#Extended warranty for the televisions
gowarranty · 7 days
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Extended Warranty Plan for Small Appliances
GoWarranty’s Extended Warranty Plan for Small Appliances offers extended protection beyond the manufacturer's warranty, covering repair and maintenance costs for devices like blenders, toasters, and more. With this plan, you can avoid unexpected breakdowns and repair expenses, ensuring your appliances function efficiently for a longer time. Additionally, GoWarranty provides quick support and skilled technicians to keep your small appliances in optimal condition. This plan is designed to provide peace of mind and long-term value for your home essentials. For more information visit on website.
Website - https://gowarranty.in/
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fallen-gravity · 2 months
One Call Away
It's 1982. Somewhere in New Mexico, Stan recieves a phone call from not-quite his brother. Someone is threatening to take his life. Whether Ford himself is desperately reaching out for help, or someone else entirely has him at gunpoint, Stan knows one thing for sure: He needs to find him and fast.
Alternatively: An AU where the payphone Bill used to call Stan while posessing Ford worked, and Stan is actually forced to listen to his "brother" threaten to kill himself.
Caution: This fic has MAJOR spoilers for The Book of Bill. Proceed with caution.
Author's Note 2 Electric Boogaloo: God, this book has had a huge grip on my psyche all week. I'm losing my mind. I'm going absolutely feral. I lost my shit at the section of the Missing Journal 3 Pages where Ford revealed that Bill tried to make a phone call in his name to Stan threatening to kill himself. I audibly gasped. I read it three times. God. I'm insane.
No character death tag because nobody dies! This fic ends on a positive note, I promise :')
AO3 Link
Or under the cut:
When you’ve been scamming suckers out of their money as long as Stan has, you come to learn to expect that anything can happen. You learn to tend to your own injuries, you learn the best escape routes, you learn as many languages as you can in case you need to flee the country, you learn to disappear without a trace; when you expect everything, you learn to let nothing surprise you.
When you have a public phone line that anyone can call, you learn to expect that only about half of those calls are gonna be potential new customers eager to try out your products. When you’ve been relying on these new customers to provide the money for your next meal, you tend to pay attention to patterns; you notice when your commercials air, how many customers are likely to call in, and how long it takes for customers to realize they’ve been scammed and call back demanding their money back. To most, it looks like the world’s most elaborately thought out scam they’ve ever seen. To you, it’s survival.
Expect everything so you can be prepared for anything. That’s how Stan sees it, anyway. As long as he’s prepared, nothing can catch him off guard. If he knows what’s coming, he’ll never have to wake up in the trunk of a car with his hands tied behind his back ever again.
Unfortunately for Stan, though, that means being hyper-alert at all times, even in his sleep, so even the most mundane of noises can wake him up. If the couple in the hotel room next to him drops a bottle of shampoo in the shower, he’s gonna hear it and wake up. 
If the phone starts ringing at god-knows-when in the morning, he’s going to shoot up awake, even if it just turns out to be some dumb telemarketer trying to reach him about his car’s extended warranty.
The alarm clock on the hotel nightstand tells him it’s nearing four-thirty in the morning when the complimentary phone in his hotel room starts ringing. 
That’s…strange. There’s no way that could be a customer, because Stan never bothered to buy commercial spots for late night and prime time television. For one, prime time is incredibly expensive and has too many competitors who are selling actual products, and secondly, Stan’s found that he has the most success when he advertises on the daytime soap opera channels, because that’s when all the bored housewives and old folks’ homes are likely watching TV. 
Could it be someone he’s pissed off? No, that doesn’t make any sense either, because they don’t usually have the courtesy to call before they show up with a shotgun or twelve. It can’t be Ma, since she usually calls when Pa goes away on his weekend trips to Atlantic City. 
Nothing’s adding up. Every fiber in his being is telling him not to answer.
And yet… 
He fears more for what will happen to him if he doesn’t answer. 
He pats his hair down, takes a deep breath, and picks up the receiver. 
“You’ve reached Stan-Co! Totally authentic and worthwhile products. If you need it, I have it. Stan’s your man. How can I legitimately help you today?”
“Stanley!” replies an all-too familiar voice, one he hasn’t heard in nearly ten years. “Just the man I wanted to see!” he says, despite not being able to see him and having been the one who called first. 
“Wh- Stanford?!? The hell are you doin’ calling my infomercial line?” Stan splutters, too shocked to even bother trying to keep his voice down. 
“Awww, that’s not a very nice hello for your favorite brother, is it?” Ford’s voice replies, sounding like he’s suppressing hysterical laughter. 
Something’s wrong.
 Stan may not have spoken to his brother in years, but he can instantly tell that something’s wrong.
“Stanford, what the hell is going on?”
There’s a short pause, and then Ford blows a raspberry into the receiver. “You’re no fun! I thought for sure you’d cry like a baby when I called!” 
Yeah, okay, something is definitely wrong. “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on, Ford? Why the hell are you calling me so late? Why me? I thought you hated my guts!”
“Oh, I do!” Ford replies without a drop of hesitation, giggling like a madman. “But I don’t have much time, and there’s something really important I need to say, and you’re the only person I want hearing what I’m about to say.” There’s something…off about the way he sounds, not quite the slur of someone who’s drunk and far too energetic to be that of someone lacking sleep. But there’s something almost garbled about it, like he’s not all that aware of what he’s saying, and if Stan listens close enough he’s sure that he can hear an echo.
But Stan can recognize the cheap, static-y sound of someone calling from a payphone anywhere. Wherever Ford is, he’s calling from outside, and the last time Stan checked the only places outside that echoed were either very high up, very dangerous, or both of them put together. Stan does his best to repress the lump forming in his throat trying to imagine what kind of danger he possibly could’ve gotten himself into, especially if he felt the need to call him, rather than the cops, but he still can’t quite shake the tremble in his voice when he replies.
“Not much time? C’mon, Ford, don’t say that! I can help you! Screw this cold shoulder bullshit! I can help you! Just tell me what’s going on so we can figure this out together!”
An eerily long pause, and the next time Ford speaks it’s as if he brought the phone as close to his mouth as he possibly could. 
“You’re too late,” he replies, colder and more dismissive as Stan’s ever heard in his entire life. “I’m going to take a swim in the frozen lake tomorrow, and I might not ever come back, so if you don’t hear from me, I just want you to know that it’s because I never loved you. Buh-Byeeeeee!” 
“WAIT!” Stan screeches, and thankfully it’s enough to stop Ford from hanging up. “Ford, c’mon, there’s gotta be something I can do! You’re acting crazy! I’m not asking anymore, I’m begging! Where the hell are you?”
Another pause. 
Then, a voice that doesn’t sound anything like Ford’s.
“Oh, goody! An audience! You want to watch him die so badly, that’s fine by me! I’ll even hold off just for you!” An ear-shatteringly high pitched cackle. “Gravity Falls, Oregon. If you want him, come and get him.”
“Him?! Who the hell is-” Stan snaps, but before he can ask any more questions, Ford hangs up, and all Stan is left with is the droning buzz of the dial tone.
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Either Ford’s lost his mind and really is planning to off himself, or someone else is threatening to do it for him. Shit. Shit. Stan has to go now. Everything else be damned, if he doesn’t leave before this other maniac gets bored of waiting then Ford’s not gonna be there at all when he finally makes it to Oregon. That’s nearly halfway across the country from his hotel in New Mexico as is, so he already doesn’t have any time to spare.
He leaps out of bed, reaching underneath until he finds his duffle bag, and practically tears the place apart trying to get all of his belongings together. There’s something in his gut telling him he’s not coming back any time soon, and even if Ford had miraculously said he was only one state over, Stan isn’t willing to risk leaving behind anything important, weaponry included. How’s Stan supposed to know what kind of bullshit Ford got himself into? How could he live with himself if he assumed all was well and left his brass knuckles behind, only to find his brother half-dead in an alleyway somewhere? 
