#Even if she isn't surrounded by many people she cherishes the most and cares about having their faces in her phone
hymnoire · 7 months
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1. morning coffee with garam. / 2. notes at her police station office before a meeting. / 3. morning surprises to send to T Lio. / 4. noodles by herself on a thursday night. / 5. a late drive in itaewon. / 6. outfit check for the Black and White Swans party with chiwon.
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astroa3h · 8 months
venus through the houses (positive traits) 🦢
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Let's talk the positive side of Venus through the houses. Venus is your cosmic bestie dictating your love life, cash flow, and what makes you tick aesthetically. She's all about the allure, the glam, and the heart-flutters in relationships. Where Venus lands in your chart is like your personal love and beauty filter, shaping how you flirt, treat yo' self, and chase what you value. She's the vibe for your romantic escapades and your secret weapon for charm and attraction.
✨Venus in Your 1st House✨
When Venus graces your 1st house, you radiate charm and attractiveness. You're the person who catches eyes the moment you walk into a room. Even if you don't notice. Your vibe? Irresistibly magnetic. You care deeply about your appearance, not for vanity, but as a form of self-expression, making you a walking piece of art.
✨Venus in Your 2nd House✨
With Venus in your 2nd house, you find joy in the material world. Luxury to you isn't just about splurging—it's about surrounding yourself with things that have real beauty and value. You have this knack for making everything around you lovely and comfortable, creating a personal oasis that reflects what you value most.
✨Venus in Your 3rd House✨
Venus in your 3rd house makes you a master of words. Whether it's a heartfelt note or a witty text, you have a way of connecting that's utterly enchanting. Ideas and conversations aren't just exchanges of thoughts for you; they're opportunities to bond and share the beauty you find in the world.
✨Venus in Your 4th House✨
In your 4th house, Venus creates a sanctuary of love. Your home? The warmest, most inviting place on earth. You have this incredible ability to make everyone who enters feel cherished. Harmony in your personal space is not just a wish; it's a must, and you pour your heart into making it a reality.
✨Venus in Your 5th House✨
With Venus playing in your 5th house, life is your canvas. Romance, creativity, fun—you approach all of it with a heart full of joy. Your love stories are the ones people dream about, filled with grand gestures and heartfelt creations that showcase your unique way of expressing affection. Not to mention, you're a huge flirt, in the best way.
✨Venus in Your 6th House✨
In your 6th house, Venus finds beauty in the routine. A perfectly brewed morning coffee, a workspace that’s both functional and beautiful, the satisfaction of a well-done task—these are your love languages. Acts of service are your go-to, showing love through the meticulous care you put into the everyday.
✨Venus in Your 7th House✨
Venus in your 7th house is all about partnership. You shine brightest in a duo, thriving in relationships that are built on harmony, fairness, and mutual respect. For you, love is about creating balance and understanding, making every partnership an opportunity to grow closer and stronger. You may have been a twin in a past life.
✨Venus in Your 8th House✨
When Venus delves into your 8th house, love goes deep. You're drawn to relationships that transform you, craving emotional intimacy that breaks barriers. Your approach to shared resources and values is equally profound, finding beauty in the trust and closeness that comes from true partnership.
✨Venus in Your 9th House✨
With Venus in your 9th house, love is an adventure. You're drawn to different cultures and philosophies, finding beauty in diversity. Your open-hearted curiosity leads you to form connections that broaden your horizons, teaching you that love, in its many forms, is a journey of continuous learning.
✨Venus in Your 10th House✨
In your 10th house, Venus elevates your public image. Your career or social standing benefits from your innate charm and aesthetic sense. You understand the power of appearance and relationships in achieving success, using your grace and diplomacy to navigate the professional world.
✨Venus in Your 11th House✨
Venus in your 11th house dreams of a better world. Your friendships and community involvement are guided by shared ideals and hopes. You believe in the beauty of collective dreams and the power of working together to create a more beautiful, harmonious world.
✨Venus in Your 12th House✨
In your 12th house, Venus speaks softly of hidden love. You find beauty in solitude, in the acts of kindness that go unnoticed, and in a compassion that knows no bounds. Your understanding of love is deep and spiritual, connecting you to the universal in profound, often private ways.
xox astro ash 💖
Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
I beg you, 40 or 41(your choice) for Kyrie and Melody(any AU). I really love the two so I hope to see more of em <33
Ty anon this legit made me so happy to hear!! I went with the knight au, also the au where Melody's fear of heights isn't that bad.
Levels of Comfort
Kyrie sighed. Pel needed his armor again so he was stuck lying in the forest. She’d set up enough of an enchantment to hide him, but it didn’t keep him from being bored. It didn’t help that with the times out of his armor he’d need to go on a trip again. He might ask Melody to go with him next time, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for that. She’d get to see how different they really were if she went with him.
