#Evelyn I'm not coming home tonight
technicolorxsn · 6 months
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
Dear Diary
Evelyn and George, I love them so much.
POV Evelyn’s Diary - shes 19/20 RN - WILL HAVE TIME SKIPS - None of this is cannon beside pop pop blowing up - BTW George still blows himself up oop - Imagine getting snips of her Diary not the whole book - Im not sorry for how I end this - fight me
I did make a kinda sequel right here featuring Alex a lot more angst over here "The Past Reborn"
"Happy ends"
Today is Spring, 8, 1965.
While working in the clinic today, a miner came in, but he wasn't like the other miners. He almost dropped his cap taking it off while trying to introduce himself. His name is George, and he came in for an injury on his hand. The rope he was holding had slipped from his grip, causing a severe rope burn across his palm.
He apologized for tracking coal dust into the clinic, which no miner has ever apologized for before. I don't think their mothers explained how hard it is to get coal dust out of the bed sheets, but it's my job, so I shouldn't complain much. I just hope George will be okay. I told him he should inform his foreman that it's doctor's orders he not work until his hand heals completely.
Today is Spring, 12, 1965
The doctor was out of town today, having a call outside of town. The clinic ran as usual, although I had to tell some people to return tomorrow to see the doctor. Despite a few cases, today was a good day. Mr. George came back, and his hand has healed phenomenally. It still has a bit more healing to do, but it doesn't look like it will leave a bad scar.
I must admit, when I was holding his hand and inspecting his burn, I couldn't help but feel light-headed. George is not a bad-looking man, and his smile is so kind, His miner's cap always tosses his brown hair, and his eyes always have a twinkle in them. I’m afraid I’m a horrid nurse, feeling these things for someone in my care.
Today is Spring, 20, 1965.
George came by the clinic today. His hand looked better, but that wasn't the reason he came. He brought me a bundle of tulips, thanking me for all the care I had given him. I'm looking at them in my window right now, and I can't help but smile. He is such a kind man. I can't quite figure out how he knew what flowers I fancy, but does that matter? They are so beautiful.
I am sad, though, because George's hand has healed fully, and now he has no reason to come to the clinic. I should be happy—he's healed, and I did my job—but my heart aches knowing I won't see his smile or his twinkling eyes again. Like I said, I must be a horrid nurse.
Today is Summer, 4, 1965
I saw George again today. I was at the market shopping for dinner when I reached for a leek, and my hand touched his. His laughter is much more boisterous than his voice, which was a pleasant surprise. It's nice discovering things about him—he is like a book I don't want to put down.
He offered to cook me dinner as a proper thank you for helping him. I should have said no, but I said yes. Now, I'm sitting here, terrified to go to his home. I've never had anyone other than my mother cook for me. My heart is fluttering.
Today is Summer, 13, 1965
I have heard the number thirteen is unlucky, but I believe it to be lucky. This evening, I heard a knock at my door. It was George, dressed nicely with his hair neatly fixed. He handed me flowers and asked me out to a gridball game.
What do I wear? I want to impress George. I haven't been on a date before.
The date went so well! George's team won, and he was so happy. We got sorbet afterward to celebrate, and George took my hand in his as we walked. I really do believe the number thirteen is lucky.
Today is Summer, 28, 1965
It has been two weeks of me and George going steady, and it feels like a dream. When George finishes his shift in the mines, he comes to the clinic and walks me home. He is such a gentleman, nothing like the other miners I have met. Tonight was just magical. As George walked me to the door, I could tell something was off. His hands sweat when he is nervous, and I swear they were dripping.
He looked at me, his face as red as a beet, and asked if he could kiss me. His lips are soft and warm. It's embarrassing to admit, but his mouth does taste like cigarettes. Oh, I think I am in love, and I don't know what to do.
Today is Winter, 20, 1965
I can't believe it… George asked me out again today. He took me to the cliff to watch the sunset. He was sweating again and refused to look at me. When I asked him what was wrong, he just caged up further. I thought he was breaking up with me, but then he grabbed me as I got up to leave. His words fumbled over each other, and he almost fell over as he rushed to his knee.
George proposed to me. He told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and that he couldn't stop thinking about me since he burned his hand with that rope. I'm so excited—I'm going to be George's wife soon. I just wish Mother was still with me so she could see this.
Today is Fall, 14, 1970
I can't sleep. George had an accident today at the mines. It was terrible; they had to rush him to the city. The doctor sent me home, saying I was a wreck. I can't stop crying, picturing him covered in blood and bruises on the operating table. Someone said he dropped dynamite.
Please, Yoba, don't take my George. After losing my parents, he's all I have. I can't bear to be alone again. He's my everything—the love of my life. The house feels empty without him. Every corner holds memories of him, and I can't imagine life without him.
Yoba, you've always answered my prayers. Please, I was so alone after Mother and Father passed, please don't take him from me as well.
Today is Spring, 2, 1971
They finally allowed George to come home from the hospital, albeit in a wheelchair. But that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that he's home and on the mend. It's a new chapter for both of us, one filled with challenges and uncertainties. Sometimes, George can be a bit rude, but I can see the fear in his eyes.
I made a promise to stand by him no matter what: for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. And I intend to keep that promise. I'll be there for George, caring for him and cherishing our time together, no matter what lies ahead.
Today is Winter, 2, 1976
This is a happy day! Me and George weren't sure I could become pregnant, but I am! We are so excited to see our child. George has been working in the nursery non-stop, making sure he can care for our baby, not allowing that wheelchair to stop him.
I have decided on two names: Clara for a daughter and Coy for a son. I don't care what we have; I know they will be perfect.
Today is Summer, 10, 1977
Clara is perfect. With George's rich brown hair and my green eyes, she's a sight to behold. Despite her small stature, her eyes hold the same glimmer of curiosity as her father's. I know she will cause all kinds of trouble as she grows up just like her father.
As I watch George cradle her with such gentleness, his protective gaze never leaving her, and the tears of love that well up in his eyes as he whispers soothing words to her, I'm reminded once again of how blessed I am to have him by my side. In moments like these, it's crystal clear that I've married the most wonderful man.
Today is Summer, 13, 2000
I knew the number thirteen was lucky. Today, our grandson Alex was born. As I held him in my arms, I couldn't help but notice how much he resembled his mother, right down to the tiny button nose that mirrored hers when she was born. George was worried about Clara, complaining that everyone was here to see just Alex and not his baby girl. He has always been such a good father; he will be the best grandfather as well.
