#Exterior Stucco City of Toronto
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royalcrownstucco-blog · 7 years ago
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spine-buster · 3 years ago
the rescue romance.
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gif credit @/denis-scorianov
A/N: We finally get a glimpse of Lusine's family -- specifically her parents -- in this one. Hope you enjoy!
Ever since Lusine moved to downtown Toronto, she hated going home. There was nothing to do, nothing to see. And although it would be fun to see her brothers again, and her parents, she knew it wouldn’t be long until her mom and dad started their interrogation of what she was getting up to in the city. She also knew that it wouldn’t be long until she started hearing hypotheticals based on her chosen activities. “You went skating with Bianca? Where? Nathan Phillips Square? What if you’d fallen and cracked open your skull and died?”
Hypotheticals were her parents’ favourite things because it instilled worry in them and gave them justification to be overbearing after the accident.
Bianca was spending a week in Richmond Hill with her parents. Rasmus was spending Christmas Day with Aberdeen’s family, who had invited him over as William’s best friend for the second year in a row, knowing he was also Swedish and didn’t have any family in town. New restrictions from the government meant that games were postponed. Only ten people could congregate in a house; with Etienne and Beau’s wives at her parents’ house her family would be at eight, and with Rasmus with the Blooms they’d be at seven.
Rasmus was lying on Lusine’s bed watching as she packed her small suitcase, the gifts she had gotten her siblings and parents already wrapped and placed in bags for when her dad came and picked her up tomorrow, Christmas Eve morning. Rasmus would be Zooming with his parents in Sweden and his brother in Philadelphia tomorrow – a North American late lunch versus a Swedish late dinner. It was snowing lightly outside, which would make an interesting drive up north tomorrow. Lusine hoped it would all be ploughed by then.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Rasmus asked as he watched her pack an emerald green knit sweater into the suitcase.
“As excited as I can be,” she smiled slightly. “It’ll be nice being around my family again but I’m going to hate the interrogation.”
“My parents are going to want to know every single detail about my life and I’m gonna have to lie to them about how boring it is,” she revealed. “All they’re allowed to know is three things: that I live with Bianca, that I’m still at school, and that my job is with the quartet. That’s it.”
“So I don’t exist?” Rasmus chuckled.
“Nope. And it’s better that way. If they found out they’d come up with ways I could die. It’s their specialty.”
Rasmus considered her words and everything she’d told him about her relationship with her family at this point. While her brothers seemed fine – given the generational divide and how much older they were than her – it was her parents that were the problem. His parents only ever pushed him to be what he wanted to be – a professional hockey player – and supported his dreams. They did nothing like what Lusine’s parents did. “If you need an out, you can call me,” he said.
“I doubt they’re going to throw a party with coke,” she joked.
Rasmus laughed out loud. “I doubt that too. But I mean, like, if the interrogation gets to be too much and you want to come home early. I’ll be your personal Uber.”
Lusine still thought her childhood home looked like it came straight out of Stepford Wives, especially considering the architecturally beautiful homes that were in the Annex and scattered throughout Toronto in general that she was now used to. The house was beautiful in its own way, of course – stunning stone and stucco exterior, beautifully landscaped lawn, a heated driveway, backed on to a golf course – but every house around it looked the exact same; every house around it looked like a cheap copy of the house beside it that made it all so
bland. It didn’t help that they were the only development for miles – that they had to jump in the car to go anywhere, because nothing was walkable, not even a convenience store. It was a boring place to be, and a boring place to grow up, made even more boring when after a certain age, she could barely leave the house anyway.
Christmas Eve was fine. Once she arrived home, her family played some board games and watched old family videos before staying up to attend midnight mass in Uxbridge. Lusine figured that her parents didn’t immediately start their interrogation because her brothers were there. They mainly just listened intently to her answers during dinner when her brothers or their wives would ask questions about her life in Toronto. They seemed to be impressed that she was acing all of her classes, which made Lusine think that maybe they were turning, that they weren’t so angry at her anymore for moving and going against their wishes. Despite that, she didn’t tell them that she’d picked up a pamphlet for Summer Abroad courses that U of T offered at the behest of one of her professors and that she was extremely interested in taking a four-week course in Berlin. She didn’t tell them how many parties and clubs she went to with Bianca and her friends. She definitely didn’t tell them about Rasmus.
Christmas Day was much of the same. Presents were opened, hot chocolate was had, and lunch was made and eaten. But then her brothers left early, right after lunch, barely staying for dessert, one by one – first Etienne, so they could spend the day with Christine’s family too; then Beau, to spend time with Emma’s family; Delaney left not even fifteen minutes later. Lusine found herself alone with her parents for a while, watching TV, waiting for the true interrogation to begin.
” she heard her mom call from the kitchen. She was still lying down on the couch, watching Christmas specials on TV. “Can you come here please?”
Lusine almost rolled her eyes. They literally wanted a sit-down interrogation. She sighed, getting up and walking to the kitchen table where her parents were sitting with an envelope. “What’s up?” she asked, trying to remain cool.
“Can you sit, please?” her mom asked, motioning to the head of the table. Her dad was standing behind her mom with his hands gripping the top of the dining chair. As Lusine sat, she noticed her mom was holding an envelope. “We have a gift for you that we didn’t want to give you in front of your brothers.”
It was time for Lusine to furrow her brows. Okay, so maybe this wasn’t going to be an interrogation. “What is it?”
Her mom lay the envelope flat on the table and pushed it towards her. “Take a look.”
Lusine eyed her parents one last time before picking up the envelope and taking out the piece of paper that was inside. She noticed some sort of logo in the top-left corner and even a pressed seal at the bottom, which made it look all so official. She began to read.
Dear Ms. Lusine Forrester,
Upon reviewing your application, we are pleased to offer you a place in Bryan College’s online Receptionist Certificate Program. Your acceptance recognizes all the hard work and achievements in your academic and personal past. We are confident that your admission to our program will—
“What the hell is this?” she demanded, looking up at her parents. She didn’t even want – or need – to read the rest.
“Your father and I feel it’s been enough now,” her mom began, in a voice that was way too calm for Lusine’s liking. “You’ve had your fun. It’s time for you to come home, don’t you think?”
“It’s time for you to come home,” she repeated, with emphasis. “Home with us.”
It felt like it happened in a split second, but Lusine finally pieced together what her parents had done. They’d applied to a program on her behalf – the program they always wanted her to apply to – so she could come home. They’d essentially pretended to be her, applied to the program, and got accepted. All in a plan to have her come home. She felt like she was going to be sick. “No,” she shook her head.
“No,” she repeated forcefully.
