archaictold · 2 years
❝ I've heard one of the traditions on the island is to set a resolution for yourself for the new year ahead. ❞
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❝ What sort of goals do you plan to set for yourselves? Me, well... That I’m still giving some thought. ❞
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streunerhund · 8 months
   catching up with them isn't the problem. their form is slimmer than his, and their legs shorter. dias falls into step alongside the other easily, with no second glance behind himself. they walk in silence for a moment or two, before the mercenary eventually speaks up, low enough to only be heard between the two of them.
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   ' you're being followed. ' a determination, not a question. he counted at least two, which usually wouldn't be a problem ... but where there's two, there's probably more, and dias only has a wooden weapon. the person next to him, on the other hand ...
   ' probably because of your sword. looks expensive enough. ' the golden middle, silver wrapped with blue, it's a beautiful sword. with an eyebrow raised that's clearly sceptical, dias continues: ' can you wield it? '
@floralalchemy / sc
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leafslash · 2 years
❝ H- Hey... Is it just me, or do these bugs look—really giant? ❞ Insects ( even of the gigantic variety ) are definitely not the most abnormal feature of this jungle, but it's easily among the first Ashton takes notice of. He's never been keen on creepy crawlers—or in this case, fearsome flyers—thus it should come as no surprise that the sight of them buzzing from one monstrous flower to the next would set the swordsman a little on edge. Just a bit! Yet despite their frightening size, they do little else but dart about the vines and humid air; the latter of which seems to be stifling him in his own clothes, as he tugs at his collar in hopes to cool off. His other hand is preoccupied with a compass, its needle stuck somewhere between north and east. ❝ And this compass I brought can't read a thing in here... ❞ One of his dragons even bumps his hand to get the needle to stir to no avail, and as a pair they sigh. This would be their host's luck.
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❝ Do you think we should navigate without it? I guess the bugs are harmless, but... surely they're not the only things in this jungle, right? ❞ @floralalchemy —— down you go!
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floradorned · 4 years
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      ❝  A study?  ❞     the spirit echoes. The young man before him stands with a hand at rest against his chin, and a bound book with a charcoal pencil tucked in its margins swaddled in the crook of his arm; an artist, from what Haruki can guess, although he’s had little interaction with the human variety before.    ❝  I assume you mean for sketching... Am I correct?  ❞      He weighs from foot to foot, the bells on his garb chiming faintly from his movement, only to tentatively relent through a nod.     ❝  If all that you’re asking of me is to merely hold still, I suppose I see little harm in doing so... I’ve nowhere to be.  ❞                                                                            @floralalchemy​;    ❤’d  for  a  starter !
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herbalremedied · 3 years
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     “ It seems you’ve found an interesting subject. ”  The artist as he’s setting up succeeds in catching Baizhu’s eye. At first, he’d merely observed, as people watching has quickly become the fastest way to learn the inner workings of the city. Though, as the young man with sketchbook had honed his sights on a flower the doctor assumes is native to the island, the people watching had shifted to that of genuine intrigue. He believes this is the first time he’s witnessed the creative process at work, for much of his spare time is so often devoted to his patients and not the arts.      As the other’s blue eyes flit up in search for his own, Baizhu smiles somewhat apologetically. It’s only now crossed his mind that his input might be a disturbance.      “ My apologies. Have I disturbed you? It’s just that I couldn’t help but be fascinated by your work process. ”                                                               ——    @floralalchemy​;   s.c. !
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