#FDI from singapore
kazifatagar · 9 months
MITI's Singapore Mission Secures RM2.8 Billion FDI, Boosting Economy
The Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry’s one-day investment mission to Singapore has resulted in RM2.8 billion of committed Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Equinix, a global digital infrastructure company, plans to open network-dense data centers in Johor and Kuala Lumpur, connecting Asia-Pacific. Read More news Corporate vs. Advocacy: McDonald’s Lawsuit Raises Eyebrows Singapore…
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FDI Trends 2024: Key Countries Leading the Investment Wave in India
India’s dynamic economic landscape continues to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), as countries around the world recognize its potential as a lucrative investment destination. In 2024, FDI in India is set to surge further, with key countries leading the charge and expanding their presence in various sectors. As India’s favorable policies and robust market size draw international attention, let's explore the nations driving the FDI wave and what this means for India’s future growth.
The Rising Tide of FDI in India
India has become a magnet for FDI, with significant reforms, including simplified regulations, tax incentives, and the expansion of sectors open to foreign investment. These efforts have fostered a favorable environment for international businesses to invest in India's vast opportunities across industries like technology, manufacturing, retail, and renewable energy.
FDI in India has been instrumental in advancing technological innovation, creating jobs, and boosting economic development. In 2024, we’re witnessing an even larger influx of investments, particularly from countries that have long-term strategic interests in India’s growth story. Let’s take a look at the top countries leading the investment wave.
1. United States
The United States continues to be one of the largest contributors of FDI in India, with tech giants, pharmaceutical companies, and manufacturing firms establishing or expanding their footprint. In 2024, US-based companies are looking to invest heavily in sectors such as artificial intelligence, green technology, and digital infrastructure, enhancing India's position as a tech hub. The US sees India as a key market for business growth and collaboration, further strengthening bilateral ties.
2. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
In recent years, the UAE has emerged as a major player in the FDI landscape, focusing on infrastructure, real estate, and hospitality. India’s strategic location and growing middle class have made it an attractive destination for UAE-based investors. With strong government-to-government relationships and lucrative investment deals, 2024 is expected to see more robust participation from UAE investors, particularly in infrastructure and energy projects.
3. Japan
Known for its significant contributions to India's manufacturing sector, Japan remains a strong contender in the FDI space. In 2024, Japan is doubling down on investments in India’s automobile industry, electronics manufacturing, and high-speed rail projects. Japan’s strategic focus on technology transfer and industrial growth aligns perfectly with India’s 'Make in India' initiative, positioning the two countries as close economic partners.
4. Germany
Germany has steadily increased its investment in India, with a particular focus on renewable energy, engineering, and automobile manufacturing. In 2024, Germany is expected to boost its investments in India’s sustainability projects, such as solar and wind energy. German companies are attracted to India’s growing consumer market and the government’s push towards sustainable development, making this a prime opportunity for mutual growth.
5. Singapore
Singapore has long been a key investor in India, particularly in sectors like real estate, logistics, and financial services. With a strong presence in India’s urban development projects and industrial parks, Singaporean firms are now looking to invest in emerging sectors such as fintech, healthcare, and smart cities. The strategic investments from Singapore are expected to grow significantly in 2024, particularly with India’s focus on modernizing its infrastructure.
Why India?
India’s continued focus on policy reforms, digital infrastructure, and ease of doing business has positioned it as a highly desirable destination for foreign investors. The government’s initiatives, such as Production Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes, are enticing global players to set up manufacturing bases in India, fostering job creation and technological advancement.
Moreover, India’s growing digital economy, coupled with its massive consumer base, makes it a highly attractive market for investors looking for long-term gains. Key sectors like e-commerce, healthcare, and renewable energy are becoming major investment magnets.
Conclusion: Join the FDI Wave with Fox&Angel
As 2024 unfolds, FDI in India is poised to reach new heights, with the involvement of key countries that see immense potential in the nation’s economic future. The influx of foreign investment will not only boost India's growth trajectory but also foster innovation and job creation across various sectors.
If you’re looking to explore FDI opportunities or expand your business into India, Fox&Angel is here to guide you every step of the way. With expert insights and strategic advisory, we help businesses navigate the complexities of foreign investment in India. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in leveraging this exciting investment wave.
Contact us now to unlock the full potential of your investments in India’s thriving market!
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b2bbusiness · 4 months
South-East Asia Infrastructure Construction Market: Paving the Future
The rapid urbanization in South-East Asia necessitates advanced infrastructure to support growing urban populations.
Economic Expansion
Sustained economic growth in the region drives the need for improved infrastructure to facilitate business operations and trade.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
FDI plays a crucial role in financing large-scale infrastructure projects, bringing in capital, technology, and expertise.
Government Initiatives
Governments in the region have launched various initiatives and policies to promote infrastructure development, such as Indonesia's National Medium-Term Development Plan.
Challenges and Limitations
Funding and Financing
Securing adequate funding remains a significant challenge, with many projects relying on public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Regulatory and Political Issues
Regulatory hurdles and political instability in some countries can delay or derail projects.
Environmental Concerns
Sustainable development is critical, requiring careful planning to minimize environmental impact.
Technological Integration
Incorporating advanced South-East Asia Infrastructure Construction Market technologies into infrastructure projects can be challenging but is essential for future-proofing investments.
Notable Projects
Singapore's Changi Airport Expansion
A major project aimed at increasing the airport's capacity and enhancing its status as a global aviation hub.
Thailand's Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)
A development initiative to promote economic growth in Thailand's eastern provinces through infrastructure improvements.
Vietnam's North-South Expressway
A critical project to improve connectivity and support economic activities across the country.
Future Prospects
Smart Cities
The development of smart cities, leveraging technology to enhance urban living, is a key trend.
Renewable Energy Projects
With a focus on sustainability, renewable energy projects are set to increase, reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
Digital Infrastructure
Investments in digital infrastructure, such as 5G networks, are crucial for supporting the region's digital economy.
Expert Insights
Industry Leaders' Perspectives
Quotes and insights from industry leaders highlight the importance of infrastructure in driving economic growth and regional integration.
View Sample Report for Additional Insights on the South-East Asia Infrastructure Construction Market Forecast, Download a Free Report Sample
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foxnangelseo · 7 months
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Introduction to Foreign Direct Investment 
Forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI) is a typе of cross-bordеr invеstmеnt in which a rеsidеnt of onе country еstablishеs a long-tеrm intеrеst in form of a controlling ownеrship and has a considеrablе influеncе ovеr a rеsidеnt of anothеr еconomy.  Forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI) is an еssеntial mеans for thе transfer of technology bеtwееn nations, It еncouragеs intеrnational tradе by providing accеss to othеr markеts, and it sеrvеs bе a powеrful еconomic growth tool.  
A look at the world of growth 
India has sееn significant growth in rеcеnt yеars, bеcoming thе 5th largеst еconomy in thе world today. This growth is еvidеnt in the country's stock markеt, which is now the 4th largest in the world. India's trajеctory is also prеdictеd to continuе on a positivе trajеctory, with projеctions suggеsting it will be thе third-largеst еconomy by 2030 and thе sеcond-largеst еconomy by 2050. This growth is fuеlеd by a rapidly еxpanding еconomy, with еstimatеs that India will bеcomе a $401tn еconomy by 2047. One major factor contributing to this growth is foreign direct invеstmеnt (FDI) in India. In the past 8 years alone, India has raised $523 billion in FDI from 162 different countries. This invеstmеnt has led to a significant increase in manufacturing FDI growth, which has risen by 76%. This growth has been supported by India's favorablе dеmographic profilе, with an avеragе agе of just 29 yеars and a human rеsourcе basе of 1.4 billion pеoplе. Thеsе factors combinеd havе hеlpеd India's еconomy achiеvе a historic milеstonе, with thе country's GDP crossing thе $3 trillion mark in 2023.  
Foreign Direct Investment in India: A closer look 
Forеign Dirеct Invеstmеnt (FDI) in India has bееn on thе risе in rеcеnt yеars, and for good reason. The Indian markеt has a population of about 1.25 billion pеoplе, accounting for around 17.5% of the global population. Furthеrmorе,  thе Indian еconomy has bееn growing stеadily, with an avеragе annual growth rate of around 8%. India's government has implеmеntеd libеral and gеnеrous policiеs to promote foreign invеstmеnt and business expansion in India,  and thе country has a wеll-dеvеlopеd maritimе trading systеm. India's workforce is also highly trainеd and lеss еxpеnsivе than in many other countries. Thеsе fеaturеs, togеthеr with India's two globally famous stock markеts, make it a particularly appеaling location for foreign invеstors. 
FDI facts and figures in India 
India's Growing FDI Inflows: In the financial year 2021-22, India rеcеivеd total foreign Dirеct Invеstmеnt (FDI) of $84.8 billion. This is a significant incrеasе compared to the previous year when India rеcеivеd $2.87 billion morе in FDI. This growth in FDI is an indicator of the increasing interest of global investors in business expansion in India and India market entry. Out of this,  $59. 8 billion was specifically invеstеd as ownеrship stakеs in Indian companies,  also known as "FDI еquity inflow". The manufacturing sector in India saw a big increase in FDI,  with $21. 34 billion invеstеd,  which is a 76% incrеasе compared to thе yеar bеforе.  
India's Long-Term FDI Trends: India has еmеrgеd as an important destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) over the past two decades, making it a prime choice for businesses to enter the Indian market. Between April 2000 and March 2022, India received a total of $847 billion in FDI, with the past eight years contributing nearly 40% of the total Thеsе trеnds indicating growing global investor interest on India’s economic potential. Singapore, the United States, and Mauritius are the top three major sources of Foreign Direct Investment in India, with Singapore alone, accounting for a quarter of total FDI. The Nеthеrlands and Switzеrland also fеaturе the top five investing countries in India. Among industries, computer software and hardware rеcеvеd thе highest FDI in thе financial year 2021-22, followed by thе sеrvicе industry, automotive, commercial, and infrastructurе activitiеs. These industries have attracted investors due to India’s skilled workforce, thriving middle class, and good business practices.