Looking at my family as it has grown, I’ve gone from an empty home after my parents passed, to a husband, a daughter, and now a son-in-law and a beautiful grandson. I love my family dearly and can't wait for the years ahead of us.
Fall, 16, 2004 This page is heavily tear stained
We took Alex for the day taking him to the fair as Clara wanted him to experience it. I can't believe we got lucky enough to have Alex… George's scream echoes in my mind… Did he scream with that pain when he was blown up?
We thought the phone call was Clara telling us that they would be late picking up Alex. The phone call shattered our hopes—it was the Zuzu Highway Patrol delivering the tragic news. Clara and her husband are gone… Victims of a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road. They didn't survive.
But we have Alex…. We have to tell our four-year-old grandson he can't go home anymore… He can't see his Mother or Father ever again
Yoba, why didn't you shield them?
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gaiahypothesims · 1 month
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Jake- So what do you think? I was thinking that maybe the second bedroom I could make into a space for Verity, if you ever wanted to stay over.
Evelyn- I wouldn't do that, I don't want to take up all your space. She takes up enough space as it is at home. You have no idea how much room baby stuff takes up, and now the toys... so many toys. Its like the toys are breeding.
Jake- It wouldn't be a problem.
Evelyn- <smiles> What about all your gym equipment?
Jake- <shrugs> I was going to make space for that in the car port. I want you guys to be comfortable here.
Evelyn- I like the house, if it makes you happy then you should get it.
Jake- Does it make you happy?
Evelyn- Of course it does. I know you've wanted this for a long time, and like you said the market isn't exactly overflowing with options.
Jake- I just want to make sure that you like it. So that I you both can come over here, instead of me always having to stay at your place. I know the condo isn't great for kids.
Evelyn- For sure, its really nice. But don't let my opinion sway you! I want you to be somewhere that YOU like. Not worry about what I think.
Jake- Right..
Evelyn- Speaking of places, do you want to come over tonight? Ashley is apparently going out and about, I don't think its a date or anything but... he shouldn't be home for the night from what I could understand from his long rambling tale of 'connections' and 'networking'.
Jake- Yeah, sure, do you want me to bring something to eat?
Evelyn- That would be great, but nothing crazy. I have to pick Verity up right after I'm done in the office. So food would be good... I still don't get the fireplace. What was he thinking?
Jake- ..I uh.. I don't know.
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celandeline · 8 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (17)
I am so incredibly glad that Elspeth put my seat next to Venetia, otherwise I would be completely lost at this dinner. The people I know are vastly outnumbered by the people I don’t, and I feel for Felix, who looks so bored stranded between two men (who I can assume are both named Henry). 
“And what’s your name?” The man to my right is already red in the face, and we’re only on the second course of the meal. 
“Evelyn.” I say, shifting slightly in my seat to face him. 
“Henry.” He says, extending his hand to shake. His palms are sweaty, and I try not to cringe at the way he leaves a film on my hand. 
“I figured.” I say, wiping my palm on the skirt of my dress. 
He laughs, even though I didn’t really mean it to be all that funny - but drunk people make the best crowd. “I’ve not seen you about before.” He says. “Or maybe I have -” He chuckles. “Parties here do tend to get rather crowded.”
“This is my first time.” I say. “Venetia brought me home for the summer.”
His eyebrows quirk up. “How are you liking it?”
“It’s great.” I say, turning to my plate to spoon a bite of dinner into my mouth. “The house is beautiful.”
“Oh, yes.” He says. “I remember the first time I saw this house - of course, I was very young, then - but I still remember that grandeur feeling. And the people - James’s mother and father were such lovely people.”
“I’m sure.” I say, trading my spoon for my wine glass. It’s white wine tonight, and it goes down easier than the red. 
He stops himself to drain his own wineglass. “Really such lovely people, the Cattons.”
“Mm.” My eyes drift along the table until they reach the end, where Elspeth and Farleigh are sat around a corner. Even though Elspeth is talking to him, Farleigh’s eyes are on me as he takes a long draught from his glass. He tilts his head as he sets his cup down, and smirks. 
“Truly, it’s a sort of fantasy, being here…”
Mostly prattling to himself at this point, I turn away from Henry and back towards Venetia. Her back is to me though, talking to Oliver. 
“No thanks.” Venetia says, sighing. “It’s just so disappointing. You're just another one of his toys.”
“You're upset.” Oliver doesn’t sound sympathetic at all.
“No! Don't worry! I'm used to it, honestly.” She says it so flippantly my heart breaks a little.  “He never liked sharing his toys. Even the ones he doesn’t want to play with anymore.” She turns away from him, to face me with a sad sort of smile. 
“Venetia…” Oliver hisses. “Venetia…”
She pays him no mind. “Hi Evie.”
I smile. “Hi baby.”
She drops her voice, and picks up her wineglass. “He’s such a bore, my god.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder towards Oliver. “As soon as Felix says no, that’s it. Done.” She glances across the table. “Felix hasn’t spoken to me since yesterday morning.”
“He’ll come around.” I say. “You’re his sister.”
“I know.” She sighs. “Still - there goes my summer entertainment.”
I roll my eyes. I don’t believe for a second that she’s going to stop batting her eyelashes at him. She’ll take a break, sure, but she couldn’t even come up with a word to describe the way he gave her head - she’s going to at least try again. 
“What about you?” She says. “What about last night?”
“What about last night?” I say. 
“Farleigh was on your bed.”
“To gossip.” I say. 
“To gossip,” She mocks, rolling her eyes. “Without me? Alone, in your room, when you’d just gotten out of the shower? Gossip.” 
“Yes, gossip.” I say. “You know about his weird hate-boner for Oliver.”
“I know about his boner-boner for you.” Venetia says. Her eyes skip away from mine, past me, to where Farleigh is sitting. 
“We almost kissed.” I say, hushed. “I think. I don’t know.”
She bites her lip as she grins. “Go on.” Sure, Oliver might be too scared to keep their summer romance going, but that doesn’t mean she can’t doubly invest herself in mine to keep herself entertained. 
“We almost kissed that night on the roof, too, I think.” I say. “I don’t know, he’s not… most guys would just do it, you know? He keeps just waiting.” 
“And you haven’t kissed him because?” She asks.
“I’m kind of enjoying the tension.” I admit, a little sheepishly. 
“Me too.” She says, grinning. “It’s like my own soap opera happening in my house, starring people that I already know and love. I’m so glad that I brought you home, Evie, really.”
“So glad that I could make your summer more interesting.” I say, truthfully. 
