tobiasdrake · 11 months
It will never stop being funny to me that. Like. This Pokemon?
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The fact that this Pokemon can be male made people so insecure that they wound up creating a Boys Only counterpart who's all cool and masculine coded.
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And. Like. The original can still be male. There are plenty of male Gardevoirs out there. But Gallade? NO GIRLS ALLOWED in our cool Boy Pokemon for boys that don't want to wear dresses!
You can feel the overreaction in every fiber of this design.
Then, years later, Scarlet/Violet was like, "Hey, we're doing LGBT stuff now because we're hip with the L's and G's and B's and especially those darling T's, of which we have two flavors in our major Trainers!"
And they looked at this situation and went, "I see you, and I raise you an enby Pokemon that incorporates elements from both designs and isn't allowed to have any genders at all."
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What an absolute flex. XD
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shima-draws · 1 year
One thing about Kieran I find interesting that I haven't seen talked about elsewhere is that his fixation on Ogerpon likely comes from his obsession with strength, not the other way around. Like as early as the first signboard he mentions that one of the reasons he thinks the ogre from the story is so cool is that it was strong enough to take on three other pokemon at the same time. But Ogerpon herself doesn't seem to value strength, she seems to value kindness, which is why I think she ultimately chooses the player- our acceptance of her is unconditional, and we don't have the same sort of expectation of strength from her that Kieran does. And Kieran fails to realize that, which he proves when he challenges us to a battle for Ogerpon- he still thinks that he can win her over by showing strength, when it was never something she herself cared about, and was something he projected onto her. In a way, Kieran's feelings towards Ogerpon mirror his feelings towards the player- he latches onto us because we're strong, grows possessive over us, then spirals when we "betray" the expectations that he imposed onto us, that were never based on our actual behaviour but his idealization, and he fails to learn his lesson, doubling down and growing even more obsessed with strength as a consequence. I'm so excited to see where Indigo Disk takes him, I have some Theories that involve the potential Momotaro pokemon that might appear there, but this ask is long enough already LOL
YES YES YES yes to all of this. I think another thing is that due to his fixation on strength Kieran probably believes that having Ogerpon will make him strong, strong enough to beat the player. Which is another reason why he latches on to her so much and refuses to just give her up to the player.
And as for Ogerpon, everything kind of flips when we get her backstory reveal. She didn’t fight off the Lousy Three because she was flexing her strength, she fought them because they were crooks who stole the last precious things tying her to her human friend. But Kieran grew up believing that she liked to fight and show off her power, so there’s the wrong point of obsession for him.
I’ve also seen theories floating around that Kieran might be the Champion of Blueberry Academy, or that he becomes the Champion. And if that’s true his whole thing about getting stronger suddenly makes SO much more sense. Carmine even compliments him and says he’s a pretty strong Trainer, which like. Coming from her that’s a pretty big deal lol. I don’t think Kieran tries to challenge and beat you out of arrogance or ego tho,, it most likely ties into the possible inferiority complex he has. Maybe even tho he’s considered the “strongest” he still feels like it’s not enough, and when faced with an unbeatable trainer like the player, that makes him feel even MORE inferior and further fuels his desire to get stronger :’)
Idk I’m spitballing at this point. Again I’m obsessed with his character arc and am in a deep dive with analysis. I love hearing you guys’ takes on him too, so don’t apologize for the long ask!! This is feeding me good I’m enjoying every second of this discussion lol
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arvensimp · 2 years
Requests are open right?
Mayeth I request a crumb (or several) of a reader that’s also touch starved? Who also struggles to cook so they naturally turn to Arven for help?
Absolutely! I kinda went a little loose w this one. I hope it's okay? I have some cooking scenes w arven in a different fic already so while it's discussed here I'm not going to write explicit lessons this time if that's okay?
Arven x touch starved!reader
No gendered pronouns used, teensy bit of angst. This one also has the 'single bed at the hotel' trope
After graduation, you and Arven start traveling the region together. He isn't entirely ready to be alone, and truth be told, you're really happy and grateful for the company.
Plus, the food is better when he's around.
Now, you're not trying to be self deprecating. Your sandwiches are.......serviceable. They count as. Food.
But Arven can actually make things that taste good.
And your pokemon seem to like his food a lot more, too.
You try not to let it bother you too much.
Jacq had once taught a class about an experiment performed on baby pokemon and different types of "mother" pokemon. How baby pokemon always preferred a soft, cuddly mother over a metal mother, even if the metal mother provided food. They would just take the metal mother food and then snuggle the soft mother.
The problem in your case is that...well, your pokemon now have two soft "mothers" and one has vastly better food! So even if you weren't really metal, it still kinda felt like it.
Like, you know your pokemon still love you. You know... But at meal times when everyone is let out of their balls, they all rush right over to Arven.
You almost feel lonelier than before.
It doesn't help that Arven looks so...pretty... Just. All the time. You want to be near him constantly, helping him, talking to him, touching him? God, that probably sounds weird.
He's standing there chopping vegetables for your sandwiches, and his sleeves are rolled up to the elbow, exposing his forearms. They just...he looks...
You flex your fingers as if that would quell their itch to reach out and touch him from where you're sitting at the picnic table.
Meanwhile, all 12 of your pokemon, plus the dragon, are crowded around him in a clamorous huddle, desperately hoping for him to drop a morsel of the precariously stacked bacon, but nothing ever drops from a sandwich that Arven prepares.
You sigh, get up, and walk away to go stretch elsewhere.
You miss how Arven watches you from afar. How as you move you top shifts, showing just a peak of your tummy. How he almost spills the container of sandwich picks.
Your pokemon, however, do not miss the way he watches you. They attempt to push him away from the table, but he doesn't quite get the hint.
There are no morsels for them to pick up from the grass.
That evening you end up stopping along the edge of the lake, and the wind from the mountain brings in quite a bit more of a chill than either of you were expecting.
As you go to put out the campfire, you catch Arven shivering some, so you ask.
"Should we see about getting a taxi somewhere warmer? Or...?"
The two of you had avoided taxis for the most part, preferring to rely on your own two feet (or the dragon's four) for your transport, but there was no use in being miserable. It's not like you've got a set destination you're working toward anyway. The world is your cloyster.
Arven hums thoughtfully and takes out his phone to check an app. "It wouldn't hurt... It also looks like we might be in for a thunderstorm in the part of the region, so getting somewhere safe, warm, and dry would be best. ....I mean. You're cold, too, right?"
"Oh definitely!" You agree with a laugh. "I just didn't want to back out first. Can you call the taxi?"
He nods. "Sure thing. Medali's gonna be our best bet. Sound good? There's gotta be a hotel there where we can stay the night in from the storm."
Within minutes, the carriage arrives and Arven gets the door open for you. You pack yourself in and immediately realize...well, not a problem, exactly....but...
Well, it's a snug fit with the two of you here. You're pressed shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh, and knee to knee the whole ride to Medali, and you can't help but silently thrill in it.
Arven is so warm, despite how cold it is outside, his body heat must just radiate from his clothing like some bizarre human space heater.
You wish you could lay your head on his shoulder.
His hair is probably soft...
You're lost in the reverie of imagining what it would be like to fall asleep cuddled up next to him when you land in town.
Arven pays the cabbie as you regain your faculties and look for an open hotel nearby on your phone.
Luckily there's one close by that seems to have a vacancy. You lead Arven there, and the two of you discuss potentially grabbing food at the Treasure Eatery for breakfast the next day.
When you check in, the front desk agent hands you the key to your double room and reminds you that pokemon are not allowed out of their balls at this establishment. You both acknowledge her and head up to the room.
