templodaharmonia · 3 months
Templo da Harmonia: Descubra o Mundo dos Succubus body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 1.6; margin: 20px; background-color: #f8f8f8; /* Cor de fundo espiritual */ color: #333; /* Cor do texto principal */ } h1, h2, h3 { color: #6a1b9a; /* Cor para títulos */ } img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; margin: 20px auto;...
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stylish7surprises · 2 years
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abstract acid art colorful eye Essential T-Shirt
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fivepointpalettes · 1 year
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Why Do You Have So Many Fire Extinguishers
#c22f3a | #57434b | #f8f8f8 | #c2a288 | #896654
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formulawolff · 3 months
I feel like I’ve seen somewhere where Seb was saying he liked 80s and 70s music. What if he was with a driver!reader who’s like a total rocker. Like she loves it and she’s just like covered in tattoos and piercings and seb just always looks at her like-
this is actually such a good concept because as someone who is tatted and pierced up.. i would love for seb to look at me like thatttt
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transgameboy · 1 month
omg hi do you by any chance do this on real hardware? I assume this is done via photo editing software but I would love to replicate this palette on my SGB
Due to circumstances out of my control, I am unable to initiate conversation in the designated area for replies in the Tumblr user interface. All posts are screenshots of mGBA taken with ShareX. All three palettes have been edited to #f8f8f8, #5bcefa, #f5a9b8, and #000000, which can be replicated in the Game Boy section of the Settings menu. I do not own a Super Game Boy myself, but according to Slashinfty's Super Game Boy Palette Creator, it should be possible to use the code 6416-4613-1243 to get a similar palette. If this is not actually possible, please let me know. Thank you for your inquiry @hyrule-warriors!
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gauntcodes · 2 years
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Tablilla sencilla
Tuve un poco de iluminación divina (?). Ah no, pero se me vino a la cabeza realizar esta tablilla para quién desee utilizarla. Es muy sencilla, pero eso no le quita el crédito de que colocará más lindos sus roles. 
Los colores son los siguientes: #D8D8D8, #F8f8F8, #7D7D7D, #B6B6B6, #6E6E6E. Por si los desean cambiar. 
Favor no quitar los créditos bajo la tablilla. 
¡Espero les guste y tengan una maravillosa semana!
› LINK ‹
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thegreatimpersonator · 8 months
Let me make some introductions here I think we've missed Me8, meet Bon Iver Bon Iver, meet Me8
I don't know about you but I'm expanding 8 theory to include circles. Exibit A: https://genius.com/Bon-iver-8-circle-lyrics
Exibit B: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAYMZHpWoAAoYKi.jpg:large
Exibit C: https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.2998008591.6744/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg
Why I Bet You Think About Me? Because: The numbers on the cake were 13 and 26. What's 2+6? 8! What's 1+3? Half 8. FULL CIRCLE!
And then there's also the song Me! I bet you think about me. I promise that you'll never find another like me. FULL CIRCLE!
*mic drop*
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8 theory revival is going to be EPIC
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autumnbloomer1 · 1 year
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iliveinashed · 1 year
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cloudcountry · 1 year
DJHFGD THE SEA PIG IS SO CUTE?!? And of course, the blobfish is an icon, a legend, and it IS the moment 👌😩
asdfghjk And please tell me more about them!! They all seem so cute! :D (Tbh, I only really know about the blobfish from that one meme- https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.452304237.8122/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u5.jpg
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
HAGSD IM GLA DYOU LIKE THEM !!!!! ofc i can tell you all about them hehe <3
the pink meanie!!! i have a general post about jellyfish that covers basically everything (+ talks about a few more jellyfish, bonus!!) right here!!
2. sea pigs are adorable :(( they're sea cucumbers which means they're bottom feeders!! they'll break apart if they're brought too close to the ocean's surface though :((( crabs hitch rides on them sometimes too which is SO CUTE HELLO
3. sea slugs!! i have a post about them here!!
4. betta fish are carnivorous!! they eat insects and insect larvae :D also, they're greatly mistreated by the pet trade so please please please do tons of research before getting a betta fish as a pet. they require a lot fo mental stimulation and are very curious fish!! they need to explore!!! they need to LIVE!!!!
5. blobfish have been done so dirty by the internet. they have a very kissable snout you guys are just mean as hell. they actually dont look like that underwater!! the only reason they look all squashed on teh surface is because of the pressure difference. blobfish live really deep in the ocean (roughly 600 to 1200 meters or 2000 to 4000 ft. deep) and their bodies are very soft. they have weak bones and no swim bladder. they actually look like this!!
