#Even though they're more lizard-centipede
softcryz · 8 months
oh who dropped this thang here
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bogleech · 1 year
If you’re in the mood to drop bug knowledge, I’m sure Tumblr would enjoy an explanation for the jumping venomous “camelback spiders” that conservative social media is convinced have been attacking our brave soldiers
lol, again?! I remember this also happening when America invaded iraq back in like 2003. I think the name "camel spider" was even first coined then; in books the only common names I knew them under before then was "sun spider" and "wind scorpion," both of which are much cooler as well as more appropriate for something that runs as fast as the wind in bright, sunny places. But they do "chase" people in order to try and cool off in our shadows, leading to the belief that they're aggressive, and basically all the terror of them started because soldiers made up stories about them just to scare younger newer recruits as a prank, insisting that they're venomous or parasitic or that they'll chew your nose off while you sleep.
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I think their tiny close-set black eyes and giant fat mouthparts give them an adorable sweet dopey face, though from the side it becomes sick and rad:
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They can bite very hard and easily draw blood if you upset them, but they want to be left alone. Their jaws are only so big and strong because they're the arachnid version of a shrew: a fast-moving high energy predator adapted to quickly take down and devour everything else it comes across up to a couple times larger than itself, like lizards and centipedes!
They call this kind a teddy bear solifugid:
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May I ask for a crumb of information on the wayfarer I love the design :0
Thank you! Unfortunately the Wayfarer is kind of like Flicker-the-character, in that they're more of a design that turned into a sort of mascot/sona-thing. So they don't have much in the way of lore.
I swear I'll post about my actual RW OCs one day soon maybe >>;
Here's a fun fact though: Originally I was going to give them raptor-esque wing-arms. I like the current arms too, but sometimes I'm tempted to make it an alt look:
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I decided against it initially because one, I didn't want to stray too far from the look of a slugcat at the time. And two, because RW's planet, or what we see of it, doesn't seem to have any feathered animals. The closest we get is the tufts on lizard heads. There's at least no bird-like feathered wings. I mean, you can even argue that fluffy creatures like Saint might not even have true "fur" compared to what's on our planet. Something something analogous structures? If I'm using the right term there?
But also I love wings I love feathers and I love having fun so. 🤷 If RW can have Straight Up Just Centipedes But Electric, maybe something similar to bird wings could evolve too.
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i3utterflyeffect · 6 months
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the slugs are done cooking!
anyway here's yellow, blue, and red!
Blue has the ability to store more than one thing, including extra food, in cheek pouches!
They also can make baits for other creatures if given the correct resources. This can be great for them to lay out to attract an eggbug or something, but isn't a sure-fire way of getting food before the cycle ends. Admittedly, Beckon's cycles are much longer than Pebbles', so they get a solid amount of time outside before the rain.
Can and will eat anything! This includes things that are not digestible by slugcats. Probably has eaten a spore puff and immediately thrown up. Also sometimes will die spontaneously and be the one to discover that something is poisonous. If they were playable you could probably eat certain things that'd take your pips instead lol
instead of netherwart, they eat bubbleweed! similarly exotic and not found in Beckon's surroundings, and probably grows more around Abberant Creation/Crafter of Connection. actually did i mention that alexcrafter/CoC and AC are the same person. i don't think i did. that's unrelated tho
instead of getting scars from lava, it's instead from toxic waste like you might find in the Garbage Wastes. They can walk okay still, miraculously, but the skin has become extremely sensitive and any injuries in that area would hurt a LOTTTTT. They learn this after trying to pluck a paincone and getting swarmed.
Also related to the scarring, has a very high scav reputation due to saving a baby scav.
Yellow (there's no yellow text so it's orange. oops)
Expert with explosives and can craft grenades on the go. Grenades are made with a cherry bomb and a rock. They can also make a spear explode on impact-- different from an explosive spear since it's made with a grenade rather than the red cloth(?)
VERY VERY bright. had a habit of eating beckon's neurons when he wasn't looking and by the time they learned not to they were already glowing like a flashlight
probably started wailing upon learning they were eating beckon's brain on accident also
can basically craft anything like gourmand. has made VERY dangerous things before by complete accident. such as previously mentioned nuke.