“Lusine—just listen,” her father interjected. “This is a good program. A great one! You’ll be able to work at the golf course with—”
“NO!” she screamed, crumpling up the piece of paper and throwing it across the table. She pushed her chair back and stood up. “There’s no way. No. I can’t even believe you’d do something like this!”
“It’s for your own good—”
“No it’s not! Toronto! Toronto is for my own good!” she kept yelling. “Do you guys realize you basically stole my identity? That’s illegal! How could you even think of doing this?!”
“Working at the golf course is a good job for you, Lusine—”
“No it’s not!” she screamed, tears forming in her eyes almost instantaneously. She felt so defeated that what she was saying still wasn’t getting through, even two years later. “Don’t you want better things for me?” she was defeated. Exasperated. She was feeling so many different emotions all at once, and none of them were good. “Don’t you—I don’t know, don’t you want me to be someone, to do something with my life besides become a secretary and get married? Is that all you wanted me to do? Don’t you want me to have a career? Do you really want me to have to rely on you my whole life?”
“You can have a career at the golf course, where you’re close to us,” her mother was adamant.
Now the anger came through. If her feelings and life ambitions weren’t being taken into consideration, there was no way she was going to be nice about this moving forward. “NO!” she screamed again. “You kept me holed up in this house for years and I’m not letting you ever do that again!”
“NO!!!!!” she screamed, her loudest one yet, before running out of the kitchen and upstairs to her room. She went directly into her ensuite bathroom and locked the door behind her so her parents couldn’t get in. If they even followed her. They usually didn’t – at least they didn’t when things like this would happen when she was a teenager. But she was a legal adult now – an adult that could make her own decisions – and she couldn’t believe that they were still trying to control her life.
When she was all teared out, and had calmed down enough to think about next steps – knowing that she couldn’t stay at the house anymore – she did the only thing she knew she could do.
“Merry Christmas, lilla fĂ„gel,” she heard Rasmus’s soothing voice on the other end of the phone call.
” she said, and it was only then she could hear how defeated her voice sounded. “Ras, can you be my personal Uber?”
Rasmus knew what that meant. With it being just after lunch on Christmas Day, he knew exactly what that meant. “Of course,” he said. “Can you text me your address?”
“Yeah. It’ll—it’ll take you an hour, probably, but if you can, take the 407—”
“William’s car goes fast, it won’t take me an hour,” he said. She knew now to look out for a Volvo instead of his car. The fact that he was promising to get there in less than an hour was telling. “Are you okay? Is everything okay?”
“I’ll explain in the car,” she sniffled. “Once—it’s gated, so once you get to the gate, you’re my Uber driver and just need to swing by the Forrester’s house, alright?”
“I got it,” he said. She could hear some commotion in the background, then William’s distinct voice distantly, asking ‘You’re putting on your shoes?’. God, she hoped they’d already finished lunch too. She’d probably never be forgiven by the Bloom Family if she made him leave in the middle of the Christmas meal. “Sit tight, lilla fĂ„gel. I’ll be there soon.”
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It took Rasmus only forty minutes to get to Lusine’s parents’ house from Etobicoke. She didn’t even want to think about how fast he must have gone on the highway. But regardless, she finally unlocked her bathroom door, re-packed her things by stuffing them into her suitcase, and marched down the stairs.
“My Uber is outside,” she announced to her parents, setting her suitcase down loudly on the floor. “Merry Christmas. Thanks for the food.”
Her parents emerged from the kitchen, and her mom was holding the crumpled acceptance letter in her hands. “Lusine, don’t you want to discuss this further now that you’ve calmed down?”
“No,” she said sternly, barely looking at her parents as she grabbed her jacket from the closet and stuffed her feet into her boots. “We discussed it before. It’s not happening. It will never happen. I’m going back to Toronto now.”
“Will you at least think about it—”
“I’ve thought about it, and it’s not happening.”
“But Lusine—”
“What aren’t you hearing?!” she demanded, raising her voice again. “It’s. Never. Happening. And if you ever do something like this again, I’m never coming back here. Stop trying to make me as full of fear as you are.”
She swung the heavy front door open, pulling her suitcase behind her as she speed-walked towards Rasmus in the Volvo. He played the part of an Uber driver well with his four-ways on. She opened the back door and practically threw in her suitcase before shuffling in herself.
“—Drive,” she ordered, taking a deep breath, trying not to look back at the house because she knew her parents were standing in the doorway. “Please just start driving. I need to get out of here. I’ll switch to the front once we’re out of here.”
Rasmus did as he was told, putting the car in drive and signalling out of his parked position. He meandered through the streets of the small development before he finally reached the gate again. The gate attendant let them through easily. Rasmus turned down the street, and once they were back on the main road, in front of the south side of the golf course, away from the subdivision, he stopped the car.
Lusine switched to the front seat, and it was only then that he could see the silent tears falling down her cheeks. His heart ached seeing her this way on Christmas, of all days. “C’mere,” he cooed, leaning over the centre console so he could give her a kiss, long and soothing and comforting. “What happened?”
“They—when my brothers left, and we were alone, they sat me down at the table and they told me that I’ve had my fun and that it was time for me to go home. They applied to this online receptionist certificate program for me and kept telling me it was for my own good, that I could have a career at the golf course so I could be close to them.”
Shit. Rasmus couldn’t believe what he was hearing. How fucking awful. And to strategically do it once her brothers were gone? Even more awful. He had a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that parents wanted something so
simple for their child, despite the child’s bigger ambitions. “Oh Lusine
” he shook his head. “That’s awful.”
“I told them if they ever did something like that again that I’d never come back,” she said. “I was so angry, Ras. It turned into a screaming match. I locked myself in my washroom – that’s where I called you from.”
She nodded. “They were adamant – adamant – that I come home. I told them to stop trying to make me as full of fear as they are.”
“Good,” he said, leaning over to kiss her one more time. “That’s good, lilla fĂ„gel.” He reached over and grabbed her hand too, squeezing it in his before bringing it up and kissing it. “It’s good that you called me. Sorry I took so long.”
“You didn’t take long at all,” she said. “But we—we should go.”
Rasmus held her hand as he drove through the country roads back to the highway, and he held her hand as he drove down the 407, merged onto the 400, and drove down Royal York Boulevard. The drive was mainly silent, Lusine thinking about what had just happened and Rasmus letting her. He would occasionally bring her hand up to his lips and kiss it, letting her know it was all going to be okay. She appreciated it, because the further they got into the city, the more she believed it. They got to Aberdeen’s parents’ house when it was just hitting dusk, and Rasmus parked the Volvo in the driveway.
He shut off the car and looked at her. Neither of them made a movement. “You did the right thing, you know. By telling them what you did.”
