glitchedfoxx · 2 years
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I drew this because I had a dream about a centaur trying to sit in a chair
(character on the right belongs to @singingvio)
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singingvio · 2 years
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Don’t Trust Me Barbie Girl Welcome To The Internet Just Like You Be Nice To Me Levitate Die Young MANiCURE Hit and Run Washing Machine Heart Pound the Alarm Aesthetic? (More Like Ass-Pathetic) Battle Axe Blow My Brains Out Problem Cannibal Heads Will Roll dumb dumb Barbie & Ken EAT ME Uncanny Mary on a Cross Abnormalize
lone bg under the cut
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blurbry · 2 years
Helloooo, been playing animal crossing and got inspired to make some designs!
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I dont have able sisters yet, so i cant produce the code to this.
I made Viorica's jumpsuit in ACNH! Well.. The top piece considering there are no 'jumpsuits' under custom designs. Based off of the recent art @singingvio posted!
(I have a few screenshots of it on my character too, ill post those in a reblog after my switch charges.)
And once able sisters is built i attempt to get ahold of the code for all of you!!!!!
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berryblurbryarts · 2 years
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Batch 3 Lost Fam AU
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rosy-crow · 15 days
The cute cutscene they did with the FS team to introduce the new weapons!!! Basically an AU where Team Glenn never defected and everything is fine ;-;
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And they tease Glenn ofc
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Glenn. I actually missed the dude a lot.
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Miniroth bursts out laughing at the end when his team get a little too excited about the weapons. Help 🥲🥲
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eldinrokkeatr · 3 years
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More doodles, this time of Blue and Shadow from @singingvio 's FAM AU
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3cf · 4 years
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Agents of Fluff: Falling Asleep On Your Shoulder - Fitz & His Baby Monkey
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daisylincs · 4 years
Updated 12/04/2021
The hearts system I had on the previous version of this just... wasn't working anymore as I added more and more ships, so I decided to redo it, and as easily understandably as I could: numerically. Pairings will be denoted in brackets at the end of each WIP title/working title. An asterisk * means it's a series. 
With this new system, if you want to yell at me to write a WIP/are intrigued and want to hear what it's about/or just want to let me know how utterly insane I am, you can just drop it's number into my inbox with whatever you want to say and, bingo. (By the way, you are always welcome to do any of the listed activities, anytime. This is your open invitation 🥰💜)
1x06 AU [Zoey/Max]
5 Times The Avengers Played Matchmaker, and 1 Time It Worked (Sort Of) [Clintasha, Avengers Team Dynamic] 
A Hero's Reward [Staticquake] 
Academy Era Rom-Com [Fitzsimmons]
Affectionate Arguments/Take Care Of Yourself Fic [Dousy]
Ah Crap, My Ex Just Walked In, v1 [Fitzsimmons]
Ah Crap, My Ex Just Walked In, v2 [Staticquake]
Ah Crap, My Ex Just Walked In, v3 [Spideychelle] 
Al Birthday Fic [Huntingbird]
all my loves [FitzSimmonsStaticQuake] 
all the stars in the skye [Daisy-centric, plat!Philindaisy] 
always the same pattern, love [Huntingbird] 
Alya Fluff and First Words Fic [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam] 
and i and i risk it all for this life we share [Staticquake]
and i held your hand through all of these years [Maggie/Mitch, Zoey & Maggie]
Angsty Hair Ficlet [Fitzsimmons] spotlighted here 
Angsty Post-Hive Recovery Fic [Staticquake] spotlighted here 
AoS Frozen AU [plat!Skimmons, Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons]
