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zorya-km · 9 months ago
Atreus & Evya — the love story
"As I was about to clip a constellated tiara atop my head, a soft thud echoed through my room. A draft of cool air caressed my cheek, a whisper of the night's embrace as I turned towards the open window. There perched Atreus as if suspended in the frame. His uniform was sharp and pristine — a testament to his dedication to his job. A playful smile danced upon his lips, but it was the twinkle in his eyes that spoke volumes about our shared history.
"Ever the climber," I remarked, a quirk of amusement gracing my voice. "You know, they invented stairs for a reason,"
His grin widened as he swung a leg over the sill, landing with the silent grace that only those sworn to protect could master. "Where's the fun in that?" His smile broadened further as he placed a knee to the floor in a mocking reverence. "Besides, I wouldn't miss this view."
“Flatterer,” I said playfully, though a blush coloured my cheeks. “And stand up Tre, this is awkward.” I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. Our laughter mingled, a momentary balm against the drumming pulse of anticipation for the evening ahead. We both knew the more I’d berate him for acting so proper around me, the more he’d play into it to tease me.
His eyes were fixed on me, with a spark that seemed to light up his face more and more these days. A playful punch to his shoulder, I turned around to hide my blushing face. “Stop looking at me like that or my knees will not hold me any longer,” my eyes rolled to the ceiling. “This corset is giving me a hard time. Instead of bothering your princess, can you help me tighten the laces in the back?”
My best friend seemed to freeze for a moment, as if the very air between us had solidified. But he quickly masked his hesitation with a tight nod, gently taking hold of the corset strings with hands that trembled slightly. His manner was marked by a careful grace as he worked the laces with deft fingers, the intimate proximity of our bodies making my heart flutter in my chest. I felt a warmth spreading up the back of my neck, threatening to suffuse my cheeks with color under his touch. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, his breath hitching.
"Sorry, did I pull too tight?" he asked, concern threading through his voice.
"No, it's fine," I replied, but my words came out a bit strained. It wasn't the corset that was bothering me - not really. I strayed away from him and spun in a cheerful twirl. 
"See? Perfect," I said, my voice trying to fly with a cheerful note. Atreus's quiet chuckle responded, and he stepped back to give me space, his fingers lingering on the ends of the laces for a second longer than necessary. My heart seemed to echo his touch - a little tremble here, a little throb there.
He took a step back, looking me up and down with an approving nod. His eyes were wide, a roiling storm of emotions flickering within their depths. Emotions I didn't dare put a name to. "You look stunning, Vy." His voice was soft, almost shy, like he was afraid of shattering the moment with the weight of his words.
“Thanks to you,” I responded, trying to brush it off with a light-hearted chuckle but the intensity in his gaze told me he didn’t buy it. It was as if he saw right through me, just like I saw right through him. " Taglist under cut (send an ask/dm to be +/-!):
General Taglist: SS Taglist: @inkhelm @ofgoldenfools @asa-writes-stuff
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zorya-km · 8 months ago
Evya's kinda armour & dress
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queen-scribbles · 10 months ago
Date Night Letters! 💖
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zorya-km · 9 months ago
Such an interesting Ask Game ! I will answer for Evya & Miklos, the main protag and antag of Starborn Sonata, since they are both of royal blood !
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Asks for a Royal WIP or a Royal AU.
What rank is your OC?
How are they addressed?
Do they always expect to be addressed formally at all times? Are they comfortable with it?
Where do they stand in the succession? How do they feel about this?
What sort of succession system is it? Agnatic? Primogeniture? Gender-biased?
What sort of monarchy does your OC belong to? Do they like this style?
What's your OC's opinion on Monarchy? Do they believe in it? Are they for or against? Reasons why?
How did the dynasty come to be?
What is the dynasty known for? Are they bloody like the Tudors? Are they fabulously wealthy like the Romanovs? Are they... A loving family like the Hapsburgs? *opening twangs of Sweet Home Alabama*
Is the dynasty old? Or new? How does this effect how they operate?
Are they traditionalists or modernise?
What do the people think of the royal family? Are they headed toward Monseiur Guillotine? Or treasured?