"...You heard me ask for a double, right?"
"Yeah, we asked for a double."
"And she said this was a double. Yeah?"
"Yeah. She said it was a double."
The room only has a king bed.
Arven sighs and scratches the back of his head. "I can sleep on the floor?"
"You absolutely will not! C'mon. We're both adults. I don't mind. ...Do...do you?"
"No! I-I... I just didn't... I didn't want to, uh....make you uncomfortable?"
"Oh!" You feel your face heat up. "...No, it's okay..."
"...Okay. I'll just..." He gestures to his bag, then the attached bathroom to indicate his intent to get changed.
"Y-yeah! I'll do the same!" You reply, pointing to your own bag.
By the time Arven turns off the lights and returns to the bed, you're already tucked beneath the sheets, vibrating with nerves. He gets in next to you, moving gingerly, as if he's afraid of suddenly startling you out of the bed.
You both lay there silently for several minutes before he speaks, nervous and hushed.
"I-I, uh... I've never...shared a bed with a person before."
You think for a moment. Given his childhood, you imagine he never had any slumber parties, so that makes sense. Your heart breaks a little at the thought for baby Arven, and you reach out a hand for him in the dark.
"That's okay... You're doing fine, for what it's worth."
Arven takes your hand in his warm one and gives it a squeeze.
"Fuck, you're still cold?" He asks, sounding almost alarmed.
"...A little bit?"
"Your hand is like ice!" It's not accusatory, especially with a smile clearly evident in the sound of his voice.
"I don't know what to tell you! It was cold outside!" You defend through a giggle.
"Did you not warm up during the taxi ride?"
"I mean, that was temporary? We still had to go from the cab to the hotel? Plus, we were packed in so super tight, there wasn't any room to be cold!"
Arven quiets for a moment. "D....do you..." He pauses. "C...can...Or, would you like....like if I...?"
You're holding your breath without realizing it. "If you...?"
"Uh....s-spoon? Maybe? If you want? No pressure. We don't have to, of course. Just if you're cold, I'm definitely not, ya know? I've got heat to spare. So..."
"Yeah." You exhale.
"Uh....yeah. That... That sounds nice."
"O-Okay." Arven lifts up the blankets a bit, beckoning you closer, and you wiggle-worm your way to him, then turn around just before you make contact, so your back is to his front.
"Thank you," You sigh happily as he lowers the blankets and you feel the warmth start to envelope you. You shift just a bit to get more comfortable when--
"WhOA--!" Arven jolts up.
"What?!" You reply doing the same and reaching to turn on the bedside light.
"Your feet are icicles!? What the hell?!"
"I'm sorry?!"
He's laughing at this point. "S-sorry! You just really surprised me. I wasn't expecting to snuggle up to a literal cubchoo."
You press your feet against him more firmly, wriggling them beneath his legs while he squirms in playful discomfort. "Excuse you! Just stay still, and they'll warm up! You're the one who offered, anyway!"
"Yeah, don't make me regret it!"
You stop. "Oh. ...uh."
"N-no! It's okay, I don't really regret it. Really. It's okay."
"You sure?"
"Yeah," He lays back down and crickets his legs a bit overtop of your cold feet. "See? It's fine."
"Okay..." You relax a bit, turning the light back off and laying down again. "Thank you..."
"Don't mention it."
The room goes quiet again, and you think about what he said. About you being cold. Like an ice type. Like metal. ...like the metal mother. You curl in on yourself a bit.
"Do you think I'm...cold? Like...as a person?"
"As in personality? Absolutely not, why?"
"It's just... I dunno. The pokemon all seem to just love you so much more... It's like they don't care about me anymore..."
"What are you talking about? All the pokemon love you, mine included. Need I remind you that Mabosstiff owes you his life?"
"I know...but haven't you noticed? The moment we all let them out for a meal or something, they're just...all over you. I can't even get the dragon to look at me."
Arven snorts. "Well, yeah. They're all a bunch of little gluttons. They just know I'm the one with the food, and if I drop something they wanna be close by."
"You never drop anything."
"Eh," you feel him shrug. "They can hope. Still, if you want, you can take over some of the cooking duties? I'm not one of those guys who, like, has to be in charge of food. I do it 'cuz I like it, and I'm good at it."
"That's the thing..." You say, feeling yourself curl in tighter. "I...I can't. My food is...awful. Even the pokemon hate it."
"Hey..." You feel Arven place a tentative hand on your upper arm through the comforter. "I can't say I've eaten your food yet, but... I'm sure it can't be that bad... And even then? You've got the so-called 'Cook of Legends' with you." You snort at the stupid nickname they'd come up with for Arven at the school. "I can show you a thing or two, if you like."
"Of course. How about tomorrow we head back to the lighthouse and just have some cooking lessons?"
"That sounds good... Can you show me how to make bread?"
"Hmm...That might be a lesson for a different day? It's a bit advanced and can be kinda time consuming, but I promise to teach it to you eventually." He says, squeezing your arm lightly through the comforter. Your heart does a little somersault at the gesture, and you nod.
Arven also makes a mental note to be sure you get some alone time with your pokemon tomorrow as well. He knows for a fact that your pokemon all still love you dearly, but he aches at the thought of you not being certain of it.
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
What do you think Ark's gonna do when Twig eventually dies, considering he's immortal and stuff.
Have a fic inspired by this question and this prompt by @oblonger. Be warned. It's a heavy one.
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(Celebi ultimately barely appears in this, sorry. I got caught up in the Ark Angst Train ride :< )
She'd left him the house in her will. She'd left him the home they had spent their days in, that they had wept and laughed and held each other in, and he could barely stand to spend a second within its walls. Take care of it, she'd said in writing messy from the tremors in her hands rather than any lack of familiarity with the script she wrote in. The shutters still squeak and I never got around to fixing that. Sorry to leave you with chores to do. He knew she said it as a joke, but he couldn't bear the thought of her feeling any sort of guilt as she penned these pages in secret while her body broke down around her. 
Fire-types were prone to dying of disease rather than age. He was aware of this, and had hoped she'd be the exception. An infection of the lungs was nothing to fear when a Legend with the power to cure ailments owed a mortal what amounted to a life debt, so he was the one to call on his counterpart when Twig's coughing fits began to yield bloodied kerchiefs. It was a simple thing to mend lungs when one had no shortage of power when it came to vanishing disease—
— Yet Cresselia couldn't heal her. 
She tried again, clasped Twig's shaking hand tighter and murmured her command for the universe around them to abide her instructions and leave his hero unaffected by disease. 
It failed once more. 
Cresselia gave him a sorrowful glance, and he knew. He knew it was because of him. He'd tried so long to forget the curse, and now it had reared its head in the worst way possible. The infection rejected almost all mortal treatments. Now it remained untouched in the face of Legendary ones— and it was because of him. 
Twig had pulled her hand away, flexed her fingers, and laughed tiredly. “Yeah.” She smiled, and he knew it was despite her knowledge of what the two Legends were sitting in quiet terror from. “That might as well happen. Well, I had a good run, right?”
He wanted to scream when he saw her wipe away the tears in her eyes before they fell. He wanted to take her by the shoulders and shake her, to tell her to Stop trying to be brave about this. But he didn't do anything. He just sat there, numb and silent. 
It wasn't even a month afterward that she passed, and he wasn't there when it happened. 
(She'd told him when he'd asked, once, that she had seen a final dimensional scream after being brought back from death by Dialga. Her ability had been dormant ever since she was seized from the afterlife, but it returned for this singular vision before vanishing entirely. He asked her what she'd seen, and she told him she'd seen how she would die. It was fuzzy and vague, but she thought she'd recognize the moment when it came. He was horrified by this. She laughed and told him she was joking, that she just saw what she was going to eat the next morning, and that it wasn't anything to worry about. 
