nerdyislander95 · 6 years
Just getting myself started with this new social network.
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wisecandynut · 8 years
Exploring the world of Tumblr
I personally call myself a vagabond of the internet; I’d say I’ve been to some deep parts of it where all I can tell you is to never dare pay a visit. I guess I’m just the type to be pleasured by new and odd stuff the world tends to offer inevitably. Although, my main goal is to actually discover a site where I can post my works like poems, essays, etc., and maybe find new interesting people from it. I know there are so many famous places out there where I could spill all of my thoughts and ideas, but I also believe in this thing called gut-feeling. Sometimes a site shows a very high potential of providing what I need, but it can unfortunately be too mainstream for me- so, nope. And one more conflict I often get from blog sites is my inability to post my works without getting this nervous feeling that a lot of people will definitely read them, and maybe think negatively about me- and this is not any site’s fault. But during my summer vacation, my ultimate goal is too widen my knowledge about English words and hone my skills in its grammar (and maybe learn a little Spanish, too!). And I officially choose Tumblr as my tool! I have no idea why I have to post this, though; my English is too itchy to show off itself, I guess.
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anvilbound-blog · 9 years
So many flavors of people on tumbler :D
I’ve seen so much in my short time on tumblr, artists, otherkin, foodies, and now I’ve run into a whole other portion of the community, they call themselves LGBTQ, and they represent the lesbians, gay, crossgender, pan-gender, pan-galactic-gargleblaster community, and I’ve decided to join that community, I sexually identify as a gargantuan-space-dicksquid, and I’m all inclusive.
Come at me bro/ho/fee/fie/foe.
My new pronouns are: what the fuck is that? holy shit run. Oh my god it has dave, and jesus christ have mercy on our humble planet.
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labiee · 11 years
I know I will get used to it though Im kind of lost.
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andliuand · 12 years
Tumblr media
First post on tumblr.  Really not much to say, still finding my way around!  (^drawing was probably how I felt when I discovered how to customise my page)
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anvilbound-blog · 9 years
Concerns about otherkin
As I learn more about tumblr, exploring the blogs and their users, I’ve come across a new phenomenon called otherkin, People who spiritually connect with animals such as deerkin wolfkin and even lionkin, But a disturbing realization dawned on me as I explored, there seems to be no barrier for their population growth, and if this is left unchecked they may wander into human territories in search of food. My only answer to this soon to be crisis would be distributing licences to hunterkin to ensure a healthy check and balance within their ecosystems, thus ensuring their population maintains manageable levels.
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anvilbound-blog · 9 years
As I delve deeper into the bowels of tumblr.
I have discovered a rather strange phenomenon on tumblr called Bronies, wherein older adult males flock to and are fascinated by a cartoon show called My little Pony, It seems to have been marketed towards teenage girls originally, but I can only assume that the 40+ yr old demographic who also enjoys it has the higher spending power and disposable income, I’ve decided to incorporate these facts into my very being, and take on a new persona, henseforth, I shall be known to my friends and family as Hoof Hearted, the Magical ponycorn.
By doing so, I’m positive in a few years when this minority becomes the norm for the show, I will earn massive street cred amongst my peers as an early adopter of the trend, I just have to be sure to abandon it before it becomes uncool once more, I’ve been burned before, Curse you fedora and neckbeard of 2013... curse you.
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anvilbound-blog · 9 years
Tubel Culture!
I learn more about you tumblerites and tumbelerettes every time I visit!
For example, There is an entire tumbel dedicated to food and different recipes! So I decided to contribute to that with my favorite sammich!
-First, you take standard white bread (Or wheat if you wanna live like a hippy!) Slam it in your toaster to get it started
-Prep your bacon to taste, I prefer mine hickory smoked with brown sugar sprinkled over it.
-Smear delicious god given butter onto the warm toasted bread and build your sammich with copious amounts of gouda and bacon, then prep it like a grilled cheese!
-Finally pry that mess apart and democratically apply lettuce and tomatoes like putin in crimea, and if anyone speaks out against it, Kill them :D
Voila, you have yourself an LGBT sammich
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anvilbound-blog · 9 years
Racism in my terminology?
So I was whining about cheap crappy made in china tools, and it was remarked that screaming about “dirt cheap bog iron chinese crap” might be construed as racist. Is it just me, or is china a country, not a race?
I just feel like nobody would have cared if I were yelling about “damnedable melted from tank scrap soviet union monkey wrenches!”
I dunno, It’s just so hard to stay politically correct these days as the rules change from situation to situation, I can’t pee off my deck without it raining down on the underprivileged Korean family in the apartment below me :(
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anvilbound-blog · 10 years
It was the sammich.
 Who knew cigarette ash in your keyboard could taint a sandwich that badly?
I sure didn’t, I guess smoking really is bad for you :(
Live and learn right guys?
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anvilbound-blog · 10 years
All this art! :D
Wow, I was just clicking around and I found the art sections! There was an awesome picture of van gough melting or something! Not sure I get the message, but that’s ok, pretty sure I still felt something, and that’s the point right? then again my laptop sammich was kinda dusty after I put it on my keyboard, so who knows? amiright?
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anvilbound-blog · 10 years
Figuring out the menus!
I figured out how to change my icon! But then I couldn’t decide what to make it, the answer like many things was in my lap! a sammich! But my inbuilt laptop camera kept going to sleep when I angled the screen so I just used this one as a placeholder until I figure something else out.
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anvilbound-blog · 10 years
Wow! you guys sure like cats!
I’ve only been here a short while, and I’m noticing a trend, you tumblerites and tumblrettes sure like looping cat videos!
I’ve got two cats myself, both unfixed males, one named scabby and the other named claws, Though scabby is getting bigger and stronger these days so I might have to re-name them for obvious reasons.
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