#Eyebrow threading Staten Island
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karalaserny24 · 25 days ago
Why Professional Skin Care Clinics Achieve Better Results
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When it comes to skincare, the distinction between DIY treatments and professional care is clear and dramatic. While DIY remedies may provide basic maintenance solutions, professional clinics provide expertise, advanced treatments and personalized attention that goes far beyond what over-the-counter products can accomplish.
1. Trustworthy Professionalism
One of the main advantages of visiting a professional skin care clinic like Kara Laser is access to trained specialists that understand different skin types, concerns, and technologies available - unlike DIY methods which often depend on trial-and-error solutions; professionals provide scientifically supported solutions for lasting results.
2. Cutting-Edge Technology & Medical-Grade Treatments
Professional clinics can access cutting-edge technology and high-grade products not available for personal use at home, such as laser hair removal, customized facials and advanced exfoliation techniques which are more likely to target deeper skin concerns like pigmentation, acne scarring or fine lines than over-the-counter products can.
Laser hair removal at Kara Laser uses advanced medical-grade lasers to permanently diminish unwanted hair, unlike shaving or waxing which only offer temporary solutions.
3. Customized Skin Care Approach
Everyone's skin chemistry varies, so what works for one may not work for the next. At-home skincare tends to take an all-or-nothing approach while professional clinics specialize in personalized treatments tailored specifically for you based on individual skin issues such as sensitive skin, acne breakouts, aging concerns or hair removal needs - meaning longer-lasting and better results from care experts!
4. Hygienic Treatments
Home skincare techniques may result in irritation, infection or incorrect product application; professional clinics follow rigorous hygiene standards and use FDA-approved treatments that prioritize your safety - this is particularly important with procedures like laser hair removal or threading where precision and cleanliness are of utmost importance.
5. Long-Term Skin Health Benefits
Regular visits to a professional skin care clinic not only improve your appearance but also boost its health over time. Treatments like deep hydration facials, collagen-boosting lasers and threading provide lasting solutions for maintaining youthful, glowing skin while warding off premature aging and other skin concerns.
Professional skin care investment goes beyond looking good--it is about long-term skin health and confidence as well. At Kara Laser, our top-tier treatments aim to bring out your natural beauty safely and effectively.
Make an appointment and experience the difference now! Book a consultation session right now to experience first-hand!
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welllpthisishappening · 4 years ago
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It all kind of happens in slow motion.
One second, Emma hears the crack of the bat and the requisite roar of the crowd, and the next her eyes have widened to a size most scientists would likely advise against. Because, standing at home plate, that same home plate multiple baseball players are sprinting toward, is her kid. More or less waiting to be run over. That is, of course, until Killian Jones.
Word Count: 4.1K Rating: Flufffy fluff fluff of the fluffiest variety AN: Writing has been something of a legitimate challenge for me in the last few weeks, but earlier this week @ohmightydevviepuu sent a link to this tweet, tagged me, and said what I basically took as an unspoken prompt. Like, you’re going to send me video of a bat boy getting scooped up at home by a player in the middle of the game and then think I won’t write about it? Not possible. Even with the aforementioned writing challenges. Nothing stands a chance against my love of baseball. Here’s hoping the Yankees turn it around in the second half. Neither Aaron Judge or I deserve the season we’ve had so far.
Biologically speaking, Emma Swan is perfectly aware that the current positioning of her heart is more or less impossible. 
Stuck somewhere between the back of her throat and the pit of her stomach, it makes her all too aware of the now-empty chasm in her chest, stretching out toward her arms and threatening the structural integrity of her lungs, neither of which appear all that intent on working properly. Oxygen is a luxury not currently afforded to her capillaries. Instead, nerves mix with anxiety and the telltale flush of adrenaline that probably also makes her look relatively crazy because her pupils are definitely dilated and she does not know nearly enough about science to be making any of these claims. 
Whatever, really. 
It feels like that ooze from that movie. FernGully, Emma thinks. With the fairies. She thinks they were fairies. She’s not entirely certain they were fairies. 
And the ooze was definitely oil, obviously. There was a message involved in that movie. Not one that she appreciated when she was seven and Tim Curry’s animated-oil voice sort of freaked her out. But, like, she gets it now. The environment, and everything. With or without fairies. With Robin Williams, though. 
She’s positive about that, at least. 
Robin Williams was definitely in that movie. 
Less positive about the ability of her heart to actually split itself in half, as it seems wont to do at the moment. So, as to make it easier when it inevitably soars out of her mouth and falls onto the scuffed-up clubhouse floor beneath her feet. Naturally, this will happen simultaneously. For maximum effect. 