Is there a famous ancestor they look up to? One they would rather not speak about?
Are there any pretenders to the Crown? If so, who are they and why do they believe they have a right to the throne?
What are some monuments built by the dynasty?
What are some duties your OC is expected to perform? Military service? The bestowing of honours? Attending the monarch at large events?
Does your OC dislike living in the public eye? Or do they believe it's part of the job?
Where does your OC live?
How many palaces, castles and homes does your OC call home?
Has your OC ever been on a tour of their country? What's their favourite region?
How does your OC view politics? Are they a reformer or do they prefer to hide from change?
Your OC has a day engagement. What do they wear?
Your OC has a state occasion. What do they wear?
Does your OC enjoy ceremonial ornaments such as orders, tiaras, uniforms and crowns? If not, why? If so, why?
Do they enjoy large public occasions? Do they enjoy the pomp and ceremony?
Somebody has neglected to bow/curtsy in an effort to insult. What does your OC do in response?
They encounter somebody who doesn't recognise them but they are friendly. Does your OC a) immediately inform them b) leave them off and just have a nice chat c) other option.
Are they known for their fashion taste?
Does your OC do any charity work? What are some charities they support?
How does the press characterize your OC? Are they a darling or a devil?
Your OC has been the target of some bad press. What to they do to straighten out the story?
Has your OC ever escaped the palace for an adventure?
What are some famous pieces of jewellery owned by the royal family?
How does jewellery work in the family? Who can wear what pieces? Who decides this?
Do they have servants? Is your OC liked by the servants? If not, why?
Are they close to anybody who isn't royal? A servant? A companion?
Does your OC ever hate being born royal?
Are there any restrictions on them because they are royal? Can they marry as they like? Live how they want? Is there anything they are utterly barred from doing?
What are some expectations your OC must live up to? Can they fulfil them? If not, why not?
What are some ridiculous rules they must follow?
How rigid is royal life?
What privileges are they entitled to?
How does being royal effect how they act? Are they predisposed to snobbery? Or do they believe themselves above others?
Have they ever had a scandal? If so, details.
What is your OC known for? Their hardwork? Their duty? Their wild social life?
If your OC ever had to choose between what's best for the Crown or themselves, what would they choose?
If they are ever offered the chance of power, would they oust the monarch?
If the monarch was in danger of running the country into the ground, would your OC rebel against them?
There's a revolution and everyone wants the royals dead. What does your OC do? A) Join the Revolution B) RUN C) Stay and keeping living the high life (god that mob is getting close) D) Betray their family and give them to the mob to save themselves.
Your OC has been invited to a large party on the eve of a very bad disaster which has killed and wounded many. Do they attend the party? Or head to the site to help or at very least show they care?
I will accept asks for Misha, Olezka, Katya, Sergei.
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enbyerosstuff · 1 year ago
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14. Evya
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yazan-kalem-siyah06 · 10 months ago
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Osmanlıyı 1299 yılında Oğuz Türklerinin Kayı Boyu kurmuştur.
Osmanlı imparatorluğu;
- 1299 da kurulmuş, 1579'a kadar 3 asır YÜKSELMİŞ....
- 1579 dan 1699 kadar,
- 1699 dan 1919 kadar.
Gerçekte iki farklı Osmanlı vardı;
- Halifeliğe kadar olan Osmanlı... (1299-1517) Nam-ı diğer Türk İmparatorluğu
- 1517 tarihinde Halifeliğin alınmasından sonraki Araplaşan Osmanlı İmparatorluğumuz… Ve Araplaştıkça daha çok batan koca Osmanlı İmparatorluğumuz…
Aslında Türkler için her şey güzel gidiyordu...
Ta ki Halifelik sevdasına düşülene kadar…
O günkü şartlarda halifeliği olmazsa olmaz gören Yavuz Sultan Selim ile akıl hocası Şeyh İdris-i Bitlis-i ve diğerleri Memlüklülerin elinden Abbasi halifeliğini almak için Mercidabık ve Ridaniye savaşlarını tertip ederler...