“You’ll have to tell me if he’s a good kisser, when you do end up snogging.” She says. “I’ve always wanted to know who’s the best kisser out of the three of us - everyone says Felix is quite bad, and I think I’m alright, but I don’t know anyone that’s kissed Farleigh to check.”
“If we end up snogging.” I say, mocking her accent. 
“Oh, shove off, New Yawk.” She grins. “And if you don’t at least kiss him, I’ll be furious.”
“Well, if you’ll be furious.” I say, taking another draught of my wine. 
“Please,” She snorts. “I know you want to.”
“And I already know what you’re going to say, ‘what if we kiss and then it’s boring’ - it’s Farleigh. You can say many things about Farleigh, but you can’t say he’s boring.” She gives me a pointed look. 
I grin. “You know me so well.”
She smiles back at me. “I do, don’t I?”
I glance back to the end of the table where Farleigh sits. He’s leaned over towards Elspeth, saying something that I can’t make out, but like he can sense my gaze shifting, his eyes meet mine, and he smiles. I return his grin, and take another sip of wine, licking the excess off my lips. 
&lt; previous part | next part >
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pbforeva · 3 months
part 6!!
just a warning, this speed will not last forever unfortunately 😔
Evelyn's pov:
It's about 5 p.m. and I need to start getting ready to go over to Paige's dorm, there's only one problem. I need to grab my things from Blake and I's apartment. I say a quick prayer before I open the door, hoping he won't be home, but of course, he is home. I see his head lift from his spot on the couch when I step in the door.
"Evelyn? Is that you?" He mumbles while his eyes focus on me. It's funny, those are almost the exact words he said to me yesterday.
"Yes," I say to keep it short, but he runs up to me and I can tell he is a little mad.
However, when he speaks his voice is soft, "Ev, I'm so sorry, I was just so mad, and I don't know what I was thinking." he pauses before he starts again, "Do you think you could forgive me? I mean I only did it because you made me so angry."
I guess he is right, I bet he wouldn't have done that if I hadn't made him mad. "Yeah, of course I can forgive you Blake," I say as I watch him smile a bit, "But I think I need a little bit of space for a day or two if that's ok." I add, hoping not to make him too angry.
I watch his eyes flare up in anger before he calmly says, "Yes, that could be good for both of us, just don't be gone for too long." I was not expecting that response, but at least he agrees, I guess.
"Ok, I'll probably just stay with Aurora for a night or two, but i'm gonna go grab a few things." I reply, and he nods then turns back to the couch.
I go into our room and grab a few makeup products and a few outfits for the coming days, but I don't know what to wear out tonight. I don't have many 'going out' clothes because Blake and I never go out. I bet Aurora will give me an outfit to wear even if I bring something.
I finish packing up before walking back out to the living room, where I stop in front of Blake. "Well, I'll see you in a few days Blake, I love you." I say to him.
"I love you too, please be safe Ev," He says before pulling me into a hug. His hugs have always been really tight, sometimes I feel like he does it because he knows it will hurt, but he would never do something like that, right?
I shake the feeling and hug him back, ignoring the striking pain in my ribs. We pull apart and I leave, a part of me wishing I hadn't left.
I arrive at Auroras dorm after an agonizing walk thinking about Blake. She ushers me in and asks what I brought to wear tonight.
"Sooo, what did you bring to wear tonight?" She asks in a curious tone.
"Well, I don't think you would've approved of anything from my closet, so I thought I could wear one of your outfits." I say as I set my stuff down.
"You're probably right," she shrugs and heads to her closet.
"Oh, also could I stay here for a few day, I mean of course it's ok if not, but Blake and I just-" I ramble before she interrupts me by saying. "Of course you can Ev, stay as long as you need."
I let out a sigh of release before Aurora goes back to her closet to look for outfits. I head to the bathroom, where I straighten my hair and apply a light coat of concealer. I finish my mascara and put on lip gloss before heading back out to see outfit Aurora picked out for me.
I look at the bed, where the outfit is laid out. I see a pair of black jeans with a cream long sleeved crop top. Well, I can't wear the top. I walk over to her closet, as she's in the bathroom now, and I take out a white, short sleeved, t-shirt. The shirt is short enough to be considered a 'going out top', but not short enough to show the bruises that line my stomach.
I quickly change and check to see if Aurora is ready to go over to their dorm, because it's 7:50 now. She comes out of the bathroom and notices the change in my top, but thankfully she doesn't say anything about it, and we grab our bag to head over to Paige's dorm.
Paiges pov:
Okay, I'm actually freaking out a bit now. It's 7:30 and I just finished getting ready, I have my hair in its natural curls, and I'm wearing a pink crop top, green cargos, and an opened white button up. We're suppose to be going to a party tonight, but honestly I don't even know where it's at.
"AZZI," I shout, I wanna know where we're going, but it's too much work to yell all of that.
She walks in the room and says "What?" while looking around.
"Where is the party tonight?" I ask.
"Oh my gosh, you could've asked me that without making me come in here." She says while rolling her eyes, but she continues, "Umm, I think it's at Alpha Chi, though."
"That's not too far then." I say while deciding to put on a coat of mascara.
I can't stand waiting here. It's 7:50 and Azzi left me a while ago, and everyone else is still getting ready. I groan for like the fourth time until Aubrey comes in my room.
"PAIGE, GUESS WHAT!" She screams at me.
"WHAT," I say back, matching her enthusiasm.
"You can stop groaning now because your 'friend' is here," she replies while giggling a bit.
"Hey! she is my friend!" I retort before I realize what she meant by 'friend'.
"HEY!" I yell while looking for Aubrey, but I just hear her giggling outside of my room.
Whatever, at least I won't be bored anymore. I stop to look in the mirror on my way out of my room, making sure my makeup wasn't messed up. I walk into the living room and I see Evelyn, she looks perfect.
"Hey," I hear Evelyn say to me.
"Hey, are you guys ready," I say, trying to tear my gaze from Evelyn.
"Yeah, but I don't think KK is yet," I hear Aurora say from beside Evelyn.
I clear my throat before saying "Well you guys can come sit on the couch, cause you never know how long we'll be waiting for KK," I say while laughing, managing to look away from Evelyn.