Much like the fireworks currently exploding over the left-field bleachers. 
She’s not sure if fireworks do explode, actually. That seems dangerous. Likely to lead to injuries and sounds that don’t resemble the  oohs and ahhs a ballpark generally inspires. Explode probably isn’t the right word. Maybe something more like…detonate. 
No, that’s worse. Way worse. She’s got to learn more words. Find a thesaurus or a dictionary or—a fireworks expert would be ideal, honestly.
Someone who could give her a detailed description of the inner-workings of a Yankee Stadium pyrotechnics display on a Tuesday in July, enough words that Emma’s mind would still for a few moments, allowing her to catch her breath and reestablish a consistent heart rate, and both of those problems could also likely be solved by sitting down, but the chair to her left looks a little wobbly, and her legs appear to have minds of their own because science is rather quickly becoming a lie and—
“Is he alright?” She spins. Nearly falls over. Her knees are also awfully wobbly, that’s why. 
Despite all of that, and the overall circumference of her pupils, the voice doesn’t retreat. Doesn’t even flinch. Shows absolutely no signs of imminent stumbling. And that’s probably because the voice is a man, one who is in possession of world-class instinctual reactions, and his hair is still damp from his post-game shower and it absolutely makes her something of an atrocious mother to acknowledge that last thing as quickly as she does. 
His shirt sleeves are noticeably sticking to his biceps, so that helps too. 
Opening her mouth, Emma is going to say words that are both vaguely intelligent and passably accurate, absolving this Major League Baseball player of any of the guilt he so obviously feels. Which is just patently stupid, really. None of this was his fault. None of it was anyone’s fault, really. 
Except maybe the idiot who left his bat at that particular angle across home plate, but Emma’s an adrenaline expert these days and walk-offs are understandably exciting. First walk-offs more so. 
She’s happy for Scarlet, really. 
They won the game. 
Everything is fine. Great, even. She nearly jumps twenty-six feet in the air at the next boom of fireworks. 
The pinch between the Major League Baseball player’s eyebrows gets—
The little roll of skin draws Emma’s attention, effectively robbing her of the ability to respond like an almost-sane person, but she’s also still trying to rationalize why she can remember the words to several FernGully songs while also being unable to recall what flavor PopTart she had for breakfast earlier this week and she figures watching her kid nearly get run over by professional athletes approximately forty-two minutes before gives her a fairly reasonable excuse. 
For opening and closing her mouth no less than eight consecutive times. 
Like a goddamn fish. There were no fish in FernGully. Least not so far as she remembers. 
It’s entirely possible she squeaks on attempt number five. 
The Major League Baseball player’s eyebrows do not move. It’s equal parts frustrating and incredible to behold. 
“I should probably thank you, right?” Emma asks, not quite regretting the words immediately, but it’s awfully close. That gets her some movement. Of the eyebrow variety. One eyebrow, specifically. Arching up, it somehow still manages to pull her attention directly toward eyes that should be the star of their own marketing campaign. Not quite Yankee blue, but distractingly blue, and it takes everything in her not to huff as dramatically as she wants to. Once the athletic trainer is done with Henry, Emma is going to make him examine her lungs. Rationality rules the day. 
Major League Baseball player shakes his head. It’s dumb to call him that. She knows his name. Knows at least some of his history. Is still staring obnoxiously at his freakishly attractive face. 
Freakishly is kind of mean, too. As far as descriptions go. 
“Unnecessary,” he says, an undercurrent of worry still clear in the letters. Ducking his head, he takes a cautious step forward, almost as if he’s wary of what Emma will do, and she supposes that’s fair. What with the impressive vertical she’s in possession of these days. “Anyone would do that.” “I’m not sure they could, actually.”
At some point in this otherwise shitty experience of a night, Emma is vaguely confident something will go the way she wants it to. Aside from winning. She’s glad they won. Seriously. 
“No?” “No,” she echoes, and it’s not like she can feel him. A few feet of space separates them, so whatever heat appears to be wafting off the Major League Baseball player in front of her, with his damp hair, and stupid, stupid, stupid eyes is as impossible as any of the various impossibilities currently taking place within her person. 
And yet. 
He sticks his hand out. 
It’s disarmingly earnest. 
“Killian Jones,” he says, confidence replacing the nerves, and Emma begins to see why there are so many stories. And Twitter threads. Regarding his face and the potential for that face to date a variety of other attractive faces across at least four of the five boroughs. Somehow Emma doesn’t think Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman, is schlepping out to Staten Island for a date. 
