sunwhispers · 29 days
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another week another shoujo manga. i read furuba through this week and just as my best friend speculated..........i'm insane about akito................... my princess with a disorder. she reminds me of my warrior cat oc.
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novelist-becca · 7 months
Somebody hug me, Kyo and Tohru from Fruits Basket are making me bawl
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iammissingautumn · 1 year
Okay but canonically out of all the elder zodiac members (fruba spoilers ahead) . Kureno, Shigure, Hatori, Ayame, and Ritsu. Ritsu is the only one who doesn’t know about the family head’s gender. Ritsu is basically a complete parallel to Akito in a lot of ways. Akito is uncomfortable dressing as a man but does it anyways out of needing to present powerful. Ritsu on the other hand loves dressing as a woman. To her it is bracing her femininity. For Akito it is filling in a dead man’s shoes with a bitter mother’s heart. Akito claims to never be at the wrong for anything and Ritsu apologizes for everything. Explodes.
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chaztalk · 1 year
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aikisugi · 6 months
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all-too-random · 7 days
I recently introduced Fruits Basket to my younger cousins (both 13 years old). We got to the first episode where Kagura is introduced, and there's a part at the end of that episode where Tohru and Kagura decide to cook together and start talking and giggling.
My cousins said, "Aww, they're just being girls!"
And in a world where so many characters are hated for "just being girls", I thought that was really beautiful.
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secret-engima · 2 years
Me: *talking about anime/manga that make you cry from feels* “And then there’s Fruit’s Basket-”
My Friend, surprised: Fruit’s Basket? Isn’t that just the one where a girl befriends some guys who turn into animals based on the Chinese, uh- what’s it- zodiac?
Me, already internally sobbing: no no you don’t understand, you DON’T UNDERSTAND. It’s not about the zodiac, it’s not about the curse, it’s not *about* those things even though they are cornerstones of the premise, it’s about the *characters* and it’s about the *people* and it’s about how people are broken and how trauma is different for everyone, how people are cruel but they are also kind. It’s about the little things in life that make you whole or break you down and how everyone around you is bleeding and laughing and living and dying just like you and even when you are alone you aren’t really, not unless you choose to be, because somewhere, someday, there is someone who will look at you and hold your shards and say “you are worth it”. It’s about how the best intentions can leave the biggest scars, and about learning to trust again or maybe even learning to trust for the first time. It’s about broken bridges and the mending of them. It’s about how selfishness and self-sacrifice each have their place, how too much of either is just as harmful as none at all.
It’s about the Cinnamon Sweet Girl who is afraid to be selfish even when giving and giving and giving of herself ends up hurting her and hurting those who love her and how they wish she would just speak up for herself even a little bit, because how will they know how to help her if she does not dare ask?
It’s about the Tsundere who fights and screams and screams and fights because maybe if he is loud enough, strong enough, good enough, people will look and see who he is rather than who he was molded to be, who rejects kindness because he mistakes it for pity and friendship for lies until it’s proven over and over and he thinks maybe this time it is safe to reach out his hand in return.
It’s about the Prince who does not know what a mother is or how to find one, who finds kindness to be something so rare and strange and yet when he sees someone hurting he is kind because kindness is a choice and he will choose to make it even when he isn’t sure how.
It’s about the Lying Man who loves something enough to realize it needs to be broken, like a limb that has healed wrong and needs to be broken and set anew even if it hurts that he has to do it and that he will be seen as evil because of it.
It’s about the Bubbly Child who actually is hurting because what parent looks on their child and hates them so much they would rather forget they exist? And so surely he must be Extra Happy And Good for the parent who remains because this parent at least bothers to love him.
It’s about the Cold Man who is cold because he cares and was punished for caring, who chose to cause hurt because at least if it is by his hand then he knows when the damage will stop and if he is not the one to do it then the one who comes after will not stop and never stops because pain is all they know.
It’s about the boy who doesn’t know how to make his own choices meeting the girl who refuses to let others make her own. It’s about secrets and lies and truths and lost things. It’s about so many characters who live on the side, except do they? Do they really? The protagonists might be the catalyst that brings them into our view, but they are themselves people with their own hurts and dreams and wants and loves and needs, and oh aren’t they all the more beautiful and make the world so much deeper because of it.
It’s about these characters who on the surface are all a recognizable Trope™ and you expect that to be all they are, because it’s a story, and they are not even the main characters, and some of them are not even alive anymore, for all they have such a deep effect on the story. Except then the writer picks them up in all their messy, beautiful glory, rotates them a few inches to the side so you can see the myriad of facets hidden under their surface and says “Look. Look at them and how much more they are and can be, look at them and tell me what parts of yourself you see.”
It’s about finding people who you can be weak around but who also make you want to be strong for them when they have their turn to break. It’s about how meeting someone doesn’t necessarily make them your other half, how love isn’t something perfect and clean. It’s messy and jagged and comes with strings trailing behind from the lives you lived apart and the hurts you gained along the way but oh isn’t it worth it, to find someone who is willing and wanting to love you anyway. Who will fight for you and with you and will work alongside you to keep this thing that grows between you even when it is hard and your hurts clash and your scars reopen and bleed.