AoS Harry Potter AU [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons, plat!Philindaisy, minor Philinda] 
AoS Merlin AU [plat!FitzDaisy, Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons, plat!Philindaisy, brief Staticquake, implied Daisy/Raina]
Arguing About Whether Or Not Skye Likes Disney Movies [Fitzsimmons]
Arranged Marriage AU [Spideychelle] spotlighted here
august sipped away like a bottle of wine [Zoey/Max]
auld lang syne [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam]
barcelona, baby [TripDaisy] 
Beach Flangst [Dekesy]
Best Friends But She's In A Bad Relationship AU [Staticquake]
Best Friends' Wedding AU [Huntingbird, background Fitzsimmons] 
Bittersweet Framework What-If Fic [Staticquake]
Birdie Birthday Fic [Simmorse, Jemma & Bobbi & May]
blonde [Huntingbird] 
Blow Us All Away* [Staticquake]
blue-eyed [plat!Skimmons, minor Fitzsimmons, minor Staticquake]
Bobbi Birthday Fic #1 [Clintasha]
Bobbi Birthday Fic #2 [Dousy]
Bodyguard AU [Simmorse]
Brogrammers + Truth or Dare [Zoey/Max, Leif/Tobin]
'cause you're out of this world [Pipsy] 
Carnival/Friends AU [FitzStaticQuake]
Childhood Friends AU [Staticquake]
Childhood Best Friends, v1 [BioStaticQuake]
Childhood Best Friends, v2 [Mackelena]
Church Camp AU [Mackelena] 
Coffee Shop AU [Dekesy]
Coffee Shop/Baristas AU [Pipsy]
Coming Out Fic [Skimmons] spotlighted here
Concert Canon Divergence Fic [Dekesy]
cute clueless moron [Spideychelle]
Cute, Dorky Friendship Idea [Spideychelle]
Cute Family Zoo Prompt [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam] 
darling just dive right in [Staticquake]
darling just kiss me slow [Staticquake]
Dating Confuzzlement [FitzSimmonsStaticQuake] 
day's eye [Daisy-centric, Dousy, Staticquake, Pipsy, Dekesy, Skimmons, TripDaisy, MorseCode, FitzDaisy, Daisy & Jiaying & Cal, Daisy & Team] 
don’t ask me where i’ve been, or what i’m gonna do (just know that i’m here with you) [Staticquake]
dot dash dot dot [StaticMorseCode] 
Danny Boy & Quake* [Dousy, Astro Ambassadors, Daisy & Team] 
Deke Angst/Introspection Fic [one-sided Dekesy, plat!Dekesy, Dousy, Deke & Team] 
Drunk Kiss Fic [Dekesy]
Emma AU [Staticquake] 
every day in between [Staticquake]
Fairytale (Sleeping Beauty) AU [Staticquake]
Fake Dating Friends To Lovers [Spideychelle] 
Fake Dating For Crushes’ Attention [Zoey/Max]
Fake Dating Partyfic [Staticquake]
Fight Fight Kiss [Joan/Ava]
Flower Shop AU [Staticquake]
Fluff and Teasing Fic [Dekesy, Fitzsimmons] 
Fluffy Best Friends Idea [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons]
Fluff Bingo: Affectionate Teasing [plat!Diper, implied Pipsy]
Fluff Bingo: Back Rubs [Dousy] 
Fluff Bingo: Baking Cookies [Mayrobin] 
Fluff Bingo: Friends to Lovers [Mackelena]
Fluff Bingo: Falling Asleep On Your Shoulder [Simmorse] 
Fluff Bingo: First Kiss [Fitzsimmons]
Fluff Bingo: Forehead Kisses [Karaina]
Fluff Bingo: Dancing [TripDaisy] 
Fluff Bingo: Holding Hands [Fitztripskimmons]
Fluff Bingo: It's Cold, Have My Jacket [Philinda]
Fluff Bingo: Meet-Cute [Fitzhunter]
Fluff Bingo: Pet Names [Vicizzy]
Fluff Bingo: Snuggling [MorseCode]
Fluff Bingo: Stargazing [Pipsy]
Fluff Bingo: Tickling [Philindaisy] spotlighted here
FitzDaisy Recovery Fic [plat!FitzDaisy, background Fitzsimmons, background FS Fam] teased here 
FitzsimmonsSparks Fic [Fitz & Jemma & Lincoln, Fitzsimmons, background Staticquake] 
Gloria Birthday/Thank-You Ficlet [Spideychelle] 
good old shake 'n bake [Staticquake, Daisy & Team, Lincoln & Team]
getting to know you, getting to know all about you [Dousy] spotlighted here
Grace Birthday Fic [Staticquake]
Grieving Fic [Past Staticquake]
Happy Family Holiday Fic [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Philinda, Mackelena]
heads on a science apart [Spideychelle, Fitzsimmons, Peter & MJ & Fitz & Jemma] spotlighted here
High School AU Idea [Staticquake]
High School AU/Dreamy Sleepover Fic [Pipsy]
Hive Toilet Fic [Staticquake, Daisy & Team]
Hospital Fluff & Flirting AU [Staticquake]
Hotel Room AU [Staticquake] 
i live for you (soulmates AU) [Staticquake]
i never knew you were the someone waiting for me [Staticquake]
