#FFXIII funniest moments
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uinre · 10 months ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 (2011) Funniest moments ∞
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alicia-journey · 6 years ago
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End Of The Year Tag '2018′  I was tagged by @itheaxel . Thank you ♥
Favourite Food: Omelette, Fried Rice and Sashimi.
Favourite Drink: Definitely ‘TEA’
Favourite Piece Of Clothing: Short Dress
Favourite Month: December because it’s full of positive energy. 
Favourite Season: Rainy and Winter
Favourite Holiday: “Songkran Festival” It refreshes me and also give me a long holiday.
Favourite Place: Home ♥
Best Experience: I’m going to talk about this year experience. I am a Journalism and Communication student in Advertising major. It’s a great experience that I have a project assigned by people who actually work in the Advertising industry, This quite hard but it makes me improve myself in many ways. It’s really tried but It’s worth to try and do my best.  
The best part in this project is I can use The Sims in my work. It’s so fun
Best Song: I can’t decide which one is the best for me but ‘Romantic - SHINee’ is my all-time favorite.
Best Movie: I love a lot of Disney movies. If I have to choose only one for this year I think It will be Ralph Breaks the Internet.
Best Series: W (Two Worlds)
Best Book: Novel from K-series (Japanese anime)
Best Video Game: THE HARDEST QUESTION EVER!! I would say that Final Fantasy Series is the best for me. Their stories, songs, The characters. I grow up with them I saw them since I was a little (3 - 4 years old) my dad is a real gamer so I watch this over and over. When I was a little older I tried to finish Final Fantasy VIII (the first Final Fantasy that I played) myself but I ‘always fail’ I don’t understand Japanese and I still confuse with everything, but right now I can finish it and It really touches me. in this franchise, FFXIII is my favorite one even someone say that this one is the worst Final Fantasy, but I still love this, all characters have their own reason and their past even the antagonist. They learn from mistakes and make it all right so, It’s really beautiful in their own way.
Have you unlearned bad habits? Maybe...
Biggest disappointment? I don’t have much confidence in my work. It feel like I want everything to come out perfect so, sometimes it makes me nervous. I hope next year I will have more self-confident.
Worst experience? I don’t think anything that come and go is a bad experience I learn from them and they give me something to grow me up.
Do you have new hobbies? Yes, I do a collection of food that I made and ate in 2018 on my Instagram. It’s fun and makes me know how much I eat this year hahaha.
Have you achieved the goals you wished for 2018? Yes, It’s a simple thing like finish games then I write a short diary about what I got and how I feel when I finish games.
Have you fulfilled a long-term wish? No, but I hope I can do it soon ♥
Have you tried something new this year? Yes, I tried to go somewhere new that I never been starting from some places near my dormitory and I found out that there are a lot of good places near me.
What plans or wishes do you have for the next year? I want to learn how to paint in a better way and improve my Japanese skill. and the most important one is to be more confident.
What was the funniest moment? When I and my friends play something together and when I’m with my family. We do a lot of fun things together.
What are you thankful for? For everyone who really precious to me. Thank you so much for being a beautiful part and memory in my life. I will treasure all the relationship with my best. HAPPY NEW YEAR! WISH YOU A BEST YEAR
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queenmercurys · 7 years ago
Fandom questions but with the FFXIII series
Thank you :D
Top 5 favourite characters: Lightning, Vanille, Hope, Snow, NoelOther characters you like: Serah, Fang, Sazh, YeulLeast favourite character: I’m not really sure, but I guess I’m not the hugest fan of Alyssa, she kind of falls in that Iris-category of being extremely loud and frazzled and all that. I don’t hate her or anything, I just don’t particularly like her. I’m also not a fan of NORA. Any of them. Except Snow, I mean.Otps: Snow/Serah, Fang/Vanille, Noel/YeulNotps: I think Hope/Lightning is a bit of a creepy ship, at least while Hope is a childFavourite friendship: Snow/Hope, Vanille/HopeFavourite family: Snow/SerahFavourite episode: I’ll take this as favorite scene. I’d say that one of my favorites still has to be the ending of XIII, it’s such a gorgeous scene combined with good music, I really adore it. Favourite season/book/movie: My favorite game out of the three still has to be XIII. I do like them all, though. But I’m having trouble actually playing XIII-2, because Steam keeps crashing often when I play it - which is apparently a very common problem with this game’s port. This is why I dislike playing on the PC.Favourite quote: “Lightning. It flashes bright, then fades away. It can’t protect, it only destroys.” - Lightning