It’s about consequences and how the hurting in turn can also hurt others, either without meaning to or very much meaning to, but how there is forgiveness in the world just as much as there are consequences. It’s about how nothing is meant to last, but isn’t it beautiful while it is here for the time that it is, and won’t it be better to remember it when it is healthy and strong than to cling to it and chain it and force it to stay alive past it’s time.
It’s about how sometimes even the largest things in this world are connected by the smallest of red strings.
It’s about how, even when you are hurting and wounded, even when life has torn you down, it’s worth moving forward, because happy endings do exist, you just have to fight for them, and find the people out there who will be willing to help you do so.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Spoilers from Fruits Basket Another Volume 4 - Extra #3
Kyo saying what we’re all thinking about Shigure:
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Please continue to go off Kyo.
Also, a new Kyoru scene! <3
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This is from after the hot springs episode.
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coralpaperthoughts · 6 months
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like I was like 'GAYY !!!?!???' then I was like 'I FUCKING CALLED IT ????'
also, Sir, that is a damn child,, what the acTuAl fUcc
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animebycolor · 7 months
Fruits Basket, (2019-2021)
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Natsuki Takaya just casually slipping Hajime and Mutsuki into her montage of couples enjoying Valentine's Day at the end of Fruits Basket another Vol. 4 is a power move I was not expecting. Good for her
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kris-creations · 4 months
Finally! After so long, I finally finished my Fruits Basket cuts and changes analysis!!
Prepare yourselves, this one is a doozy. 😅
Here’s Part 1
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Season 3 Ep 1: Chapter 98
• Tohru thinks of the people tied to her current thoughts, Kyo included.
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Season 3 Ep 3: Chapter 102 & 103
• Manabe says something stupid.
• Yuki rejects someone and is sad.
• Scene of Makoto asking to meet Yuki.
• Yuki thinks he’s receiving karma & Machi attempts to comfort him.
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Season 3 Ep 5: Chapter 111, 115, & 116
• Hiro mentioning the cat situation.
• Kyo panicking that everyone knows his feelings for Tohru.
• Kagura and Isuzu “hanging out”.
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Cut Out in General
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novelist-becca · 7 months
It’s the way Kyo’s voice lowers and trembles a bit in the English dub when asking “could I…hold you” to Tohru, unsure if she’d say yes…
He knew (or so he thought) he’d transform after, but he didn’t give a crap, he just wanted to hug T_T
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minttsaltt · 5 months
Okay so you like Fruits Basket too!? AWESOME!
Okay the thing is I am very hyperfixated on Fruits Basket and Persona, and I was like “what if Tohru had a Persona” and then I was playing Persona 2 and was like “yknow Maya and Tohru would get along especially well, huh?”
I really love the idea that since the Sohmas’ curses are part of the Chinese zodiac, that the Personas of the cast would be based on Chinese myth and history.
I’ve been trying to figure out the Arcana of the gang, but so far I think Tohru’s Persona is Nüwa (the Chinese creation goddess) and her card is the Fool, considering the Fool’s whole deal in Persona is their ability to draw power by connecting to others.
I’ve mostly been focusing on Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, Hanajima and Uotani so far (I love them all so much), but definitely want to extend further.
I’m not actually sure what reason there would be for the Fruits Basket cast to use Personas, but it’s really fun to think about.
omg yes
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eating riceballs :)
i don't really know about what personas they would have but i did think about arcana! i know much more about tarot
ok imo hanajima would be the Moon!! the moon is known for its representation of femininity and the inner conisous and the unknown.
hanajima is clearly a girlboss fem queen, and she can get the vibes of other ppl (their waves, right?) another part of the moon is exposing the collective unconscious, things people are not aware of
kyo i think would be the tower, as the tower is dramatic sudden change, destruction and liberation.
tohrus appearance and witness of kyos form is clearly the change, and leads to his liberation of his destructive personalty!! the tower is often seen as a negative card that people dont want, but there are many other positive meanings in it too!! (kyo coded fr)
yuki is the hanged man card, which can mean seeing something from another perspective, being stuck, and is symbolic of the pause before something big happens. yuki lives his life stuck to akito, and is one of the zodiacs closest 2 her. moving w shigure is the peace b4 the storm (tohru + the events of fruba) seeing a new perspective is tohru and how not everyone is disgusted w the zodiac curse.
this is all just my opinion :0 the tarot is a highly opinion based and personal thing!! like personally i am not a religious or spiritual person so my view of the tarot is different!! but this was sososo fun to think about and i would love to hear about what u think ❤️❤️❤️
also sorry no uochan !! i was thinking maybe the World or the Judgement cards?
