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Group 4: round 23
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 years ago
Monopolizing turds
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Update 31 May 2023: an earlier edition of this article identified the price of Rebyota as $20,000; this was the rumored price prior to Rebyota’s release in December  2022, when Stephen Skolnick wrote the article I referenced. When Rebyota was actually released in 2023, the average wholesale price (AWP) was $10,800. Thanks to Benjamin Jolley for catching this error, and to Stephen Skolnick for getting to the bottom of it.
It’s been ten years — to the day! — since I first started writing about the bizarre, amazing world of turd transplants, in which a sick person receives a microbiotic infusion in the form of some processed poop from a healthy person:
Gut biomes are one of those understudied, poorly understood medical areas that are both very promising and also full of sketchy medical claims from “supplement” companies, influencers, quacks and grifters. But in the decade since I first started tracking turd transplants (formally called “Fecal Microbiota Transplants” or FMTs), a growing body of sound science has emerged on the subject.
One thing that’s increasingly undeniable is that the composition of your microbial nation is related in significant ways to both your physical and mental health. What’s more, as antibiotic resistant “super bugs” proliferate, FMTs are becoming increasingly central to treating dangerous gut infections that otherwise stand a high chance of killing you.
“Eat Shit and Prosper” is Stephen Skolnick’s delightfully named newsletter about poop and health science. Skolnick is a physicist by training, but has a long history of collaboration with Openbiome, a nonprofit that coordinates between doctors, patients and donors to provide safe FMTs:
In an edition of Eat Shit from last December, Skolnick recounts the amazing history and dismaying future of FMTs. In 2013, the FDA announced it would regulate FMTs as “Investigational New Drugs,” which could only be administered as part of a registered clinical trial:
At that point, FMTs were already in widespread use by docs to treat otherwise untreatable cases of Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection that literally makes you shit yourself to death. These doctors were in no position to run registered clinical trials, which meant that they would have to stop using the most effective therapy they had for a potentially lethal infection.
Doctors and patients kicked up a fuss, and the FDA walked back its guidance, announcing that it would exercise “discretion” in enforcing its Investigational New Drug rule, giving a pass to docs who were treating C. diff with FMTs:
That’s where things have stood for the past decade or so. The “discretion” rule means that patients could still get FMTs, but their insurance wouldn’t cover it. But even if you had cash to pay for an FMT, your doc probably wouldn’t administer it for anything except a C. diff infection, despite the promising signs that FMT can help treat other conditions, and despite the generally safe nature of FMTs.
If your doc did give you an FMT, chances are good that they sourced their poop from Openbiome. Openbiome recruits very healthy people, gets them to poop in a bag, then processes the poop — removing nonbacterial solids, testing it for pathogens, freezing it, portioning it, and sending it to docs. All this is done at cost, and it’s not cheap: $1–2k/treatment, mostly due to cold-chain logistics (the poop is shipped at -80C).
Despite the cost, and despite the limitations on treatment, the Openbiome method has proved very reliable. Indeed, FMTs as a whole are pretty darned safe, with the most common side-effects being transient gas and bloating. In the past decade, there’ve been a total of six “adverse effects” associated with Openbiome’s 5,000+ procedures, all in severely immunocompromised people, and none conclusively linked to the treatment:
A decade into this system, the FDA has taken the next step forward — only it’s actually a step backwards.
During this intervening decade, a pharma company called Ferring has conducted clinical trials on FMTs and received approval for an FMT product called Rebyota. The process for making Rebyota is effectively identical to the process used by Openbiome: collect poop, remove solids, test for pathogens, add glycerol, freeze and ship.
The main difference between Rebyota and Openbiome’s poop is price. While Openbiome charges $1–2k per treatment, Rebyota charges $10,800
That’s some expensive shit!
Fine. Getting Rebyota through clinical trials means that insurers might start covering it, and perhaps some patients will prefer brand-name poop to open-source poop. But as part of the FDA’s approval of Rebyota, the agency also rescinded its “discretionary enforcement” guidance, making it illegal for docs to source their poop from Openbiome:
For Ferring, this is a monopoly on shit, one that lets them charge patients $10.8k for poop that costs $1–2k to process. The FDA does not claim that this is being done in the name of safety. Instead, an FDA official told Skonick that the goal was to “incentivize innovation without creating an access crisis.”
That is, the FDA changed its guidance and put nonprofit stool banks out of business because it wants to incentivize pharma companies to perform expensive clinical trials, and it believes that these companies won’t pay for trials if they have to compete with the likes of Openbiome, which would make it impossible to charge 900% markups on poop.