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: I’d say that the scene at the very beginning of XIII when Lightning goes all badass on the train to get to Serah is still one of my very favorite Final Fantasy scenes. Plus, the Yuna and Cloud DLC outfits from Lightning Returns.When it really disappointed you: The change from Lightning to Serah as the main protagonist. I like Serah a lot, but she isn’t quite like Lightning, and there just isn’t that much charm in her scenes. I think I prefer her as a side character.Saddest moment: Honestly, I felt so bad for Hope at the end of XIII when Serah and Snow are rushing towards each other, and he runs forward a bit, too, as if expecting to be reunited with his mother, and then he just stops, realizing that she’s actually dead and not coming back.Most well done character death: It doesn’t really count, I guess, but I found Fang and Vanille’s sacrifices at the end of XIII to be really well done.Favourite guest star: I think Yeul counts, right? Favourite cast member: Ali Hillis is amazing as Lightning, but I also really like Troy Baker.Character you wish was still alive: I wish Vanille had been more present in the last two games, so I wish she had never gone back to crystal status.One thing you hope really happens: Well, the series is done so nothing, really, except maybe that Steam stops being a pain so I can actually properly play the games. XIII is the only one that had barely any glitches.Most shocking twist: I remember being shocked when I found out that it was Fang and Vanille who were responsible for Sazh’s son’s fate.When did you start watching/reading: I have known about XIII for years, but I only played it pretty recently, after I got back into Final Fantasy properly.Trope you wish they would stop using: Thinking that characters in a group like NORA could be even the least bit likable. Snow is great, but... “real heroes don’t need plans”... ‘scuse me?
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: Made a female protagonist who was both soft and harsh at the same time, and managed to remain lovable despite all the less than wonderful things she did.Funniest moments: I really like a lot of Noel’s lines, and I do have to admit that Lightning punching Snow (despite the fact that i love him) for being an idiot is always something that makes me laugh.Couple you would like to see: Lightning deserves someone. I don’t know who, but someone.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Just gonna say the same as before: Cloud could make a cameo.Most boring plotline: I’m not that interested in the NORA plotlines, like I’ve made clear.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I like the flashbacks to the days before the Purge. Especially that scene with Snow and Serah when they fly to the fireworks.Most layered character: Lightning, for sure.Scariest moment: I thought that Barthandelus was actually pretty terrifying in his boss form, as well as the Orphan version.Grossest moment: I don’t think there are any specific ones. Maybe some of the l’Cie were a little gross, the monster-like ones.Best looking male: I guess Noel?Best looking female: Lightning Who you’re crushing on (if any): None.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): The ending scene of XIII still gets me, it’s so gorgeous.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I just wish the story was a bit more coherent, and that the plotlines and the lore were explained more in the way they are done in FFX, instead of saying stuff like “l’Cie”, “Purge” and “Cocoon” and expecting the audience to know what they mean from the get go.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Basically from the moment I first saw anything about the games. I’ve never understood the hate for this series.
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leafshining · 7 years ago
Hey, thought I'd drop you an ask about the FF ask meme. #3 #18 #29 #41 #46
Thanks for sending an ask! ˶⚈Ɛ⚈˵
3. Which games have you played? 
I haven’t played all that many actually. But I don’t want to bore you so I’ll try and list ‘em.
Final Fantasy XV (Finished)
Final Fantasy Type-0 (Finished)
Final Fantasy XIII (Only played until the first few boss battles)
FFXIII: Lightning Returns (Haven’t finished, even though it’s sitting in steam waiting to be played lmao)
Others/Mobile: Mobius (Didn’t try lol), Record Keeper (Played one act, but didn’t continue), Brave Exvius (I’m actually pretty good at this game).
We don’t talk about me playing FFXV: A New Empire (Or whatever the hell that mobile war game with a ffxv skin is called lolol)
18. Which game was the funniest?
Aaaah, that’s kinda hard because there are plenty of funny moments in those games. BUT, Final Fantasy XV takes the cake because literally most of the game is running around taking pictures, fishing, camping, and coming up with new recipehs. It’s all fun and play with the boys lol.
29. Favourite Summon?
Oooh. Man, that’s hard to choose. I’m sorta stuck between Leviathan and Carbuncle! 
41. Which character has the best outfit?
Nyx Ulric. Like damn, only until I watched Kingsglaive a second time I’ve noticed how the Glaives liked to customize their uniform. I love the horn, behemoth fur, and ESPECIALLY the purple ribbons Nyx has.