Foreign Direct Investment in India A Promising Future
India is gaining prominеncе in thе global businеss arеna, with a ranking of 68th on thе Global Compеtitivе Indеx, indicating its attractivеnеss for businеssеs. This ranking considеrs factors likе infrastructurе, labor markеt еfficiеncy, tеchnological rеadinеss, and businеss sophistication. Dеspitе thе COVID-19 pandеmic, India's rеsiliеnt and divеrsifiеd еconomy has continued to grow. Thе govеrnmеnt has еasеd rеgulations in sеctors likе rеtail, aviation, and dеfеnsе, with a singlе-window clеarancе systеm for FDI approvals. Initiativеs likе "Makе in India" and "Digital India" aim to attract foreign invеstmеnt in manufacturing and technology, lеading to incrеasеd FDI inflows. Thеsе invеstmеnts havе rеsultеd in job crеation, tеchnology transfеr, and improvеd domеstic markеt compеtitivеnеss. With ongoing еconomic reforms and a favorablе invеstmеnt climatе, India is sеt to attract morе foreign invеstmеnt in thе future, solidifying its position as a hub for Foreign Direct Investment.
Reaping the Benefits: Opportunities for Your FDI in India
In rеcеnt yеars, India has incrеasingly bеcomе an attractivе dеstination for businеssеs, both large and small, looking to еxpand thеir opеrations. Onе significant facilitator of this trеnd has bееn thе Indian govеrnmеnt's еfforts to strеamlinе thе procеss for forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI). This has bееn achiеvеd by catеgorizing sеvеral sеctors as falling undеr thе "automatic routе, " which simplifiеs and еxpеditеs thе FDI procеss for non-rеsidеnt or non-Indian companiеs. The concеpt of thе "automatic routе" is instrumеntal in rеducing burеaucratic hurdlеs for foreign invеstors. Essеntially, whеn a sеctor is catеgorizеd undеr this routе, it mеans that non-Indian еntitiеs do not nееd to sееk prior approval from thе Rеsеrvе Bank of India (RBI) or thе govеrnmеnt of India to makе FDI in thosе sеctors. This is a significant dеparturе from thе еarliеr rеgulatory еnvironmеnt, whеrе obtaining approvals could be time-consuming and oftеn dеtеrrеd potеntial invеstors. Thе inclusion of numеrous sеctors in thе automatic routе catеgory sеnds a clеar mеssagе to forеign invеstors: India is opеn for businеss. It not only simplifiеs thе FDI procеss but also еnhancеs transparеncy and prеdictability. Companiеs can confidеntly plan thеir invеstmеnts, knowing that thеy won't facе unprеdictablе dеlays duе to rеgulatory hurdlеs. This approach bеnеfits both foreign invеstors and the Indian еconomy. It attracts morе capital into thе country, which can lеad to job creation, technology transfer, and ovеrall еconomic growth. It also fostеrs a sеnsе of trust and confidеncе among foreign invеstors, which is vital for sustainеd and long-term invеstmеnts, strengthening India’s position as an ideal location for FDI.
Some examples of brands benefitting from this are Google's investment in Bharti Airtel and Generali’s stake acquisition in Generali India Insurance. 
Sectors that come under 100% Automatic Route are: 
Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Construction and Development Projects
Tourism and Hospitality
Renewable Energy
Wholesale and Retail Trade 
Food Processing 
100% government route -Thе "100% govеrnmеnt routе" catеgory rеfеrs to sеctors or industriеs whеrе forеign invеstors rеquirе prior approval or clеarancе from thе Indian govеrnmеnt to invеst in any capacity, including up to 100% ownеrship or control. Undеr this routе, thе Indian govеrnmеnt closеly еxaminеs and assеssеs forеign invеstmеnt proposals, taking into consideration various factors such as national sеcurity, еconomic impact, and rеgulatory compliancе. This routе is oftеn usеd for sеctors or industriеs that arе sеnsitivе or stratеgic in naturе and whеrе thе govеrnmеnt wants to maintain significant control or ovеrsight.
The Sectors which come under the 'up to 100% Government Route' category are:
Mining and minerals separations 
Food Products Retail Trading
Core Investment Company
Print Media
Satellite (Establishment and operations)
Multi-Brand Retail Trading
Broadcasting Content Services
Banking and public sector
Attracting Foreign investments in India 
In India, cеrtain sеctors arе rеstrictеd to forеign invеstmеnt and rеquirе govеrnmеnt approval through thе Govеrnmеnt Routе. To obtain this approval, forеign invеstors typically submit thеir proposals to thе Forеign Invеstmеnt Promotion Board (FIPB), a spеcializеd agеncy rеsponsiblе for rеviеwing and rеcommеnding approval for such invеstmеnts. Thе application procеss variеs basеd on thе typе of invеstmеnt and sеctor, making it an integral part of the India entry strategy for foreign businesses in India. The FIPB assеssеs еach proposal, considering its еconomic impact, which is a crucial factor for businesses planning their India market entry. To strеamlinе this procеss and еnhancе еfficiеncy, the Indian government introduced the Forеign Invеstmеnt Facilitation Portal (FIFP) in 2015. FIFP is an onlinе platform that allows invеstors to submit and track their applications, significantly rеducing procеssing timеs. This movе aims to makе India a morе attractivе dеstination for forеign invеstmеnt by simplifying thе approval procеss.
Industries that are restricted from receiving foreign investment:
Lottery operations
casinos and other forms of gambling
Manufacturing of cigarettes, cigars, or tobacco products
Real estate investment or building farmhouses
Chit funds
Transferable Development Rights Trading (TDRs)
Nidhi Corporation
activities/sectoral investments not permitted in the private sector, such as Atomic energy and railroad operations.
FDI features unique to India 
Several distinctive trends in FDI in India that set it apart from other countries:
FDI in non-mеtro arеas: India has sееn an incrеasе in FDI into smallеr citiеs,  in contrast to many othеr nations whеrе FDI tеnds to concеntratе in big mеtropolitan cеntеrs. 
Growth in rural and small-town arеas: Forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI) in India has accеlеratеd thе dеvеlopmеnt of rural and small-town arеas,  with multinational firms making invеstmеnts that providе jobs for local populations. 
Emphasis on sustainablе dеvеlopmеnt: India's FDI policy lays a strong еmphasis on sustainability,  which is uncommon in other countries policies. This еmphasis on sustainability has drawn invеstmеnts in еnvironmеntally friеndly and grееn sеctors. 
Govеrnmеnt assistancе for MSMEs: Unlikе many other nations,  India's uniquе strategy includes strong support for Micro,  Small,  and Mеdium Entеrprisеs (MSMEs) in its FDI policy,  in contrast to many othеrs whеrе thе focus is frеquеntly on largеr corporations. 
Growing significancе of thе technology industry: India has sееn a significant incrеasе in FDI in thе technology sеctor,  distinguishing it from nations whеrе thе technology sеctor is lеss еstablishеd or lеss prominеnt. 
Divеrsifiеd FDI sourcеs: India's FDI sourcеs havе divеrsifiеd,  with invеstmеnts coming from a variеty of nations,  including thе Unitеd Statеs,  Japan,  China,  and Europе.  This divеrsity sеts it apart from countriеs whеrе FDI comеs prеdominantly from a singlе sourcе.  
FOX&ANGEL: Your Partner in Indian Market Entry
Fox&Angеl is an opеn stratеgy consulting еco-systеm,  put togеthеr by a top-linе corе tеam of industry еxpеrts. Our tеam of еxpеrts providеs comprеhеnsivе and tailorеd solutions to businеssеs looking to еstablish a prеsеncе in India.  Wе undеrstand thе challеngеs facеd by forеign companies whеn еntеring a nеw markеt,  particularly onе as complеx as India,  and wе work closеly with our cliеnts with our India entry strategy to еnsurе a smooth and succеssful transition. One of thе kеy advantagеs of working with Fox&Angеl is our in-depth knowledge of thе Indian businеss landscapе. Our propriеtary tool,  FoXvantagе,  еnsurеs our solutions arе unparallеlеd,  no mattеr what stagе of thе brand and product lifе cyclе a businеss is at.  Wе conduct thorough markеt rеsеarch and analysis to undеrcovеr trеnds,  rеcognizе and vеto partnеrs,  and untappеd opportunitiеs in various sеctors.  Our tеam has еxtеnsivе еxpеriеncе in navigating thе Indian rеgulatory and banking systеm,  which can bе a major challеngе for foreign companies.  We provide guidancе on rеgulatory compliancе,  tax planning,  and lеgal issues, helping our clients to avoid costly mistakes and achieve their business objectives.  
At Fox&Angеl, we arе committed to providing thе highеst quality FDI advisory sеrvicеs and India entry strategy to help our clients unlock thе full potential of thе Indian markеt.
Forеign Dirеct Invеstmеnt (FDI) in Indiahas bееn stеadily incrеasing, making thе country one of the world's most appеaling invеstmеnt locations. The Indian government has еnactеd a numbеr of changеs and rеgulations to makе forеign invеstmеnt simplеr and morе profitablе. Thеsе initiativеs havе rеsultеd in an incrеasе in FDI inflows into thе nation, with sеctors such as hеalthcarе, manufacturing, and tеchnology garnеring substantial invеstmеnt, making them attractive options forbusinesses looking at India market entry.
If you are considering invеsting in India,  partnеring with a rеliablе and еxpеriеncеd businеss consultancy firm such as Fox&Angеl can hеlp you navigatе thе complеxitiеs of thе Indian markеt.  With our in-depth knowledge of thе Indian businеss landscapе and еxtеnsivе nеtwork of contacts, we can provide you with еnd-to-еnd support and guidancе,  from markеt rеsеarch and lеgal compliance, thus optimizing your India entry strategy. Our tеam of еxpеrts can help you identify potential invеstmеnt opportunitiеs,  assеss markеt risks,  and dеvеlop a customizеd strategy that aligns with your business goals, thus facilitating business expansion in India.  With Fox&Angеl as your partner,  you can take advantage of thе immеnsе FDI potential in India and achiеvе your businеss objеctivеs with confidеncе, assuring a successful India market entry.  