i’ll find my way through night and day [Staticquake]
it’s a better place since you came along [Quakerider]
Jade Arrow [Clintasha] spotlighted here
Jemma & Lincoln Post-Maveth [plat!Bioshock, background Staticquake, background Fitzsimmons]
Julia Birthday Fic [plat!Maydaisy, plat!Morsecode]
just let your heart be free (you’ve got a friend in me) [Staticquake]
Kate Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons]
Laura Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons]
lights will guide you home [Staticquake, Lincoln & Team]
like an old married couple [Philinda, background Vicizzy] 
Lincoln & The Team Bonding Fic [Lincoln & Team, background Staticquake] 
lunch break [Fitzsimmons]
Maggie Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons, plat!FitzDaisy]
marleyward01 Birthday Fic [Fitzsimmons]
marvelthismarvelthat Birthday Fic [Staticquake]
MayLincoln Friendship Fic [plat!Mayshock, background Staticquake]
Media Nonsense Fic [Spideychelle] 
meet me half-way [Huntingbird]
Michelle Jones, Agent of SHIELD [Spideychelle] spotlighted here
Michelle Jones, Inhuman [Spideychelle] 
Mission Kiss Canon Divergence Fic [Dekesy] 
Mission/Partners Fic
Modern Royalty Fic, v1 [Staticquake] 
Modern Royalty Fic, v2 [Staticquake]
Modern Royalty Fic, v3 [Fitzsimmons, Dekesy] 
Musical (West Side Story) AU [Staticquake]
my heart will go on [Staticquake]
Natalia [Clintasha]
Ness Birthday Fic [Philinda, plat!Philindaisy]
(Not A) Double Date [Dekesy, Fitzsimmons]
No Hive AU [Daisy & Team, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Philinda, Mackelena] 
No Chill, Nowhere (Biohunter for Libby and Al) [Biohunter] 
Not That Girl Anymore [Staticquake, past Skyeward]
ooh, la la la* [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons]
Oh God Not You [Joan/Ava]
oh, when you kiss me [Spideychelle]
on the train to Glasgow [Huntingfitzskimmons] 
PDA [Staticquake, Daisy & Team] 
Pitch Perfect AU [Staticquake, background Simmorse] 
Post-Hive Pregnancy Fic [Staticquake] spotlighted here
Potential Al Birthday Fic, Still TBD [Scis & Spies]
Potential T Birthday Fic, Still TBD [Pipsy, plat!Diper, Huntingbird]
put that body on me [Staticquake]
Post-3x10 Who Owes Who Fic [Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Philinda, Daisy & Team]
quakeout [Daisy-centric, past Staticquake] 
Rain Fic [Staticquake]
Red Thread [Staticquake] 
Regency AU: Marriage of Convenience [Staticquake] 
Regency AU: Arranged Marriage [Staticquake]
reluctantly perfect [Quakerider] 
remember that with every piece of you [Staticquake]
rollercoaster [Huntingbird] 
Rom-Com AU [Staticquake]
Rom-Dram To Co-Write With Kat [LemonStaticQuake] 
Royalty Shenanigans Fic [Staticquake]
Roommates AU [Clintasha, Avengers Team Dynamic] 
S1 Crush Fic [Skimmons] 
Roommates/Best Friends AU [Simmorse]
S3 AU - Daisy, Inhuman Leader [Daisy & Team, Daisy & Afterlife Inhumans, Staticquake] 
S3 AU - Lincoln With SHIELD All Along [Staticquake, Lincoln & Team]
Scarlet Birthday Fic [Quakerider]
Serena Birthday Fic [Pipsy, Simmorse, Philinda, plat!Philindaisy]
Shake ‘n Bake: A YouTube Romance [Staticquake]
Second Child Fluff and First Words Fic [Fitzsimmons, FS Fam]
Shippy Team Mistletoe Fic [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Mackelena, Philinda] 
Shippy SPRQPoint Partyfic [Zoey/Max, Joan/Ava, Leif/Tobin]
Shippy Team Snowfic [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Mackelena, Philinda] 
Singers AU [Dekesy] 
Sky’s the Limit* [Staticquake, Daisy & Team, Lincoln & Team]
Skaters AU [Staticquake]
Snowed In Fic [Staticquake] 
so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight [Staticquake]
Soft Family Fic from Chloe Interview [AoS Team Dynamic, Staticquake, Fitzsimmons, Huntingbird, Mackelena, Philinda] 
some dreams do come true [Staticquake] 
Soul Realm [Staticquake] 
Soulmark AU, v1 [BioStaticQuake]
Soulmark AU, v2 [Fitzsimmons] 
Soulmark AU, v3 [Huntingbird]
Soulmark AU, v4 [Staticquake] 
Soulmate AU, v1 [Fitzsimmons]
Soulmate AU, v2 [Huntingbird]
Soulmate AU, v3 [LegacyStaticQuake] 
Soulmate AU, v4 [Mackelena] 
Soulmate AU, v5 [Philinda] 
Soulmate AU, v6 [Skimmons]
Stardust AU [Staticquake] 