Has probably broken a karma gate by trying to figure out how it works. probably the karma gate to the void if beckons even has one. no ascension for the kids. not that i think they'd ever WANT to
Has some degree of electric resistance. you'd be surprised at the centipedes they can survive
can and will fix things for beckons with only the motivator of love and sheer willpower
Red (imo the most interesting)
can and will befriend anything.
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for comedic value these creatures are included in the pool of things red can and will befriend. i mean maybe not the centipede but also it'd be very very funny
is differently colored because their niche is in mimicry! their tail has eye spots to scare off vultures and if they slap their tail it may look like it's about to bite! it's used to scare off predators, which red deals with more often than you'd probably guess.
looks like something else on first glance but don't worry about that
high lizard reputation! just more likely to survive beasts in general actually
i was initially going to say the monster school is an interspecies lizard pack but then i thought of what monster school would be like in rain world and that's the funniest fucking thing ever so i'll leave it up to y'all. dropwigs learning how to dropwig from a giant fucking miros? maybe a guardian if you're feeling extra silly? or train lizard who has taken in a ton of stray lizards. who knows...
gets gifted a yellow bandana by Abberant Creation or scavs maybe
surprisingly low scavenger reputation. they're not kill-on-sight but definitely 'oh shit troublemaker incoming. watch out' (they get better reputation after blue helped the scavs out tho)
their pig friend (reuben) is a yeek btw. if you don't know what a yeek they're the best critters in rain world
anyway i thought of some interesting things that might be able to happen but i want them to be surprises in case i end up writing slugpup shenanigans :3 if you want to write a fic you can ask me though
i'm working on green but they suffer a chronic lack of significant abilities i can work off of :pensive:
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What are some cool snakes from Arizona? I live in the city so I don’t really get to see them, but I’d love to know :)
Oooh, I went to grad school in Arizona! Lots of super cool snakes. Might go a bit overboard with this one - I spent a lot of time out in the desert looking for these guys. :)
Arizona mountain kingsnakes (Lampropeltis pyromelana) are beautiful little guys! These guys are small, as far as kingsnakes go, usually well under 3 feet long. They mostly eat lizards, but like other kingsnakes, they're resistant to the venom of the pit vipers in their range.
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Coachwhips (Masticophis flagellum cingulum) in Arizona are often a beautiful pink-ish color to blend in with the rocks and sediment near the Grand Canyon region. They're named for looking like, unsurprisingly, coachwhips, with their long slender bodies and braid-like scale pattern.
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Rosy boas (Lichanura trivirgata) are Arizona's only boa species. They're very small as far as boas go, usually under 4 feet long. Like ball pythons, rosy boas will actually roll up into a ball when they feel scared! Pet rosies will like never do it - they're super easy-going and I've never seen a captive-bred rosy even try - but the wild ones will.
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The Arizona coral snake (Micruroides euryxanthus) is Arizona's only elapid! Unusually for coral snakes, they don't mind arid environments much, but you'll still really only see them out and about after it rains. They're extremely reluctant to bite, and even though their venom's definitely got a kick to it, there have never been any reported fatalities.
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Sonoran lyre snakes (Trimorphodon lambda) are rare and reclusive, but so cool! They have huge rear fangs, and their venom probably isn't medically significant to humans, but they tend to live in canyons and caves where it's super hard to find and research them.
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Now...I think it's rattlesnake time! Arizona has so many awesome rattlesnakes! I adore rattlesnakes, and if you love rattlers, there's no better place to be.
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Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnakes (Crotalus willardi) are adorable, and also the official state reptile of Arizona! They're small, usually under two feet long, and centipedes actually make up a large portion of their diet!
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Sidewinders (Crotalus cerastes) are some of my favorite rattlesnakes! These cute little rattlers are known for their sidewinding locomotion, which also makes them the fastest snakes in the world! They sidewind to travel more efficiently over sand, and while most snakes are capable of sidewinding, they're some of the few that choose to sidewind almost all the time.