Lusine nodded her head softly. “I love my parents but I think I will always resent them for not letting me live a normal life.”
It was an incredible thing to say out loud. Incredible. And it made complete sense. You could love something but still resent it. You could love things but outgrow them and want to move on. That’s what Lusine had said early on about where she grew up, and now that he’d been there, he knew why she said that, and understood her completely. “You’ve started living the life that you want now, though,” Rasmus said. “That’s what matters.”
Lusine knew he was right. “I wish they saw it that way,” she said softly. “I want them to see how happy I am, but I think they’re still so filled with fear that they can’t. I just—I hope one day they can see it.”
Rasmus leaned over the centre console one more time to give her a kiss. “Let’s go inside,” he said. “Let’s go spend Christmas afternoon totally normally with your favourite author’s family,” he joked.
Thankfully, it caused Lusine to giggle. “Yeah, totally normal.”
Aberdeen’s family was like heaven on earth. She had an older sister, Siena, and a younger brother, Camden, who welcomed Lusine with open arms. Her mom, Orla, wouldn’t let her sit down without giving her some sort of food, which ended up being a bowl of homemade sticky toffee pudding. Her dad, Mirza, spoke to her so intently that within minutes she felt like she’d known him her entire life. William and Aberdeen suggested everyone play board games, and they went through rounds of HedBanz, TeleStrations, and an extra-long game of Catan. After some coffee, snacking on popcorn, and Siena being victorious at Catan (“Of course the lawyer wins!” William joked as she pumped her fist in the air), it was time to go home.
William dropped Rasmus and Lusine off at her apartment. And like how most things ended with Rasmus and Lusine nowadays (despite the, uh, hiccup after the family skate party), it didn’t take long for their lips to be attached, and it didn’t take long for them to get to the bedroom, and it didn’t take long for their hands to wander under clothes or along belt buckles. When Rasmus’s hands travelled underneath Lusine’s green knit sweater, she wasn’t nervous about her scars anymore. When he pulled the sweater off, she took a deep breath, but it was all okay. His eyes flashed at her lacy black bra.
“You like?” she couldn’t help but smile.
“Uh huh,” he nodded his head like a cartoon character, causing her to giggle. She reached for his own sweater and pulled it above his head. “Can I take off your pants?” he asked, and she nodded. She unzipped his first, and then he unzipped hers slowly before pulling them off, leaning her legs on his shoulder, running his hands up and down them. “Beautiful. So beautiful,” he murmured.
“It’s good that you find me attractive,” she said confidently, winking at him.
“Lusine, I’d dry hump you in public if it was socially acceptable.”
Lusine burst out into a fit of giggles as Rasmus lowered himself onto her body. “You’re such a pervert.”
“Maybe so,” he smiled, peppering her face with kisses. He shifted their bodies so they were on their sides facing each other, and he hooked her leg over his hip. “Can you feel how hard I’m getting? Do you see what you do to me?”
Lusine nodded, biting her bottom lip as she felt his erection on her thigh. “I don’t—I’m not ready for sex again just yet,” she said.
“That’s okay. We can get up to other things,” he replied automatically. She felt his hand move from squeezing her ass to between her thighs. Though she was still wearing underwear, he could feel how hot she was getting too, and cupped her hot core. “Last time my hand was here we got up to some good fun. I think we can do that again.”
“Yes please,” Lusine said, closing her eyes as she felt his hand push away the fabric of her underwear. When his fingers finally touched her folds, it sent a shiver down her spine.
Rasmus watched as her face changed with every movement of his fingers. He couldn’t get enough, especially when she bit her bottom lip or let out one of her little sighs – sighs that would only escape if his fingers went slightly deeper. “Last time I did this you said it didn’t feel that good when you did it yourself,” his voice was low. “You touch yourself, hmm?”
Lusine nodded, unable to form words just yet. “Y—Yeah
“W—With—With my fingers,” she stuttered out quickly, feeling his own fingers going deeper into her pussy.
“Do you have a vibrator?”
“No,” she said. “J—Just my fingers.”
“What gets you off then, hmm? What porn do you watch? What do you like?” he asked. Lusine was silent, wondering how he knew. Rasmus giggled slightly. “Don’t be shy, Lusine. You can tell me.”
He could visibly see her gulp. “I—I like when it gets loud,” she admitted, feeling his finger curl inside of her. “I like doggy style. Or when she’s in the guy’s lap grinding. I—I like when—when it’s a mix of hard and soft.”
“Tell me more,” he bit at her bottom lip.
“I like the fingering. And the hairpulling,” she continued. “And—and recently, I—I imagine you doing it to me.”
Rasmus audibly groaned, slipping another finger into her and moving his fingers faster, curling them harder, making her mewl out in pleasure. “Fuck Lusine,” he barely got out. “I will. I promise I’ll do it to you one day.”
“Wh—What do you like, Rasmus?” she managed to get out.
It was his turn to gulp. He was obviously more experienced than her, and so there were things he liked and didn’t like, and he knew so by that experience. The things she mentioned – they’d have to try. The things he would mention – he knew. “I like getting my dick sucked. And I like when girls ride me. And I dream of burying my face in your pussy.”
Lusine grinded her hips against his hand at his words. She let out more moans as he continued to curl his fingers inside of her, rubbing her clit with his thumb. “Ras—Ras—”
“I want you to come on my hand again so I can taste you,” he increased his movements. “Come for me, Lusine.”
It didn’t take very long. Their little conversation had gotten her so hot and bothered that she easily came onto his hand, writhing and moaning out in pleasure as she rode out her orgasm for as long as she could. Just like last time, he brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked her juices off, making sure to maintain eye contact. She felt like she was on fire, and she knew what she wanted to do next. “Let me give you a blowjob.”
Rasmus’s eyes went wide. “Yeah?”
Lusine nodded. “You’re gonna have to help a bit.”
“I will,” Rasmus kissed her.
“Should I get on my knees?”
“Yes, God yes,” Rasmus breathed out. They untangled themselves from each other’s bodies and he watched as she crawled off the edge of the bed, getting down on her knees in her bra and panties. He tried not to spontaneously combust right then and there as he saw her waiting. He moved to the edge of the bed, right in front of her, and she brought her hands up to pull his boxers off. His cock sprung free, and she grabbed it gently.
Apparently, Lusine at least knew how to get it started. She pumped him a few times, slowly, switching eye contact between his cock and his eyes. She dragged the nails on her other hand against his thigh and it sent a shiver throughout his entire body. “You’re already off to a good start,” he bit his bottom lip. He watched as, without warning, she maintained eye contact and licked the underside of his cock. He threw his head back.
“That okay?”
