steel clan will grow stronger so we can fight the other clan and protect you more fragile two legged ones.”
The Autobots exchanged glances at Fidget's words, recognizing the significance of the opportunity before them. The alliance between the Autobots and the Predacons was poised to shift in a new direction with the discovery of the ancient ship's resources.
"We are grateful for your trust, Fidget," Ratchet said solemnly, his optics reflecting a newfound respect for the small Predacon. "We will honor our promise and work together to ensure the prosperity and safety of both our clans."
“We need to report to Optimus.” Arcee said urgently to Ratchet.
“They are Wheeljack’s people. We founded our alliance with the steel clan and we must keep our word. You and Bumblebee will return to base and inform Optimus of the developments but I will remain here for the time being. Fablebreaker requires observation and they need a science officer here. We don’t know what kind of information is stored in the hard drives of this ship.” Ratchet said firmly, leaving no room for objection.
Arcee and Bumblebee reluctantly nodded and prepared to leave the cavern.
As Arcee and Bumblebee made their way back to base to report to Optimus, Ratchet turned his attention back to the stack of crates filled with ancient artifacts and components. His processor whirred as he began to carefully examine each item, piecing together the history and significance behind the discoveries before him.
Fidget watched in fascination as Ratchet worked, his bright optics reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement. The small Predacon had been wary of the Autobots at first, but now he felt a sense of camaraderie and trust forming between them.
As Ratchet delved deeper into the contents of the crates, he uncovered ancient schematics, data tablets filled with historical records, and even a few pieces of advanced technology that had long been lost to Cybertronian knowledge. Each discovery brought new insights and possibilities for both the Autobots and the Predacons.
Hours passed as Ratchet meticulously cataloged and analyzed the artifacts, his mind racing with the implications of what they had uncovered. The alliance between their clans had taken a significant step forward, opening doors to new advancements and understandings that could benefit them all.
The man was in an absolute frenzy and nothing could stop him now.
Chapter Twelve: A Union of Forces
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Chapter 2: Monster
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice and her “Of Flesh and Steel” AU
Chapter One
Wheeljack faded in and out of consciousness as whatever this thing was carried him on its back away from the Decepticons. Eventually the rain came pouring down and the creature scurried into a large cave with him. Carefully the creature lowered Wheeljack’s exhausted frame into a nest made of soft soil.
‘It is alright. You are safe now.’ The creature insisted, its voice registering as feminine.
Wheeljack blinked, ‘Who… are you? What are you?’
‘I am Fablebreaker. And we are Predacons. Sleep… you are badly wounded and need rest. I will keep you safe from the songless two leggers.’ She replied
‘I’m not a Predacon.’ Wheeljack tried to insist weakly.
‘Sleep.’ Fablebreaker insisted more firmly. ‘When you wake I will have something to eat for you.’
When Wheeljack resisted sleep, the female huffed and began to sing a gentle haunting melody, her voice like an instrument, soothing and commanding at the same time. Wheeljack felt a strange now-familiarity with this voice, a sense of calmness and solace he hadn't experienced in ages. Slowly, he began to associate the voice with the safety he had been searching for.
Finally he let sleep claim him and he sunk into a deep dreamless sleep while Fablebreaker watched over him. The cavern around them was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the energon crystals that were scattered around her dwelling.
When she was sure he was completely unconscious, the female stood and went to gather some of the smaller crystals together, they would be easier to eat.
She had been the last of her kind. Her kin had all died out long ago and now, there was clearly another. She glanced over at Wheeljack, a low pained rumble emanating from his draconic form.
The female Predacon watched the large male for a moment longer before returning to her task. When she had a suitable collection of energon she picked up a stone bowl and very carefully crushed each crystal into easier to eat shards. She placed the bowl close to the bed and then went to go to a nearby scrap yard for some hopefully decent metal scrap.
Eventually once she had her offerings laid out for him, Fablebreaker curled around the larger Predacon to her best ability and flicked a warm wing over his sleeping form, the pain in his subharmonics lessened slightly and he subconsciously pressed into the offered comfort.
Elsewhere at the new Autobot base, Ratchet had finally gotten a few systems up and running. The life signals of Team Prime popped up on the screen and then to everyone’s surprise, so did Wheeljack’s although it was corrupted.
“It’s corrupted? No. You don’t think the cons turned Jackie into a terrorcon do you?” Bulkhead looked to Ratchet with pleading optics.
Ratchet examined the signal as Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus all waited for his answer to Bulkhead’s question.
“This appears different from when Cliffjumper’s came back online.” Ratchet admitted. “This here, is a clear sparkbeat.” He pointed to the life signal. “But it’s erratic and for some reason I can not trace his location.”
As Ratchet continued to analyze the corrupted signal, Bulkhead's face grew more concerned. "We have to find him, Ratchet. We can't leave Jackie like this," he said, his voice filled with worry.
“I need time to track his signal. Whatever has been done to Wheeljack is messing with our system, which is currently still in disarray. Ultra Magnus, would we be able to use your ship for its enhanced scanners?” Ratchet asked. Wheeljack’s sparkbeat had him very worried, he could be having a medical emergency.
Ultra Magnus nodded and quickly left for his ship to help coordinate with the base.
Elsewhere, with the Decepticons, Megatron listened to Shockwave's report with a growing sense of frustration. Starscream's failures were piling up, and the Decepticons were losing ground. He found himself regretting terminating Dreadwing in favor of Starscream. He needed to find a way to regain control and stability.
“I want that Autobot found and destroyed, Shockwave.” Megatron growled “we lost more than half of our forces. how do you expect to correct this egregious error?”
“I have already cultivated another Predacon specimen, Lord Megatron. It is in my lab on Cybertron it only needs to be activated then you will have a Predacon completely under your control.” Shockwave replied “I will begin cloning more Predacons to add to our forces.”
Megatron nodded, a hint of hope glinting in his optics. "Excellent. Make the preparations, Shockwave. We need a reliable Predacon to keep the Autobots in check."
It was several days before Wheeljack woke, the pain in his frame now only a dull ache. He blinked and lifted his head and noticed the crushed energon and sniffed it, it smelled fine and his tanks rumbled painfully. He experimentally took a small shard into his mouth and began to chew. The oral lubricants in his mouth surprisingly began to break down the raw crystal energon into usable fuel. On his next bite he scooped a much larger amount into his fanged maw and began devouring the energon crystals.
As Wheeljack fed on the energon crystals, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, replenishing his strength and easing the ache in his systems. He looked around, taking in his surroundings within the dimly lit cavern. His optics settled on the scrap metal that had been offered much in the same way the energon had.
Wheeljack looked at it confused before his system alerts notified him that his body needed resources to continue repairs. Hesitantly he took a mouthful of scrap and began to chew, his powerful jaws crushing and cutting the metal with ease. It tasted alright, but it wasn’t as good as…
Wheeljack recoiled, causing himself to topple backwards with a crash, pain shot through his back as he landed on his wings wrong only magnifying how wrong this all was.
He ATE someone while escaping the warship.
The memory hit him like a ton of bricks, the guilt and horror washing over him in waves. How had he not realized it before? Wheeljack's processor whirred as he tried to piece together what had happened during his escape from the warship. Images flashed before his optics, snippets of memories that had been lost in the fog of panic and instinct.
He remembered the chaos and destruction, the desperate fight for survival. And then, in a moment of sheer desperation, he had done the unthinkable. The vehicons he had encountered on the warship, the last one standing...
As the realization dawned on him, Wheeljack felt a profound sense of shame and disgust. He had always been stubborn, even when he was starving during the war he knew that there were just some things you shouldn’t do. Cannibalizing another Cybertronian was high on that list. But now, faced with the undeniable truth of what he had done, he couldn't help but question everything he thought he knew about himself.
This had to be a sick nightmare.
Wheeljack forced himself to stand and quickly left the cave, searching for any kind of reflective surface to confirm what he feared. As he stumbled out into the light, his optics adjusted to the brightness of the world outside the cavern. His reflection in a nearby pool of water confirmed the truth he had been trying to deny. The face that stared back at him was foreign and animalistic.
He sunk to the ground, his mind spinning, his spark heavy with guilt and self-loathing. How could he face his fellow Autobots after what he had done? The memory of consuming the fallen vehicon haunted him, the taste of metal and energon still lingering in his mouth. Wheeljack knew he had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed.
As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, Fablebreaker quickly jumped out of the tree line and looked around in alarm, plates flaring to make herself look bigger if there was a threat nearby. When she saw Wheeljack on the ground and there was no other scent in the air, her armor relaxed and the female Predacon walked over and gently brushed her head against his.
Wheeljack flinched at the touch, his guilt and shame making him feel unworthy of any comfort.
‘Why are you here?’ Wheeljack asked, pulling away from her.
‘I heard you calling for help.’ She replied
‘Calling for- I didn’t call for help.’ Wheeljack turned away from her.
Fablebreaker mimicked the subharmonics that Wheeljack had been using without thinking. It was a sound of distress and panic.
His head whipped to look at her stunned before he finally noticed that he was still making that sound.
‘I didn’t realize…’ Wheeljack said, trying to compose himself. ‘I’m just… dealing with some things right now. I don’t even know what I am anymore.’
Fablebreaker tilted her head, studying Wheeljack with her amber optics. She could sense the turmoil within him, the inner battle he was facing. Despite his attempts to push her away, she knew he needed someone to talk to, someone who could understand the weight of his actions.
‘We all carry burdens,’ Fablebreaker said softly. ‘You are not alone in your struggles, friend.’
Wheeljack bristled ‘I don’t know you enough to call you my friend’
‘Yet I do not know your name. How else am I to address you?’ She replied
‘My name is Wheeljack,’ he said after a moment of hesitation, feeling a spark of connection with the Predacon despite his inner turmoil.
Fablebreaker nodded in understanding, her draconic features softening with empathy. ‘Wheeljack, I am Fablebreaker. I do not know if you recall my introduction from when I brought you here.’
‘What are you… what am I?’ He asked.
‘We are Predacons. A predatory species from the before times.’ She answered ‘though our instincts are strong, we are far more intelligent and advanced than the two legged ones give us credit for.’
Wheeljack's mind reeled at Fablebreaker's revelation. Predacons – a legendary species spoken of in the past tense, believed to be mere myths by some, fancy rocks in museums by most. A species long extinct. Cybertron’s dinosaurs, And now he found himself face to face with one. As he pondered the implications of his newfound identity, a mix of fear and curiosity stirred within him. It certainly explained the violent compulsion to eat that Vehicon.
‘Advanced how?’ Wheeljack muttered, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.
The Predacon backed up slightly and her plates shifted and her body transformed into a bipedal form. “Like this.” She replied, sitting down next to him and offered a gentle smile.
Wheeljack blinked. He’d been so distraught he hadn’t even attempted to transform.
Fablebreaker watched as realization dawned on Wheeljack's face, his optics widening in surprise. The sight of her transformation seemed to spark a glimmer of hope within him, a flicker of something new and unknown. He stood up on his four legs and attempted to transform.
