#Ever since Kacchan accepted this feelings he has been so soft
bluerosety-blog · 6 months
Please look how happy they are!! 😭💝 This is them after graduating~😏🥰 You can't look at them and say they hate each other, they just want to be heroes besides each other! 😌
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High Sex HCs
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God help you if this man smokes sativa before y'all fuck
"Stop fucking running and take this fucking dick" is a common theme
Any self respecting pussy having person would try to take a break after the fourth round!
And the fifth, and the sixth
You started on your hands and knees
Then it was just your knees while he fucked you hard enough to make his hips slap against your ass while he pummeled your cervix like the bully many accused him of being
Then you couldn't keep yourself up anymore and he started getting creative in finding ways to make sure you took his deep as possible
"Where do you think you're going? This pussy is mine to fuck full. Again. And Again. Until you're round with my babies, baby. Understood?"
Even when the weed wears off
just seeing you crying and leaking his cum and begging him to let you rest cause it's too much
will have him rolling up another blunt while y'all "rest"
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He grows his own strains of indica because most strains for sale in town aren't enough to help him sleep
So when you go over to smoke with him you're knocked out by the first blunt, even though you'd been so sure you could handle his weed
Since he won the bet, he was happy to collect on his prize. The one you two agreed on while you blushed and flirted your heart out; letting him fuck you in you sleep
You're already soaked by the time you fall asleep against his chest, both of you having been cuddling while soft music played and exchanging secrets about your darkest fantasies (because it was the good indica, the kind that made you horribly horny even as you struggled to keep your eyes open)
He fingered you with ease and even though you were probably going to sleep well into the night you were still so responsive, moaning softly and making cute little whining sounds every time he added another finger to stretch you out
Fucking you while you slept and sighed and moaned for him was turning him on a lot more than expected
The weed and the sight of you stuffed full of cock while you dreamed completely unaware combined into a dark pleasure that grabbed him by the balls until he was make a cummy mess of your pussy
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You bought the weed from Shinsou, and now Tamaki was relaxed and horny enough to fuck you stupid
"This is what you wanted isn't it?" He pinched your nipples as he fucked you harder and deeper than he usually let himself, finding it was cute the way the weed and his dick had a similar effect on you:
heavy lidded eyes, heavier breathing, and you stopped being able to speak coherently
"Big Tama, so fucking big I'm going to break-"
"That's not what I asked silly," he taunted and from the way you clenched around him you could focus enough to realize how fucked out you sounded and be embarrassed by it, which was good because if he couldn't make your pussy milk him tighter by being mean to you what was the point of degradation?
You could feel him rearranging your guts and you were selfishly pleased no one snapped him up before you two got together, it meant your shy lover and his long girthy cock were all yours- even when he stopped being so shy
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It was ironically perfect, that he could charge every dab pen y'all had (which was quite a few because both of y'all were dedicated stoners) right before a night of cross faded party hopping
By the last party he's too hot from the way you've been dancing on him all night to wait, so you're gasping and trying to keep quiet while he fucked you against the wall of the upstairs hallway
The music downstairs is spilling up the stairs and giving you guys a bit of cover but the way he just pushed you against the wall and pulled your panties aside already has you being too loud
"I don't need to be prepped just fuck me fuck me fuck me-"
"Shut up!" He stuffed his fingers in your mouth and stuffed his cock in your pussy hard and deep and fast, making you moan- once again, too loud even with him muffling you
"If you're this loud when I'm just fucking your pussy then maybe I shouldn't take your ass.."
You whined like he would be robbing you if he didn't take your ass against a wall where anyone could catch you, and that's what made him forgive you for screaming when he blew his load in your tightness while circling your clit with his thumb
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Sativa made Tokoyami hungrier to fuck you again and again until you were twitching and leaking his cum and so overstimmed you could barely speak
"F-fumi--" You were certain you'd passed out at some point, but once again you woke to feeling him fucking you
The combined mess of bodily fluids between your thighs made the most embarrassing squelching sounds as he ground his cock into you, deeper- always deeper
It was after that particularly memorable night of discovering his breeding kink that you had a serious talk with him about why you were on birth control in the first place and that you had to limit the amount of times he came inside you
But every time y'all got high together you ended up getting filled
Indica made Dark Shadow strong enough to convince Tokoyami to double penetrate you with him
You weren't sure how it was possible (Tokoyami refused to go into detail and got incredibly flustered when you tried to question him) but Dark Shadow was able to cum inside you
So it didn't matter who took which hole, you were leaking cum from both your ass and your pussy by the time they were done fucking you senseless
Hybrid strains makes them both in the mood to stuff your pussy together and fill your womb, regardless of the fact that you're not on birth control for once (one of the small windows where you were talking the placebo pills)
You were sure you wouldn't have even considered this if you hadn't smoked just as much as your partner
You were seriously reconsidering as you felt Dark Shadow manifest a shaft just large enough to be painful when pushed inside you alongside Tokoyami's shaft
They were going to just feed off each other as they got more excited and you knew they already hated your reasoning for why you couldn't get pregnant
"G-guys you can't.. cum inside okay?"
They both groaned and pushed into you deeper at your words
"Seriously.. guys!"
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High Deku is a fuckboy don't at me
All of a sudden it's "say less, ma" and his hands are wandering shamelessly
Because not only does weed make him horny, but it makes it easier to hold back so basically-
marathon sex
you're not walking after fam, just accept this
He's just as caring and thoughtful about your pleasure as always, making you fall apart on his fingers and cock again and again, he's just a little more cocky like his Kacchan usually is about it when he's high
"Now just three more on my tongue and then we'll see if I'm ready to cum.. but if you look too cute while I'm eating you out I might need to just keep fucking you after that"
He cums twice in your pussy and when you beg him to let you rest and he keeps trying to fuck one more load into you, you throw out mindlessly "Just fuck my ass instead please! I'm so sore, 'Zuku, please.."
He runs with it
Now you're begging him to cum because your ass can't take as much as your pussy, and even though he's masterfully touching your clit and helping you cum- he feels so much thicker in your ass when you're shivering and shaking from his mouth on your throat and his thumb grinding into your sensitive clit
When he finally fills your ass he gets a little too excited and all you remember is green lightning filling your room before he fucked you unconscious
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Likes to use his quirk on you when he's high, spanking you with painfully hot palms and fucking you with ice fingers at the same time
His tongue and dick are always addictingly hot though
Cold fingers pinch your nipples once he's inside you, and his hot hand on your hip while he's fucking you makes you feel branded- owned
You weren't sure if you hated it or loved it but weed also got your usually clammed up boyfriend to finally start talking
"I always wonder, are you always a slut like this during sex or is it just with me? Either way I don't think I can let anyone else ever see you like this. You're mine forever now darling."
Your pussy clenched around him in agreement and he groaned, his voice turning accusatory as he fucked you harder making the wet squelching more evident "Your pussy is more honest than you are. She know's who her master is doesn't she?"
"Quiet now. I'm trying to ask if she wants me to give her a baby."
You screamed when you came then, and when you could finally focus again Shoto was pressing your thighs to your chest and fucking you in a deep mating press telling you heatedly
"You fucking -hng, squirted all over me baby. That means you want it too right? You want me to fuck a baby into your womb?"
You knew you were on birth control even if his high ass forgot but you couldn't even get that out, arousal took over your brain and all you could do was beg him "Yes, please Sho, give me a baby-"
You were high as fuck too, and it felt too good to pretend he could get you pregnant like you asked
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 309: Gotta Go My Own Way
Previously on BnHA: Muscular was all “well if it isn’t the protagonist on his solo journey of self-discovery, for some reason I’m unironically glad I get to fight you!” Deku was all “hey Muscular before I finish kicking your ass would you please take a moment to answer these two survey questions? Question one, do you regret being a total piece of shit? And question two, if you could do anything at all in the world other than being a total piece of shit, would you?” Muscular was all, “pfft, no and no.” Deku was all, “thanks buddy, your feedback helps make me a better hero, here’s a coupon for fifteen percent off your next ass-whooping.” Then he whooped his ass.
Today on BnHA: Deku is all “what up All Might can you believe you’ve been here this entire time?” All Might is all “I sure can since that’s literally my catch phrase, anyway how are your magic movie 1 gauntlets holding up?” Deku is all “they’re holding up fine, how are Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist doing?” Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist are all “we, your fellow co-conspirators, are also doing fine, thanks for asking!” Flashback!Deku is all “anyway so I secretly have All Might’s quirk and the most dangerous people in the world are after me, so sorry mom but that’s why I’m dropping out of school.” Inko is all “I CAN’T ACCEPT THAT” while totally accepting it. All Might is all “I GUESS WE’LL JUST HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH IT SINCE I DON’T FEEL LIKE TRYING TO STOP HIM.” Hawks, Jeanist, and Endeavor, as previously mentioned, are all “yeah that sounds like a good plan”, and Gran is all “see ya kid, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” So basically everyone in the entire world has suddenly teamed up with Deku to defeat AFO, except for the one person whose entire foreshadowed endgame is “teaming up with Deku to defeat AFO.” O Kacchan where art thou.
dear tumblr image limit: okay look. you don’t like me, and I don’t like you. but just as an experiment, I’m gonna try writing this recap with as few images as possible and we’ll see how it goes
(ETA: spoilers for how it went: it didn’t, lol.)
oh my god WHY ARE WE OPENING WITH MORE KETSUBUTSU ACADEMY KIDS.ffs we’d better at least finally get some Ms. Joke content out of this
(ETA: seriously who do I have to bribe.)
so these two KB kids who no one cares about are watching Deku leap away from the scene after dispatching Muscular. but more importantly wtf is this chapter title omg. “I can’t stay being a child” so that’s how it is huh. we’re gonna have feels and we’re going to like them. well then
oh my god he’s hauling Muscular away dhfksklfkh okay this is gonna have to be our first image because I can’t fucking help myself. look at this
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just. Deku is so tiny and he’s carting away this massive unconscious lump of a man like it’s nothing why is this so funny to me. it’s like when people buy furniture, and they don’t want to pay extra for delivery and so they’re like, “I can definitely fit this king-sized mattress in the back of my compact sedan if I fold the fucking seat down, idk.” and they refuse to be talked out of it, and the next thing you know you’re watching them drive home with their open trunk door haphazardly tied down with bungee cords, and somehow it fucking works. because it turns out the compact sedan has super strength
anyway for SOME REASON now Horikoshi is all “have fun with that Deku, meanwhile we now return you to your regularly scheduled SHINDOU CONTENT” whyyyyyy
look at this. we’re really using up a whole fucking entire page on everyone arguing over who gets the honor of carrying Shindou
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love how the civilians are all, “shit lol is this actually our fault?? quick, how do we play this off all casual like we were the reasonable parties here all along”
turns out all it took to finally get them to listen was making them watch while a kid got his insides ground into a pulp because of their stupidity!! what a heartwarming conclusion to this little standoff
anyways THANK GOD we’re cutting back to Deku now!! well actually we’re cutting back to Muscular who is being dropped off at the police precinct, good bye and good riddance lol
so Deku’s leaving him there and bounding away and okjdlSKFJLKJDSL OH MY GOD
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no fucking way. no fucking way this little jaunt is All Might-sanctioned and approved. are you serious?? then who else is in on this?? what the hell is going on
so All Might is just WAITING FOR HIM IN AN ALLEY FFF WHO ARE YOU, JIM GORDON. or would Alfred be a better analogy here?? but like, Alfred if he ditched the suit for a moto jacket and shades
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this new ensemble of All Might’s may or may not severely impact my ability to take this forthcoming conversation seriously; please stand by
also, quite the spectacular landing there, Deku. seriously lol what was that
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are these the same gauntlets from the first movie, then? well that’s all well and good, except that now there’s going to be more Deku Discourse than fucking ever lol. so if it’s all the same to you guys, I’m gonna once again go ahead and declare this week’s post a discourse-free zone, at least when it comes to the specific discourse of Deku’s merits as a MC, and the impact that him kicking ass and having working arms has on said merits. this has been something of a low mental energy week for me, so I’d rather reserve the energy I do have for more fun topics, such as All Might’s bitchin’ leather jacket
anyway so All Might’s saying that the gauntlets will help reinforce Deku’s arms, but they can’t withstand OFA at 100%. so basically it’s a support item designed to maintain the status quo lol. we’re basically in the same situation we were before, arm-capability-wise
homg All Might’s getting a call. time to see who else is in on Operation: Deku Alone?? or not so alone for that matter
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(ETA: seriously are they really gone for good?? why would he even be back on active duty then?? does he have his own American ex-boyfriend who can hook him up with exclusive support items?? dammit Horikoshi we want answers.)
looks like Jeanist and Endeavor are teaming up as well, just like they said they would. I would gladly follow this trio around all day long tbh
is this the same giant villain from the very first chapter??
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looks like it to me, and it would tie in with that callback from the end of chapter 306. we all thought that was Muscular, but maybe it was this guy, and Deku left these three to deal with him while he ran off to take Muscular down
oh my god now Deku is running off again just like that
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kids these days
ffffff I have not had nearly enough sleep to follow along with whatever tf Hawks is talking about here sob
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like, is he trying to say that All Might is keeping Deku’s whereabouts unknown to anyone except for him?? in order to keep him safe?? but Hawks is pointing out that that’s a bad strategy and probably won’t do shit against AFO and it’s better if he lets Deku work with the rest of them?
(ETA: so @hanashimas​’ translation makes a lot more sense -- it’s not All Might who’s being overprotective, but Deku. in other words he’s trying not to drag All Might into his battles. and in addition Hawks is saying that their strategy is to take the offensive and go after AFO themselves rather than wait for him to come to them. which I’m not too sure about myself, but that’s another topic for another day.)
btw I can’t help thinking how much better this entire conversation would be if All Might was still wearing his sunglasses. put them back on my dude. it’s not too late. embrace your inner badass
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“turns out, we were just trying to scare you straight. fuck lot of good that did though lol”
also what is this. one true love: the hospital bed. is that a scanlator joke or is Horikoshi actually that funny omg
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ITSA ME!! omg I love this hospital so much. though it’s sure not helping me in my quest to try and keep this post below ten images. I’m already up to eleven haha r.i.p. to me if tumblr doesn’t get its shit together
whaaaaaat, so he’s saying that Deku’s injuries were external (i.e. Tomura beating the shit out of him) rather than internal this time?? whaaaaat. excuse me but that’s some bullshit lmao. believe me, I was there
okay now he’s going on to explain that Deku’s “internal structure” seems to have been protected from the inside and out, and the corresponding panel seems to be implying that using Blackwhip as a brace paid off. huh
and also that his body is just stronger now?? so I guess he’s better able to withstand the quirk after an additional year of training?? I’M NOT SURE IF I BUY ANY OF THIS LOL but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief
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what is this soft pop beat that’s suddenly being pumped in over the speakers. I’VE GOT TO MOVE ON~ AND BE WHO~ I~ AM~~~, I JUST DON’T BELONG HERE, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAAAAAAAND. also, follow-up question, when is Kacchan finally going to come back so he can jump in with the “WHAT ABOUT US~~~” bridge, huh. come the fuck on, Horikoshi
lmao All Might jesus christ
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but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision...
anyway, yes!! finally that sweet, sweet “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger” angst!!
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mmm that’s good angst Brent. Kacchan with center panel honors as usual, you love to see it. anyways though who do I have to yell at to get Deku a goddamn HUG around here seriously
so Inko is of course reacting with panic, and sensibly saying that she doesn’t approve of Deku’s “RUN AWAY AND FIGHT THE BAD GUYS ALL ON MY OWN, DON’T WORRY MOM I’LL JUST GET STRONGER, EASY AS PIE, IT’S A FOOLPROOF STRATEGY” plan
son of a bitch this manipulative green asshole is really gonna sit here and smile fondly at his mom and try to convince her that he’s Not A Little Kid Anymore. the hell you’re not mister
y'all are really just gonna sit there and let him talk you into this?? surely it can’t be that easy??
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anyway sob so that’s the story of how Deku talked his parents into letting him drop out of school, and even convinced All Might to be his own personal Guy In The Chair. holy shit. this kid really went and rolled a nat 20 and the rest of them had no choice but to fold without argument
meanwhile here’s a panel of Best Jeanist trying to braid his phone into his hair just cuz
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I’m dying to know which part of his language he considers to be crude here. you literally didn’t even use a contraction my guy
so now flashback!Deku is talking to Gran in the dark, and Gran is all “can you believe I’m not fucking dead yet lol that’s too funny. anyway, you sure I can’t interest you in killing Tomura after all?? no?? okay then here’s my cape.” truly a heartwarming scene
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I’m kind of torn here tbh. on the one hand, my adhd ass wasn’t all that interested in sitting down and having an extended scene between these two when there’s so much else that I want to get to. but on the other hand, even I can admit that cramming this entire reunion into a single page seems just a BIT rushed. idk. like maybe someone can let Horikoshi know it’s a marathon and not a race. Deku didn’t even get any dialogue here, some of us want to know his thoughts!! but anyway
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how did all four of them let him con them into this. I literally just watched it happen and I still can’t figure out how. “I GUESS THIS SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT IS OUR LEADER NOW” ffflfjf. when Aizawa finds out he’s gonna go apeshit. AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BAKUGOU KATSUKI, WHO I HAVE BEEN ASSURED DOES IN FACT STILL EXIST. WHAT ABOUT USSSSS, WHAT ABOUT EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN THROUGH. WHAT ABOUT TRUST???! YOU KNOW I NEVER WANTED TO HURT YOUUUUU
btw lol don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying this, and I’m honestly glad Deku’s not alone because that would suck for him! but that said, Hawks and Jeanist have lost any credibility they might have once had as far as being The Responsible Ones, and as for All Might and Endeavor, fucking hell lol. everyone just deposited all of their fucks in a bank somewhere for safekeeping and decided to never look back. godspeed you mad lads
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lady-of-snails · 3 years
found some angsty-ish dialogue I scribbled out after ch309 and rewrote it to fit with current canon kinda...here u go it’s too short for ao3 (I prob put it on twitter too) (bkdk, angst, open ending, bnha manga spoilers)
“I nearly died for you and you just leave?” Katsuki yells, hating the way unshed tears burn in his chest, threatening to spill out along with the rest of him.
“That’s why I left, Kacchan!” Deku yells back, not as loud because he saves that passion for his stupidity, saves his anger for a fight, saves that fire for when the odds are stacked against him. Maybe that’s why he burns brighter than Katsuki ever has. “You nearly died because I failed! I can’t-I can’t lose more people I care about. I have to be stronger than…than the useless Deku you had to save.”
“So, what?” Katsuki spits, “You’re running off to play hero by yourself when I told you not to? When I…” He trails off and bites down on his tongue, the words getting stuck in his throat.
“I’m not alone, Kacchan,” Deku says, with the gall to let a tear roll down his cheek as if he’s the one getting hurt here, “I have All Might, and Hawks, and-”
“ARE YOU SAYING THEY’RE BETTER THAN ME?” Katsuki screams over him, every part of him aching. It’s only when he feels Deku’s shaky breath on his skin at the same time he hears it does he realize how close he’s gotten. He meets Deku’s eyes and he hopes, he knows, that Deku knows what he’s really trying to say.
I can protect you. Let me protect you. Please don’t leave me behind.
“We both know that you’re only with them so you can get closer to AfO,” Katsuki says, voice lowered and gravelly with the tears he’s forcing back, “and the second you do, it’s right back to your save everybody bullshit.”
“I…” Deku sniffled and inhales deeply, breaking eye contact, “it’s the only choice I have.”
“Bullshit,” Katsuki growls again, shoving a finger into Deku’s chest, “You could fucking stay. You could fucking…you could stay with…” Me. “…the people that actually give a shit about you. You could give a shit about yourself.”
“I don’t…I have a job to do, Kacchan,” Deku says, still not looking him in the eyes because apparently Katsuki’s not worth that, “It doesn’t matter what happens to me as long as-”
Deku sucks in a sharp breath like he’s been punched, and Katsuki swallows the lump in his throat.
“There’s a future after AFO, Deku. A future you deserve.” Katsuki’s close to begging now, something he never dreamed he’d do, especially not to Deku, but here he is. Begging the most important person in his life to not leave it. “And a future I’m selfish enough to hope I’m a part of,” he admits quietly. He bows his head further, bringing his forehead to Deku’s, then cups his soft cheeks with a shaky hand. “God damn it.
“Since when did you become an acceptable loss?”
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tilly-toons · 4 years
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“Can I have this dance?” 🧡💚
It was weird... The music. He hasn’t really been paying attention to it. But it was slow. One of those songs that make you just want to listen while not actually understand why you like it so much.
Melancholic. But home.
So much has happened... too much to process. The lost of so many. They were all physically and emotionally hurt.