(Looking back, he wished he had paid more attention to how she backpedaled on what her vision contained only when he started to panic. She was lying. She was lying for his sake, and as he reflected on this memory, he could only recall how Kip had mentioned her hiding the fate awaiting her at the end of their mission until she was fading away from existence on their return from Temporal Tower.)
“Hey, Ark? Would you mind running over to the Future Trio’s place and asking them if they'd mind coming over sometime?” 
She sounded so tired. He spent most days at her bedside now, offering what comfort he could as her illness progressed. He looked her over, wary. “I could ask Celebi through our link. There's no need for me to leave to do so.”
“Well, yeah, but I don't want to use her as the middle man on this. You know how she only hears what she wants to hear, right? It'd be better to just go and ask them all in person so we can get an accurate answer.” She frowned up at him from her sickbed. “I know it's a bit silly, but it'd mean a lot to me, Ark.” 
“… You're certain you'll be well enough while I'm gone?” 
“Sure as sure can be.” Her smile was thin at the edges. He wondered if she was in much pain. “I'll holler for Gardevoir if I need anything. You know she'd come running if I did.” 
“Very well. I'll make haste.”
“Nah, take your time. I'm going to be okay.” 
He set off, and he would forever regret leaving her alone that afternoon. 
It was Dusknoir who alerted him to her passing. Ark had gone to her friends’ home as she asked, relaying her request for their company, when the man suddenly went rigid where he sat in the corner of the room. 
Grovyle asked him what was the matter, but Ark himself froze as understanding settled over him with a damning weight. 
Ghost-types could sense the life-force of those they spent much time with, which meant they could tell when that life-force was slipping away from this plane. Dusknoir looked up with tears in his eye, and Ark snapped into the shadows outside their home to hasten to Twig. 
She was already gone by the time he reached her— lying limp in her bed, curled up cozily, the flame of her tail gone out. Her journal was open to a message she'd written before passing, her pen laid across the pages to prop it open— Love you. Keep up the good work. 
She'd known. She'd known it was her time, and she had sent him away to die alone. 
It wasn't fair. 
But when had the world ever shown him kindness?
Years passed after Twig left his side for good. Kip was aging happily despite his grief, and had retired from his archaeology team after earning an injury that jeopardized his career— though he spent his time writing books that swiftly became cornerstone texts for those studying archaeology. Grovyle himself passed soon after Twig did. Celebi murmured something about him dying of a broken heart through her tears when Ark tried to comfort her afterward, and how he still had so much life left in him despite his demise. 
On days like this, where it rained slow and weak as if the world mourned alongside him, he couldn't help his bitterness. 
It wasn't fair. 
Twig had so much left to give the world, and so much left of it to see, and yet she'd been cut down before her time. He knew it wouldn't last forever, that she couldn't remain with him as long as he would walk the wastelands of this wretched world, but it wasn't fair. And the skies had the gall to weep like they cared. 
It was his fault, he knew. She couldn't be saved because of a curse he'd dealt himself, and that was why she couldn't be healed. But surely as much as the universe scorned him, as much as his existence was formed on grudges and terror, the universe wouldn't turn its wrath for him against those he loved. 
She'd shown him so many things. She'd changed him. She'd made him see a point to life. And she was gone.
She was gone, and it was his fault. 
He paced an empty home with his head in his hands and wailed. 
It wasn't fair.
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howlingday · 7 months
Pokemon Au: What if Ghetsis faked being a faunas to help groom someone to lead the White Fang for him to puppet as the advisor? He already did with N. So he uses Adam and even plans to help him take control to. Blake would know and thanks to intelligence could tell Ghetsis's words always felt hollow.
"Is this him?" Ozpin asked, looking through hard-light wall of the cell at the disheveled man seated inside.
The man, in question, was an aged man with a patch over right eye. He was wearing a long, dirty black robe that ended with golden rings on his forearms. If he could hear Ozpin, he didn't acknowledge him, simply staring at the floor in a trance. Every now and again, his hand would flex.
"Yes, it is." General Ironwood nodded. "We already confirmed with the Unovan authorities. Champion Alder will be on his way to claim him."
"How did he arrive in Remnant?"
"He seemed to be wandering about in a daze as soon as he arrived in Atlas. No Pokémon were on his person, nor were there any Poké-Balls. It was like he had no intention to catch Pokémon."
"A bit odd for a wanted criminal to wandering a foreign country with no Pokémon, don't you think?"
"Yes, it is." General Ironwood turned away. "But it won't matter soon. As soon as Champion Alder arrives, we'll wash our hands of this mess."
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simmeons · 1 month
💢Gigantamax - Tell us your favorite thing about one of your friends!
ONE?! nah, im doing them all (so several people don't send it or people don't get upset i didn't pick them)
Mega: you're just a very sweet person. i don't know how else to put it- you radiate flowers and butterflies and even though i know you have your days and you write some. gut wrenching stuff. but you're also so nice to me and other people and you don't get that a lot anymore so i love that about u keep it up pookie
Andi: i know we don't interact a lot (I PROMISE ILL FINISH READING THE COWBOY ENTERPRISE STUFF I PROMISE IM TRYING IM i clutch your pants as im on the floor crying at ur feet) but your posts about your life are a reality check for me. NOT THAT'S IT'S A BAD THING. you're very honest about what you deal with (anxiety, having a child, etc etc) and it kinda helps in grounding me when i have my own anxiety and think the world is gonna die and then i see you out here also dealing with stuff and still making it by. idk. you're indirectly the adult i look to and go "okay i probably won't crash and burn. hoorah" i really hope that's not weird
Jawsh: you're a little weirdo. don't ever stop. ur so funny to talk to and im sorry for the days we don't talk a lot but i love that we can come back and still chat about old men yaoi like nothing happened. also i love our shared bond over hating Sundays. fuck Sunday
Snowy: you're so yuri crazy i genuinely love it. I love Snowbot, i love how enthusiastic you are about Lore. never let anyone tell you ur weird bc that's my job and never stop posting Snowbot please don't ever die (also ur art style is so good brah. like it tastes absolutely wonderful to me. thank you for blessing us)
Leaf: hey man i know you don't have Tumblr so that means i can be a little shit n you won't know! but seriously, i love how we have so many things in common. you got me into Star Trek and i can never thank you enough. you're also great at distracting me and you're always there to show me ur Legos. i wish you and Celery the best (Celery isn't their actual name it's a nickname i gave them)
Matt (Kaklord): you're a ball of fun in our socks server. yes i count you as my friend get in this hug alright buddy yeaahh bring it in. i love how you're very enthusiastic about Vulcans and their. cough. biology. plus Pokemon. you're just awesome sauce man. you constantly wear sunglasses bc ur so cool and you're allowed to flex ur aura
Vitor: you're the reason why i stop and hesitate when i have suicidal thoughts. WOOAH way to hit y'all with something dramatic but im not joking. you're so special to me. you make me stop and think about who i affect everyday and though sometimes i hate how special you are and how much you care because i want to be selfish and end it all without caring about others- but i can't. so thank you for that
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gemsbian · 8 months
I got around to writing Frankie's background and the beginning of her employment as the Explorer's mechanic! There are going to be five sequential chapters showcasing how the Explorers work with a focus on a different admin each chapter
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Onyx, Sango, Agate, Spinel, Amethio, Frankie (OC)
Summary of chapter 1:
There’s another section where the disposable employees of the Explorers are allowed to stay. Amethio refuses to send his subordinates there. Given his mannerisms and trust issues with the other admins, Onyx isn’t surprised by Amethio’s decision. But it’s a different case entirely with Spinel. He’s not overly fond of or affectionate towards any of his underlings, so keeping the new mechanic in his own wing is just a way to flex his power and taunt Onyx.