46. Best Soundtrack?
Music really makes a game sometimes, right? But I gotta hand it to FFXV in the overall soundtrack part. They’ve committed to making full songs even though you might only hear the first few seconds of it like Valse di Fantastica and Wanderlust. It’s awfully nice to listen to the soundtrack once in a while to relive some first few memories of playing the game. It was great to see that music expand in the several DLC episodes by having different composers. Having different composers is a super creative idea because it gives others to show what that episode means to them but...musically haha. Oh boy, this is long.
But anyway! Thanks for sending the ask, I really appreciate it!♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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believe-me-ty · 7 years ago
Final Fantasy XIII Series Ask Prompt!
1. Favorite game of the trilogy?
2. Favorite character?
3. Favorite battle theme?
4. Favorite character theme?
5. What was the funniest scene of the series?
6. What scene made you the happiest?
7. What was the saddest scene of the series?
8. Favorite boss battle?
9. A pairing you love?
10. A pairing you can't stand?
11. Least favorite character?
12. Who do you think is the most relatable character?
13. Which three members are your favorite to have in your party in the first game, XIII?
14. What is your favorite monster to have in your party in the second game, XIII-2?
15. What is your favorite schemata in Lightning Returns?
16. What do you think is the best family relationship throughout the series?
17. What is your favorite eidolon?
18. If you could meet one character in real life, who would you choose to meet?
19. Which character has the most tragic tale in your opinion?
20. What is your favorite ending of the series?
21. What is your least favorite ending of the series?
22. Which of Lightning's default outfits is your favorite?
23. How did you get into the series?
24. What are your favorite things about the series?
25. What are your least favorite things about the series?
26. What is your favorite location?
27. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Lightning?
28. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Serah?
29. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Snow?
30. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Sazh?
31. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Hope?
32. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Vanille?
33. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Fang?
34. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Mog?
35. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Noel?
36. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Yeul?
37. Have you 100% completed any of the games?
38. What was the hardest battle for you?
39. Which character would you love to be friends with?
40. Do you think Caius is truly a bad guy?
41. If you could pick one character from this series to appear in Kingdom Hearts, who would you choose?
42. Most attractive female character?
43. Most attractive male character?
44. Favorite minor character?
45. A character I used to hate but now love?
46. A character I used to love but now hate?
47. A character that the fandom loves but I don't?
48. A character that the fandom hates but I love?
49. Least favorite game of the trilogy?
50. What moments in the game kept you glued to your controller?
51. What was your biggest accomplishment in the game?
52. If Lightning wasn't the main character of the third installment, who would you choose to be the main character?
53. How old were you when you first started the series?
54. Have you ever bought any DLC for the games?
55. Do you have any funny experiences or memories with any of the games?
56. What's your favorite paradigm to use?
57. If you could change one thing about the series, what would it be?
58. What's your favorite EP ability in Lightning Returns?
59. Did any boss frustrate you to the point where you had to rage quit?
60. Which voice actor brings the most personality to their character?
61. Which main character has the best weapon?
62. Have you ever cosplayed a character from the series?
63. Which character's outfit is your favorite?
64. Do you think the l'cie brand looks cool?
65. Did any moment make your jaw drop?
66. Have you ever written/read FFXIII fan fiction?
67. Did any of the games make you cry?
68. Have you ever bought any FFXIII merchandise?
69. What's your least favorite location in the game?
70. A character you would love to punch in the face?
71. A character you wish you could hug?
72. Have any favorite quotes?
73. How did you react when Fang and Vanille sacrificed themselves to hold up Cocoon?
74. How did you react when Serah died?
75. Which is better, younger or older Hope?
76. Which final boss was the your favorite?
77. Which main quest in Lightning Returns was your favorite?
78. After all of the events that took place in the series, which character do you think has the worst nightmares?
79. In FFXIII-2, whose dream was more fun to explore, Serah's or Noel's?
80. In FFXIII-2, what was your favorite paradox ending?
81. Did you ever name your white chocobo in Lightning Returns? If so, what did you name it?
82. Which duo of characters is your favorite?
83. Who is your favorite member of NORA?
84. Can you explain who Lumina is?
85. What is your favorite fragment skill in FFXIII-2?
86. What's your favorite accessory in Lightning Returns?
87. Do you think all of the characters will meet again in the new world?
88. How do you imagine [pick a character] being in the new world now that all of the fighting is over?
89. What is something that the series has taught you?
90. [Ask whatever you want!]
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uinre · 7 months ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 4 months ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 4 months ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 2 years ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 1 year ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 2 years ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 (2011) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 2 years ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 2 years ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 1 year ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 (2011) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 2 years ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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uinre · 2 years ago
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FINAL FANTASY XIII (2009) Funniest moments ∞
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