Evelyn sits beside me on the couch and we all talk about random things, except Evelyn. She is just sitting there, listening to everyone else's conversations. I can't help but try to sneak glances at her as often as I can, and eventually, KK comes out, saying she's ready.
party next chapter 😜 and i have it like planned a bit
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‼️ WARNING: Some spoilers for the Novel ‘The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo’ and spoilers of quotes that spoil parts of the book‼️
I found myself wondering who Taylor was talking about in ‘…Ready for it?’ With the lyrics
“And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor,”
The lyrics are about Elizabeth Taylor and one of her husbands Richard Burton. Now, I got very excited when I saw it was a reference to Elizabeth Taylor ‘cause, she is one of the inspirations of my favourite book ‘The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo’, wich, if you don’t know, is a queer book about an old Hollywood (around the 1950’s) actress names Evelyn Hugo (Not her real name she had to change it for a couple of reasons) who ends up writing a Tell-All book at the age of 79, and ends up telling the story of her youth as a famous actress in the 50’s through to the 80’s and her “Seven husbands”.
But, it turns out that almost all of her husbands were beards. She ended up falling in love with one of her co-stars, her name was Celia St.James. It’s such a beautiful book and so deeply upsetting, you should read it!
Anyways, Evelyn was a Bisexual woman and Celia was a Lesbian. The book touches on topics like, Homophobia, Biphobia, Racism, Sexism and a lot of other things as you can imagine.
So, the fact that Taylor referenced Elizabeth Taylor has made me so happy! Though, this isn’t to say that it was a reference to Evelyn Hugo, it certainly is fun to think so!
Some of my favourite quotes from the book are:
“Please never forget that the sun rises and sets with your smile. At least to me it does. You’re the only thing on this planet worth worshipping.”
“I spent half my time loving her and the other half hiding how much I loved her.”
“But if you have to go, then go. Go if it hurts. Go if it's time. Just go knowing you were loved, that I will never forget you, that you will live in everything Connor and I do. Go knowing I love you purely, Harry, that you were an amazing father. Go knowing I told you all my secrets. Because you were my best friend.”
“You wonder what it must be like to be a man, to be so confident that the final say is yours.”
“I'm bisexual. Don't ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box.”
“Say to them, “Evelyn Hugo just wants to go home. It’s time for her to go to her daughter, and her, and her best friend, and her mother.” Tell them Evelyn Hugo says good-bye.”
“And just as she was about to leave the mircophone, she said 'And to anyone tempted to kiss the TV tonight, please don't chip your tooth.”
“It’s not wrong,” Celia said. “It shouldn’t be wrong, to love you. How can it be wrong?”
“It’s not wrong, sweetheart. It’s not,” I said. “They’re wrong.”
“The love of my life is gone, and I can't just call her and say I'm sorry and have her come back. She's gone forever. So yes, Monique, that is something I do regret. I regret every second I didn't spend with her. I regret every stupid thing I did that caused her an ounce of pain. I should have chased her down the street the day she left me. I should have begged her to stay. I should have apologized and sent roses and stood on top of the Hollywood sign and shouted, 'I'm in love with Celia St. James!' and let them crucify me for it. That's what I should have done. And now that I don't have her, and I have more money than I could ever use in this lifetime, and my name is cemented in Hollywood history, and I know how hollow it is, I am kicking myself for every single second I chose it over loving her proudly.”
And the most famous one from this book that you may recognise from TikTok;
“No … because they are just husbands. I am Evelyn Hugo. And anyways, I think once people know the truth, they will be much more interested in my wife.”
If you have read all of this, thank you very much for listening to me. I have a lot of feelings about this book. It’s so good, I love it so much.
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moonyasnow · 5 months
Has anyone else ever thought of the song 'Evelyn Evelyn' as relating to Kalim & Jamil? While I was listening to it the other day the thought suddenly hit me
"...Why do we bother to stay? Why are you running away? Don't you feel like severing? Everything's just come together at last It's broken, I don't want to play
We grew up closer than most Closer than anything, closer than anything Shared our bed and wore the same clothes Talked about everything, spoke about so many things
What shall we wear tonight? What shall we eat today? Can we go ice skating? But we just did that yesterday...
We grew up so very close A parasite needs a host I'm only trying to do what is best for us
Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this All that I want is some time to myself Looking in your eyes, I'm coming home
Just get away from me, please just stop touching me You're always trying to be somebody else Now I realize, I'm not alone
Well, you're only scared of me But you never cared for me Why don't you let me free? 'Cause you'd never dare to be
'Cause you never listen, you're always insisting (I'm just/just stop) reminiscing
I feel something missing I just want (you here with me/my privacy) God (can't we just get along/won't you leave me alone)?"
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elizabethwritesmen · 2 years
Notice - Part 1
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Curvy!Reader
Warnings: Self deprecation, Body image issues, Self hatred, Angst, Slow burn, Mutual pining and smut to come in later chapters
Summary: Reader is at a bar with her friends and it seems that all of them are being hit on except her, which is usual. She falls into a fit of self moping when a strange man pulls her out of it.
Word Count: 3,011
AN: This will be a series, but the amount of chapters is undecided thus far. It depends on where the story takes me.
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Every man in the bar seemed to be fixated on the two girls that commanded it, hanging onto their every word and whim as if they were goddesses to be worshipped. Y/N watched as Evelyn and Ashley made their way around, downing drink after drink, none of which they had to pay for. She scoffed, staring down at her 5 dollar beer and silently wishing she had chosen to stay home.
It's not that she didn't like going out. On the contrary, she loved it. Getting dressed up and hanging out with her two best friends in the world was a fantastic break from her soul crushing job, and it was a great boost to her confidence to wear something as provocative as the lacy bodysuit and leather skirt she had chosen. Or so she thought, but now she looked at her clothing with hatred, not for the fabric but for what lay underneath it.
Maybe if she were skinny like Evelyn, a man would approach her. Maybe if she were pretty like Ashley, a man would buy her a drink. Maybe if she weren't worthless, someone would pay her attention, attention that she needed desperately. One of the strangest phenomenons she had ever experienced had to be becoming invisible. But she was. In a room full of men, nobody ever notices the fat girl. Her words fall on deaf ears, and nobody seeks her company without a motive. You'd think she would have grown accustomed to it, but still, her silly little heart hoped and wished and begged that every time they went out would be her time. Her moment. Her night. The night she finally was... well, noticed. Validated. The night she finally got the attention she needed. But the night would never come, this she knew, and she let the despair sink in as she drowned her sorrows in cheap alcohol.
Across the bar sat two men. One tall, hair nicely trimmed, eyes as green as emeralds shining in the sun. The other even taller, hair shaggy and sandy brown, the kind of man who obviously took care of himself.
"Dean," the taller one turned to the other, "I'm surprised you're not all over those girls. Every other man in here seems to be."