Nor does she believe that Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman, has ever once let the word schlep pass through his conscious mind. 
She takes his hand. 
It is—
Surprisingly warm. And...not quite soft, that’d be impossible with the job he performs almost nightly. But the calluses on the pads of his fingers aren’t as rough as Emma expects, which also suggests she’s managed to ponder the overall texture of Killian Jones’s fingers in the last twelve point six seconds, and that’s not entirely true. What is true is that Ruby thinks Killian Jones is real good-looking and has determined that the phrase quite a catch is the pinnacle of humor, so, sure, Emma has possibly considered the possibility of paths crossing and intersecting, and her hand looks minuscule wrapped up in his. So, that’s something to think about later. 
Their arms move. Bob up and down as society dictates they should, and he’s smiling at her, and she’s trying not to look like a serial killer, straining to hear the voices behind the door, and it does not work. 
“Why do you think people are so consistently fascinated by fireworks?” If he’s surprised by her absolutely inane question, he doesn’t show it. That’s points. For what, Emma hasn’t totally decided yet, but it’s something, and it’s probably good, and they’re going to play that clip on loop for weeks. Longer, probably. 
Every goddamn day if the Yankees make the postseason. 
When the Yankees make the postseason. 
Her dad wouldn’t appreciate the buffer. Leaves room for loss, and that is not the Nolan way. Not when there are championships to win, and this was supposed to be the best possible time. Smack dab in the middle of the season, with the All-Star break looming, Henry would get to suit up as batboy for one game that didn’t mean much and wouldn’t draw too strong of a spotlight, no murmurs about nepotism by internet trolls who couldn’t possibly define the word with any sort of accuracy, but also like to shout about canceling and culture with an almost alarming sense of self-righteousness, so, of course, the whole thing was now blowing up in their face. 
Much like the goddamn fireworks. 
It wasn’t Will Scarlet’s fault. 
Wasn’t Henry’s fault, either. 
His job was to get the bats out of the field of play. Doing it while the field of play was still active was a mistake any kid could have made. Just so happens that it’s Emma’s kid, and the grandkid of the Yankees’ hitting coach, and that means something to the New York media and the New York fans, and if Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman with an arm that can make cross-field throws with ease, wasn’t also so quick-thinking and sure-footed, scooping Henry up as he crossed home plate and avoiding the ensuing swarm of players at home plate, all intent on celebrating Will Scarlet’s first-ever career walk-off, Emma can only imagine what would have happened. 
Trampled. Stepped on. Broken bones. Concussions. 
They’re checking Henry for a concussion now. He absolutely does not have a concussion. He was laughing while he was carried off the field. Like he hit the walk-off. 
Front office is absolutely petrified she’s going to sue them. 
The thought hadn’t even once crossed Emma’s mind. Plus, she’s sort of busy. Holding Killian Jones’s hand. His stupid, warm hand. 
“Bright colors,” he says, responding to a question Emma’s nearly forgotten about. Jumping is more challenging when his fingers tighten ever so slightly. “Flash, boom. Taps into baser instincts, I think.” “You think people’s base instinct is to enjoy explosions.” “Phrasing that as a statement makes me think you don’t agree with me.” “You didn’t want me to thank you,” Emma points out.
“Well, no,” he says, and the precise way his eyes drop does something specific to all of her instincts. Leaves her flush with a heat that reminds her of Fourth of July sparklers rather than any sort of massive explosion, and that’s not bad, per se, although it’s admittedly a little surprising. As is the slight uptick of precisely one side of his mouth. It takes her a moment to realize he’s smirking at her. And another for her subconscious to admit that it’s working as intended. Her shoulders drop half an inch. While Emma pulls her hand back to her side. “Thanking me suggests I did anything to warrant the thanks.” “Big words.” “For a dumb athlete, you mean.” “That wasn’t a question, either.” “No,” Killian repeats, “it wasn’t.” “I’d really like to thank you. I—Dad told him when to come out of the dugout, so he definitely knew the rules, but I think he was super worried about you tripping over the bat.”
The smirk becomes a full-blown smile. Which is no less than forty-seven thousand times more powerful. Equivalent to staring directly into a solar eclipse or gazing upon the dark side of the moon, and Emma should at least do some research before coming up with these internal examples. Basic Google searches would provide her with the necessary information. 
“That’s more or less what he told me, yeah.” Emma’s nose creases. “Talked your ear off after your daring rescue, huh?” “Keep complimenting me like this, and my ego won’t know what to do with it.”