Bu savaşların sonunda, kılıç zoruyla artık halifelik Türklerdedir. (1517)
Ama çok büyük bir sorun çıkar, çünkü Arap dünyası halifeliğin kendilerinden alınmasına şiddetle karşı çıkar ve Türk halifeye biat etmek istemezler...
İşte bu sorunu çözmek, Arapları, Türk halifeye bağlamak için Arapların da kabul edeceği bir orta yol bulunur.
Bu yol Mısır’dan ve Arap diyarlarından seçilecek iki bin civarında ulemanın, Mollanın, Ebussuud Efendilerin İstanbul’a davet edilerek, para, mal, mülk, arazi de verilerek kalıcı olarak yerleşmeleri sağlanır...
İmparatorluğu Araplaştırmak, diğer bir deyişle; Türk İslam’ının terk edilerek, Arap İslam’ına doğru evrilmesini sağlamak konusunda anlaşırlar.
Bu projeyi Araplar da destekleyince proje hayata geçer ve maalesef bundan sonra artık imparatorlukta “bugün de kısmen olduğu gibi” Türk kelimesi yasaklanır, “Türk’üm!”, “Türkmen’im!” diyen Kızılbaş diye aşağılanır, dışlanır, kafası kesilir.
Bu dönem sadece Kuyucu Murat Paşanın “Türk’üm!", “Türkmen’im!” dedikleri için kafasını kestirip, kuyulara doldurduğu insan sayısı 158 bindir.
Maalesef Osmanlının son 350 yılı ilk 250 yılın aksine, Türklere zulümle geçer, sıkı bir Arap tandanslı mezhepçilik kurulur...
1603 yılına gelindiğinde artık Ehl-i Beyt Türk Tekkeleri yasaklanır, kapatılır; yerine Halidî, Nakşî, Kürdî Tekkeler kurulur.
Yine bu dönem Kürtlere sayısız imtiyazlar verilir,
1839 birinci Tanzimat Fermanına kadar Kürtler askerlikten bile muaf tutulurlar. (Kürtlere Şah İsmail diyeti ödenir…)
Yine bu dönem Türkler, saraydan, ordudan ve müesses nizamdan tasfiye edilirler…
Türklerin askeri ve siyasi gücünü kırmak için bu Arap mollaların fetvalarıyla, serdengeçti birlikleri sadece Türklerden oluşturulur ve en ön safta savaştırılır, böylece kırdırılırlar, ganimet bile toplatmazlar…
Ganimeti de saraylardaki Arap mollalar ile işbirliği yapan yeniçeriler kendi aralarında paylaşırlar…
Ordudan, saraydan ve müesses nizamdan yavaş yavaş tasfiye edilen, kafası kesilen, sürgün edilen Türklerin bir kısmı bu mollalara kızar ve canını kurtarmak için de Kürtleşmeyi ana stratejik hedef olarak seçerler.
Bu aşiretler ve boyların en büyükleri Avşarlardır, Halaçlardır, Mukri, Bayat, Beğdili, Evya, Yıvadır… Buna tarihimizde “Ekrad (kürtleşmiş) Türkmanlar” denir…
Yine Kelkit’ten Hakkâri’ye kadar olan bölgede yaşayan Akkoyunluların büyük bir kısmı İran’a gider. (Bugün dünyanın en büyük Türk nüfusunun yaşadığı başkent Tahran’dır…)
Böylece yüzyıllarca başımızı ağrıtacak Kürt sorunu ve bu politikalar sonucu gelişir ve büyür.
Osmanlı öyle bir açmaza düşmüştür ki, ne halifelikten vazgeçebilir, artık ne de imparatorluğun kan kaybetmesini durdurabilir... Çünkü imparatorluğu kuran asli unsur Türkmenler dışlanmış, mezhepçiliğe kurban edilmiştir…
Mollalar, başta matbaa olmak üzere bir sürü saçma sapan fetva verirler…
Ve sonuçta Osmanlı’ya Rönesans’ı ıskalatırlar, Rönesans’ı İngiltere kapar…
Matbaa Osmanlı’ya ilk kez 1480’de Yahudiler ile gelir, sonra 1527’de Ermeniler matbaaya kavuşur. 1563’te ise Rumların matbaası vardır.
