threezzor · 1 year
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Expresiones de Three!
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vonlipvig · 11 months
che igual...los dos portals estan como 2300 pesos...qué hago........hmm
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final-script · 1 year
Same Tastes | LS18
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Pairing: Lance Stroll x Reader
Sumary: Apparently, Chloe and Lance Stroll like Australians, who practice Snowboarding.
Warnings: English is not my first language !!!, I know it may look awful, but I hope you like it.
Gif: ellalovesvettel
A/N: This could have a part 2, if you like, just let me know.
You met Scotty at your first Winter Olympics and practically from that moment I adopt you as his little sister, there was not much age difference between you, but he still did.
During the competition seasons, he let you know that he was there for you at all times and during the practices, he helped you perfect some techniques and you were happy about that since he was one of your role models.
And during the seasons when they weren't competing, at no point did they lose touch.
So much so that in one of the dines of F1 race weeks, taking advantage of the sponsorship invitations, I invite you to attend a GP together, in addition to also being able to introduce yourself to one of his best friends,his brother-in-law and clearly his fiancée , for the first time in person.
You were familiar with F1, so you were excited to attend a Grand Prix and experience it from another area.
S- Chloe is going to love you.
Y/N- I hope you like him so I can ask how he supports you.
Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I don't consider myself fit to withstand his body's level of inactivity.
S-hey, you love me and you know it!
Y/N- I don't deny it, but you limit my patience!.
When we entered and some cameras turned to see us, I really thought it was because of Scotty, because well… He was one of the best friends of one of the pilots and brother-in-law of another, shocked when several people said my name.
Very recently I started to have some recognition and let's say that it takes me a little getting used to.
S- the public loves you, I feel jealous!
Y/N- that I can say. Pushing it amicably.
I did sponsorship duties and then Scotty took me to meet his best friend, his brother-in-law and fiancée.
Meeting Daniel was exactly as I expected.
Just as outrageous and funny, as shown online.
Outrageous but very friendly.
It's time to meet Chloe and because of her exprecion, I have a new adoptive sister or who knows, maybe I'll become the daughter of a marriage.
Ch- Finally!!, a pleasure to meet you, you are very pretty.    I must admit that I blushed and thanks to her hug I hid it a little- I'm Chloe!
Y/N- I'm Y/N, nice to meet you too!. Accept the hug.
S- hey, I'm here too!
Ch- I just saw you, plus I must meet the person with whom you spend time away from me and who has not yet accosted you.
Y/N- thank God you mention it, a moment ago I said I would ask you the same thing, how do you stand it??, don't get me wrong, it's genius but…  I think that the part of the DNA that contained the iperactivity did not reach me.   Laugh.
Scotty wanted to stay serious but couldn't and joined us.
 X- it seems that there is a party to which I was not invited.
One of you behind us called our attention, when I turned, I confirmed who I was.
Lance Stroll, Scotty's brother-in-law and Chloe's brother.
I stepped aside to give them space, greeted them both, and then turned to see myself.
L- who do we have here?.
Y/N- I'm Y/N.   Shaking his hand.
L- I'm Lance.
S- my little sister in the snow.
L- I think now I understand Scotty's excitement to come today, we have heard many things about you.
Y/N- good things I hope?
S- of course, who do you take me for?      Hugging his girl.
L- then, I must forget the part where you tell me, which is not as good as you.
S-hey, it was supposed to be a secret.    Chloe and I couldn't stop laughing.
Y/N- between you and me, let him believe it's true.
Without you noticing, the couple next to you quietly watched your interaction and shared glances, silently planning a clear movement.
That movement that Scotty and Chloe never talked about in front of you but they thought about it, became a solid relationship, which at the time of the big wedding had a duration of a beautiful 12 months.
A year with one of the best people in the world. With a person who honestly at first I did not believe would work, but thank God I was not like that.
Concentrated on my sports career I had been quite denied in the themes of love, but Lance had made me detach a little from that, but without moving away completely.
The distance from time to time became difficult but for the moment we are being able to bear it.
And let's really hope it stays that way for a long time.
Take It Or Leave It… - Lando Norris X  Leclerc!Reader
Royal In The Paddock - Carlos Sainz Jr x PrincessOfSpain!Reader
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aboredindividual · 6 months
Dynamics and their respective Sounds
Purring - continuous vibrating sound coming from their throat, that appears when Omega is totally content and at ease. They also may purr when nursing their children or trying to self-soothe.
Thrill - is a prolonged ,,Traaawrr" sound that omegas use to happily greet you or signal that they are currently content and don't need anything. For example when omega wakes up and hear/sees someone nearby then they can thrill to say they are awake and happy at the moment. It can also appear in public when they see a friend and want to communicate that they are here and excited to see them.