She hopes she’s not blushing as much as it feels like she is. The state of Killian’s eyebrows and the precise curl of his lips make that seem unlikely. “Your reflexes are unparalleled.” “Something about big bucks and why I get paid them.” “Oh,” Emma laughs, unable to stop herself, and she doesn’t remember deciding to stop pacing, only that her knees appreciate it once she has, “you think you’re real funny, don’t you?” “I think I’m moderately funny, not the hero you’re suggesting I am—” “Oh, I never used the word hero.” “—And you never actually told me your name.”
“Because you don’t know who I am.” It’s not a question, either. Neither one of them mention that. 
“I do,” Killian concedes, “Henry was also fairly quick to mention exactly who he was and where his mother was sitting.” Emma’s nose is going to freeze in this position. “But I gave you my name, which makes it only fair that we’re all square and whatnot.” “Whatnot, huh?” “Yup.” He pops his lips on the letter. Which is also unfair. In, like, the grand scheme of the world. The black ooze that is not actually oil when used in this particular metaphor recedes. Leaves Emma with a chest cavity that is partially full of butterfly wings and the growing sense of anticipation that isn’t quite as nerve-wracking as it should be. Like she’s about to step into the batter’s box with two outs and runners in scoring position. She’s totally going to hit against the shift. Fluttering her fingers at her side, Emma doesn’t lift her hand. It doesn’t matter. 
Killian’s eyes drop. To the movement. And her. And part of her shies away from that because part of her has spent a lifetime tucked into a shadow that didn’t belong to her and doesn’t belong to Henry, but now there’s some joke about Peter Pan to be made because they live in an internet-age and Killian Jones has a very good face. So. Viral video, enter stage right. Starring Henry Swan, Killian Jones, and the inevitably uneven pitter-patter of Emma’s traitorous heart. 
“Emma Swan.” “I think you should sit down.”
“Why is that, exactly?” “I’m worried about your legs.”
Whatever noise she makes can’t quite be classified as a scoff. It hurts her throat too much. And it’s not a laugh, either. Even as the butterflies threaten to rise up in mutiny of Emma’s more rational feelings, and she gets the distinct impression that Killian is reading her mind. Trying very hard, at least. 
“Sounds like a line.” “Might be a line,” he admits, which draws another wholly inhuman sound out of Emma’s barely-functioning lungs. 
“Did he kick you on the lift?” Killian hums. “You’d kick too if you were just hauled off your feet, so I understand the reaction. What I’m more worried about is the inevitable bruise on my foot from the bat landing there.” “Ah shit, really?” “I’ve had worse.” “But not in 4K video that people will play on loop for the rest of the news cycle. If not longer.” Narrowing his eyes, Killian doesn’t immediately respond. Mind reading requires a modicum of focus, Emma assumes. Instead, he rests a hand on her shoulder, directing her toward the chair and ignoring the soft crack her left knee as it bends. “That’s what you’re worried about.” “Stop sounding so confident.” “I can only sound how I am, Swan.” “Oh, I’m not sure we’ve reached nickname status yet,” she mumbles, pushing down the soft rush of metaphorical insects doing their beset to soar out of her barely-parted lips. “But, yeah, I—I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was totally terrified in the moment.”
“Understandable. Grown men barrelling down the third-base line at your kid are a lot to take in.” She snorts. It’s not cute. Not dignified. Killian smirks. “Should you be concerned that the Scarlet was making such solid headway behind you? Are you exceedingly slow?” “I am league average.” “How fast can you get out of the box to first?” “I’ve never timed it.” “Liar, liar.” “Please don’t make a crack about my pants,” Killian says, “I won’t be able to cope.”
“Oh God, you think you’re charming, too.” “I’ve had no complaints.” “To your face, at least.”
Throwing his head back, the laugh that erupts out of him is not of volcano proportions. Of which there was also one in FernGully if Emma’s memory is to be trusted.  An arm circles his middle, stretching muscle and ensuring that Emma notices just how corded that same muscle is, the slight bend of his wrist leaving her off-kilter. When he meets her gaze, she swears his eyes are brighter. “Yeah, yeah, that’s true,” Killian concedes, “no one has flat out told me I was lacking charm to my face.” “This thanking you thing is going great.” “And I continue to not need thanks. Why are you worried about the video getting out there? Filmed in 4K like you suggest, at least we’ll all look great. Sharp pixels and whatnot.” “What do you know about pixels?” “You basically heard the extent just now.”