More than a graduation this was... a eulogy. Proof that they won in the long run but, why did it feel like they couldn’t truly celebrate?
His offering came unexpected but never rejected. Izuku took his hand. He didn’t really know how to dance, never has. Not even when he danced with that boy in middle school. Not when he awkwardly danced with Ochako that time in a party. So dancing was still rather new.
But this was Kacchan, everything feels like the first time with him. Izuku knew that better than anyone. But this? While being so novel still felt... familiar and safe.
People didn’t really question them. They knew enough.
The song was slow. Other couples were also silent while they were pressed together in their own little worlds, contemplating, pondering, reflecting... Through the corner of his eye, Izuku could see Kirishima and Ashido whispering to each other too, Kaminari and Jirou, even Iida and Ochako who smiled at him. But Kacchan, he looked almost... repentant.
He pressed Izuku closer to him as the song continued... It’s been a little while since they were this close, last time was in the battlefield... begging for each other’s lives. Not realizing until that moment how much they needed and longed for each other... how long they /have/ needed each other.
It was then, bleeding and screaming at fate, that they realized... they would never be complete without each other. That they were one and the same. That they wanted to see a future where the other lives.
That they could imagine a world where the other didn’t exist.
A silent agreement is what people would call it. But to them, they didn’t need words. They never have. Specially Katsuki, who’s entire character has always been being the man of action rather than words. Izuku knows him. And he knew how Kacchan felt now. So, he agreed to dance with him without a word.
With his cheek pressed to his chest, he listened to his heartbeat. He closed his eyes just to feel.
He was alive.
That knowledge alone made his own heart swell. Katsuki had his left arm around him and his right hand held his. He smelled like caramel, while Izuku smelled like mint and strawberry. Ever so slightly Izuku looked at him. His red gaze entranced him. They barely parted, they were still so close to each other. Their eyes met for what it felt like hours or a single second. Every breath, every movement, every thought. They were in sync. Always.
“I’m sorry.” It came like a whisper.
Izuku’s eyes widened. Confused.
“They deserved better and I couldn’t protect them” Katsuki pressed their foreheads together. Izuku sighed.
“We did what we could...” He could still feel every loss tearing him apart. And yet... “I-I” He breathed in and stared at Katsuki firmly, “I’m still glad I have you here with me.” He made sure Katsuki knew exactly what he meant with that.
They leant in, not taking their eyes off each other as their bodies swayed with the soft beat, barely moving, only focused on their own gaze.
Izuku felt soft fingers caress his cheek, traveling to his wild hair, bringing him closer. He couldn’t breathe.
“Me too.”
It hit him like a truck how much he’s been wanting this but not knowing how exactly this feeling was named. Izuku could never quite understand it. Why Katsuki? Why did he live in his head every single day? Why was it that every time they were in danger his mind would always drift back to him? Why...
He had his answer now. Right in this moment. With those red eyes, soft like they never were. No scowl, no sneers, no harsh looks. Just acceptance and a little fear...
Was this it? Is this really gonna happen? Where they ready? Izuku was also scared. But he leaned in anyway, closing the small gap between them.
This was it. It was happening right here, right now. It was so soft and tender. Their connected lips unexperienced and new, scared but willing, all or nothing. That’s how it’s always been with Kacchan. United by more than just fate. Never truly separated.
Kacchan’s hands, that were capable of so much destruction, were ever so gentle. His arms around him. Protecting him. Soft brushes of lips and touches.
Something he never imagined he would share with Katsuki but yearned for so long. This was what he wanted. He knew now exactly what it was. After losing so much, he would be damned if he let him go... And he never will.
He was his. Always has been.
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midoriyashotos · 4 years
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Kirishima Eijiro/Midoriya Izuku
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijiro, Bakugo Katsuki; MINOR ROLES - 1-A students
Summary: “Get out of the way, Kirishima,” Katsuki warns him. “I won’t hesitate to break your face in fucking pieces!”
“Then DO IT! I DON’T CARE!” Kirishima roars. He’s never sounded this angry. “I won’t let you break Midoriya EVER AGAIN!”
In which someone finally stands up for Izuku.
AO3 / Fanfiction
A/N: basically I wrote Kirishima being protective of Izuku, because it’s interesting how he hates bullies but never stands up to Bakugo...
I hope this isn’t too OOC. Enjoy!
TRIGGER WARNINGS - minor violence, bullying/abuse and injury.
Izuku is happy, really.
Sure, it can be exhausting. It can be aggravating to live up to what comes with being the Symbol of Peace. And it’s also terrifying the reminder that Katsuki knows about his secret and has a lot more reason to hate him.
Not that Katsuki would ever quit hating Izuku, but still.
In the very least, the explosive boy doesn’t hit Izuku regularly anymore. People in their school don’t take Katsuki seriously like it happened in Middle School, so it’s a relief.
(They constantly call Katsuki and Izuku childhood friends, though.)
(Or rivals. Are they really rivals?)
Regardless, as long as Izuku stays away from Katsuki, he’ll be fine.
So, he’s happy.
When they can, 1-A has fun nights that may include eating cake and candies, playing games and watching movies – sometimes all in the same night. His classmates are very united in that sense.
Tonight, they’re sharing a big cake everyone helped Sato with; the teenagers are all separated in groups that fill the common room with life.
Izuku might subconsciously flinch every time a certain voice raises near him. Thankfully, it’s not directed at him – once he looks, he finds Katsuki and his friends messing with him. The greenette sighs in relief.
The boy spends most of the night alongside Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu and Todoroki. At one point, though, Izuku rests alone on the green couch, honestly a little drained by all the energy today, given the yelling and cursing that persists in what should’ve been a good time.
As his head is stuck in his thoughts, Izuku jolts when someone reaches him in the almost untouched spot.
“Hey, Midoriya! What’s up, man?”
Kirishima grins at him. His usually spiky hair is down today (a detail Izuku strives not to stare at for too long, because that’s creepy).
“K-Kirishima-kun! Hi!” Izuku stammers.
“You partied a lot?”
Izuku laughs shyly, “Yeah, had plenty of cake.”
“That’s the spirit,” Kirishima smiles. “Mind if I take a break with you?”
“A-Ah, sure. I mean, you can sit! Feel free to!”
His red-haired friend sits close to him, maybe… a little too close, the other notes. Izuku holds his cup of now-warm soda, playing with it nervously. Kirishima’s enthusiasm and passion honestly still catch him off guard. At first, Izuku thought he’d be… different. Spiky hair, red eyes, sharp teeth…
Instead, Kirishima turned out to be one of the sweetest and brightest people Izuku has ever known. He brings a lot of spirit to their class.
(And now that Izuku knows, Kirishima does look a lot more friendly and… cute.)
“… Midoriya, you’re looking kind of red…”
Izuku’s green eyes enlarge comically, cheeks burning.
“GAH! I-It’s nothing, Kirishima-kun! It’s just- h-hot in here, isn’t it?” Izuku ignores the fact they’re all wearing sweaters in this chilly night; but he supposes Kirishima does it as well, since he doesn’t touch on it.
If anything, the redhead smiles at him fondly.
(For the love of All Might, it’s too breathtaking.)
Izuku finds some ease, though, in his friend’s heat next to him. Kirishima’s presence is solid and stable like his quirk, but soft and gentle all at same. It perfectly encapsulates who Kirishima is, as a hero and a person.
Still, the freckled boy can’t help but wonder why Kirishima has decided to join him. Izuku is not doing anything particularly interesting. They’re not talking… but it’s not awkward, either.
Regardless, Izuku’s peace is disturbed yet again by Katsuki’s yelling bursts, his steaming hands felt from far away. As always, it’s just Sero, Kaminari and Ashido having fun with him.
Before Izuku can dive in his terrified relief, he’s reminded of the fact Kirishima is next to him, and maybe watching him as well.
“You okay?”
“Y-Yeah! Yeah… Kacchan’s enthusiasm is…” Izuku gulps, “a little too much sometimes.”
“Oh.” Kirishima sounds a little suspicious, but he quickly resumes his smiley nature. “Man, tell me about it,” he jokes.
Izuku holds his plastic cup tighter, refraining himself from tearing it apart and spilling all the soda on the floor.
“I can tell he’s having fun, at least,” Izuku analyzes. “He really likes you guys.”
“Yeah…” Kirishima pauses, only to laugh nervously, “he doesn’t really know how to show that, though.”
(Izuku recalls all the punches to Kirishima’s stony hair, and the insults Katsuki throws at him on a daily basis.)
“At least he likes you, Kirishima-kun,” Izuku reassures him in a lighthearted tone. “Kacchan was never happy with me.”
Admittedly, he hasn’t quite thought over these words – nor was he expecting Kirishima’s concerned gaze, his fondness of Katsuki gone.
“What do you mean?” The red-haired boy inquires.
“Ah, you know…” Izuku clears his throat, as his other classmates party and pay them no mind. “Kacchan’s called me weak since we were kids. He’s always been competitive, and- since my quirk took a while to show up”— he gulps due to the weight of the lie —“we were never…” he trails off, really not wanting to give more details.
“… you were never friends?” Kirishima completes.
Izuku swallows the bitter taste in his mouth and silently shakes his head.
“B-But it’s okay, though! We’re good now,” he tries to convince his friend (… and himself). “I just have to stay away from him because- you know how he is. But he’s got you guys as friends, so I know he’s happy.”
Kirishima looks away, thoughtful. He doesn’t seem entirely relieved by his words. Izuku suddenly feels the need to escape – what has he done?
“I- I need to go to the restroom!” He jumps from the sofa before Kirishima stops him.
Izuku is in such a rush that he doesn’t realize Katsuki is in his way.
“Oi!” Katsuki snaps. His eyes are immediately spiteful. “Deku…”
“K-KACCHAN! SORRY!!” Izuku runs even faster – how embarrassing.
“Get in my way again and I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Bakugo, chill,” Izuku hears Kaminari say nonchalantly.
This is his reality.
He’s happy with it. He is.
Everything was fine. Truly. Izuku has no idea what he did wrong.
(He’s never known, beside having no quirk in the past.)
They were training at the gym, outside of class time. Izuku tends to train on his own, but lately he’s been sparring with Kirishima, whose quirk helps with more physical attacks. It also helps Kirishima’s special technique in return.
Basically, Izuku and some of his classmates were going for a break, to drink water and eat whatever strengthens their quirks (like Sato having to eat more sugar). On his way, Izuku passed by Katsuki, who’s literally never in a good mood.
“S-Sorry, Kacchan! You can go ahead!”
“As if I’ll fucking do what you say,” Katsuki bumps his arm into Izuku, hard, as he mutters in his breath, “shitty nerd.”
Izuku gulped and said nothing else.
(The freckled teen strived to not let One for All concentrate in his clenched fists.)
So, when everyone is gathered, chatting with one another, Izuku is admittedly distant from them. Katsuki would glare at him every now and then just for existing, no matter how far he was.
That’s the reason Izuku refuses to train with all of them when Kirishima suggests. Izuku tells them he’d be on his own again – his tone maybe too tight and serious. His classmates don’t question it, despite their concerned looks. Izuku tries to avoid Kirishima’s in particular – because he loves spending time with them, with him, he really does but…
“Yeah, leave Deku,” Katsuki voices in opposition, “it’s better than dealing with a dead weight.”
“Yikes, Bakugo! That’s really uncalled for!” Kaminari protests.
“I know you guys are rivals, but that’s too much, don’t you think?” Sero scolds.
Izuku stares at Katsuki, ignoring his classmates’ statements. Izuku stares deep into his red eyes: unlike Kirishima’s, they’re dreadful, have been since they were only five. He has the same superior stance and tone. Katsuki is the exact same person as the senseless bully that told Izuku to kill himself not too long ago.
The green-haired teenager’s look becomes intense. Furious. The kind of fury that doesn’t always show, because everything is bound to fall apart.
Even when his eyes avert from Katsuki, that’s what ultimately happens.
“Oi, fucking look at me!”
Despite Katsuki’s terrifying rage, Izuku defies.
“Why should I?” He mumbles, his voice gradually raising and deepening, “I can’t even exist near you.”
“What did you fucking say?”
Izuku’s hands clench into tight fists, glowing with One for All. His green eyes sparkle with intensity and ferocity.
“You heard me, Katsuki.”
The atmosphere is instantly changed.
“H-Hey guys, come on, don’t fight!...” Sero chuckles nervously, only to be pushed away by powerful hands.
Katsuki rages and advances, raising his arm.
Although he can defend himself, Izuku can only brace for the impact.
(It’s what he can do. The anticipation. The acceptance. He’s always expecting a blast to his face, and the reminder that he’ll never be good enough. No matter how hard he tries, whether or not he has a quirk; nothing matters to Katsuki, as long as Izuku stops existing.)
Izuku waits.
But it never comes.
No. He hears the explosion blocked by something hard – hard like a rock. And once Izuku looks up, he covers his mouth to contain a gasp.
“What the hell is your problem?!” Kirishima screams, arms together like a shield, the sharp skin scratched by the burnings of Katsuki’s hands.
Katsuki himself is also shocked for a moment. For one, nobody else has ever dared to get in the way of his attacks, either because they’re too scared of him… or they don’t fear him enough to stop him. But most importantly, Kirishima has never stood up to Katsuki. Kirishima has endured his insults, sure, but he’s never defied him in an actual fight.
“Get out of the way, Kirishima,” Katsuki warns him. “I won’t hesitate to break your face in fucking pieces!”
“Then DO IT! I DON’T CARE!” Kirishima roars. He’s never sounded this angry. “I won’t let you break Midoriya EVER AGAIN!”
Izuku can’t move. He can’t say a word.
Katsuki is about to hit Kirishima again without any remorse, only for Sero to hold him back with as many tapes as he can make. Sato, Shoji and Koda help, while Kaminari tries to calm Kirishima down, which has zero effect.
“You’re not a man, Bakugo! You’re a goddamn abuser!” Kirishima points at him. “And abusers ARE NOT MY FRIENDS!”
“Dude, stop! You’re going to make it worse!” Kaminari scolds him, whereas Katsuki has already reduced himself to incomprehensible, enraged noises. Jiro might even rush to call Aizawa-sensei to hold both Katsuki and Kirishima back.
In spite of all the rage he must be feeling, Kirishima still stands protectively in front of Izuku, instinctively approaching him every time Katsuki threatens to break free and come after them.
Regardless, Izuku can still do nothing.
Nothing at all.
As expected, Katsuki and Kirishima are suspended for days – similar to when Izuku was forced to fight his classmate a few months ago.
Uraraka and Todoroki stay with Izuku as they wait. Only Kirishima returns to the dorms for now. His friends initially don’t understand why he fought Katsuki, assuming he’d lost his calm for nothing.
Yet Kirishima answers to none of these questionings. The moment he finds Izuku, his look softens, and he rushes to check over him.
“Midoriya,” he whispers in concern, “are you okay?”
Izuku dumbly gazes at him in response, swallowing a gasp when he notices the damage that Katsuki’s explosion did to Kirishima’s face; even with Recovery Girl’s help, the painful scratches can still be seen.
“K-Kirishima-kun…” Izuku chokes with tears welling up in his eyes, and the many feelings and words he’s struggling to understand.
The boy isn’t sure how he should feel. He’s guilty for putting Kirishima in danger, and for ruining his friendship with Katsuki. But Izuku is also angry at Katsuki for not hesitating to hurt someone that cares so much for him. Izuku is furious that Katsuki hasn’t changed at all.
Even so, the freckled teen feels relief. That someone was there, that someone actually stepped up and defended him.
(That someone was his hero, differently from when All Might saved him from the slime monster.)
Izuku launches himself towards Kirishima, wrapping his shaking arms around him. He wants to say all of those things so badly, but he fails. Kirishima’s soft arms hold him back and caress him, fingers running through his messy green hair.
“It’s okay,” Kirishima whispers to him, and says those same words countless times. Izuku’s cries are muffled by his shirt.
It’s like everything else disappears, and it’s only Kirishima and Izuku in this world. Kirishima shields him from every insult, every kick, every punch and slap across his face and his ruptured heart. Kirishima embraces his scars and making sure to be there to tend to them.
Izuku can only cry.
Later that night, Kirishima stays with Izuku in his dorm. It’s not like he can sleep with Katsuki’s room right next to his.
Izuku has already dried his eyes out of tears, and flooded Kirishima’s shirt as a result. Regardless, the two boys are glued to one another in Izuku’s bed, Kirishima rubbing his shoulders and the back of his neck. Izuku can’t help melting and clinging to him.
Even so, Izuku only has one question in mind.
“… Why did you do it?”
“He hurts you,” Kirishima answers simply.
Izuku gulps. “But he’s your friend…”
“I don’t think he was ever really my friend, Midoriya.”
Izuku pulls away to face him, the scratches in Kirishima’s face clearer than ever.
“I remember our first class with All Might. Bakugo wanted to kill you,” Kirishima harshly reminds, hands tighter on Izuku. “I knew there was something wrong with him, and yet I still went on to hang out with him. I admired his skills, I called him a man, I sacrificed everything to save his goddamn life because I cared about him. I… thought he was my friend.” He pauses. “Even when he called me Shitty Hair or hit me… I thought I could endure him – and maybe I did. But in the end, I ignored who he really was, and I let him hurt someone I care about for way too long.”
“No…” Izuku protests, “please don’t blame yourself! I was the one who—”
“Midoriya, you’re my friend. I knew Bakugo sucked, and even if he was my friend, I never did anything! And I’m really, really sorry.” Kirishima cups Izuku’s cheek with one of his hands. “I’m so sorry I ignored you. I promise you, I’m not enduring any of his shit anymore.”
Izuku gapes at him. “Kirishima-kun…”
“If he ‘cares’ about me, I don’t give a crap,” the red-eyed boy says firmly. “He sure as hell doesn’t respect me, only when I behave the way he wants. I don’t owe him anything, and I’m not standing around and letting him hurt me or my friends ever again.”
Maybe he should insist. Tell Kirishima that, if it weren’t for Izuku’s pathetic existence, his friendship with Katsuki wouldn’t have ended.
But Izuku doesn’t.
Because Kirishima is right.
Izuku’s hand touches his face, internally flinching when he feels the wounds caused by Katsuki.
“I just don’t want you to hurt because of me,” Izuku admits.
“Midoriya… nothing Bakugo does to me could ever hurt more than knowing he’s abused you for your whole life.”
Abuse. The same word he used for Katsuki earlier today.
“I’ll make sure he never hurts you again, okay?” Kirishima squeezes him. “I promise.”
Although he doesn’t literally say it, it’s clear to Izuku the love in his friend’s words.
The love in Kirishima’s smile whenever Izuku stutters and says a jumbled mess. The love in Kirishima’s concerned eyes when Izuku insists he’s okay when he isn’t. The love in his red eyes and words when Katsuki hurt him. The love in his touches, his soft hands protecting Izuku, understanding his scars.
Kirishima loves him. He really does.
Izuku bursts in tears again and Kirishima lets him, soothing him until the end.
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h2bakugou · 5 years
crush-contact | katsuki bakugou
summary: you’d been crushing on bakugou for a while, and well, to be honest, he’d never even looked at you. up until bakugou bumped into you, sending papers flying onto the ground, he had no clue who you were, and he realized he was in for a hell of a ride.
all characters aged 18+ au!!
a/n: this idea is terrible please forgive me, feel free to requests stuff, smut takes a little more time than fluff but I’m down to write it. this is also really long i get carried away with the plot sometimes
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, smut, fluff
word count: 2,827
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Class 1-A was decent sized. You sat in the back, with no intention of being noticed. You barely spoke to anyone, besides Uraraka and Midoriya. They were nice.
You were crushing on Bakugou. You couldn’t help it. He was attractive, no doubt, and there seemed to be so much more to him than he let on.
For years, you watched him grow, his attitude rarely changing. And now you were all older, but you still felt like a little kid with a crush.
And you knew it would be the death of you if he ever learned, he’d probably make fun of you until you switched classes and never saw him again unless you were really unlucky and ran into him in the future.
- - -
You were doodling again. It helped you concentrate. You doodled little pictures and wrote notes beside them. It helped you organize your thoughts, putting what you were learning into little comics essentially.
You’d ended up drawing Bakugou again. You thought it seemed weird, but the topic seemed to fit more towards him anyways.
“You dropped this.” A soft voice spoke. Todoroki’s hand placed your eraser back on your desk and peeked at your drawings.
“Thanks.” You whispered quietly back to him. Todoroki pretended he didn’t see a beautifully drawn doodle of Bakugou. 
Todoroki glanced at Bakugou and smiled. One had caught on to your secret, and you didn’t even realize it.
The class was dismissed for lunch, and you headed toward the door with your notebook.
Mr. Aizawa stopped you, the rest of the class had left to head to lunch.