He can practically hear Spinel’s voice saying,
“Look Onyx, I’ve got a new employee when Hamber forbade you from doing the same”
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luckyspot · 5 months
Pokemon I hope get Regional Forms and/or Evolutions in Pokemon Legends: Z-A
*Wow, this dry spell is...something, huh?*
I'm bored, restless and have no life! So let's do this!
1. Ducklett/Swanna
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Swanna is already so lovely, it'd be hard to make a new form that can show it up. But...Kalos was known for introducing a lot of new features for our characters and I admittedly would like some more world building. If we should find ourselves in an City from long ago, I'd enjoy seeing a Swanna geared more towards performing for crowds of people instead of just it's own kind. Maybe Water/Fairy or Water Psychic, using tricks to make a stage for it's dances?
2. Minccino/Cinccino
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I mean, look at it! It's a Chinchilla wearing a fur coat! The Reference writes itself! I honestly like Pokemon who look like they're wearing clothing without being TOO on the nose. This Pokemon is a Fashion Icon, imagine if you had to give someone who wants to make a clothing store this Pokemon and seeing bask in the attention on onlookers. A Fairy typing would be quite obvious, but I suggest a Dark Typing instead to reflect the vain fashion designer. Or maybe even rock type to make it sparkle like jewels!
3. Miltank
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Tauros got not 1, not 2, but 3 new forms in Scarlet and Violet! I've personally never used Miltank and it feels like it's been a while since it got to flex it's muscles! I'd suggest a full fairy type; one that has milk that is well suited towards cheese! Maybe color it white instead of pink to match some of the French cattle. You could also make it Ice-Type to help keep the cheese fresh!
4. Vullaby/Mandibuzz
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Just like with Miltank and Tauros, Mandibuzz has been shown up by Braviary time and time again as of late. (And they technically aren't even related!) Mandibuzz has been sitting in the dust for long enough and it's time for our girl to get her day in the spotlight! There's too many Fairy Types in here, so I suggest a Pure flying type. A Mandibuzz that migrates to Kalos and has it's dark typing purified by the Fairy Aura that covers the region! Maybe make it resemble the Bearded Vulture.
5. Sunkern/Sunflora
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Okay...pretty much any flower based Pokemon could fit this slot, but Sunflora's been waiting for a chance for a long time. Look how happy they are! Paris has many gardens full of many beautiful flowers; it feels like a waste to not have a beautiful flower Pokemon. (Floette already got her post) Imagine a large flower that was so tall and had a smile so bright, that it was said that it called the Sun to rise each morning; not Grass/Fairy, not Grass/Psychic but Grass/Fire! Beneath that smile lies a truly warm heart!
Add some of your own to this post and let me know if you'd want to see some of these ideas.
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 46 Pt 1: Zorc’s Massive Low Hanging Fruit
We are getting very close! I don’t actually...remember how many episodes there were in this season but listen, It can’t possibly be more than 50 right?
Anyway, we’re starting off in the battle basement in Yami’s tomb. Who, of course has a battle basement installed right outside of his final resting place, just like how he would have wanted.
And it’s here that the form of Bakura that the dub is telling me is Ryou wants to kill his own classmate. Which, I’ll just point it out since a couple people mentioned it, apparently the manga did not do this nor did the original Japanese version. The dub just made this Ryou for giggles. We already know Bakura can split into evil pieces, this was not necessary. We also know that Ryou is sleeping on those painful steppies, so this doesn’t make much logical sense.
But like we’re watching the dub right now, so sorry, everybody, this is Ryou. Ryou on a bad day, I guess. Dark Ryou. Not to be confused with Shadow Ryou, who is...that other freaking guy.
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Yugi just upset that he forgot to bring his dueling disk to a dream universe in the past or whatever. Must feel naked without that thing stinking up his left arm and making that school blazer all wrinkly. Bro is telling me that Yugi should have one really big arm, kind of like trogdor.
(read more under the cut)
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the one thing that does make sense with making this Ryou is a little bit of symbolic imagery. Ryou talks about how he doesn’t have friends anymore in the beginning of this arc, and we can assume it’s because he’s decided to step away from other people because of the ghost in his bean. In contrast, Yugi has all these friends he cursed to like him (woops), and for whom he just risked his whole life for, and for whom he didn’t learn the Pharaoh’s name that he needed in order to save all of mankind.
Which, for reals, Tea and Joey are such good buds, that he really did just end the world to save their ass, and that is pretty anime of him.
But Tea gets very nervous over whether or not Yugi was going to perma-die. It would be very awkward if he died, since he’s also the host of this puzzle which is she is currently stuck inside of. Though I’m not 100% on if it’s even possible for him to die here. Little bit of a chicken or the egg situation, which I may have brought up before.
But still, she’s worried about it.
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Which is when Joey does a quick head count and go “WAIT WAIT"
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(the show does not show us where Tristan is)
Back at Kul Elna, everything is very quickly falling apart. Rocks are falling from the sky, Pharaoh is back at the capital with Seto and the other Seto, and Karim helllllllllllllla died last episode (or 2 episodes ago? I have such bad memory nowadays) so we’re just gonna leave his corpse in the barn and go.
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sorry I just took in the incredible abs on this oversized chess piece that is Hassad. 
Why bother? Like for reals why bother?
I have so many questions about this random guy and his character design and they will not get answered. Apparently Dark Side of Dimensions dives into it as well as other unresolved issues from this season but like, that’s for another time. We will be watching that later, and at my rate it’ll be like 5 years from now but I swear...unless I caught covid a second (third?) time we will eventually get there and find out the deal of this...this freakin guy.
Meanwhile, our story boarders are not finished flexing. I think they really enjoyed this particular episode, with this really fun composition around Bakura here. They LOVE to shred scenery with Bakura on this carving, and there are so many good shots where it’s like a comic cover. I mean, look at this:
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Damn that’s a good idea. This composition is fun. You got the curves from this...pokemon that I forgot the name of... you got him dead center all strong and rigid to contrast the curves. You got purple and green clouds. It’s fun. If y’all ever want to do the “draw this anime still but in your style” this is a good still. Good stuff.
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And then Bakura peaces off--no idea where, and it doesn’t really matter since we have like so many Bakura’s at this point. Lets just assume he’s everywhere.
And with that, the ground gives way to the ZORC within.
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This ultimate being, Zorc, who we’ve been talking up for so many episodes.
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And that’s when we find out Isis also left out another crucial detail about Zorc:
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So listen. We can say that the...neck...of the snake is coming out of his lower stomach. But also, they left it in shadow for a reason. 
The reason is, this episode is getting me flagged.
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It occurred to me I don’t have to go for the low hanging fruit. I don’t have to. I can find a way around this. And I struggled. And I did whatever I, a full grown adult, could think to do. I thought to myself, I am a creative person, and I am inventive and I can write comedy well enough so it’s not just about poops and butts and dicks.
And then I gave up because of the number of times this thing is dead center on screen. And really, truly, I make a lot of low hanging jokes on this blog anyway so we’re just going to embrace Zorc for who he really is, both inside and outside.
And he is a slowly growing talking dragon shaped penis with legs.
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Covered up by my joke towel in this scene I want you to know the snake just had it’s maws wide open to shout them down. It literally does only talk out of the dragon head on the bottom part of him.
Anyway, then Hassan jumps in front of the missiles zorc shoots from his crotch and well...he dies that way.