Stranded-Somewhere-Cold Ficlet [Staticquake]
T Birthday Fic [Dousy, background Huntingbird]
Teach Me To Fight, Parker [Spideychelle] spotlighted here
Teasing/Introspection Fic [Dousy, Fitzsimmons] 
The Blue Door (Notting Hill AU) [Huntingbird] 
the daughter of thunder and lightning [Staticquake] 
the earth shook and the sky flashed [Staticquake]
The Holiday AU [Huntingbird, Fitzsimmons] spotlighted here
The Hospital Meet-Cute #1 [Bioshock] 
The Hospital Meet-Cute #2 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #3 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #4 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #5 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #6 [Bioshock]
The Hospital Meet-Cute #7 [Bioshock]
 the ride [Huntingbird] 
The Secret Warriors [Daisy & Lincoln & Elena & Joey, Staticquake, Mackelena, Kevey] The Perfect Fairytale* [Fitzsimmons] 
the she to my 'nanigans [plat!Skimmons]
the stunning adventures of shake, bake and quake [Philinda, plat!Philindaisy] 
The Team Ships It [Fitzsimmons]
then through the shadows, your light appears [Mackelena]
this little light of mine [Mackelena] 
took my heart upon a one-way trip [Staticquake] 
Time Travel Thingy [LemonStaticQuake]
time, wondrous time [Fitzsimmons, plat!Fitzdaisy, background Philinda, background Dekesy]
'tis the damn season [Skimmons, plat!Philindaisy, background Mackelena, background Huntingbird] Chapter 1-3 out now
TV Show AU [Staticquake, background Fitzsimmons, background Huntingbird, background Philinda]
Us Against The World [plat!Skimmons, plat!Fitzskimmons, Fitzsimmons]
Walls Come Down Fic [Pipsy]
V Birthday Fic [Huntingbird]
Watching Hamilton AU [Staticquake]
Wedding Bets [Fitzsimmons, Daisy & Team]
well that works [Quakerider, Fitzsimmons] 
What-Ifs* [Staticquake]
when did it all fall to pieces (can’t we build it back) [Huntingbird]
you are the best thing that's ever been mine [Staticquake] 
you’d be the one i was meant to find [Staticquake]
you’ll be my lady [Skimmons] 
you're just my cup of tea [Simmorse] 
you're the two [LegacyStaticQuake]
Z Birthday Fic [Philinda, Vicizzy, Huntingbird]
ZoeyJess Idea [Zoey/Jessica]
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glitchedfoxx · 2 years
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more ship art except I still don’t know how to draw two characters kissing I just pretend that I do
(character on the left belongs to @singingvio )
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glitchedfoxx · 2 years
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I... 😰
(yellow character belongs to @singingvio )
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glitchedfoxx · 2 years
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I’ve been drawing gay ppl lately (dragon belongs to @singingvio )
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glitchedfoxx · 6 months
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pov I actually CAN draw my other aus still (character on the left in the second pic belongs to @singingvio)
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glitchedfoxx · 9 months
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I'm back on my AU crossover shipping bullshit
Shadow belongs to @singingvio's FAM AU, Red is from my BotDK AU
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glitchedfoxx · 1 year
it's been a long while since I've made another tiktok compilation so here's all the tiktoks I've made since the first compilation (that you can find here)
ft. Shadow from @singingvio 's FAM AU
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glitchedfoxx · 1 year
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I'm overdue for another doodle dump so here's some drawings that I've done both before and after my laptop broke, I was just waiting until I had enough for a decent sized dump
(blue demon character belongs to @singingvio )
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glitchedfoxx · 2 years
Quick compilation of videos of my AUs I've made for TikTok bc I think they're funny
(feat. Green and Shadow from @singingvio 's FAM AU)
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