He’s not risking it. Even if everything is fine, and Ford had only sounded like that because he was drunk off his ass and had no idea what he was actually saying, Stan’s not risking it.
Even if Ford doesn’t want him in his life, Stan’s not willing to risk losing him. Not again. Not permanently. 
Once he has all his stuff together, Stan scribbles down a half-assed apology for housekeeping and tapes it to the door alongside a twenty dollar bill. He hastily tosses all of his stuff in the back of the car, and speeds off out of the hotel parking lot as if it were his own life on the line. He doesn’t want to think about the worst case scenarios, so for now he focuses only on the road signs for directions to the closest pit stop and hopefully enough energy drinks to last him the twenty-something hour drive he’s about to make. 
Thankfully, the closest one is less than an hour away and open 24/7 to boot, so Stan is sure that his luck is turning around; all he has to do is pop in, grab a few things, and be on his way. He’ll be in Oregon before he knows it.
That is, of course, until he realizes that none of the maps at the place even have a so-called Gravity Falls listed on any of them.
“Uh, hey,” Stan calls out to the worker behind the cash register, who looks like he’s falling asleep where he stands. “You wouldn’t happen to know where Gravity Falls is, do you? Gravity Falls, Oregon?” 
At first Stan’s not entirely sure if the poor guy even heard him, but then the worker eyes him up and down and sighs heavily. “You makin’ fun of me or something?”
Stan blinks. “What? No, A’course not!” he sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “Look, I don’t exactly have a lot of time here! I don’t know why I can’t find it on any of your brochure maps, but I’ve got a gut feeling that someone I love is in a lot of danger and I need to get there as fast as I possibly can. Do you know where it is or not?”
For a brief moment the man still doesn’t answer, eyeing him up and down again, before he sighs and leans forward, like the information he’s about to give him is top-secret government information. “Alright,” he whispers, and glances around the store to make sure the two of them are alone. “I’ve heard things. Rumors. Crazy stories about ghouls and goblins and people who come and go without a trace of memory of who they were before they entered that town. I’ve got a general idea of where it is, but I’m not confident. If you’re willing to listen, I’ve got theories.”
Under any other circumstances, Stan would wave him off as insane and book it out of there as fast as he could, but he’s desperate for any information he can get, and he’s not entirely sure when the next time he’ll find anyone even remotely familiar with the town will even be. So Stan agrees, and does his best not to show how insane he thinks this worker is as he starts going off about the supernatural and monsters that sound like they belong in a Saturday morning cartoon. 
If Ford really is anywhere near any kind of place that fits this man’s stories, it’s no wonder he sounded like he was starting to lose his mind. 
After listening to the man ramble on for god knows how long and watching him draw circles in the map where he thinks the town could be, Stan thanks him by actually paying for what he came in for before jumping back into his car and speeding down the highway as fast as he possibly can. 
It’s an agonizing two day drive, only stopped by the times Stan fell asleep at the wheel and forced himself to pull over and take a nap, and the time he was so desperate for food that he pulled off at some truck stop (with admittedly the grossest food he’s eaten since becoming homeless) for a hot meal. If it were up to him, he would’ve done the whole drive in one go, but it was when he nearly careened his car off a cliff trying to stay awake that he realized that he wouldn’t be any good to his brother dead, so he resolved to also take short driving breaks here and there to make sure he kept his energy up; if he really does need to fight someone when he gets there, he’s gonna need all the strength he can get. 
Thankfully, upon arrival at Gravity Falls, Ford’s place of residence is much easier to find than Stan had feared; for a guy who’d been longing for a place he belonged since early childhood, Ford sure likes to stick out like a sore thumb wherever he goes. As soon as Stan goes around town asking townsfolk if anyone had seen anyone who looked like him “except a lot smarter, I guess,” nearly every single person he asks points off in the same direction of the woods and gives him the same confused sort of I think he lives somewhere in there. If he hadn’t gotten it from at least five separate people, Stan would’ve been sure that they were all screwing with him. 
And, as it turns out…every single one of them is right. It doesn’t take that much venturing in the woods for Stan to come across the giant cabin aglow in eerie blue lighting and surrounded by tall fences of barbed wire with pieces of cardboard stapled to it and “KEEP OUT” written on them in shaky handwriting. If Ford is anywhere, it’s here. 
Now…breaking into somewhere he’s not allowed? Stan can do that in his sleep. He’s done it hundreds of times, and he’ll probably do it another hundreds of thousands of times again before he dies.
Seeing his brother again? 
That terrifies him to his very core. Reason for driving all the way out here aside, there’s still a very real chance Ford’s gonna tell him he still never wants to see him again and slam the door in his face, and then Stan’s really gonna have nowhere to go. After everything, if Stan rescues Ford from whatever’s after him and he still tells him to leave and never come back?
What then?
…No. That’s not what matters right now. He can worry about that later.
With a shake of his head to brush off his thoughts, Stan rams his car into the fence hard and fast enough to topple it to the ground. He drives down the path until he’s close enough to the front entrance that he can hop out of his car as quickly as he can, but hidden enough that he won’t be seen if someone (or something) tries to escape.
Stan takes a deep breath as he exits his car and makes his way to the front door, and finds himself hesitating to knock the door as soon as he’s on the porch steps.
It’s for his own good, Stan tells himself. It’s for his own good. I’m just trying to help. It’s for his own good. 
He stamps down on any last remnants of hesitation and knocks on the door, loud enough for Ford to hear but gently enough to hopefully assure him that it isn’t anyone who wants to hurt him. Almost instantaneously, Stan can hear the sound of objects falling and glass shattering from inside, like a spooked deer trying to dodge the headlights of an oncoming truck. Stan’s sure he can hear the sound of someone muttering, and he’s relieved beyond comparison that it’s the only voice he can hear coming from inside.  
Because he can tell that it’s Ford’s voice. 
Which means he’s still alive.
Stan huffs out a huge sigh of relief, and subconsciously begins patting down the wrinkles in his clothes to make himself more presentable. He waits, and he waits, but despite Stan knowing he heard Ford stumbling around inside, he never comes to answer the door. 
Stan frowns. This is going to be even harder than he thought. Stan tries again, this time knocking exactly six times in the hopes that it’ll clue Ford in on the fact that it’s just him at the door.
As it turns out, though, that seems to be an even bigger mistake than knocking normally, because now the noises coming from inside sound even more frightened. From inside, Stan can hear a muffled string of curse words, followed by the sound of some piece of furniture being knocked over, and finally, the sound of feet trying and failing to sneakily run across a squeaky hardwood floor.  Stan’s about to give up, head into town, and try reaching Ford from a payphone instead, but the door slowly starts to creak open before Stan has the chance to step down from the porch and get back in his car. 
“Stay back!” Ford shrieks, his voice trembling. Stan still can’t quite see him, because he’s too distracted by the crossbow being shoved in his face. “I don’t care who you’re pretending to be, I will shoot if you try anything!”
Ford finally steps out into view, and Stan’s heart falls to his stomach. Sweet Moses, he looks so much worse than Stan ever could’ve imagined. His hair is a wreck, sticking up in some places and sticking to the side of his face in others. His eyes are bloodshot and puffy, which Stan can only hope is from crying and not something…worse. There’s a dried streak of blood running down from his right eye, and there’s scratches and cuts splattered around his face. He’s wearing a ratty trench coat, and the white shirt underneath is practically falling off of his body, concerningly torn to bits at the chest area. And from what’s left of the poor shirt, there’s splotches of vomit mixed with some other…unrecognizable liquids.