“You keep spacing out in class, do I need to move you up to the front or is someone bothering you?” Mr. Aizawa glanced at Bakugou’s desk.
Two had figured it out, unbeknownst to you still.
“No, I’m sorry if it seems like I’m spacing out, I doodle to stay on track, despite that sounding like an excuse.” You defended softly.
“You do good on all your assignments, I’m just curious what you do all the time.” Mr. Aizawa laughed.
“I could give you an example I guess.” You open up your notebook to one of your doodles that weren’t necessarily of Bakugou.
“It seems silly to draw it out, but it's almost like reading an action comic book.” You smile.
“Whatever helps you better understand, get to lunch before there’s nothing left, kid.” Mr. Aizawa smiled, watching as you left out the door.
Lunch was pretty normal, you ate, and carried on with your usual schedule, coloring your doodles, and re-reading over your notes in case Mr. Aizawa wanted to through a pop quiz at you.
“Hey (l/n)!” Uraraka sat down next to you, Midoriya following afterward.
“Hey, guys.” You smiled. Midoriya looked away to Bakugou who was sitting next to Kirishima.
“How long have you liked Kacchan for?” Midoriya asked. Your cheeks burned red as your eyes shot up to look at Midoriya.
“Keep your voice down! And how do you know that I like him!” You shushed him, watching Uraraka smile.
“Todoroki, he mentioned you drawing him and how you seemed very caught up in him, and well putting together basic knowledge, it seems like you’ve got a crush on-”
“Shhh!” You placed a hand over his mouth as Asui walked by, giving you a look.
“Sorry.” Midoriya apologized looking over at Bakugou.
“He’s never even looked at me. I don’t think he knows I exist.” You say quietly, accepting defeat, one you’d hoped you could overcome.
“You don’t know that-”
“It’s been years, he’s never spoken to me, or looked at me, or even breathed in the same general direction of me. He has no clue who I am.” You interrupted Uraraka.
“I have a stupid crush on someone I have no chance with.” You huffed, resting your head on your notebook.
“Don’t give up now, besides, have you tried talking to him?” Uraraka questioned.
“I-no. I haven’t but do you think he’d talk to me even if I did?” You asked, looking back up at your friends.
“You never know until you try!” Midoriya encouraged you.
“Yeah, I suppose.” You smiled, the tiniest feeling of hope rushing through your veins. So you were going to try talking to him.
But lunch was over now, so you had to head back to class.
- - -
You saw the door and made your way through the sea of students. You entered the door but a strong force knocked you down.
“Kirishima you asshole!” Bakugou grunted, rubbing his head, looking around. He’d bumped into someone due to Kirishima messing around.
He looked down and saw a girl, you.
You were dazed nonetheless, but not hurt. Just trying to become un-dizzy.
Bakugou took note of you. You had (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes. He’d never seen you before. Were you even in his class? Come to think of it, he didn’t even realize you were standing in front of him.
He noticed a few drawings poking out of your notebook. Realization settled in, noticing they were of him.
“I’m sorry! I should’ve been quicker I got in your way!” You apologized, quickly scurrying to your feet. Bakugou bent down and looked you in the eyes before snatching one of your drawings.
Your eyes widened.
Bakugou wanted to cause a scene, but he felt kind of bad. That was rare. Why was he feeling so giddy all of a sudden?
“Who-Just- Watch where you’re going next time.” Bakugou shoved the piece of paper in his pocket, your eyes following his movements closely, your head nodding up and down uncontrollably.
He’d taken one of your doodles.
You dusted yourself off after getting back on your feet and hurried to your seat.
Bakugou looked back at you, but you were too embarrassed to lift your head up. He pulled the paper he’d taken from you out and examined it. The doodle was good, no great.
You were talented, but he doubted it had anything to do with your quirk. Hell, he didn’t even know what that was. He felt bad. Like really bad. How long had you been in his class? How long had you been admiring him? How had he not noticed you?
He didn’t even know your name. He looked to the top of the page and spotted it. In neat handwriting, (f/n) (l/n) was printed with a few lines surrounding it.
Bakugou couldn’t get you out of his mind for the rest of the class, and it was making him angry. He couldn’t focus. You were distracting him and you weren’t even doing anything. He couldn’t last five minutes without turning to look back at you.
You didn’t do much for the rest of class. You kept your head down, and jotted down a few notes, worried that Bakugou now thought of you as some creep who stared at him all the time.
You just wanted to go back to your room and sulk. It seemed like the best option.
- - -
The air was crisp, you could tell it was winter. The day had finally ended and you were able to head back to your room.
Bakugou was following you, in the least creepy way. He had no clue who you were, or else he’d be in a different situation.
He definitely wasn’t going to ask anyone about you. He’d just figure it out on his own.
Bakugou trailed behind you, worried you’d find out. But that worry disappeared when you stopped to look out the window.
Snow had begun to fall outside. You smiled and watched as the flakes fluttered to the ground outside, coating everything in white.
Bakugou was so caught off guard, he didn’t notice the trash bin in front of him. He bumped into it and caused you to look over in his direction. He quickly ducked behind it, hoping you didn’t see him.
“Hello?” You called out looking around you. The trash bin moved but fell back into place.
“This is how people die in horror movies, but I see why now.” You say quietly, causing Bakugou to almost smile at your choice of words. You began your investigation.
You made your way over to the bin and jumped when you saw Bakugou sitting behind it.
“W-were you following me?” You questioned, freezing in your spot.
“Why are you so damn curious?!” Bakugou retorted, standing up, avoiding your gaze and question.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized. You looked past him back out at the snow.
“I-uh, You took one of my pages of notes, and I was hoping I could get it back, the content might be on a test and I wouldn’t want to do bad on it, I hope you could understand-”
A folded piece of paper landed in your palm. Bakugou sighed and looked at you.
“If you tell anyone about this you’re dead, you hear me?” Bakugou threatened, taking a step closer.
“Yup!” You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“How long have you been in my class?” Bakugou questioned, his cold stare not giving up.
“Since we got accepted into UA.” You said softly.
“You’ve been here the whole time?!” Bakugou raised his voice.
“Shh! You’re gonna get us in trouble if you’re so loud.: You placed your hand over his mouth almost out of instinct. You registered what you’d done and wanted to recoil but you were frozen.
Bakugou was frozen too. He glanced down at your hand covering his mouth. 
“I-” Bakugou smirked, peeling your hand off of his mouth. Bakugou pulled your arm, pulling you into him.
“Don’t get in my way.” Bakugou threatened. His grip on you was soft. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he was serious.
“I won’t.” You assured him, shaking your head in confirmation. Bakugou leaned in, his face mere inches from yours.
“And staring is rude, just so you know next time.” Bakugou grinned, letting your wrist go.
He walked off, leaving you frozen in the hallway. His breath ghosted on your lips, your eye twitching.
He was so close to your face, he most likely saw your blush.
After Midoriya and Uraraka, he ranked in at number five to have found out how you felt about him.
He knew.
- - -
A week had gone by, and you’d stayed out of his way like he’d told you too. But Bakugou was furious. He was frustrated, in more ways than one. You were driving him crazy. And he couldn’t take it anymore.
The class was let out early today, due to holidays and such.
You had made it back to your room, but an aggressive knock startled you. You opened the door and Bakugou marched in, closing the door behind you.
“What’s your deal? Do you want me or something?!” Bakugou dug his pointer finger into your shoulder.
“What are you talking about?!” You protested, a blush spreading on your cheeks.
“You like me. Are you trying to tease me by avoiding me!? You’re driving me insane (l/n)!” Bakugou raised his voice before pressing his lips to yours.
Your eyes were wide open before they shut, melting into the kiss. Bakugou’s lips were soft. And you could’ve sworn they tasted like cherries. Was he wearing chapstick?
Bakugou pulled away and looked you in the eyes.
“Do you want to fuck me?” Bakugou questioned. Your face burned red.
“Y-Yeah, but what are you talking about? How am I-”
“You keep avoiding me, and then teasing me, thinking I wouldn’t notice, wearing that damn skirt.” Bakugou growled.
“I’ve worn this for years!” You frowned, looking down at the ground.
“Let’s get this over with.” Bakugou had already pinned you against the wall, all he had to do was drop his pants, and your skirt.
Bakugou’s hand traveled up your thigh, sending chills down your spine. This was happening. Like really happening. You were about to fuck your crush.
Bakugou yanked your skirt down, pulling your underwear down with it, the clothing pooling at your feet.
“I can’t believe I never noticed you before.” Bakugou muttered to himself. He wasn’t sure fucking you was going to get him off his mind. He’d hoped it would, but he wasn’t really sure. He couldn’t deny himself forever, and if he did like you, he sure as hell wasn’t going to let anyone else get their hands on you.
Bakugou ran his fingers between your folds, your legs shaking. 
“I haven’t even done anything-”
“Shut up!” You whispered yelled, placing your hands on his shoulders. Bakugou grinned, noticing how much of an effect he had on you. He’d barely touched you and you were already wet.
Bakugou slipped a finger inside you, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. You moaned softly, biting your bottom lip.
He slipped another finger inside you, watching as your legs weakened. Bakugou moved his fingers inside you, bringing you to a climax. 
“If I can make you cum with just my fingers, you should be worried.” Bakugou smirked, pulling his fingers out of you. He licked them clean and caught you as you fell forward into his arms.
“Jesus.” Bakugou mumbled, helping you over to your bed. He laid you down and watched as you looked back up at him.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You said softly.
“Like what?” Bakugou questioned, undoing his pants.
“Like you’re so...”
“I don’t know.” You blanked. Bakugou’s expression softened. 
“Sor-” Bakugou cut himself off. Did he really want to apologize? He was just looking at you. He didn’t want to flat out say he was admiring you, how you looked.
Bakugou stroked his cock, positioning himself at your entrance. You gave him a nod, reassuring him that it was okay.
Bakugou thrust his hips into you, sending your head back. You felt like your dreams were coming true. And your dreams weren’t the only thing cumming.
Bakugou bucked his hips into you, his cock hitting your g spot. You were overcome with pleasure. Bakugou leaned down and pined your hands above your head.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” Bakugou groaned, pressing his head to your neck. He fucked you at a steady pace, his lips connecting to your neck.
He licked the skin near his mouth, beginning to suck and bite at your skin, forming a hickey.
“B-Bakugou!” You moaned, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he thrust into you.
"Say my name again.” Bakugou groaned, feeling himself get closer and closer to cumming.
“Bakugou!” You cried, the feeling of Bakugou inside you driving you up the walls. He was thrusting into you just right, his pace steady and making your legs tremble.
“Fuck.” Bakugou grunted, cursing himself for getting so close. He came inside you, you cumming shortly after him.
“B-Bakugou.” You moaned softly as he pulled out of you. Bakugou sunk back, bringing his head in between your legs.
Bakugou dipped his tongue inside you, getting a better taste of you than before. You ran your hands through his spikey blonde hair, pulling him in closer to you, allowing him to eat you out more.
Bakugou smirked and pulled away, watching as you frowned.
“Don’t mention this, I wouldn’t want this to get ugly.” Bakugou cleaned himself up, tossing you your clothes.
“I-I won’t.” You said softly, still frazzled by the whole experience.
“So you got some crush on me?” Bakugou turned away, buttoning his pants back up.
“It’s obvious now isn’t it?” You stated, pulling your underwear back on.
“Are we going to do this dating thing?” Bakugou turned and looked back at you.
“Is that your way of asking me out?” You raised a brow.
“Do you have a problem with it?” Bakugou stared daggers at you.
“N-No!” You shook your head. 
“I’ll go out with you then.” Bakugou confirmed. Your cheeks turned red.
“Wait really?!” You hopped to your feet, Bakugou smirked.
Your lower body hurt, and your legs were weak. He was powerful in more ways than one it seemed. Bakugou caught you before you stumbled to the ground.
“We’re going to have to work on this. I can’t just carry you around everywhere after we fuck.” Bakugou grinned.
“Y-yeah.” You laughed shyly.
- - -
Bakugou had admitted his feelings. He felt better, now that he was dating you. You weren’t so much of a distraction, in the sense that he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Well, he couldn’t do that now either.
You and him had spent most of your time together, alone, behind closed doors until Kirishima walked in on the two of you making out in his room.
Kirishima was laughing about how Bakugou had gone all soft for you, but he was still just as firey as always, though he was a bit of a teddy bear.
Bakugou also took note whenever you were doodling in class, that it was of him. He’d catch you looking at him and he’d just smirk at you, causing your cheeks to heat up.
Sometimes all it takes is a little crush-contact.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Coming Home - Part 1
Summary:  When Katsuki stepped off the plane, he was greeted with the familiar heat of Musutafu in summer. Humidity like he was sitting in a sauna. He'd been all over America in the past five and a half years, but nothing was quite like the weather of home. It could be similar, primarily along the east coast, but just not quite the same. Just similar.
Breathing in deeply, he gripped the small hand in his and started down the ramp to where he could see Best Jeanist leaning against a car with illegally blacked out windows. Katsuki idly wondered if he was absolutely roasting in his hero uniform.
"Your hand is sweaty, Papa."
"Your's isn't much better, little monster."
Or where Katsuki disappeared to America to find someone to make prostheses for him. He was gone for five and a half years, and returns with a little tag-a-long.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T (just for language mostly)
Chapter: 1/2
Next -> Part 2
Follow-on: Christmas Preemie
Author’s Note: I wrote this primarily because I wanted to write Katsuki and his daughter with prostheses, but this has a lot of different fic ideas rolled into one for me. On top of that, we get to see the reappearance of Katsumi from one of my other fics only older. She's my go to any time I write Katsuki and Izuku with a child, though none of the others are published. I just love writing her.
Part 1: the forecast calls for tears
"Where's Kacchan?" Izuku was sitting up in his hospital bed, pillows piled up behind him to keep him from straining his back. His eyes were flat, lacking all their usual light as they stared blankly at the empty bed to his side. He couldn't have known Katsuki had occupied that bed for the better part of a week, no logical reason anyway, but he did. He could still smell him there even though the sheets were new and crisp and untouched. He and his alpha mourned the distance.
Ochako and Kirishima glanced at each other while the rest of his classmates shuffled meaningfully.
When they didn't speak, Izuku turned those unnervingly blank eyes towards them. "How long was I asleep?"
Ochako chaffed her hands against her skirt before pressing her fingertips together. "You were in a coma for a month."
Izuku's eyes traveled over his classmates. Ex-classmates. Graduated classmates. Fellow heroes. They'd been graduated for a year now, but still, they came running when they heard he'd woken up. Tenderness bubbled quietly up in his chest. He could always count on them. Except for when they thought they were protecting him from something.
Even now, a month after the final battle with the League, the one where everyone had gotten hurt and some killed, he could see their wounds. Not physically. All of that had been healed long before he'd woken up, but in the way they stood. Straighter. Stiffer. Favoring arms or legs. In the way they looked at him.
"Where's Kacchan?" he asked again, and this time, he saw the looks that passed between them. The downcast eyes. The shuffling. It was uncomfortably reminiscent of the way they'd acted after the training camp when he'd failed to save Katsuki. "Where. Is. He?"
Kirishima swallowed, eyes wet. "Best Jeanist took him to America."
The words dropped into his head with a hollow 'plink'. It took him several minutes of slow blinking to understand. Too long. His mind felt drug slow. So much slower than his usual thoughts. Out of the confusion, he pulled only one thought. 'He left me. He left before I woke up. He left me.'
"I don't understand," he whispered slowly. 'He left me. He left me. He left me.'
"He- During the battle- He-" Kirishima couldn't get the words out, tears tracking down his cheeks. He wouldn't meet Izuku's eyes. No one would.
Anger bubbled up slowly, but there was no heat to it. No substance. It was just there like the affection. But they were separate from him. He felt empty. Like he could grab the emotions and study them, but not truly feel them.
Todoroki was the one to speak, voice affectless and calm. At least Izuku could always trust him to never hold back. Never tempered by affection or frustration. "During the battle after you'd been taken out, he was protecting you. He'd gone feral and went to far. He lost an arm and a leg."
A rush of emotion punched Izuku in the chest. He looked away as a keening cry burst from him, staring at the empty bed. He didn't want to imagine how Katsuki had felt, lying in that bed, crippled with the knowledge that his career as a hero had been stolen from him. Stolen by Izuku. The person who was supposed to protect him. Katsuki was right to leave. Right to never make that mating bond Izuku had desperately wanted.
Todoroki continued despite the others hissing for him to stop. "Best Jeanist took him to America to seek out someone who could make him prostheses. Originally, they were going to find someone in Japan, but the Americans have more advanced prostheses currently. There's rumors that their prosthetic engineers can return a hero to service without much difference in their previous performance."
Lifting trembling hands, Izuku covered his face. His tears. His shame. He was broken, and he didn't want them to see that. A broken, useless hero. "Did we at least win?" he asked instead of the other question that urged to be asked. 'Is he going to come back?'
"Yes," Yaoyorozu said, but her voice was softer than it would normally be. It was unthinkable that she was unhappy about winning.
'But at what cost?' No one voiced the thought, but it hung in the room like a haze. 'But at what cost?'
Izuku sobbed, unable to curl in on himself because of the stiff bandaging still around his torso.
Ochako reached for him, hand resting on his forearm. "He told us to tell you that he's sorry."
Izuku let out a unrestrained wail. Everyone crowded around his bed, but their proximity wasn't a comfort. Only one person would be, but if he were there, Izuku wouldn't need comfort.
When Katsuki stepped off the plane, he was greeted with the familiar heat of Musutafu in summer. Humidity like he was sitting in a sauna. He'd been all over America in the past five and a half years, but nothing was quite like the weather of home. It could be similar, primarily along the east coast, but just not quite the same. Just similar.
Breathing in deeply, he gripped the small hand in his and started down the ramp to where he could see Best Jeanist leaning against a car with illegally blacked out windows. Katsuki idly wondered if he was absolutely roasting in his hero uniform.
"Your hand is sweaty, Papa."
"Your's isn't much better, little monster," he told the little girl. They held tight to each other to keep her from falling if she slipped. She was clumsy on the best of days, but anxiety made it worse. And she was a very anxious child as it was. At the bottom of the steps, he dried his hand on his pants. "Hold on. Let me put your hair up. You're going to sweat to death in this humidity otherwise. Here, drink some water." He handed her a bottle in exchange for her bright red scrunchy, and swept her mane of green curls into a high ponytail.
He watched her closely as she carefully sipped water before taking the bottle for a drink of his own. He wiped away a trickled of water from her chin.
"Thank you," she mumbled, eyes down as she surveyed Best Jeanist from beneath her lashes. Ever observant. "Who is that hero?"
"My boss." Taking her hand again, he led her towards the hero in question. "His hero name is Best Jeanist."
"I would think we're at least friends by this point, Bakugou." Best Jeanist's blue eyes were sharp as they watched the little girl at Katsuki's side. He hadn't seen her since she was a newborn squalling in Katsuki's arms, and he honestly hadn't been expecting to see her again. Katsuki was forever full of surprises. But that had been one of the reasons he'd hired Katsuki after he'd graduated, hadn't it? "I know you don't remember me, but I've known you since you were only a few minutes old. It's good to see you again. You can call me Best Jeanist or Tsunagu." He held out a hand expecting her to be more accustomed to American manners and forms of greeting, but she didn't take.
The little girl turned her eyes up to Katsuki.
"She won't take your hand. She hasn't gotten her quirk under control just yet, and it goes off when she's nervous." He turned soft eyes down to her. "Give him your elbow instead, Sumi."
Nodding, she held out her elbow, and Best Jeanist touched it gently before pulling his hand back. She bowed and stood straight. "My name is Bakugou Katsumi. Can I call you Tsu, Mr. Best Jeanist?"
Taken aback by her formality and forwardness, Best Jeanist nodded. "Whatever you like."
She smiled brightly, and now he could see her complete parentage. He smiled back, the only indication a crinkle at the corners of his eyes. He could never resist that smile as he'd found out from working with her father, the father she hadn't met yet. He wondered if Katsuki had told her about him.
"We should get going, Bakugou," he said, meeting Katsuki's eyes. "The media hasn't caught wind that you're back yet, but I'll warn you, your parents organized a party for you. They haven't left me alone." As if to prove his point, his phone chimed in his pocket. Pulling it out, he showed Katsuki the onslaught of impatient texts from Mitsuki and the inquisitive texts from Masaru. The only difference was that Masaru had stopped several hours before while Mitsuki never had.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, and accepted the small hand that slipped back into his. Sweat slicked palm pressed against sweat slicked palm. "We need to shower first. We've been travelling for almost a day, and Katsumi needs to take a nap beforehand."
"I'll let them now." Best Jeanist was already tapping away. "But the first thing we're doing before the party is getting your phone reactivated. I'm not going to play messenger pigeon forever. Get in." Without another word, he climbed into the driver's seat.