"Pshhhh," Dean scoffed, "Come on, Sammy. You know the first rule to picking up women - the ones that everyone wants are never worth it. Besides, I'd rather not have to deal with either of them. One has enough bleach in her hair to turn her brain white, and the other is just annoying. I can hear her laugh from over here, she sounds like a witch cackling."
"So much for your plan to hook up with someone tonight," Sam laughed.
"I don't have to hook up to have a good time, you know. And besides, I've been studyin'."
"Studying what?"
"That girl over there. She came with the bimbos, but... she's not like them. She almost seems sad."
"She's probably just trying to scare off random men like you, Dean. Nobody approaches a sad girl at a bar. I'll bet she knows that."
"I think I should go talk to her. You know, make sure she's okay."
Sam raised an eyebrow, "Go for it, but Dean, if she is sad, don't make it worse."
"Never, Sammy," Dean winked, sauntering over to the table where Y/N sat alone. He was almost nervous to talk to her, she wasn't his usual type. He was into the bimbo persuasion, not the devastatingly beautiful persuasion. He couldn't believe his luck that every man in the bar wasn't all over her. Thank God for her friends, distracting them all so he could have a shot.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, "You okay, sweetheart?"
Y/N looked up from her beer for the first time in minutes, searching for the source of the deep voice that had just rattled her bones. Her eyes landed on Dean, and she had to take a moment because, damn, he was absolutely breath taking.
"If you want me to help you get with my friends, sorry but I can't. They're into who they're into, my word has nothing to do with that."
"Who, them?" Dean scoffed, gesturing to the girls in question. Y/N's eyes averted as her heartache worsened.
"You should just go talk to them," she sighed, "I really can't help you."
"But I don't want to talk to them. I wanna talk to you."
Her eyes snapped up to meet his, her brows furrowed with utter disbelief. Was this a joke? He had to be joking,
"Well, I didn't walk all the way over here for my health. Let me buy you a drink."
He sighed, wondering why she was so stubborn and guarded. Wondering if it was worth it to keep trying.
With one look into her eyes, he decided that it was. In fact, he would try anything to make this pretty girl pay him attention.
"You're the prettiest thing this bar has ever seen. I'd be a fool if I didn't at least try to talk to you, sweetheart."
There it was again. The pet name. Only this time it surrounded her, cradling her in its arms and easing the pain.
She turned away from him once again, peeling the label off of her beer, her nails and cuticles red from her anxiously biting them. She knew he would get sick of her after a moment or two and walk away. She knew he was just talking to her out of some weird need to be a good person. You know, talk to the fat ugly friend and win some brownie points with God, or whatever.
Sensing her inner turmoil, he spoke, "I'm not asking you to go home with me, or to marry me or anything like that. I just wanna buy you one beer and maybe have a conversation, see where this thing goes."
"I don't believe you," she huffed.
"Well, I don't know how to change your mind but I'm gonna start by ordering you another one. I'll be right back."
He walked to the bar and her eyes followed him the entire way.
Really, why was he talking to her? I mean, he couldn't actually be interested in her. He couldn't actually want to have a conversation with her, right? And what happens if she does humor him and have a conversation? He'll walk out the double doors and she'll never see or hear from him again. It was the way of her world. People either ignored her or left her. It was all she knew, and it was what she deserved.
"Here you go, sweetheart," he snapped her out of her trance once again and placed a freshly opened bottle in front of her. She almost immediately commenced to peeling the label off. "Do you have a name?"
"It's Y/N."
"Pretty. It suits you. I'm Dean, and that giant of a man over there glaring at us is my brother Sam. He's probably a little bored."
"Should you go back to him?" she asked, sure that he would take the bait and take his leave.
"Only if you go over there with me," he smirked, "I'm sure he'd like to meet you, and hanging with us would be way more fun than hanging out here at this table alone, watching your friends have a good time."
She thought it over for a moment. Really, it couldn't be any worse than the hell she was already putting herself through. And, well, as much as she didn't want to admit it, the attention Dean was giving her was seeping into her bones, becoming a part of her. She could feel herself becoming needy for more, whatever he was willing to give her.
They walked over to Sam's booth and slid into the side opposite him.
"Sammy, this is Y/N, and our goal tonight is to get her to have an actual conversation instead of just avoiding questions and looking away."
Sam chuckled, "He comes on strong, doesn't he?"
She nodded, a small smile gracing her features, and Dean reeled. It was the first time he had seen her smile at all, and it was marvelous. If he thought she was beautiful before, it was nothing compared to this.
"So, Y/N, whereabouts are you from?" Dean asked.
"Well, here, really. I grew up a few towns away. What about you guys?"
"We're from a little bit of everywhere, but we're living in Kansas right now."
"Oh, so you guys are just passing through?"
"Yeah, unfortunately. We'll be here for another night or two then we'll be headed back home."
"I see," she nodded along with what they were saying, but her insides felt like they were being crushed. She had known him leaving was imminent, but damn. The sting was potent. This man had noticed her. He had seen her in a room where she was invisible. And he actually heard her voice, and cared what she had to say. And he was leaving. To her, this was heartbreaking, no matter how much she anticipated it.
"But, you know, we make our way around a lot, so we'll be back. We never stay in one place for long," Sam chimed in, sensing the awkwardness rising.
"I'm gonna go to the restroom. I'll be right back, guys. Don't go back to Kansas while I'm gone," she joked, standing up and walking to the dark corner of the bar in which the restrooms were nestled.
"Dean, what the hell are you doing?" Sam asked him.
"What do you mean?" the older brother asked, eyebrow quirking up.
"Aren't you just trying to sleep with her? Why did you bring her over here?"
"Well... I was, but now, now I just wanna talk to her. Get to know her. I have a feeling men don't do that enough."
"I've never once known you to just want conversation with a woman."
"Well, I guess hell is frozen over," Dean shrugged.
"Don't go caring about this girl, Dean. We both know we're just passing through, and you have the potential to really hurt her here."
"I'm not! It's just, well, Sammy, you met her. There's something about her, she's not like her friends, she seems genuine. And come on, you saw her, she's the hottest girl in here."
"She is a pretty girl, and she does seem sweet, I just want you to be careful. She doesn't deserve to get hurt by you, she's better off lonely."
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Y/N stared at her reflection in the mirror, tears smudging her mascara.
"He doesn't matter. You don't need him. You don't need anyone. All you've ever had is yourself, that's not gonna change just because some man gave you his time," she scolded herself. She was embarrassed at the heat he made rush to her cheeks, at the smile that he caused, at the way her heart beat a little faster when he looked at her. She knew who she was, and she knew she was meant to be alone. Some people just aren't made to be happy. Some people are made to make other people happy, and she knew she was one of them. She couldn't let herself feel the pent up emotions. She couldn't risk actually caring. That, for her, would be suicide.
