let's fly like fluffy clouds☁️
16 posts
currently: making playlists for fictional characters 
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
do you like kpop?👀
omg yes i do!!! i've been a kpop fan since 2016 lol i literally stan sooo many groups!! my ult is bts!! but i also love twice, stayc, kep1er, ive, izone, enhypen, nct, itzy, txt, weeekly, and nmixx!!
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
who was your first comfort character?
OooOo hmmm probably glenn from the walking dead! I've been watching the show since I was young so I ABSOLUTELY love the show!
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
omg happy birthday🎉
thank you💕 i’m currently eating some ice cream cake!! i hope you guys like the birthday post!!! my first peter story!!
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
Skate It Like Yuzuru
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“Have you guys seen chinese tiktok??” You said, grabbing the attention of your brainiac friends.
MJ thinks for a moment. “No I actually haven't”
The group huddles around your phone while you continue to show them a cinematic tiktok of a couple acting in their high school days which transitions to their wedding day with the bride wearing a flowy wedding dress with amazing lighting.
The group, all impressed, blink in amusement.
“Right? They’re creating movies while our table is broken.” They all burst into laughter but shortly return back to their homework.
“I’m so bored” You groaned minutes later, throwing your pencil down in frustration.
“But…we literally just started?” Ned gives you a funny look.
“Exactly” You roll over in peter’s bed while hugging one of his pillows and scrolling through tiktok.
Peter, sensing your boredom, takes one look at you and comes up with a plan. He slams his pencil down on his notebooks to show his support for your protest.
“Do you guys want to go ice skating?”
Sitting down on the cold benches while everyone ties up their laces, you decide to break the silence and share a cute anecdote.
“You know I used to do ice skating when I was younger” Peter acts surprised even though...he already knew that.
MJ and Ned show interest and encourage you to go on.
“I even had glued little pompoms on them” You look at Peter smiling at you. “Because I wanted to be like tinkerbell”
“But can our tinkerbell still skate? That’s the question!” MJ exclaimed as she stands up.
As you guys enter the rink, Peter stuck to you like glue in case you needed a helping hand. Ned surely did as he wobbles and leans into You and MJ for stability causing everyone to fall like dominos.
With everyone back on their feet you decide to pair off to help each other skate.
You slowly make your way towards Peter with your arms fully extended in front of you while he skates backwards.
Peter smiles at the cute gesture. “You’re just like Yuzuru”
Your face lights up at the mention of the skater.
“Oh yeah? You think I can beat him?” You say as you send him a smile that warms him from the cold.
Peter gives you an assured look. “100%” His answers give you the confidence to lower your arms as you slowly but surely start parading around the rink acting like you had just won the Olympics but that doesn’t last for long when you decide to take longer strides and feel yourself losing balance. You’re prepared to hit the ground when Peter catches your arm and helps you get your balance back.
That’s when Peter very naturally holds your hands to guide you.
Maybe that’s why Peter chose ice skating…so he could have an excuse to touch you.
Maybe you pretended to be bad...just so you could hold his hand.
Tag list 🏷
@hoeneyhoeney @sunnybunnyy2 @dudethatscute @simpxxslutxx @ccosmic-illusion @universallysharkhounddeputy @srhxpci @todobird1214 @nudaddy50 @boredmidnightbitch @iawaythrown @breakingmalum @sweetbagelranchathlete @apricotcrisps @lazydoodlesandfanfic @pixelated-pogues @whitejuliana1204 @markthelee @cheezybread @porcelainteacupss @spicysimpura @illumidumptruck @justkay2 @florencesmaid @lolalee24 @spicytaurus @sky-06 @angel0signal @cluelessred3 @galactaghost @maneskin-slave @popesfez @bewtyschooldropout @peaceandquient @imanangelipromise @fairybreath @whitejuliana1204 ​@velocity32 @clearwow @fezzc-o @bokutojuicyass @otaktomotyl @itschickennuggetsworld @kanyeblahblah @sanzusano @kinoko42 @ruesrealwife @sexymflmao
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
Skate It Like Yuzuru
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“Have you guys seen chinese tiktok??” You said, grabbing the attention of your brainiac friends.
MJ thinks for a moment. “No I actually haven't”
The group huddles around your phone while you continue to show them a cinematic tiktok of a couple acting in their high school days which transitions to their wedding day with the bride wearing a flowy wedding dress with amazing lighting.
The group, all impressed, blink in amusement.
“Right? They’re creating movies while our table is broken.” They all burst into laughter but shortly return back to their homework.