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but yes, this poor guy has been memed to death ^^;
THANK YOU FOR ASKING <33333333 :D!!!!
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ashleeslint · 2 days
Beloved K: Crochet Blanket Pattern
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”new Header” _builder_version=”4.27.0″ use_background_color_gradient=”on” background_color_gradient_direction=”90deg” background_color_gradient_stops=”#f8f8f8 46%|rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%” background_color_gradient_overlays_image=”on” background_color_gradient_start=”#f8f8f8″ background_color_gradient_start_position=”40%”…
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tanaka-drew · 14 days
hihi, sorry to bother, i'm currently using your 'worthy' theme (loving it btw) and i'm having some problems trying to change the background color of the about me section, am i just completely glossing over which of the options is related to it, or is there a specific place in the code? anyway, thank you for the help (and for the beautiful theme!)
Hi! Thank you for using Worthy :) Look for this part of the code and change it from #f8f8f8 to any color you want:
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And no problem! I'm glad I could help. 💞
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f0xd13-blog · 4 months
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fivepointpalettes · 1 year
May I request a palette without any shades of green, cream/yellow and brown for the name ‘Isadora’
Of course! I hope these work for you, but do let me know if you'd like something else!
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#267182 | #e0e0e0 | #fe8f88 | #29243a | #c983f9
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#fc5775 | #252525 | #b6b8be | #ffffff | #3c3d4e
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#b878e3 | #f8f8f8 | #b74566 | #134f5b | #2d2941
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#ee4e4e | #35274a | #ffffff | #97394e | #ff7f7f
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#ee4e6d | #d9dae2 | #28223b | #18111e | #1e6166
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#171226 | #fd6868 | #c698e5 | #dfe2ec | #0f3a45
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instantcyclebasement · 5 months
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fernando-arciniega · 10 months
Crea una Landing Page o página de aterrizaje desde cero con HTML y CSS
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En este tutorial, aprenderemos a construir una Landing page o página de aterrizaje, sencilla, desde cero, para una lavandería utilizando HTML y CSS. Esta página web será diseñada para una lavandería autoservicio llamada "Lavandería ABC". Exploraremos cómo estructurar la página, incorporar imágenes desde Iconfinder, y aplicar estilos para lograr un diseño atractivo y funcional. Estructura Básica HTML Lavandería ABC Estilos Generales body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #f8f8f8; /* Fondo gris claro */ } Encabezado header { background-color: #3498db; /* Azul */ color: #fff; padding: 20px 0; text-align: center; } Logo y Título h1 { margin: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } h1 img { margin-right: 10px; max-width: 80px; } Contenido Principal main { padding: 20px; } Destacado p.highlight { background-color: #fff; padding: 15px; border-radius: 10px; margin-bottom: 15px; text-align: center; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* Sombra suave */ } Lista de Servicios ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 20px; } li { width: 25%; margin-bottom: 5px; text-align: center; } Tabla de Precios table { width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom: 20px; } th, td { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; } Imágenes img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } Botones de Acción a.button { display: block; width: 80%; margin: 10px auto; text-decoration: none; padding: 10px; background-color: #3498db; color: #fff; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; } a.button:hover { background-color: #2980b9; } Títulos y Separadores h2 { color: #333; text-align: center; } hr { margin: 20px 0; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; } Sección de Testimonios section.testimonials { background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); margin-bottom: 20px; } Pie de Página footer { background-color: #333; color: #fff; padding: 20px; text-align: center; } Este código combina HTML y CSS para estructurar y estilizar una página web de lavandería. Los estilos están integrados directamente en el archivo HTML usando la etiqueta
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Lavandería ABC
Lavandería ABC es una lavandería autoservicio que ofrece los siguientes servicios: -
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Lavandería -
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Secado -
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Planchado -
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Limpieza de alfombras
Nuestros precios son los siguientes:
Servicio Precio Lavandería $10 por carga
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Secado $5 por carga
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Planchado $10 por prenda
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Limpieza de alfombras $20 por metro cuadrado
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Estamos ubicados en la siguiente dirección:
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Calle 123, número 456
Nuestros horarios de atención son los siguientes:
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Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 20:00 horas Sábados de 9:00 a 14:00 horas Contacto Precios
Aquí puedes agregar algunos testimonios de clientes satisfechos con tu servicio. © 2023 Lavandería ABC. Todos los derechos reservados.
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Read the full article
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