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Death by firecrotch. This is like an immortal God meant to be the protector of the Pharaohs but you can kill him and the way how is disgusting.
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There they go, back to the palace, which like, I guess is VERY close to Kul Elna, since Yami and Seto are currently vibing there right now.
Back at fight club, these two are still at it.
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and then back at the funeral of the most romantic anime death of all time, Seto is still at it.
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Seto, despite probably having to throw just SO MANY funerals for his tragic backstory is not very good at them. So right now he’s just distancing himself emotionally from literally everything going on around him by convincing himself this is all a very vivid hallucination.
Which it is. For once he is correct, this entire arc is a hallucination, but a hallucination with consequences. Which he is not used to. Hell he doesn’t see consequences when he’s not in a hallucination half the time. He’s like super rich.
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Yami decides he did what he can, but he’s done with this freakin guy. I guess trying to reach through to Seto is a skill that only Yugi possesses, cuz Yami is just clear out of patience for this sociopath. Which is a shame, he usually loves this sociopath.
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I laughed out loud at this cut to this horse’s ass and Seto’s reaction to being left behind from getting a ride the one time he was the one who needed a ride.
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LMAO at the dub for adding that suspicious soil clump where a dead girlfriend probably was laying before.
but being real, this is another very nice shot, I didn’t cap it for vibes, and I really should have. Again, if you’re looking for a “draw this in your style” anime still challenge, this is another fun one. You got a juxtaposition of old and new. You got the storytelling of the dead girlfriend and trying to understand feelings you don’t understand because you were taught to never love. You got lovely ancient pillars. You got a clump of dirt that used to be a girl...
Like we may have dragged Seto’s ass back here, just to make him look cool and out of place in that coat as the wind sweeps by him. And that’s fine, I’ll accept that Seto this season may only be here for some vibes.
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As he admires her slowly breathing (yes, breathing, thanks dub) he flashes back to that only time he every had a single conversation with this woman (a conversation they had, only because she thought he was someone else)
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And off he goes, to look cool and probably do little else.
And as always, here is the link to read these from the beginning in chrono order.
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the-malewife-ever · 2 years
its 5am. i am very tired. i do not want to go through and pick out all the best responses when i have a test today. so what youre getting now is:
every single character that was submitted [unless i didnt feel comfortable adding them to the data]
^ this includes:
- i didnt feel comfortable putting them in [they are a kid is the most likely answer]
- they break the rules
and goodnight everyone im going back to bed you get your pairings later today. feel free to demand your malewife be in the pairings in the notes of this post all you want but be nice
and sorry to the ppl checking the tags in the search bar for ANY of these characters
read more because we got 301 and then some submissions:
The Top Submitted Characters:
Crazy Dave [Plants Vs Zombies] - 14
Kazuki Kurusu [Buddy Daddies] - 8
Hero [Omori] - 8
Saul Goodman/James McGill [Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad] - 7
Tatsu [Way of the House Husband] - 7
Thoma [Genshin Impact] - 7
Laszlo Cravensworth [What We Do In the Shadows] - 5
Percy de Rolo [Critical Role/Vox Machina] - 5
Ron DeLite [Ace Attorney] - 5
Brett Hand [Inside Job] - 4
Puss in Boots [Puss in Boots] - 4
Sanji [One Piece] - 4
Spamton G. Spamton [Deltarune] - 4
Got 3 Or Less Votes:
9 [9 (2009)]
Adrian Graye Vernworth [The Owl House]
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir [Miraculous Ladybug]
Alador Blight [The Owl House]
Alistair Theirin [Dragon Age]
Andre Legris [Innocent/Innocent Rouge]
Asgore Dreemurr [Undertale]
Axel Summers [Lemon Soda and Coffee (Webcomic)]
The Baker [Into the Woods (1991)]
Bandit Heeler [Bluey]
Barry Draxum [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Beacrox Molan [Lout of the Court’s Family]
Benny [Fallout: New Vegas]
Bilbo Baggins [The Hobbit]
BJ Hunnicutt [MASH]
Bob Belcher [Bob's Burgers]
Briefers "Brief" Rock [Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]
Brock [Pokemon]
Bruno Buccerati [JoJo's Bizzare Adventure]
Bruno Madrigal [Encanto]
Calculester Hewlett-Packard [Monster Prom]
Caleb Wittebane [The Owl House]
Cardan [The Folk of the Air trilogy by Holly Black]
Cecil Palmer [Welcome to Night Vale]
Chakotay [Star Trek Voyager]
Charlie Kelly [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]
Chisaki Kai (Overhaul) [My Hero Academia]
Chris Pearson [Dan Vs.]
Chrom [Fire Emblem Awakening]
Clay Rockridge [The Sexy Brutale]
Colin Robinson [What We Do In the Shadows]
Connecticut Clark [FlorkofCows/The Saga of Clark]
Cove Holden [Our Life: Beginning & Always]
Cyclonus [Transformers (IDW1)]
DaLey Vigil [The Great Ace Attorney]
Daniel Cain [Re-Animator]
Darius Deamonne [The Owl House]
Dedue Molinaro [Fire Emblem Three Houses]
Dick Grayson [DC Comics]
Dick Gumshoe [Ace Attorney]
Do Hyun Soon [Flower of Evil]
Ed [Our Flag Means Death]
Eddie Munson [Stranger Things]
Elliott [Stardew Valley]
Faria [Thrilling Intent]
Flex Mentallo [Doom Patrol]
Fox Mulder [The X-Files]
Fukuo [Kiki’s Delivery Service]
Furio Giunta [The Sopranos]
Gao Yizhi [Iron Widow]
Garmadon [Ninjago]
Garry [Ib]
Geto Suguru [Jujitsu Kaisen]
Gilbert Nightray [Pandora Hearts]
Gomez Addams [The Addams Family]
Grover Underwood [Percy Jackson Series]
Hannibal Lecter [Hannibal]
Harrier du Bois [Disco Elysium]
Hazama Masayoshi [Samurai Flamenco]
Heinz Doofenshmirtz [Phineas and Ferb]
Herlock Sholmes [The Great Ace Attorney]
Hordak [She-Ra (Netflix)]
Howl Jenkins Pendragon [Howl's Moving Castle]
Hugh Neutron [Jimmy Neutron]
Hugh Test [Johnny Test]
Ianto Jones [Torchwood]
Ignis Scientia [Final Fantasy XV]
Ingo [Pokemon]
Izzy Hands [Our Flag Means Death]
Jake Sully [Avatar]
James [Pokemon]
Jason Todd [Batman]
Jesus Christ [The Bible]
Joel Hammond [Santa Clarita Diet]
Johnathan Harker [Bram Stoker's Dracula]
John Silver [Treasure Island (1988)]
John Watson [BBC Sherlock]
Jonathan Byers [Stranger Things]
Kaiden Alenko [Mass Effect]
Kai Satou [Your Turn to Die]
Kaito [Vocaloid]
Kakashi Hatake [Naruto]
Katsuya Serizawa [Mob Psycho 100]
Ken [Barbie]
Kermit the Frog [The Muppets]
Kim Dokja [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint]
Kim Gongja [SSS-Class Suicide Hunter]
Kingsley [Papa Louie Games]
Kisuke Urahara [Bleach]
Klavier Gavin [Ace Attorney]
Kojiro “Joe” Nonjo [Sk8 the Infinity]
Laurance Zvahl [Minecraft Diaries]
Lazarus Bleeze [The Hex]
Leon [Pokemon]
Lestat de Lioncourt [Interview with the Vampire (TV Show)]
Lieutenant Columbo [Columbo]
Light Yagami [Death Note]
Link [Breath of the Wild]
The Lobby Boy [The Hotel Podcast]
Loid Forger [Spy X Family]
Luigi [Mario Franchise]
Luo Binghe [The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System]
Mac McDonald [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]
The Man in the Yellow Hat [Curious George]
Manolo Sanchez [The Book of Life (2014)]
Mario [Mario Franchise]
Marshall Eriksen [How I Met Your Mother]
Marvin [Falsettos]
Mendel Weisenbachfeld [Falsettos]
Me [The Mod]
Michael [The Good Place]
Miles Edgeworth [Ace Attorney]
Min-Gi Park [Infinity Train]
Minato Namikaze [Naruto]
Momo [Stray]
Mr. Mime [Pokemon]
The Narrator [The Stanley Parable]
Naven Nuknuk [Epithet Erased]
Oliver Queen [DC Comics (Green Arrow)]
Olruggio [Witch Hat Atelier]
The Onceler [The Lorax]
Palamedes Sextus [The Locked Tomb]
Paper [Inanimate Insanity]
Peeta Mellark [The Hunger Games]
Percy Jackson [Percy Jackson Series]
Peter Nureyev [The Penumbra Podcast]
Preminger [Barbie: Princess and the Pauper]
Qifrey [Witch Hat Atelier]
Quirrel [Hollow Knight]
Ramsey Murdoch [Epithet Erased]
Randy Valentine Jade [Dialtown]
Redd Rockridge [The Sexy Brutale]
Reigen Arataka [Mob Psycho 100]
Ronaldo [The Vampire Dies in No Time]
Rouxls Kaard [Deltarune]
Roy Mustang [Full Metal Alchemist]
Ryoji Kaji [Neon Genesis Evangelion]
Ryuuji Takasu [ToraDora!]