“I’m so bored” You groaned minutes later, throwing your pencil down in frustration.
“But…we literally just started?” Ned gives you a funny look.
“Exactly” You roll over in peter’s bed while hugging one of his pillows and scrolling through tiktok.
Peter, sensing your boredom, takes one look at you and comes up with a plan. He slams his pencil down on his notebooks to show his support for your protest.
“Do you guys want to go ice skating?”
Sitting down on the cold benches while everyone ties up their laces, you decide to break the silence and share a cute anecdote.
“You know I used to do ice skating when I was younger” Peter acts surprised even though...he already knew that.
MJ and Ned show interest and encourage you to go on.
“I even had glued little pompoms on them” You look at Peter smiling at you. “Because I wanted to be like tinkerbell”
“But can our tinkerbell still skate? That’s the question!” MJ exclaimed as she stands up.
As you guys enter the rink, Peter stuck to you like glue in case you needed a helping hand. Ned surely did as he wobbles and leans into You and MJ for stability causing everyone to fall like dominos.
With everyone back on their feet you decide to pair off to help each other skate.
You slowly make your way towards Peter with your arms fully extended in front of you while he skates backwards.
Peter smiles at the cute gesture. “You’re just like Yuzuru”
Your face lights up at the mention of the skater.
“Oh yeah? You think I can beat him?” You say as you send him a smile that warms him from the cold.
Peter gives you an assured look. “100%” His answers give you the confidence to lower your arms as you slowly but surely start parading around the rink acting like you had just won the Olympics but that doesn’t last for long when you decide to take longer strides and feel yourself losing balance. You’re prepared to hit the ground when Peter catches your arm and helps you get your balance back.
That’s when Peter very naturally holds your hands to guide you.
Maybe that’s why Peter chose ice skating…so he could have an excuse to touch you.
Maybe you pretended to be bad...just so you could hold his hand.
Tag list 🏷
@hoeneyhoeney @sunnybunnyy2 @dudethatscute @simpxxslutxx @ccosmic-illusion @universallysharkhounddeputy @srhxpci @todobird1214 @nudaddy50 @boredmidnightbitch @iawaythrown @breakingmalum @sweetbagelranchathlete @apricotcrisps @lazydoodlesandfanfic @pixelated-pogues @whitejuliana1204 @markthelee @cheezybread @porcelainteacupss @spicysimpura @illumidumptruck @justkay2 @florencesmaid @lolalee24 @spicytaurus @sky-06 @angel0signal @cluelessred3 @galactaghost @maneskin-slave @popesfez @bewtyschooldropout @peaceandquient @imanangelipromise @fairybreath @whitejuliana1204 ​@velocity32 @clearwow @fezzc-o @bokutojuicyass @otaktomotyl @itschickennuggetsworld @kanyeblahblah @sanzusano @kinoko42 @ruesrealwife @sexymflmao
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
birthday post coming tomorrow!!👀
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
that's a v cute idea! What are the song?
the songs are glassy by jo yuri and door by kwon eunbi!! they were part of a group called IZ*ONE but they disbanded so most of them are soloist now!
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
I saw that username change! this is a cute one does it have a meaning?
ahahaha the multiple username change😂 so i changed my username from urfavpisces to glassydoor! i don’t know i thought the first one was wayyy too basic and my user NOW is a combination of songs i like :)
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
peep that queen reference👀
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
Radio Ga Ga
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[fezco x reader x faye x rue x astray]  <-- it’s a party
part one or can be read on it’s own :)
Walking up to Fez’s metal door while skimming over the piece of paper with the order on it. I get startled when I hear the buzz of the intercom turning on.
“we’re closed, come back later” never have been here before, I’m starting to question if Rue gave the right address.
“I didn’t even knock?” I say quietly out of confusion. “The cameras bitch”
“Wait” A smile creeps on my face. “Is this Ash?”
“Who’s asking?” The line goes silent but quickly comes back 
“Hello?” easily recognizing the voice of Fez, he takes over the intercom.
“Hey Fezco! I don’t know if you remember me but I left town for a while but now I’m back and we saw each other at that party a couple weeks ago?” I ramble and wait in uncertainty until I got a response.
“Shiit I remember you y/n” I hear the sound of several locks turning before Fez opens the door. I smile when I see him and he takes a step to let me in.
He takes a quick scan the room for messiness…which was everywhere.
