#FLAG 2 :] i gogled it for this post
collectalong · 3 months
♂bro who raised you. why are you like this
BRO: im normal.
(Says the man who keeps a legion of shitty katanas in the fridge. They're pouring out the open door, letting the cool air out while your BRO is busy playing MORTAL KOMBAT. You're getting your ass handed to you, but at least it's digital.)
DAVE: bullshit
DAVE: this is the most abnormal display of chicanery ive ever seen
BRO: chicanery.
DAVE: i know you used a cheat man
DAVE: i played this stage a thousand times and i aint never seen projectiles this feisty
DAVE: never saw projectiles period
BRO: gonna' need to put your head in a brace with how blubbery that lower lip's gettin'. such a pussy.
BRO: bear it or beat it, lil' man.
(So you spend another half hour bearing it. You manage a few close victories with vicious vengeance. Moments like these, you almost feel normal.)
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