He focused on the familiar sequence, willing his body to shift and rearrange. Gradually, the sound of whirring gears and shifting metal filled the air as Wheeljack transformed. His exterior panels folded and shifted, reconfiguring into a bipedal form covered in spines and jagged edges. As he completed the transformation, Wheeljack stood there in his new form, looking down at himself in awe. He flexed his clawed hands and quickly ran over to look at his reflection.
And there he was. Granted there was a few more scars, his denta were jagged and his optics looked more predatory but it was his face.
Fablebreaker watched as a mix of emotions played out on Wheeljack’s face - surprise, wonder, and a glimmer of relief.
“Feel better?” She asked
Wheeljack nodded slowly, still processing the reality of his transformation. It was a lot to take in, but seeing himself in this new form brought a sense of familiarity that he had been desperately seeking. He turned to Fablebreaker, a newfound sense of gratitude shining in his optics.
"Thank you," Wheeljack said softly, his subharmonics betraying a mix of emotions. "I never thought I'd be able to transform again after... everything."
She patted the ground next to her and he sat next to her.
“Do you wish to talk about it?” Fablebreaker asked.
Wheeljack hesitated, the memories of his past weighing heavily on his spark. But something in Fablebreaker's compassionate optics encouraged him to open up, to share the burden that had been consuming him from within.
"I used to be an Autobot," Wheeljack began, his voice laced with a mixture of regret and sorrow. "I thought I was doing the right thing, fighting for what I believed in. But then I got caught. I wasn’t worried, I’d been captured and tortured many times before and escaped. This last time was different." He stared at his claws.
Fablebreaker listened intently, her gaze never leaving Wheeljack as he told her what he was willing to share.
"I thought I was unshakable. That nothing they could do to me could break me," Wheeljack continued, his claws curling into fists as he spoke. "But they got to me. Broke me in ways I never thought possible. And when I finally escaped, I couldn't think. I did things that’ll haunt me forever. The things they did to me... I can't shake them off."
Fablebreaker reached out a comforting clawed hand and placed it on Wheeljack's shoulder, offering silent support.
"I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully move on from what happened," Wheeljack admitted.
“You do not have to. I was a clone created on Cybertron. My kin and I were subject to different experiments. I was the only female to survive those tests. Males tend to have thicker armor and greater strength. Their survival rate was higher.” She explained. “My kin and I were sent here to root out Autobots and create energon stores and keep them secure. The males were not particularly kind to me. I had enough. I removed my tracker and simply disappeared. I found a large energon deposit and hid, digging out metal ore and consuming that and the energon to keep myself fit and young while the others starved themselves to hold to their directive. I was alone… Until I found you.”
“Am I that important to you? You barely know me.” Wheeljack commented
“You may not have been born Predacon, but you are still one of my kind. As far as I know we two are the last of the Predacon species. And I already prefer your company over that of any other of my kind that I have met before.” She replied.
Wheeljack grunted in response, thinking for a long moment. “I can’t face Team Prime like this. I can’t go back. It’s best if they think I died goin’ down with my ship. You really don’t mind if I stay?”
“I’d love it if you would.” Fablebreaker looked at Wheeljack, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
They both had suffered horrendous agony in their own way because of Shockwave. In that moment, as the sun began to sink down behind the trees painting the forest in gold and orange, they both knew that they had found an unexpected companion in this desolate corner of the universe.
Chapter Three: Fangs and Claws
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Chapter Three: Fangs and Claws
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice and her “Of Flesh and Steel” AU
Chapter One
Over the next few days Fablebreaker began to teach Wheeljack how to use his new and admittedly massive Predacon body and his movements became less clumsy and more fluid and coordinated.
Wheeljack felt a sense of liberation as he trained alongside Fablebreaker. Her patient guidance and unwavering support helped him regain a sense of control over his formidable new form. With each passing day, he grew more accustomed to the strength and agility that came with being a Predacon. His movements became more precise, his reflexes sharper, and his confidence began to bloom once again.
As they sparred in the clearing, their movements a dance of metal and energy, Wheeljack found himself letting go of the shadows that had haunted him for so long. Fablebreaker's presence was a beacon of light in the darkness of his past, and he was grateful for her friendship and guidance.
One evening, as they rested under the canopy of rustling leaves, they heard the unexpected. The wingbeats of another Predacon.
Fablebreaker and Wheeljack exchanged wary glances, their optics scanning the surrounding forest for any sign of the newcomer. The wingbeats grew louder until a massive shadow loomed over them, blocking out the fading sunlight.
A brown, orange and silver Predacon as big as Wheeljack hung in the air and screeched. This was the Predacon that Shockwave had sent to terminate Wheeljack.
Fablebreaker and Wheeljack tensed, their bodies instinctively shifting into defensive stances as the new Predacon landed gracefully in front of them. The newcomer's yellow optics glowed with a fierce intensity as he regarded the duo. Wheeljack instinctively moved in front of Fablebreaker to protect the smaller female from this unknown male.
The new Predacon's menacing growl echoed through the clearing, sending shivers down Wheeljack's spinal struts. His optics narrowed in a mix of fear and defiance as he prepared to face this unexpected threat. Fablebreaker stood by his side, her body tense a warning growl emanating from her frame.
Without a word, the imposing newcomer dove lunged forward with lightning speed, claws extended towards Wheeljack. The Autobot-turned-Predacon met the attack head-on, his years of combat experience kicking in as he deftly dodged the swipe and countered with a powerful blow of his own.
The forest erupted into a whirlwind of metal and fury as the two male Predacons clashed, their roars and snarls blending together in a cacophony of primal aggression. Each movement was calculated, every strike aimed with deadly precision as they fought for dominance.
Wheeljack felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his circuits, his spark pulsating with renewed vigor. This battle was unlike any he had faced before - not just a physical test of strength, but a testament to his will to survive and protect those he cared about.
The two males were in a stalemate until they heard Fablebreaker screech and she jumped onto the unknown Predacon’s back, biting his neck and slashing with her claws.
The newcomer let out a deafening roar of pain and surprise as Fablebreaker's attack caught him off guard. Wheeljack seized the opportunity, lunging forward to deliver a devastating blow to the Predacon's midsection. The force of the impact sent the enemy sprawling to the forest floor, his armor dented and energon leaking from his wounds.
Fablebreaker stood by Wheeljack, ready to attack again, her feral gaze daring the fallen foe to rise again. But the Predacon, beaten and bloodied, seemed to have had enough. With a final snarl of defiance, he fled into the shadows of the surrounding trees, disappearing as quickly as he had arrived.
Wheeljack and Fablebreaker watched with a mixture of relief and wariness, their frames tense and ready for any further threat. The clearing fell silent once more, save for the gentle rustling of leaves in the evening breeze.
As the adrenaline of battle began to ebb away, Wheeljack turned to Fablebreaker with a mix of gratitude and concern in his optics. She nudged his wing worriedly as she began to examine the damage Wheeljack had taken in his fight.
‘Doesn’t look too serious.’ She commented as she licked a bleeding wound on his shoulder.
Wheeljack winced slightly at the sting of Fablebreaker's tongue on his wound, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth at her gentle care. The bond between them had only deepened through their shared trials, and he knew he could trust her with his life.
‘Thank you,’ Wheeljack watched her with gentle blue optics. Fablebreaker simply gave him a reassuring nuzzle before turning her attention back to his injuries, determined to patch him up as best she could with the limited resources they had in the wilderness.
As the last rays of sunlight faded from the sky, casting the clearing in a blanket of darkness, Wheeljack felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The adrenaline that had fueled him through the battle now left him drained and weary, his entire frame aching from the exertion.
Fablebreaker finished tending to his wounds and they returned to their cave and settled down together, her smaller form fitting snugly against his side, offering a sense of protection and comfort. His head came to rest on her back and hers rested on his, a serene silence enveloping them.
On the Decepticon warship, the other male Predacon returned, limping and bloodied.
Shockwave immediately began examining the damage. “Lord Megatron, the Predacon has returned.”
“Did the beast bring any indication that it killed its target?” Megatron asked.
“Negative. It has extensive damage.”
Megatron's optics narrowed at the news, his sharp features contorted into a mask of displeasure. The Predacon's failure to eliminate Wheeljack was a significant setback in their plans, one that could not be taken lightly. The Autobot-turned-Predacon had proven to be more formidable than they had anticipated.
"Have the medic attend to the wounded Predacon." Megatron ordered, his voice cold and commanding.
As Knockout was brought to the injured Predacon for repairs, Shockwave began analyzing the data from the battle. His single red optic flickered with calculations as he analyzed the type of damage that had been inflicted and he noticed a pattern on the Predacon’s back that was unlikely to have been made by Wheeljack.
"It appears that Wheeljack had assistance during the confrontation. Another Predacon intervened," Shockwave reported, his monotone voice betraying no emotion. “It seems one of the first generation of Predacon clones has survived.”
Megatron's optics flared with a dangerous light at the revelation. The presence of another Predacon changed the dynamics of the situation significantly. If Wheeljack had an ally, it could complicate their plans for his termination.
"We must identify this rogue Predacon and either bring them back into the fold or eliminate them before they can interfere further," Megatron declared, his harsh voice resonating with authority.
Shockwave nodded in acknowledgment, already initiating a search for any of the trackers on the old generation of predacons that could lead them to the mysterious ally of Wheeljack. And to his frustration and intrigue he found that one particular clone’s tracker was offline.
Subject 027, the only female Predacon that lived up to his standards. Fascinating.
The cyclops mech’s twisted processor began hatching a plan on how to deprive Wheeljack of his ally and bring her back under his control.
Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, Wheeljack and Fablebreaker rested in their makeshift sanctuary, unaware of the looming danger that awaited them. When Wheeljack woke up his body ached.
Every joint seemed to protest the slightest movement, a testament to the intensity of the battle he had faced. Fablebreaker stirred beside him, her optics flickering to life as she sensed his awakening. Concern etched in her features as she nuzzled him gently, her touch a soothing balm to his weary spark.
As Wheeljack struggled to rise, the memories of their encounter with the Predacon flooded back. The image of the beaten foe fleeing lingered in his mind, a reminder of the dangers that lurked in the wilderness. He was being hunted by Decepticons.
‘We need to be on high alert,’ Wheeljack murmured, his voice laced with urgency.
Fablebreaker nodded in agreement.
‘Do you know of any way to speed along this healing process?’ He asked.
‘Yes. If you eat metal it helps your system repair faster. Any extra you eat is used for fuel for your fire breath.’ Fablebreaker replied.
As the two companions set out to hunt for metal to aid Wheeljack’s recovery, a sense of unease settled in his chest. The last time he’d tried eating metal he’d been reminded of eating that vehicon. He just hoped she wasn’t taking him to hunt live prey.
To his surprise and relief she brought him to a scrap yard.
Fablebreaker hopped over the fence and Wheeljack followed her. She easily trotted through the yard and made her way to a trailer and nosed a padded button on the roof.
A small chime echoed in the trailer and the sound of a human shuffling through the dwelling reached Wheeljack’s audio receptors. A tired human face peered out, then he seemed to wake up a bit upon seeing Fablebreaker.
“Oh, it’s you Fae. Found a friend, I see?” the human asked, stepping out to meet them.
Fablebreaker nodded, cocking her head proudly, the sound she made a pleased whistle chirp.