I walk into the apartment but stop when I see a girl on the couch out of her mind.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” You turn to Fez and see that he’s slowly pulling shirts that were laid on the couch. I pull out the paper that’s now crumpled from being in my pocket pinned against coins and packets of gum.
His eyebrows furrow as he looks at it. He looks back at me. I start wondering if I somehow got something wrong.
“This isn't for you right?”
“Oh no it isn’t” I laugh out of relief. “It’s Rue’s but she got grounded”
“Yeah that sounds like Rue” He sighs.
He takes the paper and starts to gather everything. 
“Do you wanna sit?” He gestures to the couch. When he does, the girl on the couch takes a puff of whatever she’s smoking and fills the living room with smoke to the point where you can’t even see what’s on tv anymore.
“You know...Imma pass” 
He laughs nervously.
“I respect that” He takes a moment to think of another suitable option. “Well...we can move to the kitchen. You hungry? I can make you a sandwich” 
“Sure” I agreed. 
“He makes a mean sandwich” Ash’s voice nears as we enter the kitchen. I smile seeing him mess around with the playing cards on the’s nice seeing him be a kid for once.
“Can’t miss out on that” I give him a high five. “How are you doing Ash?”
“Not bad...surviving” Ash mumbles. As we continue our conversation, I can hear Fez in the living room faintly tell the girl on the couch not to smoke as much when I’m here. Shortly after, he comes into the kitchen but stops when he sees me and ash making a pyramid with the cards.
Fez claps his hands “Alright! Let’s get this sandwich going” I jump and nearly knock the cards over. Ash gives me a funny death stare. 
Chef Fez takes his time making three sandwiches. He hopes Faye was paying attention when he was talking before.
We move to the living room and just in time because on the tv was my favorite movie. I plop down in front of the tv next to Faye ,who is now on the ground, while Fez and Ash sit together on the couch.
“Hi” I wave to Faye as she looks at me. Probably debating whether or not I’m a real person. 
Absolutely no thoughts behind those eyes.
Taking quick bites of the (delicious) sandwich while I use the majority of my time spewing out dialogue from the movie and acting the scenes out.
Fez observing, watching me more than the movie “How the hell do you know everything?” He smiles. “Did you...fucking write the movie?”
I turn around laughing ‘No, it’s my favorite movie. I’ve seen it a million times”
“I can tell” He takes a quick puff.
“What’s your favorite movie Fez?” My attention now on Fez while the movie continues to play in the background.
“You already know” He takes a puff while I anticipate what he’s going to say. “Shrek”
“Mine too” Says Ash.
“Me too” Faye says slowly.
“Shrek is a classic” I agree. “Shrek 2 is the best sequel to a movie of all time” 
Fez was about to agree but our conversation halts when we hear pounding at the door. Fezco’s mood shifts drastically. His eyes shifting between me and Faye while Ashtray immediately jumps from the couch.
“Stay here.”
My eyes widen with fear as I get closer to Faye to protect her if anything happens. Ashtray isn’t far, holding something while peeking around the corner.
“Maaan I thought you said Rue was grounded”
“She is?” Pictures of our text messages flash through my mind which gets interrupted when Rue confidently walks in.
“Sike” Rue walks through the house like she owns the place.
“Rue what are you doing here” I get up and hug her.
“What? I thought I would join your little party” She lets go and goes straight to the fridge but is faced with disappointment when she sees there’s nothing worth consuming.
“You texted me saying you’re grounded Rue…” I say as I offer my half eaten sandwich.
Ashtray walks by 
“And that’s stopped her before?” 
“Good point” 
Rue takes a bite and moans in satisfaction. “This is so good” 
Me and Rue continue talking until our conversation somehow ends with her convincing me to go to a real party since Fez and Ashtray are doing business there which covers the ride situation which is probably the only reason she’s here.
In the car, Fez and Ash are in the front while me and Rue are in the back.
Having a radio in the house, I always know what the top songs are…which is annoying sometimes because songs I like will gradually become annoying due to how much they overplay it.
Fez’s car radio seems to be no different than the one in my room. The overhead lamps on the side of the road barely illuminating the mostly dark car and humming to the surrounding music makes for the perfect late night drive. 
Rue’s voice pauses the mini movie I’m making in my head.
“y/n you’ve been singing almost every single song” Rue looks over at me. I guess I was doing a bit more than humming. Ash turns around from his seat to agree.
“You should've been her watching a movie. I thought she wrote it.” Fez looks at us through the rearview mirror.
Then, an idea pops into my head.
“Rue you’ve seen shrek 2 right?” 