Bu meşhur mollalarımız her seferinde yeni bir fetva ile bizimkilerin matbaaya kavuşmasını engellerler, ta ki Batı Rönesans’ı ve aydınlanmayı yakaladıktan, yani 240 yıl sonra, 1727’de İbrahim Müteferrika’nın çabaları ile matbaaya kavuşuruz; ama bilgiye sahip olmak için artık çok geçtir…
Şimdi açıkça şu soru sorulmalıdır:
1299’dan 1683 Viyana Bozgunu’na kadar savaştığı tüm savaşları kazanan bir Türk imparatorluğu (Osmanlı) varken; neden son 250 yılda girdiği tüm savaşları kaybedip, bir de Kurtuluş savaşı yapmak zorunda kalmıştır?
Osmanlı bu dönemde; yani yaklaşık son 250 sene, 1683 Viyana Bozgunu’ndan, nihayet 1922’de Ankara, Haymana Ovası’nda yapılan Sakarya Savaşını kazanana kadar tüm savaşları kaybetmiştir.
Acaba; Halifelik ve akabinde yürütülen Türk düşmanı, Arap tipi mezhepçi politikalara dönülmeseydi; koca bir imparatorluk batar mıydı?
Ve yine; Yunus Emre'lerin, Hacı Bektaş'ların, Seyit Gazi'lerin, Ahmet Yesevi'lerin İslam’ı, İslam değil miydi?
Osmanlıyı kuran Şeyh Edebali'lerin İslam’ı, Akşemseddin'lerin İslam’ı İslam değil miydi de, Ebussuud'lara teslim edip batırdık koca imparatorluğu…
Bugün de aynı sürecin devam etmesi tarihten hiç ders almadığımızı göstermektedir.
Pir-i Türkistan Ahmet Yesevi der ki:
*“Din bir seçimdir, ama Türklük kaderdir!”*
İşte bu yüzden "Arap sevici, mezhepçi" değil, Cumhuriyetçiyiz, Türk'üz, Atatürkçüyüz...
Ne Mutlu Türküm diyene...!!!
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yavuzbay-fan · 11 months ago
Osmanlıyı 1299 yılında Oğuz Türklerinin Kayı Boyu kurmuştur.
Osmanlı imparatorluğu;
- 1299 da kurulmuş, 1579'a kadar 3 asır YÜKSELMİŞ....
- 1579 dan 1699 kadar,
- 1699 dan 1919 kadar.
Gerçekte iki farklı Osmanlı vardı;
- Halifeliğe kadar olan Osmanlı... (1299-1517) Nam-ı diğer Türk İmparatorluğu
- 1517 tarihinde Halifeliğin alınmasından sonraki Araplaşan Osmanlı İmparatorluğumuz… Ve Araplaştıkça daha çok batan koca Osmanlı İmparatorluğumuz…
Aslında Türkler için her şey güzel gidiyordu...
Ta ki Halifelik sevdasına düşülene kadar…
O günkü şartlarda halifeliği olmazsa olmaz gören Yavuz Sultan Selim ile akıl hocası Şeyh İdris-i Bitlis-i ve diğerleri Memlüklülerin elinden Abbasi halifeliğini almak için Mercidabık ve Ridaniye savaşlarını tertip ederler...
Bu savaşların sonunda, kılıç zoruyla artık halifelik Türklerdedir. (1517)
Ama çok büyük bir sorun çıkar, çünkü Arap dünyası halifeliğin kendilerinden alınmasına şiddetle karşı çıkar ve Türk halifeye biat etmek istemezler...
İşte bu sorunu çözmek, Arapları, Türk halifeye bağlamak için Arapların da kabul edeceği bir orta yol bulunur.
Bu yol Mısır’dan ve Arap diyarlarından seçilecek iki bin civarında ulemanın, Mollanın, Ebussuud Efendilerin İstanbul’a davet edilerek, para, mal, mülk, arazi de verilerek kalıcı olarak yerleşmeleri sağlanır...