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Blacktail rattlesnakes (Crotalus molossus) are some of the most beautiful rattlesnakes on the planet! Their color can vary, but they always have a striking black tail. They're some of the most chill rattlesnakes on the planet - blacktails are so calm and curious, I've worked with them at labs and they're some of the best snakes out there (don't pick them up, obviously!).
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Speckled rattlesnakes (Crotalus mitchellii) in Arizona are strikingly beautiful, often this wonderful white speckled color to blend in with rock walls. I just adore these guys - they remind me of cookie dough ice cream!
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Finally, one of the most objectively awesome rattlesnakes out there - the Arizona black rattlesnake (Crotalus cerberus)! These guys tend to be pretty high-strung (by rattlesnake standards, though, they're usually an easy-going bunch). They're born looking like your more standard brown rattler, and could easily be mistaken for a Great Basin rattler when they're young, but as they grow their color gets darker until you wind up with your average adult, who will often be nearly all black!
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hrokkall · 1 year
I was more meaning the regions outside them but within their walls, so gluttony and greed's placement work, gluttony could be a very weird form of the rot, a sort of turbo cancer. Would gabriel be an iterator here?
Got it! In that case, I'd imagine the layers/regions would be as follows:
PRELUDE/THE MOUTH OF HELL: Inside the iterators themselves. VI's inside is most reminiscent of the Prelude (with a LOT of environmental hazards with comparatively few enemies… not a lot of creatures WANT to venture through VI even if it's the shortest path forward). Late-game area, unlike Ultrakill’s prelude
LIMBO: A "safe zone" similar to the Outskirts. Has a few paintings related to the Ancients, though only Minos can sort of read them. Most common creatures are snails, noodleflies, and lanternflies, though there’s also a small pack of scavengers who wield explosive spears (they're not outwardly hostile though… they just set shit on fire). The most dangerous creature there is a large black lizard, though it stays underground most of the time.
LUST: A moderately dangerous region where nearly every creature within exhibits some form of bioluminescence. Some of the terrain is made up of fully-intact buildings, presumably the city that used to rest atop VI (prior to the ancients' evacuation). Requires a lot of climbing to get through; certain areas are high enough to see over the wall. Formerly much safer, but has since been overrun by centipedes (similar to the canon parasites + they have the electricity present in Lust). Home of Minos.
GLUTTONY: Large swaths of worm grass that consume near-anything they touch, with the only escape being clambering over the large skeletons they leave behind. Rotten and festering, certainly but not the Rot as neither VI nor VII have experimented with it. Rain Deer used to roam here, but they’ve all seemingly disappeared, leaving only bridges of their antlers behind. Coincidentally also contains a lot of fruit if you can platform over to it properly.
GREED: A barren wasteland left untouched by the harsh storms of Rain World, though equally dangerous electrical storms are hot enough to turn the sands to glass. The only solace against the blazing sun is in the caverns below, where treasures and hordes of yellow lizards alike can be found. Venturing above ground is an option, though—if not properly camouflaged—swooping vultures will find slugcats to be an easy target. Though not particularly useful in their home region, many grappling worms can be found and brought to other regions for easy traversal around their terrain. Home of Sisyphus.
WRATH: The most similar region to its canon counterpart, a watery expanse that can either be tediously platformed over or swam through (provided the slugcat is either amphibious or has enough bubble weed). Swimming presents plenty of hazards: leeches, salamanders, and a particularly fearsome albino leviathan. Climbing over is equally harrowing, as plenty of the platforms have become overrun with blue worm grass and bits of monster kelp looking for an easy meal. There is, however, one more option of traversal: if the slugcat’s reputation with scavengers is positive enough, the Ferryman will bring them across the region for only a small fee (or for free at a large reputation cost), effectively making Wrath skippable.
HERESY: Just put everything in here. You've got miros birds. You've got red lizards. You've got equal parts poles and pole plants. Just a goddamn nightmare to traverse through. If it's red and it's menacing, it's here. Located fairly close to VI, though taking shelter within its can is ill-advised.
