#Excel chapter 2: simulation exam (projects a and b)
logobosskingdom · 2 years
Excel chapter 2: simulation exam (projects a and b)
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S.Malathi (2018), published a paper “A Literature study of Big Data Analytics and IoT” in International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, ISSN No.
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S.Malathi (2018), published a paper “Convergence of Big Data and Internet of Things – Study and Analysis” in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN 2249 – 7455, Volume IX, Issue 1.
S.Malathi (2018), published a paper “Anatomizing IoT for 21 st century Education System” in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN 2249 – 7455, Volume 8, Issue XII.
S.Malathi (2018), published a paper “A Comprehensive Exploration of Smartphone Network Traffic and Application Wakeup Pattern” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS), ISSN 2319 – 1953, Volume 7, Issue 4.
R.Sathya (2018), published a paper on “Image Processing”, in International Independent Journal of Computer Science and Commerce, Volume 1, Issue 2, ISSN: 2018-0101.
S.Malathi (2019) published a paper “Secured Policy based Resource Access and User Authentication in Ubiquitous Computing Environment” in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN No.
K.Sathiesh Kumar (2019), published a journal entitled as “Fleet Automation Using IoT Logistics”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) & ISSN:2249 – 8958, Volume -8 Issue-6, published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, DOI:10.35940/ijeat.F8911.088619.
R.Sathya (2019),published a paper on “ MOBILE WIMAX” in the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6 ,Issue 1 E-ISSN : 2348-1269,P-ISSN :2349-5138 ,Page Number:506-508.
Reshma (2019), published a paper under the title of “An Evolutionary Concept based Multi Keyword Searchable Encryption Mechanism Over Encrypted Cloud Data” at jour of Adv Research in Dynamical and Control System, Vol.
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S.Malathi (2020) published a paper “A Prototype Model of Virtual Authenticated Key Exchange Mechanism over secured Channel in Ad-Hoc Environment” in International Journal of recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN No.R.Sathya(2020), published a paper on “ Glaucoma Detection through Image Processing” in Test Engineering and Management-Scopus Indexed Journal, Volume 82,Issue 2020,ISSN :0193-4120 ,Page Number:15014 -15018.Sathya(2020), published a paper on “ Glaucoma Detection in Retinal Images using Image Processing Techniques-A Survey” in The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis – UGC Care, Volume XII, Issue 02, February 2020,ISSN :0886-9367,Page Number:256-263.Sreejith Vignesh B P(2020),published a paper on “Incremental Research on Cyber security Metrics in Android Applications by implementing the ML Algorithms in Malware Classification and Detection” Journal of Cyber Security and Information Management Vol.3,No.1,PP 14- 20, 2020.Overview of Professional & Competitive Courses.
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