“Mhhmmm,” he could only hum.
She started kissing the underside of his cock too, moving up slowly but surely until she was kissing the head. “What else should I do?”
“Stop teasing,” he huffed, smiling down at her. “Just start slow. Anything you do is gonna make me feel good.”
Lusine nodded. Her body felt incredibly hot and turned on, but there was obviously a huge part of her that wanted to please Rasmus sexually – just like he did her – despite her inexperience and despite what had happened before. So, with a final bout of confidence and a whole lot of hope, Lusine parted her lips and took his head into her mouth, sucking gently at first to make sure everything was okay. When she looked up and saw Rasmus biting his bottom lip, she gained confidence.
“That’s it, Lusine, fuck,” Rasmus murmured as he watched her head bob up and down slightly. The sight of Lusine on her knees in between his legs in a black bra with his cock in her mouth was driving him wild. “Keep going. Keep going.”
Lusine continued, bobbing her head up and down for a while. When she needed a breath, she’d lick, and when she was ready again, she’d suck him back into her mouth, humming so there was some added vibration. It drove Rasmus crazy. What drove him even more crazy were the sounds she was making – the sucking and the moaning and the humming.
“Am I doing okay so far?”
“You’re doing so fucking good, Lusine.”
There was a slight pause before she asked the next question. “Can you help me go deeper?”
“Fuck,” he hissed loudly. “Lusine, are you sure?”
“Mhmm,” she hummed, giving the head of his cock the cutest little kiss. “Grab my hair and show me.”
Fucking hell. He brought his hands up and swept her hair back, gathering it in one hand. “Put my cock in your mouth.”
Lusine did as she was told, and felt him apply the slightest bit of pressure to push her down. She groaned in response, and she felt herself take him even deeper. She moaned and made eye contact. “S’at okay?” Rasmus asked, only for her to moan again in assurance. He pushed her head down again and his cock hit the same spot.
Rasmus started letting out guttural moans, knowing that as she continued sucking, he was getting closer and closer to his release. Lusine kept letting out moans to signal her own pleasure, and when his leg twitched, she knew he was close. It made her feel confident that she was able to do this to him without any experience. Her body was responding to him just how she always wanted it to respond. “I’m close, Lusine,” he warned.
She pulled off of him with a pop. “Where d’you want to come?” she asked.
He didn’t have time to answer. Instead, he acted on impulse, and pulled her up by her hair so that her breasts, covered in their black lacy glory, were right near his throbbing cock. The sound that came out of her as he pulled her up brought him over the edge, and it only took a few more pumps with her free hand until he came all over her breasts. The noises that escaped him were indescribable. Lusine kept pumping him, getting every last bit out and onto her breasts before he fell back on the bed trying to catch his breath.
Lusine followed, lying down beside him but perching herself up on one of her elbows. Her fingertips traced outlines on his chest. He didn’t know how much time had passed, but when he looked over at her, he could see his mess all over her breasts. It drove him wild. “Was that okay for you?” she asked.
Rasmus still didn’t have the breath to speak. Instead, he nodded his head and pulled her closer. “C’mere,” he breathed out, planting a long, wet kiss on her like his life depended on it. “You were fucking incredible.”
“It was hot for me too,” she said.
He kissed her again, and again, and again, before pulling away. “Stay here. Let me clean you up,” he said, reluctantly getting up from the bed, putting on his boxers, and going to the washroom. When he came back, Lusine had shifted further up the bed, leaning back on her elbows waiting for him. He climbed back on the bed, crawling over to her side before wiping her chest off with a damp hand towel.
When he was done and the towel tossed into her laundry basket, Lusine pulled the covers over them and cuddled into his body. Her body settled into his easily, their legs intertwining once more, their arms wrapped around one another. Lusine kissed him quickly, both their eyes fluttering from fatigue. “I’ll get better with lots of practice,” she wiggled her eyebrows lazily.
Rasmus chuckled, biting down on her lower lip one last time. “I could go for lots of practice.”
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rostica · 4 years ago
Rostica Construction Stucco Company Toronto
Rostica Construction is a locally owned stucco & home renovation contractor serving the Great Toronto area and its surrounding which includes the counties of Etobicoke, York, North York, West End, Downtown, Midtown, East York, East End and Scarborough. We are proud to call ourselves veritable stucco experts in Toronto. Our In-house stucco professionals are all specialized in acrylic stucco. Our team expresses high quality workmanship and a results-oriented approach that has earned us a well-earned reputation as one of the Toronto Ontario's premier stucco and plastering contractors! We provide estimates with consideration and can also offer ideas, suggestions and provide examples of alternate products to assist you in finding the most appropriate finish for your project.
Stucco Services
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Stucco Services Expertise
Isolated cracking and staining are an indication that there is a problem. The simple act of covering the cracks with new stucco finish or paint will not fix the problem. These stucco patches are only a temporary cosmetic solution that covers up the problem and the extra stucco coating actually keeps the wall from drying out and accelerates the dry rotting of the wood framing and plywood sheathing. Random cracking is a cosmetic problem, which can be fixed only by using the proper techniques to control the movement, painting or refinishing the stucco without reinforcing the cracks will allow the cracks to telegraph through the paint or new stucco finish.
Rostica Construction Service has handled many stucco and other services over the past 5 years. We know how hard it is to find a reputable stucco service contractor to come out and handle the small repairs as well as large ones. Our goal is to work closely with our clients in order to meet their home decorating and design needs with an attention to detail that will transform their property in line with expectations.
Stucco Contractors in Toronto
When people think of plaster service or stucco service, they think of a hard-shell exterior paint that provides insulation for their home or business but did you know that stucco has many different uses? Additional Professional Stucco installation can be used for New Home Construction, New Commercial Building Project, Residential
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The exterior of your home is largely responsible for the first impression that a guest sees when they visit your property. By enlisting the local stucco & plastering expertise at Rostica, you can ensure that your property's stucco will be professionally installed. The first step towards making your home the "talk of the block" is getting the current exterior acrylic stucco finish a retexture stucco look.
Commercial Stucco Service
The look of your commercial property is very important. If the stucco on your commercial property is cracked or missing pieces, people might hesitate before choosing to do business with your company. Crumbling stucco walls on the outside of the building is never a good impression for a business. We helped many commercial buildings by fixing their commercial stucco issues, Business owners and commercial builders in the local area love our work! They trust us with all of their stucco, plaster, EIFs and Fireproofing service needs.
Stucco can be used in the residential and commercial market. We offer new construction stucco installation and stucco repair work. Traditionally people think of stucco as an exterior finish only. However, you can add texture and visual interest to other areas of your home or building including fireplaces, pool rooms, accent walls and more. With the variations of stucco finishes that are available today, the design possibilities are endless.