Opening the back door, Katsuki took a moment to secure Katsumi's booster seat. He threw their backs onto the opposite seat. "Alright, in you go." He lifted Katsumi into the car. "Can you buckle yourself like a big girl?"
"Yes," Katsumi chirped and proceeded to do so. She locked the belt in place and tugged on the strap for his inspection.
"Good job." He pressed a kiss to her forehead before closing her door, and rounding the car to the passenger side. After securing his own belt, he rested his elbow on the center console and offered her his hand. She took it happily.
Best Jeanist passed him a set of keys. "I found an apartment close to the agency. Your things arrived yesterday, but you'll have to unpack. Figured you would prefer to do that yourself over someone touching your things."
Katsuki nodded, and pocketed the keys.
Izuku nearly dropped his phone down a storm drain when the text from Kirishima came through. From a stream of dirty water, a picture of Kirishima and Mina's smiling faces with a reluctantly frowning Katsuki squished between them stared up at him. He didn't retrieve the cell until two messages buzzed through in quick succession, sending his phone closer to the yawning opening of the drain. The first text was an address he didn't recognize, and the other was, 'When do you get off? The party's in full swing!'
What party? No one had ever told him about a party. No one had told him about Katsuki coming back. Annoyance reared its head, but he completely obliterated it with the burning desire to see Katsuki again. He couldn't blame them after the state he'd been in the year Katsuki had left. It took him a long time to return to some form of normalcy, and even then, he'd never been the same. He didn't want to admit or imagine what he would have been like with the knowledge of Katsuki's return. Insufferable probably.
More pictures buzzed in from all of his other friends at the party before he found it in him to reply. 'Soon. I'll be there soon.' It took him a moment to realize that maybe that didn't sound like a real reply, and that actually he didn't get off soon. But maybe-
At his side, Burnin suddenly snarled.
Swiftly, he tucked the phone away lest she break that one too. At least four phones had been sacrificed to her wrath in all the years he'd been working with her. "Sorry, Burnin. I'll turn it off."
"Don't fucking bother, just go."
"What?" Burnin wasn't one for kindness and this seemed very closely related to kindness. "We've still got four hours left."
"I don't give a shit. You're fucking useless when you're distracted, and I don't want to look at your face. You look like a kicked puppy. It's irritating. You'll take my next shift with Shouto. I hate working with that little fuck." She pushed her hair off her shoulder self-importantly, glaring at the passersby. "Ugh. Whatever. Let me call the boss."
Before she could reach for her ear-piece, Endeavor's voice roared across the line. "Deku!"
The pair flinched, and Izuku pressed his fingers to his own ear-piece. "Go for Deku."
"Go home! Coals is taking your spot! Tell Shouto to leave me alone, I'm trying to work!"
Izuku and Burnin exchanged a look. Todoroki wasn't someone who took to bothering people on purpose, and he wasn't someone who willingly interacted with Endeavor. There was a first for everything, Izuku guessed. "How far out is Coals?"
"Doesn't matter! Just got the fuck home! And call Shouto!"
"Copy," Izuku said, and the network went silent again. "Your shift with Shouto is tomorrow, right? I'll be there. Have a good day off."
Burnin huffed, but didn't say anything as he launched himself into the air. He typed in Todoroki's number, grinning.
Katsuki was exhausted. He hadn't taken a nap when Katsumi had, and he'd been at the party for hours. The appearance of Izuku and then the nerd's subsequent avoidance of him had only made him irritable and turn down his hearing aids to a dull buzz in his ears. Alcohol might have made it easier, but not while Katsumi was there.
She was keeping herself occupied with Kaminari, Ochako and some brats that he still wasn't sure belonged to who. But he didn't drink if his daughter was around. Realistically, he didn't want anyone to drink around her, but that would have been more unreasonable than he was nowadays.
He stared pointedly at Izuku across the coffee table from him, and with his hearing aids down, didn't hear Katsumi's quiet voice. She tugged on his sleeve, startling him out of his reverie. Turning up his hearing aid, he asked, "What is it, little monster? Do you need to use the bathroom? I know they don't have a stool."
Katsumi shook her head, freed curls bouncing all around her. Mina had braided her hair, but didn't know how to trap all her curls so there were more than a few that had popped out all over her head. She looked aggrieved and a little apologetic as she glanced at Izuku. She motioned Katsuki down until she could cup her hands around his ear. "My legs hurt, Papa. And... I'm too scared to talk to Daddy. I don't know if you want him to know. I know he doesn't."
Now, Katsuki was aggrieved. Shamed as he caught Izuku's eyes on them. He hadn't wanted Katsumi to grow up without knowing who her father was, so he'd fed her stories and news feeds of Izuku, but the person the media portrayed was very different from the fact of him. The person Katsuki's own biased betrayed was different.
Standing, Katsuki lifted her into his arms. She was light and small, but still, she was getting big. Soon, he wouldn't be able to hold her like that. She laid her head on his shoulder, and his heart clenched with the knowledge of the impending loss.
"We're gonna head out, Mom, Dad. We've got a long day tomorrow," he said as everyone looked up at him.
Activity swirled around them as people stood to gather belongings and spouses and brats, shoving trash in bags that they took as they said their goodbyes. Katsuki was hugged more times than he could almost stand.
When Izuku stood and made to follow Ochako, Iida and Todoroki, Katsuki caught his eye.
"Lend me your ear and a hand," Katsuki said, shoving Katsumi's car seat into his arms to prevent him from protesting.
Izuku followed Katsuki home silently, a feat he didn't know Izuku could accomplish. He remained silent when they got back to the apartment as Katsuki shepherded Katsumi through their nightly routine; wash face, brush teeth, tie back hair, file nails, glass of water. Then he set her in front of Izuku as she fidgeted with the edge of her nightshirt, a piece of Deku merchandise.
Izuku smiled gently. "Hi. I didn't get to meet you at the party. My name is Midoriya Izuku."
"I know," she mumbled, but didn't say anymore.
Katsuki swallowed, uncomfortably nervous. He stood behind her, hands on her shoulders. After a moment of tense silence, he sighed shakily. Izuku glanced up at him questioningly. God, Izuku was still so fucking oblivious. Couldn't he see himself in her? Didn't he understand? "Deku, don't freak out. This is Katsumi."
"Okay? Why would I freak out?" Izuku asked cautiously.
He repressed a growl, and tried to keep his voice as even as possible. He knew this day would eventually come. He didn't want her to grow up fatherless, but he could have planned better. Sent him pictures, letters, a text, anything. But he'd been freaked out after finding out that he was pregnant, especially right after loosing his arm and leg. Leaving for America had been as much to get replacements as to run away from Izuku. "This is Bakugou-Midoriya Katsumi."
Izuku went stock still, pleasant smile plastered to his face.
When he didn't move and Katsumi kept shuffling, he sighed. "Come on, baby, let's finish getting you ready. Bathroom and then chair." Katsumi peed and then Katsuki set her in her wheel chair. "Legs," he instructed, but she'd already lifted them.
Pushing up the hem of her shirt, he found the edge of the synthetic skin that covered her prostheses and peeled the fabric away. One and then the other. Titanium glinted at them, and she looked away, jaw clenched. Despite his best efforts, he knew she hated looking at them. Knew they made her different from all of the others kids, kids who had been her friends before she'd lost her legs.
There was a sharp inhale at their side, but he ignored Izuku.
"Sumi," Katsuki said gently, waiting until she looked at him, "You're beautiful and strong, little monster. Do you want to hold my hand?"
She nodded emphatically, and Katsuki positioned her legs so they'd slide into his lap instead of dropping to the floor before holding out a hand. She gripped it tightly.
"On three," he said, maintaining eye contact, "One... two... three." He disengaged her legs in quick succession, and she flinched. Her eyes slammed shut, fingers tightening in his, but remained quiet. "All done. You did amazing, baby."
She nodded, but didn't let go of his hand or open her eyes.
Clenching his jaw, he twisted off one leg and then the other and set them off to the side. He grabbed her other hand, rubbing circles into the backs of her hands until her grip relaxed. She squinted crimson eyes at him. "Time for bed. How about I carry you? Deku can bring your legs and chair. Do you want a story?" She shook her head no, but raised her arms when he stood. He bundled her against his chest, much lighter without the weight of her legs. Again, she laid her head on his shoulder.
When he turned, he was happy Katsumi couldn't see Izuku's expression. Unfiltered horror. Anger. Need. Pain. But also, pure unconditional love of the kind only Izuku could possess. His face cycled through emotion after emotion. He was completely unable to settle on one.
Katsuki was happier than he could express to know the Izuku was still the same old Izuku, at least in the emotions department. "Deku," he said when Izuku remained still.
Izuku jumped to his feet like there was a fire under his ass. Prostheses in one arm -they looked so tiny when he held them- and hand on a handle of the wheelchair, he followed after them.
"Can I call you Daddy, Mr. Deku? I know you don't know me, but..." Katsumi trailed off timidly as Izuku watched Katsuki lay her down and tuck her in.
Her bed was one of the few things besides her prostheses that Katsuki hadn't worried about the cost of. Soft enough to engulf her with all the bells and whistles needed to make life easier for a little girl when she didn't have her legs on. There was a bookcase attached to the bed frame, filled with books, notebooks, knickknacks, and hero merch. The mattress top was exactly the height of her wheelchair. No one would ever believe him about how long it took him to find a bed that exact height.
Katsuki closed his eyes against the warmth that built in them at her words.
Behind him, Izuku fought off his own tears. He sniffled and grinned as he said, "You're my daughter. You can call me anything you want. I'm... sorry I haven't been here."
Her smile was blinding, a carbon copy of Izuku's. "It's okay. You're here now."
Katsuki pressed a kiss to her forehead before sliding her chair next to her bed and standing her legs in their stands. "Love you, little monster. Sleep tight."
"I love you too. Sweet dreams, Papa. Goodnight, Daddy."
"Goodnight," Izuku said, his voice just a chocked whisper as Katsuki guided him back into the living room.
They sat in silence for hours. Katsuki unpacked box after box, fighting sleep with an ironclad fist. Izuku flipped through photo albums of Katsumi that Katsuki had unearthed. Newborn pictures. The quintessential month by month progress pictures Negative had insisted he take. Her at daycare and in pre-school. When she was four and meeting her favorite Disney characters; Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Merida, Winnie the Pooh. One of her kicking the costumed Gaston in the shin, and Katsuki cracking up as he pulled her away. Another of her holding a baby alligator when she was three, the animal nearly as big as she was. Birthdays and friends and everything Izuku had missed.
He cried all the while, smiling through the tears like a love-struck fool. When he reached the section of pictures of Katsumi trying out her prostheses for the first time, he sobbed and dropped his head into his hands. "How did it happen?" he choked out.
Katsuki stepped up behind him, staring down at the stretch of pictures. Katsumi in a hospital bed, grinning despite the bandages while Katsuki was knocked out in his hero uniform at her side. Katsumi frowning determinedly as she pushed herself around in a wheel chair. Katsumi with a smile wider than the horizon as she hung from Katsuki's arms with her new prostheses.
Katsuki's throat tightened, and he swallowed thickly. "Her pre-school was attacked. Her legs were completely destroyed, crushed beneath part of the ceiling. They couldn't save her legs, but they saved her." He fought to keep his voice steady, but no matter what he did, it wavered. "That was the day her quirk manifested. Her teacher told me that if it hadn't and if she hadn't used it, more of the kids would have gotten hurt. Might have died. She blasted away the ceiling when it started to fall."
He watched Izuku's shoulders shake. He wanted to reach out, comfort him, but even all these years later, he didn't really know how to do that. So, instead, he continued talking. "She's a lot like you. She's so fucking strong, Deku. She's been through more in five years than most people go through in their entire lives, but she still keeps smiling. I was really relieved the first time I realized she was like you. If she were more like me-" He couldn't say it, wouldn't. There was a universe out there somewhere where she didn't survive, and he hoped someone had taken pity and put him out of his misery.
"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you come back? Why did you leave before I woke up?" Izuku sobbed, curled in on himself, voice muffled against his hands and legs. "No one has heard from you in over five years! What happened, Kacchan?"
Rounding the couch, Katsuki sat on the coffee table close enough that their knees were just a hair's breadth from touching. He hated admitting weakness. In all their years apart, that hadn't changed. But Izuku was the exception to that rule, wasn't he? Always had been. And he felt that familiar prying feeling in his chest, every emotion he'd bottled up and stored away to ignore clawing out. Out of everyone he trusted, he trusted Izuku the most even when he'd hated him. "I was scared," he whispered, staring down at his palms, at the slightly different colors of them.
Izuku's shoulders slowed, and after a breath, he lifted his head.
Katsuki couldn't look at him, even though he could feel Izuku's eyes boring into him. "I was scared about being pregnant. I was scared I wouldn't be able to be a hero anymore. I was scared you wouldn't want me anymore with only one arm and one leg and most of my hearing lost and my career in shambles. I was scared you wouldn't want to have a baby with me, especially since I was too far along if you wanted me to terminate. I was scared I wouldn't be a good dad. I was scared I wouldn't be able to provide for her." He swallowed thickly, drying his palms obsessively against his pants. "I was scared. I am scared. Every day. I'm not who I used to be, and I am scared you won't want me because I'm not the same person."
A quiet laugh. "You're still the same old you." Katsuki jerked his head up, and Izuku was smiling now. "You're still the most emotionally stupid person I know." He slid to the edge of the couch, pressing a knee between Katsuki's. "It's you, Kacchan, it's always been you and no one else. Ever since we were kids. Only you. Nothing can change that. I thought you would have known that when I asked for your mating bite."
"That was before everything happened. How was I supposed to know that? You're the one who just said I'm emotionally inept."
"Because I love you, and I told you I did every day after we started dating."
Katsuki pointed to himself. "Emotionally inept."
Laughing, Izuku leaned forward. His eyes flicked to Katsuki's mouth. "Can I..." He trailed off, looking into Katsuki's eyes and finding hunger there.
Katsuki nodded, and they fell back into each other as if they hadn't been apart for five years.
"The pre-school was attacked! Who attacks a pre-school?" Negative shouted into her phone, rage billowing from her in sepia toned clouds.
"Pre-school?" Cold fear dumped into Katsuki's veins. "What pre-school? Which one!" Not Katsumi's pre-school. Any other, but his daughter's. There were ten just in the city limits. The odds were in his favor here. Right? Yes. Definitely. It wouldn't be-
"Sunrise. Corner of Sunrise and Palm," Negative said quickly, eyes darting to him, "Where did you say your daughter goes?"
He took off, blasting away from the ground like a rocket. Negative raced after him, propelling herself into the air to catch up. As in all of his dreams, it was as though he was moving through molasses, every movement agonizingly slow. No matter how badly he wanted to go faster, he never could.
As they landed on the street just a block away, a giant explosion blew the roof off the pre-school. Flames billowed into the sky. Windows shattered all along the street. Debris and ash rained. The screams and cries of trapped children pierced through the explosion deafened air.
"Katsumi!" Katsuki croaked breathlessly, clawing at the fabric beneath his fingers. Or trying to. Whenever he woke from a nightmare so suddenly, he could never move, incapacitated by a crushing force on his back that left his lungs empty. Just like he'd been in that moment. Breathless, silent, terrified, motionless. In the time right after waking, he was subject to his own memories. They flashed through his mind, a disturbing reel of destruction. The collapsed in ceiling. Blood and dusk covered children. Katsumi's small, unconscious face. Bloody palms and bloodier skirt.
"Katsumi!" he croaked out again, louder than before, but still nearly silent. Finally -finally- he could curl his fingers into fists. Spell broke, he shoved himself to his feet, frantic. Katsumi. He had to get to Katsumi. She was-
Strong fingers wrapped around his wrists, pulling him to a stop as his palms popped violently. "Kacchan? Are you okay? What's going on?"
"K-Katsumi! I need to- I- Katsumi-" His breath came in quick, staccato pants. Dizziness settled over him, and distantly, he knew he was hyperventilating. "Katsumi! I need to go to her!"
Izuku hushed him quietly, green eyes luminous in the moonlight peeking through parted curtains. "Katsumi's fine, Kacchan, she's sleeping in her room. It's okay. She's okay. She's safe. Kacchan, breath, you're panicking."
He was panicking. He knew that, but he couldn't calm down until until he saw her safe and whole. Free from blood on her skin. "I need to see her!" he gasped. On nights like this, when nightmares chased him out of sleep, he slept in her bed. He cradled her against his chest, heart racing until her soft all-spice and mint scent lulled him back to sleep. It was desperately embarrassing. What kind of father needed his daughter to help him get back to sleep instead of the other way around?
Under Izuku's scrutiny, he felt the ugly, disgusting truth on his skin. The shame of how weak he'd gotten. He was supposed to be her protector and rock, not the body that needed her as a crutch. He couldn't put his truth into words, he could only whisper, "I need to see her."
Without another question, Izuku silently stood and led Katsuki to their daughter's room. They silently slipped into her room, and Katsuki immediately went to her bedside, pushing her chair out of the way to kneel close to her head. He stroked her hair, already feeling himself calm.
Izuku watched, scent held close and in-check against his body.
Katsuki wished he would let go of his control. Let his scent mingle. All of their scents belonged together. They should permeate the entire apartment, drive out the weird smell all apartments that had sat empty for any amount of time possessed.
"Papa?" Katsumi whispered sleepily, eyes remaining closed, "Did you have a bad dream again?"
Katsuki hummed, heat pressing in at his eyes as he held her tiny hand between his.
"It's okay. I'm safe. Go back to sleep." She reached out her other hand, stroking his hair in return and quietly hummed a familiar tune. "Daddy's here now. Nothing can go wrong anymore."
Tears trickled down his face, and he pressed it into her blanket until her hand stilled and fell away. With a sniffle, he stood, laid her hands across her stomach, and left.
Izuku was slow to follow, but eventually, his weight sunk down onto the edge of the mattress in Katsuki's empty bedroom. The room was darker than the living room, but he felt every single aspect of Izuku there at his side like a fire on a cloudy night.
"Are you okay?" Izuku's whisper sounded like a shout in the silence. Somewhere beyond the room, wood sighed and settled.
"Yes. We're used to it. Happens all the time." He didn't turn to look at Izuku, simply staring into the dark.
Izuku paused meaningfully. "That doesn't mean you're alright."
He was right, Katsuki knew he was. He was always right. So, Katsuki couldn't stop himself as he spilled all of his secrets. Eviscerated himself for Izuku's inspection. He told him everything. From the time he was a teenager to now. Every nightmare where he woke terrified Izuku had actually heeded his words and thrown himself from the school roof. Every sleepless night, gasping into the darkness when the weight pressed down just as soon as he started to fall asleep. Every worry, every shame, every regret he'd ever harbored. All those bottle feelings in his chest tipping forward to spread like an oil spill. He cried like he hadn't allowed himself to since the fight they'd had right after the Provisional Licensing exam all the way back in their first year at UA. Nearly nine years of tears burst passed carefully maintained dams in hot, fat droplets.
Izuku was a silent strength beside him, a hand on his knee.
When he was done, he was rung dry and exhausted.
Izuku drew him into his chest, lips pressed to his temple and then into the crown of his head. Instead of saying anything about what Katsuki had spilled -a blessing if there were any- he asked, "Do you need to take off your prostheses too?" Katsuki nodded tiredly and started to pull away, but Izuku stopped him. "Can I do it?"
Katsuki hadn't let anyone intimately touch him or his prostheses since he'd recovered enough to do it himself. And the removal of his prostheses felt like a very intimate situation. Only Katsumi had been allowed to help him, and only with oiling and cleaning, but never to remove or install them. Sheer need at the mere suggestion of familiar hands on him punched him right in the chest. Right in the gaping wound where his secrets used to be held. "Yes," he whispered, voice desperate with longing.
He stretched out his left leg and right arm, staring at Izuku as he moved to crouch between his thighs. Such easy intimacy. Intimacy he could never bring himself to find with anyone else because he didn't want anyone else. If it wasn't Izuku, he didn't want nor need it. He didn't realize how much he'd really missed his best friend.
Izuku slid his hands up his arm, and Katsuki imagined he could feel the sensation again. Skin against skin. Warmth against warmth. But it was just that, his imagination. Only driven home when Izuku found the edge of the synthetic skin sleeve and peeled it back to reveal the titanium beneath.
"This is amazing. It's beautiful." He ran his fingers over the arm, studying every screw, every joint, every fiber. "Where do I-" But he found the switch without Katsuki's instructions, a slender flush piece that had to be pulled up with the edge of a fingernail. Meant to prevent accidental or purposeful disengaging during battle. He flipped it without warning.
