#FUCK this shit dawg ive got two fucking weeks of this left and im going to fail my fucking midterm bc my hormones are putting me in hysteri
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
i fucking despise being on estrogen literally every day is some fresh new hell with this bullshit. why am i on the verge of tears and panic over these fucking titration calculations im angry and frustrated over here, i dont want a fucking headache. why am i so fucking thirsty all the fucking time and why does my mouth taste like pennies. why does the smell of garlic butter make me retch, i LIKE garlic butter. even if i wasn't trans id transition out of fucking spite this shit is literal fucking hell
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hunchoskeazo · 4 years
Chapter 4 “On the outside Looking In”
*Ding Ding*
*Ding Ding*
I popped up and looked over squinting my eyes because all i see is a bright ass light from my phone going off.
*Smacked My lips* Its Rik.
Rik:Call me Asap bro.
Man im not calling him I haven’t talked or seen this nigga fuck him. I put the phone back down and on DnD turned over and cuddled up with Ashley.
She woke up a lil bit and asked was everything ok.
“Of course Baby go back to sleep”
“Ok” she said
And she was fast asleep in a blink of an eye.
15 mins tops I wondered what the hell rik wanted i was so curious, because i have not talk to him none while i was in the hospital or nothing. He the reason i got shot. Maybe he just feel guilty i thought and thought and thought before i went to sleep asked myself so many questions and gave myself so many answers and that still didn’t give me any kind of satisfaction or clarification.
....Imma just text him.
“What bro”
Rik:Man wassup meet me somewhere.
AJ:“Nah my nigga last time i met with you i nearly died.”
Rik: Man I know i know and im truly sorry about that bro i know you haven’t seen or talked to me i been in these streets listening around checking out the hood and shit tryna put 2 n 2 together you feel me bro.
AJ:“Mmhm Right i hear you bro”
Rik:Look i know you may feel like its been some shady shit going on but i just had to take sometime to get myself together bro I didn’t know what to do that night i thought you was gonna die i was fucked up. But im glad you good brody. Thank God.
AJ:Yea man im glad to be alive its been very eye opening these last couple of weeks man fr.
Rik:I feel you bro its all gonna get better soon my nigga i promise. Look just hit me tomorrow i got alot to tell you..
AJ:Ight bro you owe me no kap
Rik:I gotchu bro🤞🏾
*Unknown Number*(Incoming Call)
“Who Tf is this” i said before answering the phone.
*I answered*
*Sniffles*.... AJ..?
“Who is this” i asked out of confusion
*REALLY AJ!? Its Passion
“Oh” I looked over at ashley as she was still sound asleep i got up out the bed and creeped to the kitchen.
“Whats the Deal?”
“Aj ive been trying to contact you for a week why haven’t you returned none of my calls or text messages.?”
“I been busy man”
“Yea busy with that otha bitch to huh.!?”
“Man why you in my business you not my btc.?” I said with a aggressive whispering tone.
“What do you want passion?”
It became so silent in the night.
“Hello!!” I said with agrivation
Wassup man!? Im tryna go back to bed.
*Sniffles* Im... Pregnant..” she said.
“Pregnant🤨 How?!” With the sound of confusion.
“What do you mean how? You bussed in me thats how mf.” With a aggressive tone.
“Nah i wrapped up tight no kap so you got the wrong nigga” and banged on her ass.
I went and laid back down wit ashley and instantly fell back to sleep.
Before i could open my eyes the smell of a good breakfast hit my nose i slowly opened my eyes she was just walking in climbing on top of me kissing me trying to wake me and mini up😏.
AJ: Ooouuu Baby don’t be doing that you tryna wake both of us up.
Ashley: Mmm😏🥰 I got breakfast ready for you so you can have an amazing day.
“Oh really I must’ve put my foot in you last night huh.” I said jokingly
She laughed and said “Boy shut yo ass up and eat before i stop being so nice.”
She side eyed me while i was stuffing my face.
“Damn baby what time is it?” While i was looking for my phone.
I thought to myself i know i sat my phone on the dresser next to me.
I flipped the cover over and there it was.🤨
Ashley: Its almost 12 you have somewhere to be or something?
“Oh shit yea i gotta get dressed.”
I rushed to the bathroom to get myself together finally started getting dress while still rambling for my phone.
“Ash!!! You know where my phone is at?”
“Umm idk try checking the bed or something.” She yelled out
I flipped the cover and there it was
“Bet found it” I said with excitement
I was in so much of a rush to think about how it ended up on the bed. I ran to the kitchen gave ash a kiss on the cheek and left.
“Ight Babygirl ill see you later”
And ran out the door.
Remote started that 392 yall know how skeaz coming.
*Turnt volume up*
“Now watch me push them bitches off with the 2 hands
Aye,hm,with the 2 hands
Watch me push them bitches off with the 2 hands
Aye, Aye, with the two hands”
While Rapping and vibing to sada n vezzo I started thinking about passion...
“Maybe I shouldn’t do her like that, I was fuckn the dawg shit out of her freak ass.🤔🤷🏽‍♂️
*Pulled in the lot of my destination, Picked my phone up went to her number to FaceTime her but hesitated...*
“Nah Ill wait let me make this drop first.” I said to myself.
I got out walked to the back opened the trunk grabbed the duffy, tucked my mag in my pants and walked in through the back of The Palace.
The Palace Where I conduct my business, pleasures and problems 😁. Also 1 of my many main sources of income.
*Walking Through the hall to get to my office*
*Guard 1* Wassup Boss
*Guard 2* Skeeeaazzooo
“Whats The Deal Guys” giving guard 1 a pat on the shoulder.
*I walked in my office and sat the duffy on the table opened it and made a suspicious grin and said to myself.
“Imma Muthafucka boi i tell ya”.
I opened my safe i have in my floor behind my desk and got to putting the money out the bag into the safe.
“Damn my shit getting full I guess i gotta go splurge a lil bit huh” i jokingly said to myself.
*Ring *Ring
*Ring *Ring
Looked at my phone an unsaved number.
*Hello! I said
Hello Hi is this Mr.Davis?
“....Whos Asking?” I said while putting the rest of the money in the safe.
Hi this Doc Fane with Gracy rehabilitation its about your mother....
Like I really need this right now.😥
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Ig: HunchoSkeazo
Youtube:Huncho Skeazo
We The Future Ent Copywrite 2020
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