This durable finish will give your home a fresh style while simplifying the maintenance needs. You can rely on Rostica for quality finishes and durable results. We have convenient appointments available to assess your home and discuss your needs. We are an experienced team ready to handle projects of all sizes. We take pride in our work; we finish projects on time and within budget.
Stucco Problems
We will thoroughly examine your commercial stucco or residential stucco problem to determine exactly what is going on with your property. As the best local stucco contractor, plaster contractor and EIFs service contractor in Toronto Canada, we will diagnose your  situation. Once we have determined exactly what the issue is we will devise a plan of action for stucco repair.
The Benefits of Stucco
Stucco is an energy efficient & versatile facing material that can be applied to almost any surface. Whether your needs are for commercial or residential use, stucco colors and finishes can be combined and manipulated to match or accent an existing structure. Stucco is a durable product, impact-resistant, fire-resistant, breathable and moisture resistant, it’s able to be used in all climates.
Stucco gives limitless potential to any project; some examples are window box styles and decorative pillar shaping; your project truly becomes one of a kind. In addition to the many finish textures and color options, stucco can be used to achieve any creative vision.
Stucco & concrete wall repair
Proper waterproofing and repair of your concrete and stucco walls is critical for the integrity and long life of your building. Both original improper construction or building movement can create cracks that can allow water to penetrate a building wall. Rostica is a contractor who provides comprehensive stucco and concrete wall waterproofing and repair. We install rubber sealant at all movement joints and a complete elastomeric wall waterproofing system to create a complete waterproof seal.
Stucco Texture
There are many different types of stucco texture, if a stucco contractor isn't experienced, your home could come out looking completely different than the other homes in the neighborhood. We are an experienced stucco company that can match the stucco style and texture that you want.
You may have seen a commonly used textured finish on vacation homes, this texture is a great choice for these homes as it can be applied faster than how it is usually applied when a smoother texture is desired. This type of texture is easy to maintain and easy to repair that's why it's the first choice on these types of commercial stucco and Regular residential properties and high-end stucco construction usually opt for smooth finish stucco. Smooth texture stucco is not easy to do and should be left to experienced stucco companies like Rostica Construction.
Stucco Installation
We provide an impressive stucco installation. Our stucco contractor has mastered the different techniques, from mixing to applying, for a smooth and clean finish. Our pros also consider the type of surface that we need to coat. Hence, if you work with us, we’ll deal with minimal errors for your convenience and satisfaction. Also, since we are budget friendly, our stucco service won’t hurt your pocket!
What We Do
Having a proper installation of EIFs, Installation of plaster or Installation of stucco requires using a failsafe method of three-layer application to ensure that your commercial or residential stucco application is done correctly, it provides superior performance due to the three coats of stucco. The three-layer application also requires less maintenance over the lifetime of the stucco. We offer our customers the best local stucco options, and we consider  ourselves the best local stucco company in Toronto Ontario.
Rostica stucco service will install, repair and/or retexture your stucco surface correctly in your place, you can rely on us to keep your business or home property safe from water damage and moisture issues. When your commercial stucco or residential stucco is properly maintained it keeps your place energy efficient and weatherproof. If your place needs stucco repair, texture stucco restoration or smooth stucco restoration, choose Rostica Construction for your stucco repair and installation needs. We offer many different stucco services, if you need residential or commercial stucco application, stucco repair or plaster repair in Toronto city, look no further! you've found the best stucco company in Toronto Ontario.
How We Can Help
We are experts on everything stucco! Rostica Construction lives up to its name by providing quality work and excellent customer service to anyone in need of stucco work, our quality workmanship has earned us a reputation that made us grow as a best stucco and plastering contractors in Toronto Ontario, much of our business is repeat or referral business from satisfied customers. If you are tired of contractors who provide bad work and poor service at inflated prices, consider choosing us to handle your next project.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to assisting our clients by providing quality drywall, plastering service and quality stucco finish at a lower cost. We always ensure to maintain safe and legal practices for clients and our employees. We look forward to helping you with the home renovation or repairs you need to build yourself the dream home you've always wanted!
Rostica Construction Inc, is a licensed, bonded, and insured business, we have years of experience planning, managing, and executing construction projects for drywall, stucco, and plastering. All aspects of your home project will be taken care of by our professional team. We have provided high-quality home renovation and repairs to many clients, which include million-dollar homes and commercial businesses too.
Why Choose Us
Rostica Construction is one of the most respected finishing and stucco contractors in Toronto city. We operate with a commitment to build business relationships one project at a time through personal integrity and open communication. We strive to maintain the highest level of professionalism, honesty and fairness in our relationship with our suppliers, subcontractors, professional associates and customers.
Rostica Construction is dedicated to provide superior quality work at fair and market competitive prices. We strive to achieve customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail, and service-minded attitudes. We feel this will ensure the longevity of our company through repeat and referral business. We pride ourselves in being knowledgeable and highly skilled in our trades, we offer a wide range of services and innovative stucco materials and techniques.
From interior to exterior, large commercial to residential, we bring our clients a large selection of colors and texture options, and treat each project with the same professional integrity that our name and reputation has been built upon. We ask and encourage you to contact us and see for yourself, the difference in the services we have to offer for your home or business.
Rostica Construction Service Cost
We offer the most comprehensive Plastering & Stucco Services at the most competitive price in the Toronto area. If you are looking for the most reliable Stucco repairs, stucco installation in the Etobicoke, stucco installation in York, stucco installation in North York, stucco installation in West End, stucco installation in Downtown, stucco installation in Midtown, stucco installation in Uptown, stucco installation in East York, stucco installation in East End or stucco installation in Scarborough, look no further than Rostica Construction. Hiring us to handle your stucco work for your home is cost efficient. Professional stucco service saves you money down the  line by catching problems before they become major obstacles. We offer a full guarantee on all the work we do. And we don’t waste your valuable time. We show up on time, start work right away and work until the job is right. Call Rostica today to inquire about our professional stucco services.
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architectnews · 4 years ago
Botfield House, Etobicoke Toronto
Botfield House, Toronto Real Estate Development, Canadian Residential Interior Architecture Images
Botfield House in Toronto
26 Aug 2021
Design: Ancerl Studio
Location: Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Botfield House
Located on a large lot situated on a quiet tree lined street in Etobicoke, Toronto, sits what once was a tired bungalow, turned 2-storey contemporary single family dwelling. Botfield House was transformed by Ancerl Studio.