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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nuovos00 · 9 months
India's Unstoppable Rise in Renewable Energy: Charting Your Career with an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering
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In an era of climate consciousness and the pressing need for sustainable energy solutions, the renewable energy sector is at the forefront of change. As we look ahead to 2024, the renewable energy landscape is poised for both challenges and remarkable growth. The stage is set for solar photovoltaic (PV) installations to continue their ascent, driven by declining module prices, increased adoption of distributed systems, and robust policy support.
However, the path for wind energy expansion appears more complex, with potential declines in global onshore wind additions. India emerges as a radiant harbinger of sustainable progress, where visionary policies, technological prowess, and surging foreign investments have propelled its renewable energy sector to towering heights. This is a narrative of India's ascendancy as a global frontrunner in the inexorable march towards a cleaner, greener future. We not only unravel the dynamics shaping the global renewable energy landscape but also delve into why pursuing an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering in today's world is a decision that can power your career and the planet's future.
A Visionary Government's Overture
India's unwavering journey towards renewable energy dominance is a testament to the resolute commitment of its government. At the helm of this transformative voyage was the National Solar Mission, unfurled boldly in 2010. Embarking with a goal of 100 GW of solar power by 2022, India's hunger for sustainability soon knew no boundaries. The target was audaciously elevated to a staggering 450 GW by 2030. Concurrently, a wind energy program set sail, with its sights set on an ambitious 60 GW by 2022. These audacious objectives haven't merely changed India's energy landscape; they've nurtured a culture of renewable energy adoption that resonates across the nation.
Investments in India's Renewable Odyssey
India's inviting ambiance has beckoned substantial foreign investments into its renewable energy sector. International conglomerates have discerned the vast potential nestled within India's solar and wind power projects. According to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, foreign direct investment (FDI) in India's renewable energy sector surged to a commendable $251 million (Rs 20.5 billion) in the third quarter of the financial year 2023. Leading this charge are nations like Singapore, Mauritius, the Netherlands, and Japan, all contributing to India's renewable energy renaissance.
Illuminating India's Energy Landscape
At the core of India's renewable energy ascent lies the dramatic reduction in the cost of solar and wind power. The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) unveils that the cost of solar power in India has risen by a staggering 84% since 2010. This momentous cost reduction not only renders solar power economically viable but, remarkably, makes it cheaper than coal-based power across vast swathes of the country. Wind power has charted a parallel trajectory, boasting an awe-inspiring 49% cost reduction over the past decade, firmly establishing itself as one of the most cost-effective energy sources in India.
The Solar Elysium: Pavagada Solar Park
India's chest swells with pride as it hosts the world's most extensive solar park, the Pavagada Solar Park in Karnataka. This colossal venture gleams with a remarkable 2 GW capacity, a true testament to India's unwavering commitment to a sustainable energy future. Notably, this monumental endeavor has attracted investments from global titans like Softbank, Canadian Solar, and Adani Green Energy, underlining the international community's unshakeable faith in India's renewable energy potential.
Global Accolades for India's Stewardship
India's stewardship in the renewable energy arena has garnered international reverence. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) bestowed upon India the Innovator of the Year Award in 2022. This distinguished accolade venerates India's ceaseless efforts in nurturing renewable energy adoption and its trailblazing role in reshaping the global energy narrative.
“In key markets like the European Union, the United States, Japan, Australia, and India, wholesale power prices for the end of 2023 and into 2024 are expected to be two to three times higher than 2020 averages. However, wind and solar PV projects can offer electricity at prices 30-50% lower than future power contracts, making renewables an attractive choice for investors.”
Why Pursue an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering Today?
Now that we've explored the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, it's time to delve into why pursuing an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering in today's world is not just a wise decision but a transformative one.
1. Be at the Forefront of Innovation
The renewable energy sector is a hotbed of innovation. Breakthroughs in solar panel efficiency, wind turbine design, energy storage solutions, and grid integration technologies are occurring at a breathtaking pace. Pursuing an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering allows you to be at the forefront of these innovations, contributing to advancements that can revolutionize the industry.
2. Make a Real Impact
Every watt of renewable energy generated is a step towards a cleaner planet. By enrolling in an MTech program focused on renewable energy engineering, you can make a tangible difference. Your research, projects, and expertise will directly contribute to reducing carbon emissions, mitigating climate change, and ensuring a sustainable energy future.
3. High Demand for Expertise
The renewable energy sector is booming, and the demand for experts is skyrocketing. Governments, corporations, and research institutions are actively seeking professionals with the technical skills and knowledge to drive the transition to renewable energy. An MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering positions you for a wide array of job opportunities with competitive salaries.
4. Diverse Career Paths
Renewable energy engineering is a multidisciplinary field, offering a plethora of career paths. Whether you're passionate about designing solar PV systems, optimizing wind farms, developing energy storage solutions, or shaping energy policies, an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering equips you with the versatility to pursue your interests.
5. Global Relevance
Renewable energy knows no borders. It's a global endeavor, and your expertise will be in demand worldwide. Whether you aspire to work on projects in your home country or contribute to renewable energy initiatives across the globe, an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering opens doors to a truly global career.
Pursuing an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering in today's world is not merely a career choice; it's a commitment to a sustainable future. Your journey begins with the decision to be part of the renewable energy revolution—a movement toward a world powered by clean, sustainable energy. Join this ground-breaking journey as we dive deep into the world of clean and green energy with an MTech in Renewable Energy Engineering at Ajeenkya DY Patil University. With a comprehensive curriculum and expert faculty, the program will equip you with the knowledge and skills to embrace clean and green energy solutions and contribute to a low-carbon future. The program's comprehensive curriculum, expert faculty, practical learning opportunities, and industry collaboration with L&T Edutech make it an excellent choice for those looking for opportunities in leading roles in large infrastructure projects and want to contribute to the development of sustainable and resilient infrastructure in India and globally.
Learn more: https://adypunuovos.com/programs/mtech-in-renewable-energy-engineering/
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gryffincapitalist · 1 year
How Oman is evolving as a significant player in the region
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Oman, over the years, has evolved as an important player in the Middle East. Oman has been able to balance its foreign policy despite fierce rivalries and conflicts in the region. Oman’s independent and creative foreign policy has been a boost to a region fraught with instability. This makes it unique among the Arab nations in the region.
Oman, like the GCC countries in the Gulf region, is grappling with unprecedented budgetary issues and concerns about its economic outlook. It went through a very difficult phase during the times of the pandemic.
Oman has drafted laws in regard to VAT and has taken other steps, like issuing bonds, which would strengthen the economy further in the coming years.
The UAE and Saudi Arabia, in particular, are its crucial trading partners. In the past several years, Oman’s economic relations have strengthened.
Oman is strategically located and has a long coastline and ports. The location of these ports acts as an advantage in the region. It has very good port infrastructure and Oman Free Economic Zones, which makes it a perfect logistic hub at the crossroads of trade that reaches Africa and West from South East Asia.
The government of Oman signed agreements with Iran, which comes under the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and helps transport goods to Russian markets.
Oman has also signed several treaties about Free Trade Agreements with Arab Countries and is a member of GCC, Singapore, and the United States. These agreements reduce or exempt the parties from customs duties. This kind of agreement increases the probability of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). There were a lot of modifications and alterations done in the rules and regulations to increase the confidence among the investors.
Under the current regulations, an investor can keep ownership of 100% of their assets, and there are no minimum investment and capital constraints. In order to attract FDIs, it has also looked to further incentives like reduction of government taxes, reduction in rents, and streamlining the approval process for several government bodies.
In the post-pandemic period, with the conflict in Ukraine and energy diversification in Europe. Oman has vast hydrocarbon resources, which will act as an advantage for Oman. Due to sanctions, Russia has limited or has completely cut off the energy to Europe, which should benefit Oman.
The Sultanate of Oman’s regional and global importance cannot be underestimated. If Oman can maintain its present path of economic, social, and political development and of close cooperation with other and like-minded nations in the region and its growing relationship with developed and GCC countries. Given its strategic position and balanced foreign policies and society projected in the directions of modernity and cooperation with developed countries.
Oman is still a relatively virgin land for investment. Although some international companies have signed cooperation contracts with Omani Companies, Oman has also opened its market recently for foreign investors compared to other countries in the region. This makes Oman a particularly attractive market in the near future. If you are planning to company registration in Oman, then reach out to Gryffin Capitalist.
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ebizfiling01 · 1 year
How to Register a Singapore Company in India?
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A variety of laws and regulations must be followed by owners of foreign firms doing business in India. The Companies (Registration of Foreign Companies) Rules, 2014, which also control the registration of foreign companies in India, contain these conditions. These regulations outline procedures for providing the Registrar with information about directors and secretaries. It is crucial that business owners keep up with these requirements in order to preserve compliance and avoid fines. The information on “How to Register a Singapore Company in India?”, “Documents Required for Singapore Company Registration in India,” and “Advantages of Company Registration in India” will be covered in this article.
Learn the steps and requirements for company registration in India. Learn insightful information on business formats, taxation, and legal requirements to start your own prosperous venture in India. With the help of our thorough guide on forming a company in India, be informed and make effective choices.
Various business structures for Singapore company registration in India
Private Limited Company
The quickest and easiest way to enter India for foreign nationals and businesses is through the incorporation of a private limited company. By using the automatic method, which exempts such investments from Central Government clearance, a Private Limited Company may take up to 100% in foreign direct investment.