“Kyrie!” Melody’s voice made him jump. He didn’t expect her to show up. “I’m in the clearing, you should be fine to sit up!”
He smiled, she sounded confident. He expected a lot more fear from her, a lot more hatred. The fact she trusted him, trusted Byss too, meant the world. He stayed cautious even if she was in the clearing, setting his hands down closer to his chest. He pushed himself up slowly.
It felt weird to know she was near him. He had so many nightmares, but she trusted him. He slid back from the clearing just as carefully. She didn’t make a sound he could hear, he hoped it meant she was comfortable with him moving. Byss had known him most of his life, but still hadn’t been able to see him move calmly. It didn’t help that he'd grown over a hundred feet overnight at one point.
Once he was up enough to see Melody he smiled. He leaned forward, just watching her. She was so small next to him, barely a third of one of his fingers. She didn’t care, she was here and smiling at him too. She waved up at him eliciting a chuckle. Even now she would say hi a million times before they talked about anything else. Just making sure he knew she was listening. It was part of what made him desperate to be near her.
“Hey,” he whispered. He considered a lot of things about him a curse, but his senses were a blessing. He didn’t struggle to see the smiling face staring up at him.
“Hi, is lying around all you do when you’re this big?” she asked. He smirked, resting his arm on his knee and leaning on his hand. 
“Pretty much, there isn’t much I can do like this. Especially around here, Pel keeps me hidden at least.”  
“She did mention a few days ago that walking through the enchantments should have told her it was me.” He loved when she smiled. It had taken him a while to realize she held back her own laughter a lot. The bright smiles were her way of laughing. The times she did laugh were the ones he cherished. “Byssal said you were stuck here alone while they worked on your armor when I met him in the market today.”
“He’s not wrong, they go off somewhere safe and I stay here. If they worked here it could disrupt the illusion keeping me hidden.” She folded her arms and nodded when he spoke. He wanted to hold her close. To see her face like he did when he was human sized.
He started to move, slowly of course. He’d learned to always keep his speed down, how fast he really was would scare most people. Byss had taught him that. It was a lesson wolves always tell their pups apparently, Kyrie didn’t fully believe that. It was more likely he’d scared Byss and that was the best way to tell it. 
He brought his hand close to Melody, carefully wrapping his fingers around her.It was surreal to surround her like this. Pel would usually fly around to where she wanted to be. Byss would go to his full size, a little bigger than Kyrie’s fingers. She was so small, he was scared to hurt her. That he’d do something to scare her and make her leave. If she ever leaves he won’t stop her, he’d just make sure she was safe.
“...me up,” He froze, he thought he heard her voice. “Please don’t pick me up.”
Kyrie ripped his hand away. The wind knocked her off her feet, he couldn’t bring himself to try to go near her again. He wanted to just leave. He’d just assumed she’d go along with him. That he could pick her up, hold her close, know she was safe with him. She was still staring at him, he couldn’t tell what she was thinking. He didn’t want to know what she was thinking.
“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he said. She climbed back to her feet. Kyrie looked away, the idea she’d crack. That her confidence would fall and she'd finally let out her fear.
“Honestly, I don’t blame you for being scared of me.” He had to fix this. To stop her from leaving, from hating him. He couldn’t lose her now. Not when she had managed to come here, to see him like this. She knew it this time, it wasn’t a shock.
“I don-”
“I mean I’m big, scary big. Byss and Pel have been scared of me too. I should have realized it. It’s only the second time you saw me like this, and the last time I’d panicked and grabbed you. You didn’t squirm and you let me carry you back that time. I just assumed, I didn’t, I’m sorry. Of course you don’t want to be picked up. I mean I should know by now that-”
“Kyrie!” He jumped at her shout. He forced himself to look at her, she wasn’t angry. She didn’t look scared either. “I’m not scared of you.”
He sighed, staring down at her. From their first meeting she did this. She hid how much she hated fighting when they were partnered. Hid Caprice from him for months. He had never forgotten the night he found her crying after they had to kill someone attacking a village. It was one of the first times he realized he might be falling in love with her.
“Melody,” he breathed. “You don’t have to put on a front for me. It’s not the knights’ probation, it’s just me. I won’t… I won’t hurt you for being scared.”
She glared up at him. He watched her move closer and place a hand on his leg. He tensed under her touch. She didn’t move even after he did that. Kyrie was getting more tempted to get up and leave. She wouldn’t be able to follow him.
“Fine,” she mumbled. He closed his eyes, waiting to hear that she was terrified. Prepared to tell her to leave. “I’m scared, but I don’t want to be. It’s not even you. I’ve always been scared of giants. I grew up around fae. They’re able to fit in my hand, I couldn’t ignore the idea of how easily they’d be hurt by someone bigger.”