“You’re safe here big guy, I’m Dean. If you like eating metal like Fae, there’s just one rule here. Half the yard is scrap, the other is art. You can eat anything on the scrap side, don’t touch the art.” Dean explained.
Wheeljack nodded in gratitude towards Dean, relieved to have found a safe place to aid in his recovery. He watched as Fablebreaker bounded off towards the scrap side of the yard, her tail swishing as she hopped happily at the thought of scavenging for metal. Wheeljack followed her, his senses attuned to any sign of danger lurking in the shadows.
As he searched through the piles of discarded metal, picking and eating what he wanted. He could feel his body already making use of the metal in his repairs, the sharp tang of metal filling his olfactory sensors. The rhythmic clinks and clatters of Fablebreaker rummaging through the scrap yard accompanied his own scavenging, a comforting background noise that soothed his frayed nerves.
As Wheeljack devoured the metal pieces with a strange mix of hunger and repulsion, he shoved the memory of what he’d done out of his mind and quickly looked up as Fablebreaker made an excited loud chirp accompanied by the sound of ripping metal. She bounded over to Wheeljack and set down a decent looking engine block. It wasn’t caked in gunk or rust but did appear worn.
‘Here! This is a good one!’ She exclaimed happily.
‘Don’t you want it?’ Wheeljack asked
‘You need it more.’ Fablebreaker replied.
Wheeljack’s chest thrummed in appreciation as he picked up the engine block in his mouth and easily crushed it in his jaws.
Not long after they had continued to scavenge, a loud bell rang through the scrap yard and Fablebreaker quickly pushed Wheeljack towards a secluded hiding space.
That bell meant humans and they couldn’t be seen in Dean’s scrap yard.
Wheeljack's systems whirred in alarm at the unexpected sound, his body tensing with the instinctual urge to flee. Fablebreaker nudged him urgently, guiding him towards a hidden alcove where they could take cover from prying human eyes. As they pressed themselves against the shadows, Wheeljack's audio receptors picked up the sound of approaching footsteps and muffled voices.
Dean appeared, a group of humans trailing behind him as he led them through the scrap yard. They chatted amongst themselves, pointing at various sculptures and metalwork displayed in the art section of the yard.
Then they heard a voice that Wheeljack recognized. It was Agent Fowler.
“You haven’t seen any white, red and green custom sports cars come through here have you? Here’s a picture.”
“Can’t say that I have.” Dean replied.
“It belongs to a friend. If you happen to come across it, could you let me know?” Fowler asked, handing Dean his card.
“Yeah I’ll give a call if I spot it. Hard to miss a beauty like that around here.” Dean tucked the card in his pocket.
Dean glanced towards the hidden alcove where Wheeljack and Fablebreaker were hidden, a flicker of concern crossing his face. He turned back to Agent Fowler and the two teenagers with him, engaging them in further conversation to draw their attention away from the secluded corner of the scrap yard.
Meanwhile, Wheeljack's internal systems buzzed with apprehension at the mention of a white, red, and green custom sports car. The Autobots were looking for him? How did they know he was alive?
As Fowler and the teenagers, who he identified as Miko and Jack, continued their conversation with Dean, Wheeljack couldn’t shake off the sense of foreboding that weighed heavily on his spark. He hadn’t even really come to terms with what he was now himself. There was no way he was going to let the others see him like this! Especially not Bulkhead or Miko. He didn’t want or need their pity.
He subtly nudged Fablebreaker, signaling for them to stay hidden until the humans left. Fablebreaker understood, her flared plating flattening against her body, making her more sleek looking as she crouched lower in the shadows beside Wheeljack. The minutes felt like hours as they waited in silence, listening to the fading sounds of conversation and footsteps until finally, the scrap yard fell quiet once more.
As the coast seemed clear, Wheeljack cautiously emerged from their hiding spot, his optics scanning the area for any lingering remnants of those he called friend before he was made into a Predacon.
‘I think it’s time we found a new place to live. Things are getting too dangerous around here.’ Wheeljack told her.
‘Agreed. Especially with that other male lurking about. Bastard. We can always make a trip to return here for scrap if we need it.’ Fablebreaker hummed.
They bid Dean farewell before hopping his fence and returning to their cave to feed on enough energon to keep them sustained while they searched for a new home.
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Chapter Four: Skirmish
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons and was given to shockwave as a test subject, turning him into a Predacon.
Story inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice and her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master post
Chapter One
Wheeljack and Fablebreaker began traveling across the continent, keeping hidden from humans to avoid Decepticons, the other Predacon and even Wheeljack’s friends in the Autobots.
They roamed through forests and across desolate plains, always on the move to stay one step ahead of their enemies. Wheeljack constantly scanned the horizon for any signs of danger, his sensors on high alert. Fablebreaker, with her keen sense of intuition, would often warn him of impending threats before they were even visible. She had spent eons on this planet and knew many things about the world and how to navigate it without being seen.
One day, as they were passing through a dense forest, Fablebreaker suddenly froze in her tracks. Her flared out, making her puff up, picking up the faint sound of metal clashing and blaster fire in the distance. Wheeljack turned to her, his optics narrowing in concern.
‘What is it?’ he asked, knowing better than to doubt Fablebreaker's instincts.
‘I hear a fight.’ She responded.
Wheeljack immediately tensed, his circuits buzzing with urgency. his own armor flaring out much like Fablebreaker’s.
The two predacons went to investigate the war sounds. As they drew closer, the sounds of battle grew louder, echoing through the trees like a thunderous storm.
They hunkered down a safe distance from the battlefield to observe the fierce clash unfolding before them. Decepticons and Autobots were locked in a heated confrontation, their weapons blazing as they fought for dominance over an energon mine.
As the battle raged a familiar screech pierced the air and a massive form landed on the ground between the Autobots and Decepticons.
Megatron had sent the other male Predacon after the Autobots.
‘He’ll slaughter them!’ Wheeljack hissed
‘What do you want to do?’ Fablebreaker asked.
Wheeljack grit his denta, torn between his desire to help the Autobots and his need to stay hidden from both factions. Fablebreaker watched him closely, her glowing optics reflecting his inner turmoil.
He made a final decision and took a deep breath and let out a deafening screech, his a deeper pitch than that of the other male Predacon’s.
The other male Predacon and every other combatant froze. Wheeljack and Fablebreaker stalked out of the tree line, low to the ground. They walked around the Autobots, Wheeljack’s optics were locked on the other male.
‘I thought I smelled a failure.’ The other male hissed.
‘Funny. I’m not the one who turned tail and ran from our last encounter.’ Wheeljack snarled back.
‘Only because you cheated and had the female to help!’ The other male growled.
Fablebreaker's hackles rose at the insult, but she remained composed, her gaze fixated on the male Predacon. Wheeljack took a step forward, his stance aggressive and ready for combat.
‘I don't need any help to take you down, Ugly,’ Wheeljack retorted, his armor flaring threateningly before it crashed back down onto his frame, making him look more streamlined and making him have fewer vulnerable spots while also making an intimidating sound.
The male Predacon bared his sharp teeth, a sinister glint in his optics. ‘We'll see about that,’ he snarled before lunging towards Wheeljack with a ferocious roar.
Wheeljack met the attack head-on, dodging the male's strikes with lightning-fast reflexes.
Fablebreaker took the cue and left the males to their fight as she eyed the Decepticons before quickly lunging at a vehicon, her jaws closing on the mech’s head with a sickening crunch.
The battlefield erupted into chaos as Wheeljack and the other male Predacon clashed with brutal force, their metal frames colliding with resounding impacts. Fablebreaker moved swiftly among the Decepticons, her claws tearing through armor and her fangs finding vulnerable joints. The Autobots, momentarily taken aback by the arrival of Wheeljack and Fablebreaker, quickly rallied to join the fray.
Explosions rocked the ground as blasters fired and blades clashed in a symphony of war. Wheeljack's determination to take down his adversary burned bright, his resolve unyielding despite the ferocity of the battle around him. The other male Predacon fought with savage strength, matching Wheeljack blow for blow as they struggled for dominance.
Meanwhile, Fablebreaker weaved through the chaos with lethal grace, a force of nature unleashed upon the Decepticons. Her presence on the battlefield struck fear into the enemy ranks, her movements a blur of speed and precision as she targeted vital systems with deadly accuracy.
As the fight raged on, Wheeljack found himself locked in a fierce grapple with the other male Predacon. Each combatant pushed themselves to their limits, their struggle a primal dance of aggression and skill. Wheeljack's mind was taken over by primal instinct to protect his smaller companion and prove himself against his rival, his every circuit blazing with focused intent.
With a mighty effort, Wheeljack managed to gain the upper hand, using his agility and many years of combat experience to outmaneuver his opponent. With a resounding roar, he delivered a decisive blow that sent the other male Predacon crashing to the ground, defeated but not destroyed.
As Wheeljack stood victorious over his fallen foe, he sunk down low to the ground, a feral rattling hiss exuding from his frame. The other male struggled to his feet and quickly retreated.
Once he was sure the other male was gone, Wheeljack cast a glance towards Fablebreaker, who had emerged from the fray covered in energon and other bodily fluid. Together, they had turned the tide of battle in favor of the Autobots, their alliance proving to be a formidable force against their enemies.
With the Decepticons in retreat and the energon mine secured, Fablebreaker pranced happily over to Wheeljack and wound herself around him as she examined his wounds and began to tend to him as she had before.
The Autobots watched the two warily, though they quickly realized that the sounds they were hearing from the two Predacons was their version of language.
“Sounds like music almost.” Smokescreen commented quietly.
“Why did they help us though?” Arcee wondered. “They’re Predacons. Shouldn’t they be under Megatron’s control?”
As the autobots examined the two predacons they noted that the smaller one was grey, blue and green while the larger Predacon had an unsettling similarity to their missing friend in terms of coloration. Ivory, Silver and black with red and green accents and unlike the other two predacons who had yellow based optics. The white Predacon’s were a familiar shade of blue.
Bulkhead watched the predacons, a feeling of dread creeping up his spinal strut. “Jackie?”
The white Predacon froze, the song-like rumble immediately going silent. He turned his head slowly towards Bulkhead, his blue optics meeting the Autobot's gaze with a mix of wariness and recognition. The others tensed, ready for any sudden movements from the white Predacon. Wheeljack backed away from the group and let out a commanding chirp.
Fablebreaker looked at him then back at the Autobots before heeding the command and quickly disappearing into the trees.
Once she was out of sight, Wheeljack quickly followed her.
“Jackie, wait!” Bulkhead exclaimed before trying to follow, but the two predacons had been too fast for him and had completely disappeared.
The Autobots stood in stunned silence, their optics flickering as they processed the sudden departure of Wheeljack and Fablebreaker. Bulkhead clenched his fists, frustration evident in his stance as he paced back and forth.
"Are you serious?" Arcee's voice held a note of concern, her gaze fixed on the spot where the Predacons had vanished. “Why would you think that thing was Wheeljack?”
“It had to be! You saw how he reacted to the name! He came to help us and You saw how different his optics were from the other two and the colors matched Wheeljack’s! The Cons did something to him!” Bulkhead exclaimed in distress. “Jackie what did they do to you?”