The exterior facade, defined by a pair of symmetrical 2-storey peak additions, frame out the central grand entryway to the home. The clean, off-white stucco peaks flank the existing structure, and quietly transition to the existing painted brick, marrying the old and new. Impressive large format loft style windows are a contrast to the crisp material palette of the exterior, while natural white oak wood dresses the entries to the home for a warm welcome and a hint at what lies beyond.
Inspired by farmhouse living, a contemporary approach was taken by utilizing a traditional layout, while playing with varying heights and volumes of space. The raw concrete tiled floor, and warm white walls of the foyer frame the vista through the space and to the rear yard, and invites visitors to explore the soaring ceilings at the heart of the home.
Centrally located, the kitchen and dining room feature cathedral ceilings with exposed wood beams, warm wood accents and natural materials. Oversized pendant lights complement the grand space, and add a warm glow for evenings spent around the large dining table. A private study and a sunny casual breakfast nook extend off of the main area that also leads to the family room. Stepping down into the comfortable and welcoming room, expansive wall-to-wall windows, and a statement fireplace become a stunning backdrop to the layered and collected soft furnishings that bring the space to life.
Black metal stair pickets, and feature wall panelling, lead up to the second floor, where one is met with a catwalk overlooking the dining & kitchen space below, and connecting the secondary bedrooms and bathrooms to the private treehouse-like primary suite. Featuring a cathedral ceiling with exposed beams, a peaked wall-to-wall window, and layers of neutral soft textures and furnishings, the intimate escape is a cozy nest overlooking the lush green yard. The white marbled spa-like bathroom includes a windowed alcove for the freestanding tub, and another peaceful perch overlooking the rear yard.
Nestled in a quiet neighborhood just outside the city centre, Botfield Residence connects inhabitants with the outdoors, and exudes style and comfort for modern living.
About Ancerl Studio Focused on creating profound spatial experiences, Ancerl Studio is a Toronto based multi-disciplinary atelier that combines architecture, landscaping, interior, and product design in a holistic cooperative statement.
Restorative or energizing, we dream and create environments that you will instantly connect with, want to explore, and enjoy together.
Driven by our passion for the human experience, we channel our learnings from decades of design-build developments and global exposure to consistently deliver connective design solutions. We tell stories expressed through emotive detailing, timeless materiality, and high-quality craftsmanship always purposeful and relevant to their historical, cultural, and geographical contexts.
Our dedication to the seamless execution of those unique design narratives enables our team to instil exceptional character to each project while delivering above-market returns for its investors.
Botfield House in Toronto, Ontario – Building Information
Architects: Ancerl Studio
Completion date: 2020 Building levels: 2
Photography: Kimberly Czornodolskyj
Botfield House, Toronto images / information received 260821
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America
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Cedarvale Ravine House Architect: Drew Mandel Architects photography : Tom Arban and Shai Gily Cedarvale Ravine House Toronto Mid-town
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Forest Hill Garden & Pavilion Architecture: Amantea Architects photo : Doublespace Photography Forest Hill Garden & Pavilion in Toronto
Toronto Architecture
Comments / photos for the Botfield House, Etobicoke Toronto property design by Gabriel Fain Architects page welcome
The post Botfield House, Etobicoke Toronto appeared first on e-architect.
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applewoodpainting02 · 4 years ago
Make sure you are going to hire a qualified painter to do the commercial painting work
The commercial painters in Mississauga can provide you with services like painting, stucco restoration, and exterior house painting. Painting can be done on all the exterior walls of your home. Stucco restoration involves getting repairs in places where the stucco shows signs of eroding. These are areas where the stucco begins to lose its initial strength and durability. You can have these services done by professionals who know what they are doing so you don't end up with damaged walls and ceilings.
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Commercial painters in Mississauga can also paint or refurbish glass windows in your commercial property. They can even repair or paint walkways, driveways and other exterior surfaces. All you need to do is explain your needs to these experts so they can take care of them. They will quote you a price depending on the services that you need and the extent of the work that needs to be done. With all their expertise, they will surely be able to do the work properly and within your budget.
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Painters in the GTA also paint doors and windows in commercial buildings. They have all the necessary equipment to do the job well and they know how to use it well. Painters who have been painting for many years now, can give you estimates based on the estimate of the work that needs to be done. They are skilled at what they do and most of the time, you don't even have to hire them because they do the work just fine.
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Painting services in the residential area of Canada cover painting of homes and businesses. These residential painters can also do touch ups to doors and windows and other interior parts of the homes. Sometimes, homeowners need help with wall painting as well as minor painting jobs. Painters in the GTA have the skills to decorate any building in the city. The services offered by commercial painters in the residential area include interior designing, refurbishing and repairing of interiors, painting of walls, floors and other areas, preparing interiors for renovations and redecorating the bathrooms of commercial spaces. Restaurants, hotels, bars, shopping malls, offices, theatres, etc. are all served by the commercial painting services in the city of Mississauga. Apart from these commercial buildings, homes that need renovation also use the services of commercial painters.
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Commercial painters in Toronto are most talented people who love to paint. They know how to paint a beautiful wall in an amazing manner. They have experience in their respective fields and this is what helps them to deliver quality work within budget. If you want to make your business flourish and succeed, then you must hire the services of professional commercial painters who can deliver commercial painting services in the best possible manner.
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skystuccosystems · 5 years ago
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Concrete re-surfacing, before and after. Sky Stucco Systems, exterior stucco and parging. Small parging and concrete steps re-surface . Nice work before and after looking much better. #skystucco @skystucco #torontoconcrete , #concretesteps, #walkoutbasement #homerenovation Http://skystuccosystems.ca (at Mississauga City, Toronto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDA1bKODsnD/?igshid=1rshc2y9ggx1d
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3dsrendercom · 5 years ago
Batay-Csorba Architects expands Arts and Crafts-style house in Toronto
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A patchwork of wood shingles and stone form this Toronto home that local practice Batay-Csorba Architects has extended and renovated.
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Located in Toronto's residential neighbourhood Baby Point, the two-storey house was built in the early 1900s with stones from the city's Humber river, stucco and wood. The homeowners sought to preserve the characteristics of the home, and enlisted Batay-Csorba Architects for the renovation.
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The original house was a mixture of Arts and Crafts-style and Tudor Revival, as seen in the exterior details that Batay-Csorba Architects left intact. When developer Robert Home Smith created the garden suburb of Baby Point in 1912, he had many of the homes designed in this aesthetic, the studio explained.
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"The Baby Point district is currently under study as a heritage conservation district in Toronto," said the studio. "The clients for Baby Point Residence had an interest in the Arts and Crafts movement, and preserving neighbourhood character."
