#Everyone should know that Shay is specifically here to shame my boy with shit taste in people
quaxorascal · 7 years
idina and wilver for
Thank uuuuuu
IDINA“She has this truly adorable expression when she pauses to think, searching through that marvellous mind of hers for the perfect solution to a problem. I almost wish she would get confused more often, for how cute she looks.”
“I treasure those moments where I can be with her outside. The way the sunlight makes her eyes shine… it’s truly breathtaking.”
“I’d live my whole life over, time and time again without changing a thing, just to grow up with her and fall in love with her over and over and over again.”
WILVER“They’re an absolutely reckless spitfire who I wouldn’t trust anywhere near an open flame. I really wish they’d be more careful, they make my heart twist with their recklessness…”
“You know, I’ve spent the past five or so years knowing this girl, and she just keeps getting sunnier and sunnier every day. …And her arm keeps getting stronger, too. But hey, I’m a little brother, I can take a few affectionate punches!”
“I‘ve gotta say, I never thought someone could actually pull that hat off. I have to crane my neck in order to see it on him, and I’m gonna get caught doing that someday, but just… it looks nice, okay?”
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