Mrrp - similarly to thrill it is a happy sound, but different in use. For example when you are talking to omega , they may make this sound to indicate they are listening and paying attention. It can also be used when you initiated unexpected psychical contact that they like , such as a hug from behind :)
Grunt - a quick ,,ghrht" sound that tells that omega is annoyed or displeased. In special situation when omega sniffs someone and then grunts it can mean that they find the person's scent unappealing.
Whining - it is exprecion of distress and pain. Omegas will whine when they are hurt and want attention from their close ones. It is equivalent to ,, I'm hurt , somebody please help me!!"
Hiss - A strong ,prolonged ,,hhhssss" sound that is used as a detterent when omega is in danger. It is the same as saying ,,Don't come any closer or you will regret it!"
Growl - Used as a last warning before strike. Omegas use it when they are feeling like their life is endangered. It is a sign of pure fear and distress. It can also be heard when omega is in heat in an unfamiliar surrounding and someone they don't approve of aproaches. It can be roughly traslated as ,, Try me bitch , I will fight you if you take a step closer". Leave them be when that happens.
Chuff - a friendly greeting between friends , it means that alpha sees you as a part of their inner circle. They will not chuff at their superiors or strangers so treat it as acompliment :)
Purr - More rumbling version of omegan purr but holding similiar value. Alphas purr when they are content and in good mood. A great way to say ,, everything is at its place, my family is happy so im happy too"
Whine - a sound of frustration or rejection, alphas use it when they feel dejected or frustrated because of something. Can also be a sound of pain.
Growl - continuous ,,Grrrrr" sound that can be used as a call for submission of lesser ranking dynamics or a sign of agression when something that belongs to them is threatened. Can be interpreted as ,, You dare oppose me!?".
Chirp - a quick ,,wheaow" sound that alphas use exlusively for their mates. It is a sort of cutesy way of saying ,, Hey! please pay attention to me !" can be used as a excited greeting as well ( also only for their mates)
Betas :
Purr - Deeper version of omegan purr and smoother version of alphas purr. It appears when beta is at ease and content or when they want to deescalate a situation.
Growl - a sign of agression and distress.Betas will use when threatened and want their opponent to back off. Some betas try to roughen up their growl as a imitation of alphas growl. A way to say ,,back off!"
Mrrr - a sound used as an intication that they are aware of your presence and want you to proceed. It is equivalent of polite ,,what" or ,,im listening , go on".
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damangel · 3 months
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⭐️Eh aquí los datos de warrior speaker c. El guerrero hibrido de la facción speakerman, hijo del cameraman simp y speakerwoman
La edad de warrior es 17 años, es adolescente ,
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Expreciones: warrior es serio y rudo, el sacó el caracter de tu tío dark speakerman,pero aun Así warrior tiene un lado generoso, el quiere proteger a los demas ⭐️
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Los padres de warrior: como ya sabemos, brown cameraman y speakerwoman son los padres, es mitad cámara por su padre y y bocina por parte de su madre, el color negro lo saco de su madre, y el color naranja? Ps el la mezcla de los colores que tiene sus padres, (en mi aun el cameraman simp tiene el color amarillo y speakerwoman el color fucsia) ⭐️ xd (lo se tiene un poco de sentido solo un pocoo xd)
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⭐️Dark speakerman es el tío claro que si, en mi au dark y speakerwoman son hermanos, y sobre el otro tío.... ps en mi au este sería el hermano menor de ellos dos, (este speakerman ya todos lo conocen es el mismo que ayudo a levantar a lucky) ⭐️
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⭐️bueno.........Titan speakerman es el abuelo xdd, la neta es gracioso para mí, porque ubo personas que hacen roll del titan speakerman diciendome que querían ser el abuelo y weno....no queda de otra que hacerlo abuelo xdd ay TSM yo se que eres muy joven para ser abuelo, pero que se puede hacer xd⭐️
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⭐️La hermanita menor de Warrior,⭐️ ella es "White speakerkid" la segunda hija de brown cameraman simp y de speakerwoman, ella es una bocina de color blanco muy bella, ya pronto la verán completa, ella aun es una niña pequeña,⭐️
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⭐️La cabeza de warrior es diferente a los camaramans,a pesar que es una cámara, su cabeza tiene forma de un parlante, (igual a la de su madre que es cuadrada) no tiene la forma rectangular como el resto de los camaramans, ⭐️
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⭐️Ok eso es todo.... pronto abra más información de warrior y de mi personaje de tv c girl nvn⭐️
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I hate that i have to make facial exprecions to convey emotions, like why cant my face just look like this:
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coneink · 1 year
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Dia 4
nah, complicao hacer fuego en sombreado pero me gusto la exprecion que dibuje :) -> burn
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
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Okay, this two questions are conected so i’ll answer them together. I had multiple reasosns not to save dad crocker
1.       Acording to the postcredits, he never replaced dad egbert in john’s life (even tho they show us how they hug eachother in homestuck when they meet) and John eventually got (aparently) depressed about not having his dad around, but someone who looks like him 
2.       In the prologe, the epilogue and homestuck2 Jane reestablishes Crockercorp, the evil baking corporation, with the epilog and HS2 covering her coruption into the condesce’s true heiress even wearing full red, the empire’s signature color instead and the oposite of cyan, her true color (it might not be 100% canon but it’s canon enough for me) and like they said in the comic, csau Jane could end up the same if she has Dad Crocker as her guardian enableling her to become like hs2 Jane
3.       Also, i really think losing your guardian is a rite of passage in the game, and players are suposed to lose them in order to become true gods
4.       A reason i can’t just exclude is the fact neither one of the dad’s have a face and one of the ways i tell the story is through facial exprecions. I tried to give him a face so i could work with the character but it wasn’t working for me and people didn’t like him.