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The team cut a large, double-height slice in the west side of the home and added a gabled roofline on the back facade that features ample glazing and views of the back garden's ravine. The result is a home that has three pitched rooflines of similar proportions, two of which run alongside one another on the back facade and a third that cuts across them. The home's front facade showcases new windows, wood shingles and masonry.
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In addition to building the extension, Batay-Csorba Architects renewed the existing home structurally, reorganised the layout by tearing down walls and refurbished the interiors. The team sought to understand the underlying principles of the Arts and Crafts movement to design the house. "Beyond medieval motifs, ornamentation and nostalgia for hand craftsmanship, we also interpreted the Arts and Crafts movement spatially," the studio added.
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The ground floor is centred around a built-in storage volume that provides a pantry and a coffee bar in the new kitchen, and a bar nook in the adjacent dining room. A living room and separate sitting area round out the main level. Custom furniture was built by local designer Heidi Earnshaw and includes a wood banquette in the kitchen whose aesthetic is designed to be reminiscent of the Arts and Crafts movement. Minimal, built-in cabinets in pale and dark wood feature throughout the home for added storage.
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A stairwell with glass railings cuts through one of the home's pitched rooflines and accesses three bedrooms with ensuites. Measuring 5,200 square feet (483 square metres), Baby Point Residence is square-shaped in plan and is complete with a bedroom, living room, and two bathrooms in the basement. Walls are white in sharp contrast to the existing stone fireplaces, and pale wood covers the floors.
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Batay-Csorba Architects was founded in 2010 by Andrew Batay-Csorba and Jodi Batay-Csorba. The studio has designed several apartment complexes in Toronto, including a building with a brick screen exterior and two townhouses linked together, as well as Milky's coffee shop. Photography is by Doublespace Photography. The post Batay-Csorba Architects expands Arts and Crafts-style house in Toronto appeared first on Dezeen. Source link Read the full article
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painterlegendx · 5 years ago
Never Underestimate The Influence Of Painting Ceilings - Painting Ceilings
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Top Rated Home Painters in Toronto - Nashco Painting
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Painting Walls and Ceilings - Fine Homebuilding - painting ceilings | painting ceilings Established in 2011, Nashco Painting, the arch home painters in Toronto, accept acquired a acceptability as the custom home acrylic experts with their abundant absorption to detail, accurate work, accessible communication, and chump satisfaction.Toronto, Ontario - December 30, 2019 - Nashco Painting, the arch accumulation of abode painters in Toronto, specializes in custom homes, residential painting, and address painting. They assignment on baby and large, residential, condo, custom home, and autogenous and exterior, and more.
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How to Paint a Ceiling | The Family Handyman - painting ceilings | painting ceilings “We’ve been painting in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area for over ten years. With incomparable painting ability and a akin of chump account that never fails to affect our clients, we’ve developed from a baby business to one of Toronto’s best acclaimed names in the painting industry,” said the agent of Nashco Painting, the arch residential painters in Toronto.He continued, “We’ll acrylic your abode autogenous or exoteric with affection paint. We’ll do a absolute job of accoutrement walls, stairs, ceilings, and whatever abroad you’d like painted, with an eye on the all-embracing attending of the home. Our painters are professionals who assignment calmly and carefully. Enhance your home with a abundant acrylic job.”The painters at Nashco Painting do not acrylic bartering barrio as that assignment tends to be awkward and fast. They adopt to accord with homeowners, address owners, and renters, who adulation a beautifully maintained home. The professionals are abreast and accept formed with stucco, brick, wood, siding, etc. They can additionally acrylic railings, fascia, eavestroughs, barn doors, and debris cans.
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How to Paint a Ceiling - painting ceilings | painting ceilings “All assignment is done by trained, accomplished professionals who accept had backchecks. We use affection acrylic and accommodate affection workmanship. Our assignment is 100% guaranteed,” added the agent of Nashco Painting, the arch provider of autogenous abode painting in Toronto.“I acclimated NashCoPainting for my basement. They were actual professional, and the adduce was reasonable. We are absolutely afflicted with the alert service. The colour that he recommended was absolutely what I had been attractive for. I will be advising him to abounding friends, and I would absolutely use this aggregation afresh in the future,” said Hala, one of their blessed customers.As a arch provider of address painting in Toronto, they advice you accomplish the attending you appetite – apish and edgy, aesthetic and elegant, comfortable and homey.
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Paint Trim or Walls First? And Other Painting Questions .. | painting ceilings About Nashco Painting:Incorporated in 2012, Nashco Painting specializes in autogenous home painting, exoteric home painting, address painting, custom home painting, and acclimation drywall and plaster. Visit https://nashcopainting.com for added information.Media ContactCompany Name: Nashco PaintingContact Person: Nashil MunshiEmail: Send EmailPhone: 647-970-1331Address:168 Locksley Ave City: TorontoState: OntarioCountry: CanadaWebsite: nashcopainting.com/
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The Definitive Guide to Learning How to Paint Your Ceilings - painting ceilings | painting ceilings Read the full article
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royalcrownstucco-blog · 7 years ago
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doug-lewars · 5 years ago
It took us about an hour-and-a-half to walk to the hospital but eventually we arrived.  It was a large, six story building that was spread out over what, in Toronto, would be about a city block.  The entrance looked like what you might get if an architect took the McDonalds arches, turned them into outward sloping peaks and raised the top to a couple of peaks sloped outwards and then took the bottoms and swept them to the sides.  The exterior of the building was white material of some sort.  I guessed stucco but I might have been wrong. Certainly the building gleamed gleaming in the sunshine and It looked quite impressive.  
Around the hospital itself building were well tended lawns and flower beds interlaced with paths that could to facilitate wheelchairs.  In fact I saw a A number of older patients partially covered by blankets were sitting outside.  They were generally older and had blankets spread across their knees.  It seemed like a good idea.  I’ve noticed that getting some fresh air from time to time can improve just about any ailment.  From the entrance we proceeded into a spacious modern lobby.  In the center was a desk manned by a volunteer who assisted visitors in locating patients.  Around the perimeter were a number of guest shops selling items that might be given to patients.  Personally I’d never really understood the obligation that many people feel to bring something when they go to a hospital.  Patients seldom have a great deal of room and usually want belongings kept to a minimum but, I suppose, a small plant or vase of flowers on a window sill can cheer things up somewhat.  
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connorrenwick · 6 years ago
Toronto’s Echo House Marries Asian and Canadian Influences
Located on a two acre lot in Toronto, the Echo House project includes a renovation and addition to better suit a city-dwelling family’s modern lifestyle. The family hired Paul Raff Studio to design a harmonious residence that would pay homage to their Asian Canadian heritage, resulting in a spacious, tranquil home with a connection to the surroundings.