She took a deep breath and fixed her makeup, walking back to the table. She didn't sit down, though.
"I think it's best if I go back to my table," she sighed, bouncing from one foot to the other in anticipation.
Dean's confusion was evident, "Why, sweetheart? We were just getting started talking to you and now you disappear on us?"
"I just think I'm better off over there," she shrugged, and began walking away. But a gentle hand on her wrist stopped her, and she turned around.
"Please," he looked her in the eyes, his voice gravel but heavenly on her ears, "Don't go. I want you here. Sammy wants you here. Let us cheer you up."
The words she had said to herself in the bathroom began fading away and she could feel herself giving in. She glanced to Sam to see if he did, in fact, want her there, and it didn't go unnoticed by him.
"You should sit down, Y/N. We've all got beer, time, and stories to tell," the younger brother sent her an encouraging smile. Suddenly, her negative affirmations were gone completely, and replaced with hope. She wanted to let herself have this. She just wasn't sure how.
She took her previous seat, clearing her throat lightly and staring at her beer, peeling the label off once again. Dean saw this and took it out of her hands, removing her distraction from him.
"Drink it, sweetheart, don't deconstruct it."
"Nervous habit," she sighed, grabbing it back from him and placing it far enough away that she couldn't fiddle with it comfortably.
"So is biting your nails, but I see you do that, too," he pointed out.
A wave of burning embarrassment flooded through her, scarring her cheeks red. "I can't help it, please don't make fun of it," she said meekly, her voice barely higher than a whisper.
"Oh, I'm not making fun of you, I do it, too. See?" he smirked, holding his hand out for her to see that he was telling the truth.
"We should probably both stop," she remarked, and Sam snorted.
"Getting Dean to stop anything is just about impossible," he explained, and Dean shot him a glare.
"I'm not that stubborn, Sammy," Dean rolled his eyes, and Y/N stifled a giggle as she watched the brother bicker.
The conversation flowed between the three of them like a river, and, for the first time in what felt like ages, Y/N felt seen. And heard. Like she had a voice. Her heart was swelling with the overflow of attention from the boys, and she was almost awestruck at how well she got along with both of them, and how nice they were to her.
Similarly, the boys were in awe of Y/N. She was so shy initially, seemingly insecure, but once she was comfortable with them, she became this beautiful personality, a kind they had never seen before. She was smart but kind, bold but tactful, funny but down to earth. She was the kind of person that made them feel like the work they did was worth it. Even Sam had completely warmed up to her after an hour of aimless conversation, and he couldn't help but notice the way Dean was looking at her.
"I'm gonna head back to the motel, but you guys should stay, drink some more, keep talking," he informed, standing up from his seat and stretching.
"Oh no, Sammy, you can't leave now," Y/N all but whined, staring up at him, her eyes wide with a vulnerability she hadn't shown when she first talked to them, "We haven't even finished deciding which one of the guys in here my friends are gonna go home with!"
"My money is on Evelyn going home with too-tight-shorts guy, and Ashley going home with too-much-hair-gel guy," he chuckled as he grabbed the keys to the impala, "Dean, can she give you a ride back?"
"Yes," she responded for the younger brother, "I can." She then stood up and walked over to the moose like man, reaching up to give him a hug. "It was so nice to meet you, Sam. Take care."
"Yeah, you too," he smiled, hugging her back and bidding his farewell.
Part of her was elated to be alone with Dean, but another part of her was extremely nervous. He had played it cool in front of Sam, but what if it was all an act? And she couldn't fight the sadness she felt deep down over Sam's departure. She had developed a camaraderie with him, the kind that she didn't have with the girls. The friendship she found in Sam wasn't superficial at all, and there was no inclination that he was talking to her out of pity, or worse, to boost his own self esteem. He had hung onto her every word and offered plenty of his own, engaged in the conversation like he had known her forever. Like a brother would be. She could tell why his relationship with Dean was so close knit. And now she would likely never see him again, which, for her, was a greek tragedy.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Dean drawled, taking a sip of his beer, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to lick the rim of the bottle. She quickly snapped her eyes away, but he noticed the way they trailed the movement.
"I am, it's just... I hate that you guys are just passing through."
"I hate it too," he sighed, "More now than ever."
"Oh yeah? Why's that?" she smirked, turning in her seat to face him and throwing back her own bottle. A drop of her beer slipped down her cheek, then her chin, then continued its trail all the way down to her breasts, hardly concealed by her top. Dean pulled the same move that she had, shyly averting his eyes.
"Because I've never met a girl like you, sweetheart, and I don't know if I ever will again."
Her eyes met his in a flash of emotions, and the emerald reflected what she was feeling.
"Do you wanna get out of here? Go for a walk?" he asked suddenly.
"Dean," she sighed, "I don't want to hook up, if that's what you're getting at."
"I don't want to either. You... you deserve better than that. I just wanna talk, somewhere that doesn't smell like cheap beer and bad decisions."
She looked for any sign that he was lying, and found none, so she grabbed her purse and stood up.
"Well, what are you waiting for? We've got a walk to go on."
╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝
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bratshaws · 11 months
through the hourglass 273. brb x oc
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a/n: smut coming SOON (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
“I’m home!” he just grunts in relief while shrugging off his things and leaning his head back, throat exposed and he almost wished Beatrice showed up to kiss it, but his wife only said ‘kitchen!’ instead. He purses his lips, then pets the dogs after closing the door, toeing out his boots to walk socks only towards her voice.
He comes up to the doorframe and a little body hugs his legs. Rooster gasps in surprise, “Oh my god, it’s a wild spider monkey!” Nicole giggles,sitting on his foot while hugging his calf like…well…a monkey would, “Oh my god,Bea, when did we get a wild animal in the house?”
Beatrice's laughter filled the air as she continued to work in the kitchen. "I know, right? I just found her swinging from the chandeliers a moment ago!"
Rooster looked down at Nicole, who was clinging to his leg like a curious little koala. He lowered his voice dramatically, feigning surprise. "Or maybe she's a chameleon in disguise, blending in perfectly with my leg. I never knew our little monkey was so good at camouflage."
Nicole giggled even more at her dad's playfulness, her small hands squeezing his calf. "Dada, bunny!"