also akito would be the Wheel of Fortune hehe
sorry this is soso long but character analysis is mwah
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musicalmoritz · 6 days
Akigure from Akito’s pov except it was supposed to be a joke and I got carried away so now it’s half-serious and half-cracked tf up
Akigure from Akito’s pov is so weird because imagine you’re basically god and you have a crush on this guy. But he’s a bit older than you and he’s very distant and on top of that, your toxic mother is raising you as a boy so you’re pretty sure you don’t have a chance, even though you believe he should love you for your status. You’re kinda convinced he doesn’t fw you because everyone else dotes on you except for him. Still, you want him to like you so one day you build up the courage to ask him if he loves you. You’re probably bracing yourself for disappointment, he’s all aloof and mysterious so at best you don’t expect him to be direct. But this guy picks a flower, takes your hands, and tells you that you are the most important thing to him. And then after that he goes back to ignoring you
Years pass and nothing happens, you start hooking up with this other dude but he’s really only doing it out of pity so it’s kinda sad. Since nothing came of the flower situation, you assume the original guy has forgotten about it. Then, out of nowhere, he fucks your mom. The one person in your life who freely treats you like shit and is always in competition with you. The woman who constantly tells you that no one really loves you and that everyone is going to leave you someday. So you’re like “damn I guess he really goes hate me” and you banish him from your property. He takes your best friend/cousin (?) that you’ve been taking out your pain on and basically holding captive with him but you don’t really care because you just want him gone. You’re angry and hurt, and you decide to leave him before he can leave you. But you can’t bring yourself to stay away from him entirely, you crave human connection, you crave him, and so you let him visit every once in awhile
Anyways shortly after that you learn that he’s taken in some random homeless girl and your other cousin who you hate and refuse to associate with. They’re all living together with your ex-bestie like a happy little family and it’s hella annoying. But he asks you nicely if he can keep them around and, well, you decide to be a generous god for once
A lot of shit happens, you don’t vibe with the homeless girl at all because she’s a reminder that there are good and selfless people in this world who are easily loved and you are so far from that. The guy gives you a paper flower for Valentine’s Day just like the real one he gave you all those years ago, and you’re taken aback because you were so sure he’d forgotten about that. He’s hard to talk to though so you guys don’t really discuss it. Plus he fucked your mom so there’s that
The big confrontation happens at a dinner party, you invite him and his family and he chooses to ignore you all night. Of course he does, that’s all he’s ever done. You request that he meet you alone so you can lecture him, and all the pent-up anger comes out. You tell him that you’ve always known he’s hated you, that he’s always been the farthest from you and you knew he would someday leave you. You ask him to admit that he likes your mother better than you, because it’s pathetically easy to believe. No one is obligated to love her the way they are you, and the one person you’ve never felt stable with chose her over you in a heartbeat. You tell him to say he likes her better to your face, but he does no such thing. Instead, he reaffirms that promise he made all those years ago. You are the most important thing to him, and he loves you more than anything
Then you guys finally [redacted], and it’s probably the best either of you have ever had because for him it’s always been you and you’re highkey fine af; and lbr that other dude was NOT taking you to the finish line. Frustratingly, he leaves before you wake up the next morning because once a bitch always a bitch. That only makes you more mad because this dude could not be more confusing
More shit happens, you stab your pity boyfriend and spiral into your redemption arc. Then the homeless girl falls off a cliff after telling you it’s okay to start over, which is kinda sad because you showed up to kill her but she’s lowkey an Empath. You run to the guy in a fit of panic and he calms you down and tells you to explain what happened. While you wait for Scorned Cousin and Ex-Bestie to save Homeless Girl, he gives you his jacket (gotta break the pov for this one- omg this scene is so cute and no one ever talks abt it)
*clears throat*
So you’ve fully decided to apologize to the people you hurt and turn your life around. No more of this god business, which means you have to face the terrifying possibility that people may leave you. You may not be loved, in fact that is something you’re going to have to work for after all you’ve done. Not with this man though. In the very end, he stays by your side. Now that you’ve given up your power and found your humanity, he is there to welcome you with open arms. And it’s very jarring at first, you think he’s going to leave you so you lash out because you always knew he hated you. At least, you thought you did. You were wrong, because then he’s giving you a gift and reaffirming that he loves you, that you’re the only one he wants. He tells you he’ll stay by your side forever, that he’ll help you run your clan and do whatever it takes you have a happy life with you. Only if you want it though. He gives you the day to think it over, stubbornly promising to leave forever if you don’t meet him by the end of the day
You wear his gift, your first feminine outfit, as you go to apologize to your family. You set everyone free and vow to spend the rest of your life repenting for all you’ve done. Some forgive you, some don’t. When it’s over, you return to him. You realize that his vagueness lowkey does smth for you and give a weird yandere-ish thirst monologue about it. Then, you take your place alongside him. He has chosen to stay with you after everything, and you are coming to understand that it is because you are all he’s ever wanted. He’s a dick about it but you suppose his tough love approach did kinda humble you in the way you needed. Now if only someone would humble him
Somehow, you guys make it work. It takes some time, but you end up getting married and raising a cute little son together. You’d be mad at all the shit he pulled but ehhhh you’re actually kind of worse so you guys match each other’s freaks. And then you live happily ever afterrrrr <3
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aikisugi · 6 months
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