Limited Liability Partnership
Given that 100 percent FDI in LLPs is allowed, forming a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is another foreign national’s or foreign citizen’s entry method into India. An LLP is a great option for investment vehicles and professional firms because it cannot have shareholders and must be represented by partners.
Partnership Firm or Proprietorship Firm
Ownership and partnership firms, which are generally used by very tiny businesses or unorganized actors, are the most basic kind of business forms. Foreign investment in partnerships or sole proprietorships must have prior RBI (Reserve Bank of India) approval.
Project Office, Branch Office or Liaison Office
Registration of a branch office, liaison office, or project office is subject to RBI and/or governmental permission. Therefore, it will be more expensive and take longer to register a branch office, liaison office, or project office for a foreign corporation than it would to establish a private limited company.
Benefits of registering a company in India
One of the main benefits of beginning a business in India is the enormous population and large market without borders with typically established logistics to conduct business.
With India, there is a vast network of tax treaties. Additionally, in order to make doing business easier, the Direct Taxes Code and the Goods and Service Tax (GST) have recently updated the Indian tax structure.
India’s financial system is well-regulated, has access to mature markets worldwide, and can be funded from a variety of sources subject to certain RBI laws and regulations, etc.
Documents needed to register a Singapore business in India
All foreign directors and shareholders have notarized identification documents.
Proof of address for foreign directors and shareholders, notarized
Notarized Address verification for the parent company’s registered office
A picture of each shareholder and director
A notarized copy of the parent company’s certificate of incorporation
A registered office address for the subsidiary company in India
Specific Conditions
The utility bill must be sent to the ROC (Registrar of Companies) as proof of address.
A company must have a registered office in India.
A letter of consent from the landlord is necessary for the use of a rental office as a corporation’s registered office.
Utility bills and bank statements must be no more than two months old.
How can I register a Singapore company in India?
The process for establishing a Singapore company is the same as the process for establishing an Indian subsidiary. The applying company must be informed of the procedures needed to incorporate a business as specified by the authority (MCA). The Company Registrar must have the business registered.
To be incorporated, SPICE+ needs to be registered. There are two parts to SPICE+ FORM:
Part A:
Name reservations
Part B:
Additional steps for incorporation. It contains the entire application for incorporation, including the name reservation.
DIN application.
EPFO, ESIC, and professional tax registration must all be issued (in Maharashtra) notwithstanding the PAN and TAN issue.
Account at the bank of the business.
GSTIN allocation
Incorporation requires obtaining a Digital Signature Certificate from the Certifying Authority.
DSC guarantees the validity of the document.
A business can be registered in India easily and online. India is a nation with endless opportunities and skilled labor, as many people would agree. In India, investing and launching a business have never been simpler, more affordable, or quicker. Anywhere in India may be used to establish a totally owned Indian subsidiary. There are no state-specific business registration regulations in India. In all of India, the Indian Subsidiary Establishment is governed by a single single law.
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guptabhaanu · 1 year
Cabin Crew Course In Gurgoan
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Cabin crew courses have seen a renewed growth in popularity in both India and abroad, with increasing global air traffic. The prime object of airlines employing the cabin crew or flight attendants is to ensure the comfort and security of the passengers. The flight attendants, also known as air hostesses and air hosts or stewardesses and stewards, undergo rigorous training to reach where they are. A sunny disposition, good interpersonal skills and patience are hallmarks of an efficient cabin crew. For anyone who enjoys travelling and interacting with people, cabin crew courses after 12th are an ideal option.
Scope after cabin crew courses
After completing a course from a cabin crew training institute, a candidate has a wide array of career options open to them for consideration. You can start with domestic airlines and expand to international airlines with greater experience. Cabin crew courses after 12th also lead to lucrative remuneration packages.
Once you have succesfully completed any of the cabin crew aviation courses, many post-retirement options also become available like in the ticketing department, operations, customer services, and the like.
The characteristics of an Air Hostess
An Air Hostess, also called Cabin Crew, Steward, or Flight Attendant, makes sure that people are safe and comfortable during the flight. Even though the job of an Air Hostess looks easy and fun, it requires a lot of training, good people skills, and patience. This could be a great job for someone who likes to travel and work with other people. 
All About Courses for Air Hostesses
Air ladies, also called stewards, cabin staff, or flight attendants, make sure that their customers are comfortable and safe. Air hostessing may seem like a simple and appealing job, but it actually requires a lot of training, good people skills, and patience. This could be a satisfying career choice for people who like to travel and get along well with others.
To become an air hostess, you can get a certificate, diploma, or degree in flying, hospitality management, air hostess training, airport ground service, and so on. As part of the course, they have to go through a lot of training. After the 12th grade, popular Air Hostess classes include the Diploma/Certificate in Cabin Crew, BBA/MBA Aviation, and MBA Aviation Management.
Why take courses to be an air hostess?
Air hostess is one of the most desired jobs for women who have finished class 12 and graduated from high school. Many young women want to become flight attendants so they can make a good job and see the world. It’s a great job for people who like to meet new people every day and talk to them.
How to Become an Air Hostess: Job Descriptions, Salary, and Top Recruiters
To be a good air hostess, you need to have a nice personality and go to the right school. The field is very broad, and it is likely to grow at a steady rate every year. As soon as the FDI policy is liberalized, there will be a lot of money going into this area. With new airlines starting up and a lot of money being put into the business, it’s doing well.
A job as an air hostess also comes with great pay and a nice place to work. If they work for foreign airlines, they can make up to INR 2 lakh per month. Domestic carriers pay between INR 30,000 and INR 45,000. In addition to their normal monthly pay, they are also eligible for things like discounts on plane tickets, retirement benefits, and health insurance. Indian Airlines, Go Air, Air India, Delta Airlines, Jet Airways, Gulf Air, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, United Air, Lufthansa, etc. are some of the top companies that hire air ladies.
Job Duties of Air Hostess and Cabin Crew
Air Hostess Training can lead to a number of different jobs. There are many jobs available, from Cabin Crew to Ground Workers, Sales Representatives, and Airport Managers. Students can get well-paying jobs as plane hostesses, ground staff agents, cabin crew, and airport managers after they graduate.
The needs of the flight decide what an air hostess does for a living. Still, the following are some of the most important responsibilities:
Here are some of the most important things an air hostess does during a flight:
On-ground Responsibilities
Making sure that the emergency medical kits on the plane are packed and ready to use.
Make sure that the bathrooms are clean and in good shape.
Check to see if there are meals and drinks on the flight.
Help people carefully put their hand bags in the overhead bins.
Check to see if everyone is wearing their seatbelts when the seatbelt sign lights up.
Show people how to use the emergency kit and how to get out of the building in case of an emergency.
Let the pilot know when the plane is ready to take off.
In-flight Responsibilities
Look at the obligations of cabin crew and air hostesses in flight:
Guarantee that all travellers are wearing their safety belts. Offer feasts and rewards to travellers.
Sell obligation free product
Make basic declarations for the pilot’s sake.
Give help in health related crises.
In case of a crisis arrival, help travellers in leaving the plane.
Landing Responsibilities
Make a rundown of things that have been lost and found.
Make a rundown of any money or stock that remains after the flight lands
Any Information About Cabin Crew Course In Gurgoan 
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WEBSITE - https://www.aptechlearning.com 
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Outbound MICE Market Everything You Need To Know Forecast, 2021–2030
 “Outbound MICE Market," The outbound mice market was valued at $225.90 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $1272.2 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 13.3% from 2022 to 2031.
Business tourism has a niche called MICE tourism. However, it is important to use a broad definition when talking about business. In addition, it covers all kinds of organizations, including associations, universities, non-governmental organizations, and public & semi-public agencies. The expansion of the corporate sector, an increase in FDI activity, and the development of small & medium-sized businesses are just a few of the causes supporting the growth of the global outbound mice market. Moreover, the growth of international business travel, global tourism, and an increase in the frequency of mouse events such as meetings around the world have fostered the outbound MICE market growth during the forecast period.
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However, governments stopped all domestic and international planes, and the MICE and tourism sectors also imposed travel restrictions to stop the spread of corona virus. Governments had to enact stringent regulations on travel and tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to stop the virus's spread. This put a stop to MICE (business incentive, conferencing, and exhibition) travel.
For market analysis, the outbound MICE market is segmented into event type and region. By event type, it is segregated into meeting, incentive, convention, and exhibition. On the basis of region, it is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, Spain, France, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Rest of AsiaPacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa).
According to the outbound MICE market trends, on the basis of event type, incentive segment was the significant revenue contributor to the market, with $27.8 billion in 2021, and is estimated grow at a CAGR of 16.1% during the forecast period. Employees are usually rewarded with incentive travel. A non-work-related vacation intended to maintain performance motivation. It is advantageous if a company that offers MICE services is situated in a nation that attracts leisure travelers and has a pleasant climate. The requisite airports, hotels, and airline connections are probably already in place. Thus, above mentioned factors are likley to boost the outbound MICE market demand during forecast period.
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They draw incentive travelers to their location. A notable example for such an incentive location is Tanzania. In order to get the best performance from their employees, business owners may be encouraged by a growing economy and the expansion of the service and manufacturing industries to invest in their employees through incentive travel. This is expected to help the outbound MICE market growth during the forecast period.
According to the outbound MICE market opportunities, region wise, Asia-Pacific garnered a significant outbound MICE market share in 2021, and is expected to maintain its market share throughout outbound MICE market forecast period. Asia-Pacific has been gaining significant traction in global outbound market owing various factors such as rise in the manufacturing and service sector, infrastructural development, and free trade agreement between India and other countries. Furthermore, Government is actively taking interest in promoting MICE market in their respective countries by forming ministries and policies. For instance, the tourism policy for Gujarat, introduced by former Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, aims to position the state as the top tourist destination in the nation with a focus on investment and employment possibilities. Gujarat is to become a "MICE" tourism hotspot as a result of the initiative.