Stan can feel a foul-tasting bile rising in his throat at the sight of him. Surely anyone else would flee, thinking him to be clinically insane, but Stan refuses to sit around and ignore whatever caused his brother to turn out like…this. 
“Stanford?” Stan splutters, failing to keep the shock out of his voice. “What the ever-loving  fuck is going on?” 
Somehow, that of all things is what seems to snap Ford out of his trance. He’s still clinging to his crossbow, but his fingers aren’t on the trigger anymore and his eyes are already looking less foggy than when he’d opened the door a minute prior. He blinks and rubs at his eyes, and takes a cautious, shaky step forward, like he’s afraid the ground will shatter like glass under his feet if he moves too quickly. 
“S-Stanley?” Ford whispers, more to himself than to Stan, but Stan can’t help the sigh of relief that escapes him. 
He’s not too far gone. There’s still hope. Stan goes to take another step forward, but before he has the chance, all the color drains from Ford’s face.
“Oh no,” Ford whispers, and the crossbow slips from his hand. “Oh no no no no no no no,” he mumbles, retreating back inside without closing the door. He comes back out moments later, gripping a flashlight in one hand and a VHS tape in the other. 
Out of nowhere, Ford grabs Stan by the shoulders, prompting a surprised yelp out of him, and even more out of nowhere, Ford takes the flashlight and flashes it in his eyes. 
“Ow! What gives!?” Stan exclaims, pulling himself out of Ford’s grip and rubbing at his eyes with his wrist. When his vision finally readjusts from the assault, he’s surprised to see that Ford’s whole posture has relaxed significantly. Sure, he still looks frightened out of his mind, but he doesn’t look like he’s about to shatter to pieces anymore. 
“How long have you been here?” Ford asks, completely ignoring Stan’s previous questions. 
“Uhh…” Stan pauses, admittedly taken aback by the question. “About an hour, I think?” he shrugs. “Had some trouble finding you, since some of the folks I asked around town didn’t seem to know who I was talking about when I asked about you.”
Ford’s eyes widen in horror. “You asked around town about me?” He splutters, but then clears his throat to regain his composure. “Did anyone try to get anything out of you? Were you followed?” 
Stan snorts. “Puh-lease. The most dangerous person around here is probably me, and I haven’t eaten a healthy meal in weeks.” He shakes his head. “Nobody said anything. And if I was followed, I’d know. It’s something you learn to look out for when you’ve been living on the streets for ten years.” There’s a shred more resentment in his tone than he meant for it to be, but it seems to get the message across well enough. Ford sighs, and gestures inside. 
“Come in,” Ford mumbles, his gaze falling to the ground. “I’m afraid I don’t have much time.” Without waiting for Stan, Ford turns heel and hastily returns inside. Stan does his best to follow close behind, but stops dead in his tracks as soon as he steps foot inside. 
The whole place is trashed. 
Trashed far beyond what Stan thought a single human could ever be capable of. There’s papers scattered everywhere, bottles of ink spilled and pooling everywhere, cupboards with holes smashed into the doors, broken plates and twisted rusty nails scattered all over the floor, a concerningly bloodied hammer on the kitchen countertop, multiple windows boarded up with splintered wood, and empty boxes of instant coffee mix strewn all around the kitchen.
Most concerningly of all, there’s a door that leads somewhere that’s covered with scratches and dripping with blood, and Stan’s not entirely sure whether that means something wanted in or if something was desperate to get out. 
Stan’s not entirely sure which thought he prefers. 
He doesn’t have too much time to stew on that, though, because he’s pulled from his thoughts by the loud thwack of plastic being smacked against the wall. He turns to the source of the noise, and he’s surprised to find Ford desperately trying to break the VHS tape in half. When that doesn’t work, he groans in frustration and resolves to throwing it on the ground. 
“Uh…Stanford?” Stan tries, and reaches out to place a gentle hand on his shoulder, but Ford moves swiftly in another direction before he can reach him.
“I can’t do it,” Ford’s voice wavers with emotion. His head droops in defeat, and though his back is turned, Stan can see him cover his face with his hands. “I can’t do it. I’m too late. I can’t do it.”  He starts to shake even harder, like his body wants him to cry but he’s forcing it not to happen because he needs to stay strong.
For who? Himself? For Stan? For someone else?
“Hey, hey…” Stan drops his voice to a whisper, hoping a calmer tone of voice will be more likely to get a proper reply out of Ford. Stan is one-hundred percent not calm, and is in fact getting more and more freaked out the longer he doesn’t get a reply, but the last thing he needs is to stress Ford out even more than he already is. “S’alright. I’m here, okay? Whatever it is I can help you with. I don’t even care if it involves any nerdy-smarts stuff. I can learn it for you. I can help you.”
For a few brief moments, Ford’s heavy breathing pauses. He turns to look at Stan, and it’s hard not to flinch at the fact that he’s looking more and more like a kicked, abused puppy. He looks like he’s genuinely considering replying, even goes to open his mouth, but clamps down on that moments later when another thought seemingly comes to him. 
“I…” he stammers, and violently shakes his head again. “I can’t. I could never.” He starts pacing back and forth in place, rubbing his arms up and down together in a failed attempt to self-sooth. “I wish I could, but…” he trails off, but stops before he can allow himself to finish. He violently shakes his head again, like he’s not allowing himself to even think that things could possibly get better. 
Stan scowls. That’s the last straw. 
“Stanford.” Stan speaks firmly, and grabs at both of his brother’s shoulders. His grip is gentle enough not to hurt him, but strong enough to prevent him from squirming away. As it turns out, though, the strength isn’t very necessary, since Ford practically goes limp in his arms at the touch. 
“Stanford,” Stan repeats as he turns Ford around to force him to look him in the eyes. “I’m not asking anymore. Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. I know for a fact that I didn’t just haul my ass all the way out to Oregon from New Mexico worried sick to death that my brother was going to kill himself just for him to push me away again. I don’t know if something happened to you after you got rejected from that fancy nerd school, or if someone’s after you, or if you really are thinking about killing yourself. I don’t care if that phone call from the other day was a threat or just a drunk dial you made after watching too much Galaxy Sci-Fi Wars, or what, but I don’t need any of that to see how much trouble you’re in! You’re shaking! You’re hurt! Your house looks like it was hit by every single natural disaster all at once! I don’t care how it happened, I care that it happened. Talk to me, Stanford. I’m not leaving until you talk.”
There’s a heavy pause. Ford’s eyes are darting all around Stan’s face, and Stan’s not quite sure what he’s looking for. He doesn’t look angry or offended, but he doesn’t look all that convinced, either. It’s almost as if there’s a deep-rooted sadness in his gaze, like Ford’s not fully convinced of his honesty, and that breaks Stan’s heart more than anything else.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Ford finally replies, breaking eye contact but not bothering to break out of Stan’s grip.
Stan wants to laugh. If the situation were less dire, he would laugh. “Wouldn’t understand?” he replies, gently shaking Ford’s shoulders. “Wouldn’t understand what? Having a target on your back wherever you go? An expensive bounty on your head? You think I don’t understand having to sleep with one eye open? With having to pack everything up as soon as possible because you might not survive the night if you don’t leave? Or do you think I don’t understand being too scared to try leaving, because you feel like the moment you’re out of a so-called ‘safe zone’ is the moment someone’s gonna kidnap you? Or throw you in the trunk of their car? Or do something much, much worse to you? Just because you pissed off the wrong guy? Do y’really think I don’t understand that, Ford? I understand that better than anybody. I understand that better than I’m willing to admit.” 
One final pause, and then Ford sighs heavily enough that Stan can feel the tension slumping off of his body.  Stan finally releases his grip on him, and Stan is hugely relieved to notice that Ford’s posture already looks significantly more relaxed. 