İmparatorluğu Araplaştırmak, diğer bir deyişle; Türk İslam’ının terk edilerek, Arap İslam’ına doğru evrilmesini sağlamak konusunda anlaşırlar.
Bu projeyi Araplar da destekleyince proje hayata geçer ve maalesef bundan sonra artık imparatorlukta “bugün de kısmen olduğu gibi” Türk kelimesi yasaklanır, “Türk’üm!”, “Türkmen’im!” diyen Kızılbaş diye aşağılanır, dışlanır, kafası kesilir.
Bu dönem sadece Kuyucu Murat Paşanın “Türk’üm!", “Türkmen’im!” dedikleri için kafasını kestirip, kuyulara doldurduğu insan sayısı 158 bindir.
Maalesef Osmanlının son 350 yılı ilk 250 yılın aksine, Türklere zulümle geçer, sıkı bir Arap tandanslı mezhepçilik kurulur...
1603 yılına gelindiğinde artık Ehl-i Beyt Türk Tekkeleri yasaklanır, kapatılır; yerine Halidî, Nakşî, Kürdî Tekkeler kurulur.
Yine bu dönem Kürtlere sayısız imtiyazlar verilir,
1839 birinci Tanzimat Fermanına kadar Kürtler askerlikten bile muaf tutulurlar. (Kürtlere Şah İsmail diyeti ödenir…)
Yine bu dönem Türkler, saraydan, ordudan ve müesses nizamdan tasfiye edilirler…
Türklerin askeri ve siyasi gücünü kırmak için bu Arap mollaların fetvalarıyla, serdengeçti birlikleri sadece Türklerden oluşturulur ve en ön safta savaştırılır, böylece kırdırılırlar, ganimet bile toplatmazlar…
Ganimeti de saraylardaki Arap mollalar ile işbirliği yapan yeniçeriler kendi aralarında paylaşırlar…
Ordudan, saraydan ve müesses nizamdan yavaş yavaş tasfiye edilen, kafası kesilen, sürgün edilen Türklerin bir kısmı bu mollalara kızar ve canını kurtarmak için de Kürtleşmeyi ana stratejik hedef olarak seçerler.
Bu aşiretler ve boyların en büyükleri Avşarlardır, Halaçlardır, Mukri, Bayat, Beğdili, Evya, Yıvadır… Buna tarihimizde “Ekrad (kürtleşmiş) Türkmanlar” denir…
Yine Kelkit’ten Hakkâri’ye kadar olan bölgede yaşayan Akkoyunluların büyük bir kısmı İran’a gider. (Bugün dünyanın en büyük Türk nüfusunun yaşadığı başkent Tahran’dır…)
Böylece yüzyıllarca başımızı ağrıtacak Kürt sorunu ve bu politikalar sonucu gelişir ve büyür.
Osmanlı öyle bir açmaza düşmüştür ki, ne halifelikten vazgeçebilir, artık ne de imparatorluğun kan kaybetmesini durdurabilir... Çünkü imparatorluğu kuran asli unsur Türkmenler dışlanmış, mezhepçiliğe kurban edilmiştir…
Mollalar, başta matbaa olmak üzere bir sürü saçma sapan fetva verirler…
Ve sonuçta Osmanlı’ya Rönesans’ı ıskalatırlar, Rönesans’ı İngiltere kapar…
Matbaa Osmanlı’ya ilk kez 1480’de Yahudiler ile gelir, sonra 1527’de Ermeniler matbaaya kavuşur. 1563’te ise Rumların matbaası vardır.
Bu meşhur mollalarımız her seferinde yeni bir fetva ile bizimkilerin matbaaya kavuşmasını engellerler, ta ki Batı Rönesans’ı ve aydınlanmayı yakaladıktan, yani 240 yıl sonra, 1727’de İbrahim Müteferrika’nın çabaları ile matbaaya kavuşuruz; ama bilgiye sahip olmak için artık çok geçtir…
Şimdi açıkça şu soru sorulmalıdır:
1299’dan 1683 Viyana Bozgunu’na kadar savaştığı tüm savaşları kazanan bir Türk imparatorluğu (Osmanlı) varken; neden son 250 yılda girdiği tüm savaşları kaybedip, bir de Kurtuluş savaşı yapmak zorunda kalmıştır?