VIOLENCE: This layer has barely been teased so I can't say a whole ton about it, but based on the mannequins alone I'd assume it would be majority ambush-hazards. White lizards, dropwigs, the likes. Probably littered with weapons but it's clear their wielders haven't passed through in a long time.
FRAUD and TREACHERY are in the same boat. We have no information on them and I'm not about to make something up. Use your imagination :]
As for Gabriel… that's a whole other post.
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oceanremnants · 1 year
black pearl, written by a traveling administrator. the newest data on it is the temperatures of each place described, which were hastily added on near the end of the pearl's creation.
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topography report
first cycle r.1 - generic jungle area, nothing out of the ordinary. i saw exactly one legless lizard - blueberry, i think. makes sense even they'd escape. its 23c r.2 - lot of lizards i've just been calling "vanilla" for now. some weird jumpy blue ones, too.. must be the cyan lizards ea mentioned? the cyan lizards are sticking pretty close to our regions... must like the cold. r.3 - these regions have a lot of creatures in them. also a lot of predators. saw some big noodly things which were fighting with a flying centipede, probably over territory? there's also a few fire-flingers or whatever theyre called, which is interesting considering the fact that they only live at the tops of trees in our regions. r.4 - there are also a lot of lizards here.
second cycle r.1 - have to move inland for the quickest actually walkable route and it's even warmer here... yuck. around 25-28c. r.2 - actually nevermind. it suddenly got a lot colder. looks like the trees that keep all the heat in are a lot thinner here... around 20c again. r.3 - there's more lizards. honestly considering how many lizards there are and the state of our retaining wall i can only assume they're actively avoiding our regions. wonder why. r.3.5 - that was a joke. r.4 - i should make a list of lizard tastes.... they all taste pretty different, especially for something that looks so similar. or maybe the stuff in our regions is just sorta plain.
third cycle r.1 - turns out some unknown cousin is in my way, which is why there are basically no trees here. their retaining wall's open for business, so i'm going through instead of around. r.2 - there's this weird cold white substance all around the area. it melts when i put my hand in it... i wonder where it came from r.3 - okay i absolutely know where the substance came from. cold. -32c
fourth cycle r.1 - gonna try to be a bit quicker with advancing this time. i don't want to get stuck in whatever that was again. really really sucked. also, there are a lot of torches around here, sort of like the ones some ancients used to put all around the place - especially those that lead to the void sea... r.2 - i gotta wonder if the cousin who lives here knows about this white cold stuff? it's probably pretty annoying to them. unless this is how they output rain... some sort of double coolant system, maybe. r.2.5 - actually i could see that working pretty well. it'd be devastating for most iterators now obviously, but if you could find a way to ensure the water vapor entered the upper atmosphere and cooled down enough it could theoretically doubly cool someone down. would be good for anyone who really wants to avpid overheating i guess.. r.3 - i've seen a few weird frilly pink lizards around, but only like.. three. they're probably the smallest legged lizard i've ever seen r.4 - turns out these pink lizards mainly eat batflies, so after my first scuffle with one i've managed to get the rest to leave me alone.. nice r.5 - this sort of reminds me, actually, of the pearls winter read to the group about his namesake. then that'd make all this white stuff the "snow" he mentioned i guess? it sounded a lot nicer in those pearls... r.6 - my fur isn't cutting it as much anymore. i should be around the other side of the retaining wall about now, at least... still no sign of any superstructure, though, which is pretty concerning. lots of buildings, bone ash factories and etc. but no iterators.
fifth cycle r.1 - managed to get out, although it took a bit of a climb which is pretty interesting. surrounding area's about as cold as inside, almost no trees here. i still don't miss how hot inland was, but i can sure pretend i did. not sure why i didn't see the cousin this place was presumably built for... maybe i'll ask around later. r.2 - this place has a ridiculous amount of weird blue yeeks. the food they like doesn't even grow here... they're cute though. r.3 - nevermind, found about ten billion throweends, which is where most of them ended up being... nature sure is beautiful. r.4 - decided to use my current elevation to get a better look around and aside from already being able to see ea from here i can also see what looks like a massive deadzone. i guess that must be glories? even that cold iterator's place was less barren than that. what a loser. r.5 - looks sort of foggy and gross. like everything in it's rotting...