“You’re right,” Ford mumbles, and stretches his arms into the air to try and release any extra remaining tension. “You’re right,” he repeats, and nervously scratches at his chin. “Plus, uh…it probably would be easier to deal with this alongside someone else. I’ve…” he trails off, as if too embarrassed to finish. “I’ve been alone with my…thoughts for far too long. Some human company might do me some good.” 
Stan snorts. “Ha! Listen to yourself. Human company might do me some good. If I’d shown up any later you would’ve turned into a full-time nerd robot!”
Ford cracks the tiniest of smiles at that, whether he’s aware of it or not, and then it’s right back to business as usual. “Alright, fine. You got me.” He rubs at the back of his head. “There’s…someone after me. Someone who wants me dead. I don’t really know how to explain it to you, but it wasn’t exactly…me that called you the other night. I mean, it technically was, since I was the one who was speaking, but it was more like…he was forcing me to say those things. There’s something of mine that he wants, but I’m afraid that if he gets his hands on it, it’s going to hurt a lot of people. No, scratch that, I know it’s going to hurt a lot of people. I know that, and he knows that, and that’s why he wants it. But that’s also why I refuse to give it to him. It’s a big vicious game of cat and mouse. He wants it, I don’t give it to him, he retaliates with violence. There’s no winning.” He takes a deep breath, clearly trying his damn hardest not to spiral again. “Either I give him what he wants or he kills me taking it by force.” He buries his face into his hands. “I can’t do it.” He whimpers. “There’s nothing I can do.”
Stan doesn’t even realize he’d blurted that out loud until Ford pulls his face from his hands to stare at him slack-jawed. “Come again?” 
“I said that’s total bullshit.” Stan replies, firmly standing his ground. “Listen, Ford, I’ve been dealing with his type for a lot longer than I’m willing to admit, and lemme tell you something; that’s just what he wants you to think. He wants you to give up and assume everything’s hopeless, because the moment you lose hope and stop fighting is the moment he’ll strike. He wants you to think he’s got no weakness, because that makes it so much easier to exploit yours. Everyone’s got ‘em, Sixer, but only the cockiest and most powerful aren’t willing to admit that they’ve got ‘em, too. And you wanna know a secret? They don’t like to admit they’ve got weaknesses because they know what it does to them. They know the second anyone finds out about their weakness that they’re just like the rest of us. If we know their weaknesses, we can fight back, and that terrifies those suckers to their very core. That’s the kind of stuff that sends them running home to their mamas. If there’s even an inkling of a chance that someone’s gonna knock them off of their pedestal, or that nobody’s afraid of them anymore because we’ve got ‘em figured out, that’s what gets them. They get so obsessed over the power they have on others that they forget to stop and consider that others can have power over them.”
“I’m telling you, Sixer, no matter what this guy tries to convince you, he’s just sayin’ it to keep you complacent. He wants you to think he’s got no weakness because he’s terrified at the idea of losing his power over you. Once you stop letting him control you, he’ll have nowhere else to stand. Once he loses you, he loses everything. It’s not about whether or not you can fight back, it’s about how you’re gonna fight back. Because once you fight back and you take control, he’s gonna have nowhere to run, and then he’s gonna be the one backed into a corner. You can fight back. You can tell him no.”
“Up up up, I don’t wanna hear it” Stan waggles a finger in his face. “If I’m still alive after all I’ve been through, I sure as hell know that you’re gonna make it, too. If I can chew my way out of the trunk of a car and tunnel my way out of a Colombian prison using nothing but cheap plastic cutlery, you can break away from whatever hold this guy has on you. Don’t sit around and wait for this guy to strike, you gotta stand up and strike first. He’ll never see it coming.” He slaps Ford on the back. “You’re a smart guy, Sixer, I’m sure that you of all people could figure out how to outsmart this guy. 
Ford looks like he wants to believe him, like he wants to hope that things are gonna be okay, but there’s something that’s still tethering him to his fears. There’s the briefest spark of hope in his eyes, but it’s gone just as quickly as it arrived.
“I wish I could believe you, Stanley, but Bill, he’s-” Ford starts, but flinches like he’s been shot when he accidentally uses this other guy’s name. It breaks Stan’s heart to see his brother so fearful for his life, but it also makes his blood boil over with rage thinking about the power this guy’s got over him.
 What, is saying his name gonna summon him or something? Did this Bill guy plant bugged cameras all over the house so he could keep a constant eye on Ford so he’ll know if he’s ever thinking of pulling something over his eyes? Is that why Ford’s place is so trashed? Did he tear the place apart looking for secret cameras and hidden microphones? What gives?  
Ford freezes, as if he’s actually expecting this guy to kick his door in, and when nothing happens he audibly sighs in relief. 
Stan crosses his arms. “But what? This Bill guy’s supposed to be different? More powerful? I’m tellin’ ya, he’s no different than any of the other jerks I’ve had to deal with.” He jabs another finger in Ford’s direction. “And even if he was, by some chance? Even if this guy is somehow the most powerful and feared dictator in the whole universe, what’s the first thing I said when I got here?”
Ford goes to respond, but then his cheeks burn red and stops, a clear sign that he’s forgotten. 
“I said I’m here for you. I’m here because I want to help you. I could stand here and lecture you about crime lords all day, but nothing’s ever going to change if you don’t let me help you. I don’t care how big and tough this guy thinks he is! You’re my brother, Stanford. Nothing else matters more to me than my family. You even said it yourself earlier!” Stan throws his arms into the air in an exasperated manner. “Two heads are always gonna be better than one. Two pairs of fists are also always gonna be better in a fight. You don’t have to magically stop being afraid of this guy, but I’m telling you that it’s gonna be a lot easier if you have someone fightin’ the good fight with you. I wish I had someone when I was on the run from Rico and his gang.” 
Ford frowns. “Stanley…” 
“Point is,” Stan waves him off before he can go down a guilt-ridden spiral. “I’m not leaving. Matter of fact, I’m not asking you anymore. I’m telling you. I’m staying. Until we get this whole thing sorted out and send this Bill guy running for the hills, I’m not leaving. Protest all you want, but I’m gonna stay right here by your side until you feel safe again. Hell, I’ll even sleep on the front porch as lookout if you need me to! I’m tellin’ ya, I’m done asking nicely. I won’t let you kick me out this time, Ford. I’m here for ya through thick and thin.” 
For a few painstakingly long moments, Ford doesn’t respond. But he does look like he’s deep in thought, which is a hell of a lot better than all of the flinching and nervous pacing he’s been doing since Stan arrived. If nothing else, that in itself is a huge improvement. But before Stan can start again, Ford pulls a polaroid out of his trench coat pocket, and despite a gentle tear at the corner seemingly from age, it’s looking like the most well-kept object in the entire house. Stan doesn’t bother sneaking a peek out of fear of breaking what little trust he seems to successfully be rebuilding with Ford, but whatever it is seems to bring him a lot of comfort; he only looks at it for a moment, but those few moments are enough to sneak a soft, nostalgic sort of smile onto his face.
“You’re right,” Ford finally says, the calmest he’s sounded all day. “I don’t think there’s any way I could tackle this on my own. But with some help?” He smiles sheepishly. “I think there’s something we could do.”
“There he is!” Stan exclaims, grabbing his brother in a chokehold and giving his hair a rough noogie. “I knew my brother was still in there somewhere!” he grins, and tussles him up one more time before letting go. “And hey, maybe after all this is over you can give Ma a call, eh? She’s worried sick about you, I just know it.”
“Hah!” Ford laughs, tiny sparks of confidence returning to his tone and posture. “Now that’s someone I’m really afraid of upsetting.”