Katsuki grit his teeth against the cry of pain as the nerves disengaged, digging his heel into the hardwood beneath him. Panting, it took him several breaths to realize Izuku was peppering kisses across his shoulder and the crook of his neck. When his breath finally slowed again, jaw unclenching, Izuku moved down to his leg.
He lifted the leg over his shoulder, pressing kiss after kiss in the wake of his hands until he met Katsuki's skin close to the crease of his hip beneath his shorts. A shorter expanse of skin than Izuku had been expecting that he worshiped almost reverentially before finally moving to the leg sleeve. He repeated the same process as the arm; sleeve, inspect, memorize, switch.
Pain. Katsuki would never get used to the pain. Everyday, it was like he was experiencing the pain of connecting and disconnecting nerve endings for the first time. It was necessary though. He could sleep with the prostheses installed, but eventually without proper disconnection once a day, the artificial nerves would burn out. Prostheses were expensive, more expensive than even a hero's salary could cover if he didn't take care of them. Engineers could fix metal, add plates for strength, replace screws, but artificial nerves required a whole new unit. They were cultivated from samples of already existing nerves from the patient to promote optimum assimilation and mobility. They were infused and grown into the metal and wiring. That took time, money, and massive amounts of quirk energy. All of which were scarce for Katsuki, especially with two other prostheses to add to the bill that had to be modified every couple of months to keep up with Katsumi's growth. Not to mention upkeep, oil, and the cleaning solutions to keep them operating properly. At least they never had to worry about corrosion.
Izuku stayed between Katsuki's thighs, laying the prosthesis carefully to the side. He rested his head against Katsuki's leg, eyes closed. "I missed you, Kacchan. I don't want you to leave again."
"'s not part of my plans."
"Good." Izuku smiled then, opening his eyes. "Let's go to bed. You've got a long day, and I've got a shift with Todoroki to take for Burnin."
Katsuki groaned. "Fuck, that hag is still around?" He allowed himself to be pushed back into the bed, Izuku blanketing him with his body. They were both bigger now, bodies more filled out and different from before, but they still fit together perfectly. Just like they always had. Like they were two halves of a single whole.
"She's going to live longer than any of us."
Another groan. "God, you're right. Can't believe I'd ever say I'm thankful for working for Best Jeanist. I'd take that Levi's wearing motherfucker any day over her."
"You're only saying that because it's been so long since you've directly worked under him. Who was your boss in America?" Their conversation petered off quickly, and they fell into sleep easier than they had in five long years.
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coquelicot-blues · 3 years
don’t go at sea without your life buoy
Spoiler alert for recent chapters (320 to 323)
Rating: Gen (but can be read however you want)
Characters: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto
Summary: How I imagine Midoriya & Todoroki's reunion would go. Spoilers alert: there are waterworks.
WC: 1.5k
A/N: I keep thinking that I'd really like the manga to address the rift in Midoriya & Todoroki's relationship after everything that happened... so that's what I cooked up. Plz note tho that this is written in Midoriya's POV, and he does have a tendency to blame himself a lot.
Also, I just wanted to jot down my ideas, so it’s written in a play script format. Enjoy :)
Izuku has started wandering around the UA grounds, ducking through doorways or hiding behind bushes whenever he crosses paths with civilians to avoid conflict (bc his presence is still a sore subject). The grounds have changed a lot, become a true fortress and labyrinth to walk through, but he doesn’t mind wandering too much, because he is on a mission, and he will succeed no matter what. After four days of having stayed at UA now, he's started feeling more like a human being, and no longer like smelly, hungry, and weary beast. Being reunited with his friends and Mom has also really helped. Kacchan even talked to him without screaming once!
That said, there is still one person Izuku hasn’t found yet, hasn’t spoken to since his return.
And it’s an important person too.
So Izuku wanders around, looking for his friend.
He finds him on the rooftop.
IZUKU: Todoroki-kun!
SHOUTO: (looks up, but his expression remains schooled in an impassive mask, unlike the usual soft smile he'd normally greet Izuku with)
IZUKU: (arrives beside him) Hi. Can I sit here?
SHOUTO: (without inflexion) Of course.
IZUKU: (sits, slightly uncomfortable with this unusual atmosphere) I've been looking for you! You're the only one I didn't get to greet up to now.
SHOUTO: (hums. There is silence then, but it doesn’t last long, bc he suddenly says, as deadpan as ever) You bathed.
IZUKU: (scoffs) Yeah, even Sensei insisted on it.
SHOUTO: (nods absentimindedly) Good.
And this may seem like an improvement from Todoroki’s earlier conversational skills, back when he was still the not-here-to-make-friends Earlyroki, but Izuku knows it really isn’t, knows that this Todoroki right here is not really comfortable either in this situation because he’s just... he looks like a stone statue, not even looking at Izuku or smiling warmly at him. He’s just there. Not doing much. As if he were sitting with a stranger.
IZUKU: (steels himself) Ok, I know this may seem like a stupid question but... How are you?
SHOUTO: (without missing a beat) I could ask you the same.
And really, Izuku knows what this is, knows that Todoroki is now deliberately distancing himself, avoiding the question —which Izuku can relate to, since he himself also hates this question... He decides, tho, that if he wants to hear from Todoroki on this point, he has to show his own sincerity, his own willingness to reconnect.
IZUKU: I'm fi— (stops himself: old habits die hard, huh) I mean, it's been... hard, but seeing everyone really helps. (pointedly, he looks at Todoroki, both so that he can understand that he's purposefully included in the 'everyone', but also to prompt him to talk, which doesn't work... so instead, he continues) What about you?
SHOUTO: (still stonily) Likewise.
And it's just... it's awful, this conversation. No, it's actually excruciating, to have lost so much ground with Todoroki, to now only be allowed the normal platitudes he would reserve to a pesky stranger trying to pry.
It hurts.
But Izuku has never been a quitter, has he.
IZUKU: Todoroki-kun, I get that you're... angry with me. I just... I would really like to hear about you. I'm just worried is all.
SHOUTO: (suddenly, he shows the first sign of emotion by sighing deeply, something so weary that he seems to gain thirty years, suddenly) I'll be honest, Midoriya. (finally he looks at Izuku) I'm really glad you're here, because then we can know when you are safe, and when you are not, and we can support you the way you need to be, which is frankly all I could ever want right now... (stops himself, breathes, then peers into Izuku’s eyes) But I can't... Talking is not something I can do.
And Izuku thinks then that Todoroki really, really is the kindest person he's ever met. Because Izuku has always been able to read between the lines with ease —he's honed his observational skills enough throughout the years for it to become like second nature— and he understands that what Todoroki really meant —what he didn't say to spare Izuku's feelings— is 'Talking with you'...
So he blinks, nods furiously, and buries his grief with this cold, bitter acceptance of knowing one has tarnished a friendship that was once so pure and good and easy, to make it... different.
IZUKU: I— I understand. Of course I understand.
Izuku looks down, stifles his tears, and waits for the inevitable. He knows Todoroki: he's not one to remain in an uncomfortable situation when he doesn’t have to, and Izuku won’t stop him, so he will leave, and Izuku will be alone...
Except that he doesn't: doesn't leave, nor let Izuku out alone on the rooftop.
They just sit in silence, Izuku wrestling with his tears while Todoroki just looks at the view.
And Izuku's heart, even as it breaks, mends just a tiny bit, because Todoroki is a good friend, and even if Izuku's hurt him, he won't leave Izuku alone when he himself is hurting...
And that's just... too much.
IZUKU: Just so you know, though, I really never wanted any of this to happen.
SHOUTO: (looks at him, eyes sad) Yes, I know.
IZUKU: (but this doesn’t feel like enough, so Izuku continues) No, you don't, though. I never meant to hurt you, Todoroki-kun.
SHOUTO: (unwavering) It hurt you too. This is a very heavy burden that you bear.
IZUKU: I mean yeah, it is, and sometimes I feel like I'll just crumble under the whole weight of it, but that doesn't change the fact that even as I tried to do what's best for everyone because of One For All and All For One, I ended up hurting you.
And Izuku selfishly —oh so selfishly— wishes Todoroki would just shake his head then and tell him that he's wrong, that Izuku didn't hurt him.
But contrary to Izuku, Todoroki has never been one to dish out white lies to make sure not to hurt people's feelings, has never been one to tell others that he's fine when he doesn't feel fine...
So when Todoroki only stares at him, Izuku can honestly say that it hurts, and it hurts so bad.
Because he hurt his friend.
Izuku hurt his best friend.
SHOUTO: (after a long pause) You didn't mean to.
IZUKU: (just can’t stop the tears from flowing, and flow they do) But I did. And that's the point, Todoroki-kun! (hiccups, then gulps, and continues) I just... There's so many people in your life that have hurt you, and I never —never— wanted to be one of them, but I am now, and I hate that I am! And I know there's nothing I can do to make it better, to make it not hurt, and I just hate myself for it! I don’t... I don't want you to hurt anymore. (buries his face in his hands helplessly) I'm so sorry, Todoroki-kun.
And Shouto doesn't say anything then... He just clears his throat, but stays otherwise silent. It's only when furiously wiping at his eyes that Izuku catches a glimpse of him and... oh, he's crying too.
In a much more subdued way, without making a fraction of the noises and sniffles Izuku is making, but the tears are there, and they're falling steadily, like a faucet's been opened and forgotten there.
And somehow, even as he feels that he's drowning in this sea of guilt and self-hatred and regret, Izuku feels just a little better knowing that Todoroki still lets himself cry in front of Izuku.
It somehow brings him comfort.
So they cry side by side, until the faucet runs out of water and they're both nursing stinging eyes and wet cheeks and dripping chins through the silence between them.
Until that silence breaks after a few moments.
SHOUTO: Do you... I've started sparring with Bakugou, to keep working on our Quirks and techniques. (long inhale, exhale, then he's looking at Izuku once more) Do you want to spar with me?
Suddenly, it feels like Izuku's just been thrown a life buoy, been given a second chance into the kindest person's heart, as if a once closed door is now suddenly ajar, and wow, this is his chance, and he will not let it go to waste.
IZUKU: Of course Todoroki-kun! Of course, I'll spar with you!!
SHOUTO: (nods) Ok.
But he doesn't move, and Izuku waits for him to do so until he suddenly understands what this is, understands that Todoroki meant it as a promise instead of some one-time event. As a promise meant to reconnect with his friend, but also as a way to keep him close for the foreseeable future.
To make sure that Izuku won't just leave again.
And maybe it’s futile, maybe Izuku will be forced to have to leave again soon in order to protect everyone, but his heart tells him that he has every intention to keep this promise.
To be a good friend to a good friend of his.
He'll just have to make sure that Todoroki knows it too.
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guiltyscarlet · 4 years
Wish I was Heather
This guilty writing was inspired by this video >> HERE << It’s the plot I imagined behind the animation So go & check it pwease, give all the love to this animator
Check my own bnha stuff >> HERE << and >> HERE << but beware that the second one is TodoDeku !!
TRIGGER WARNING lil story below the cut contains mention of suicide baiting
Kacchan had feelings for Izu since forever. But he still valued the importance of a good quirk a lot. He felt angry at himself for liking a "deku", thinking it would only hold him back. It didn't help that to him it was clear Izu only saw him as a friend. So he pushed his feelings down & pushed Izu away, as far as he could go. He low-key wanted to make him hurt as much as he was hurt by this unrequited love, going as far as to tell him to kill himself.
Meanwhile, Izu has never been in this much pain as that day. To have this person, this special person, the one you admire so much, the most close to a friend you will ever get (they were already drifting apart at this point but Izu never made any friend, everyone ignoring him or bullying him), tell you that you should just end it all. It hurt. It hurt so much. And Izu had always been an easy crier but it was always loud. This time was different, this time, his tears were silent, flowing down his cheeks and onto his torn analysis notebook.
Then canon event happens & Izu learns he can become a hero, he gets a powerful quirk, gets accepted into UA.
Ochako is his first friend. She changes the meaning of the "deku" nickname. She builds his confidence back up. She tells him he is her inspiration. They drift closer & closer. From stranger to friends to best friends to something more.
Kacchan sees all of this happening. He never did quite forgive himself for saying those words to Izu. And even before that, for destroying their bond little by little, wasting away like a flower touched by Decay. After that day, he always kept an eye on Izu, making sure he stayed away from heights. All the while still maintaining an angry, pissed off, hatefull exterior. Fooling everyone & especially Izu that he still hated him with his whole being. Oh if only they knew, he never hated him to begin with. He watches as Izu & Uraraka become closer & closer. Sees the stolen glances, lingering touches. Witnesses Uraraka borrowing Izu's stupid t-shirts & hero sweaters. He can't help comparing himself to her. How she's so positive, always smiling,  cheering people up. When he only brings them down. How she's beautiful, inside and out. When he's rooten, consumed by envy & desire for greatness. He loses sleep, eats less and stops coming down to eat with the class on the evening altogether. Shitty hair voices his concerns but he waves him off, snaps at him. He, too, is a ray of sunshine. Eijirou does not deserve to have his light stolen, dimmed or god forbid extinguished by someone as negative, as toxic as himself. So he cuts himself from everyone.
One night, there's a soft knock on his door. It's Izu, holding a take-away bowl of Tantanmen. It's Izu, worried eyes and kind smile. Of course, Izu would help him, reach out to him even after all he put him through. That's just how kind he is. Kind, insecure, passionate, caring, beautiful Izuku. He takes the bowl from his hands and sets it gently on his desk. He turns back to Izu and this time he can't help it, can't stop the tears that slips past crimson eyes. He wants to turn away, to slam the door in Izuku's face and never mention this moment again. Hell, threaten him to never mention it again, or else... But before he can do anything, there's a strong pair of arms around him. Holding him close. Keeping him safe. Grounding him. His own shirt is getting soaked and he realizes Izuku is crying too. But even so, as he brushes away a tear, he thinks, no, he knows, that everything will be alright.
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turquoise-stones · 4 years
To Be My Hero
Todoroki x fem!reader
Tumblr media
Todoroki fluff always makes me soft :)) also, bakugou is a b*tch here so...
. . .
Todoroki always had a fondness for the quiet (h/c) haired girl who sat in the corner of the classroom.
From the moment he met her, she was so cheery and accepting toward him. So sweet, so innocent, yet still had the same burning desire to become a hero as anyone else. She cared for her classmates, in that adorably shy and quiet way of hers. Yes, Todoroki was completely smitten. In his mind, (y/n) deserved the absolute best...
So why in the world would she date someone as crude and perverse as Bakugou?
Todoroki had noticed subtle changes in her demeanor since she started dating him. Her sunny disposition had turned rather cloudy. Her eyes drooped and she had become even quieter than she normally was. Todoroki suddenly felt a burst of anger towards the blond male... Bakugou didn't deserve her.
(Y/n) needed someone who wouldn't take her kindness for granted. She needed someone who would love and protect her, and not brag to the world that "she's mine". Todoroki felt his brows furrow. I could do so much better than him.
As that thought crossed his mind, he suddenly felt ashamed of himself. The supplementary lessons were sucking the patience out of him. She was taken, and it was wrong to have feelings for someone like that, even if her boyfriend was garbage.
The bell to lunch rang and Todoroki was pulled out of his bitter thoughts. As he packed up his work, he noticed Bakugou sauntering over to (y/n).
"Hey, babe, where did you go last night? You didn't pick up when I called you." He said. His arm wound possessively around her waist, and he roughly jerked her close to him.
Todoroki noticed how her arms were pinned to her sides.
"I-I was out s-shopping with Yaomomo, Katsuki. Don't worry!" She smiled sweetly. That smile was so perfect. So why was it directed towards him?
"Anyone else?" He asked, eyes narrowing.
"No..." She said, suddenly looking very tired. "Just us."
"Good. You're mine, baby... don't forget it." He growled before tugging her away to the cafeteria.
. . .
Todoroki seethed as he walked alongside Midoriya and Uraraka. It was always the same. (Y/n) just dealing with his abusiveness and being too shy to speak up. 
"Kacchan is rather possessive of (y/n) isn't he?" Midoriya mused.
"It's unhealthy." Todoroki spat before you could stop himself. "He doesn't treat her right."
The other two looked shocked at his uncharacteristic behavior.
"Todoroki... I can't help but wonder if you li-" Uraraka was cut off by Midoriya's frantic shushing.
In the cafeteria, Todoroki sat with an all too clear view of the "happy couple". Not that he sat like that on purpose...
He absentmindedly ate his lunch as his friends chattered around him. Little did he know a certain girl was looking at him.
. . .
(Y/n) POV
Todoroki was sneaking glances at me in class. Honestly, I don't mind. I like to look at him too...
He seems so kind in comparison to Katsuki, who's screaming at Kirishima next to me. When we talk, Todoroki has this gentleness in his voice that Katsuki never has. Not to mention he's really good looking... God, what is wrong with me?
Why am I thinking like this? I have a boyfriend... and I'm happy with him. At least I think I am...
But then why do I find myself looking at Todoroki? Why do I blush when our eyes meet? Why am I so excited about the secret study sessions we hold away from Katsuki? This isn't right. But I can't break up with Katsuki... I'm his after all... he'd kill me.
. . .
3rd person POV
"Hey. (Nickname). Why're you looking at half and half!?" Bakugou suddenly snapped.
"W-what? I w-wasn't."
He stood up angrily, something in him had snapped. (Y/n) shrank down in her seat.
"Listen up (y/n). Don't lie to me. I see you two eyeing each other in class all the time and its fucking disgusting. You should be glad I didn't call you out sooner, but if you feel like being fucking unfaithful then you can go to hell!" He yelled, the whole cafeteria at attention. His lips were pulled up in a snarl.
(Y/n) cringed and murmured, "Please Katsuki... n-not here." His eyes merely narrowed as he prepared another throng of insults.
Todoroki abruptly stood up. Before he knew it, he was walking toward the fighting couple.
"I talk wherever the hell I want! Hah! You don't deny staring at fricking hot and cold huh?! What the fuck (y/n)?!" He suddenly noticed Todoroki standing next to you.
His normally deadpan expression had morphed into a deadly glare. Seeing (y/n) shrinking away from Bakugou made his blood boil.
"What gives you the right to speak to (y/n) like that. If there's anyone in the wrong, it's you."
Todoroki stepped forward, gently pulling you up and pushing you behind him, looking down slightly at the ash blond. The cafeteria seemed to hush. Bakugou seemed to be momentarily shocked into silence.
"How dare you even call her yours." Todoroki said emotionlessly. "How can you treat her like a hero if you can't even treat her like a man?"
A moment of silence.
"You piece of shit!" Bakugou snapped out of his shock. His palms starting to explode. "Go fucking die, you're not par-"
"Katsuki." Her voice rang. She stepped out from behind Todoroki, eyes cast down.
"T-Todoroki is right. You don't act like a boyfriend should. You... you don't trust me, you don't care about me." She grew louder and louder, and her (e/c) eyes locked onto his red ones. "You act so possessively that I feel less like your girlfriend and more like your pet! I've dealt with you for far too long. I'm done. We're through."
Todoroki had never seen her so fiery, this loud and beautiful. At that moment, he knew that what he felt was not just mild intrigue, or a petty crush, but actual love. 
Bakugou stood once more in shock. The cafeteria stood silent.
"I'm sorry Katsuki." She mumbled that spark of confidence crumbling away. Todoroki gently tugged at her hand and led her out of the cafeteria.
. . .
They stopped behind the school, and (y/n) slid to the ground with a sigh. Her shoulders started to shake and Todoroki's heart ached as tears slipped down her face. Not really knowing how to comfort her, he sat down next to her and gently patted her back.
"T-thank you Todoroki. I wouldn't have had the courage to..." she struggled with her words before sighing. "...I wouldn't have been able to finally say that without you."
He gently pressed a kiss on her tear stained cheek. A blush split across her face. That small kiss was real and loving, and more then Bakugou could ever give her.
"You're welcome." Todoroki said, a small smile on his lips. "I'll always stand up for you. I'm right here."
She gave him that sweet smile that he loved so much, and rested her head on his warm shoulder.
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lordbord · 4 years
*cross posted on Wattpad*
First story
*This is a alternate version of the main show*
We all know how this story goes, Midoriya is born quirkless, gets bullied by his childhood friend for 10 years. He saves Bakugou from suffocating in slime after All might stepped on his dream, All Might changes his mind, offers his quirk and then trains Midoriya for the entrance exam, he gets in and then his story begins.
In the main story, Most of Izukus life was spent being picked on and bullied by peers and so called friends, with no one not even his own mother believing in his dream.
What if that were to change?
What if someone did believe in him?
What if at one point he gained a brother who helped him through thick and thin?
This is that story. A story of two brothers related in all but blood going on a journey to become hero's together. Watch as the bond they have moves mountains and see how far they go for one another in the events of their life.