Optimus Prime's expression was grave as he spoke, "We must give him space for now. If that was Wheeljack We cannot risk pushing him away by forcing answers. He will come to us when he is ready.”
Ultra Magnus eyed the carnage of the battlefield, a good swath of terrain had been torn apart by the two massive males and their continuing dispute and the absolute massacre that was mostly Fablebreaker’s doing. “Optimus, I question the wisdom of this course of action. Those are clearly rogue predacons. Nothing but beasts. We just got lucky this time, what is to keep them from attacking us next time?”
Optimus Prime relented, and acknowledged the validity of Ultra Magnus' concern, "You are correct, Magnus. In the event that the Predacon is not Wheeljack, We must be cautious with our approach moving forward. For now, let us focus on securing the energon mine and returning to base."
The Autobots sprang into action, cleaning up the debris and collecting the energon from the mine. Bulkhead continued to stare into the forest long after the predacons were gone.
Meanwhile, Wheeljack and Fablebreaker continued to run, creating more and more distance between them and the Autobots.
‘Primus damn it! I should have known Bulkhead would recognize me!’ Wheeljack cursed and scolded himself. ‘I should have left right after the fight ended! Stupid!’
As they ran, Fablebreaker shot a look of concern at Wheeljack. She knew he was struggling with his identity, torn between loyalty to his fellow Autobots and the instincts of his Predacon nature. With a gentle nudge, she guided him towards a hidden cave deep in the forest, a place where they could rest and regroup away from prying optics.
Inside the cave, the air was cool and damp, a welcome reprieve from the heat of battle. Wheeljack paced back and forth, his thoughts racing as he tried to make sense of the conflicting memories swirling inside his processor.
Fablebreaker let him pace while she fussed with stones, dirt and other debris to make a decent sleeping space. When she was done she approached him, her optics soft with understanding. She emitted one of her melodic thrums, a soothing sound that always calmed the storm within Wheeljack's spark whenever he had a panic attack.
She grabbed him by one of his horns and made him come lay down and she curled up with him.
They laid in silence for a long while, she continued to humm her soothing melody as she waited for him to talk about what was bothering him. Finally, Wheeljack spoke, his voice filled with uncertainty.
‘I don't know who I am anymore, Fablebreaker. I’m trying so hard to figure this out but… seeing them. Hearing Bulkhead… Am I an Autobot or a Predacon? Can I be both?’
Fablebreaker nuzzled his face with gentle affection, her touch grounding him in the present moment. ‘You haven’t been a Predacon for very long. It’s okay. I’m sure if given time you’ll be able to figure this out.’
Wheeljack looked into her amber optics, finding solace in the depths of her gaze. With a heavy sigh, he leaned into Fablebreaker's comforting presence, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. The weight of his internal turmoil began to lift as he realized he didn't have to have all the answers right away. For now, all that mattered was the bond he shared with Fablebreaker and the trust they had in each other.
Despite the uncertainty of his identity, he knew one thing for certain - he wasn't alone in this journey of self-discovery.
With Fablebreaker's gentle thrums lulling him into a state of calm, Wheeljack allowed himself to let go of the immediate worries and simply exist in the moment. The warmth of her body beside him, the steady rhythm of her thrums, and the knowledge that she accepted him unconditionally gave him a sense of belonging he hadn't truly felt in a very long time. There was no pressure to be something other than who he was. There were no masks required in this space, he could just simply be himself.
As he closed his optics and drifted towards recharge, a newfound resolve settled within Wheeljack's spark. He may not have all the answers now, but with Fablebreaker's unwavering support, he was determined to find his place in this world - no matter where it may lead him.
On the Decepticon Warship, Megatron was fuming.
“Once again your beast failed to terminate Wheeljack and the second Predacon destroyed my troops! How much longer before Project Predacon is complete?” Megatron demanded of Shockwave.
“Project Predacon is nearly complete, lord Megatron. With the additional predacons Wheeljack will not stand a chance, and we may be able to capture the female. A strong specimen like that could potentially be useful for breeding purposes.” Shockwave stated.
Megatron's optics glinted with malice at Shockwave's words. The idea of harnessing the power of not just one, but multiple Predacons fueled his thirst for dominance over Earth.
"Do what you must," Megatron commanded, his voice dripping with authority. "Accelerate the final phase of Project Predacon. Wheeljack may have eluded us for now, but he won't escape our grasp again."
Chapter Five: Closer
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theicescorpions · 12 hours
Primal Fire Chaprer Twelve: A Union of Forces
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master Post
Chapter One
Megatron was seething. Not only had his Predacons failed to find Wheeljack or the rogue predacons, but now they were losing numbers! Vehicons and eradicons ended up gutted and mangled, some half eaten but no Predacon corpses had ever been found, meaning Wheeljack was steadily growing his influence among the mindless beasts. He was losing footholds in his mines here on earth because of them.
As Megatron stalked through the dimly lit corridors of his ship, his rage boiled over. How dare this insignificant Autobot engineer outsmart him at every turn? How could one lone rogue Predacon cause such chaos among his forces? The Decepticon leader clenched his fists, the metal creaking beneath his grip.
Wheeljack had proven to be a thorn in his side for far too long. It was time to put an end to this nuisance once and for all. Megatron's optics glowed with rage as he stalked into Shockwave’s lab.
“I grow tired of this continued failure," he snarled, his voice echoing through the lab. "It is clear that our current strategies are proving ineffective. Something must be done.”
Shockwave, a towering figure of steel and circuitry, turned to face Megatron. His optics were cold and calculating, as always.
"I agree, Lord Megatron," he replied, his voice a monotone drone. "Perhaps it is time for a different approach."
Megatron crossed his arms, tilting his head in intrigue. "What do you suggest?"
Shockwave's optic flickered with an array of strategizing thoughts before he finally spoke. "We must remove the control collars from the beasts,”
Megatron's optics narrowed, considering the risk, but also the potential rewards. "And how will that stop Wheeljack?"
Shockwave's optics glowed, his mind processing multiple steps ahead. "If my hypothesis is correct they have been expanding their forces by removing control collars. If we remove them ourselves and prove dominance over them in hierarchy, they will not question our rule and will focus their loyalty on us. This way, we neutralize Wheeljack's control over them and reestablish our supremacy."
The Decepticon warlord stood silently, considering the risk and potential success of the plan. Megatron's optics flared. "Very well. Begin the process immediately," he commanded.
As Shockwave set the wheels in motion, Megatron couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The plan was bold, perhaps even reckless, but it was the only option left for them if they wished to maintain control of their forces. Wheeljack had proven to be more cunning than they initially anticipated, and it was time to fight fire with fire.
At the Steel Clan Wheyr in the weeks since Ratchet came to stay with the free predacons the clan had more than doubled and the old medic was using the ancient ship as his own personal lab. He was happy as a clam finding the complete synthetic energon formula in the database among thousands of other lost scientific discoveries.
Ratchet worked tirelessly, his fingers flying over the control panels and holographic displays as he deciphered the ancient data. The energon formula was just the beginning; there were blueprints for unimaginable weapons, transportation systems, and defense mechanisms that would make even Megatron absolutely jealous.
The Steel Clan had doubled in size and then some and was flourishing under Wheeljack and Ratchet's guidance. Fablebreaker didn’t leave her and Wheeljack’s hollow very often, but when she did the males treated the pregnant female like a goddess. They brought her offerings of different types of metals and energon to snack on. Some even sneakily drug back part of their kill to offer her. But after witnessing Wheeljack’s displeasure the first time they mostly did it when the clan leader was otherwise busy they were predatory creatures after all and by instinct the entire clan was overprotective of the broody female.
On this particular day, Optimus had come to visit with Ratchet and Wheeljack to discuss the recent events involving Megatron and his forces. The atmosphere was tense but filled with determination as they strategized their next steps.
"I fear Megatron's desperation will only lead to more reckless actions," Optimus said, his voice filled with concern. "We must be prepared for whatever he throws our way."
Ratchet nodded in agreement, worked on the cloning tanks the fledgling predacons within were growing rapidly. "If we are able to hold out until the first ten new predacons are completed. We will have the advantage of surprise, but we cannot underestimate him. Megatron is cunning, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."
Wheeljack chimed in, his voice steady. The tanks made him very uncomfortable but this was necessary for the survival of his people. "We have the resources now. Soon we’ll have the numbers. But Shockwave can make more Predacons in bigger batches than we can. I can only do so much training these guys. The Autobots are also exposed in that hanger. You don’t have any defenses. One enemy Predacon or a missile and it’s shredded like tissue.”
“Wheeljack, there’s plenty of habitable space in the ship. You and the other predacons prefer the caverns out there, we can utilize this space. The warriors on team Prime can help train the rest of your clan and also assist me in manufacturing stable SynthEn.”
Wheeljack thought about it with his arms crossed over his chest. “We don’t use the inside of the ship so I don’t see why the Autobots can’t use the ship for their base when we Predacons mainly use the cavern outside.” He agreed “we just use it for storage and we continue to pull cargo out. With SynthEn it doesn’t matter how large the clan gets because we won’t run out of fuel even after the crystal supply here runs dry.”
“Is this your proposal, Wheeljack?” Optimus asked.
“You keep control over your people, and I have control over mine. I will listen to input and suggestions from you but to maintain control over my clan I will not take orders. I can’t afford to appear weak.” The large Predacon male stated.
Optimus regarded Wheeljack with a thoughtful expression, understanding the delicate balance of power within the Steel Clan. "Understood, Wheeljack. You are offering us sanctuary, and for that we are grateful. We will respect your autonomy while offering our support when needed. Together, we can stand stronger against Megatron's tyranny."
The decision was made, and Optimus began to prepare the Autobots for their latest move.
“Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee, Smokescreen. We will be permanently moving our base of operations to join Ratchet in the Predacon Wheyr.” The Prime announced to his team.
Shock ran through those gathered in the hanger.
“I thought Jackie didn’t want us around.” Bulkhead said
Optimus shook his head, his expression resolute. "Things have changed, Bulkhead. Wheeljack has extended an offer of alliance, and we must show our willingness to work together."
Bulkhead seemed somewhat uncomfortable. Wheeljack had been his best friend before. Now, because of everything, he was a completely different person. He didn’t know how to feel about being around Wheeljack when the mech he’d known for so long was effectively gone.
As the Autobots made preparations to move their base of operations to the Predacon Wheyr, tensions ran high among the Steel Clan. Wheeljack's decision to ally with the Autobots had stirred up mixed emotions within his clan members. Some saw it as a strategic move to strengthen their forces against Megatron, while others questioned Wheeljack's motives and loyalty.
Fablebreaker, now to the point where transforming was impossible, watched silently from the entrance to her hollow as the full autobot team walked into the main cavern with all of their belongings, her golden optics glowing in the dark like many of the other more skittish Predacons.
Their arrival stirred a whirlwind of reactions among the Predacons. Some eyed the Autobots warily, their primal instincts on high alert. Others greeted them with cautious curiosity, acknowledging the potential benefits of this newfound alliance. The tension in the air was palpable as both groups navigated the delicate balance of coexistence.