The ecologically sustainable renovation of the existing home was a radical overhaul that created an open, light-filled interior that opens up to the lush landscape. The exterior was given a new envelope complete with high-performance insulation that, along with the new efficient heating, cooling, and ventilation system, reduces the home’s energy usage by more than 50%.
One of the most notable changes resides on the front creating a bold entrance forecourt. A series of reclaimed douglas fir screens help provide privacy for the guest rooms while keeping views of the garden. The three-dimensional screens use dark metal fasteners which give nod to traditional craftsmanship of Korean antiques.
The front exterior is clad in a mix of materials for a more dramatic look, including Algonquin limestone and dark raked stucco.
In the main living area, the space opens up to the outdoors offering expansive views of the greenery. The living room features 18-foot ceilings with a row of windows at the top that help flood the space with natural light. Those windows also frame views of the sky and the tops of trees.
A pivoting laser cut steel door outfitted with Asian-inspired patterns leads to the indoor pool area.
Additional reclaimed douglas fir shows up on the ceiling above the pool.
Photos by Steve Tsai and Ben Rahn/A-Frame.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2019/04/04/torontos-echo-house-marries-asian-and-canadian-influences/
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3dsrendercom · 5 years ago
Take a Peek Inside Drake's 50,000 Square-Foot Toronto Mansion
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We all know Drake has a bit of money ($170 million by last estimates), but we now know how he likes to spend it. Apparently, it’s on ridiculously opulent, custom-designed mansions. Who would have thought? The Canadian-rapper and current Billboard number-one holder has unveiled his new 50,000 square-foot Toronto pad, located in the prestigious Biddle Path neighbourhood. You’ll also like: How to Get Drake’s Haircut What is Drake’s Net Worth? Champagne Papi Flies High with Custom Jet ‘Drake Air’
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In a shoot with Architectural Digest, Drake peeled back the curtain on the incredible structure. Envisioned by Canadian architectural and interior designer Ferris Rafauli, Drake’s house is something to behold. Purchased back in 2015 for a measly $6.7 million, there’s no doubting the house is worth infinitely more now. A marvel of old-world craftsmanship, exquisite limestone, bronze and wood features, the Toronto house looks more like a Bond villain’s lair or county club. It’s little wonder Drake’s house has been dubbed ‘The Embassy’. “In form, materials, and execution, the structure is a proper 19th-century limestone mansion. But the exterior profiles are more minimal and the lines are a bit cleaner,” Rafauli told Architectural Digest. “This isn’t stucco, paint, and fake gold. That’s not what Drake wanted, and that’s not what I do.”
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A play on modern art-deco, the rapper’s mansion references a number of historical styles, while tweaking them for a contemporary finish. What you end up with, Drake says, is overwhelming high luxury. “That message is delivered through the size of the rooms and the materials and details of the floors and the ceilings. I wanted to make sure people can see the work I’ve put in over the years reflected from every vantage point.” Inside the structure, you’ll find all the elements you’d expect from a big-baller, but with a decidedly refined and elegant approach. The vast entry hall is clad in solid limestone with bevelled inserts of Nero Marquina marble, which sits beneath a faceted ceiling of antique mirrors framed in bronze. From there, you enter the epic great room, which soars to 44 feet high. At one end, a bespoke concert grand piano by the venerable Austrian piano maker Bösendorfer designed in collaboration with Japanese artist Takashi Murakami and Rafauli. On the other, an iteration of Lobmeyr’s iconic Metropolitan chandelier, originally designed by Hans Harald Rath for the Viennese maker to decorate the Metropolitan Opera in New York City in 1963. According to Architectural Digest, more than 20,000 pieces of hand-cut Swarovski crystals were used to create the dazzling structure.
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As every single person who ever appeared on MTV Cribs will tell you, the magic happens in the bedroom. For Drake’s house, there is no exception. The 3,200-square-foot master bedroom suite is as opulent as humanly possible. A custom bed and bed base, an antique mirror, a whisky and champagne bar all make an appearance in this suite, fit for a king. Drake’s house is understandably over the top. But despite its enormous size and intricate craftsmanship, it doesn’t feel contrived; merely an expression of fine art played out in functional form. Oh, and there’s also a full-sized basketball court because, well, it’s Drake.
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All images courtesy of Architectural Digest. You’ll also like: How to Get Drake’s Haircut What is Drake’s Net Worth? Champagne Papi Flies High with Custom Jet ‘Drake Air’ Source link Read the full article
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viewittoronto · 7 years ago
An Amazing 3+2 Detached House in Henry Farm! | Houses for Sale | City of Toronto
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Private Muskoka Living In Your Backyard*1Of The Best Homes!*Backs To Ravine*Renovated Top To Bottom, W/Great Taste & Flair*Large Bright W/O Bsmt*Large, Pie Shaped Ravine Lot* Beautiful Deck In Backyard *Quality Materials & Rare To Find Workmanship*Cul-De-Sac*Not The Average Henry Farm House, 1 Of The Most Exclusive Streets In The Nbrhd; New, Modern, Fresh Design, Inside And Outside; Easy Access To: Subway, Hwys, Great Schools, Malls, Hospital, Tennis, Golf.
Extras: Newer Kitchen, Bathrms, Windows, Doors, Roof, Eaves-Through, Stucco Exterior, Hrdwd/Porcelain Flrs, Electrical, Insulation, Brand Name Ss Appl, New Furnace & Ac; Too Many To List! Mere Minutes To Fairview Mall, Ttc Subway, Highways 401&404
Property Features Bedroom(s): 3 + 2 Bathroom(s): 3 2 piece : 1 total 4 piece : 1 total 3 piece : 1 total Kitchen(s): 1 Basement: Fin W/O Exterior: Stucco/Plaster Living style: Bungalow Parking spaces total: 2 Property type: Detached Sewer system: Sewers Air Conditioning Attached garage with 2 parking space(s) Working Fireplace(s)
The post An Amazing 3+2 Detached House in Henry Farm! | Houses for Sale | City of Toronto appeared first on Viewit.
from Viewit https://ift.tt/2sdDgRl via https://viewit.agency
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royalcrownstucco-blog · 7 years ago
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Royal Crown Stucco Ltd. is a Toronto stucco contractor, who has been serving Markham, Oakville, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Aurora, Port Union and more and the Greater Toronto Area since 10 years, offering high-quality stucco at a competitive price. From stucco to EIFS, trust our professionals with the experience, they know how to get the job done right. Hurry! Get in touch with us!
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royalcrownstucco-blog · 7 years ago
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A fully licensed Stucco contractor serving Industrial, Residential and Commercial customers in the Toronto and surrounding areas, with a guarantee the very highest levels of quality and service.
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