Trials are important! Evidence-based medicine is important! But Ferring’s clinical trials didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. FMTs were already the best therapy we had for C. diff. Testing Rebyota against a placebo didn’t tell us anything new — unlike testing Rebyota against the existing therapies, e.g. product from open stool banks.
Such a trial might have given rise to a very different regulatory outcome, because the cure rate reported by Rebyota is much lower than the cure rate from Openbiome’s own interventions:
That is, using the $1k poop from Openbiome seems to be much more effective than using the $10.8k poop from Ferring. But Openbiome, a nonprofit, hasn’t been able to perform the kind of rigorous — and expensive — clinical trial that Ferring funded.
This points to a significant problem with the FDA’s model. The agency wants good clinical data for the medicines it regulates, as it should, It presumes that the only way to get that data is through granting commercial exclusivity to a for-profit, which ends up costing patients vast sums, and locking many patients out altogether.
This creates all kinds of new dangers. 150,000 people/year in the US contract Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection (RCdI). FMT increases the cure rate by 20% relative to antibiotics alone. That means that if everyone with RCdI gets a poop transplant, 30,000 extra people will get better. That’s a big number!
For well insured people, Rebyota probably represents a cash-savings — if your insurance covers the $10,800 procedure, you might pay $500 out of pocket, which is far less than the $1–2K you’d pay to get an Openbiome poop transplant. But if you’re uninsured or underinsured, the FDA’s new enforcement rules mean that you’re now on the hook for $10,800.
The FDA did carve out a loophole: if your doc or their hospital are willing to prepare the poop transplant themselves, they can administer that. On the one hand, preparing a poop transplant isn’t that hard — some people do them at home, on their own:
But on the other hand, there’s been exactly one death conclusively linked to FMT, and it was from one of these hospital-prepared transplants (the patient had just had a marrow transplant for cancer that wiped out their immune system, and the donor had a novel pathogen that the hospital failed to test for).
So the FDA has created a situation where, if you can’t afford a $10,800 proprietary formulation, your only option is to convince your doc or hospital to prepare their own poop transplant, which will cost less than the $10.8k for Rebyota, but more than the $1–2k from Openbiome, which has all kinds of economies of scale. And if you do manage it, you’ll be getting a procedure that has a much worse safety track-record than the Openbiome process that the FDA just killed.
The FDA has an important role to play here, but as with so many policy questions, how the FDA plays that role depends on things that are far upstream from the agency and its decisions. The choice to fund medical trials through the promise of exclusivity — and with it, extremely high margins — puts the FDA in the position of choosing winners in the marketplace: Ferring wins, Openbiome loses.
Ironically, this is the thing that exclusivity is supposed to prevent. By using profit to incentivize medical research, the FDA is supposed to be recruiting the Invisible Hand as its partner in regulation. But exclusivity is incompatible with the idea of medicine as a public good. The tens (hundreds) of millions that Americans will pay for $10.8k poop transplants from Ferring will add up to far more than it would cost to underwrite clinical trials for an open process like Openbiome’s.
The result: both Americans’ wallets and Americans’ guts suffer.
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Hay-on-Wye, Oxford, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: A poop emoji wearing a top hat and a monocle, posed against a backdrop of e coli bacteria seen through a high-resolution microscope.]
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abdlmommy-hannah · 8 months ago
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dramazaur · 6 months ago
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I still have no idea how one use tumblr soooo im gonna throw my art and ran away
His name is Death btw, an oc to my own universe. Creature so ancient and so old that he saw the birth of God themself. He seems to live between people, an ominous reminder of their mortality... if he was trying. Most of the time he is a mysterious cocky guy that tries to understand why, once love of his eternal life, loved people so much.
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poppysmc · 2 years ago
Forget me too
“Morgan- This is … my daughter, Elizabeth” Poppy’s voice shakes, unsure of the situation. This was not at all how she wanted Morgan to know she has a daughter. Morgan stiffened and looked blankly at her, she had an idea but the confirmation still threw her off.
“You- your daughter…” Morgan trailed off, her gaze fixed on the little girl. Elizabeth looked curiously up at her. Morgan can’t help but smile. “She looks just like you.” Morgan said softly.
"You can call me Lizzy too. I'm five and a half! I want to be a palea-paleontologist when I grow up.”  The girl's face lit up with excitement as she proudly pronounced the words correctly. She looked up to her mother for reassurance. Poppy nodded and smiled softly, Poppy lovingly ran her fingers through her daughter's hair. Morgan watched the soft exchange.