Wheeljack stood at the forefront, his massive frame exuding authority as he addressed his clan members. "Steel Clan,” He said loudly, catching everyone’s attention “Our numbers grow with each one of our brethren liberated from slavery. The Autobots are upholding their end of our alliance agreement by producing even more of our kin. The Steel Clan must uphold its end of the bargain, agreed upon by my mate during negotiations. We offer the Autobots safety and our strength against the Decepticons. We are on the verge of a clan war with those who would side with the One Eyed Creator. You all know the cruelty he is capable of. My brother is his lapdog and those who willingly follow him are only giving power to those who would see us eradicated.”
As Wheeljack spoke, Fablebreaker could sense the emotions of her fellow Steel Clan members shifting. Some began to see the Autobots as potential allies, while others remained cautious, unsure if they could trust them completely.
Optimus Prime stepped forward, looking directly at Wheeljack and the assembled Predacons. "We understand your concerns," he said quietly but firmly. "But we are here to help. It's in both of our best interests to work together against Megatron and Shockwave. Their rule would be a death sentence for us all."
He paused, sweeping his optics over the crowd. "We will train together, fight together, and rebuild together. We are no longer just Autobots or Predacons - we are a united front against tyranny."
As Optimus finished speaking, there were murmurs of agreement from some of the Steel Clan members. Even Fablebreaker felt a small glimmer of hope; perhaps this alliance could work after all. The risk was high, but the promise of freedom from tyranny and their own internal conflicts made it worth exploring.
With a deep breath, Wheeljack nodded to Optimus and addressed his clan once more. "We are mot beasts!" he exclaimed, his words reverberated in the cavern powerfully.
Other Predacons screeched or shouted in agreement.
“We will not be slaves! And if they wish to wipe us from existence-“ Wheeljack paused “then we will be the ones wiping them from ours!"
A roar of approval erupted from the gathered Steel Clan, their voices echoing through the cavern. Fablebreaker felt a surge of pride and determination wash over her. She walked out of her hollow to her mate and wound around him affectionately, humming her approval.
The Autobots stared at Wheeljack in shock and awe, he had quite the presence to him now. He’d always been charismatic but he’d also been flighty and not one for rules and order. Now, however, he exuded an air of authority. He had the same aura Optimus did and it was was both terrifying and inspiring.
When everything went back to normal, Optimus led his team to the ship where they would be living from now on.
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theicescorpions · 3 months
Primal Fire Chapter Ten: Creatures and Caverns
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Apologies for the delay in posting I had an insane month that involved a lot of scrambling because I moved houses.
Master Post
Chapter One
Wheeljack walked in silence, the weight of the alliance heavy on his spark. The full realization that he may soon be a father to Predacon whelplings made the Predacon in him proud and happy, but the part that was still the old him wanted to resist, to run. He quickly stomped out those panicked thoughts, not liking them one bit.
Once that was dealt with his mind drifted to the future, where his offspring would play a crucial role in reshaping the fate of their species. He just hoped that his faith in the Autobots wasn't misplaced.
Fablebreaker wove through the trees. She had chosen a location in Oregon for their Wheyr. It was a long way away from the desolate flat terrain of Nevada and even farther away from Shockwave's lab.
Hopefully the mountain would provide them with caves deep enough to Shield them from detection.
"Where are we?" Thunderdrum asked as he and Fidget remained on alert for any enemies.
"The humans call this place Mount St. Hilary. Long long ago when I was first sent to this planet I found a wrecked ship under the mountain. If the ship is unusable we can still use the caverns for our home. If the ship works. Power, communication and medical equipment. Then we may have the start of something to give us equal footing in this war." Fablebreaker explained. "It's also rich in Energon. We won't have to rely on the other factions or risk being caught scavenging for our food source."
Wheeljack felt a surge of relief as Fablebreaker shared her plan in more detail. The idea of setting up their base in Mount St. Hilary, with the potential resources from the wrecked ship mollified his anxiety. He'd forgotten most everything about engineering but he could still read. If this ship's database was intact he could relearn what Shockwave erased from his memory.
Fablebreaker led them to the entrance of the caverns, her movements graceful and purposeful. Thunderdrum and Fidget followed closely behind, their optics scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.
Eventually she approached a massive moss covered boulder and began forcing it out of the way. Behind it was a large Predacon sized hole and the three males quickly helped her move the huge rock aside.
A rush of musty air escaped from the opening as they revealed the entrance to the caverns. Wheeljack peered into the darkness, his optics adjusting to the dim light filtering through the rocky passageways ahead. Fablebreaker gestured for them to follow her as she led the way into the depths of Mount St. Hilary. The air grew cooler as they descended deeper, the sounds of their footsteps echoing off the walls.
After what seemed like an eternity of winding through narrow tunnels and slippery slopes, they finally reached a massive chamber bathed in a soft blue glow. Energon coated the walls, causing the illumination and buried In the far wall of the cavern lay the ancient wrecked ship, its metal hull was damaged and pockmarked from eons of space travel and subsequent neglect.
It was a haunting sight, the once-majestic ship now reduced to a mere shell of its former self. Wheeljack felt a pang of sadness at the thought of such advanced technology lying dormant and forgotten for so long. He walked over to one of the airlocks and tried to key it open and when it wouldn't budge he sunk his talons into the door and with a mighty heave he ripped the door off the ship.
The rusty door clanged to the ground, sending echoes reverberating through the chamber. Wheeljack peered inside the darkened interior of the ship, his optics scanning for any signs of life or activity. The air was stale and heavy with the scent of decay, a stark reminder of the ship's long abandonment.
Fablebreaker joined Wheeljack at the entrance, her gaze sweeping over the dilapidated interior and flickering lights. "We have our work cut out for us," she said, looking up at her mate.
"Yeah but it's a start." Wheeljack stated "Fidget, Thunderdrum. Scout out the interior. If there's any corpses inside If they look diseased don't touch them. If not, bring 'em out for burial. Fablebreaker and I are going to search the cavern more thoroughly to make sure there isn't anything lurking around down here."
As Fidget and Thunderdrum ventured deeper into the wrecked ship, their cautious footsteps echoed through the corridors. The faint hum of dormant systems reverberated around them, creating an eerie atmosphere. They carefully navigated the darkened hallways, their optics scanning for any signs of danger or life.
Meanwhile, Wheeljack and Fablebreaker explored the cavern surrounding the ship, their energon scanners sweeping the area for any hidden threats. The walls radiated a soft blue light from the energon deposits, casting long shadows across the chamber. As they delved deeper into the cavern, they began to notice the heat beginning to increase around them.
The temperature continued to rise steadily as Wheeljack and Fablebreaker ventured further into the cavern. Their cooling fans kicking into high gear as they pressed on, determined to ensure the safety of their newfound sanctuary. The soft blue glow from the energon deposits was soon overshadowed by a burning red light as they discovered the source of the heat. An underground lake of lava.
The molten lava bubbled and churned, casting a fiery glow that danced across the walls of the cavern. The intense heat radiating from the lava lake made the air shimmer, distorting their vision as they peered into the depths.
"It doesn't look unstable." Wheeljack mused.
"Don't humans have ways of creating energy from heat? Maybe we could use it here." Fablebreaker suggested.
Wheeljack's optics brightened with excitement at Fablebreaker's suggestion not only from the clever thinking but because it sparked a memory and knowledge he believed was lost to him. The potential to harness the energy from the underground lava lake could provide them with a sustainable power source for their base. As they stood on the edge of the chamber, feeling the intense heat wash over them, Wheeljack began to analyze the surroundings, his mind racing with ideas on how to tap into this newfound resource.
"We could build thermal converters to extract the heat energy and convert it into usable power," Wheeljack proposed, his gaze fixed on the glowing lava below. "It would require some intricate engineering, but If we're lucky and that ship has the parts we need... We can make it work."
Fablebreaker nodded in agreement, "let's head back and see what Thunderdrum and Fidget have discovered."
As Wheeljack and Fablebreaker made their way back to the wrecked ship, they found Thunderdrum and Fidget standing at the entrance, their expressions unreadable. Something seemed off as the two bots turned to face their leaders, their optics dimmed with hesitation.
"We found something," Thunderdrum finally spoke up, his voice laced with concern. "But it's not good."
Fablebreaker's spark clenched with a mix of dread and curiosity. "What did you find?"
Fidget stepped forward, his body twitching nervously. "We believe this was a cargo vessel transporting goods to colony worlds. We couldn't read the manifest but we found this and several others." He said before producing the atrophied skull of an ancient Predacon.
The discovery of the ancient Predacon skull sent a chill down Wheeljack's spinal strut. He reached out a clawed hand to gently take the artifact, turning it over in his servos. The skull was weathered and worn, its features frozen in a silent roar that spoke of a violent end.
Fablebreaker stepped closer, her optics narrowing as she examined the skull. "This is old, very old. It's not of a clone," she murmured, her processor whirring with the implications of their find.
Thunderdrum shifted uncomfortably, his wings twitching with unease. "But why would there be Predacon remains on this ship?"
Wheeljack grunted "Predacon Bones used to be commodities in museums before the Great War. They were extinct so the fascination of them wowed generations of younglings. These bones must have been destined for a place like that. Though now, with our agreement with the Autobots we can use these bones to make more predacons."
"Maybe some of them will be female." Fablebreaker breathed "how many skeletons did you find?" She looked to Thunderdrum and Fidget.
"About six so far, all packed into crates in the hold." Thunderdrum replied "we only found this one first because its crate was broken."
Fablebreaker hummed happily. "We will continue to explore the inside of the ship and when we have established ourselves we will make contact with our allies."
The three males nodded in agreement and got back to work in establishing their new home.
Chapter Eleven: Wheyr the Wild Things Are
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theicescorpions · 5 months
Primal Fire Chapter Nine: Negotiating an Alliance
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master Post
Chapter One
It had been a week since the mission to rescue Fablebreaker and finally Wheeljack called the base for a ground bridge. He and Fablebreaker walked through, both looking a little roughed up but nothing serious. The massive Predacon male didn’t look particularly pleased that he had to return but his frame was far more relaxed than it had been when he was here before. The smaller female had a very clear distinct bite mark on her neck that had scarred up already though it didn’t appear like the bite was made in combat.
Wheeljack and Fablebreaker approached Optimus Prime, who stood waiting for them with a mix of relief and concern etched on his face. “It is good you are safe, Wheeljack. We were unable to determine the source of the scent that caused you to become aggressive.”
The prime began talking about potential dangers and ways to counteract it, all the while Fablebreaker’s face kept getting more and more blue as she blushed.
“You don’t need to worry about that anymore.” The female Predacon said in an embarrassed pout.
Optimus Prime tilted his head in confusion at Fablebreaker's words. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
“The one eyed creator removed the genetic blocker in my system.” She refused to look at anyone in the room “I was in heat, It’s not a weapon. I didn’t have a mate and there’s no other females so their instincts took over and they all started fighting over me.”
Optimus Prime's optics widened in realization as Fablebreaker's words sank in. Understanding dawned on him, a mix of relief and concern swirling within his spark. The situation was far more complex than they had initially thought, and the revelation of Fablebreaker's heat cycle shed light on the chaos that had unfolded in the cavern.
Fablebreaker shifted uncomfortably under Optimus Prime's gaze, her embarrassment palpable.