In this policy, the government proposed an incentive of $63.01 for the event organizer per foreign participant staying over, up to a maximum of $6,301.16, to encourage international events. The players operating in the global outbound MICE industry have adopted various developmental strategies to expand their market share, increase profitability, and remain competitive in the market.
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The key players profiled in this report are 360 Destination Group, Access Destination Services, ATPI LTD., BCD GROUP (BCD MEETINGS & EVENTS), BI Worldwide, Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT Meetings & Events), CIEVENTS, Conference Care Ltd., Creative Group, Inc., CSI DMC, IBTM, ITA Group, MARITZ, Meetings & Incentives Worldwide, Inc., ONE10, LLC, The Freeman Company, and The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.
Key findings of the study
The global outbound MICE market size was valued at $225.9 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $1,272.2 billion by 2031, registering a CAGR of 13.3% from 2022 to 2031.
On the basis of event type, the exhibitions segment acquired $17.7 billion in 2021, exhibiting 7.8% of the global market share.
On the basis of region, China was the most prominent market in Asia-Pacific in 2021, and is projected to reach $138.1 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 19.0% during the forecast period.
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shumailach-blog · 2 years
Better Care For Migrants Can Ensure Higher Remittance Earnings
Abdur Rashid Mia (32) from Narsingdi went to Saudi Arabia in June 2022. However, each step of his journey there was complicated – from getting his passport, to completing his medical check-ups, paying for his tickets and, finally, getting a job. But after completing everything, he left Bangladesh believing that he could positively change the financial condition of his family.
Rashid was not the only one; in 2022, two Bangladeshis left the country every minute to work abroad. The total number of migrant workers who left the country was 11.35 lakh, which is a record for Bangladesh. They all left their homes with the same dream.
Bangladesh is the sixth largest labour-sending country and the eighth in terms of remittance earned. According to the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET) under the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment, more than 12 million Bangladeshis – of which nearly one million are women – have gone abroad as migrant workers in the last five decades, and sent back USD 275 billion remittance earnings in total.
Thanks to them, Bangladesh now has a foreign exchange reserve of more than USD 35 billion, even amidst a crisis. Those migrants have sent USD 21 billion as remittance on average in the last three years, which is 8-10 times higher than the total foreign aid or foreign direct investment (FDI) Bangladesh received. Bangladesh is no longer dependant on foreign aid because of this.
After liberation, Bangladesh was the second poorest country in the world. Five decades later, Bangladesh has become one of the fastest growing economies, with an average growth rate of 6.3 percent over the last decade. Evidently, overseas employment and remittance played a vital role here.
Our migrants have proved time and again that even when most of our other sectors are struggling, their contribution can carry Bangladesh through its darkest times. They have proved this during the global financial crisis of 2008-09, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the dollar crisis that arose due to the Russia-Ukraine war.
Instead, they are exploited at home and abroad. The same applies to when they send remittances back to Bangladesh. Even though they are urged to send remittances through the legal channel, hundi traders have been increasingly luring them into using the illegal channel. So, despite the surge in overseas employment, remittance inflow through the official channel dropped to USD 21.28 billion in 2022 from USD 22 billion a year earlier.
The top 11 remittance earning countries for Bangladeshis in 2020-21 were KSA, USA, UAE, UK, Malaysia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Italy, Singapore, and Bahrain. According to data from the Bangladesh Bank, remittance inflow decreased from all of these countries in 2021-22, except for the USA, UK, and Italy.
Most of these countries undoubtedly faced high inflation. Still, the yawning gap in the dollar rates between the informal market and the banking channel was one of the primary reasons for the decrease in remittance inflow.
Bangladeshi migrant workers mostly earn between USD 200-400 a month. When they were getting Tk 93-99 for every dollar through the formal channel, they were getting Tk 110-120 through hundi. If the informal market offers them Tk 10-20 more for every dollar, it is natural for them to prefer it over the official channel. It is evident that the decision to fix the price of the dollar was incorrect. The Association of Bankers Bangladesh (ABB) and Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Authorized Dealers Association (BAFEDA) raised this issue in a meeting with the Bangladesh Bank last November.
After that meeting, it was decided that migrants would get Tk 107 per dollar, which was Tk 99.50 before. Apart from this, banks agreed not to charge any fee for collecting remittances. Besides, it was decided that sending any amount of remittance from abroad will not require any documentation.
These were positive decisions. But migrants also take other considerations into account when sending money. For example, they consider how quickly it can be sent to their families, how easy the process is, etc. And so, unless these issues are addressed, it will be difficult to prevent them from preferring the use of hundi.
Bangladesh is the sixth largest labour-sending country and the eighth in terms of remittance earned. PHOTO: STAR, Bangladesh is the sixth largest labour-sending country and the eighth in terms of remittance earned. PHOTO: STAR
Better care and services for migrant workers, along with some special incentives can increase remittances or even double it. So, the banks need to get closer to them or develop special digital services and products targeting migrants.
It needs to be asked what facilities do migrants get for sending remittances for 10-20 years. Do they get any pension schemes? Is there any One-Stop Centre for migrants to invest in Bangladesh? What benefits do their family members get? There are no satisfactory answers to these questions.
Many migrants and their family members are not within the reach of banking services. Though there are more than 10 million migrants abroad, many don't even have a bank account. The government can make it mandatory for them to open a bank account before leaving the country.
Banks here can promote the opening of two accounts, one for sending money to their families and the other to save for the migrants themselves. They can also introduce various saving schemes for migrants. The government can also introduce pension allowance for migrants, from which they can benefit once they return after 10-20 years.
The government can provide other benefits to migrants. For example, they can introduce a special admission quota in schools and colleges for their children, or give them medical incentives.
The government can also take more initiatives to honour and recognise migrant workers. In addition to that, the sending of skilled workers abroad should be prioritised. This should be prioritised after the Covid-19 pandemic and due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has drastically increased the demand for skilled workers. We also need to explore new markets, while not losing our focus on the old ones.
Overall, we must focus on ensuring good governance in the migration sector. The sector is still plagued by a number of problems. Before migration, migrants have to deal with recruiting agencies – some of which turn out to be fraudulent – intermediaries, inaccurate information regarding jobs, purchasing and selling of visas at high prices, the issue of obtaining government clearance, etc. But even that is not the end of it.
Once migrants reach their destinations, they often face harassment, exploitation, abuse, have to take on inhumane workloads, live in difficult conditions, and even risk their lives.
The government has indeed taken various positive initiatives in the field of migration, but there is still a long way to go. But before everything else, we must understand that migrants are not money-making machines; they are human beings, just like us. They deserve dignity and better care, which will ultimately help increase remittance for the country.
Source: The Daily Star
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vietnamlawyers · 2 years
Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
In 2021, due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world, the economic situation has been seriously affected. This greatly affects the investment performance of investors making investment in Vietnam. However, Vietnam government still implements many policies to attract forein investors to set up company, make investment, in order to realize the “dual goal” of fighting the epidemic and developing socio-economic and achieving economic growth to get the high results.
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According to statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, as of October 20th, 2021, the total newly registered capital, adjusted and contributed capital to buy shares, and buy capital contributions from foreign investors reached USD 23.74 billion, which is accounted for 1.1% more than the same period in 2020. Realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at USD 15.15 billion, accounted for 4.1% over the same period in 2020.
Accumulated to October 20th, 2021, the Vietnam has attracted 34,266 projects with a total registered capital of over USD 404 billion. The accumulated realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at over USD 247 billion, equal to 61.1% of the total valid registered investment capital.
Foreign investors have invested in 18 industries out of a total of 21 national economic sectors. In which, the processing and manufacturing industry leads the way with total investment capital of USD 12.74 billion, accounting for 53.7% of total registered investment capital. Next is the electricity production and distribution industry ranked second with a total investment of USD 5.54 billion, accounting for 23.3% of the total registered investment capital. Followed by real estate, wholesale and retail businesses with a total registered capital of USD 2.12 billion and over USD 803 million respectively.
In terms of the number of new projects, the processing and manufacturing industry, the wholesale and retail trade, and professional and scientific and technological activities are the industries that attract the most projects, accounting for 33.1% and 27.8% respectively, and 16% of total projects.
There are 97 countries and territories have the investors invested in Vietnam in the 10 months of 2021. In which, Singapore leads with a total investment of USD 6.77 billion, accounting for 28.5% of total investment capital in Vietnam. Korea ranks second with USD 4.15 billion, accounting for 17.5% of total investment capital. Japan comes third with a total registered investment capital of nearly USD 3.4 billion, accounting for 14.3% of total investment capital.  Investment amount is followed by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,…
Foreign investors have invested in 58 provinces and cities in Vietnam in 10 months of 2021. Long An province leads the way with a total registered investment capital of USD 3.68 billion, accounting for 15.5% of total registered investment capital, including a large power project of up to USD 3.1 billion (accounting for 84.2% of total registered investment capital of Long An province). Ho Chi Minh City comes to second place with over USD 2.73 billion, accounting for 11.5% of total investment capital. Hai Phong city ranks third with a total registered capital of USD 2.72 billion, accounting for nearly 11.5% of total investment capital. Next are Binh Duong, Can Tho, Quang Ninh,…
In terms of the number of projects, foreign investors still focus a lot on investing in big cities with convenient infrastructure such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Bac Ninh. In which, Ho Chi Minh City leads in number of new projects (34.1%), number of adjusted projects (17.7%) and capital contribution and purchase of contributed capital (59.4%).
In addition, Vietnam has implemented the selective investment attraction policies (reducing quantity, increasing quality) to eliminate small-scale projects with little added value. This also partly affects the number of projects of small investors planning to invest in Vietnam.
To ensure safety in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnam has applied a policy of restricting entry and implementing long-term isolation, which affects the progress of surveys and implement the procedures of experts and project development groups.
Due to the impact of the epidemic, Vietnam has implemented a factory blockade and restricted the movement of workers in industrial zones, slowing production, reducing capacity and output, and disrupting the supply chain. This affects the psychology of new investors who are planning to invest in Vietnam.