Osmanlı bu dönemde; yani yaklaşık son 250 sene, 1683 Viyana Bozgunu’ndan, nihayet 1922’de Ankara, Haymana Ovası’nda yapılan Sakarya Savaşını kazanana kadar tüm savaşları kaybetmiştir.
Acaba; Halifelik ve akabinde yürütülen Türk düşmanı, Arap tipi mezhepçi politikalara dönülmeseydi; koca bir imparatorluk batar mıydı?
Ve yine; Yunus Emre'lerin, Hacı Bektaş'ların, Seyit Gazi'lerin, Ahmet Yesevi'lerin İslam’ı, İslam değil miydi?
Osmanlıyı kuran Şeyh Edebali'lerin İslam’ı, Akşemseddin'lerin İslam’ı İslam değil miydi de, Ebussuud'lara teslim edip batırdık koca imparatorluğu…
Bugün de aynı sürecin devam etmesi tarihten hiç ders almadığımızı göstermektedir.
Pir-i Türkistan Ahmet Yesevi der ki:
*“Din bir seçimdir, ama Türklük kaderdir!”*
İşte bu yüzden "Arap sevici, mezhepçi" değil, Cumhuriyetçiyiz, Türk'üz, Atatürkçüyüz...
Ne Mutlu Türküm diyene...!!! 🇹🇷
( Bu gerçeği lütfen siz de olabildiğince paylaşır mısınız? )
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in-your-ancestors-dreams · 9 days ago
haunt me, take me
“Fill me, fuck me, haunt me, take me,” V said to Eyva, eyes fluttering shut and they sank to their knees. Eyva hesitated, knowing the state V was in was vulnerable, fragile. It shook her, to see them like this.
“Please, Eyva,�� they begged. “Anything to take it away for a moment.”
Heat rushed across Eyva’s skin, seeing V beg for her like this, and her mouth dropped open slightly as V bent over on their knees like they were praying at her feet. It wasn’t just the sign of worship that made Evya’s cheeks flush deeply, but for V to beg for her to take control, to step into the role of demanding that had perhaps never been allowed to her… earth save her. She wasn’t made to be immune to powers like this. 
Voice hoarse, she said, “you’ll have to be really good for me, V.” 
A shudder moved through V’s still-kneeling body and they nodded. She cleared her throat and tried again. 
“Can you do that for me?” she asked louder, a touch of haughty in her voice. She hoped to embody something of the spirit of the love deity she prayed to, her best example of unforgiving seductive power. 
“Yes, I’ll be good,” V said, voice just above a whisper. 
Fuck me, Eyva thought.
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zorya-km · 9 months ago
Dialogue/Character Voice Tag Game!
Thank you @inkhelm for tagging me !
Rules: Rewrite the given line in the voices of characters from your WIP of choice!
My line is “It's better if you leave.” I'll do it with my main WIP: Starborn Sonata.
Evya: "As your princess, I'm telling you to leave."
Atreus: "I'm sorry, but I think it'd be best if you left."
Miklos: “Consider this mercy. You don’t know the consequences of staying."
Jaromira: "For your sake, just... Get out."
Kael: "Do remind me why you're still here ?" Your line: "A little help, please ?" and I'm tagging some hoarders: @veneritia @writinglyra @moariin !
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dentalvishnu · 8 months ago
Best Diabetes Hospital in Lb Nagar | Hyderabad - Evya Hospitals
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Experience exceptional diabetes care at Evya Hospitals, recognized as the best diabetes hospital in Lb Nagar, Hyderabad. Our specialized diabetes care unit offers comprehensive treatment and management for diabetes and its complications. Led by a team of experienced endocrinologists, diabetologists, and diabetes educators, we provide personalized care plans tailored to each patient's needs. With state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology, we prioritize patient well-being and strive for optimal diabetes control. Trust Evya Hospitals for expert diabetes care, where compassion and expertise converge to ensure a healthier future for our patients. Choose us for the best diabetes hospital in Lb Nagar, Hyderabad. Schedule your appointment today.