He opened his eyes, she wasn’t facing him. She’d started hugging herself. He wanted to comfort her, but anything he did would just remind her how big he was. She turned her back on him. He accepted she’d leave. Instead she leaned against his leg, sliding down like it was a wall.
“I was scared that they wouldn’t notice the fae, that I wouldn’t be able to stop it. I know I don’t have to think that with you. I know you’d be careful, but I’ve been like this for a long time. Besides, that wasn’t why I didn’t want you to pick me up.”
“What was it?” he asked. He could feel as she climbed to her feet. Watched her walk away before turning to him. He waited, whatever she said he wouldn’t care. If he could make it easier for her he would.
“Don’t laugh at me.” The glare she sent him garnered a nod. “I’m… not great with heights. I can handle high open spaces, but my feet dangling while I’m confined is too much.”
Kyrie stared at Melody. He let the silence wash over them for a few minutes. Then he started to laugh. The whole situation was funny. 
“I said don’t laugh at me!” she yelled. He moved quickly, making sure he hovered over her while surrounding her with his hands. He smiled down at the small woman. She was truly amazing.
“I’m not, I’m laughing at this whole situation,” he said. He couldn’t get his laughter to die down. He knew from experience she’d join in, they always laughed together. “Think about it. Dating a giant, that’s probably the biggest in the world, and afraid of heights? It sounds like a bad joke doesn’t it?”
He waited. His laughter barely contained. Eventually he saw the smile he knew so well on her face. Then he started the attack, poking her sides and stomach. Her hands pushed against his fingertips, but he knew when it would be too far. It didn’t take long before he got to hear her laughing with him.
“Stop, stop, you win,” she smiled. He grinned and tried to lean a little closer. Her hands stayed on his fingers. He could feel them tremble with her laugh. It was always easy to laugh with her. Boisterous and unique. He didn’t ever want to stop hearing it. “It is a bit funny… Not as much as you laughed though.”
He knew her pout after all this time. He wrapped his fingers around her. Squeezing her slightly. She didn’t flinch, there wasn’t a hint of fear. He stayed like that for a while before letting her go. He didn’t pull his hand away completely, just pulled his fingers away from her. 
“Melody,” he whispered. “Is there a way I can hold you that won’t scare you?”
“Just, set your hand out and I’ll climb on. Like the other day.” He nodded and flattened a hand next to her. She didn’t move at first, but eventually she climbed on. He knew she was strong, a better knight than him really, but in his palm like this… she felt fragile. It made him more desperate to protect her. To keep that smile, make her laugh more often, to just be herself.
“Kyrie, how did you even hear me muttering not to pick me up?” she asked. He knew she was stalling. He didn’t care, he’d leave her on the ground if she wanted. He was being selfish, wanting to bring her up to his face.
“It takes a few hours once I’m out of my armor to come back, but my senses are a lot stronger than most beings. Better than giants and humans for sure. Byssal mentioned I seem to match up with wolves for hearing and scent. It might be better than theirs though.”
“Just another thing to make you different.” She laughed, then tapped his palm. 
“Just tell me and I’ll put you down.”
He lifted his hand up slowly. Each time Melody dug her fingers into his skin he froze. He hoped she trusted that was why he stopped, that he was paying attention. It took a while to bring her up to his face, but he didn’t care. She stayed sitting in the middle of his palm. He loved her, loved that she wanted to try so hard for him. Kyrie leaned forward until she was becoming a blur.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered. 
He heard a shocked noise from her. Followed by words he couldn’t understand, probably something in fae. He was about to pull away when a quiet “yes” came from her. 
Kyrie didn’t want to lose this chance. He moved her, still keeping his hand slow in case of her fear. Then leaned even closer. He could feel her press her hands against his lips. Waiting until her small hands moved was excruciating, but he did. He wouldn’t force her. Especially if this would make her afraid, they were up high and it would be a small space. When her hands slid off him he moved forward again, pressing her into his palm.
Melody shivered once he touched her. All of her was covered, he could feel each twitch she made. It surprised him how much her touch made his lips burn, he didn’t want to ever lose this. The moment her lips pressed into his skin he froze. It was hard to believe he could feel something so small, but he knew she’d responded. He pressed against her a bit more firmly, trying to show her just how he felt.
He didn’t pull away until her small hands started to push against him. When he did she was panting, the fear he’d gone too far strong in his heart again. She was bright red. He didn’t risk moving her until she’d appeared to catch her breath. Carefully moving more himself than her to have her meeting his eyes.
“That was,” she whispered. He waited, all the words he could think of reminding him of the risks his feelings posed to her. “...intense.”
“Was it too much?” he breathed. The look on her face melted his worries. Exasperated, but caring. A look she wore when she felt he’d started to worry too much. 