She’s getting better at laughing. The ooze has almost all but disappeared, Emma twirling a strand of hair around fingers that are intent on moving, and it’s an old habit. One Killian’s gaze catches on. Immediately. Quickly. Seriously, Emma needs a thesaurus. “Baseball’s always been my dad,” she says. “And that’s—well, we’ve lived this game, me and my mom, weekend series and West Coast swings, waiting up for him to get home because the flight got delayed, but Henry’s just a kid, getting thrown into this world because of his last name and who his family is? That sucks. Nothing was supposed to happen tonight.” “Nothing did happen.” “Because of you.” “I’d like to believe Scarlet, ridiculously fast as he might be, would not run over a small child,” Killian says. “And, uh, for the record and all that, I got a bad jump off first because I didn’t know if they were going to catch it in left. No one wants to get caught on the base paths.” “Yeah, that’d be embarrassing.”
He must hear the hitch in her voice because the next thing Emma realizes, her fingers are twisted back up in Killian’s, and she’s warm and falling and flying, and it’s good and weird, and the door swings open. 
They both jump.
So, that’s something. 
Rushing out quickly enough that he nearly trips over his own feet, Henry’s head leads the way and finds Emma’s stomach, a tangle of limbs, and overly-excited words, all of which rival the now-finished fireworks display in volume. 
It takes Henry about five and a half run-on sentences to notice Killian standing there. 
His eyes widen. His mouth drops. Killian grins. Emma tries very hard not to die. It only sort of works. 
She blames the faulty body parts she’s in possession of. 
“Killian,” Henry exclaims, clamoring back to his feet and nearly falling again in the process. Hands that belong to both Emma and Killian dart out, steadying Henry while their eyes meet over the top of his head. Killian winks. He tries. It’s more like a blink than anything. “Hi, hi! You did so good tonight! And we won, and I got to go on the field and—and, it was so,” Henry heaves a deep breath, “we were so good.”
Collective pronouns do something to Emma’s entire state of being. 
Flips it on an axis she hadn’t been aware previously existed until it almost feels as if this was the path they’d been directing themselves toward from the start. Her eyes flit toward Killian. Who is already watching her. 
“We did,” he nods, “maybe next time, though, you wait one extra second to grab Scarlet’s bat, ok?” Seeing her own nose scrunch reflected back on her kid is not the worst thing that’s ever happened to Emma. The vibrating phone in her back pocket, might be. 
It’s one-hundred percent, Ruby. 
“That’s what grandpa said too,” Henry grumbles, digging a toe of the cleats Emma’s mother bought him last week into the ground, “but I wanted to make sure you didn’t fall.”
Definitely dying, then. A systematic shut down of all necessary internal organs. It’s not as bad as Emma would have expected. 
Neither one of Killian’s knees crack when he bends. That seems heavy-handed. 
“And I don’t want you to fall either,” he says, “so we agree, right here, right now, not to let the other one fall, huh?” Emma holds her breath. Ignores the pinch in her lungs and the clearly unstable nature of both her mind and her heart, digging her nails into her palms. To ensure she isn’t tempted to haul Henry back toward her. Or push that one strand of hair away from Killian’s forehead. 
Henry nods. “Deal.”
They hook their pinkies together. 
It’s adorable and as endearingly charming as everything else Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman, has done since he walked into that hallway. Less so when her dad emerges from the office, the athletic trainer on his heels to not-so-quietly inform Killian that he can’t just blow off post-game like that, and the second wink is as bad as the first. 
She does her very best to memorize the movement. 
And the joy on Henry’s face the next morning when a box arrives on their doorstep, a genuine, game-worn Killian Jones jersey inside. She doesn’t notice the note at first, tucked between the cardboard and the tissue paper someone must have bought for him. He can’t have bought that tissue paper himself. He just—it’s unfathomable. 
Emma knows he bought the tissue paper himself. 
As clearly as she knows that those numbers in that particular order will lead to Killian Jones answering his phone and that her voice likely won’t shake when she replies to the question written in surprisingly loopy script. Which is why, Emma will argue, she does reply. In the affirmative. To several questions over the course of the remaining season, and they don’t star in any more viral videos, but there are a few pictures once they clinch the division. 
Drops of champagne cling to the tips of Emma’s eyelashes and the ends of Killian’s hair, hands on her waist that blaze a quick path up her back and around her middle, and she has to tilt her head up to get the right angles. Of lips. While they kiss in the middle of the clubhouse, the hat someone forced onto Emma’s head falling and it’s impossible to hear over the sound of celebratory fireworks, but she can somehow still hear Henry’s laugh ringing out from the general area near Scarlet’s locker, and his jersey collection is growing at an impressive rate. 
No one can withstand the overall cuteness of him. 