5.       Nanna is also another reason for dad crocker’s death, through the story nanna became John and Jade’s new guardian, her arc culminating on her getting back her youth and now simbolicaly (and actually for real) taking the role of John and Jade’s mother. On top of that, in the future epilogue, the Harley-egbert’s basically become a big assembled family and dad crocker playing basically the pathernal rol when nanna already was fullfiling the mathernal rol would have been weird as fuck since, Dad Crocker is sort of a clone of Nanna’s son 
In short all the reasons listed below meant i had to delete him from the story 
When it comes to Dad Egbert and Mom Lalonde, John never saved them in canon with the power of retcon probably because he didn’t wanted to change any events terezi didn’t specify on her list and risk dooming the new timeline. And while on csau he DID changed things beyond terezi’s plan (stealing the troll’s bodies and slab beds) taking dad and mom’s bodies may have had unintended consecuenced down the line.
Dad Egbert would have also been a problem to integrate to the story like Dad Crocker for all the same reasons, artstyle, losing your guardian being nescesary, being weird having him a round in the new integrated harley egbert family, not to mention he would also take nanna’s guardian role that she gained during all the comic. It would undo the whole story.
I do regret not being able to save Rose’s mom, i feel like she could have had a lot of growth and i wouldn’t have had any problems integrating her to the story. She could have had really interesting interactions with everybody and be Good Friends with nanna, mirroring Jane and Roxy’s friendship.
But if i saved her with retcon i would have had to save Dad Egbert and that was a big no, so mom had to stay dead.
I’m still playing around with the idea of her coming back but don’t count on it
Another person i wish i couls have saved is Alt!Calliope, but due to the nature of CSAU, it’s explicit that the Alt!Callie we see is the canon one, from canon homestuck, and we only encounter her twice before she causes the blackhole and flies to the HS Epilogue. I can’t change her fate, because she’s just a borrowed character. (another borrowed characters from canon are Ghost!Vriska and Ghost!terezi who end up in the blackwhole with the dancestors, since canonically we don’t know what happened to them, just that they found eachother and got probably sucked by the blackhole eventually)
Aside from that, i found a way to everyone i needed/wanted to save in csau (not to mention whatever happens in the epilogue)
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sweetqueenofpuddin · 5 months
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expreciones de un oc para cualquier cosa /Expressions of an OC for Anything :3
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softagus · 9 months
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Practicando algunas expreciones
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Make up y su desarrollo
El maquillaje desde tiempos inmeemorables a sido usado para envellecer la imagen de las personas pero en los ultimos años mostrado nuevas formas de exprecion .
En este blog exploraremos el como el maquillajes a ido cambiando durante los ultimos años influenciado por las modas y cambios sociales.
El maquillaje a cambiado derante los ultimos 50 años reinventandose y conservando sus mejores (y peores) looks de maquillaje, cuando pensamos en un maquillaje de los años 50 se nos viene a la mente los looks de Marilyn Monroe ; labios rojos,sombras claras o azules y piel clara, esto era algo caracteristico de ella.
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En los años 60 el maquillaje agrega mas colores en sus sombras de ojo se vuelve mas agradable a la vista eso consideramos algo llamativo,los delineados son gruesos y marcados para esto las so,bras en el lagrimal ivan somando fuersa complementando los hermosos diseños en la sombra.
Al saltar dde una decada a otra podemos notar como es que las proporciojes y cantidades van variando y hoy en nuestro dia a dia tenemos ejemplos de como a pasado de maquillajes cargados a claros y casi inpersepltibles lmaquillajes.