"I can tell what you’re thinking Prime. There won’t be an incident next time.” Wheeljack stated, hoping to lessen his new mate’s embarrassment. “We’re a bonded pair now, The only one able to pick up that scent when it happens again is me. We just came back for Thunderdrum and Fidget. We have to find a decent place of our own, Fae thinks she knows a place.”
“Why don’t you stay here, Jackie?” Bulkhead asked
Wheeljack shook his head. "We appreciate the offer, but Fablebreaker and I tend to spend a lot of time in Predacon form and we aren’t exactly small. There’s four of us and not enough space or energon here. And no offense it feels too exposed.”
“The female might also unintentionally become destructive if she starts nesting.” Fidget commented.
Wheeljack gave the smaller Predacon a warning hiss that most of the Autobots either missed or couldn’t hear.
Optimus Prime nodded in understanding, recognizing the need for Wheeljack and Fablebreaker to find their own space where they could live without the constraints of the Autobot base. He respected their independence and understood the unique challenges they faced as Predacons.
"I will have Ratchet provide you with supplies and assistance in finding a suitable location for your new dwelling," Optimus assured them.
“No thank you.” Fablebreaker replied. “We will find our own Wheyr. I am not fond of owing others any kind of debt. As Wheeljack said, I already have a place in mind.”
“Would you be willing to assist us in the future?” Optimus asked.
“It depends.” Fablebreaker stated shrewdly. It was clear she still did not trust the Autobots. “If provided proper resources, is your medic capable of cloning more predacons?”
Optimus Prime's optics dimmed slightly at the mention of cloning. The ethical implications weighed heavily on his processor, but he knew the importance of expanding their forces in the ongoing war against the Decepticons.
"Cloning is not a decision we take lightly. We must consider the consequences and ensure that any new creations are treated with respect and given the choice to join our cause willingly," Optimus explained, his voice firm yet empathetic.
Fablebreaker regarded Optimus Prime with a calculating gaze, “You misunderstand. The one eyed menace only clones males. I was fortunate enough to have barely survived any kind of testing for his standards. If we were to assist and bring more of our kin into the Steel Clan by stealing them from Predaking, they would all be male. What I need is your assurance that you would equalize the population by cloning more females and give our species a chance to thrive.”
Ratchet considered the question for a time. “I read medical journals on the subject extensively. If given the proper resources I might be able to do it.” The medic mused. “Shockwave brought Predacons back from extinction but he was more focused on military strength rather than actual population logistics.”
The mention of cloning more Predacons, specifically females, brought a somber atmosphere to the room as the weight of such a decision hung heavily in the air. Optimus Prime understood the delicate balance they treaded in preserving their species while also upholding their values of autonomy and free will.
After a moment of contemplation, Optimus Prime spoke with unwavering resolve. "We will do what is necessary to ensure the survival and prosperity of the Predacon species. Ratchet, I trust your expertise to proceed with caution and compassion."
Ratchet nodded solemnly in acknowledgment of the responsibility placed upon him. The prospect of tampering with the natural order of life sparked a myriad of ethical questions within him, but he knew that standing idly by would not guarantee a future for the Predacons.
Fablebreaker smiled a little. “Then we have an alliance. The Steel Clan will fight with you. You do not have to worry about any cloning endeavors in the near future, we would need access to Cybertron to gather the proper resources. But if you ever think about going back on our agreement, remember. If you back out, you forsake the future where our daughters would not be viewed as prizes or property for their rarity.” She included Wheeljack in the statement as he would be the father of any whelplings she gave birth to.
The room fell into a heavy silence, each being present grappling with the weight of the decision made. Optimus Prime met Fablebreaker's gaze with a sense of solemn commitment, understanding the gravity of the alliance forged between the Autobots and the Steel Clan Predacons. The future of their species hung in the balance, teetering between extinction and resurgence.
Wheeljack stood by Fablebreaker's side, the thought of someone taking advantage of his children made his energon boil.
"We will honor our alliance," Optimus Prime spoke finally, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve. "The Autobots stand with the Steel Clan, not just in battle but in securing a future where all Predacons can thrive."
Fablebreaker nodded, a glint of gratitude shining in her optics. "We’ll be on our way then. If you need assistance, you know how to contact my mate.”
“Allow us to bridge you closer to where you need to go.” Ratchet said, keeping them from walking outside of the military hangar.
As Wheeljack and the Predacons prepared to depart, Fablebreaker turned back to face Optimus Prime and Ratchet one last time. There was a newfound sense of respect about her, a glimmer of hope for the future that lay ahead.
"I look forward to the day when our alliance can truly flourish," Fablebreaker spoke with sincerity. "May our kin sing in harmony."
With a graceful nod, she followed Wheeljack through the ground bridge, Thunderdrum and Fidget trailing behind her. The sound of their footsteps echoed faintly in the chamber, a reminder of the alliance forged in the face of uncertainty.
Optimus Prime and Ratchet watched them leave, the gravity of their decision settling upon their sparks. The future was uncertain, fraught with challenges and risks, but also brimming with possibility and newfound unity.
"We must tread carefully in the days to come," Optimus Prime spoke quietly. "The fate of not just our species, but all Predacons, rests in our hands now."
Ratchet nodded in agreement, his expression somber yet resolute. "It is hard seeing Wheeljack so closed off. We won’t let his sacrifice be in vain, We will do what is necessary to ensure a future for everyone.”
Chapter Ten: Creatures and Caverns
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theicescorpions · 5 months
Primal Fire Chapter Seven: Rescue
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master Post
Chapter One
Wheeljack sat in silence as he watched the other two predacons argue for a long time the smaller one transformed into a bipedal form before they hesitantly came to sit in front of Wheeljack male without getting in the medic’s way.
“What are your names?” Wheeljack asked
“Subject 074.” The larger of the two stated
“Subject 089.” The smaller one twitched nervously.
“Those aren’t names. Those are numbers.” Wheeljack told them
The larger Predacon, Subject 074, raised an eyebrow at Wheeljack's words. "We have no names. We are only beasts for the master."
“I don’t want to hear you say that again. We are not beasts.” Wheeljack growled.
“Fidget.” Subject 089 replied instantly. “My name is Fidget.”
Wheeljack chuckled at the small Predacon's response. "Fidget? That's something." He looked at the other, Subject 074. "What about you?"
"Thunderdrum." The larger Predacon replied, seemingly more confident now that Wheeljack had acknowledged their names.
Wheeljack nodded in approval at Thunderdrum and Fidget. “Good, now we're getting somewhere. What did Shockwave want Fablebreaker for?”
Thunderdrum sat up straighter and immediately went into a report tone. “The creator believes we are nothing more than animals, our control collars prevent us from doing certain actions like transforming but that is a side effect. They fear you. They didn’t want you building your own clan by having other predacons join you, the collars prevent most actions of free will. The female was a high priority capture target. The creator wanted her alive for… breeding purposes.” He cringed knowing this statement would not sit well with Wheeljack.
Wheeljack's optics darkened with anger at Thunderdrum's words about Shockwave's intentions for Fablebreaker. The idea of her being used for such a despicable purpose fueled the fire within him.
"We're going to make sure that never happens, you’re going to take me to wherever she’s being held." he stated firmly, his voice low and dangerous.
Ratchet finished tending to Wheeljack's injuries, giving him a nod of approval. "You'll need to rest and recover before we can plan our next move," the medic advised.
But Wheeljack was already on his feet. "Resting will have to wait. We have work to do," he declared, his gaze flickering between Fidget and Thunderdrum.
The two Predacons exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement.
“We pledge our loyalty to you. You are our new clan leader.” Thunderdrum told Wheeljack.
“I read through the database in secret before I left. Shockwave plans on giving your female to your brother.” Fidget stated.
“My what?” Wheeljack asked, his armor bristling.
“You and Predaking were created from the same CNA sample. Though I believe you’d be more classified as half brothers.” Fidget explained.
Wheeljack's processor whirred as he processed the information about his supposed brother, Predaking. The revelation left him feeling a mix of emotions - confusion, anger, and a strange sense of betrayal. But amidst it all, there was a glimmer of determination to rescue Fablebreaker.
"We need to move quickly," Wheeljack said, his voice firm. "If Shockwave plans on handing Fablebreaker over to Predaking, we can't waste any time."
“If permitted we’ll input the location of the off site lab where we came to be. It has become the base of operations for the main Predacon clan.” Thunderdrum told Wheeljack.
Wheeljack nodded, his mind already strategizing the rescue mission to save Fablebreaker from the clutches of Shockwave and Predaking. The weight of the realization that he could lose his Fae settled heavily on his shoulders. He looked at Fidget and Thunderdrum, determination blazing in his optics.
"We'll need a plan to infiltrate that lab and retrieve Fablebreaker without raising suspicions," Wheeljack said, his voice low but resolute. "Any information you have on the security measures, guard rotations, or any weaknesses we can exploit would be invaluable."
Thunderdrum and Fidget exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in agreement. "We were trained as guards before our capture. We know the layout of the lab and can guide you through the most discreet entrance," Thunderdrum offered.
"Lets go," Wheeljack turned to the ground bridge and prepared to leave.
“Wheeljack.” Optimus Prime approached him with the other Autobots. “Allow us to help you.”
Wheeljack regarded Optimus Prime and the other Autobots with gratitude in his optics. He knew he couldn't rescue Fablebreaker alone, and having the support of his fellow Autobots would greatly increase their chances of success.
"Thank you, Optimus. I appreciate the offer," Wheeljack replied, his voice filled with determination. "We need to move swiftly before...” he shook his head. “Fidget, input the coordinates.”
With a determined nod, Fidget quickly input the coordinates into the control panel of the ground bridge. The portal hummed to life, swirling with vibrant energy as it opened a pathway to the off-site lab where Fablebreaker was being held captive.
Wheeljack darted forward, he was surprisingly light on his feet for someone so massive. The other two predacons and the Autobots followed suit, their weapons at the ready as they braced themselves for the impending battle.
As they stepped through the portal, the familiar scent of damp earth and cave smells greeted him as he emerged on the other side.
“If you get separated from me, you follow him as if he were me.” Wheeljack pointed to Optimus as he spoke to his two predacons. The two smaller males nodded.
Thunderdrum and Fidget took point, guiding Wheeljack and the Autobots through the winding caverns but something was clearly off. They couldn’t find any predacons anywhere.
“Smell that?” Thunderdrum asked.
“What is that?” Fidget scrunched his face up.
Wheeljack could smell it as well, it was sharp and sweet and it made his head swim. However the Autobots couldn’t smell it.
As they ventured deeper into the caverns, the strange scent grew stronger, wrapping around them like a thick fog. Wheeljack felt his mind becoming fogged as the scent invaded his sensors, his thoughts becoming hard to grasp. Thunderdrum and Fidget started to get somewhat aggressive with each other until Wheeljack silenced the two with a hostile hiss.
Realizing the peculiar effect the scent was having on them, Wheeljack focused all his willpower to push through the haze clouding his mind. He couldn’t afford to become a mindless animal right now.
“Are you alright?” Optimus asked.