“Hi Lizzy. It’s nice to meet a fellow dinosaur lover.” Morgan shifts her attention back to Lizzy, her smile soft and genuine. Poppy was taken aback by the sight, feeling a twinge of nostalgia as she witnessed Morgan's smile once again, even if it wasn't directed at her. The warmth emanating from Morgan's expression almost took her breath away.
"You look a lot like your Mom," Morgan complimented, still amazed at how much the little girl resembled the woman standing before her. “How rude of me, my name is Morgan.” Morgan smiled as she introduced herself.
"You're Mommy's friend! She's always talking about you." Lizzy's excitement was obvious as she jumped up and wrapped her arms around one of Morgan's legs. Morgan chuckled warmly and patted the little girl’s head, feeling a rush of affection for the adorable little girl.
"Is she?" Morgan
"Liz, why don't we take a seat? Let's not bother..." Poppy began, smiling apologetically at Morgan as she attempted to gently pry Lizzy away. But Lizzy was determined to stay with her “Aunty Morgan."
"I want to sit with Aunty Morgan," Lizzy said shyly, seeking permission from Morgan. Her eyes held a pleading look, and Morgan found herself unable to resist. She had a soft spot for blondes, and Lizzy's charm was hard to resist.
Morgan looked at Poppy stoically, a mile away from the warmth she’d shown her daughter. "It's alright. I don't mind at all," she said, welcoming Lizzy's company. Morgan couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected joy that Lizzy brought her.
"It's okay, I still haven't ordered yet. Why don't we find somewhere to sit?" Morgan's warm smile invited both Lizzy and Poppy to join her. Morgan held Lizzy's hand as the little girl giggled, excitedly babbling about everything she could think of. Poppy remained momentarily frozen, her heart conflicted by the emotions that surged within her. Oh, how she wished the scene was how she imagined it, wished the scene meant different things, how good Morgan was with her daughter. How she could have been-
Both Morgan and Lizzy turned to her at once, their expressions similar and curious as to why she wasn't following. Lizzy eagerly spoke up, interrupting Poppy's thoughts. "Mom, let's go!" she exclaimed, reminding her mother to join them.
Snap out of it, Poppy. She chided herself for getting lost in her thoughts. With a smile, she walked over to them, her heart filled with affection for both her daughter and her… Morgan. For a moment Poppy could almost believe that the three of them were a family like she had always dreamt.
"What do you guys want?" Morgan asked, taking Lizzy's order first and then Poppy's. As Poppy moved to stand and go with her to the counter, Morgan's expression turned sour, unnoticed by Lizzy, it made Poppy stop, her hand hovering over her purse. For a moment she had forgotten that she and Morgan had drifted apart.
Poppy glanced at Morgan as she came back to the table, but she quickly looked aside, as if engrossed in her own thoughts. Morgan made an effort to suppress her feelings, her feelings for Poppy were far more complex than she cared to admit.
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rusty25 · 2 years ago
Today I've been called "young man" by two different people whom I don't know. One of them was a little girl, a middle schooler and the other was a middle-aged man who sold me my new belt.
Today I did not correct them.
Today I did not say "actually I'm a girl".
Today my heart didn't sink with a painful thud when I heard them refer to me this way. Sweat didn't start dripping down my back, my muscles did not tighten, my mind did not start racing at 1000 mph. I was smiling.
I had been called "young man" before. Countless times growing up, in fact. So I could say I'm used to it.
But I won't say that.
Because today, today it felt different.
It felt like putting on a pair of shoes that I'm finally big enough for. And they fit.
I got there.
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rajatwebsmileindia · 2 months ago
Regulatory Changes Impacting Food Processing
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The food processing industry is witnessing huge changes, mainly due to the continuous framework evolutions. All these are focused on improving food safety, quality, and consumer protection. Industry had to make this shift as consumers are getting more aware about their health. Moreover, technological advancements are happening simultaneously. The global food processing market is expected to have a CAGR of 7% from 2024 to 2031, according to Cognitive Market Research.
So, businesses and organisations should adopt these regulations to ensure compliance and stay ahead in the market. read more.....