Watch as they become the symbol of hope: Deku
and the symbol of change: Black Light
Heroic duo
Chapter 1
Childhood beginnings
"Not all men are created equal." that was the sad truth of the world I learned at the age of four.
One day the world had changed, after a baby started to glow brightly it was the  first recorded citing of a superpower, soon enough more and more people have ended up developing these gifts and 200 years later, superpowers became the norm. 80% of the population had developed superpowers called quirks and with them a new profession, Hero's. like all kids my age I wanted nothing more than to be a hero unfortunately....
"Sorry kid it isn't going to happen."
"Im sorry Izuku!!"
"Didn't you hear, he's..."
Quirkless, I became one of the 20% who don't develop a quirk. The door to my dream was locked before I could even open it, as for my friend Katsuki Bakugou, who I call Kacchan...
"You really are useless, deku." A ash blond said to a downed green haired boy with pops coming out of his hands.
He became my number one tormentor, I should have told mom but after dad left us she has been working hard for the both of us to live a comfortable life, not to mention that Mitsuki Bakugou is Kacchan mother and her best friend since college.
So I didn't say anything as to not burden her more than I already do and for two years I will have endured beatings, bruises, cuts and burns from my former friend.
I thought that was how my life was going to be, just a useless deku with a too big dream.
Then that day happened.
It was the afternoon in Musutafu, Japan and school just got out, at a nearby park five children were near a sand pit, three kids were standing just outside the pit with an ash blond standing in front of the trio while a green haired boy with green eyes had his arms in front of him, standing in-front of a brunette girl with brown eyes who is on the floor rubbing a bruised cheek from the hit she took from the blond.
"Stop it Kacchan! Can't you see she hurt!"  Said the green eyed boy trying to protect the girl.
"She thinks she can be a hero like me with a weak quirk like that!! She had it coming, Deku!" The ash blond now known as Kacchan says, while the girl starts to tear up a bit from the rude boys words.
The green haired boy now known as Deku gets angry at his old friend, he doesn't know why and probably never will but he instinctively responds back to the blonds cruel words.
"Who cares if her quirk is weak right now! If she trains hard it can be a great quirk, and      m-maybe she'll be a b-better hero than y-you!!"
There were four reactions that took place from that statement.
One being from the girl who looked up in astonishment and a bit of gratitude.
The two lackeys of the ash blond who can't believe that useless Deku yelled at Bakugou.
Deku himself, who just realized what he just said is slowly losing the confidence before his outburst,
And Bakugou himself who had veins sprouting around his face slowly, hair covering his eyes and shaking in quickly building fury.
Knowing whats about to come from the volatile blond, Deku backs up a bit to the girl and kneels on a knee, while picking up some sand discreetly
"Listen, go get some h-help while I distract him I'll be fine but he might focus back on you if your still here." Deku says with what ever confidence he has left.
The girl was about to protest but then saw the look in his emerald eyes and reluctantly agreed.
Deku smiled a little knowing she didn't want to leave him alone so attempts to reassure her.
"D-Don't worry I-I'll be f-fine" while giving wide shaky smile before turning back around to the sounds of popping.
"Why?" Barely above a whisper from the blond
"Why?" louder this time with explosions popping starting to pop from his hands faster and faster.
"WHY DOES A USELESS DEKU LIKE YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME!?!?" He yells before charging at the green and brown eyed children.
"RUN!!" Deku yells just before throwing the sand into Kacchans face, blinding him temporarily and catching his ire, while the girl gets up and runs fast trying to look for her parents to gets some help.
Meanwhile the two lackeys grab either arm of the greeny to hold him down for their boss, waiting until he clears the sand from his eyes.
Once Kacchan cleans the sand and can see, his pupils dilate as they zero in on deku and charge at him again and with uncontrolledly rage, he hits him with an explosion right in the chest above the heart, blasting Deku out of the lackeys hold and onto his back, with a new hole in his shirt. The blast could be heard all over the park.
While fading out of consciousness, footsteps can be heard running towards him all he can think about was that he successfully got the girl away from harm.
(??? Pov)
A minute earlier....
"How did I fall for such a obvious scam" I say to myself while walking past a park, just a couple of minutes ago I was talking with a guy who was asking for directions for a specific store, he was unbelievable vague and this distracted me long enough for his buddy to rob me with his quirk and get away. as I walk by the gate to the park a girl crashes into me, knocking both of us over, I was a knocked on my back while I can only assume the girl was as well from the soft "ow" that I heard
"Im so so sorry!" she apologizes loudly while offering to help me up.
"It's fine, why are you in such a rush?" I grunt out as I accept the help up.
She was about to say before we heard a loud "BOOM" coming from the park, we here this and she then freezes on the spot, before bolting to the sounds origins. I was both concerned and confused about what just happened so I ran after hoping to gain an answer.
I was not prepared for what I saw next.
I saw a green haired boy my age on the ground with smoke coming of his chest, the girl is freaking out above him trying to see what she can do before turning to the right to see a angry blond with a grin shouting at the unconscious boy before walking over menacingly with smoke coming from his hands.
Acting quick I pull on the shadow from a nearby bench and made a circular shield before sliding in between the two people, blocking the EXPLOSION?!? EXCUSE ME WHAT?!? The angry blond seemed surprised seeing that he didn't hit the two behind me. I stand to my full height, as I am a little taller and put away the shield.
"Now I don't know what happened and personally I don't care but can you please leave them alone or do I have to use force?" For added effect I absorbed some shadows, then made it into a giant broadsword with an eire purple glow, with one of my eyes having a purple glow, I then hung the sword over my shoulder, while glaring at the three in front of me.
Needless to say it worked, the two behind the blond with smug expressions prior to me showing up are now turning heel and running away, the blond however clicks his teeth dissatisfied with the outcome before walking away.
After getting rid of my sword I turn around and  see the girl with tears in her eyes about to rip a piece of her shirt for the green boy.
"Hey, you don't need to do that I got some spare clothes in my bag." She stops what shes doing and proceeds to help me tear a T-shirt from my bag. After wrapping the guy up, she floats the green haired boy and brought him to the bench where we lay him down, there was a bit of a silence before she spoke up finally.
"He was hurt cause of me" she said just above a whisper, I let her continue since she seemed to need to get it out of her system.
"I was punched by that blond guy from before, he p-pushed me down and started saying things, how I wouldn't be a hero with my quirk, then he showed up" she was starting to tear up again.
"He got in front of him, he defended me and helped me run away so I can get help." She says the tears coming faster now her voice starting to shake.
"If I knew that blond guy would have done this I would have stayed, I wouldn't have let him got him hurt because of me and n-now h-he's.." she was openly crying now I didn't know what to do so I just went up to her and gave a hug, she froze at first but then just let everything out, after a bit she calmed down and pulled away, looking back at the boy who helped her
"Its not your fault, you know" I spoke up finally. She turned to look at me and I took that as a sign to continue.
"Look I don't know either of you but from how you reacted to finding him hurt in the first place I can honestly says that this was not something you could have known, if anyone is to blame its the blond guy's fault, for doing this in the first place." I finish talking hoping that she will take my words to heart, from the slight nod of her head I can only assume she understood.
"My name is Ochako Uraraka, by the way thanks for helping us." She says with a small smile.
"Well its nice to meet you Uraraka my name is-" I was interrupted by a small groan, turning back we see the green boy starting to wake up.
(3rd person POV)
As Midoriya wakes up, he slowly gets his senses back, which left him groaning when he started feeling pain again and as he opens his eyes he is first see brown eyes blinking down at him.
'Kacchan's eyes aren't brown' he thinks to himself. He then tries to sit up only to wince in pain before lying back down as Midoriya looks at his surroundings he realizes he's not only on a park bench but also has two people in front of him, one the short brown hair and eyed girl that he defended from before and another one being a boy he has never seen before. He was a bit taller than Midoriya , with a bit of a round face and a dark skin tone with hair split down the middle with white on the right and black on the left, the most noticeable part were his eyes which seem to be purple on one side and light blue on the other with a bit of bags underneath. Midoriya being the intelligent human being he breaks the silence in the most eloquent way possible.
"Uhhh.... Hi."
The next thing Midoriya know Uraraka hugs him, now if this was a un-injured Midoriya he would have froze from his brain not processing physical affection from people other than his mother. Sadly, this Midoriya is injured and as such he winces from pain on contact which causes Uraraka to pull back and start apologizing while flailing her arms, with Midoriya saying its alright. After that comedic scene Midoriya decides to ask the million dollar questions.
"Uh.. sooo, who are you guys and what happened after I passed out?" izuku asks too confused by his situation to care about his anxiety.
"My name is Ochako Uraraka and this is.."
Midoriya look over to the boy as he starts talking.
"My name is Felix Richmond, she kinda crashed into me while running out the park, we then heard a big boom and she ran inside, I followed her a bit after, I took care of the blond guy and then we ripped one of my shirts and wrapped it around your burn, we moved you to the bench and we were just waiting for you to wake up." He finishes explaining.
"We were worried after you got knocked out but you woke up so at least we know you'll be okay." Uraraka says her tone going from worried to happy mid-sentence.
"Also thanks for saving me from that blond guy..." she pauses realizing she doesn't know his name.
"Oh I-I'm M-Midoriya Izuku" he says a bit shakily.
"Well it's nice to meet you both, but I feel like we should get going since it almost evening" Richmond says while pointing at the sky.
'Oh no mom/my parents are gonna kill me' went through both Midoriya's and Uraraka's mind as they internally panicked.
"Uraraka why don't you get home, I can help Midoriya here get home, since I doubted you can move all that well." Richmond says first addressing Uraraka before switching his attention to Midoriya who is startled by the offer, he was going to reject...
"Before you say anything I don't have to worry about my p-parent so you either agree and I piggy back you to your home or I princess carry you, if you don't agree." Richmond says with the last part stated with a smirk.
Midoriya, who would definitely be a strawberry if he was princess carried, nodded in defeat, saying their goodbyes to Uraraka and a promise to meet up again at a later date the two boy head onwards to Midoriya's place, it was silent till Richmond asked a question.
"So why did you do it?” Richmond asked.
"Why, what?" Asked Izuku confused by the question.
"Why did you protect her, from what she told me, you were nowhere near involved in the one sided fight so why did you help?" Richmond says.
Midoriya thinks about it before speaking again "I don't know, I guess my legs moved on there own, one second I was looking at her being pushed the next thing I knew I'm standing up to Kacchan and his friends." Midoriya finishes upset now realizing his old friend is the one who scared him.
"Kacchan?!" Richmond asked surprised such a cute name was given to someone so aggressive.
"T-thats the nickname I gave him, I couldn't pronounce his name when we were younger so I called him that, his name is Katsuki Bakugou, we are- were friends but that was before he got his quirk." Midoriya finishes once again lamenting the lose of his old friend.
Richmond in a attempt to lighten the mood jokes. "And let me guess he's a mean dandelion jealous of your quirk?" Richmond says hoping it worked.
It didn't.
"I actually don't have a quirk." Midoriya says in a soft whisper, if he wasn't on Richmonds back he probably wouldn't have been heard, but Richmond hearing Midoriya regrets the joke instantly, and says something that shocks Midoriya.
"And whats wrong with being quirkless?" Richmond ask.
Midoriya who was still a bit upset answered "Since I'm quirkless, I can't become a hero." Tears starting to well up.
"You saved Uraraka today, so I think you already are a hero." Richmond answer backs.
"Do you really think I can be a hero?" Midoriya asks, hoping beyond hope he gets the answer he was waiting for.
"Definitely." Richmond says, unknowingly opening the floodgates that are Midoriya's tear ducts.
Midoriya was overwhelmed by emotion and could only feel gratitude to the split haired person for giving him some form of hope.
After calming down they finally arrived at Midoriya's house knocking on the door, upon opening it the worried mother see a peculiar site of a child holding her baby on their back with a bag worn on the front of their body.
After some explaining of what happened, Why it happened, who caused it, and some waterfalls from both Midoriya's 'is this genetic?' Richmond thinks before the conversation switches to him.
"Thank you for helping him." The Elder Midoriya says while giving a hug to Felix who flinches slightly before relaxing again.
"It's no problem Miss Midoriya." Richmond reply's awkwardly patting the back of the women.
"You can just call me Inko." She says as she pulls herself back from the hug.
"But I can't help but ask, don't you need to go back to your home, it's getting rather late." She asks the innocent question.
Richmond's freezing doesn't go unnoticed by the Midoriya's, as he looked down at his hands he starts to remember everything he escaped from, the beatings, yells, him begging for it to stop, the crash.
"I-I d-don't h-have a-a ho-me." Richmond says still looking down, tears start going down his face.
Inko shocked by the once smiling teen froze for a moment, in that moment only Midoriya moves to start hugging the boy.
Richmond caught of guard by the hug flinches a bit but quickly returns it letting the tears flow, finally dropping his guard and relaxing slightly, he was still on edge but the Midoriya’s were very....... calming to the split haired teen.
"You can stay with us if you want." Midoriya says after a while. Surprised by his words, Richmond looks at Izuku before directing his gaze to Inko, who just smiles softly and nods to the unasked question.
Allowing himself a small smile Felix looks back to Izuku and says "I guess that makes us brothers now." He says before getting two hugs on either side of him, laughing at how his life changed in a minute.
No one knew that the two boys would grow up to become something greater than themselves.
But where's the fun in that right?
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The Big Bang-Bakugo Katsuki
*for the full experience, play the song The Big Bang by Rock Mafia. You’ll know when to start it :)*
     On the floor in the common area of your dorm, Class 1-A sits in a circle. Each of you holding a red solo cup filled with whatever concoction Kaminari came up with. Tonight, you’re celebrating your graduation from UA. In the past few years, all of you have grown and matured as heroes. Now prepared to defend humanity from all sorts of evil. Tomorrow, you will be adults. Tonight, however, you’re a group of tipsy teens playing truth, dare, or drink. “l/n truth or dare?” asks Midoriya. “I chose dare last time,” you say, “so I choose truth.” Deku nods, obviously thinking of a question, “what is something you did to help yourself become a better hero, or to help control your quirk, that you have never told anyone about?” you take a second to ponder your answer. You have a quirk called ‘Snake Charmer’, you can hypnotize any living thing when you whistle certain tunes. Each tune causes a different reaction. Although you had a cool quirk, you had terrible body awareness and at one point had been terribly clumsy. If you couldn’t charm your opponent quick enough, your lack of bodily control always made you lose in hand to hand combat. “Well, you guys remember how unaware of my body I used to be, and how clumsy?” Everyone nods in response, Bakugo saying something about how you used to look like an idiot baby deer first learning to walk. “To combat that, and teach myself bodily awareness, I learned how to pole dance.” 
     No one said a word for several moments, the boy's mouth dropping open. “That’s so cool!” Momo exclaims, “I’ve always wanted to take a class but I never got around to it!” “it was a lot harder than I had originally expected but I absolutely loved it,” you responded. You scan the room and it’s obvious that the boys were incredibly interested in this new information, so you were quick to shift the attention to someone else. “It’s my turn to ask! Uraraka, truth or dare?” and so the game continued.
    Eventually it was Kirishima’s turn to ask, “l/n, truth or dare?” “Dare!” kirishima smirks, “so you told us you know how to pole dance?” “.....yes?” his face breaks into a full on grin, making you regret ever having chosen dare. “So you know how to dance?” “I hate where this is going, but yes” you groan out. “I dare you to give Bakugo a lap dance, if one of you yields before the song is over you will have to prank aizawa.” you roll your eyes, “knowing how to pole dance does not mean that I know how to strip, but fine I’ll do it.” Everyone starts giggling, Bakugo exclaims “WHY DID YOU CHOOSE ME SHITTY HAIR.” Laughing, you stand, brushing off your legs “you can just yield now Bakugo, there’s no shame in admitting defeat.” “tsch, as if I’m going to lose to you,” he rolls his eyes. “Okay then,” Kirishima says, clapping his hands together “let’s get this party started”
     Bakugo, now sitting in a chair, is obviously nervous. He rubs his hands over his pants several times in the few moments you were watching him. “Okay l/n, what song have you chosen?” Mina asks from where she’s sitting with the rest of the group against the wall across from the chair. “I choose The Big Bang by Rock Mafia.” you say, smirking. 
   You hear the first couple notes of the song and you roll your head, then lock eyes with Bakugo, slowly approaching him and thread your hands through your hair. 
I don't wanna lie, I’m gonna take what you’re givin’
    You drag your hand across his back as you walk around his chair, hearing him sharply inhale. “Nervous already?” you ask, running your hands down his chest and then back up again. “You wish.” he replies, even though he visibly stiffens from your touch and shifts in his seat.
You’ve got me right here, combustible, and I can’t wait to finally explode
     You walk around to the front of him, place your hands on his knees and spread his legs apart. Slowly you sink down onto your knees, leaning back to sit on your calves in front of him while maintaining eye contact. When the chorus hits you roll your head back and run your fingers through your hair. You then move your body up off of your calves in a rolling motion, removing your hands from your hair and sliding them up his legs towards his crotch. You sit back again, kick your right leg up in a circular motion and stand from the floor.
Some people like to talk, but I’m into doing what I feel like doing
    Bakugo is now visibly rigid, barely breathing as he watches your movements like a hawk. You stand in front of him once again, leaning over him and spreading your legs. You bend your legs and crouch right in front of his crotch, then run your body up his, barely touching him. A tease of a touch. He inhales sharply as your hands find purchase on his broad shoulders. You twist and sit on his thigh, pulling your shirt off leaving you with only a bra covering your upper half.
When all the stars collide, in this universe inside
    His hand moves to your back and tries to slide down to your ass but you slap him away. “No touching” you scold, standing and walking behind him, dragging your fingers across his shoulders lightly. He shudders, gulping hard enough that you can hear it. You once again sit on his thigh, only this time your legs are on the outside of his. You bring the leg closest to him up and over his body, making it so that your legs are on either side of his chair and your chests are nearly touching. Bakugo holds the sides of the chair with a death grip, attempting to ground himself. His neck and ears are red and his breaths are shuddering and shallow. You lean forward and whisper in his ear “just give in baby, you know you want to.” As you pull back you pull his earlobe with your teeth and he gasps.
The big big bang, the reason I’m alive
     You sit back, holding his shoulders and rolling your head. As the beat drops for the final time you grind your hips down in his lap, holding eye contact while you do so. You smirk at him, because now you’ve felt just how aroused he really is from your actions. 
Whoa, babe
      Bakugo grabs you by the hips and nearly throws you off of him, exclaiming “I YIELD STUPID I YIELD.” You look at him smirking, he avoids eye contact with you and stands from the chair walking towards the group. The back of his neck is red and his whole body is shaking. He sits down next to Kaminari, grumbling, and runs a hand over his blushing face. You look at the group and everyone’s eyes are blown wide. All of the boys are readjusting themselves and can’t look you in the eyes. You look at the girls, their facial expressions are a mix of pride and awe. You sit down, pull your shirt back over your body and say, “so, whose turn is it to ask?”
    The next day, Bakugo can’t take his eyes off of you. Last night he couldn't stop picturing, remembering the drag of your hips against his, and how he would do anything to feel it again. You can feel him burning holes in the back of your head during your graduation ceremony, and when you walk in front of him to accept your diploma, you purposefully put a little bit more swing in your hips. Bakugo growls, his upper lip curling, watching your ass as you walk away. He knew that there was one man to blame for all of his troubles. Kirishima. 
    That night, the last night you were living in the dorms, you made your way to the kitchen for a glass of water. Instead you overheard an interesting conversation. Before you even entered the door frame, you heard the distinct voice of Bakugo snarling “Why did you choose me, shitty hair? Did you find submitting me to torture funny?” you heard Kirishima reply saying “bro you should be THANKING me, not threatening me!” “and why the hell would I THANK you for this?”
Kirishima sighs, then says “You’ve had a thing for l/n since year one, this is the furthest you’ve EVER gotten with her and it’s because of MY dare.” 
    You gasp, both of the boys whipping around to look at you. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation, idiot.” Bakugo growls out lowly. You roll your eyes, sauntering over to him “didn’t anyone teach YOU that it’s rude to talk about someone behind their back Kacchan?” “tsch” he looks away from you. “Now, now,” you say, “is that any way to react to the woman you’re apparently in love with?” His eyes snap to yours, “as if I could ever love an extra like you.” You smirk knowingly. You have known him long enough to know when he is lying to you, and that statement was a big fat lie. “That’s too bad,” you whisper, “because maybe the extra loves you too.” you smile at him, and walk back out of the kitchen to your room. If you were right about this, which you will be, Bakugo will follow behind you.
    After entering your room, you sit on the edge of the bed and start to count the seconds passing. You barely get to 32 before you hear a knock on your door. You open it to see Bakugo, just as expected. You step back and gesture his welcome. He steps in the door and you shut it behind him. “I lied.” “I know” “I don’t want to ruin my chance with-” he pauses and blinks. “What the fuck do you mean, YOU KNOW.” you giggled, “I knew you were lying, you aren’t very good at it.” 