sixth cycle r.1 - found some sort of relatively intact - if a bit hard to navigate - railway. anything of interest inside the cars is long since rotten but it's still pretty cool. r.2 - further i go on it the more it's messed up. seems like the roots of the trees around here are helping some of it stay intact, like the ones on winter's can. but thanks to the deadzone's influence i guess they're a bit thinner here. yeesh. r.3 - staying as far away from that deadzone as i can, managed to jump onto another track which'll make it take a bit longer to get to ea but is probably a bit safer. harder to see below on this one, but i don't really need to. maybe not the coolest thing to say in a topography report though. r.4 - went into one of the cars for shelter and it is so fucking pretty here... looks like it must've been used to transport decorative flowers and they just.. kept growing. there's a window specifically so that they wouldn't die or anything, which thankfully isn't broken enough to let the rain in. really nice. not sure why i've described this more in detail than anything else in this report.
seventh cycle r.1 - getting a lot warmer again, which makes sense since i'm practically at ea's already. not too warm though which is nice and probably means something about their regions... i'd say it's gotten to 20c at most. r.2 - following the railway lead me to a pretty big farm array. didn't realize that any of those could even survive outside of a retaining wall for that long but this one isn't in such bad shape. fruipt. r.3 - fruit hasn't killed me yet and didn't have anything poisonous in it either way. i should probably mention it in the plant report for quiet but i'm too lazy r.4 - surveying the area a bit, seems like several of the shelters closer to ea are locked. guess i'll have to find the closest one and force myself out during precycle. still got a ways to go... r.5 - think i'm at the closest shelter. it's a pretty big one, although not as pretty as the plant one i found earlier. gonna look around a bit more... r.6 - more vanilla lizards, which is cool. they don't seem super bothered by wormgrass... and they have this sticky glob attack i didn't see earlier cause i managed to catch most of them by surprise. saw them take down one of the big noodle things to eat. pretyy cool r.6.5 - turns out lizards are really good at communicating how much they hate people. Ow.
eighth cycle r.1 iim gonna sleep for 2billion sun cycles ok? okay. r.2 final report ea looks pretty. okay done.
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chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years
💓,🧑‍🦰,🍪 and 🐒 for everyone
all is under the cut because it's so long
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
It is really hard to tell if Azrael's fallen for someone. His behaviour doesn't change, he is just moving, speaking and generally behaving like he doesn't have a crush on someone. Even if he's right next to said person.
His thoughts though, holy fucking shit. If thought crimes existed he'd be in prison for life for all the stuff he thought about. In one day.
Also, he'll subtly stalk follow his crush. To make sure his love is safe and doesn't find someone else. If they do though......then it's not only thought crimes he'll go to jail for.
He shows his affection by being very fucking jealous.
Dani will get very nervous and stutter more around their crush. Otherwise they're pretty chill. Literally. They froze their own hands too many times by accident.
They also get super anxious and scared of making mistakes in front of their crush.
Dani shows their affection with small gifts and soft hugs and kisses.
Gloria acts pretty chill around her crush. You can notice a slight red hue on her cheeks though. She'll definetly bring her crush self made food to impress them.
If she sees someone who could be a potential threat talk to her crush, Gloria will kindly ask Azrael to dispose of them. Her love will get a wonderful meat pie the next day<3
She shows her affection by bringing little treats and giving long and warm hugs.
Ellie talks super fast around his crush and does stupid things to impress them.
She shows affection by infodumping and letting the other do so too. Also he's very clingy.
Sally and Lou don't get crushes. They're too cool for that stuff.
Both show their affection by sharing memes and talking about videogames, music etc.
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
"Yes to both of these..."
"I helped them dye their hair! And then they dyed my hair! I got some rainbow streaks!"
"I never dyed my hair. I cut it though."
"My hair doesn't grow. It's like plastic."
"I dye and cut my hair regularly."
"Barely cut it. Never dyed it."
🍪 - How well can they bake?