“I actually haven’t” 
I look at Fezco through the mirror.
“Looks like we’re making popcorn tonight”
Tag list 🏷
@hoeneyhoeney @sunnybunnyy2 @dudethatscute @simpxxslutxx @ccosmic-illusion @universallysharkhounddeputy @valqarh @srhxpci @theesenpai @todobird1214 @nudaddy50 @boredmidnightbitch @iawaythrown @breakingmalum @sweetbagelranchathlete @apricotcrisps @lazydoodlesandfanfic @pixelated-pogues @whitejuliana1204 @markthelee @cheezybread @porcelainteacupss @spicysimpura @illumidumptruck @justkay2 @florencesmaid @lolalee24 @spicytaurus @sky-06 @angel0signal @cluelessred3 @galactaghost​ 
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
did you watch the new spiderman?💘
i did finally!! a few nights ago! i swear ive never cried so much! i was really worried going into it because my friend who doesn’t know anything about marvel watched it and said SHE CRIED so i knew i was in trouble but i’ve literally never cried like that before😂😂😂 so good luck to anyone who still hasn’t seen it and let me know how it went🥺
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
are you only writing for euphoria?
hii! nope!! I'm apart of a bunch of fandoms like Marvel, Outer Banks, Harry Potter, and The Walking Dead so hopefully I'll get to write for them soon!! I'm currently obsessed with euphoria especially since the second season just started ahaha
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
Don’t Tell A Soul
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Euphoria x GN! Reader
Synopsis: Reader is new at school and is bombarded with the amount of crazy that is at east highland...what happens when they get wrapped in some drama they want nothing to do with??
Warnings: punching and fighting
I feel like I’m going around in circles as I walk down these hallways. If I can’t even find the principal's office then my teachers are just gonna have to accept the fact that I’m going to be late to every single class. With some help, I’ve found myself in front of Principle Hayes' door, I check my phone to make sure I’m on time before I knock. 
When the door opens, I’m greeted by Principle Hayes and a girl sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
“y/n we’re so happy you could make it! I hope you didn’t have any trouble?” Principal Hayes swiftly writes something down and I wave to the girl. “Sir this place is a maze, but here I am” he smiles. 
“I’m really glad to hear that” He says, drawing my attention to the girl. “This is Lexi Howard, she’s one of our top students and she’ll help you on your first day. I’m not going to hold you back any longer...have a good day y/n and if you have any questions, find me or Lexi” and with that, me and Lexi are out of the office and start walking around.
“So I guess I’ll show you the most important part of the school first” As we start heading towards the cafeteria, a blonde girl nearly runs Lexi over. “Lex, oh my god, thank god do you have my lip gloss” Lexi gives me apologetic eyes before replying.
“Yeah, but it’s in my bag I don’t have it right now, I’m showing y/n around” bringing her attention over to me and the blonde girl smiles nervously as she realizes that she interrupted something.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I’m Cassie” Cassie’s voice grew bubbly. “Don’t worry about your first day! It can be a little crazy around here sometimes, but don’t worry, you’ll fit right in” She says her goodbyes and rushes off...presumably to Lexi’s bag.
Lexi sighs as she follows Cassie with her eyes. “Sorry that was my sister” She says as she looks at her watch and turns to me.
“I was going to show you the cafeteria, but class is actually about to start soon so can I have a look at your schedule?” Lexi asks sweetly before reading my schedule. This gives me a minute to recharge from the exciting encounter. I’m glad Lexi was here to help me today, if this morning was any indication, I would be LOST without she has a nice and friendly vibe about her.
“Oh nice! We have the same’re going to like Mr.Levinson” right on cue the bell rings and the hallway soon becomes cramped with students left and right but luckily Lexi assures me that the class isn’t far.
Walking into Mr.Levinson’s class and looking around at all the tables filled with people talking and catching up made me realize I was probably the only new kid in this classroom but Lexi stayed with me and made me feel comfortable.
“Alright, you rambunctious kids, let’s not get too lit in here” everyone, including me, simultaneously cringed and groaned.
“Mr.Levinson please never say that again” I laugh at the comment made by a girl with dark hair a couple tables from me, it showed the students had a fun and comfortable relationship with Mr.Levinson to joke around like that. I was having a nice time just observing until Mr.Levinson put the spotlight on me.
“Well Ms.Katherin we actually have a reason to be lit today” He proceeded to drum roll at his desk which everyone followed suit. “We actually have a new student today! How exciting! y/n please wave to the class” I look at Lexi ,who gives me an encouraging smile, and I give a simple wave and when I look up from my desk I’m blinded by all the eyes staring at me waiting for me to say something.