Samwise Gamgee [Lord of the Rings]
Sasuke Itachi [Naruto]
Satan [Puyo Puyo]
Satoru Gojo [Jujitsu Kaisen]
Seven [Zero Escape]
Shinya Fujikawa [Corpse Factory]
Sig Curtis [Full Metal Alchemist]
Silco [Arcane (Netflix)]
Sojiro Sakura [Persona 5]
Sokka [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Soldier [Team Fortress 2]
Spirit Albarn [Soul Eater]
Spongebob Squarepants [Spongebob Squarepants]
Steve Harrington [Stranger Things]
Steven Grant [Marvel]
Suoh Tamaki [Ouran High School Host Club]
Sword Boyfriend [Transistor]
Tanjiro Kamado [Demon Slayer]
Thomas Sharpe [Crimson Peak (2015)]
Tohru Adachi [Persona 4]
Tom Wambsgans [Succession]
Travis Matagot [Campaign Skyjacks]
Tsukasa Jinguuji [Fabiniku (Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout)]
The Tumblr Boyfriend [Tumblr]
The Twelfth Doctor [Doctor Who]
Tyrell Wellick [Mr. Robot]
Vanitas [Vanitas no Carte/The Case Study of Vanitas]
Vash the Stampede [Trigun]
Victor Nikiforov [Yuri on Ice]
Waymond Wang [Everything Everywhere All At Once]
Whizzer Brown [Falsettos]
William "Spike" Pratt [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
William “Dex” Pointdexter [Check Please!]
Yeza Brenatto [Critical Role]
Yoo Joonghyuk [Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint]
You [The Voter]
Zagreus [Hades]
91 notes · View notes
a-stone-slab · 9 months
“Let’s get started already!”
I’m the Buck/Benga ForeignForestfireShipping guy. Greyskyshipping my beloved. Creator of the Dad!Ingo AU (it has been a while, im sorry), and an absolute nerd over all things Pokémon.
“The sky will eventually clear and the forests shall forever burn, so long as their love burns hot.”
ArchiveOfOurOwn Profile 📝
The Benga screenshot archive 🔥🌳
AniPoke Episode Archive Masterpost 📺 🏴‍☠️
3DS Game Archive Link 🕹️
The MatPat Drama Thread 💻
(links to all the videos mentioned in the matpat call-out thread: https://www.tumblr.com/a-stone-slab/738803647196151808/part-2-due-to-the-tumblr-video-per-post-limit?source=share)
“Stick around, stay a while, and let’s watch the rain fall as the sky turns bright.”
DNI: Proship, pedos, DSMP fans (specifically fans of the titular content creator).
If i block you PLEASE don't try to find a way around it, just respect me and i'll respect you.
“It’s our turn!”
Iono Zone
PokéMas Discord:
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echoequinox · 8 months
Just flew on a plane for the first time in a few months and forgot how much I love them and I took notes about her the whole time, waxing poetic about how beautiful and graceful she is
She's flexing her little wings before takeoff :) Making sure she's ready
Latios and Latias arent enough we need a sexy plane woman Pokemon, like those planes the furries wanna fuck
The little narrow struts on the undersides of her wings... little aerodynamic things with antennae like quills
We're passing a truck yard for like, construction equipment and they're the kobolds to my big plane dragon wife
Magical draconic runway in the shape of a big rune that eases in traveling dragons while also serving as a landing strip
The rumble as we take off, that ROAR of hers. She's so beautiful and powerful. The speed that pushes you back in your seat and pops your ears and shakes you around and then the DIP as you take off and that feeling of disorientation but she's fine. She loves it. And in SECONDS, the ground is like toys, like ants beneath us. It took less time than writing this for cars to be the size of bugs. The world is so small to her. She's so beautiful and strong and carries us aloft with such grace. I love you plane
Oh those little struts I mentioned move as we do!! They help guide her just a little bit! Probably help with banking and shit
Cartography wizards (cartogramancers? Lol) astride enormous dragons who keep note of all the changes in the landscape below. Listing every road, every footpath, every river, scribing it into an endlessly long magical atlas. Noting how the roads below form glyphs and runes, how they mirror the natural magic of rivers and tributaries, how homes and castles are built in the most defensible - or beautiful - positions and seeing vistas groundbound humans could never dream of seeing. The beauty of it all.
Fantasy alternate history ww1 where biplanes are replaced with steampunky dragons
Walter White looks up and sees two dragons fucking *lighthouse awed face meme*
This is getting away from airplanes and more toward dragons, I love the plane I think that a machine with the sole purpose of holding people tight and carrying them to far away places to see loved ones and new experiences is so beautiful, it's such a FASCINATING marvel of engineering prowess. This thing is BUILT on math and that's so cool. Every inch of her frame, every cubic centimeter of metal and plastic and cloth, are all accounted for in every flight equation. It's amazing. She's amazing.
I could *feel* her start to dip. That's another amazing thing - every single thing she does is NOTICEABLE. Every dip, every shudder, every increase or decrease in speed. My heart is pumping in time to her turbines, the electricity that runs through her veins is nearly palpable as we prepare for our descent
I'm polyamorous the way a plane is, compared to private jets and shit - they want to please everyone, they just want everyone to be happy and loved and safe, they want to deliver them with speed and safety and warmth and just. I love u miss plane
When my dog first came home with us, only a couple weeks old, he'd sit in the yard and look up at the sky as planes went by and made noise and he had a sense of total awe. I wonder how many dogs are looking up at me now while I look back down at the ground with equal splendor
Very funny to still see those pizza huts with the red rooves
The lights come on as we descend. She's been half asleep, coasting on air currents and pointing herself where she needed to go and now that we're dropping she's awake and aware. She's circling the landing strip like some kind of predator, watching and waiting for an opening so she can swoop down and attack the tarmac
Seeing the way cities are laid out, in perfect little beautiful grids, is so relaxing. Suburban sprawls packed with strange, enormous lives in little blocks of land, chunk by chunk, eventually touching residential, long strips of business and economy, commerce and trade and social lives, into the large, messy, chaotic industry beyond that. Infrastructure is beautiful. The leylines upon which planes were borne.