Emma included. Emma, especially. 
Sometimes she worries she’s so happy she’ll burst, unable to contain the sort of emotion her body is still acclimating itself to. But then she realizes just how dumb that is and happiness cannot possibly be quantified, and her head is buzzing enough from champagne that she nearly misses Killian when he says, “people love the bright spots, Swan.” It’s not the most romantic thing he’s told her. Doesn’t crack the top five, quite frankly. She swoons all the same. With her kid laughing and her team winning and that’s about all the sentiment she’s willing to acknowledge before her tongue is in Killian’s mouth. He groans. She grins. 
And he’d been right about the video. It wasn’t the embarrassment Emma worried it could be. Was mostly relegated to the corners of the internet set aside for formerly popular content as soon as the season ended, spoken about only in fond recollection as the other seasons went on and the wins kept coming and all three of them stand on a parade float with the World Series trophy a few dozen feet away, several Novembers after that first game. 
It’s a Thursday afternoon, then. 
And yet Emma never entirely forgets. What the video meant and what it did and she’s not remotely surprised when it finds its way back to the forefront of the sports zeitgeist on a Wednesday in July. Most mentions come with similar taglines and messages. Something about feeling our age and wanna feel old because that bot boy, David Nolan’s grandson, Killian Jones’s stepson, he’s getting drafted now. 
Got drafted, technically. 
Third round, video of the soon-to-be third baseman for the San Diego Padres makes the internet circuits and garners plenty of interest. It’s not the most exciting video, though. Henry just hugs his family. Who hug tightly back. 
What is more exciting is the box that arrives on Emma and Killian’s doorstep. With a note that eventually earns a frame next to the last one and a wholly official, game-worn jersey that has a noticeable streak of dirt across the left sleeve. From sliding head-first into home plate.  
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newyorkthreadi-blog · 6 years ago
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diaryofanangryasianguy · 6 years ago
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Straight from Sri Lanka, woman opens eyebrow threading studio
For 13 years, Aysha Malimage worked in her native Sri Lanka as a teacher and tailor — and later opened a beauty salon — while her husband built a new life for them in America.
Soon after, Aysha Eyebrow Studio opened at the location (Staten Island, NY).
“Some women come in, hug me and cry because they have [bad eyebrows], and then I shape them and they are happy,” she said. “Everyone has a nice natural shape. I always try to follow the natural shape. That’s why they are happy with my work.”
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boundforglorytattoo · 6 years ago
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_ Eyebrow piercing by @ipricku using a thread less curve bar with tigers eye setting by @neometaljewelry! _ 607 Forest Ave. Staten Island, NY 10310 347-695-7255 _ #boundforglorytattoo #statenisland #statenislandtattoo #statenislandtattoos #statenislandink #westbrighton #bfg #718 #statenislandpiercing #bodypiercing #safepiercing #appmember #threadlessjewelry #eyebrow #eyebrowpiercing #the90sarecalling #tigerseye #tigerseyestone #neometal #legitbodyjewelry — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2YLtyDV
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kartiavelino · 7 years ago
‘Jersey Shore’s Vinny gets his brows threaded on Staten Island
“The Jersey Shore” star Vinny Guadagnino isn’t what you see on MTV. The social gathering king not too long ago refocused his “health club, tan, laundry” routine to “health club, tan, keto” — a low-carb eating regimen centered round burning fats. Now often known as “The Keto Guido,” the 30-year-old makes use of his day off from membership appearances and filming “Jersey Shore Household Trip: Half 2” to detox in his Staten Island hometown. Right here, he tells MARISA DELLATTO how he retains calm on the weekends at house. I just about get up, go to the health club. I’ll do a boxing exercise, often. There’s a health club known as DeMarco’s Boxing. It’s a small, all-about-the-grind boxing health club, it’s not fancy. Or I’ll play basketball at LA Health and get somewhat little bit of a raise in. If you’re Keto or making an attempt to comply with any eating regimen plan, it’s important to revolve your day round meals. In case you don’t have a plan, you’re going to mess up. After the health club, I’ve my first meal. There’s a spot known as A&C. It’s an area type of Italian place that we go to round right here within the neighborhood. That’s the place I get some meals, and often I’m [also] making ready my meal for dinner. I’ll go get a steak or a fish [for later], in addition to a shake or a salad [for lunch]. It’s summertime now, so in my noon I’ll take my canine, Tita, within the pool. She’s a pit bull combine, I rescued her from North Shore Animal League on Lengthy Island. She likes to swim. I get to have my second exercise, get some solar and get her train, too. My