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dairyfreeveganqueen · 3 months ago
FMT and Severe Allergies: A Risky Combination
When I mentioned FMT to my allergist and dietitian during a recent clinic visit, they dismissed it as an unlikely and impractical choice for someone with my severe allergies. A significant concern is the risk of allergic reactions triggered by traces of allergens in the donor stool, even if the donor avoids allergens for a period before donation. As my dietitian put it, “They’re crazy if they…
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vanimeiy · 6 months ago
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formytax · 10 months ago
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🌟 Unlock a world of financial solutions with For My Tax! 💼
Whether you need tax assistance or expert consulting services for your business, we've got you covered! 📊
Reach out to a pro on Formytax.com and kickstart your journey to financial success today! 💰
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Group 3: round 28
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vocativocom · 1 year ago
Hospital de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas à beira do colapso
Com a falta de repasses desde agosto de 2023, a Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas (FMT-AM) já acumula uma dívida superior a 8 milhões. A falta de recursos financeiros já está afetando a assistência a pacientes com HIV/AIDS e Hepatites Virais
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magazinefood · 1 year ago
Tainted Treats: How to Safeguard Against Food Adulteration
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Food adulteration is a pervasive issue that poses a serious threat to public health. As consumers, we trust that the food we purchase is safe and of high quality. However, the reality is that unscrupulous practices of adding inferior or harmful substances to food products persist in various parts of the world. This practice not only compromises the nutritional value of the food but also endangers the well-being of those who consume it. In this article, we will explore the menace of food adulteration and discuss ways to safeguard against it.
Understanding Food Adulteration:
Food adulteration involves the addition of impurities or substandard substances to food products. This can occur at any stage of the food production process, from the farm to the table. Common examples include the addition of water to milk, mixing cheaper oils with more expensive ones, or using unsafe colorings and preservatives. The motivations behind such practices are often financial, as unscrupulous individuals seek to maximize profits at the expense of consumer health.
Types of Food Adulteration:
Addition of Harmful Substances: Some adulterants are not only inferior in quality but can also be harmful to health. For instance, adding non-permitted colors, pesticides, or contaminants can have severe consequences.
Substitution: This involves replacing a portion or the entire food product with a cheaper or inferior substitute. For example, substituting pure spices with colored and flavored powders is a common adulteration practice.
Removal of Nutrients: In some cases, essential nutrients are deliberately removed to extend shelf life or to be used in other products. This impacts the nutritional value of the food, deceiving consumers about the actual benefits of the product.
Effects of Food Adulteration:
The consequences of consuming adulterated food can range from mild illnesses to severe health complications. Short-term effects may include gastrointestinal issues, allergic reactions, or food poisoning. Long-term consumption of adulterated food can lead to chronic health problems, organ damage, and even fatalities in extreme cases.
Safeguarding Against Food Adulteration:
Buy from Reputable Sources:
Choose trusted and established retailers and brands when purchasing food products. Reputable establishments are more likely to adhere to quality standards and undergo regular inspections.
Check Labels and Packaging:
Carefully examine product labels for information on ingredients, nutritional content, and any certifications. Legitimate products typically display this information transparently, allowing consumers to make informed choices.
Be Wary of Unrealistically Low Prices:
While budget-friendly options are attractive, prices that seem too good to be true may indicate a compromise in quality. Be cautious when encountering significantly cheaper versions of commonly expensive items.
Click here to know more : -
Support Local and Organic Products:
Local and organic producers often prioritize quality over quantity. By supporting these sources, consumers can reduce the risk of exposure to adulterated products.
Stay Informed:
Stay updated on food safety regulations and recalls. Government health agencies and reputable news sources often provide information on unsafe products or emerging food safety concerns.
Educate Yourself:
Familiarize yourself with common adulteration practices in your region. Understanding the potential risks associated with certain foods can empower you to make safer choices.
Report Suspicious Activity:
If you come across any suspicious food practices or products, report them to local health authorities. Reporting helps in curbing the spread of adulteration and protects the wider community.
Support Regulatory Measures:
Advocate for and support robust food safety regulations. Governments play a crucial role in enforcing standards and conducting inspections to ensure that businesses adhere to quality and safety requirements.
Food adulteration is a critical issue that demands the attention and diligence of both consumers and regulatory bodies. By making informed choices, supporting reputable sources, and actively participating in food safety initiatives, individuals can contribute to creating a safer and healthier food supply. The fight against food adulteration is a collective responsibility that requires ongoing awareness, education, and a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of ourselves and future generations.
Read more : - Bite-sized Bliss: Navigating the Trends in Food and Beverage
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foodmagazineofficial · 1 year ago
Smooth Sailing: Tips and Tricks for Seamless Food Import Clearance
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In a world where culinary diversity knows no bounds, the global food market thrives on the import and export of a myriad of gastronomic delights. However, behind the scenes of this culinary exchange lies a crucial process known as the "food import clearance system." Navigating this system efficiently is paramount for businesses involved in the importation of food products. In this article, we'll explore essential tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and seamless experience through the intricate web of regulations and procedures governing the food import clearance process.