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En conclusion los look son representaciones y una forma de expresion entre las personas para exteorisar sentimientos y posturas de pensamiento, las parte mas inportante del maquillaje es disfrutarlo antes,durante y despues del proseso.
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final-script · 2 years
Acting Strange |Mason Mount
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Sumary: Where Mason begins to act strange, but it's for a reason.
Warnings: English is not my first language !!!.There are probably many mistakes (I will correct them later)
Pic: pernillecfcw
When you have been with your partner for a long time, you assume that everything will be perfect .
Well I thought all that, until my boyfriend began to act strange from day to day .
It was late for the training sessions, we barely crossed words, went out late at night, and some more things that don't need to be said .
It was hard to believe that after I left everything in my country he paid me this way.
In one of those days , when he decided to leave , I did too .
I went to the home of the first person who has been with me since I arrived in the country with him .
Andrea Martinez (Girlfriend of Goalkeeper Kepa)
Y/N- I no longer resist , it is already a month that acts in that way and I do not know what else to think .
A- I don't think that's anything bad, for sure you have some explanation.
Y/N- Believe me already trying to ask for one, but every time I do it just tells me that he doesn't have time or that he doesn't bother him because he's tired.
A- Don't cry anymore, you know he supported you in anything, but just try to talk to him one more time if you ???
Y/N- I will try to do it, but anyway I already know all the answers, thanks for listening to me, I will find a way to pay you someday, you have supported me a lot.
A- you do not have to owe me anything, I do it because I feel comfortable, besides you have also done many things for me.
Y/N- anyway thank you.
A- it's nothing, then you call me to see how everything went if ??
Y/N- sure, goodbye. 
After leaving his house, I got in my car and headed towards ours hoping to find him there, but no, I waited a few hours while I made dinner, but he never arrived.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back, maybe I'm being very paranoid but I can't stand it anymore.
After dining alone and in silence, I cleaned everything leaving only one plate in case I arrived and wanted dinner and went upstairs to pack my suitcase.
An hour later I had everything important, then I would send someone for the rest, take my papers and take one last look at our room, thinking that I would not see it anymore.
On the way down everything was in complete silence until...
The sound of the door alerted all my senses... was the .
Mason, again, with the same bitter face that he brought these days, but his exprecion changed radically, when he saw me with the suitcase at the foot of the stairs.
M- Y/N, what...? and this? what will you do? No... He quickly approached me. -what happens because ...?
Y/n- Mase, it's the best, I...
M- that?... The best...? Why? For what?
Y/N- do you really ask? ,haven't you noticed? , how you have treated me, how you have acted the last month, every time I wanted to do something with you, you always told me that you were tired, that you did not have time, when I, no matter what I had done in the day, or how tired I was, I always had a space for you and you pay me that way, What...? I'm not enough for you anymore ?
M-no... No, no, no, please do not go, sorry to have treated you like this, but I swear there is a reason.
Y/N-okey, then tell me, I think I deserve an explanation after all, don't you think? He remained silent, his expression was null, he did not move a muscle. -If you're going to stay quiet, he thought it would be better than...
M- I want you to marry me. He said suddenly, my face was a mixture of shock and surprise. 
Y/N- that... What are you saying?
M- it was supposed to be special, but now that this happens, I can not miss my opportunity, I want you to be with me forever, I want to join my life to yours, I want to form a family with you, you say, And / N you would marry me ???
Y/N- me... m... I... I, your..., seriously it's happening?, I feel so silly, I thought you cheated on me.
By now my face was a mess.
God no, having you, he didn't need anyone else in my life, but you haven't given me your answer yet ???
God swore I feel so foolish right now.
Y/N- me... Yes, of course I marry you.
He put the ring on and at that moment I realized that everything I thought was just my paranoia and that this man really loves me.
The Best Moment - Mason Mount x Reader
Personal Motivation - Kai Havertz x Reader
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mcdibujos · 2 years
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La exprecion de Rook realmente me gusto.
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mentalidad-andante · 1 year
Que el olvido reconforta? En su mas sensilla exprecion, no es mas que la desicion de descansar de ese recuerdo que alguna vez se guardo con tanto sentido y que se trasformo para llegar ser una noble vivencia...
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mistamemez2001 · 9 months
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espreshun of joy!
How do tou spell esprecion
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thegratitudelisting · 9 months
no more running away from work!
Voy a hablar mas fluides en espanol.
estoy fluides en espanol ahora.
puedo hablar en espanol.
puedo entender a la gente cuando hablar espanol.
puedo entender lo muchas cosas y expreciones en espanol.
buscando un parejo en espanol para hablando.
busce un parejo para hablar espanol.
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