uncle Angelo owns a hair salon on Staten Island. It’s known as Salon Gioia. My mother works there. There’s at all times household there. It’s a central spot the place all of us meet up and go out and in of. I’d go over there and get my eyebrows threaded. As a result of my job is to exit, I do it sparingly in my common time. I’m not an enormous partier. [If] it’s a enjoyable weekend, [I’m] in all probability going out in Manhattan to a spot like 1 Oak, certainly one of my favourite golf equipment. I’d begin at Bounce. Bounce is extra like a sports activities bar and it’s open in the course of the day. I get there at like 10 o’clock. However I at all times find yourself at 1 Oak. Recently, I’ve simply been chilling out. I’ve not drank. Our life can get fairly loopy, and I’m all about stability. I’ve to seek out my “me time” in between the insanity we’re doing proper now. [embedded content] Share this: https://nypost.com/2018/08/24/jersey-shores-vinny-gets-his-brows-threaded-on-staten-island/ The post ‘Jersey Shore’s Vinny gets his brows threaded on Staten Island appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/08/jersey-shores-vinny-gets-his-brows-threaded-on-staten-island.html
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karalaserny24 · 1 month ago
Laser Hair Removal Staten Island | Best Skin Care – Kara Laser
Experience expert laser hair removal in Staten Island at Kara Laser. We offer full-body treatments, facial care, waxing, and more. Book now for smooth, hair-free skin with lasting results!
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karalaserny24 · 1 month ago
Best Laser Hair Removal in Staten Island | Kara Laser & Skin Care
Get smooth, hair-free skin with expert laser hair removal at Kara Laser in Staten Island. We also offer facials, waxing, and threading. Book your appointment today!
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
The Ultimate Guide to Beauty and Skin Care : Discover KaraLaserNY's Expert Services
When it comes to looking and feeling your best, having a beauty routine that truly works for you is essential. Whether you’re seeking smooth, hair-free skin, perfectly shaped eyebrows, or a radiant complexion, KaraLaserNY offers a range of services designed to meet your unique needs. From laser hair removal to expert skin care treatments, our clinic is your go-to destination in Staten Island for beauty and wellness.
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Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?
Let’s face it shaving, waxing, and plucking can be time consuming and often leave you with irritated skin. That’s where laser hair removal steps in. It’s a long-lasting solution to unwanted hair, giving you smooth, touchable skin without the hassle. Whether you're considering a small area like your underarms or looking for full body laser hair removal, KaraLaserNY specializes in providing the best laser hair removal services in Staten Island. Our state-of-the-art technology ensures effective and comfortable treatments that are tailored to your skin type.
Laser hair removal not only saves time but also leaves your skin feeling smooth and free of irritation. If you're tired of constant waxing and shaving, consider making the switch to laser treatments, which offer a more permanent and comfortable solution.
Your Skin Deserves the Best Care
In addition to hair removal, KaraLaserNY is also a trusted skin care clinic in Staten Island. We understand that each skin type is different and requires personalized attention. That’s why we offer a variety of facial treatments that target specific skin concerns like acne, aging, and dryness. Our goal is to help you achieve a glowing, healthy complexion that boosts your confidence.
Whether you're preparing for a big event or simply want to pamper yourself, our expert estheticians will guide you through a treatment plan that’s right for your skin. Your skin deserves care that’s just as unique as you are.
Waxing and Threading : For Those Who Prefer a Different Touch
For those who prefer traditional hair removal methods, KaraLaserNY also offers Brazilian waxing and a full suite of waxing services. As a leading waxing salon in Staten Island, we ensure a hygienic and comfortable environment for all your waxing needs.
Want perfectly shaped brows? Look no further. Our threading salon in Staten Island specializes in eyebrow threading for precise, defined brows that highlight your natural beauty. Whether you're after a bold look or something more natural, our threading experts will help you achieve the perfect shape.
Embrace Your Best Self with KaraLaserNY
At KaraLaserNY, we’re more than just a beauty salonwe’re here to help you look and feel your best, whether it’s through laser hair removal, skin care treatments, or expert waxing and threading services. We understand that beauty is about feeling good in your own skin, and we’re here to support you on that journey.
Visit KaraLaserNY.com today to learn more about our services and book your appointment. And if you’re a mom on the go, don't forget to check out LittleBum.In for ergonomic baby carriers that simplify daily life. Your time is valuable let us help you make the most of it by providing the beauty care you deserve.