Understanding the Food Import Clearance System:
The food import clearance system is a multifaceted framework designed to ensure the safety and compliance of imported food products with local regulations. It encompasses various stages, from documentation and inspection to testing and certification. Failing to navigate this system effectively can lead to delays, financial losses, and, in extreme cases, the rejection of imported goods.
Tips and Tricks for Success:
Comprehensive Documentation:
One of the foundational pillars of a successful food import clearance is accurate and comprehensive documentation. Ensure all required documents, including invoices, certificates of origin, and sanitary certificates, are meticulously prepared. Any discrepancies in documentation can lead to delays in clearance.
Stay Informed on Regulations:
Regulations governing food imports are subject to change. Stay abreast of any alterations in local or international regulations that may affect your imports. Regularly check with relevant authorities to guarantee compliance with the latest standards.
Collaborate with Reliable Suppliers:
Establishing partnerships with reputable suppliers is key to a seamless clearance process. Reliable suppliers are more likely to adhere to quality and safety standards, reducing the likelihood of issues during clearance. Regular communication with suppliers can also help in addressing potential problems at an early stage.
Invest in Quality Packaging:
Adequate and secure packaging not only ensures the safety of the products during transportation but also plays a crucial role in the clearance process. Packaging that complies with international standards and provides clear information about the contents facilitates quicker inspections.
Engage with Customs Brokers:
Customs procedures can be complex, and engaging with experienced customs brokers can significantly ease the burden on importers. These professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of the food import clearance system and can guide businesses through the paperwork and compliance requirements.
Click here to know more : -
Implement Technology Solutions:
Leverage technology to streamline the documentation process. Digitalizing records and using electronic data interchange systems can reduce paperwork, minimize errors, and accelerate the clearance process. This modern approach not only enhances efficiency but also aligns with the global trend toward digitization in trade processes.
Conduct Pre-shipment Inspections:
To preemptively address potential issues, consider conducting pre-shipment inspections. This allows you to identify and rectify any non-compliance before the products are shipped, reducing the risk of rejection or delays during the clearance process.
Invest in Training for Staff:
Ensure that your staff is well-trained on the intricacies of the food import clearance system. Knowledgeable personnel can identify and address issues proactively, contributing to a smoother clearance process.
In the intricate world of international trade, navigating the food import clearance system demands a strategic and well-informed approach. By prioritizing accurate documentation, staying updated on regulations, collaborating with reliable suppliers, and leveraging technology, businesses can enhance their chances of a seamless clearance process. Engaging with customs brokers, investing in quality packaging, and conducting pre-shipment inspections further fortify the importation journey. Ultimately, a proactive and comprehensive approach to food import clearance is not only a compliance necessity but a strategic investment in the success of global culinary ventures.
Read more : - Sustainable Packaging 101: Navigating the World of Food Packaging Materials
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rusty25 · 2 years ago
I've always loved watching how things get made.
I was fascinated by any and every video that depicted how machines, artwork, furniture, clothes, devices, tools, toys get assembled. Even buildings.
Though I had the chance to watch it rarely, I loved "How Is It Made?". I watched How to Train Your Dragon and its subsequent series and films many times more, however, and was always intrigued by how Toothless' tail/Hiccup's leg worked. Same thing with Iron Man's suit.
I, of course, liked imitating what I saw on television. I loved origami (I still do), took apart and put together every single pen in my pencilcase, made airplanes with the help of a ruler, constructed elaborate "artworks" with cardboard and glue.
When I got into video games, the crafting systems piqued my interest the most, especially in Minecraft. I know every common recipe by heart in the game, and in several others.
When I found out about the existence of the Edwardian-Victorian era steampunk genre, I have decided that it would become my favorite (it still is).
Today I cleaned my family's main pc on a whim. I took my screwdriver sets (of course I have two), and carefully took it apart. Not the entire thing, just enough to vaccuum the years' worth of dust collected in there.
And I had so much fun.
Tinkering with stuff has always been a kind of pushed-aside thought at the very edge of my brain. But it still held on and sometimes even announced its existence.
I feel like it is time I bring it closer, or even into, the limelight.
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findmytuition · 25 days ago
Online tuition is an e-learning source that enables students to acquire an education digitally and gain knowledge and education academically or professionally. In other words, it is also referred to as virtual tutoring. In this method, students and teachers interact in real-time irrespective of their location. Tutors explain the doubts of the students in both audio and visual mode so that the students can retain that knowledge at their own pace. With the flexibility of remote education, students can attend their classes and lectures by connecting with tutors from around the world. Furthermore, Tuition Hub in noida let's schools connect with a wide network of students instead of being confined to a limited geographical area. 
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