Stan grins, and gives Ford a gentle slug on the shoulder. As hard as Ford’s trying not to show it, Stan can tell he’s starting to enjoy the company. As much as Stan really doesn’t want to admit it, he was desperate for this kind of company again. He watches for a moment as Ford starts to go around cleaning some things off the floor, and Stan can’t help but crack a smile as he goes to join him.
If there’s one thing Stan does want to admit, it’s that he never wants to lose this sort of companionship ever again. Situation be damned, he has his brother back, and that’s more than any material goods he could ever ask for.
Given the situation?
Well, he said he’d stay until Ford wasn’t afraid of this Bill character anymore. But if things were completely up to Stan?
Stan won’t stop until the guy’s dead for daring to mess with his family. 
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trivialbob · 9 months
TVs get larger and have more features as their prices drop. Cars today are substantially more reliable and safe than those from when I was a teenager. People live longer due to advances in medicine.
I'm an optimist. Life gets better.
When Amazon first arrived I was excited. I bundled my orders to avoid a shipping charge. Amazon didn't collect sales tax in those days. Then I got Prime. It's has a hefty annual fee, but it comes with the TV streaming and free shipping.
My adult kids have credit cards on file on my Prime account so they can take advantage of the free shipping and not pay the annual Prime fee. I can also treat myself to some free stuff by using their cards (kidding). Now that Netflix has stopped us from sharing accounts, I figure it's just a matter of time before Prime does that too.
Lately when I open Prime streaming there are commercials. Mostly they are for shows but this morning saw one for Maybelline eye makeup. I have to hit the Back button to get on to the main screen. It's easy to move along. But that extra new step annoys me.
This week I got an email from Amazon telling me there will be limited commercials on Prime streaming starting January 29.
This will allow us to continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time.
It made me think of the surcharges some restaurants now add to the bill. 6% for healthcare. 18% for fair wages. 2% for clean silverware! Any place with the tablet that swivels asks me to tip 20, 22, or 25% to the teenager who put two doughnuts into a wax bag. Recently I purchased something with a lifetime warranty. The salesman offered to sell me an extended warranty. None of these things make my shopping or dining experiences more enjoyable.
Amazon politely notes that I will have the option to pay a $2.99 monthly premium to avoid commercials. I'll probably put up with commercials. Paying more to Amazon doesn't sit well with me.
So it will be like the old days. Instead of using the pause button when I want to get a drink or snack I'll do that during the commercials like it's 1988, when I still had hair and a 75 pound television set.
Another thing about Amazon Prime: It is starting to feel like Temu. If I'm looking for some product that isn't necessarily under a particular name brand I see multiple items with the same picture but different company names. Gogoku, Calicob, Miaozuhn.
I can take my chance on lower priced things that might be crap, like some USB charging cables I bought that added hours to the time it took to charge my phone. There was probably a single strand of thin wire inside the rubber coating, that's my guess. Oh why did I trust you, AAguuds?
As much as I use online sellers I do like to shop local and support nearby stores. Amazon has begun to make that choice even easier.
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needabetternamelater · 5 months
The thing is that...
I already agree with you on everyone else. The only people we need discuss is that tiny contingent for whom there is a strong argument for containing them to isolate them away from potential victims*. The fact that this does not describe most people in prison in America is an entirely separate question. It's just one that we need not open our mouths about - let's roll up our sleeves instead. That tiny contingent is the only one in dispute! Everyone else...Day 1: repeal the law that put them there in the first place, Day 2: Pardon them to clear their criminal record to give them more choice in the matter of what career to do. Day 4.0: Send them on a half-day lecture about how they don't need to tick the box anymore, Day 4.5: Let them go. You have already sold me the television; what we're arguing about is whether or not I want the extended warranty. *If it came to it, we could just stick everyone in solitary for the entirety of their sentence.** ** I really doubt it will come to that since a)other countries manage prisons just fine without that rape endemic happening and b)prisoners in Nordic-style prisoners seem not to victimise one another as much.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
@the-blackened-dove replied to your post “"It's getting bloody cold. Might start kidnapping...”:
*Minding her own business, in her lane, definitely primo kidnappable material*
He’s large hand is going to sneakily slip out from the bushes seconds before Rokshana would pass him by and he’s going to lift her up just as her feet hit his palm and run off with her, cackling deviously as he gently slings her over his shoulder like a stolen bride.
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“Hello miss, we’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty.~” He heard that from his new television, and while he did not know what that meant, it sounded evil to him at least.
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onedirectdeals · 3 days
Samsung 49-Inch Widescreen Full HD Smart LED Television, 49" Silver Color Barbican TV Mirror Frame, Wall Bracket and Infra Red Extender with 5 Years Manufacturer's Warranty
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: Barbizon frames are named after a group of landscape artists, led by Theodore Rousseau, who were working in the village of Barbizon. They were part of the French Realist movement and forerunners of the impressionists. They often use this style of frame to frame their paintings. In English we call it Barbican. All the patterns and corner orientations are hand made by…
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extracare · 2 months
Beyond the Manufacturer’s Guarantee: Why an Extended Warranty is Essential for Your Television
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Essential coverage
When buying a television, the manufacturer’s warranty commonly gives limited coverage, often for a short period of time, which includes twelve months. This preferred assurance may additionally cowl defects in materials or workmanship but falls short on the subject of defensiveness towards unintended damage, power surges, or malfunctions that arise out of doors of the preliminary coverage length.
Consequently, investing in an extended assurance is a prudent decision to safeguard your enormous financial funding. One of the top advantages of a prolonged warranty is the complete protection it offers. Unlike the producer’s guarantee, extended warranties frequently encompass insurance for unintentional damage, which includes display screen cracks or water damage, which are common troubles for televisions. Furthermore, extended warranties services for tv may also cowl electrical screw-ups due to strength surges, a frequent incidence in lots of households that could render a TV inoperable.
This broader coverage guarantees that your television is covered against a much wider variety of ability troubles, imparting peace of mind and monetary protection. Another compelling reason to take into account extended assurance is the longevity of present-day televisions. TVs are gadgets with superior generation that may be luxurious to restore.
Extended warranties regularly provide insurance for a longer period, now and again up to five years or more, which aligns with the anticipated lifespan of a TV. This lengthy-term protection means that if your TV experiences a problem several years after purchase, you won’t be left with a pricey repair bill or the need to update the tool in advance. Customer service and comfort are additional elements that make prolonged warranties profitable.
Moreover, the fee of a prolonged guarantee may be seen as funding the longevity and overall performance of your TV. While it would appear to be an extra cost prematurely, the potential financial savings on restore or alternative charges can be big.
As an example, an unmarried important restore, including replacing a motherboard or display, can regularly exceed the cost of the extended warranty itself. By purchasing this extra coverage, you’re basically insuring your TV against future unforeseen charges, ensuring you get the most value out of your purchase. In summary, a prolonged warranty offers vital safety that goes beyond the confined scope of a producer’s assurance.
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Here are several compelling reasons why an extended warranty is important for your TV:
1. Prolonged insurance duration
Producer warranties typically remain for one to two years. An extended warranty can extend this period, imparting insurance for an additional 3 to 5 years. This extended time frame guarantees that you are covered against capability issues that may persist long after the authentic warranty has expired.
2. Comprehensive safety
Prolonged warranties often offer extra complete coverage in comparison to traditional manufacturer warranties. This will include protection in opposition to accidental harm, strength surges, or even screen burn-in, which are not commonly protected by the manufacturer.
3. Cost savings on maintenance:
Television maintenance can be costly, especially for excessive-stop models with superior capabilities. An extended assurance can prevent unexpected repair bills, as it covers the price of parts and hard work. This financial safety net may be mainly precious if your television reviews a main malfunction.
