#FE15 really demolished Celica by amping up the sexism in the game by 11
randomnameless · 1 year
"iF yoU HAte Muh EmpeROr is BcuZ yoUre a MySOgInisT" Me, who spent valuable hours of her life defending Celica and Eirika from the dudebros calling them stupid and crazy for trying to find peaceful solutions instead of resorting to violence like her male counterparts: "Shut the f up, What does feminism have to do with aggressive invasions, imperialism and blaming all of humanity's issues on alien lizard blood?" Anyways, Long Live my Anti-War Queens Elincia, Guinevere, Emmeryn and Ivy <3
TBH even here iirc some dude said the pyramids in Egypt are proof ancient Egyptians had access to electricity or something and when people called this nonsense some people defended the poster saying people who were debunking him were racist or something...
But tbh, who is the real mysoginist, the one who criticises a character based on her actions, or the one who "defends" her bringing up her gender?
And yeah, while Miccy, Elincia, Eirika and Celica were harshly shat upon back then, with copious amounts of double standards and it was hard not to see your usual brand of sexism, but imo it's not a reason to "play uno reverse" when it comes to defending Supreme Leader.
But for those devoted people, everything is fair game when it comes to defending their fave, I guess.
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