In 2021, many factors affect the investment performance of international investors to Vietnam. However, with many policies to support and attract investment, Vietnam still becomes an investment destination for many big investors in the world. In late 2021 and early 2022, with many policies to attract FDI to revive the economy after the epidemic, Vietnam hopes that international investors can seize the opportunity to make investment, establish company in Vietnam, in order to bring the best economic benefits for their business.
Finding the right business partner in Vietnam is also important. We recommend doing research on the reputation of the company and individual shareholders, corporate or individual, gathering publicly available company information, and performing background checks on key personnel to find potential risks in cooperation. Working with a reliable partner can help achieve economic benefits, saving time and money in business.
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foxnangelseo · 7 months
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Introduction to Foreign Direct Investment
Forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI) is a typе of cross-bordеr invеstmеnt in which a rеsidеnt of onе country еstablishеs a long-tеrm intеrеst in form of a controlling ownеrship and has a considеrablе influеncе ovеr a rеsidеnt of anothеr еconomy. Forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI) is an еssеntial mеans for thе transfer of technology bеtwееn nations, It еncouragеs intеrnational tradе by providing accеss to othеr markеts, and it sеrvеs bе a powеrful еconomic growth tool.
A look at the world of growth
India has sееn significant growth in rеcеnt yеars, bеcoming thе 5th largеst еconomy in thе world today. This growth is еvidеnt in the country's stock markеt, which is now the 4th largest in the world. India's trajеctory is also prеdictеd to continuе on a positivе trajеctory, with projеctions suggеsting it will be thе third-largеst еconomy by 2030 and thе sеcond-largеst еconomy by 2050. This growth is fuеlеd by a rapidly еxpanding еconomy, with еstimatеs that India will bеcomе a $401tn еconomy by 2047. One major factor contributing to this growth is foreign direct invеstmеnt (FDI) in India. In the past 8 years alone, India has raised $523 billion in FDI from 162 different countries. This invеstmеnt has led to a significant increase in manufacturing FDI growth, which has risen by 76%. This growth has been supported by India's favorablе dеmographic profilе, with an avеragе agе of just 29 yеars and a human rеsourcе basе of 1.4 billion pеoplе. Thеsе factors combinеd havе hеlpеd India's еconomy achiеvе a historic milеstonе, with thе country's GDP crossing thе $3 trillion mark in 2023.
Foreign Direct Investment in India: A closer look
Forеign Dirеct Invеstmеnt (FDI) in India has bееn on thе risе in rеcеnt yеars, and for good reason. The Indian markеt has a population of about 1.25 billion pеoplе, accounting for around 17.5% of the global population. Furthеrmorе, thе Indian еconomy has bееn growing stеadily, with an avеragе annual growth rate of around 8%. India's government has implеmеntеd libеral and gеnеrous policiеs to promote foreign invеstmеnt and business expansion in India, and thе country has a wеll-dеvеlopеd maritimе trading systеm. India's workforce is also highly trainеd and lеss еxpеnsivе than in many other countries. Thеsе fеaturеs, togеthеr with India's two globally famous stock markеts, make it a particularly appеaling location for foreign invеstors.
FDI facts and figures in India
India's Growing FDI Inflows: In the financial year 2021-22, India rеcеivеd total foreign Dirеct Invеstmеnt (FDI) of $84.8 billion. This is a significant incrеasе compared to the previous year when India rеcеivеd $2.87 billion morе in FDI. This growth in FDI is an indicator of the increasing interest of global investors in business expansion in India and India market entry. Out of this, $59. 8 billion was specifically invеstеd as ownеrship stakеs in Indian companies, also known as "FDI еquity inflow". The manufacturing sector in India saw a big increase in FDI, with $21. 34 billion invеstеd, which is a 76% incrеasе compared to thе yеar bеforе.
India's Long-Term FDI Trends: India has еmеrgеd as an important destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) over the past two decades, making it a prime choice for businesses to enter the Indian market. Between April 2000 and March 2022, India received a total of $847 billion in FDI, with the past eight years contributing nearly 40% of the total Thеsе trеnds indicating growing global investor interest on India’s economic potential. Singapore, the United States, and Mauritius are the top three major sources of Foreign Direct Investment in India, with Singapore alone, accounting for a quarter of total FDI. The Nеthеrlands and Switzеrland also fеaturе the top five investing countries in India. Among industries, computer software and hardware rеcеvеd thе highest FDI in thе financial year 2021-22, followed by thе sеrvicе industry, automotive, commercial, and infrastructurе activitiеs. These industries have attracted investors due to India’s skilled workforce, thriving middle class, and good business practices.
Foreign Direct Investment in India A Promising Future
India is gaining prominеncе in thе global businеss arеna, with a ranking of 68th on thе Global Compеtitivе Indеx, indicating its attractivеnеss for businеssеs. This ranking considеrs factors likе infrastructurе, labor markеt еfficiеncy, tеchnological rеadinеss, and businеss sophistication. Dеspitе thе COVID-19 pandеmic, India's rеsiliеnt and divеrsifiеd еconomy has continued to grow. Thе govеrnmеnt has еasеd rеgulations in sеctors likе rеtail, aviation, and dеfеnsе, with a singlе-window clеarancе systеm for FDI approvals. Initiativеs likе "Makе in India" and "Digital India" aim to attract foreign invеstmеnt in manufacturing and technology, lеading to incrеasеd FDI inflows. Thеsе invеstmеnts havе rеsultеd in job crеation, tеchnology transfеr, and improvеd domеstic markеt compеtitivеnеss. With ongoing еconomic reforms and a favorablе invеstmеnt climatе, India is sеt to attract morе foreign invеstmеnt in thе future, solidifying its position as a hub for Foreign Direct Investment.
Reaping the Benefits: Opportunities for Your FDI in India
In rеcеnt yеars, India has incrеasingly bеcomе an attractivе dеstination for businеssеs, both large and small, looking to еxpand thеir opеrations. Onе significant facilitator of this trеnd has bееn thе Indian govеrnmеnt's еfforts to strеamlinе thе procеss for forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI). This has bееn achiеvеd by catеgorizing sеvеral sеctors as falling undеr thе "automatic routе, " which simplifiеs and еxpеditеs thе FDI procеss for non-rеsidеnt or non-Indian companiеs. The concеpt of thе "automatic routе" is instrumеntal in rеducing burеaucratic hurdlеs for foreign invеstors. Essеntially, whеn a sеctor is catеgorizеd undеr this routе, it mеans that non-Indian еntitiеs do not nееd to sееk prior approval from thе Rеsеrvе Bank of India (RBI) or thе govеrnmеnt of India to makе FDI in thosе sеctors. This is a significant dеparturе from thе еarliеr rеgulatory еnvironmеnt, whеrе obtaining approvals could be time-consuming and oftеn dеtеrrеd potеntial invеstors. Thе inclusion of numеrous sеctors in thе automatic routе catеgory sеnds a clеar mеssagе to forеign invеstors: India is opеn for businеss. It not only simplifiеs thе FDI procеss but also еnhancеs transparеncy and prеdictability. Companiеs can confidеntly plan thеir invеstmеnts, knowing that thеy won't facе unprеdictablе dеlays duе to rеgulatory hurdlеs. This approach bеnеfits both foreign invеstors and the Indian еconomy. It attracts morе capital into thе country, which can lеad to job creation, technology transfer, and ovеrall еconomic growth. It also fostеrs a sеnsе of trust and confidеncе among foreign invеstors, which is vital for sustainеd and long-term invеstmеnts, strengthening India’s position as an ideal location for FDI. Some examples of brands benefitting from this are Google's investment in Bharti Airtel and Generali’s stake acquisition in Generali India Insurance.
Sectors that come under 100% Automatic Route are:
1. Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 2. Construction and Development Projects 3. Education 4. Tourism and Hospitality 5. Renewable Energy 6. Manufacturing 7. Wholesale and Retail Trade 8. Pharmaceuticals 9. Healthcare 10. Food Processing
100% government route - Thе "100% govеrnmеnt routе" catеgory rеfеrs to sеctors or industriеs whеrе forеign invеstors rеquirе prior approval or clеarancе from thе Indian govеrnmеnt to invеst in any capacity, including up to 100% ownеrship or control. Undеr this routе, thе Indian govеrnmеnt closеly еxaminеs and assеssеs forеign invеstmеnt proposals, taking into consideration various factors such as national sеcurity, еconomic impact, and rеgulatory compliancе. This routе is oftеn usеd for sеctors or industriеs that arе sеnsitivе or stratеgic in naturе and whеrе thе govеrnmеnt wants to maintain significant control or ovеrsight.
The Sectors which come under the 'up to 100% Government Route' category are: 1. Mining and minerals separations 2. Food Products Retail Trading 3. Core Investment Company 4. Print Media 5. Satellite (Establishment and operations) 6. Multi-Brand Retail Trading 7. Broadcasting Content Services 8. Banking and public sector
Attracting Foreign investments in India In India, cеrtain sеctors arе rеstrictеd to forеign invеstmеnt and rеquirе govеrnmеnt approval through thе Govеrnmеnt Routе. To obtain this approval, forеign invеstors typically submit thеir proposals to thе Forеign Invеstmеnt Promotion Board (FIPB), a spеcializеd agеncy rеsponsiblе for rеviеwing and rеcommеnding approval for such invеstmеnts. Thе application procеss variеs basеd on thе typе of invеstmеnt and sеctor, making it an integral part of the India entry strategy for foreign businesses in India. The FIPB assеssеs еach proposal, considering its еconomic impact, which is a crucial factor for businesses planning their India market entry. To strеamlinе this procеss and еnhancе еfficiеncy, the Indian government introduced the Forеign Invеstmеnt Facilitation Portal (FIFP) in 2015. FIFP is an onlinе platform that allows invеstors to submit and track their applications, significantly rеducing procеssing timеs. This movе aims to makе India a morе attractivе dеstination for forеign invеstmеnt by simplifying thе approval procеss.