4. Comfort and peace of mind
A prolonged assurance gives peace of mind, understanding that any problems with your TV could be handled without problem. Many prolonged warranties include offerings that include in-home restoration or alternatives, minimizing inconvenience and downtime.
5. Protection against technological obsolescence
As generation swiftly advances, prolonged warranties can also provide insurance for upgrades or replacements if your television becomes out of date or if upkeep isn’t possible. This ensures you remain at the vanguard of the generation without incurring extra charges.
6. Enhanced resale price
A TV with a transferable extended warranty can have a higher resale cost. Shoppers are often inclined to pay more for a television that still has warranty insurance, as it affords them the same protections and peace of mind.
7. Assist and help
Extended guarantee Companies regularly offer committed customer support and assistance, offering you professional advice and assistance while you want it. This will be especially beneficial for troubleshooting technical troubles or navigating complex upkeep.
While a manufacturer’s assurance offers preliminary protection, an extended warranty services for TV is an essential addition to safeguard your investment in a television. It gives extended, comprehensive insurance, cost savings on upkeep, and peace of mind, ensuring that your television remains in ideal condition for years yet to come. By considering a prolonged guarantee, you’re taking a proactive step to shield your purchase and enjoy your television to the fullest.
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icofriendly · 3 months
Mixed Customer Experiences with Costco Extended Warranty Program
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Some customers praise Costco's service, while others express dissatisfaction
Costco, the popular wholesale retailer, offers an extended warranty program for its appliances. While some customers have had positive experiences with the program, others have encountered challenges and expressed dissatisfaction. This article explores a range of customer reviews to provide a comprehensive overview of the Costco extended warranty program.
Nash's Positive Experience
Nash, a customer who purchased a TV from Costco, shared a positive experience with the extended warranty program. When faced with an issue where the TV wasn't displaying pictures, Nash contacted Costco Concierge multiple times but initially received no response. After persistently reaching out, Nash managed to speak to a representative who helped book an engineer to fix the TV.
Nash was impressed by the 5-year guarantee offered by Costco and even went on to purchase another TV from the retailer.
Customer's Reliable Experience
Another customer had a reliable experience with Costco's extended warranty program. They purchased a television and encountered a problem with the shipper. However, Costco promptly refunded the handling and installation fees due to the shipper's conduct.
Throughout the process, Costco remained courteous and professional, leaving the customer satisfied with their purchase and the service received.
Mark's Frustrating Experience
Mark's experience with the Costco extended warranty program was less than satisfactory. After ordering a washer and dryer for delivery, Mark faced difficulties with the installation. The delivery people initially refused to install the appliances, claiming it was not their responsibility.
Mark had to make multiple calls before the Costco warehouse intervened and convinced the delivery team to install the washer. However, they were unable to install the dryer and Mark had to contact Costco once again. To make matters worse, the wrong dryer was delivered the next day, leaving Mark frustrated and considering alternative options.
Myron's Disappointment
Myron's experience with the extended warranty program turned out to be a disappointment. After filing a claim for a leaking Whirlpool washer, Myron found the process to be burdensome. The company underwriting the program requested unreasonable and excessive documentation at every step, seemingly aiming to wear down customers.
Despite having the washer deemed non-repairable by a professional, Myron's attempts to resolve the issue were met with no avail.
The Costco extended warranty program elicits mixed reviews from customers. While some customers, like Nash and the satisfied customer mentioned earlier, have had positive experiences with the program, others, such as Mark and Myron, have faced challenges and expressed dissatisfaction. It is important for customers to carefully consider their options and weigh the experiences of others before deciding whether to opt for the Costco extended warranty program.
As with any warranty program, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the terms and conditions and be aware of potential limitations or difficulties that may arise.
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infiniti-mall · 4 months
Top Electronic Stores in Mumbai for the Latest Gadgets and Accessories
Mumbai, the bustling city known as the economic capital of India, is likewise a haven for tech fanatics. The city gives a plethora of digital shops that cater to the wishes of device lovers, presenting the cutting-edge and best in era. Whether you are looking for a new cellphone, a excessive-definition television, or cutting-edge clever home gadgets, Mumbai has an virtual save to be able to meet your needs. In this manual, we are able to find out some of the top digital shops in Mumbai, with a unique awareness at the renowned stores in Infiniti Mall, Malad, which includes Croma, Reliance Digital, and Vijay Sales.
1. Croma Infiniti Mall Malad
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Croma is a family name in the electronics retail place, and its outlet in Infiniti Mall, Malad, stands out for its good sized style of products and extremely good customer support. This shop is a skip-to destination for those searching to buy the present day gadgets and add-ons.
Product Range:
Croma gives a large variety of products, alongside smartphones, laptops, drugs, televisions, domestic domestic system, and private care devices. The store additionally features an excellent selection of accessories like headphones, chargers, and smartwatches.
Customer Experience:
Shopping at Croma Infiniti Mall Malad is a continuing experience, thanks to its properly-organized format and knowledgeable group of workers. Customers can assume customized assistance and expert advice to help them make informed shopping for picks.
Special Services:
Croma affords various fee-brought offerings collectively with extended warranties, smooth financing options, and free domestic delivery. Their commitment to client pleasure makes it one of the excellent digital shops in Mumbai.
2. Reliance Digital Mumbai
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Reliance Digital is another leading electronics shop with a couple of shops throughout Mumbai. Known for its widespread product choice and aggressive pricing, Reliance Digital is a favorite amongst tech lovers.
Product Range:
Reliance Digital gives an intensive range of electronics, from the today's smartphones and laptops to excessive-overall performance home domestic equipment and entertainment structures. The store additionally stocks a number of accessories and peripherals to supplement your gadgets.
Customer Experience:
The save is designed to offer a cushty buying revel in, with committed sections for outstanding product classes. Reliance Digital's team of workers is properly-educated and equipped to help clients with their queries and wishes.
Special Services:
Reliance Digital is understood for its attractive offers and reductions, mainly at some point of festive seasons and unique income occasions. They also offer clean EMI alternatives and after-income help to ensure a trouble-unfastened purchasing experience.
3. Vijay Sales Infiniti Mall Malad
Vijay Sales is a distinguished name inside the electronics retail organization, with a sturdy presence in Mumbai. The Infiniti Mall Malad outlet is specifically famous for its big product range and patron-centric method.
Product Range:
At Vijay Sales, clients can locate the whole thing from the ultra-modern smartphones and laptops to home home equipment and amusement systems. The keep moreover offers a large choice of gaming consoles, cameras, and add-ons.
Customer Experience:
Vijay Sales Infiniti Mall Malad provides a pleasing buying environment with nicely-organized indicated and useful workforce. The store's crew is usually ready to provide product demonstrations and technical assistance to assist customers make the pleasant selections.
Special Services:
Vijay Sales gives numerous consumer-friendly services, which consist of prolonged warranties, easy financing options, and doorstep shipping. Their common promotional offers and reductions make it an appealing buying vacation spot for electronics fans.
4. Other Noteworthy Electronic Stores in Mumbai
While Croma, Reliance Digital, and Vijay Sales are among the maximum famous, Mumbai is home to several specific noteworthy digital shops that cater to tech-savvy clients.
A. The Electronic Store, Linking Road:
Located on the bustling Linking Road, this hold is understood for its giant variety of electronic merchandise and competitive expenses. The Electronic Store gives the whole lot from the contemporary smartphones to excessive-quit home equipment, making it a favorite amongst locals.
B. Alfa, Irla:
Alfa is a famous electronics hub inside the Irla market place, offering an outstanding desire for gadgets and add-ons at unbeatable prices. Though it could get crowded, the variety and gifts available at Alfa make it well really worth the visit.