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evyavishnu · 8 months ago
Best Orthopedic Hospital in Vanasthalipuram - Evya Hospitals
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For unparalleled orthopedic care, trust Evya Hospitals, renowned as the best orthopedic hospital in Vanasthalipuram. Our team of orthopedic specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including fractures, joint disorders, sports injuries, and more. With state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology, we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs, ensuring optimal outcomes and a speedy recovery. Whether you require joint replacement surgery, sports medicine interventions, or conservative management, you can rely on Evya Hospitals for expert orthopedic care. Choose us for excellence in orthopedics in Vanasthalipuram. Schedule your appointment today and experience the difference with Evya Hospitals.
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queen-scribbles · 10 months ago
💕Of course I collected the full set💕
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Best Orthopedic Hospital in Vanasthalipuram - Evya Hospitals
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Evya Hospitals, renowned as the best orthopedic hospital in Vanasthalipuram, offers exceptional orthopedic care. Our expert orthopedic specialists utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities to provide top-quality treatment for musculoskeletal conditions. With a patient-centric approach and a commitment to excellence, we prioritize your orthopedic health. From joint replacements to sports injuries, trust Evya Hospitals for comprehensive orthopedic solutions tailored to your unique needs. Your journey to improved musculoskeletal health begins here, where you can count on our expertise and dedicated care.
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evyahospital · 2 years ago
Best Dentist In Lb Nagar
When it comes to oral health and a beautiful smile, finding the best dentist in LB Nagar is essential. At Evya Hospitals, we take pride in offering exceptional dental care with a patient-centric approach. Our team of highly skilled and experienced dentists is dedicated to providing comprehensive dental services to meet all your oral healthcare needs. From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced treatments like dental implants and orthodontics, we offer a wide range of services. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to patient comfort, trust us to deliver the highest standard of dental care and help you achieve a healthy, confident smile. Visit Evya Hospitals and experience the expertise of the best dentist in LB Nagar.
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nssrdigitalinfotechstuff · 2 years ago
Best Neurosurgeon in LB Nagar – Evya Hospital
Neurological problems and treatments by our Best Neurosurgeons
People of all ages are affected by neurological problems, which have become more common. The brain, spine, and nerves that connect it to other body parts are all issues treated in neurology. A minor issue with any of the aforementioned systems can affect the body’s ability to function as a whole. Evya Hospitals Best Neurosurgeon in LB Nagar are  one-stop solution for all the concerns irrespective of the fact that there are almost 600 different types of neurological disorders, including epilepsy, brain tumours, strokes, and Parkinson’s disease. The majority of people are aware about this disease and the possible treatments for it. Best Neurosurgeon in LB Nagar are renowned for providing the best and most efficient treatments, which not only provide relief from your neurological issues but also protect you from possible future risks.
A few of the most common neurological issues are listed below: Parkinson’s disease:
It is a neurological disorder that affects physical movement. This condition typically begins with a visible hand movement that grows slowly and slows down body motions. Muscle stiffness and shivering in the limbs, hands, or fingers might follow, restricting movement. One further sign that is quite obvious is a change in speech. The symptoms of these illnesses cannot be completely treated, but the Best Neurosurgeon in LB Nagar can prescribe drugs like carbidopa-levodopa, dopamine agonists, etc. to lessen the symptoms.
It is a neurological condition that causes irregular brain function and is to blame for people’s abnormal behaviour. Based on other medical problems and the effects of hereditary problems, epilepsy symptoms might vary. Loss of awareness or wakefulness, short-term confusion, and other symptoms are the main ones. EEG, High-density EEG, CT scan, MRI scan, and other neurological and blood tests are used to diagnose these issues. These neurological conditions may be addressed by the neurosurgeons at evya hospital, the Best Neurosurgeon in LB Nagar, with the use of a few drugs and operations.
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moontopaz · 3 years ago
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Evya Sunset - take a moment to enjoy the things around you <3
pokemon (c)Nintendo | Art (c)Moontopaz
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