    Bakugo Katsuki was confused. First of all, he has no emotional intelligence whatsoever so he has no idea how you’re feeling. Second of all, he was just told he is a horrible liar, making him rethink all of the lies he has ever told and how many of them he actually got away with. Third of all, the girl he is in love with KNOWS that he loves her now. Oh God she knows she knows she knows-
      His train of thought is cut off when a pair of soft lips meet his own. For a beat, he doesn’t react. His brain moving into hyperdrive. Then he reacts, one hand coming up to cup your cheek softly, the other settling on your hip pulling you closer to him. Your hands wind around his neck pulling him into you. After several long moments, you both pull away. Your eyes bore into his, as if you were searching for an answer to a question your soul had asked. “I love you.” you state, as simply as if you were saying that grass is green or the sky is blue. Bakugo inhales sharply, his breath catching in his throat. “I love you Bakugo.” you say again, this time more forceful, tugging on his neck. “Katsuki,” he breathes, “call me Katsuki.” he clears his throat, then grins down at you “and for the record, I love you too y/n.”
      You squeal, giggling and tugging him into a tight hug. He barks out a loud laugh and winds his arms around you. You stand there wound together for a breath, and then you’re kissing again. This time more desperate, there was no question of your feelings. No more barriers. His lips press forcefully to yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You move together in perfect sync. Katsuki pats you on your hip, signalling you to jump up so he can hold you. You jump and wrap your legs around his waist, his hands moving to rest under your ass. You can feel him walking somewhere. The backs of his knees hit your bed and he falls back, pulling you down on top of him. You start giggling and he grins up at you. He moves up to kiss you once more. You pull away, but stay close enough that he can feel your lips moving on his as you speak, and you whisper “I love you ‘suki” he looks at you, and grins wider than you had ever seen him grin. “I love you y/n” he whispers, pressing your lips back together. 
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shushmal · 4 years
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Written for @dynamicbkdkzine​!! Leftover sales are still open, check it out!
We’re Just Strangers Really
At four years old, Bakugou Katsuki is the coolest kid Izuku has ever met. At eight, Kacchan is everything Izuku wants to be. At twelve, Izuku is so far behind, but he’ll catch up. He knows he will. At fourteen, as an omega sitting in the principal’s office, Izuku finally understands that he never will. He’ll never catch up to Kacchan, no matter what.
Read it here on Ao3!
At four years old, Bakugou Katsuki is the coolest kid Izuku has ever met. He stands tall, grins wide, and looks everyone in the eye without flinching. And to Izuku, who is made of shy smiles and trembling fingers and shuffling feet, no one is braver than Kacchan.
At eight, Kacchan is strong and steady, even when he looks down his nose at Izuku with a sneer. He’s popular but unapproachable, and yet somehow Izuku still finds himself in Kacchan’s close orbit. He’s grateful and a little pleased that he gets to share that precious space, because Kacchan is everything Izuku wants to be.
At twelve, Kacchan is sure of himself in a way that Izuku desperately wants to be. Kacchan walks without wilting to the side, speaks without stuttering, and smiles only when he means it. His grades are top of the class, his quirk is amazing, and when he opens his mouth, everyone stops to listen. Izuku is so far behind, but he’ll catch up. He knows he will.
At fourteen, sitting in the principal’s office, Izuku finally understands that he never will. He’ll never catch up to Kacchan, no matter what.
Inko is a rigid structure on the verge of collapse at Izuku’s side. She’s biting back tears as she listens to the principal talk, but all Izuku can hear is white noise. He already knows, so he doesn’t need to hear the words “we can’t accommodate an omega in this school” and “our sister school will gladly accept him and train him” and “there are scholarships he can apply for.”
She’s clutching the forms in her hands tightly, the paper wrinkling in her grip. “The scholarship doesn’t pay the full tuition,” she says and her voice wavers on every syllable, every word.
The principal shifts uneasily in his seat. “No, it does not.”
“Izuku worked hard to get into this school,” she says. “To get this scholarship. He deserves it.”
“I understand—”
“I don’t think you do. I know exactly what kind of school that is!”
“Midoriya-san,” he chides her, and Inko’s shoulders hunch around her neck. “We don’t offer full-rides to omegas. I’m sorry, but it’s just not financially sound for the school board.”
Inko stands suddenly, and Izuku jumps, worried she will tumble to the ground, but instead she stands tall, an omega woman looming high over an alpha’s desk. “So my son, because of how he was born, does not deserve the same education as any other child? How wretched can you be?”
“I’m not interested in whatever else you have to say.” Inko takes Izuku’s hand, and leads him out the door. They pass Izuku’s classroom on their way out, and he can feel all the eyes of his former classmates following them as they go. He doesn’t look to see if Kacchan is one of those that are watching.
“Izuku,” Inko starts, and stops. There are tears drying on her face, and Izuku knows she’s cried all that she can. She has apologized so much already, and Izuku doesn’t know if he can stand it if she does again. “Izuku, I’m—”
“It’s okay, mom.” He reels her in and hugs her tightly, squeezing her and committing to memory the feeling of his mother’s arms around him—her softness and her warmth—because he’s not sure when he’ll be able to see her again, if he’ll ever be able to see her again. They're both older now than they had been, both of them spent, slow, sad by the years they've struggled through. “I’ll be okay, so don’t worry about me. I’ll write to you and call you, and when…” Izuku swallows, biting back his own tears he’s desperate not to show her. “Well, maybe I’ll get to see you sooner than you think.”
Inko doesn’t say anything for a moment, just holds him as tightly as she’s able. When she steps back, her eyes are defeated.
“You’ll be a lot older than the omegas here,” she says, her voice quiet and sad. “Most of them will have just presented, so they’ll be more attractive to anyone looking. Don’t let it get to you.”
Shushing him, Inko cups his face, looking him dead in the eye. “You may be here a while, baby. You’re twenty-two and you’re quirkless. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but, please, don’t agree to the first alpha that looks your way, okay? Protect yourself.”
Izuku nods, stomach churning. “I won’t.”
“Wait for someone good, someone kind,” she says. She pulls him down until she can press a kiss to his forehead, and Izuku’s chest tightens. He wishes he were a child again, and she was tucking him into bed with a good night kiss. “They’ll come to you, I’m sure of it.”
Trying to find it in himself to believe her, Izuku nods and hugs her one last time before he picks up his bag and disappears into the matchmaking house.
The lounge is bustling with activity this Saturday, tentative alpha and omega matches meeting in a more relaxed setting as they get to know each other. Izuku is there too, waiting on an alpha woman that had signed up to meet him, but he’s not holding his breath. She hadn’t exactly seemed too enthused with him after their initial introduction, so he’s much more focused on the calculus book in front of him.
He’d never been able to attend university since he couldn’t get a high school degree, but that hasn’t stopped him from learning. When she can, his mom will send him a new text book for him to study, subjects she thinks might be helpful: Advanced Japanese, English, Russian, History, Biology, Algebra, and so on.
Izuku studies them diligently, for lack of anything better to do. The mothers don’t like it much, telling him that it makes an unattractive mate to have his nose constantly in the books.
That doesn’t matter much to Izuku anyways. He’s practically a pariah as it is, so what can it hurt?
Izuku glances up to see one of the younger omegas, Hina, grinning brightly at him over the couch, the alpha beside her glancing over curiously.
“Ground Zero’s on the television!”
Perking up, Izuku stands to see the news clip better. And Kacchan is on the screen, covered in soot and dirt, his face set in a hard line, his eyes intense. Izuku’s already sure it’ll be in the papers in the morning, so he’ll probably be cutting it out to add to his scrapbook.
Someone obligingly turns up the volume for him, the muffled report coming through clearly. “—hero Ground Zero-san has engaged a large villain in eastern Hosu. If you are seeing this report, please avoid the area at all costs as the pro-heroes work to—”
“Izuku-kun is Ground Zero’s biggest fan,” Hina tells the alpha, grinning mischievously. “They used to go to the same school, can you believe it?! You should see the poster he has in his room!”
Izuku tweaks her ear without looking at her, dodging her retaliatory swipe with a teasing grin. The alpha gives Izuku an appreciative once over, and Izuku tries not to cringe visibly. The guy's nearly twice Hina’s age, older than even Izuku, and he’s hoping the house mothers will convince her that it isn’t a healthy match for her.
On the screen, Kacchan stands victoriously over his defeated opponent, his face still a blank mask despite the deep furrow of his brow and the intensity of his eyes.
Distantly, Izuku wonders when Kacchan stopped smiling.
“I don’t think she’s coming, Izuku-kun.”
The house mother’s voice is sweet and a little sad, and her face is drawn up in a pinched expression when Izuku looks up at her. It’s the fourth missed appointment, and Izuku’s not at all surprised. It’s not the first time it’s happened in the three years he’s been here, and it won’t be the last.
“That’s okay, Auntie,” he says, easily. “I know you had hopes for this one.”
She sighs and runs a hand through her graying hair. “Someone has to,” she says, and Izuku doesn’t have to look at her to know how much she pities him.
Instead, he goes back to his room to lay on his bed and try to distract himself from the emptiness that sits heavily in the middle of his chest.
Someone is pounding on his door when Izuku pulls out his earbuds, and the door bursts open before he can even stand up.
“Izuku-kun!” Hina shrieks, her face lit up with a bright, excited grin. She grabs his arm and drags him into the hall. “You’ll never believe who’s here!”
“Hina-chan,” Izuku says, chiding. She tugs hard on his arm to get him to move faster, but Izuku’s bigger and he likes to piss her off, so he walks slowly, forcing her to slow down. “It’s early, you shouldn’t shout.”
“Who cares!” Hina squeals, undeterred by Izuku’s dragging feet. “Hurry up, hurry up!”
Laughing, Izuku finally obligingly picks up the pace. “You act like All Might is here.”
Hina grins at him over his shoulder, eyes sparkling. “Nope! Someone even better!”
When they reach the lounge, there’s a crowd of omegas at the entrance, all of them tittering and whispering as they peak around the corner. Hina shoves her way through, dragging Izuku behind, and the crowd parts easily, all of them lighting up when they see Izuku.
“What’s got all of you—” Izuku starts before he looks up, and the words die in his throat.
Across the room, Kacchan is looking directly at him, the house mothers at his side chattering excitedly. Izuku gapes, frozen in the crowd of young omegas, all of them piled around him with grinning faces. Hina’s still clutching his arm, but Izuku’s too shocked to look at her, eyes only for the man he used to know all those years ago.
Kacchan doesn’t look even a little surprised to see him there.
“Oh!” one of the house mothers says when she looks up. Her voice is breathless with excitement. “Izuku-kun! Please come to my office!”
There’s several hands on Izuku’s back, urging him forward, and stiffly he turns, looking at all other omegas that are looking at him with excitement and encouragement. “What are you doing? Go, go!”
So Izuku goes, moving robotically to follow his house mother back towards the private greeting rooms and offices. He can’t look up when he passes by Kacchan, unable to meet the heavy gaze he can feel on his skin. The pro hero is a warm presence at Izuku’s back as they file into an office, the door closing behind them with a final, gentle click.
“So, it’s a requirement for your job…”
“Then…why me?”
“...I don’t want to share my home with some stranger.”
“Ka—Bakugou-san, we’re practically strangers ourselves.”
“No, we’re not.”
“Katsuki’s fine,” Kacchan interrupts him. Izuku finally looks up then, but Kacchan’s not looking at him now, his face turned away when he adds, “Or Kacchan, whatever’s better for you.”
Izuku feels a familiar fondness warm him from the inside out, and he can’t help the smile that spreads across his face. “Okay then, Kacchan.
“I accept.”
The elevator moves with a smooth glide, just the barest of hums as the city sinks away below them. Izuku watches the skyline, blue with fluffy clouds and fading trails of overhead planes. Beside him, Kacchan shifts the strap of Izuku’s bag on his shoulder, eyes forward and back ramrod straight. Izuku hasn’t once seen Kacchan relaxing in the past three days, becoming stiffer and quieter with each form they had signed.
Izuku himself keeps quiet. It won’t be the first time that an alpha has regretted taking a mate from the matchmaking houses.
Before he’s even aware they’ve stopped, the doors slide open and Kacchan steps out into a short hallway, opening his front door with quick, jerky movements. Izuku follows slowly, pulling his suitcase behind him.
They’re silent as they slip out of their shoes, and Kacchan leans down to pick up Izuku’s suitcase as well, carrying all of Izuku’s meager belongings into his home, Izuku trailing behind. The penthouse is smaller than Izuku would have imagined, the living area and kitchen sharing one space with a wall of windows to the left. There’s a small, empty balcony and stack of weights in one corner of the room, one of the few pieces of personalization in the entire home.
“Here,” Kacchan says gruffly, shouldering open a door towards the back of the apartment and setting Izuku’s bags on the bed. “This will be your room.”
Startled, Izuku quickly looks up at Kacchan. “My room?”
Kacchan glances at him, before looking away. “I really hope you don’t expect us to share a bed right off the bat.”
“Well, we are practically married,” Izuku says faintly, feeling boneless with relief. “But I’m not complaining.”
“Good.” Kacchan runs a hand over his head, ruffling his already wild, spiky hair into something even more untamed. “You can do whatever the fuck you want with the place, I really don’t care. The whole apartment, I mean. I didn’t really see the point when I’m always working, but you can do what you want.”
Izuku wanders after him when he steps out of the room, looking at the blank walls and stark, modern furniture. “Have you lived here long?”
“Barely a year,” Kacchan admits. “I usually stay in the on-call rooms at the office.”
“You work too hard.” Izuku glances at him out of the corner of his eye, and watches as Kacchan scowls. “That’s the reason they made you look for a mate. Do they really think that forcing you into a relationship is going to fix your problems?”
Kacchan has no reply to that, his shoulders stiff and tense. After a long moment, he turns away from Izuku towards what Izuku assumes is his room. “Fuck if I know. I have the night shift in an hour. Like I said, do whatever you want.”
“So,” Izuku says to his back, because Izuku really can’t help himself. “I can put up my Ground Zero poster?”
Kacchan rounds on him, glaring fiercely. “Fuck no!”
“I’m teasing you, Kacchan.”
“Good, I thought you’d gone braindead, idiot.”
“Sign it for me, at least?”
Izuku is used to living in tight quarters with others, but never so close with an alpha. Kacchan moves as Izuku remembers, with purpose and taking up all the space he’s granted. It’s a little different now though, when he sees Izuku. He doesn’t shrink away or flee, but keeps his distance, maneuvering around Izuku without touching, saying as little as he can get away with.
Izuku’s glad for the space. He knows everything he should expect from his mate, and what was expected of him. He’d been prepared to go through those motions as best as he could. For Kacchan, he could at least do that without putting up too much of a fight.
It’s a relief then, when it seems that Kacchan expects absolutely nothing of him. He had given Izuku his keys and a credit card, and never bothered to specify where and when he could use it, never asks where he goes, and never expects Izuku to be there when he comes home. Rarely is he there himself when Izuku wakes and often leaves before Izuku goes to bed. He sleeps the day away, and the only meal they share is breakfast.
Heats have always sent Izuku’s senses into overdrive. Normally, he doesn’t notice the differences in smells, but the week leading up to it, Izuku can barely focus on anything. Kacchan’s smell is so incredibly strong. It hangs heavy in the apartment, in the fabrics, in his clothes that Izuku has taken to folding for the alpha. It takes everything not to bury his face into Kacchan’s shirts, and he leaves them stacked neatly in a laundry basket at Kacchan’s door. They avoid each other like the plague.
Until the day it truly hits, when Izuku’s body goes hot all over and his legs begin to tremble, Kacchan manages to face him, shoulders squared as if he’s facing off a particularly powerful opponent as he looms in Izuku’s doorway.
“Do you…” he starts, shifting from one foot to the other. Izuku can’t meet his eyes. “Do you want me to…?”
“I’ll be fine.” He tries to say it with some conviction, even though he’s trembling, his muscles aching.
“Deku.” Izuku startles, finally meeting Kacchans gaze. With a sudden realization, he doesn’t think he’s heard Kacchan call him by name since middle school. Especially not that name. Kacchan cringes like he’d insulted Izuku’s mother and barrels on. “Izuku, I know it’s going to be rougher than usual.”
Izuku swallows. “It’s okay, I’ll manage.”
He watches as Kacchan’s gaze drops to the floor, running one large hand through his hair. “It wouldn’t be a hardship, you know? You’re right, I didn’t want a mate,” he says, a little softer, though he looks constipated admitting it. He chews his lip, before his eyes flick back up to Izuku. “But when I saw you, I realized that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Oh…” Izuku murmurs, astonished and feeling a little dizzy.
“But I can sleep in the on-call room at the office if you’d rather be alone.”
Izuku looks at Kacchan then, really looks, and it feels like he’s truly seeing him for the first time. His face is twisted up in a scowl, but his eyes are serious, uncertain, his entire body tilted towards Izuku as if caught in his gravity. And Izuku has never once wanted to be touched as badly as he does at this moment.
“Kacchan,” Izuku murmurs, stumbling to his feet, and Kacchan meets him halfway. He shudders as Kacchan wraps his arms around him, a little stiff, awkward, but there’s a fire licking up Izuku’s insides and he’s never felt this want to be wanted in all his life. “If… If you’re okay with me,” he says, and melts against Kacchan’s body, pressing his face to his chest. “Then please stay.”
The tension loosens out of Kacchan’s spine. “Okay, then,” he says, his voice gentle. “I’ll stay.”
And then he leans down, a hand on Izuku’s hip pushing him away just enough until Kacchan can press his mouth to Izuku’s. His heart flutters in his chest, picking up a staccato beat, and Izuku is suddenly too hot all over. He gasps into the kiss, teeth nipping at Kacchan’s lips, and swallows Kacchan’s groan when Izuku plasters himself to his front.
“Kacchan,” he breathes, clutching to the thin tank top Kacchan wears to bed, trying to pull him even closer, until he’s practically climbing Kacchan’s front. “Kacchan, please,” he whines.
With a growl, Kacchan scoops him up, large hands at the back of his thighs, and tips them both onto the bed. Kacchan’s kisses are fierce, hot and wet and demanding, and Izuku meets each touch with just as much want, fingers sinking into thick, blonde hair and tugging until Kacchan angles his kisses just so or Kacchan’s hands finally move across his skin, over his hips and his ribs.
Izuku arches his back, pressing himself closer as Kacchan lays across him, his weight grounding and the heavy feel of his cock against Izuku’s belly satisfying.
“F-Fuck,” Kacchan hisses. “What do—”
Impatient, Izuku wraps his legs around Kacchan’s waist and grinds up against him. Kacchan’s head drops onto Izuku’s shoulder and he moans, loud in Izuku’s ear, and Izuku may be drunk off of his heat and the spicy smell of this alpha, but he’s never been so in love with someone’s voice as he is now.
He feels too tense, packed too tightly into his skin, and right now he needs— “Kacchan, please fuck me.”
“Please,” Izuku says, grinding his teeth and ripping himself out of his clothes. “Please, please.”
Kacchan gapes at him with wide eyes, unmoving until Izuku snarls and kicks him hard in the side. He falls to the bed with a grunt and then a gasp when Izuku pulls his shorts down over his cock.
“You move too slow,” Izuku says, climbing on top of him. Kacchan moves on instinct, hands at Izuku’s hips, his stare still shocked and off guard even as Izuku sinks down on him.
“You—” Kacchan gasps, hips shuddering. “Move too fast.”
Izuku swallows, rocking down and taking each satisfying inch as slowly as he can. “Don't want to wait,” he breathes. “Please, Kacchan, need you.”
“Fuck.” He bucks up into Izuku, seating him all the way onto his cock as he curses, Izuku’s heat surrounding and consuming. Kacchan’s hands press a bruising grip into Izuku’s thighs, and he gives, fucking up into Izuku as he begins to bounce in his lap. “Holy fuck, Deku.”
“I need you to fuck me,” Izuku begs, thighs trembling as he raises himself up and drops back down onto that delicious length. “Please, Kacchan.”
Startled by the sudden growl and heavy weight, Izuku goes easily when Kacchan flips him back onto the bed, shoving his face into the sheets, and filling him in one quick thrust. “Fine,” Kacchan snarls, bending over Izuku, and fucking into him mercilessly. “Whatever you want, Deku.”
And Izuku moans, sinks his teeth into his arm, and comes just like that.
Izuku wakes slowly to the dim darkness of his room, content where he is trapped under blankets and pillows and his mate’s heavy arm. Squirming around, he rolls over in Kacchan’s hold until he wraps his arms around Kacchan’s neck and hides his face in his hair. Kacchan grumbles, his arms tightening around Izuku’s hips and he buries his face in Izuku’s neck with a sigh.