C. EZone, Ghatkopar:
eZone, located in Ghatkopar, gives a complete shopping experience with its large range of digital merchandise and extremely good customer support. The keep functions the contemporary day devices, domestic domestic device, and private electronics, ensuring there's a few things for anybody.
D. Sony Center, Juhu:
For those specifically searching out Sony merchandise, the Sony Center in Juhu is the region to be. This committed store offers the modern-day Sony devices, together with smartphones, televisions, cameras, and audio devices, alongside personalised customer support and product demonstrations.
Mumbai's dynamic and numerous electronics retail scene guarantees that tech enthusiasts have the right of entry to the present day devices and accessories. Stores like Croma Infiniti Mall Malad, Reliance Digital Mumbai, and Vijay Sales Infiniti Mall Malad provide advanced shopping for revel in with their awesome product levels, client-centric services, and appealing offers. Whether you're a pro machine guru or in reality looking to improve your private home electronics, those shops offer the entirety you want to live in advance inside the tech world. So subsequent time you're in Mumbai, make sure to go to the one's pinnacle virtual shops and bask in a tech buying spree like no exception.
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7consultancyblog · 6 months
Advertising, market research and public relation industry recruitment agency in India
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Advertising describes the practice of promoting products and services. It does this via television, print (newspapers, magazines, journals etc), radio, press, internet, direct selling, posters, hoardings, sounds, mailers, clothes, colors, contests, sponsorships, visuals and even people (endorsements). Advertising works hand in hand with marketing, using paid platforms to drive awareness. To successfully promote products and build brand awareness, companies must have strong marketing strategies with engaging advertisements. Persuading customers to perform a particular task is a prominent objective of advertising. Actions may involve buying or trying offered products and services, creating a brand image, creating a favorable attitude toward the brand, etc. Another purpose of advertising is to reinforce the brand message and reassure existing and potential customers of the brand's vision. Advertising helps the brand to maintain top of mind awareness and to avoid competitors stealing the customers. Advertising, market research and public relation industry recruitment agency in India that provide placement consultancy services.
A product or service may generate additional revenue through advertising if there is benefit from creating additional awareness, communicating differentiating attributes, hidden qualities or benefits. Optimizing the opportunity may involve leveraging strong emotional buying motives and potential benefits. Through advertisement the necessary information are conveyed to the prospects to induce them to make proper purchase decision. Without proper information the consumers will feel difficult in finding the right product for the satisfaction of their needs. The consumers develop a brand image through the advertising appeals. This brand image along with the consumer satisfaction by using the brand develops the brand loyalty. The brand name identifies the source and assures the quality, service and warranty of the performance of the products and services. Advertising encourages innovation and introduction of products and services. The generation of new products and demand for advertising through different media, will help the media operators to extend their business. The media will be immensely benefited in the financial matters by the larger demand of advertising space and time slot.
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it. Regardless, recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of Human Resources. Recruitment process depends on the company and the company uses some methods on the company and the company uses some methods to find applicants for employment. Best Advertising, market research and public relation industry recruitment agency in India gives service in the recruitment. However, most large and some small employers have a formal process that follows to recruit and hire new employees. Recruitment advertising is simply any public business communication used to attract applicants. This type of professional outreach is usually a company’s first impression made upon the labor pool and needs to precisely articulate the goals and values of a company, portray a positive and welcoming image, and generate interest in the available jobs, and more broadly, the company. While there is no standard format for promotions, including ads serving these purposes, most companies use a conventional mix to best address the most common initial inquiries of potential applicants.
Over the past decades, different types of advertisements have proved efficient in increasing awareness about the existence of new brands in targeted markets and spreading the word about your business within a short of time. It’s not only about increasing awareness about your business but advertising is a valid choice to increase awareness about newly launched products or services or highlighting competitive advantage in exiting products and enhancements or new features added to existing products  or services. Effective tailored advertisements will be helpful in this case by focusing on the competitive advantages of your products, the distinctive added value to customers, how suitable your prices are for their budgets and expected added value, and the professionalism level of after-sales service. They become reputed trusted Top Advertising, market research and public relation industry recruitment agency in India.
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akif122514 · 8 months
Enhancing Security with Expert CCTV Surveillance Installation Services
In an era where security is paramount, businesses and homeowners alike are increasingly turning to Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance systems to safeguard their assets and loved ones. However, investing in state-of-the-art CCTV cameras is only part of the equation. The effectiveness of these systems hinges greatly on proper installation and maintenance. This is where a reputable CCTV surveillance installation company steps in, offering expertise and peace of mind.
Expertise in Installation
A professional CCTV surveillance installation company brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Their technicians are adept at assessing the unique security needs of each client and designing a tailored surveillance solution. From determining the optimal camera placements to selecting the right equipment for the environment, every aspect is meticulously planned to ensure comprehensive coverage and maximum effectiveness.
Moreover, these companies stay abreast of the latest technological advancements in the field. Whether it's integrating advanced analytics for intelligent video monitoring or implementing remote access capabilities for real-time surveillance from anywhere, they leverage cutting-edge innovations to provide clients with the highest level of security possible.
Quality Assurance
When it comes to security, reliability is non-negotiable. A professional CCTV surveillance installation company prioritizes quality in every aspect of their service. From the selection of top-tier surveillance equipment to the execution of installation procedures, attention to detail is paramount. By adhering to industry best practices and standards, they deliver installations that are not only effective but also built to last.
Furthermore, reputable companies often offer warranties and ongoing maintenance plans to ensure the continued performance of the surveillance system. Regular inspections and proactive upkeep not only extend the lifespan of the equipment but also help identify and address potential issues before they escalate, providing clients with peace of mind knowing their security infrastructure is in capable hands.
Compliance and Regulations
In an increasingly regulated environment, compliance with legal requirements and industry standards is crucial. A professional CCTV surveillance installation company is well-versed in the applicable regulations governing surveillance systems, ensuring that installations are conducted in full compliance with privacy laws and other relevant statutes.
By partnering with a reputable company, clients can rest assured that their surveillance system not only meets legal requirements but also adheres to ethical standards. This not only mitigates the risk of legal repercussions but also fosters trust and transparency in the use of surveillance technology.
Customized Solutions
Every property is unique, presenting its own set of challenges and requirements. A professional CCTV surveillance installation company understands this diversity and offers customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. Whether it's a small retail store, a sprawling corporate campus, or a residential complex, they have the expertise to design and implement a surveillance system that addresses the client's concerns while staying within budgetary constraints.
From high-definition cameras with night vision capabilities to sophisticated alarm systems and access control integration, the possibilities are endless. By collaborating closely with clients and leveraging their technical expertise, these companies deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.
In an uncertain world, investing in robust security measures is imperative. A professional CCTV surveillance installation company serves as a trusted partner in this endeavor, offering expertise, reliability, and peace of mind. By leveraging their knowledge and experience, clients can enhance the security of their properties and protect what matters most. From initial consultation to ongoing maintenance, these companies are committed to delivering solutions that provide effective surveillance and unparalleled peace of mind.
Visit: https://reliant-est.com/product/cctv-surveillance-installation-company/
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gowarranty · 16 days
Gowarranty Reviews
GoWarranty offers extended warranty and protection plans for gadgets, home appliances, and more, ensuring hassle-free repairs and replacements. With flexible options and reliable service, customers can protect their devices beyond the manufacturer’s warranty. Check out GoWarranty reviews to see why it's a trusted choice for safeguarding your electronics and appliances.