“There’s something in the air. It’s making it hard to think.” Wheeljack replied. “Thunderdrum, Fidget. Get out of here before you’re running on nothing but instinct.”
Before Wheeljack could finish his warning, Thunderdrum and Fidget both let out a guttural growl and lunged at him with savage intent. Wheeljack barely dodged their attack, his reflexes saving him from their sudden aggression. He quickly grabbed the two and slammed them together, knocking them unconscious.
“What was that?!” Arcee exclaimed.
“It’s the smell. It’s making them hyper aggressive. Get em out of here before they wake up.” Wheeljack told the Autobots. “I gotta find Fae before I lose my damn mind too.”
Wheeljack sprinted through the winding caverns ignoring the Autobots protests, his processor fighting to remain in control. The strange scent grew stronger as he went deeper, threatening to overwhelm his senses and drive him into a mindless rampage like Thunderdrum and Fidget. He fought against the effects, his determination to rescue Fablebreaker giving him the strength to push forward.
As he rounded a corner, Wheeljack's optics caught sight of a group of Predacons knocked out cold like they’d all been fighting each other.
Their bodies lay strewn across the floor, sparking slightly from the confrontation that had unfolded among them. Wheeljack approached cautiously, scanning the area for any sign of Fablebreaker. The echo of his footsteps reverberated through the cavern, a stark contrast to the eerie stillness that now enveloped the chamber.
An angry primal shriek ripped through the air and crashing ensued from a nearby chamber. Wheeljack's spark clenched in fear as he recognized the familiar sound of Fablebreaker's voice, twisted with a feral rage. Without hesitation, he charged towards the source of the commotion, his systems flooded with a mix of dread and determination. The chamber loomed before him, and as he entered, he caught sight of Predaking and Fablebreaker fighting before the scent overwhelmed him and his mind went blank.
A flurry of motion erupted as Wheeljack in dragon form slammed into Predaking, tearing into him from behind. Predaking roared in surprise and pain as Wheeljack attacked with a ferocity that matched his own. The cavern shook with the force of their battle, rocks crumbling from the ceiling as they clashed in a whirlwind of claws and teeth. There was no strategy, thought or even a flicker of awareness in the two male predacon’s minds. Just pure animalistic fury.
Their primal instincts took over, driving them to fight with a savagery that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Predaking and Wheeljack clashed in a brutal ballet of predator and prey, their roars echoing through the cavern like thunder. Claws slashed, teeth gnashed, and scales scraped against each other in a symphony of violence.
The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, stood at the entrance of the chamber, watching the chaos unfold with horror.
Fablebreaker stalked at the edge of the fight waiting for an opening. When the two males broke apart she darted in and started shoving Wheeljack back.
‘Let’s go!’ She pleaded.
Wheeljack hissed trying to lunge for Predaking again but she blocked him from attacking again.
‘Wheeljack! If you don’t leave with me now I’m leaving without you!’ she threatened
A flicker of recognition came into his eyes and he realized that the thick mind numbing enticing scent was coming from her.
For a moment, Wheeljack hesitated, torn between the primal urge to continue fighting and the rational part of his processor that recognized Fablebreaker's plea. The scent emanating from her was intoxicating, clouding his thoughts with a seductive haze that made it difficult to focus. But deep within him, a spark of clarity emerged, fueled by his bond with Fablebreaker.
With a growl of frustration, Wheeljack reluctantly relented, his body trembling from the conflicting impulses warring within him. He took a step back from Predaking, who seized the opportunity to launch another attack. Fablebreaker swiftly interceded, shielding Wheeljack from the incoming assault with an elegant yet deadly grace. She hissed in Predaking’s face, making him shrink down unexpectedly.
Realizing that this might be their only chance to escape, Fablebreaker and Wheeljack sprinted past the stunned Predaking and out of the chamber, past the autobots and quickly flying off once they were outside.
Optimus Prime watched as Fablebreaker and Wheeljack vanished into the horizon, a sense of relief washing over him at their escape. The primal battle that had unfolded in the cavern had tested the limits of their comrades' control and put them all on edge. The Autobots gathered around Optimus, their optics reflecting a mix of exhaustion and concern for their friends who had been ensnared by the mysterious scent.
“We must find a way to counteract the effects of the scent that caused the predacons to lose cognitive function,” Optimus said gravely.
“Do we even know what caused it?” Smokescreen asked as they hauled Fidget and Thunderdrum back to base with them.
“We may not know the source just yet, but we will find a way to overcome it,” Optimus declared with unwavering determination. The Autobots nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by their leader's certainty.
As they made their way back to base, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. Fidget and Thunderdrum were securely restrained, still unconscious from Wheeljack knocking them out until the effects of the mysterious scent passed.
Chapter Eight: Mated Pair
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Chapter Six: Separation
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master Post
Chapter One
The tension in the air crackled with the promise of imminent conflict as Wheeljack and Fablebreaker squared off against the approaching Predacons. The dim light filtering through the canopy above cast eerie shadows around them, heightening the sense of danger that loomed in the forest.
'You were right, Predaking. They are disgusting together.' One of the new predacons whirred.
Fablebreaker hissed and her optics narrowed as she pressed against Wheeljack's side. She recognized these males. 'You're all supposed to be dead.'
'We're new. Cloned from the previous generation of clones sent to this world.' Another Predacon replied.
'Enough. Capture the female as instructed while I deal with the failure.’ Predaking seethed. He'd been humiliated enough already.
Wheeljack felt a surge of protectiveness over Fablebreaker and he snarled violently. She was his. He didn't hesitate as he lunged forward, his powerful jaws going straight for Predaking's throat.
Predaking barely had time to react as Wheeljack's jaws closed in on his throat, a low growl rumbling in the white Predacon's chest. The two powerful beings clashed, sparks flying as they grappled with each other for the third time. Fablebreaker didn't waste a moment either, using her agility and quick reflexes to evade the other Predacons who moved in to capture her.
The forest resonated with the sounds of battle, the clash of metal against metal, enraged roars mixing with defiant snarls. Wheeljack and Predaking were evenly matched, but Wheeljack wasn't going to let him win.
As the fight raged on, Fablebreaker dodged the other four predacons. 'I beat your predecessor's tails many times before! I'll do it again with you!'
Swiftly, she leapt and ducked, her claws slashing through the air with precision. The Predacons underestimated her, thinking her small frame made her weak, but Fablebreaker was a seasoned warrior with many battles behind her. She twisted and turned, her movements fluid and graceful as she outmaneuvered her opponents.
She struck at the smallest of her assailants and knocked the male unconscious. Then the unexpected happened, another Predacon leapt onto Wheeljack's back.
Predaking snarled triumphantly as he pinned Wheeljack to the ground, his claws digging into the white Predacon's armor.
Fablebreaker turned to help Wheeljack but was swiftly tackled by more new Predacon clones. She screeched and thrashed, attempting to get free to no avail.
Wheeljack felt several more predacons pile on top of him and he stared up at Predaking, who was preparing to kill him. The ivory Predacon groaned and was forced to make a call he was hoping he'd never have to.
At the Autobot base, Optimus Prime was staring at the main screen trying to figure out what the Decepticons were going to do next. Ratchet was scolding Bulkhead and Smokescreen for something minor as Arcee and Bumblebee looked on unimpressed. Ultra Magnus was once again doing inventory of their dwindling energon supplies.
An emergency alert from Wheeljack popped up on the screen and as the comm line opened they could hear predacons and a physical struggle but no words they could understand.
Optimus Prime's optics widened in shock. Without a moment's hesitation, he called out commands to the Autobots in the base. "Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, with me. Ratchet, prepare sick bay. We are bringing Wheeljack home."
The Autobots sprang into action, knowing that their fellow comrade was in trouble. They transformed and raced through the ground bridge to the origin of the transmission.
They jumped out of the portal, weapons ready and they couldn't see the Wheeljack they knew but the white Predacon with blue optics that had come to help them, which was about to be offlined. The little one that had been with him before was nowhere to be seen.
Wheeljack struggled beneath the weight of the Predacons on top of him, feeling the sharp claws of Predaking pressing into his armor. But just as Predaking raised his claws to strike the final blow, a barrage of laser fire erupted around them. The Autobots had arrived just in time, raining down shots upon the Predacons and forcing them to scatter.
Optimus Prime's voice boomed over the chaos, firm and commanding. "Wheeljack, fall back!" he ordered, as Ultra Magnus and the others provided cover fire for their outnumbered comrade.
With a mighty heave, Wheeljack managed to throw off the Predacons pinning him down and jumped to his feet, ignoring the order to retreat as he pounced on Predaking immediately and began ripping into his armor, his suppressed rage finally being released when he realized he couldn't hear Fablebreaker's subharmonics.
The Predacons scattered, but Wheeljack and Predaking continued their brutal fight. The other Autobots regrouped, taking cover behind nearby trees as they continued to fire at the remaining Predacons.
Wheeljack managed to land a serious blow on Predaking, worse than any he'd dealt the other male so far in their reoccurring battles.
Predaking roared in pain, his armor torn and singed by the intense energy of Wheeljack's attack. They'd retrieved the female as commanded. Once again Predaking backed off, limping. A Decepticon ground bridge appeared and the Decepticon controlled Predacons quickly retreated.
Before one of the last predacons could escape Wheeljack jumped on the smaller male and quickly wrestled him into submission.
He held the Predacon down with a steely grip, ignoring the protests and struggles of his captive. The Autobots carefully approached the white Predacon.
"Jackie?" Bulkhead asked, coming closer than the others.
The massive male Predacon chuffed in response and very gently shoved Bulkhead a safe distance back with his wing away from the captive Predacon as it thrashed. Wheeljack quickly stepped on its head as it prepared to breathe fire. The smaller Predacon stilled and let out a whine.
'Move and I kill you.' wheeljack warned with a dangerous hiss.
"Optimus, are we certain this beast is Wheeljack?" Ultra Magnus asked.
He took his talons off of the captured Predacon and when he had backed up and was certain the other wouldn't move he transformed, his massive frame now looming over even Optimus who had gotten his own upgrade.
"Call me a beast again, shoulder pads. I dare you." Wheeljack growled.
Shock ran through the Autobots, looking up at him. They were used to Wheeljack being so much smaller and the changes done to his frame... It was horrific.
"Jackie what did they do to you?" Bulkhead asked.
"Don't want to talk about it." He quickly turned to examine the drag marks that had been made when Fablebreaker had been taken away. Wheeljack was very clearly wounded, his frame dripping energon. "They took her. She trusted me, I have to find her."
"You need medical attention." Optimus stated firmly.
"I'm not one of your kind anymore, Prime. My priority is saving Fablebreaker. I can't stick around you." Wheeljack responded, he stood back up and found the other Predacon that Fablebreaker had knocked unconscious at the beginning of the fight.
"What are you talking about, Wheeljack. You belong with us, you're still you! You don't change, Jackie. You're not a Predacon!" Bulkhead protested.
A surge of anger and resentment burned through Wheeljack. One of the main reasons why he hadn’t wanted to go back to the Autobots was that exact statement. ‘Jackie never changes’. Something Bulkhead said and expected often and it forced Wheeljack to act certain ways and do certain things. But he couldn’t play that game anymore.