“No, but I don’t think I can take another kiss like that today.” 
Kyrie’s concerns were gone the second she laughed. It was her real laugh. Loud, contagious, and heartwarming. He pulled her closer, pressing his nose against her. She wrapped her arms around what she could. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was casting some lightning spell with the electricity running through his skin.
Pulling back, he curled his fingers over her. Not enough to encompass her, just enough to guard her. Then he started to lie back. He shifted a bit, freezing in awkward positions when her fingers dug into him again. He finally rested on his side, bringing his hand closer and letting her off near his eyes. The smile she sent his way once he slid her off his hand made his heart race.
It was obvious the way the ground relaxed her. He smiled, his reasons to love her kept growing. Next time he was this big he’d make sure she didn’t have to climb on his hand. He’d keep his head in the clearing, or just stand up to lie next to her. He’d never make her deal with fear to be around him.
Melody knew he was trying. She knew that he was making plans to avoid having to hold her. She wanted to tell him what made those tight spaces more terrifying. Why a cliff was easier than his palm with curled over fingers. She couldn’t though, not without Caprice. Even then they’d made sure they’d never tell it to anyone. Just another secret that made her question how much he’d continue to accept her. She sat down, rambling about nothing and trying to ignore the phantom pain of crushed wings at her back.
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What? Is that cheering I hear? No... It's the crowd asking me to mirror my spoilers-free review of Jouran from beloathed website MyAnimeList to my blog. Ask and you shall receive - especially since I plan on writing more detailed interpretations in the future if I find the time to do so.
Jouran: The Princess of Snow and Blood is a subtle interpretation of healing from trauma - possibly PTSD or C-PTSD specifically - that I don't blame those privileged enough not to have that experience for not getting. It also flew under the radar, which I think is best exemplified by the fact that I know quite a few people who would be obsessed with Tsukishiro if they knew he existed. I was introduced to Jouran while playing an anime school-girl gacha game, as the opening theme, performed by has-no-business-being-part-of-a-gacha-multimedia-franchise awesome band RAISE A SUILEN, has its own map in BanG Dream!. I fell in love with all of it - the voice, the music, the visuals, the designs. Much of it spoke to what I thought was super cool when I was a teenager, which I still cherish, and the protagonist portrayed in this opening theme led me to think I was about to watch a show with a strong female lead. Which was a wrong assumption. Sawa is a mess, stunted by her blind desire for revenge. Jouran isn't so much of a "cool story" as it is a subtle telling of the messy process of healing. Sawa’s reactions and growth, even the setbacks she experiences, read like a narrative-led interpretation of the healing process for PTSD. It’s fairly subtle, so I understand how someone who may not recognise these themes may focus exclusively on the narrative - which by itself, is odd and weirdly strung together. From silently dreaming of a different life in Episode 1 to, throughout the story, sacrificing everything for the sake of the child who will break the cycle of abuse, as someone who suffers from C-PTSD, I was able to see the process Jouran represents as if it had been clearly laid out. But it wasn't. This process is represented through the lens of a complex and cruel story. Many of the (many) plot twists were predictable, but I was drawn to the deeper story being told behind the sometimes-too-convenient narrative. The surrounding cast isn't given a backstory and only matters for the role they play in Sawa and Asahi's story - something I've seen in other anime as well, which comes as a bummer sometimes, but in my opinion, fits Jouran thematically. One very pleasant surprise was, to me, Asahi, who is most likely my favourite character. Her thought processes, feelings and behaviours are portrayed in such a way that leads me to thinking the writers have a deep understanding of the complexity of children. Her story is, ultimately, the most engaging one, and not without reason. I can't review Jouran without mentioning my excitement that it involves a respectfully portrayed trans character. Although his identity is never mentioned, save by the one Obvious Mean Guy who's the only person to care about outing him for literally no reason, this means it is never questioned either. This trans character is your average "Toxic Entertaining Morally Grey Young Guy" anime character and there's something extremely validating about seeing a character who is like that, whilst being canonically trans. It does not impact the story whatsoever, which has left many people who have played Persona 4 a few too many times completely confused as to why "her" "backstory is hinted that but not explained". No, he's just trans, and that information is the only reason the viewers are shown his tits. (In a very SFW way.) The deeper, clever story you should look for is that of the non-linear process of healing from PTSD, not an explanation for this character presenting as a man. (By golly, what could this mean!) The fights are cool, the designs and art are cool, the music is AWESOME. If like me, you are in the process of healing from PTSD/C-PTSD and have done introspective work or in any way learned about the process, I seriously recommend Jouran as a crude, subtle telling of how horrible it is. It's not pretty, but watching Asahi latch onto the absolute doormat that is Sawa is incredibly endearing and healing to watch.
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