Visit -  https://www.justdial.com/Mumbai/Go-Warranty-Services-LLP-Andheri-East/022PXX22-XX22-200126212506-L6Z4_BZDET/reviews
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srcindia11 · 8 months
LED LCD TV Repair & Service in Ghaziabad Ensuring a Clear Picture of Excellence
In today's fast-paced digital era, LED LCD TVs have become an integral part of our homes, providing entertainment and information. However, like any electronic device, these sophisticated televisions can encounter technical issues over time. When faced with a malfunctioning LED LCD TV in Ghaziabad, it's crucial to find reliable repair and service options. This article explores the importance of LED LCD TV repair and service in Ghaziabad and highlights key considerations when choosing a service provider.
The Growing Need for LED LCD TV Repair:
As LED LCD TVs become more advanced with features like 4K resolution, smart capabilities, and sleek designs, the complexity of their internal components increases. Consequently, the need for skilled technicians to address issues such as display problems, sound malfunctions, or connectivity issues has risen.
Ghaziabad, a bustling city in Uttar Pradesh, is home to numerous households and businesses that rely on LED LCD TVs for entertainment and information. When these TVs encounter problems, seeking professional repair and service becomes imperative to ensure a seamless viewing experience.
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Key Services Offered by LED LCD TV Repair Centers:
Diagnosis and Troubleshooting:
Skilled technicians assess the TV to identify the root cause of the problem.
Comprehensive troubleshooting helps in understanding the specific issues affecting the TV's performance.
Display and Audio Repairs:
Addressing problems related to the display, such as pixel issues, screen flickering, or complete blackouts.
Resolving audio issues like distorted sound, no audio output, or malfunctioning speakers.
Component Replacement:
Replacing faulty components such as damaged circuit boards, power supplies, or malfunctioning processors.
Ensuring the use of high-quality replacement parts to maintain the TV's original performance.
Software and Firmware Updates:
Updating TV software and firmware to fix bugs and enhance performance.
Ensuring compatibility with the latest streaming services and applications.
Choosing the Right LED LCD TV Repair Service in Ghaziabad:
Experience and Expertise:
Look for repair centers with a proven track record of successfully repairing LED LCD TVs.
Skilled technicians with expertise in handling various brands and models inspire confidence in their ability to address complex issues.
Customer Reviews and Recommendations:
Check online reviews and seek recommendations from friends or family who have used repair services in Ghaziabad.
Positive feedback and testimonials reflect the reliability and professionalism of a repair center.
Warranty and Guarantees:
Choose a repair service that offers warranties on both the repaired components and the overall service.
Guarantees ensure that customers receive quality repairs and protect against recurring issues.
Transparent Pricing:
Opt for repair services that provide clear and transparent pricing structures.
Avoid hidden fees and opt for centers that offer upfront estimates for the cost of repairs.
LED LCD TVs play a central role in modern households, and their reliable performance is crucial for an uninterrupted viewing experience. In Ghaziabad, having access to trustworthy LED LCD TV repair and service centers is essential. By choosing experienced professionals, customers can ensure that their TVs are in capable hands, receiving the expertise needed to restore them to optimal functioning. Regular maintenance and timely repairs not only extend the lifespan of LED LCD TVs but also contribute to a consistently clear and enjoyable viewing experience for residents of Ghaziabad.
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ledtvshoppingonline · 9 months
Which is the best LED TV and where do I get it, buy online or from a retailer?
 In today's tech-driven world, the quest for the perfect LED TV is a pursuit many embark upon. With an abundance of options flooding the market, selecting the best one can be overwhelming.
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Moreover, the decision-making process extends beyond just choosing the ideal television – it also involves deliberating on whether to buy online or from a reputable retailer like Sathya LED TV Showroom. 
This guide aims to navigate you through this dilemma and help you make an informed decision on both the best LED TV and the optimal purchasing route.
Before diving into the purchasing options, it's crucial to understand what sets the best LED TV apart. Several factors contribute to determining the ideal television:
Look for features like 4K resolution, HDR (High Dynamic Range), and a higher refresh rate for smoother visuals. Consider your room size and viewing distance to find the appropriate screen size for an immersive experience without straining your eyes. Check for smart TV capabilities, operating systems, app compatibility, and ease of use for streaming and connectivity. Evaluate sound output and if needed, consider investing in additional sound systems or soundbars. Brands like Sony, Samsung, LG, and others have established themselves for quality, but reading user reviews can provide insight into real-world performance.
LED TV Online shopping offers unparalleled convenience, allowing you to compare prices, read reviews, and make purchases from the comfort of your home.Online platforms often boast a wider range of products, including different models, sizes, and brands, providing you with more choices. Online retailers frequently offer competitive pricing and exclusive android TV offers, enabling you to find the best value for your money. The convenience of having the TV delivered directly to your doorstep is a significant advantage of online shopping.
When it comes to finding the best LED TV, the decision between buying online like Sathya online TV Store ultimately depends on your preferences and priorities.
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Online shopping provides convenience, variety, and competitive pricing, while in-store purchases offer personalized assistance, physical inspection, and immediate gratification.
Remember, regardless of where you decide to purchase your LED TV, thorough research, understanding your needs, and considering factors like warranty, return policies, and after-sales service are crucial for a satisfying purchase experience.
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prasannareddy · 9 months
Consumer Electronics Extended Market 2021: Expeditious Growth Expected in Coming Years | Allied Market Research
Consumer electronics extended warranty protection plan is a separate agreement purchase by consumers and are designed to provide additional protection for their products. Extended warranty, also known as service agreement or protection plan, provides coverage to increase the length of protection for consumer electronics. It provides coverage for multiple types of products & brands, ranging from appliances to electronics, wearables, computer equipment, mobile products, and others.
According to the report published by Allied Market Research, the global consumer electronics extended warranty market was estimated at $48.65 billion in 2020 and is expected to hit $198.99 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 15.2% from 2021 to 2030. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the top investment pockets, top winning strategies, drivers & opportunities, market size & estimations, competitive scenario, and varying market trends.
Increase in awareness for extended warranty and growth in sale of televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines boosts the global consumer electronics extended warranty market growth. On the other hand, decline in sales of PCs restrains the growth to some extent. However, expansion of products and services is expected to create lucrative opportunities in the industry.
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COVID-19 Scenario:
Due to lower income level of individuals and disrupted business operations during the pandemic, customers were mainly availing offers of warranty extension for products purchased from authorized offline and online platforms, which in turn impacted the global consumer electronics extended warranty market positively. This trend is quite likely to persist post pandemic as well. The global consumer electronics extended warranty market is analyzed across product type, distribution channel, coverage type, and region. Based on product type, the mobiles & tablets segment accounted for nearly one-third of the total market share in 2020, and is expected to rule the roost by 2030. The kitchen equipment segment, however, would garner the fastest CAGR of 18.0% throughout the forecast period.
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Based on distribution channel, the retailers segment contributed to around two-thirds of the total market revenue in 2020, and is projected to lead the trail by 2030. The same segment would also exhibit the fastest CAGR of 14.9% during the forecast period. Based on region, the market across North America held the major share in 2020, garnering around three-fifths of the global market. Asia-Pacific, on the other hand, would manifest the fastest CAGR of 19.1% throughout the forecast period.
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The key market players analyzed in the global consumer electronics extended warranty market report include AmTrust Financial, ASSURANT INC., Go Warranty & Services LLP, OneAssist Consumer Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Amazon.com Inc., OnPoint Warranty, Asurion, AXA, and Securranty. These market players have adhered to several strategies including partnership, expansion, collaboration, joint ventures, and others to prove their flair in the industry.
Consumer Electronics Extended Warranty Market Report Highlights
By Product Type
Laptops & PCs Mobiles & Tablets Home Entertainment Devices Heating & Cooling equipment Kitchen equipment Refrigerators Kitchen Appliances Others
By Distribution Channel
Manufacturers Retailers Others
By Coverage Type
Standard Protection Plan Accidental Protection Plan
By Region
North America (U.S., Canada) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe) Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific) LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, Africa)
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