Rooster chuckled, his heart swelling with love for his daughter to the point it almost hurt. He reached down to scoop her up in his arms, hugging her tightly. "And you, my little monkey, you're the funniest and cutest of them all!"
With Nicole safely in his arms, he entered the kitchen, where Beatrice was standing at the stove, stirring a pot of something that smelled heavenly. Rooster couldn't help but grin at the sight of her, "Hey, gorgeous," he greeted, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek while holding Nicole close to his chest. "What's cooking in here?"
Beatrice turned to face him, a bright smile lighting up her face. She gave him a few couple pecks on the lips before going back to the task at hand "Hi Roos I decided since tonight is my night off, I could make us a little dinner.” she nods to the fridge, “I also got us some lava cake from Mr.Scoops.”
Rooster sighed contentedly, "You're spoiling me, Bea."
Beatrice chuckled,before she handed him a wooden spoon with a taste of the sauce she was cooking. "Taste and tell me if it needs anything else."
Rooster accepted the spoon with a nod and took a bite, savoring the creamy, savory goodness of the sauce, Nicole reaching over to grab it but he was quick to hand it back to Bea. After a moment of thoughtful chewing, he gave her a nod of approval. "It's perfect, as always. You're a culinary genius,gorgeous."
Beatrice blushed at his praise and gave him a playful swat on the arm. "Oh, stop it. You're just hungry."
Rooster grinned, kissing her cheek soundly. "I'm always hungry, “ the innuendo was clear in his voice but he didn’t elaborate, he just walked around Beatrice to lean against the counter with Nicole playing with the buttons on his uniform, “How was your day with Evelyn and JJ?”
While her cheeks were hot because of his innuendo, she playfully rolled her eyes. "My day was good, Roos. Evelyn just needed some time away, you know, family stuff…JJ spent most of the time sleeping."
“Well, he is a few months old.”
“Yeah…” she licks her lips, “We also,well, we talked about a couple things, you know…things that have been going on and such…I kinda needed her opinion, you know that Evelyn is…probably the smartest of all of us and she dealt with Military wives more than I did.”
Rooster hums, playing with Nicole’s tiny hand before he sighs, “Did she give you any idea how to deal with Miranda?”
“I didn’t want to bring this up now.” Beatrice begins, sitting next to Nicole on the grass while Evelyn preferred to keep herself on the bench for now, moving the stroller back and forth so JJ could sleep, “Especially since we are out with the kids and–”
Evelyn makes a displeased sound in her throat, ‘Relax,Bea. You know I won’t judge you. Besides, navy wives like her are unfortunately very common.”
“Oh yeah,” her friend snorts, “You have no idea, it’s worse when your relative or spouse is of higher ranks.” Evelyn holds her head up with a hand, brown eyes moving to the side as she reminisced, “Believe me, being my dad’s daughter made me deal with so many unpleasant people.”
"I can only imagine how it must be for you, especially with your dad's high rank…what…what do they do,exactly?” She glanced at Evelyn, shrugging a bit with a small frown on her face, “I mean,are they all so…mean and condescending?”
“Some are worse.”
“I just am happy to say they are a small amount.” Evelyn mutters, “But the ones I’m talking about stuck out like a sore thumb. I don’t know, I think they…just imagine that if you are a military spouse you are now someone that holds power? Something like that.”
Those words again, and she frowned when she heard it. Beatrice leaned back on her hands, the soft grass beneath her. "Miranda's attitude has been getting to me lately. She's been so condescending, and I can't figure out why she's chosen to show up at the Hard Deck."
Evelyn glanced over at Beatrice, her expression empathetic. "People like her sometimes see the military world as a place for power and social standing. They may try to assert themselves to feel important." 
Beatrice sighed, her brows furrowed in thought. "But Rooster and I don't care about that. We just want a normal life, to raise our family, and to support each other through his deployments. We've never sought power or recognition in the military community." she shrugs while shaking her head, “I mean…we…I???I’m just so confused.”
Evelyn nodded,turning her head to check on JJ. "And that's perfectly fine, Bea. It's not about what others think or expect. Miranda and Mark seem to…feel very threatened by the two of you.”
“But why?”
“I have no clue.” Evelyn’s mouth downturns a bit, “Maybe they are jealous of what you two have.”
She contemplated Evelyn's words as she watched Nicole play with the blades of grass, giggling to herself. It was a beautiful day at the park, the sun shining brightly and her daughter’s laughter filling the air. Yet, the conversation about Miranda and Mark still lingered in her mind, casting a shadow on her thoughts.
Evelyn adjusted the stroller, making sure JJ was comfortable, then turned back to Beatrice. "You know, it's not uncommon for some people to feel envious when they see a strong, loving couple like you and Rooster. You've been through a lot together, and you're still so connected and supportive of each other. It's something to be proud of."
Beatrice smiled at Evelyn's supportive words but couldn't shake the unease she felt about Miranda's weird behavior. "I suppose that makes sense, but it still doesn't justify her rudeness. I mean, I've always tried to be friendly and welcoming to everyone, even if I don't know them well."
Evelyn reached over and gave Beatrice's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "That’s because you're a genuinely kind and warm person, Bea. But not everyone will appreciate that. Some people might interpret your kindness as a threat or a weakness."
The brunette’s eyes narrowed and she looked away, “I’m not weak. Being kind doesn’t make anyone weak.”
“It doesn’t.”
Beatrice sighed, her gaze wandering back to Nicole, who was now following a ladybug fly above her head. "What do you…suggest then? What if she does something when Rooster is deployed?”
After a moment of thought, Evelyn scooted in a little closer and spoke in a low voice. "Well, Bea, one thing you can do is continue to be yourself, the kind and warm person you are. You don't have to change who you are just because of someone like Miranda."
"I understand that,  and i don’t want to change myself.” Bea mutters, holding Nicole close to her chest when the little girl stands up to see the whole park better, “But my question is…what if-”
“You think she’ll try to do something to you?” Evelyn snorts, “Doubtful. No, she’d never put her status on the line…what I do think she’ll do, it make you look bad.”
Evelyn just shrugs, holding her hands up, “Think about it, she tried to do it while you all went to the Oda, she tried doing it on the Hard Deck. She feels immensely threatened by you because you are…well,you.”
The brunette just looked at Evelyn,blinking her eyes in confusion as she took the words in. She wasn’t the first one to say that and Beatrice didn’t know why she didn’t see it. “...I guess…well…I mean…I don’t get it.”
“I just told you why.”
“No,I know, but my problem is…like…” she nuzzles Nicole’s hair when the little girl tilts her head back towards her, “It does feel like she thinks I should fit a mold, or not fit one at all…I guess that could be it.”