Water towers are so funny, why the hell did we refurbish an outdated means of water reservoirs, surely there could be a way to store more water more efficiently in treatment plants. Are they just for the Fun Cultural Aesthetic? Are they REALLY still that useful as a buffer?
Those little struts *are* at least partially used for banking but I think they're probably more like communications arrays combined with.. ballast isn't the right word. Counterweight? Idk. Beautiful regardless. Still love the little antennae
A little boat skims across a river, under a bridge where a highway passes over. I can tell it's moving fast, even from this high up. Tiny ecosystems exist beneath the hull, trillions of microbes, so far down beneath me now it's hard to make out any details other than the trail of white foam spray behind the boat.
Another water tower.
And another. Wild.
She rumbles as she drops, like she's grumpy, like she doesn't want to be on the ground. Silly girl, you can't fly forever. You need fuel and new passengers. She's flexing the little bits along her wings again, preparing for true descent now. The whistling is getting lower and lower pitched as we lose speed. I'm sure she isn't happy about it, but it's only going to be probably a half an hour or less before she's up in the air again. Calm down, girl.
One last roar as we slow. Beautiful. 💖
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demikempton · 1 month
My Scarlet OC + protagonist of my AO3 fic Nothing Short of Everything.
Meet Phen!
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Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Family: Ailsa (mother), Maternal Grandparents
A little background: Phen was born in Nimbasa City, living there until moving to Galar with her mother at 7. They lived in Freezington with her grandparents for a time before settling in Motostoke, moving to Paldea not long after she turned 16. Her full name is Phenakite but she never goes by it, sticking to her nickname Phen.
Phen is currently enrolled in the Humanities track at Naranja Academy, focusing on art. She befriended Nemona in the summer before her first year, later becoming friends with Arven, Penny and, by extension, Team Star. She's also a part of the Naranja Art Club alongside Mela.
She's generally introverted but is comfortable and confident in her friend group, and does her best to be kind even if it veers into people-pleasing territory. However new situations can make her anxious and stressed- in extreme cases making her physically sick- to calm herself she self-soothes via clenching and flexing her hands.
During her first Treasure Hunt she had a bad fall that damaged her left knee, so now wears a knee brace when out on long walks/in colder weather.
Her pokemon are all nicknamed after various stones and gems.
Fun fact: A phenakite is a gem that is often mistaken for diamond or quartz.
Nothing Short of Everything follows the Indigo Disk DLC and Phen's time at Blueberry Academy as she navigates the new school, new challenges, and the new Kieran. It's technically Dipplinshipping on the token it's eventual MCxKieran, but also has a focus on friendships between Phen and the other characters.
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bunny-lovers · 4 months
Geckos, touch tone telephone, and fool for the song asks?
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @hummingbirdheartbeats @zoros-onigiri
Geckos! (Animal Jam)- if you and your f/o were animals for a day, what animals would you be and why?
Rumi & I would definitely be rabbits, 'cause Rumi has a quirk of a rabbit. For me, I would enjoy hopping as a rabbit.
Hug Me (Pharrell Williams ft Trey Parker)- Are you and your f/o comfortable with physical affection? If so, what types are your favorite(s)?
Yes, we both are! My favorite types are caressing, stroking, cuddling, hugging, holding hands, & kissing.
Puppy Princess (Hot Freaks)- what’s you and your f/o’s ship (or friendship) dynamic?
Rumi is the smart one while I'm the clueless one. Love at first sight!
Touch-Tone Telephone (Lemon Demon)- what self ship aus do you have? What’s your favorite?
Grocery Store AU, Superpowers AU, & Pokemon AU. My favorite is Summer AU.
30/90 (Andrew Garfield)- When are you and your f/o’s birthdays? How do you celebrate?
My birthday is May 14 & Rumi's birthday is on March 1st. We like to go to the mall for one of our birthday. Then we eat lunch at a restaurant. Once we get done doing those, we head home & have cake at home.
The Bidding (Tally Hall)- how did you and your f/o meet?
Rumi and I met when Rumi saved me from the villain. After she beat the villain, she went up to me, asking me if I was okay. I almost couldn’t speak ‘cause of how strong & badass she is. I love her muscular arms, it’s so attractive to me. When she flex her arms, I find it so hot. Ever since she saved me from the villain, I started to have a huge crush on her. When I got home, I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling & thinking about her nonstop. I was so attracted to her! About a week after she saved me, I saw her again walking in the street. I walked up to her & thank her for saving me. Rumi said it’s no problem, I’m just hopping around & kicking the bad guys’ butts! I smiled at her, admiring her of how strong she is. I blushed when she said that. Rumi noticed I was blushing and asked me what I was blushing about. I told her ever since she saved me, I started to have feelings for her. It caught her off guard when I said that, Rumi said in a calm voice saying how very sweet of me, she called me little bunny and said I was cute when my face is red. I asked her if she want to have a coffee date with me and she said yes. After asking her out, she & I gave each other our phone numbers and started to call & text each other. Rumi & I had meet at a coffee café in person. We were talking, just to get to know each other. We spend about an hour there. After the coffee date, she and I walked somewhere private, it’s just me & her. I confessed to her first since I really had feelings for her & Rumi confessed to me back. After we confessed to each other, Rumi and I looked into each others’ eyes, having arms around each other, we both lean in and had our first kissed. The kissed was sweet & soft!
Could Have Been Me (Halsey)- Is your f/o energetic? What about your s/i?
Oh yeah, Rumi is definitely energetic since she's a rabbit. For me, I can be energetic but not as much as Rumi.
Fool (Frankie Cosmos)- What do you and your f/o like to do on rainy/lazy days?
We like to take a nap, watch a TV show while cuddling, & exercise.
Nobody Like U (4*Town)- How did you find out that your f/o was the right fit for you?
It's when Rumi & I have some things in common. I also feel safe & comfortable around her.
Meow (Ivusm)-Do you and your f/o have kids and/or pets? If you do, feel free to infodump about them!
No, Rumi & I don't have kids nor pets.
The Whole World and You (Tally Hall)- Free gush pass
Rumi means quite a lot to me & she's the best thing that has happened to me. I love her with my whole heart! I love giving her kisses, to make her feel loved. I'm so gay for her 🥰
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If there's more than three, then it's not by much. Emmet is part of a very, very, VERY exclusive club. I think part of why a lot of people have trouble with him specifically on the trains is that there just aren't many chances to flex your double battle muscles, so the doubles line feels like the workout of a lifetime, and then you get to the boss battle where yeah, his pokemon are Just That Good. And even if you win, you realize he might actually have been going a little easy on you, because you still have to do the super double line to fight him again but even harder.
can you imagine emmet's reaction if he found out that doubles is by far the preferred competitive format in our world. YES. FINALLY. OTHER PEOPLE THAT GET IT. THIS IS THE OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR WAY TO BATTLE. do you also think he refrains from synergizing his team too hard bc he knows nobody else is prepared for it. he never wants it said he goes easy on challengers but he'll take a little bit of a handicap to make the fight fairer. him blue and evelyn get together once a year or so and have the best fucking time of their lives with other people who can Actually Fight Doubles
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arvens-gf · 2 years
How She Knew
Arven x Io | Rated E | 1.5k Words
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a short piece to celebrate! Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
Io was usually good at feelings. After all, she felt them quite often. She knew how she acted when she was happy, how to deal with being upset, and how her face could often betray her words. But she didn’t know all of them. Primarily… she didn’t know what she was feeling about Arven. She knew she enjoyed his company for certain, though that boy made her nervous, to say the least. Perhaps it was how often he’d run into danger with only one eye open. Perhaps it was all the strange things he recommended her to eat. Or perhaps it was that everything he recommended was delicious. Either way, Io was a bit of a mess around him.