“Hi I’m y/n” Lexi claps supportively. When Mr.Levinson realized that’s all I was saying he brought the attention back to him “Okay, perfect! Everyone please make them feel welcome! y/n, we’re very happy to have you here.”
4 more introductions later and it’s lunch time. As I’m packing my things in class, I see Lexi hanging around at the door waiting for me...I wave her over.
“Hey! How did everything go?” Lexi comes in to help me put my things away.
“It was good! I can’t wait to see this revolutionary cafeteria though!” Lexi excitedly grabs my arm.
“Great! We’re sitting with Kat and Jules today! You saw them briefly in Mr.Levinson’s class” As we walk over Jules moves her bag that’s next to her to free up space as soon as she sees us getting closer. Lexi leaves to get us lunch...which is a clever way to get me to talk to the girls at the table.
“Hey y/n” Kat murmured as she looked up at me then quickly back on her phone. 
“What class did you just have?” Jules asks.
I check my schedule. “I had chemistry with Ms.Morrison” The name drop of the teacher brings a reaction from both Kat and Jules.
“Oh my god Ms.Morrison is literally the worst.” Kat objected.
“Who’s the worst?” the shocking voice to my left questions, as a girl in a simple black hoodie steps over and sits next to Jules. “Ms.Morrison” Jules responded as she put her arm around her which resulted in the same disgust level as before. “oh she’s the worst.”
“See?” Kat gave me the -I told you so- face, “that’s exactly what I said! Thank you Rue for confirming that for me” Rue takes a bite of Jules’s french fries. “It’s like we’re telepathically connected or something.”
Lexi (finally) comes back with both our trays with pizza and fries. It wasn’t until then that Rue became aware of the entirely new human at the table. 
“Oh shit hi” Rue, with half a french fry hanging off her mouth, said as she brushes off the dust and crumbs of her.
“I’m y/n” I laugh at the gesture as Jules smiles ,sensing the stiff atmosphere. “I just moved here” 
“So are you guys going to the party this weekend?” Jules decides to ask to save Rue from the awkward introduction.
“Hell yeah” Kat answered, still immersed in her phone. 
“y/n are you going?” 
“Um maybe!” I turn to Lexi who is chowing down on her fries “are you going?” I was hoping she was because if I don’t have my guardian angel there, then I’m a goner.
 Lexi shrugs “Probably...since my sister is going.”
The rest of the week went swimmingly as I’ve gotten closer with the group. Kat is actually my ride to the party that Jules mentioned at lunch. Luckily the workload wasn’t too much since the school year had just started so I was able to get ready before I got the ping from my phone that Kat was outside.
The amount of trash and people passed out in the backyard was alarmingly high as we arrived at the party. I looked over at Kat ,who looked unfazed.
“Is this the right place?”
 “Yup.” she said with a hard P
I let out a nervous laugh. 
Walking into the purple tinted room with strobing lights filled with people dancing and making out. I stop to rummage through my bag for the money I owe Lexi for the lunch trays because someone didn’t tell me they cost money.
I turn to Kat but am stunned to see Kat is no longer by my side but it didn’t take long to find a familiar face as I see Jules dancing with Rue having the best time of their life.
I tap on Jules' shoulder softly as to not shock her. She turns and immediately hugs me while still swaying to the music playing through the house.
“Hey guys! I was just wondering if you’ve seen Lexi? I need to give her something real quick”  I repeated my question to Rue because it’s clear that Jules is a little out of it.
“I think I last saw her near the bathrooms?” Rue hesitated. I said my thanks and now my mission is to find the bathrooms.
With some help, I located the bathrooms but no Lexi in sight. I assume she’s actually IN the bathroom so I stood in front of the door and knocked.
“Hey Lexi?” between the chattering of the surrounding people and the booming music I couldn’t hear a thing so I jiggle the door knob and found it wasn’t locked so I opened it. I’m hoping she’s just touching up her makeup. 
“Oh my god!” 
I see Cassie and Nate Jacobs, who I luckily share no class with and only see at lunch, doing it on the sink.
“I’m so sorry!” I leave embarrassed that I caught the two in the most intimate moments people can share.
I run immediately to Rue and lightly smack her arm. She gives me the most betrayed expression until I tell her and Jules what I’ve just seen, keeping the names of the two out, they double over laughing.