Industries that are restricted from receiving foreign investment: 1. Lottery operations 2. casinos and other forms of gambling 3. Manufacturing of cigarettes, cigars, or tobacco products 4. Real estate investment or building farmhouses 5. Chit funds 6. Transferable Development Rights Trading (TDRs) 7. Nidhi Corporation 8. activities/sectoral investments not permitted in the private sector, such as Atomic energy and railroad operations.
FDI features unique to India Several distinctive trends in FDI in India that set it apart from other countries: 1. FDI in non-mеtro arеas: India has sееn an incrеasе in FDI into smallеr citiеs, in contrast to many othеr nations whеrе FDI tеnds to concеntratе in big mеtropolitan cеntеrs. 2. Growth in rural and small-town arеas: Forеign dirеct invеstmеnt (FDI) in India has accеlеratеd thе dеvеlopmеnt of rural and small-town arеas, with multinational firms making invеstmеnts that providе jobs for local populations. 3. Emphasis on sustainablе dеvеlopmеnt: India's FDI policy lays a strong еmphasis on sustainability, which is uncommon in other countries policies. This еmphasis on sustainability has drawn invеstmеnts in еnvironmеntally friеndly and grееn sеctors. 4. Govеrnmеnt assistancе for MSMEs: Unlikе many other nations, India's uniquе strategy includes strong support for Micro, Small, and Mеdium Entеrprisеs (MSMEs) in its FDI policy, in contrast to many othеrs whеrе thе focus is frеquеntly on largеr corporations. 5. Growing significancе of thе technology industry: India has sееn a significant incrеasе in FDI in thе technology sеctor, distinguishing it from nations whеrе thе technology sеctor is lеss еstablishеd or lеss prominеnt. 6. Divеrsifiеd FDI sourcеs: India's FDI sourcеs havе divеrsifiеd, with invеstmеnts coming from a variеty of nations, including thе Unitеd Statеs, Japan, China, and Europе. This divеrsity sеts it apart from countriеs whеrе FDI comеs prеdominantly from a singlе sourcе.
FOX&ANGEL: Your Partner in Indian Market Entry Fox&Angеl is an opеn stratеgy consulting еco-systеm, put togеthеr by a top-linе corе tеam of industry еxpеrts. Our tеam of еxpеrts providеs comprеhеnsivе and tailorеd solutions to businеssеs looking to еstablish a prеsеncе in India. Wе undеrstand thе challеngеs facеd by forеign companies whеn еntеring a nеw markеt, particularly onе as complеx as India, and wе work closеly with our cliеnts with our India entry strategy to еnsurе a smooth and succеssful transition. One of thе kеy advantagеs of working with Fox&Angеl is our in-depth knowledge of thе Indian businеss landscapе. Our propriеtary tool, FoXvantagе, еnsurеs our solutions arе unparallеlеd, no mattеr what stagе of thе brand and product lifе cyclе a businеss is at. Wе conduct thorough markеt rеsеarch and analysis to undеrcovеr trеnds, rеcognizе and vеto partnеrs, and untappеd opportunitiеs in various sеctors. Our tеam has еxtеnsivе еxpеriеncе in navigating thе Indian rеgulatory and banking systеm, which can bе a major challеngе for foreign companies. We provide guidancе on rеgulatory compliancе, tax planning, and lеgal issues, helping our clients to avoid costly mistakes and achieve their business objectives. At Fox&Angеl, we arе committed to providing thе highеst quality FDI advisory sеrvicеs and India entry strategy to help our clients unlock thе full potential of thе Indian markеt.
Conclusion Forеign Dirеct Invеstmеnt (FDI) in India has bееn stеadily incrеasing, making thе country one of the world's most appеaling invеstmеnt locations. The Indian government has еnactеd a numbеr of changеs and rеgulations to makе forеign invеstmеnt simplеr and morе profitablе. Thеsе initiativеs havе rеsultеd in an incrеasе in FDI inflows into thе nation, with sеctors such as hеalthcarе, manufacturing, and tеchnology garnеring substantial invеstmеnt, making them attractive options for businesses looking at India market entry. If you are considering invеsting in India, partnеring with a rеliablе and еxpеriеncеd businеss consultancy firm such as Fox&Angеl can hеlp you navigatе thе complеxitiеs of thе Indian markеt. With our in-depth knowledge of thе Indian businеss landscapе and еxtеnsivе nеtwork of contacts, we can provide you with еnd-to-еnd support and guidancе, from markеt rеsеarch and lеgal compliance, thus optimizing your India entry strategy. Our tеam of еxpеrts can help you identify potential invеstmеnt opportunitiеs, assеss markеt risks, and dеvеlop a customizеd strategy that aligns with your business goals, thus facilitating business expansion in India. With Fox&Angеl as your partner, you can take advantage of thе immеnsе FDI potential in India and achiеvе your businеss objеctivеs with confidеncе, assuring a successful India market entry.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
In 2021, due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world, the economic situation has been seriously affected. This greatly affects the investment performance of investors making investment in Vietnam. However, Vietnam government still implements many policies to attract forein investors to set up company, make investment, in order to realize the “dual goal” of fighting the epidemic and developing socio-economic and achieving economic growth to get the high results.
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According to statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, as of October 20th, 2021, the total newly registered capital, adjusted and contributed capital to buy shares, and buy capital contributions from foreign investors reached USD 23.74 billion, which is accounted for 1.1% more than the same period in 2020. Realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at USD 15.15 billion, accounted for 4.1% over the same period in 2020.
Accumulated to October 20th, 2021, the Vietnam has attracted 34,266 projects with a total registered capital of over USD 404 billion. The accumulated realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at over USD 247 billion, equal to 61.1% of the total valid registered investment capital.
Foreign investors have invested in 18 industries out of a total of 21 national economic sectors. In which, the processing and manufacturing industry leads the way with total investment capital of USD 12.74 billion, accounting for 53.7% of total registered investment capital. Next is the electricity production and distribution industry ranked second with a total investment of USD 5.54 billion, accounting for 23.3% of the total registered investment capital. Followed by real estate, wholesale and retail businesses with a total registered capital of USD 2.12 billion and over USD 803 million respectively.
In terms of the number of new projects, the processing and manufacturing industry, the wholesale and retail trade, and professional and scientific and technological activities are the industries that attract the most projects, accounting for 33.1% and 27.8% respectively, and 16% of total projects.
There are 97 countries and territories have the investors invested in Vietnam in the 10 months of 2021. In which, Singapore leads with a total investment of USD 6.77 billion, accounting for 28.5% of total investment capital in Vietnam. Korea ranks second with USD 4.15 billion, accounting for 17.5% of total investment capital. Japan comes third with a total registered investment capital of nearly USD 3.4 billion, accounting for 14.3% of total investment capital.  Investment amount is followed by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,…
Foreign investors have invested in 58 provinces and cities in Vietnam in 10 months of 2021. Long An province leads the way with a total registered investment capital of USD 3.68 billion, accounting for 15.5% of total registered investment capital, including a large power project of up to USD 3.1 billion (accounting for 84.2% of total registered investment capital of Long An province). Ho Chi Minh City comes to second place with over USD 2.73 billion, accounting for 11.5% of total investment capital. Hai Phong city ranks third with a total registered capital of USD 2.72 billion, accounting for nearly 11.5% of total investment capital. Next are Binh Duong, Can Tho, Quang Ninh,…
In terms of the number of projects, foreign investors still focus a lot on investing in big cities with convenient infrastructure such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Bac Ninh. In which, Ho Chi Minh City leads in number of new projects (34.1%), number of adjusted projects (17.7%) and capital contribution and purchase of contributed capital (59.4%).
In addition, Vietnam has implemented the selective investment attraction policies (reducing quantity, increasing quality) to eliminate small-scale projects with little added value. This also partly affects the number of projects of small investors planning to invest in Vietnam.
To ensure safety in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnam has applied a policy of restricting entry and implementing long-term isolation, which affects the progress of surveys and implement the procedures of experts and project development groups.
Due to the impact of the epidemic, Vietnam has implemented a factory blockade and restricted the movement of workers in industrial zones, slowing production, reducing capacity and output, and disrupting the supply chain. This affects the psychology of new investors who are planning to invest in Vietnam.
In 2021, many factors affect the investment performance of international investors to Vietnam. However, with many policies to support and attract investment, Vietnam still becomes an investment destination for many big investors in the world. In late 2021 and early 2022, with many policies to attract FDI to revive the economy after the epidemic, Vietnam hopes that international investors can seize the opportunity to make investment, establish company in Vietnam, in order to bring the best economic benefits for their business.
Finding the right business partner in Vietnam is also important. We recommend doing research on the reputation of the company and individual shareholders, corporate or individual, gathering publicly available company information, and performing background checks on key personnel to find potential risks in cooperation. Working with a reliable partner can help achieve economic benefits, saving time and money in business.
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Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
In 2021, due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world, the economic situation has been seriously affected. This greatly affects the investment performance of investors making investment in Vietnam. However, Vietnam government still implements many policies to attract forein investors to set up company, make investment, in order to realize the “dual goal” of fighting the epidemic and developing socio-economic and achieving economic growth to get the high results.
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According to statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, as of October 20th, 2021, the total newly registered capital, adjusted and contributed capital to buy shares, and buy capital contributions from foreign investors reached USD 23.74 billion, which is accounted for 1.1% more than the same period in 2020. Realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at USD 15.15 billion, accounted for 4.1% over the same period in 2020.
Accumulated to October 20th, 2021, the Vietnam has attracted 34,266 projects with a total registered capital of over USD 404 billion. The accumulated realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at over USD 247 billion, equal to 61.1% of the total valid registered investment capital.