“The fuck you awake for,” he mumbles, grunting when Izuku throws a leg over him. His hands trail down Izuku’s back, over his ass and down his thigh, hitching Izuku’s leg a little higher over his body.
“No reason,” Izuku whispers back, smiling.
The bed smells like the two of them, like warm spices and fresh rain and comfort, because Kacchan hasn’t been back to his own in nearly six months now. Every night before his shifts, he curls around Izuku, and every morning after he comes home to do the same thing over again, only rising when Izuku goes to make them breakfast.
It’s good. It’s so good, and Izuku had been so sure not even a year ago that he’d never have a fraction of this.
“Kacchan,” he says. “I love you.”
Kacchan’s hold tightens around Izuku, silent for a long moment, but Izuku knows he’s awake. He’s not waiting for an answer, content to relax in Kacchan’s arms, raking his fingers through Kacchan’s hair. He’s almost drifted back to sleep when Kacchan speaks.
“Marry me.”
Izuku stiffens. “What?”
"Marry me," Kacchan says again, sitting up and looking at Izuku with wide eyes. Izuku gapes up at him, dumbstruck, as Kacchan grips his hands. "I'll get you a ring. A dozen rings, one for each month." Kacchan’s fingers tremble between them. "Just say you'll marry me."
He can’t help the way he smiles, stretching across his face, and he laughs. “Kacchan,” he sighs, sitting up as well. “You could just say ‘I love you.’ You don’t have to marry me.”
“I want to,” Kacchan snaps, setting his jaw. “So say yes.”
Laughing helplessly, Izuku nods, pulling a hand from Kacchan’s grip to wipe at the sudden wetness of his eyes. “Yes then, I’ll marry you. Even if it’s completely unnecessary since we’re already mated.”
“It’s absolutely necessary, so shut the fuck up.”
“If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
Kacchan huffs when Izuku laughs harder, tipping forward to smother his giggling into Kacchan’s chest. “You’re such a loser,” he grumbles, even as he hugs Izuku a little closer and lays him back against the mattress.
“And you’re a brat,” Izuku says around his giggling. “I love you.”
Sighing, Kacchan presses his face against Izuku’s neck, but he can’t hide the smile on his face, pushed against Izuku’s skin as he whispers, “I love you, too.”
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arigatouiris · 5 years
being a father // bakugou katsuki
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Author’s Note: I am so excited for this one shot! It’s my first Katsuki one shot and I adore Katsuki with all my life. I hope you like this, nonn! 
Word count: 1802
Pairing: ProHero! Dad! Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: fluff, a bit of angst, domestic au
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Being a parent made several things challenging for the Pro Hero. 
These days, he barely got enough adult time with his dear wife, you; and sleep didn’t come naturally anymore. Although, Bakugou Katsuki did know that there was nothing about his lifestyle that he wanted to change. 
Through the years, after falling in love with you, he realized that things had gradually mellowed down. He didn’t hate so easily anymore and he could never admit it but he grew some patience.
However, all the credit that he wanted to give his darling wife, he knew the ultimate change came after his precious baby girl.
When his daughter came into life, Katsuki understood love in a whole other way. Everything that he had been building for his whole life made sense, his love for you grew to a thousand scales, and his anger—this was something he believed he would never lose, but his anger faced a big challenge.
Katsuki, as a parent, what most would not have thought of about him or expected of him, adored his baby girl with all his heart and would not think twice to kill a room full of people if that meant she would be safe.
He enjoyed waking up at night when she cried; he enjoyed letting you catch up on sleep (because he knew you needed it considering you were a bigger pro when it came to balancing your career and family); he enjoyed taking care of his precious baby girl, until he realized that she was exactly like him.
Perhaps, it was the universe laughing at him. It was pointing a finger at him and laughing for the brat that he was when he was much younger, and since he was now seeing himself in his daughter, Bakugou understood through various levels that he deserved a smack on the head when he was younger.
You’d always mock at him and tell him he deserved it, especially when the calls started coming in from the playschool that his precious little firefly was beating up someone who had accidentally called her ‘puny’.
But, the real challenge was yet to come.
Collapsing on the bed after a late night of work, he found you there, ready to cradle him and hold him till he fell asleep. There was a fear gnawing at the back of his mind, a fear he wasn’t too ready to talk about; however, you were better than that. You knew him like the back of your hand, and you knew there was something bothering your husband.
    “What is it?” You asked, chuckling, and wrapping your arms around him.
He was now nestled on to you, his head on your chest and his arms around you. He could only show this level of softness with his family; and on rare occasions too, considering it took him years to open up to you, even after marriage, some things were simply newer than others.
He sighed before letting out an inaudible groan. You laughed some more before kissing his head, encouraging him to talk.
    “What happens when she gets a quirk?”
You had given it some thought before, but you were surprised to find Bakugou worrying about the same thing. Your quirk was powerful as well, but it wasn’t destructive like Katsuki’s. Your hotheaded husband took years trying to master his quirk, to not let it activate when moments were not called for. Sometimes, you wondered if it was the quirk that made Katsuki the way he was.
    “Then she gets a quirk, Katsuki. What are you really worried about?”
Perhaps, he hated this about you. He hated how well you knew him, and he hated how he couldn’t ever hide anything from you. But, maybe, this hate was only masking the immense love he had for how he needn’t pretend in front of you.
    “What if it’s mine?”
Your eyes widened and you pulled away a bit before facing your husband. His fear wasn’t legitimate, but you understood why he was weary about it. Your heart went out to Katsuki, considering how hard it was for him to reach a point in his life where he finally accepted his quirk as himself. He might not have showed it as a child, but Katsuki’s fear of becoming weak was fuelled from the lack of control he had over his quirk, sometimes.
He didn’t want that for his daughter.
    “Kacchan…” You used the nickname Midoriya had given him as a child, and you nuzzled your head in his neck.
Katsuki’s grip around you tightened, and he held you, waiting for you to calm his nerves. He knew you always had the best words, the best things to say, the only things that he wanted to hear when he was even a tad bit stressed. You were his wonderwall.
    “Then you’ll teach her all that you didn’t already know. You didn’t have a Kacchan growing up. You had to be your own. But our baby has you.”
Katsuki’s eyes widened. A second later, he shut his eyes, feeling a bit better. He knew it; he knew he had made the right decision marrying you.
It was only three days after that did his daughter display signs of a quirk. It was during dinner, and his little firefly was eating quietly, he believed she was just hungry. You didn’t say anything either, you let her be, thinking she needed her space. However, both of you knew something was up.
    “Sweetie, is there something wrong?” You asked, kindly, wanting to hear your daughter say something.
She was quiet and continued eating. She frowned after hearing your question, and glared at the plate in front of her. Katsuki gave you a look before turning to her, his heart beating rapidly over something that might be bothering his daughter.
    “Don’t like your food or something?” He asked, cocking his eyebrow.
The child flinched at the sound of her father’s voice and it alerted Bakugou. You turned to your husband with wide eyes and shrugged, unaware of the sudden change in the four-year old’s mood. Turning to her once more, you tried to reason with her.
    “Sweetie, you have to tell us—”
    “I don’t want to!”
A spark appeared first, which gradually grew like a little ball of vacuum. It then exploded, sending everything on the dining table, flying across the room. Katsuki’s eyes were wide and you let out a gasp, knowing what this was. You turned to your husband before noticing him freeze up, unaware of how to react or respond, and stuck to the ground. You turned to your daughter and saw that she had angry tears in her eyes, as she ran off upstairs.
It was different. It was much slower than Katsuki’s quirk, but it was much more concentrated. It wasn’t exactly his quirk, but it was as if she had inherited over 80% of it.
    “Katsuki…” You let out, wide-eyed.
    “She has my quirk…” He said, rubbing a hand over his mouth in shock.
You nodded, tears filling your eyes. You were beyond happy, but the circumstance was confusing. Your daughter didn’t seem happy about getting a quirk, and neither was Katsuki. However, you knew his fear; you knew he was only afraid of what could happen to her because of her quirk.
    “She needs you, Kacchan.” You said, assertively.
He shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath. This was new territory for him. He had no idea what to do.
    “Go talk to her. Only you can understand what she’s going through. Go.” You said, rubbing his arm.
Without wasting another second, Katsuki rushed after his daughter upstairs. She was in her room, the door unlocked, sitting on her bed, scribbling the life out of a book with an orange crayon. Katsuki stood by the door and waited, not wanting to interrupt her if she didn’t want him there. This was something about himself that he hadn’t ever revealed to anyone; that he sometimes didn’t want people around him, and wanted to heal on his own.
    “Hey,” He let out carefully, “Can I come in?”
There was no response from the little Bakugou yet. Katsuki waited, watching her with careful eyes, feeling nothing but apprehension and nervousness. He was swelling with pride that she had a similar version of his quirk, but he was afraid as to why she wasn’t happy.
A few minutes later, she nodded. Katsuki walked in and crouched in front of her, looking at her with a soft expression. His family never made him feel like himself, but whatever he was feeling, he loved.
    “Do you hate your quirk?” Katsuki asked, jumping to the point. This was another thing about him that he had noticed in his daughter.
They both hated beating around the bush.
    “Why don’t I have mom’s quirk?” She asked, her voice breaking; invariably, breaking Katsuki’s heart. “I’m…”
Katsuki waited. It wasn’t easy for the Bakugou’s to reveal their weakness or what they’re thinking. Waiting helped.
    “What if I’m not good?” Tears fell down her eyes and she broke out into tears, crying in front of her father.
Katsuki’s heart melted at the sight. A soft smile appeared on his lips, something the little one noticed but hated.
    “Don’t smile! I’ll blow that smile off your face—”
He laughed at her choice of words. She was so much like him. Katsuki then looked at her tiny hands and held them in his palm. Little Bakugou sniffed before letting her father display this weird affection, a bit curious and feeling a bit warm. He held her little hands in his and kissed her knuckles, earning a soft chuckle from her.
    “What if you’re not good?” Katsuki repeated, now looking at her with a smile. “We’re Bakugou’s. We’re the best.”
His daughter sniffed before blinking away her tears.
    “Are you ashamed of me?” She asked him, again, not beating around the bush.
    “I could never be ashamed of you, you little runt. You’ve got my quirk. Do you know how badass that is?”
    “If mom finds out you said badass then she’ll be mad.”
Katsuki frowned before snapping, “What she won’t know won’t hurt her.”
His daughter grinned evilly before saying, “I have a badass quirk.”
Katsuki sighed, “You shouldn’t say that word. Not until you’re 30.”
Little Bakugou giggled before hugging her father, while Katsuki raised her in the air and held her. A second later, she made little sparks in her hands that he watched her do, his heart swelling with pride. There was nothing out there that could ever make him believe he could love more than his little firefly. And with her having his quirk, Bakugou was sure of one thing.
If there was anyone he could allow being better than him, it was her.
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kewltie · 5 years
His office door slams open and a familiar voice comes through the doorway. "Boss! There is a horde of children, a horde of them," Nagai gasps, "outside looking for you. What did you do?!"
Katsuki doesn't even look up from his paperworks. "Do half of them look like they will eviscerate you if you get within ten feet of the group?"
A beat, and then, "Well, yes," Nagai admits sheepishly. "The oldest girl had stared me down like I'm the scum of the earth and I'd never felt so emasculated by a child before."
Katsuki slides out of his seat and stands up. "Yea, those are my brats alright."
"W-wait, what?" Nagai squeaks, face running through a gauntlet of horror. "Yours? You mean as in yours-yours like they're your kids? You reproduce? How does that even work—?"
When Katsuki gives him a searing glare, Nagai has the grace to look apologetic even as he doesn't retract his words. "Do I have to go over basic sex education with you?" he seethes as he walks up to Nagai.
"Uh, no, sir," Nagai says, shaking his head rapidly like a wet dog. "It's just, well," he scratches his cheek, "we never saw you with anyone before. Half of us either thought you were celibate and just obsessed with your work, while the rest thought you were, um," Nagai looks like a deer in headlights, "impotent," he finishes in a rush.
Katsuki swats him in the back of his head. "Stop fucking gossiping with the interns."
"Sorry, boss," Nagai says with a grimace. "We're just surprise that you didn’t just have one but several secret children running around and nobody even had a clue."
"I didn't contribute to their genetics," Katsuki grinds out, because he’s tired of going over this, "but those brats are mine in every sense of the word."
"Oh," Nagai says, brows furrowing. He opens his mouth as thought to say more but quickly closes it when Katsuki shoves pass him and heads out of the door. But it's not long before he starts it up again. "I guess that would explain why they don't look like you at all."
"What clued you in, genius?" Katsuki says dryly. "Is it their white hair or grey eyes?"
"Well, one of them, actually have green hair and eyes instead," Nagai points out, which earns him another swat. "Ouch."
Katsuki roll his eyes. "Shut up, you fucking baby. You're made of steel."
"Boss, your fist of fury can blow a hole through steel, so yea, I'm concern," Nagai defends as they make their way from the back of the agency to the more communal area because Katsuki prefer to keep them far apart as possible. Privacy is valuable commodity that he wouldn’t spare for anything less than absolutely. “I’m actually extremely concern when your hand land on any part of my body."
Katsuki snorts. Fuck HR and everyone who thinks fear can't be a good foundation to a build a work relationship on. His subordinates need a healthy dose of fear to get motivated to do their fucking jobs.
Or else they become useless like this—he curses inwardly.
As soon as they step into the main open area of the agency, there's a cluster of front office personals, interns, and off-duty heroes crowding over several small figures.
Their voice drown out all other noises in the area.
"Are you the Boss' children?" someone asks.
"Where did you come from?" another presses.
"Who is your dam?" A curious excited tilt to their voice.
"Awe, you're so cute!" A coo.
"This isn't a daycare," Katsuki snaps, raising his voice above the crowd. "Get the fuck back to work. I don't pay you all to stand around and do nothing." A series of whine escape but they quickly disperse back to their corner, but he can still their heavy gazes on him. Noisy fuckers.
"Um, I'll just go do something over there then," Nagai says, making a run for it before Katsuki can bite his head off also. Katsuki sighs, feeling a throb stirring in the back of his head. He turns his attention the real source of his headache—three menacing little shits.
They make quite a scene. Like pretty dressed up dolls, standing closely together with held hands as they present a united front against the world. Hikaru, protectively bookend by his older sisters, is wearing a baby blue hoodie with rabbit ears and white pants. It's fucking precious. If Hikaru is supposed to soften the world up for the slaughter then his sisters go right in for the kill. Yuko carries herself like a queen in her red laced dress, mary jane shoes, and a black beret on top of her head. Close by Akira doesn't settle for second best either. She has on a Ground Zero team jacket on with a GZ baseball cap on her head, a another GZ piece of merch on her feet adorned in his signature colors, and a plaid skirt around her hips. The brats are out in style.
It's an overkill, but fuck do they look good doing it.
Ironic, though, that Izuku can barely dress himself, but he always makes sure the brats look good enough to kill when they go out. No wonder they always catch attention no matter where and what they do. A sense of pride sweeps over him, because, yea, they're his brats too.
"Numbers," Katsuki greets them with a short wave.
"Kacchan," they say in unison. Yuko in her cold, detached tone. Akira chirps it excitedly. And Hikaru's voice is soft and sweet. They drop hand so Hikaru can wave shyly at him, because his sisters are too cool for that shit.
Hikaru quickly breaks rank and slams right into Katsuki's leg. "Hi," he murmurs, looking up at Katsuki with warmth eyes.
"Yo," he says back, bending down to lift Hikaru up and holds him over his hip. "What you monsters doing here?"
"Delivering Papa's bento to you!" Akira informs him.
A chorus of oohs and aahs echoes throughout the space. Katsuki snaps his neck toward the noise and glares at them to quite frankly shut the fuck up as Hikaru tucks his head against Katsuki's chest. Unlike his older siblings, Hikaru doesn't fair well under the spotlight.
"Papa requested that we bring your lunch to you," Yuko explains, words carefully enunciated and poised as though they can be pluck off of her tongue. Yuko always come off much older than she really is and maybe that's the burden of being the first born. All the responsibility and pressure, but none of the advantage. She got three younger siblings behind her and another on the way; she can't relax at all. There's an air of unapproachability around her that is indifference to the world but doting to her younger siblings and dam.
Katsuki and Yuko aren't close compare to the rest of the numbers, but a mutual respect is share between them. He's the one providing her family with a roof over their head and food on the table, and she holds her tattered family together with nothing but sheer determination.
She's good girl; Izuku had raised her right.
Yuko looks pointedly at a wrapped bento box that had been tucked to her side the whole time. "He made mentaiko for you since he’d said you like it."
"His first time too!" Akira adds with a grin.
Yuko scowls, bumping her sister shoulder. "Don't tell him that!"
Hikaru lifts his head up and leans closely to Katsuki's ear. "I’d tasted it earlier," he makes a face, "and it's not very good," he confesses, hush and guiltily like a prisoner on deathrow. “I didn’t like it at all.”
"Hikaru, you traitor!" Akira snaps as Yuko drops her face into her hand in exasperation. “Don’t go exposing Papa’s secret!”
"You shouldn't be yelling at him when you're just as bad," Yuko accuses.
Akira huffs. "I would never say anything mean about Papa!"
"It’s always you and your big mouth," Yuko seethes as thick black tendrils crawl to the surface of her skin like living tattoos. "This is where Hikaru had picked his bad habits from. "Inky shadows seeps from her feet and spread across the floor, pooling beneath her as several pointed pillars rise from it.
"You're so bossy, nee-chan!" Akira narrow her eyes, spread her stance, and raises her fists, lips curling in a sneer. "Maybe someone should teach you a lesson instead."
"Fucking hell," Katsuki grumbles, stepping forward to get between them. "Hey, hey, cut that shit out, you brats."
He slightly nudges Hikaru in the back to help him out and Hikaru, who is clearly the best child ever, begs urgently, "Yuko-neechan, Akira-neechan, please don't fight."
Yuko draws in a long breath before closing her eyes, finding that zen within her as the inky black tendril recedes back into her body. "I apologize for such an uncouth display," she says coolly, opening her eyes. It's a calm pool of grey once more. "That was rude of us."
Akira relaxes her tense muscle and drops her fighting stance. "Sorry," she says chagrin, but not completely appeased because despite being the only quirkless individual among her overpower siblings, Akira has enough gutso and blind bravery to fight anyone and everything. Sometimes even her own siblings. It's one of her worst and best qualities; she just doesn't know her own limit. "We'll be good now."
"Don't bullshit me, no. 3," Katsuki scolds. "You four exist just to drive me to an early grave."
Akira grins, rocking back on her heels. "But you loooooove us anyway."
"God, knows why," he says, pulling a disgust face at himself because fuck him does he love these little shits and all their complicated neurosis and hang-ups.
"And we all love you too," Hikaru adds, because he’s the best kid .
"Some of us do," Yuko corrects with an up turned nose, because praise from drawing blood from stone. “I may have accepted him, but doesn’t mean he is our father yet.”
Akira's head snaps to her sister as she opens her mouth to give another vicious barb, but just before that Katsuki quickly cuts in: "Okay, just tell me where are Deku and no. 2 first. I'm sure he didn't come alone and I already miss no. 2's death glare drilling a hole in my head."
Kouki’s zero tolerance for anyone’s bullshit, even his siblings, would be fucking awesome right now.
"Oh, Papa is outside waiting for us," Akira says as Yuko frowns beside her. "And Kouki-niichan is with him to make sure no alpha harassed him."
"What the fuck," Katsuki says, annoyed and beyond confused. "Why don't they just come in with you instead of sending just you brats?”
"Papa's shy," Hikaru whispers in his ears. "He doesn't want to bother you or cause you problem at your work place if he were here."
"You guys aren't mate or married so it would improper for him to visit you without causing sordid rumors," Yuko argues.
"And the fact that you three are here, isn’t either?" Katsuki demands dryly, gesturing to the three menace wrecking a havoc in his agency and the ears and eyes that had been training on them since their appearance here.
Yuko grimaces as Akira gives a sheepish smile.
"Mad, Kacchan?" Hikaru asks, mouth drawn tight as his voice quiets out.
"No," Katsuki answers, pinching Hikaru's cheek. "I'm actually fucking stoke." He turns to the other two and orders, "No. 3, go get Deku and no. 2 and tell them to get their ass in here."
Akira’s eyes light up and she grins. "Yes, sir." She salutes him and runs off.
"Here is what’s going to happen when Deku and no. 2 get here: we'll go to the lounge, grab a table, and you're all going to watch me eat your Papa's shitty food and hope I don't fucking get food poison, alright?" Katsuki tells the remaining two as Yuko makes a face and Hikaru giggles in his ear.
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