“Stop! This isn’t funny! OBVIOUSLY Lexi wasn’t in there” As the two continue to mindlessly laugh I spot Lexi seated on one of the couches from the corner of my eye. “Okay bye you two are no help”
Their laughter slowly faded as I near Lexi.
“y/n hey!” she engulfs me in a comforting hug. “I’m so glad you made it!” We break the hug and she gently tugs my arm to join her on the couch.
She hesitates to accept the money but after three rounds of rock paper scissors, she admits defeat.
For the first time since arriving at the party, I was actually having fun while Lexi and I cracked jokes and sang whenever we recognized a song. However, the time was cut short when I sensed a pair of eyes looking at me. Nate Jacobs was drinking from the kitchen and gazing daggers towards me as I pretended to scan the room so he wouldn’t notice.
Lexi could see the shift in my demeanor and asked if I was okay. I expressed that I wanted to leave and she didn’t even hesitate to ask why and left immediately with me.
My schedule the following week  was surprisingly jam packed with homework assignments and tests that I had completely forgotten what had happened at the party. It wasn't until I got a visit from Cassie at my locker nearly giving me a heart attack.
“Hey Cassie what’s up” I close my locker and start heading towards my next class...Cassie follows.
“Hey y/n I’m good um listen about what happened at the party” she looks like she’s about to cry. I stop her to calm her down “Cassie, it’s okay!! Out of sight out of mind plus It’s not even my business.” I give her a smile.
“So you won’t tell Maddy?
“No? I don’t even know who she is?”
She takes a sigh of relief 
“Okay!” she says with a smile “perfect!” she starts to walk away, her shoulders much looser than when the conversation started.
Sitting at in the cafeteria with the same cast of characters I had to ask.
“Hey guys, who's Maddy?” 
“Oh!” Jules exclaimed, surprised that I don’t know her. “She’s riiight there” pointing using her french fry and I turn behind me in my seat to see who ‘Maddy’ is. Now having seen doesn’t bring anymore answers. I wouldn’t have made it so obvious that I’m looking at her if I knew Nate was looking at me.
Cassie had told Nate that she took care of it and that they were safe.
Nate pushes his tray in front of him and mutters “fuck” under his breath. 
Nate meets Cassie after school “I thought you said you took care of it” Cassie looks innocently confused. “I did...I told you they’re new and they don't even know Maddy.”
“Yeah? Then why did I see them look at Maddy during lunch.” He storms off and leaves Cassie insecure and worried.
The next couple of weeks was uneventful. Jules messages me one lunch day me on a different phone saying that she lost her phone and that we’re eating in one of the empty classrooms. I thought nothing of it since the cafeteria can get pretty packed quickly...Lexi wasn’t kidding when she said it’s the best part of the school.
I opened the door and was utterly confused when the classroom was entirely tables or chairs and especially no Jules.
“Hi y/n” the unexpected voice of Nate makes me drop my lunch bag. 
“What do you want Nate?” I kneel down to pick up my lunch. Nate watches every movement. 
“I just want to talk.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you Nate, it’s never just talking with you.” I take a look at him and he’s propped up against an old desk. “If this is about what happened at the party” because no doubt that’s what it was about “I told Cassie already, I don't care, I'm not telling anybody.” 
“Well I don’t believe you.” He starts walking towards me.
“I don't have to explain myself to you.” I try to leave but he grabs my arm. 
“Nate you better let go of me...or you will be sorry.” That’s what pushes Nate off the edge. He suddenly pushes me hard against the door. I turn the knob so it opens and we fall out. 
The students roaming the halls and the deafening sounds of the teacher’s whistles were clear indicators that lunch time had ended but neither of us could hear anything as were throwing punches left and right.
As much as I try to get my balance, he’s relentless.
We get separated but I wasn’t going down without throwing the final punch.
“Cassie and Nate were having sex at the party!” 
Was it the right thing to do? No.
Did Nate Jacobs deserve it? Yes.
Tag list 🏷
@hoeneyhoeney @sunnybunnyy2 @dudethatscute @simpxxslutxx @ccosmic-illusion @universallysharkhounddeputy @valqarh @srhxpci @theesenpai @todobird1214​ @nudaddy50​ @boredmidnightbitch​ @iawaythrown​ @breakingmalum​ @sweetbagelranchathlete​ @apricotcrisps​ @lazydoodlesandfanfic @pixelated-pogues​
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
i posted my first story!! i hope you like it! <3
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
Where Have You Been? - Fezco
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Where Have You Been? (one shot)
Euphoria Characters x Reader
Content Warnings: Nate Jacobs, rehab, and overdose mentions.