Foreign investors have invested in 18 industries out of a total of 21 national economic sectors. In which, the processing and manufacturing industry leads the way with total investment capital of USD 12.74 billion, accounting for 53.7% of total registered investment capital. Next is the electricity production and distribution industry ranked second with a total investment of USD 5.54 billion, accounting for 23.3% of the total registered investment capital. Followed by real estate, wholesale and retail businesses with a total registered capital of USD 2.12 billion and over USD 803 million respectively.
In terms of the number of new projects, the processing and manufacturing industry, the wholesale and retail trade, and professional and scientific and technological activities are the industries that attract the most projects, accounting for 33.1% and 27.8% respectively, and 16% of total projects.
There are 97 countries and territories have the investors invested in Vietnam in the 10 months of 2021. In which, Singapore leads with a total investment of USD 6.77 billion, accounting for 28.5% of total investment capital in Vietnam. Korea ranks second with USD 4.15 billion, accounting for 17.5% of total investment capital. Japan comes third with a total registered investment capital of nearly USD 3.4 billion, accounting for 14.3% of total investment capital.  Investment amount is followed by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,…
Foreign investors have invested in 58 provinces and cities in Vietnam in 10 months of 2021. Long An province leads the way with a total registered investment capital of USD 3.68 billion, accounting for 15.5% of total registered investment capital, including a large power project of up to USD 3.1 billion (accounting for 84.2% of total registered investment capital of Long An province). Ho Chi Minh City comes to second place with over USD 2.73 billion, accounting for 11.5% of total investment capital. Hai Phong city ranks third with a total registered capital of USD 2.72 billion, accounting for nearly 11.5% of total investment capital. Next are Binh Duong, Can Tho, Quang Ninh,…
In terms of the number of projects, foreign investors still focus a lot on investing in big cities with convenient infrastructure such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Bac Ninh. In which, Ho Chi Minh City leads in number of new projects (34.1%), number of adjusted projects (17.7%) and capital contribution and purchase of contributed capital (59.4%).
In addition, Vietnam has implemented the selective investment attraction policies (reducing quantity, increasing quality) to eliminate small-scale projects with little added value. This also partly affects the number of projects of small investors planning to invest in Vietnam.
To ensure safety in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnam has applied a policy of restricting entry and implementing long-term isolation, which affects the progress of surveys and implement the procedures of experts and project development groups.
Due to the impact of the epidemic, Vietnam has implemented a factory blockade and restricted the movement of workers in industrial zones, slowing production, reducing capacity and output, and disrupting the supply chain. This affects the psychology of new investors who are planning to invest in Vietnam.
In 2021, many factors affect the investment performance of international investors to Vietnam. However, with many policies to support and attract investment, Vietnam still becomes an investment destination for many big investors in the world. In late 2021 and early 2022, with many policies to attract FDI to revive the economy after the epidemic, Vietnam hopes that international investors can seize the opportunity to make investment, establish company in Vietnam, in order to bring the best economic benefits for their business.
Finding the right business partner in Vietnam is also important. We recommend doing research on the reputation of the company and individual shareholders, corporate or individual, gathering publicly available company information, and performing background checks on key personnel to find potential risks in cooperation. Working with a reliable partner can help achieve economic benefits, saving time and money in business.
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Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
Vietnam attracts FDI in 10 months of 2021
In 2021, due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world, the economic situation has been seriously affected. This greatly affects the investment performance of investors making investment in Vietnam. However, Vietnam government still implements many policies to attract forein investors to set up company, make investment, in order to realize the “dual goal” of fighting the epidemic and developing socio-economic and achieving economic growth to get the high results.
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According to statistics of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, as of October 20th, 2021, the total newly registered capital, adjusted and contributed capital to buy shares, and buy capital contributions from foreign investors reached USD 23.74 billion, which is accounted for 1.1% more than the same period in 2020. Realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at USD 15.15 billion, accounted for 4.1% over the same period in 2020.
Accumulated to October 20th, 2021, the Vietnam has attracted 34,266 projects with a total registered capital of over USD 404 billion. The accumulated realized capital of foreign investment projects is estimated at over USD 247 billion, equal to 61.1% of the total valid registered investment capital.
Foreign investors have invested in 18 industries out of a total of 21 national economic sectors. In which, the processing and manufacturing industry leads the way with total investment capital of USD 12.74 billion, accounting for 53.7% of total registered investment capital. Next is the electricity production and distribution industry ranked second with a total investment of USD 5.54 billion, accounting for 23.3% of the total registered investment capital. Followed by real estate, wholesale and retail businesses with a total registered capital of USD 2.12 billion and over USD 803 million respectively.
In terms of the number of new projects, the processing and manufacturing industry, the wholesale and retail trade, and professional and scientific and technological activities are the industries that attract the most projects, accounting for 33.1% and 27.8% respectively, and 16% of total projects.
There are 97 countries and territories have the investors invested in Vietnam in the 10 months of 2021. In which, Singapore leads with a total investment of USD 6.77 billion, accounting for 28.5% of total investment capital in Vietnam. Korea ranks second with USD 4.15 billion, accounting for 17.5% of total investment capital. Japan comes third with a total registered investment capital of nearly USD 3.4 billion, accounting for 14.3% of total investment capital.  Investment amount is followed by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,…
Foreign investors have invested in 58 provinces and cities in Vietnam in 10 months of 2021. Long An province leads the way with a total registered investment capital of USD 3.68 billion, accounting for 15.5% of total registered investment capital, including a large power project of up to USD 3.1 billion (accounting for 84.2% of total registered investment capital of Long An province). Ho Chi Minh City comes to second place with over USD 2.73 billion, accounting for 11.5% of total investment capital. Hai Phong city ranks third with a total registered capital of USD 2.72 billion, accounting for nearly 11.5% of total investment capital. Next are Binh Duong, Can Tho, Quang Ninh,…
In terms of the number of projects, foreign investors still focus a lot on investing in big cities with convenient infrastructure such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Bac Ninh. In which, Ho Chi Minh City leads in number of new projects (34.1%), number of adjusted projects (17.7%) and capital contribution and purchase of contributed capital (59.4%).
In addition, Vietnam has implemented the selective investment attraction policies (reducing quantity, increasing quality) to eliminate small-scale projects with little added value. This also partly affects the number of projects of small investors planning to invest in Vietnam.
To ensure safety in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnam has applied a policy of restricting entry and implementing long-term isolation, which affects the progress of surveys and implement the procedures of experts and project development groups.
Due to the impact of the epidemic, Vietnam has implemented a factory blockade and restricted the movement of workers in industrial zones, slowing production, reducing capacity and output, and disrupting the supply chain. This affects the psychology of new investors who are planning to invest in Vietnam.
In 2021, many factors affect the investment performance of international investors to Vietnam. However, with many policies to support and attract investment, Vietnam still becomes an investment destination for many big investors in the world. In late 2021 and early 2022, with many policies to attract FDI to revive the economy after the epidemic, Vietnam hopes that international investors can seize the opportunity to make investment, establish company in Vietnam, in order to bring the best economic benefits for their business.
Finding the right business partner in Vietnam is also important. We recommend doing research on the reputation of the company and individual shareholders, corporate or individual, gathering publicly available company information, and performing background checks on key personnel to find potential risks in cooperation. Working with a reliable partner can help achieve economic benefits, saving time and money in business.
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intracorp-blog · 2 years
5 Reasons To Start A Business In Singapore
Singapore is also known as a great place for startups, especially in terms of funding and mentorship opportunities. The government is committed to supporting entrepreneurs through various initiatives such as Start-up SG, Start-up Assistance Programme (SAP), Enterprise Singapore's Business Incubation Centre (BIC), and Seedstars Ventures.
Having a business in Singapore is a great way to make money, as the tax regime is very well-structured. All businesses are taxed on income generated in Singapore and on foreign-sourced income remitted in the country. They have signed DTAs with more than 50 countries to avoid paying double taxes. Currently, businesses are taxed at as low as 17%. This, together with no tax on capital gains and dividends received, makes company registration in Singapore the best choice.
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1. Ease of Doing Business
Being named by the World Bank as the easiest place to do business globally for the past nine years in a row, Singapore is also ranked among the top 10 countries worldwide in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). It has been one of the top-performing economies since 2008, with an average GDP per capita growth rate of 4% since then.
2. Attractive Tax Rates
Singapore is known for its stable economy and competitive tax regime that attracts foreign investors. It also has one of the fastest growing population rates in the Asia Pacific region as of 2020; an influx of skilled workforce will make Singapore an attractive destination for multinational companies seeking to expand their operations into the Asia Pacific region.
3. Skilled Workforce
Singapore's economy is booming, and its labor force is an important part of that. The country has one of the best education systems in the world, producing quality talent with each passing year. Additionally, Singapore's immigration policy allows global talent to come into the country, which will only help further bolster its population's educational level.
4. Strategic Geographical Location
Singapore is an international maritime center and leading logistics hub. It is the gateway to many industries in the world, including shipbuilding, oil and gas exploration, and shipping. Singapore's Changi International Airport benefits not only leading logistics companies but also the 20 million passengers it caters to every year. As a premier International Maritime Center (IMC), the airport links 300 cities in 70 different countries, making it a key hub for global trade and travel.
With such a large population and growing economy, it's no wonder why Singapore continues to be a hub for business.
5. Benefits for Startups
The government of Singapore is doing its best to support local startups, and they're doing it in a way that's designed to encourage entrepreneurship. The government has created the "Start-up SG" scheme, which allows entrepreneurs to access grants and other services as well as connect with international businesses. In March of last year, the government announced the launch of "Start-up SG," a new initiative designed to help entrepreneurs get started on their entrepreneurial journeys.
Singapore is world-renowned for its competitive business landscape, and it's no wonder that entrepreneurs from all over the globe flock to the city-state to start their own companies. With excellent infrastructure, a thriving IT industry, a stable political environment, and lucrative foreign policies, Singapore provide everything businesses need to flourish. In addition, Singapore's financial transactions are highly transparent, and there is little to no corruption, making it an ideal destination for entrepreneurs.
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