#FEAR is a rightwing tactic to politics. it shouodnt be ours. we dont need to rule or teach people through fear.
snekdood ยท 2 years
The biggest scam in leftist spaces is "leftists" selling other leftists fear, fear of everything around them and anyone who disagrees with them- you're not supposed to be so scared of other ppls opinions that you avoid them. You should be confident because you know you're right, you know reality has a leftwing bias, theres no reason you should be scared of rwingers when their whole ideology falls apart the more you ask them questions. Unless theyre physically threatening you, you should stand your ground. Do more research on your beliefs to be more firm in your position. You dont have to have a special intellectual debate or anything but you do need to be able to counter misinformation when it pops up in social situations and not get frustrated and leave. Because whoever sticks behind to hear the dipshit speeing misinfo will sit there and digest what he says w/o much pushback, and since we know how manipulative republicans are, when/if they do pushback the rwinger is just going to try to convince them to his side by appealing to their stances and trying to twist them into how whatever hes saying totally doesnt conflict with what they want. Since you cant trust average ppl to know shit, and even if you feel you can safely where you live, still, nonetheless, you need to counter them and assume everyone surrounding them doesnt know better. You can be scared in these situations, but you need to have courage and you shouldnt back down or retreat. Ik this post is supposed to be how ppl avoid anyone with different opinions but lets be honest. The reason left leaning ppl avoid anyone w even slightly different opinions is bc theyre worried theyre gonna be right wing opinions and have so little faith in themselves, their knowledge of their own beliefs and their ability to defend them that its easier to just run away from anyone who might potentially be sharing rightwing opinions/is rightwing. I also think the reason a lot of leftists online avoid having these conversations is because since they have so little faith in their ability to defend their beliefs, theyre worried theyll be subtley convinced to the rightwingers position. And like we know, theyre incredibly manipulative, so its a fair concern, but thats why you have to educate yourself, you especially in this day and age need to know their dogwhistles so you can point them out, everyone should be keeping up w them imo. Theres websites that has them all listed. Because otherwise if you just hide away and trust random "leftists" online to know everything for you... You're actually still likely to fall into rightwing beliefs. Because you dont know how many of those "leftists" are secretly comservatives try to slowly bring people over to their side, like by overtime eroding their ethics or the value of basic human decency... You need to be educated enough about these topics and honestly be socially and emotionally educated enough to be able to detect when someones manipulating you, rather than assume everyone w a slightly different opinion than yours might or wants to.
#i understand these situations can be scary but sometimes you're the person with the most knowledge on the subject and have#a better ability at countering people. if you think its too unsafe obviously you dont have to stick around but yeah#idk i just see a lot of leftist content creators who spoon feed their audience fear by demonizing and having them shun whoever#The Bad Leftist Of The Day Is and then all of their followers block them in fear of whatever they may do#instead of confront and look at the information critically enough and divorced from their own biases enough to form their own#opinion and perspective on the situation + come to understand everyone elses perspective involved#like some of yall will have this leftist guy you follow and trust way too fuckin much. he tells you to unfollow and block someone in like a#2 sentance explanation about how they committed every sin and then just block them and scurry away in fear. no checking to even see#if its true or anything you just trust this person online youve probably only ever messaged and havent even had a whole#personal conversation with. and decide theyre trustworthy enough to decide for you who is and isnt a hood enough person.#and this fear ppl perpetuate to eachother genuinely has some people unable to leave their own houses bc theyre so convinced everyone around#them is transphobic enough to want to physically hurt them and like idk. unless you're in really red states where your neighbors are#all yelling at you all the time i think ur okay yknow#FEAR is a rightwing tactic to politics. it shouodnt be ours. we dont need to rule or teach people through fear.#we have all the facts and information we need.#yes this is about b*dbunny lol
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