Synopsis: Reader returns to town after leaving unexpectedly...what happens when she runs into her friends who she hasn’t spoken to in forever? 
“What are you thinking about?” my mom’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
“You know...a little nervous” I take a deep breath in as I look out the car window of the small town I grew up in where everyone knows each other...which is why it was so hard to leave...rumors circulate FAST. 
I left unexpectedly and the first thing people thought was I was struck by lightning in front of my house and died??? hello??
I think it’s safe to say for most high schoolers that we’re just trying to get by and move on to the next thing in life...which is why me and Lexi Howard were really good friends. Unlike our questionable classmates, the only drama we would be involved in is if we didn’t hand in our homework on time.
“I’m really proud of you y/n” my mom looks over at me for a second before shifting her eyes back to the road. “I’m pretty sure Lexi and Cassie still live down the road, I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you” my mom wishfully thinks but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Lexi never wanted to talk to me ever again.
Unpacking my belongings on my childhood bed I hear frantic knocking on the door and before I have time to adjust my eyes to the sun’s rays I was engulfed in a bear hug from none other than Lexi saying “oh my god” over a thousand times.
“Hey Lex” I say in relief as I tighten the hug.
“I hate you and I’m saying with love” she comes in and peers around the corner to say hi to my mom and asks if I could come over and with the approval of my mother we happily walk over.
“I missed you y/n” 
“I missed you too”
Walking past the threshold of the Howard house felt like a magical spell was cast upon us and we were little kids again. Lexi smiles at me and I smile back. 
“Hey Ms.Howard!” Lexi’s mom gives me a big smile which I’m happy to receive. 
“Y/n! It’s so nice to see you again! How are you?” seeing their mom on the couch makes me realize how nice it is to see some things really haven’t changed. As I turn towards the stairs I’m surprised to see both Cassie and Mckay on the couch...I honestly didn’t expect to see him today.
Cassie’s eyes widen when she sees me and springs up from the couch to give me a big hug while Mckay just sorta looks around due to awkwardness and confusion while simply giving me a wave.
“Yo y/n how are you feeling?” Mckay reluctantly asks.
“Yeah I’m good’s football?” I know nothing about football.
“You hard, play hard, I’m just tryna do my best and make the lineup” the statement above is true...I know nothing about football but what I do know is that Mckay works his butt off playing.
Lexi drags my arm and pulls me upstairs to her and Cassie’s conjoined room and it looks exactly as I remembered it. Taking a quick look around I can see she still has all the polaroid pictures hung up that we took summers ago and the cute trinkets I got her for her birthday.
Cassie later joins us once Mckay leaves and we all start talking as if I never left until Cassie says:
“At least you and Rue have something in common now” confusion is what filled my scattered brain as Lexi gives what could only be a death stare to Cassie. 
I knew Rue Bennett pretty well as Me, Lexi, and Rue were seen as the golden trio like in Harry Potter...I’m Hermione, Lexi is Harry, and Rue is Dobby, sorry I mean Ron.
My face screams for answers as I look over to Lexi “What? What happened to Rue?”
Cassie stopped fixing her makeup and looked over at me “You don’t know? Rue overdosed”
With my mouth agape, Lexi sighs.
“Well is she okay??” I notice Lexi’s fingers start to fidget with the bottom of her shirt “yeah she’s fine, she went to rehab around the same time you did” 
“You missed a lot y/n” that’s not very hard to believe since every day at school the morning gossip alone is what gave me the will to even go. 
“Nate and Maddy are together” and that’s how you change the mood immediately because as soon as those words left Cassie’s mouth my face contorts to disgust 
“Nate’s still here?” I mean I’m not surprised though, east highland would literally have to chain Nate Jacobs up before he could way would they let go of their star quarterback.
Lexi shares the same disgust on her face “sadly” 
“I don’t know he’s kinda cute” me and Lexi practically got whiplash with how fast we turned to Cassie.
“He’s a jerk” I say while Cassie is going through her closet and asking our opinion which she doesn't even need because she looks flawless every single time. This is about the time we both got the invite to Mckay’s party.
Head throbbing music surrounds the house as me and Lexi ,arm in arm to stay together, wander further into the house when I see Maddy from afar running to me at full speed and hugging me. That’s when Cassie announced she was going to the bathroom. Looking around the party made me feel more disconnected from my town than ever before...