"Yes I am! Look at me! The Wheeljack you knew is dead, Bulkhead!" Wheejack snapped "I'm not the same mech! The Cons ripped me apart and turned me into something else. Out of all the millions of years I've been alive I can only remember a few thousand. I don't remember any of my engineer training. I can't even remember how to make a fucking grenade! Does the Lightning Strike Coalition ring any bells for you? I remember that. Shockwave did to them what he did to me. I'm just lucky that I didn't end up handicapped like Grimlock! This can't be reversed."
Wheeljack's rage and despair were palpable as he spoke, the subharmonics he made were nothing like a normal Cybertronian would make. The Autobots stared at him, stunned into silence by his revelation. Optimus Prime stepped forward, his voice firm and compassionate.
"Wheeljack, what you've gone through is unimaginable. We understand that you've lost a significant part of yourself, but you must know that we are here to support you. We will help you find Fablebreaker and, if possible, reverse the modifications. We will stand by your side."
Wheeljack looked at Optimus skeptically. "Are you certain? Because if you're going to start treating me like a monster, then I don't want to be a part of this anymore." His optics flicked to stare at Ultra Magnus.
The two had never gotten along when they were both in the wreckers together during the war. Ultra Magnus remembered the stubborn, reckless smaller mech with painful clarity. However Wheeljack could only remember the ghost of resentment when it came to the stiff blue and red mech.
Ultra Magnus took a deep breath and met Wheeljack's gaze. "I understand it may be difficult for you to trust me, given our history. But I can assure you, we only want to help."
Wheeljack's chest rumbled in agitation. "I'm wasting time. Fae needs me." He hefted the unconscious Predacon onto his shoulder. "Fine. I'll swing by whatever base you have to get a quick patch job. I'm going to get answers out of these two and I'm going to go get her."
"Who is she?" Arcee asked.
"She taught me how to function in this body." He turned to look at the other Predacon. "You."
The other conscious Predacon squawked, shrinking down even further under Wheeljack's gaze.
"Can you transform?"
After a few chirps, clicks and musical tones, Wheeljack raised an optic ridge.
"Why not?" The massive male Predacon asked.
The smaller male turned his head to reveal a control collar.
Wheeljack's optics narrowed as he examined the control collar on the Predacon. Without hesitation, he reached out with his sharp claws and ripped the collar off with ease.
The Predacon's eyes widened in surprise and fear as the collar was removed. It began to transform into his bipedal form for the first time.
Wheeljack eyed the Predacon sharply. "You better hope that Fablebreaker is still alive and that you're willing to help me get her back," Wheeljack warned.
The Predacon bowed his head, avoiding his gaze, "You are the strongest. I will follow your command."
"Well, Prime?" Wheeljack looked down at Optimus.
"Ratchet, open the ground bridge."
Ratchet swiftly activated the ground bridge, creating a swirling vortex of energy. Wheeljack strode forward, the unconscious Predacon slung over his shoulder and the now freed Predacon following close behind.
When he walked out into the new Autobot base, his footsteps were heavy and loud on the concrete. The hangar felt quite claustrophobic. Ratchet quickly ushered Wheeljack to the makeshift medical bay. The large Predacon male left the unconscious Predacon in the care of the other while his injuries were being treated.
Bulkhead felt a mixture of sadness and anger as he watched Wheeljack walk through the base. He couldn't help but feel a sense of loss, not just for Wheeljack, but for the team they had built together. Despite everything, Wheeljack had always been one of them. They had been like brothers and now Wheeljack was so resistant to rejoining them or even communicating with them.
Ratchet tried to get Wheeljack to sit on the medical berth and the massive mech hesitated before sitting down. He remained quiet as the medic repaired his injuries and blatantly refused to lay down, the action giving him overwhelming PTSD from shockwave's lab when he tried. Ratchet moved carefully, mindful of Wheeljack's discomfort. He knew he couldn't force the injured mech to lay down, but he needed to ensure that his injuries were fully attended to. With a deep breath, he started to work on the various bites, cuts and dents that dotted Wheeljack's body.
Wheeljack rested his elbows on his knees and he watched the two predacons like a hawk as the second captured began to stir and was quickly pinned by the first as to not bring down Wheeljack's wrath on the both of them.
Wheeljack winced in pain as Ratchet probed his wounds. As soon as this was over, he'd take the other Predacons and leave.
Chapter Seven: Rescue
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theicescorpions · 6 months
Primal Fire Chapter Five: Closer
Wheeljack never escaped the Decepticons, instead he was made into Shockwave’s lab experiment and was turned into a Predacon.
Inspired by @sugarand-everythingnice And her “of Flesh and Steel” AU
Master Post
Chapter One
Wheeljack and Fablebreaker continued their brief respite in the cave. They had found solace in each other's company as they prepared to continue their nomadic traveling, the two predacons transformed into bipedal mode to eat what little energon they’d managed to scrounge up.
“I’ve been meaning to ask. Why did you abandon the other Predacons exactly? You said they weren’t kind to you. Why was that?” Wheeljack asked, trying to get his mind off of his own problems.
“Because I was female. They were always in constant turmoil with each other vying for dominance as leader. It was always such a pain. But they stopped bickering when they determined that the one who made me their mate would rule them all.” She snorted. “By that time I thoroughly despised them all. Some tried to woo me but others tried to force it.” Fablebreaker tossed a crystal into her mouth and chewed, still agitated by it all after all these eons.
“They tried to-“ Wheeljack started to get angry his chest rumbling.
“Oh no. They never actually touched me. Idiots were waiting for me to go into heat. Unfortunately for them, the one eyed creator put some kind of blocker in my system. Until it’s removed I’m effectively sterile. No heat. No mating frenzy. and No whelplings.” Fablebreaker stated.
“Heat? Mating frenzy?” Wheeljack asked in confusion.
“Until my first heat cycle, I’m physically incapable of actually accessing that part of my anatomy. It’s strange but I assume it’s some form of defense mechanism to prevent young females from being paired or stolen before their maturity. Predacons mate for life, once a female has mated with a male predacon she will never mate with another. and only her mate will be able to tell when she goes into heat after the first encounter. Having that part of me locked gave me reassurance that they couldn’t have me.” Fablebreaker explained “Though now it’s only vexing.”
"Interesting," Wheeljack mused, processing the information. "So, they were trying to use you as a pawn in their power struggles. I can see why you left." He paused, deep in thought before speaking again. "But if Predacons mate for life, what happens if a mate dies?"
Fablebreaker sighed, her gaze distant as she recalled painful memories. "If a mate dies, the surviving partner will remain alone for the rest of their existence. It's a bond that transcends time and space, a connection that cannot be broken even by death." She glanced at Wheeljack, a hint of sadness in her optics. "I've seen it happen before, when the one eyed one was experimenting with us several females went into heat and had mated. They and their young died. Those few males who lost their mates were generally the only ones I trusted. They were the ones who urged me to leave. Truthfully it's a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone."
Wheeljack nodded understandingly, sensing the weight of Fablebreaker's words. "Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. You're free from those stupid fraggers now." He offered her a small smile. "And hey, at least you won't have to deal with all that mating nonsense anymore."
Fablebreaker chuckled softly, the sound echoing in the dimly lit cave. "To tell you the truth, I’ve come to desire a mate. Many eons alone made me wish for many things I believed I would never have. And now that there are more predacons again, that dream is possible.”
“And who did you have in mind? Mr. Big dark and violent who keeps ripping my hide apart?” Wheeljack asked, attempting to joke but feeling jealousy bubble up inside him, hot and intense.
Fablebreaker laughed “I chose quite a while ago.”
“Oh? And who is it?” Wheeljack’s armor bristled.
“You, silly.” She continued to laugh at his attempt to hide his jealousy.
Wheeljack's optics widened in surprise, his systems heating up with a mixture of bewilderment and something he couldn't quite place. "Me?" he asked, flustered by the unexpected confession from Fablebreaker. He blinked rapidly, trying to gather his thoughts as her laughter slowly subsided, leaving a warm glow in the dimly lit cave.
Fablebreaker's optics softened as she regarded Wheeljack with a fondness that tugged at something deep within him. "Yes, you. Out of every male I’ve ever met, you’ve never once treated me like I was lesser than you because I was weaker. You defend me even when I did not ask it of you. And there’s many other reasons. You would be my choice for a mate.”
Wheeljack sat there dumbfounded, a mix of emotions rushing through him.
She sighed sadly, drawing his attention back to her. “It’s not like it’ll happen though. The blocker prevents any of that from happening. No heat, no mate, no little whelplings for me.”
Wheeljack's mind grappled with the whirlwind of emotions stirring within him. He had never allowed himself to entertain the idea of a romantic connection with Fablebreaker, or anyone to his recollection, but as he thought about it he found that he couldn’t think of any kind of future for himself without her.
"I won't accept that," Wheeljack finally spoke, his voice steady and determined. "I gotta say I wasn’t expecting me to be your pick. I still think of myself mostly as a grounder. It might take a while, but if there's a way to remove that blocker, then I'll find it. If I’m still what you want when that happens, I’d gladly be yours.”
Fablebreaker got up and sat down next to Wheeljack, leaning against his chest with a hum. Her subharmonics putting off a new sound he hadn’t heard before but made him feel happy.
“There’s something about you that makes me believe that I can rebuild my life. And I want you in it.” Wheeljack wrapped an arm around her, holding her close.
As they sat together in the quiet of the cave, a newfound sense of intimacy enveloping them both. The steady hum of Wheeljack's subharmonics resonated against Fablebreaker's frame, creating a rhythm that wove together in a song-like harmony.
As they continued their journey, it took them through more rugged terrain and dense forests, the two constantly moving over the next several weeks. One evening, as they settled down under a starlit sky, Fablebreaker leaned against Wheeljack. Ever since their conversation on mates, shy little touches and small shows of affection had become common between the two.
Wheeljack curled his frame around her smaller one and before they could settle into recharge they heard the snap of a branch. Both of their heads shot up, senses on alert.
In the darkness of the forest, shadows seemed to dance around them, concealing whatever threat lurked nearby. Fablebreaker and Wheeljack tensed, their frames poised for action as they scanned the surrounding trees for any sign of movement.
Fablebreaker and Wheeljack stood and took up defensive stances before noticing five pairs of gold optics in the forest weaving toward them through the trees.
‘Our luck had to run out sometime. I see five predacons. The big bastard and four new ones.’ Fablebreaker told Wheeljack.
‘Run?’ Wheeljack asked.
‘Where would we go? Predacons operate on a basic principle. The strongest rules.’ Fablebreaker stated.
‘And I’ve beaten ugly by myself before. Think you can hold off the other four?’
‘I can try. We don’t know If there are more nearby. The one eye doesn’t do things by half.’
‘No he doesn’t.’ Wheeljack agreed.
The two predacons bristled and prepared themselves for a nasty fight.
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fablebreakers · 7 years
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Episode 7 is out now! This week we discussed art and adversity with talented musician Sarah Fenstemaker (also known as “And How!”). Sarah gave us a window into her world: why she creates, how she creates, and of course advice for growing artists like herself. Find Sarah right here on tumblr @youvegotthatonering​ or discover her music from And How! on Youtube. Listen to Sarah’s interview here!
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