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
"Very well :D"
"Same here!"
"Yup, meh..."
"I can bake some cookies."
"I can't bake for my life."
"Bees and other insects."
"Deep sea fish. Especially the ugly ones."
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chuluoyi · 8 months
How's ur day?
Ur so right about LYK..the cheater role isn't for him. And that actress doing soomin also not it😭😷 please save me from this drama so disappointing BYE I wish there was someone else for soomin role 😭
I don't have any pets. I wish I had, though. I did have a dog around 8 -9 years ago, but we gave it away. It takes effort to take care of them. im still a student, so I don't have one. Besides, I'm living with my parents. I'll get a retriever and an orange cat🥹 when I start living on my own. Actually, I am scared of dogs.
Flashback to 5 years ago, I went out to get something from a local store, this dog they had was out. The dog kept barking at me (maybe because of my mask), and then it almost bite me. I was crying for my life. That shop owner just kept saying "shh shh." I was so pissed at him lol, but I just came home. I actually think animals hate me or something. There's some cows/ox on my way to college. I have to hold onto my dear life every time I pass them. One time, I got hit by one of those (thanks to my neighbor guy who saved me. It was embarrassing for me. The save was heroic, and I fell in love with him, my savior 😩jk) I took a different path one time when I saw a group of them standing, it felt like those bastards were waiting for me. I took like extra 5 kms to walk and to make the day worse, some guys(I hate) in my class made fun of me. The day is printed on my head!
I do keep attracting reptiles(hate em) and insects. Like snakes, all kinda lizards (they are ewww), skinks!
Story time 2:
2016/7, we used to live in a very foresty(I forgot the word) kind of area, the grass was tall as my dad (6 ft). Basically everything lived there. It's a place straight out of horror movies. Had to live there because of my parent's job there. One day, I was going to take my books from the shelf to study. This shitty huge ass skink jumped onto my lap. I didn't know it got there. IT WAS SO HUGE I didn't know they can get that big. Still gives me goosebumps and nausea. I seen too many snakes,centipedes and I'm not bothered by them atp. Oh and ants and other insects love me, they always kiss me on the lips[sarcasm] (istg they always bite my lips😭😭 I don't even know how they get there)
I had a spider as a pet. I loved it but someone killed it..probably they were scared of my baby.
That was long! We got diverted from the og path.
Do you have any pets?
cat anon!!🥹 i'm sorry for taking a long of time to reply, i just went back from my vacation and i prefer to answer long ask through my laptop :'))
my days are going okay lately! thank you for asking🥹 what about yours??
RIGHT?! omg maybe i'm biased but i still think he's best with comedic roles rather than serious... murder-y roles, like it doesn't suit his personality (or face) at all😭 HAHAHAH the way you scrapped it omg, and now i'm too because yeah... i can't take this farce any longer😭
ahhh i so relate!! my parents didn't allow pets because it'll take a lot to care for them and such, and my househelper isn't that reliable either so yeah, pets are banned in my house😭
omg... that's so scary😭 if i were you i'd be scared shitless too! that shopkeeper grrrrr why didn't he do anything to help🥲 cows?! okay... that's new... i never know that cows can be aggressive🥹 but isn't that sweet that your neighbor helped you out!? i'd swoon over being saved from cows too!!🥹 and experience like that would totally be printed in my head for as long as i live :')))
SNAKES JASDKA i know i hate them too they're scary and dangerous🥲 and insects! i think i also have this magnet for attracting roaches... ew i hate them so much, they look so dirty and what's more... can fly?! i was screaming my head off when i saw one flying over my head ajdsdsdas and centipedes... i'm so scared of them, is it true that they're poisonous?
the "everything lived there" took me out😭 omg cat anon, if i were to be put in your place, i'd do everything you were doing too ahahahah... but spider? i'm also scared of spiders too... (now that i think about it, there are many things i'm scared of lmao) i kind of admire you for having spider as a pet!🥹
pets that i had is limited to fishes and fishes only🥹 they are in an aquarium, you only need to sprinkle food and leave them🥹 they're peaceful and that's why my parents allowed me to have some...
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