I knew nobody else here. When I was away I realized that I don’t even miss school but I miss the comfort of people knowing you and being around a fixed group of people then to just not have that anymore?? It was’s weird right now but low and behold I see Rue Bennet in the corner, hands in pockets, like the true wallflower she is. Even though Rue isn’t much of a hugger, there wasn’t anything else I wanted to do more than to give her a big ol’ hug. I go towards her with open arms ready for a hug when I get this instead.
“Y/n, where have you been, loca?” Rue says awkwardly while my shoulders jump from laughter as we’re hugging.
She releases “because I remember you said you liked that movie” as she looks down at the ground then back at me to see my reaction.
“Oh my god Rue I love you” I say while laughing “Who did you come with?” She takes a minute to look around and scan the room and finally points at a girl with long blonde hair and really cute clothing talking with Kat “Her name is Jules, she’s new here but she’s cool” 
“So where did you go?” The golden question finally reveals itself “oh you know...Florida” Which I’m not technically lying but I didn’t feel like getting into it right now.
She understands and accepts that answer as we part ways I realize I’ve lost Lexi. As realization hits, my heart starts to beat and has become super sonic and in that moment the roles have I see Rue dancing and laughing with Jules while I'm attached to the wall like a fly. 
“Ayo everyone cut the music we got a special guest”  The voice of the person I dreaded the most.
“Come on don’t be rude y/n make your presence known” Nate Jacobs continues to point me out as I look around the room for an ounce of moral support but my heart skins when I see no one, I have no idea where anyone is 
Nate Jabocs gets closer.
“What? You don’t want anyone to know where you went?” While I’m trying not to show how much he scares me, he has the advantage with his height and the fact that he’s absolutely terrifying. How does he know in the first place, I never told anyone besides Lexi and Cassie.
He must've told Nate as soon as he saw me at Lexi’s.
I can’t even hear what Nate Jacobs is saying because I’m trying so hard to imagine I’m not even in this situation until a simple shirt and jeans who I recognize as Fezco (because if you’re friends with Rue you’re inevitably gonna know Fez) steps in to put some distance between me and Nate’s 6’4 
“Oh Fezco’s gonna save the day!” Nate’s taunting voice moves on the next victim as any bully does.
“Nah man i'm just tired of you picking on people” somehow Fez’s soft and slow voice when he’s angry is more intimidating than Nate Jacobs can ever be. “Or or or what you’re gonna hit me Fez?” Nate challenges 
“I might if you don’t leave Rue and her friends alone” Nate takes a minute before his lingering eyes move to me then slowly backs up when he sees Maddy among the crowd. 
“I’ll see you real soon Y/N” 
I didn’t even realize how cold and shaky my hands were until Lexi took them into hers. Fez makes sure Nate is on the other side of the house and turns to me.
“y/n you good?” The look of care on Fez’s face is real…even though I didn’t know Fez well, i’m friends with rue and that’s good enough reason for him to stick his neck out for me.
“do you wanna sit on the couch or somethin?” He gently maneuvers us to the couch which was away from people and music because at the moment the pounding music was giving me a pounding headache. Fez stays with you but a little further down the couch to make you feel more comfortable.
My voice is still a little shaky from the encounter. “Thank you Fez”
“It’s ok y/n we dont gotta say nothing” We sit in comfortable silence.
Everyone takes turns to sit on the couch with me while the party continues but Fezco stayed the entire time. Knowing Fez, he was probably at this stupid party to do buisness and here he is using his time to take care of me...I hope I don’t mess anything up for him.
“You want some water? I can go get some?” Fez’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Thank you but I have my own in my bag” as I open my bag full of essential like advil and lip balm “it’s a rule of sorts, I don’t leave the house with water especially when I’m going to a party”
“Word. you gotta do what you gotta do” He gives me a comforting nod 
“How long are you staying here? I didn’t see Ash anywhere around...that’s how I always know you're around” I confess which makes Fez laugh slightly. 
“He’s around back n I’m supposed to let him know when I’m done but I don’t mind staying with you” his comment makes me take a swig of water to hide my smile “Thank Fez I really appreciate that, in a sea of uncertain people you’re a great source of comfort”
“Shit y/n don’t go all soft on me” 
We stay on the couch for a little while longer.
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glassydoor · 3 years ago
hello! I’m urfavpisces sara! i’m 18 years old (2003👀) and while im not new to tumblr i AM new to writing fanfic🥺 there are so many great writers here and i love that you can be transported into another world simply by reading them💖 i love creative writing so i wanted to give it a try <3
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