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
Expert Eyebrow Threading & Facial Treatment – Threading Salon in Staten Island | KaraLaserNY
Discover professional eyebrow threading at KaraLaserNY, Staten Island's top threading salon. We offer expert facial treatments, laser hair removal, and Brazilian waxing services. Visit our skin care clinic for the best in beauty and wellness, including full body laser hair removal and waxing.
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
Kara Laser NY LLC: Staten Island’s Premier Salon for Threading, Waxing, and Skincare
Discover why Kara Laser NY LLC is Staten Island’s top choice for expert threading, waxing, and skincare services. From laser hair removal to personalized facial treatments, visit our salon for flawless beauty care today!
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
Why Kara Laser NY LLC Is Staten Island’s Go-To for Threading, Waxing, and Skincare
When it comes to taking care of your skin, hair removal, and beauty needs, not all salons are created equal. In Staten Island, Kara Laser NY LLC has become a trusted name for those seeking high-quality, professional services in threading, waxing, and skincare. Whether it’s achieving flawless skin through laser hair removal or perfecting your brows with expert eyebrow threading, Kara Laser NY LLC is a one-stop solution for all your beauty essentials.
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A Comprehensive Approach to Skincare
At Kara Laser NY LLC, we believe in treating skin with the utmost care and precision. Our expert team of skincare professionals provides a wide range of services, including facial treatments in Staten Island, designed to rejuvenate your skin and give you a healthy, radiant glow. Using advanced techniques and high-quality products, we ensure each facial treatment is customized to address individual skincare concerns, whether it’s hydration, anti-aging, or blemish control.
Our skin care clinic in Staten Island offers personalized consultations to help you choose the best treatments for your skin type, ensuring lasting results. Whether you’re preparing for a special occasion or simply seeking regular skincare maintenance, Kara Laser NY LLC is committed to helping you achieve your beauty goals.
The Best Laser Hair Removal in Staten Island
If you’re tired of constant shaving or waxing, our laser hair removal services offer a more permanent solution. Kara Laser NY LLC specializes in full body laser hair removal, using cutting-edge technology to ensure smooth, long-lasting results. We’re proud to be known for providing the best laser hair removal in Staten Island, with our treatments being both effective and safe for all skin types.
Whether you're looking for facial, leg, or bikini line hair removal, our expert technicians ensure that the process is as comfortable as possible, with minimal downtime. Laser hair removal in Staten Island has never been more accessible and efficient than it is at Kara Laser NY LLC.
Expert Waxing and Threading Services
For those who prefer more traditional hair removal methods, Kara Laser NY LLC is also a renowned waxing salon in Staten Island. Our Brazilian waxing service is particularly popular for those seeking smooth skin without the hassle of daily maintenance. We use high-quality wax and ensure a comfortable environment, making even sensitive treatments like Brazilian waxing a breeze.
When it comes to achieving the perfect brows, our threading salon in Staten Island is unmatched. Whether you're looking for a simple clean-up or a more defined shape, our threading experts can craft the perfect brow to complement your face.
Kara Laser NY LLC has established itself as Staten Island’s go-to beauty destination, offering everything from laser hair removal to expert eyebrow threading and Brazilian waxing. Visit Kara Laser NY LLC to experience personalized care and beauty treatments designed to make you look and feel your best. Discover why our clients keep coming back for more by booking an appointment today!
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
Contact Kara Laser NY LLC for Expert Laser Hair Removal & Skin Care
Get in touch with Kara Laser NY LLC for the best laser hair removal services in Staten Island. Whether you need full body laser hair removal, Brazilian waxing, or eyebrow threading, our skin care clinic offers top-notch treatments tailored to your needs. Reach out today!
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
Best Laser Hair Removal & Skin Care Clinic in Staten Island | KaraLaserNY LLC
Discover expert laser hair removal, full body treatments, and skin care services at KaraLaserNY LLC. We offer the best laser hair removal in Staten Island, along with facial treatments, Brazilian waxing, eyebrow threading, and more. Visit our top-rated waxing and threading salon for all your beauty needs.
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karalaserny24 · 6 months ago
Best Laser Hair Removal & Skincare in Staten Island | KaraLaserLLC NY
KaraLaserLLC NY offers top-notch laser hair removal, full body treatments, facial care, Brazilian waxing, and eyebrow threading in Staten Island. Visit our skincare clinic and waxing salon for the best beauty treatments, including threading and advanced skincare services. Book your appointment today!
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karalaserny24 · 4 days ago
Facial Threading vs. Eyebrow Threading: Key Differences Explained
Discover the difference between facial and eyebrow threading in Staten Island. Choose the best hair removal method for flawless, perfectly shaped brows and smooth skin.
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