“Io!” A voice jostled her from her own thoughts, followed by familiar loud bootsteps trodding closer. “Look what I caught!” Arven had a beaming smile on his face, something that was increasingly common. Io looked up from the ground to come face to face with some very big eyes and a tongue. She recoiled with a squeak before realizing that the horrid beast was simply a Shellder. “He’s going to help with the Stony Cliff Titan, I just know it!”
“You scared me, little guy,” she chuckled and lightly patted the shell. “But you’re gonna do great!” Arven smiled as his new Pokemon wiggled happily.
“Do you have a Pokemon that’s good against rock? Safflina knows fighting type moves, right…?” Arven continued strategizing for her in his head, thinking about how they could take the oversized crab down without any trouble.
“Safflina’s got it covered, don’t worry.” To prove her point, she let the little Pawmo out of her Pokeball. Safflina chirped and looked up at her trainer. “Can you show Arven the new move you just learned on this sandwich?” She held up a long sandwich for her, making her eyes sparkle.
“Awa!” She powers up, closing her tiny eyes in focus before chopping the lunch in two with her hand.
“Good girl!” Io beamed, scratching behind her ears. Safflina purred and rubbed into her hand. Arven chuckled softly.
“Alright, guess I shouldn’t worry. Clearly our tiny little friends have got it covered.”
“Not like we could fistfight a Klawf on our own, yeah?” Arven shrugged.
“Well, with my sandwiches, I bet we could stand a chance! I mean, look what it did to me!” He jokingly flexes, blowing the hair from his face. Though it was a joke, Arven did have something to brag about. He wasn’t scrawny by any means, but not exactly buff. He had this nice strength about him, muscles soft yet still present. He looked soft, intercut with a strong jawline and broad shoulders. “... uh, Io?”
“Wh-” Io blinked as she was snapped out of her, well, analysis of her companion.
“You okay? You looked all distant.” Io’s face erupted into a brilliant shade of red as she realized exactly what she had been doing.
“I-I’m fine! Just strategizing on our attack plan!”
“Oh! Share!” He leaned forward as he bit his sandwich, elbows resting on his knees. Io blinked, suddenly caught in her lie.
“... we hit it with super effective moves.”
“... and we don’t get hit.” Arven raised an eyebrow. He’d definitely have something to say if his manners were only slightly worse. “A-And I set up paralysis with Safflina.” That addition seemed to assuage Arven a bit, as he nodded and swallowed.
“Sounds good. We’ve got this!” He raised the rest of his sandwich triumphantly to toast (despite the bread being untoasted.) Io smiled and knocked her sandwich against his.
“To victory!”
— — —
One arduous battle later, the glowing cave was quiet yet again. With the Titan gone, Arven had gotten the Herba Mystica he needed. Io rested her back against one of the rocky walls, eyes closed as she listened to Arven’s humming. He didn’t do that with the first Titan, but this time he seemed to have eased into having company.
“Damn…” He whispered to himself through closed teeth. Io glanced over.
“You okay?”
“My hair keeps getting in my face.” Io stifled a snort.
“Isn’t it always?” Arven rolled his eyes, not that she could see it. “Here.” She walked over and rummaged in her bag, procuring a hair tie.
“Oh– thanks, Io.” He took it and held it in his mouth, pulling his hair up with his hands. His hair was long and soft, and adorably messy. Io thought it looked a bit like how cream flowed into coffee, spilling into soft strands. Though she did enjoy looking at his hair, she often found herself upset with it for blocking his eye. His eyes, as many people’s were, showed his soul in shades of blue, framed with soft lashes and expressive brows. She liked those eyes. “... you’re doing it again.”
Io jolted and nearly fell over. “Sorry- sorry!”
“Seriously, are you okay?” He turned his attention to her with a discerning gaze.
“Yeah. Just… hungry. These Titan battles make me all fatigued. I hope the plants make it worth it.” She stretched, groaning slightly. Arven looked away after catching a glimpse of her midriff, wanting to be respectful. He sighed, looking down at the Pokeball on his belt.
“Io… can I tell you something?”
“Hm? Yeah, anything.”
“... I haven’t been fully honest with you,” he admitted in a low voice. Io’s shoulders stiffened. She wasn’t able to read this. Over the years, she had learned how to detect a lie. It frightened her that she couldn’t see through him. “I don’t want the Herba Mystica for myself, or some dumb culinary reason.”
“Then… why?” Io looked over. She trusted him, to a certain degree. Enough to go alone into a cave with him. So she waited with bated breath for the truth. Arven took the Pokeball from his belt, holding it gentler than anything in his life.
“Okay, buddy… you can come out now.” Arven tossed the ball to the cave floor, watching it open and release a large Mabosstiff. The beast laid on the floor, eyes closed and body tired. The only sign the dog was alive was his twitching nose, smelling the sandwiches. Io’s eyes widened as she looked at the Pokemon, almost wanting to reach out to it. “This is Mabosstiff, my partner.” He knelt down and lightly petted his body.
“... what happened?”
“We… we went into the Great Crater of Paldea. I was trying to find my mother, but… we were attacked. Mabosstiff got the worst of it. It’s a miracle he’s still alive.”
“Y-You haven’t taken him to a Pokemon Center? Or used potions?” Io croaked, knowing that wasn’t the solution.
“Nothing’s worked. So… I turned to the rumors. That Herba Mystica can heal any wound. Mabosstiff is the only family I have left… I’d give the world for him, you know? He’s been more of a parent to me than my actual mom, so I… I have to save him. But I’m not strong enough.” He turned his eyes to Io. “That’s why I needed you.”
Io silently sat next to him, looking down at Mabosstiff and trying not to tear up. She looked to Arven before lightly holding her hand to the pup’s nose. He sniffed for a while, then offered a tired lick. She smiled slightly, looking to Arven. His own eyes were sparkling with tears, but determination ran deeper. He took the sandwich and tore off a small piece. “Small bites, bud. Take it easy.” Mabosstiff slowly scarfed down the sandwich, chewing what he could. Arven sighed, unsure of what he had expected to happen.
“You’re a good person, Arven.”
“Huh?” He froze.
“You’re a good person. Doing all of this for your family… that’s so noble.” Io looked up to meet his gentle eyes. “He’s lucky to have you. And… I promise to help you get him back on his paws.” Arven blinked, stunned by such kind words. He opened his mouth, then closed it, then searched for words again. Nothing came. But nothing needed to, as he pulled her into a tight hug. Io wasted no time returning it, her arms just managing to wrap around him.
“Thank you, Io… thank you.” He kept her close, even after pulling away. Io smiled reassuringly before her eyes drifted…
“Arven! Look!” She erupted, pointing to Mabosstiff. Arven followed, meeting soft, tired, open eyes. He gasped, pulling away from Io properly to hold his pup’s face in his hands.
“They’re open! Yes! Oh how I missed those sweet little eyes! Ooooh, such a good boy! Who’s a good boy?” Arven laughed in tearful relief, kissing the top of his head. Io saw that smile, how his soul lit up with nothing but love, and she wondered what it would feel like. Arven pulled her into the pseudo group hug, eliciting a surprised squeak from her. “Io! Thank you so much!” He beamed at her, a large yet soft hand resting on her back.
… oh.
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