“I’ll say what I think it’s happening.” Evelyn says, “Mark and Miranda moved here from Virginia. They had a whole life there, a whole crew, a whole gang…and here, well, they don’t. I don’t know where they’ve been but military families aren’t, you know…condescending that often. And they met you two,first and foremost.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to just…be nicer to people? They could make friends here.”
Evelyn shrugs before checking JJ, who was still fast asleep, “Some people just don’t care about friendships and being nice,Bea. We all dealt with people like that,hm?”
Beatrice nodded, her hands still holding Nicole up. "You're right, Evelyn. I won't let her behavior affect me. I should focus on Rooster’s birthday coming up.”
“Good idea.” she says, “And, in any case, you can get the Californian Doberman we both know.”
Bea’s smile grows a bit, “...Shells?”
Evelyn smirks back, “Shells.”
“And…that was it.” Bea shrugs, “That was the conversation we had.” she sighs, then crosses her arms a bit before turning to him, “You know,I’m just…I think we are giving these two too much thought, aren’t we?”
Rooster frowns, licking his lips as he plays with Nicole’s hand, smiling when she grabs his thumb, “They made you upset,I made that personal.”
“But if you think, if you think, she’s not going to bother you, then I’m fine.” he looked back at Bea with his eyes softening, “I know I did everything I could, from calling your brothers, to Mav and the girls. You’ll be alright and,hopefully Miranda won’t show up.”
Beatrice turned to Rooster, her expression softening as she reached out to caress his cheek. "Roos, you've done more than enough to make sure I'm safe , and I appreciate it. I feel safer knowing you care so much about me." She leaned in to place a gentle kiss on his lips before continuing. "I just don't want her presence to affect our happiness or make us stressed. We have so much to look forward to – Nicole's birthday, your birthday, the twins and our time together before your deployment. Let's focus on that, alright?"
Rooster nodded, he knew Beatrice was right, and he needed to let go of his concerns for now. "You're absolutely right, Bea." he holds up his pinky finger, “Let’s not talk about them from now on, deal?”
She laughs softly, hooking her pinky to his, “Deal,handsome. How was work by the way? Anything new at the base? News about the upcoming deployment?”
Rooster shrugged as he responded to Beatrice's questions. "Work's been…work. Nothing too exciting on the base lately. Same routine, preparations for the deployment – you know how it goes." He glanced down at Nicole, who was intently studying her tiny fingers. "And as for the deployment, no major updates yet. I'll keep you informed as soon as I know more."
Beatrice nodded, her expression thoughtful as she considered Rooster's words. "Alright…have you seen Mav?”
“He’s not going with you guys,right?”
The sudden drop on his voice was obvious and Beatrice stopped what she was doing to look at him, “What?’
Rooster pursed his lips even more, then shook his head, “...I think he’s serious about retiring soon.” and man it hurt him to say that outloud, “He…mentioned it again to me.”
"Roos," she began, her voice gentle as she approached him, "How do you feel about Mav retiring? How do you really feel?."
Rooster laughs humorlessly, his fingers absently tracing patterns on the countertop. "It's tough, Bea.It’s also hilarious,I hated this man for years and now I’m…terrified about not seeing him at the base again. Feels wrong, thinking about it." 
Beatrice reached out and placed her hand on Rooster's, offering him a gentle squeeze. "Is he doing that now,or?”
“He didn’t say, he said he’s thinking about it.” he replies, “But he’s not getting any younger, for the first time in years I’m seeing the white on his temples.”
Beatrice held Rooster's hand and listened to him, she couldn't help but empathize with the complex mix of emotions he was experiencing, it must be eating at him so much. "I can only imagine how hard this must be for you, Roos." she said softly, her thumb caressing his knuckles. 
Rooster nodded, his gaze distant as he continued to reflect on the situation. "You know, despite all the disagreements over the years, Mav has always been there… even when he wasn’t. He's like the constant in my career – always watching out for me, pushing me to be better. The thought of not having him around...it's unnerving."
Beatrice leaned in and pressed a comforting kiss on his cheek. "I understand, Roos. But remember, it's not the end of your connection with Mav. You'll still have each other outside of the military, I mean…he is around all the time."
“Do you want to invite him to have dinner with us?’ she asks while propping her chin on his shoulder, smiling sweetly, “I wouldn’t mind if he showed up, I think it’d be fun, don’t you?”
Rooster couldn't help but smile at Beatrice's suggestion, his eyes softening and his chest expanding as he inhaled. He looked down at Nikki who was busy once again trying to pluck on his uniform, then tilting her head at him when she felt his eyes on her, “...you know what.” he says, running his fingers on Nicole’s hair, “I like that idea.”
“I thought you might.” she says,kissing his cheek, “It’ll be good for the two of you.”
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
6 - Amy Farrah Fowler
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Part 7
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
2 Weeks Later
Pushing some clothes down in my suitcase tonight we would be leaving Texas and traveling to California for Sheldon’s wedding. Georgie was leaving his assistant in charge of the store for a few weeks and we finally had enough money to fly on an airline. Shutting my suitcase the bedroom door opened when I glanced over my shoulder. “I just called Meemaw and told her that we were picking her up then heading to the airport.”
“Great. Are the girls packed yet?” I asked to tie the laces of my brown combat boots. Georgie shook his head no leaving me to go check on them. My hair is pinned up in a bun with some few strands falling out at the sides.
Knocking on their bedroom door they still shared a room. Aurora and Eve turned their heads, smiling at me until I covered my mouth, bending over and throwing up in the trash can in their room. “Mom!” They both shouted rushing forward with Eve holding my hair back.
“Rora shut…the door…now!” I waved to my other daughter not wanting their father to hear what I said next to them.
She shut the door locking it with a confused look all across her face at me puking for no reason. “Mom, what on earth is going. You literally just puked for no reason. Wait, was it the pizza we had last night?”
“Ugh no…it’s not the pizza.” Wiping my hand across my mouth I sighed fixing my shirt seeing the two eyeballing me waiting for an answer. "I need you two to promise me that you won't say a word when I tell you this. I'm pregnant, so you might be getting a brother or a sister."
Aurora gasped, jumping up and down. "OMG!"
"So that's what you and dad were doing besides napping…ewww." Evelyn pretended to gag but she had a huge smile on her face.
Raising my hands up in front of me I shushed them needing them to be quiet. "Sssh. Keep your voices down. I don't want your father to know anything yet."
"Why?" Rora tilted her head to the side.
Slumping my shoulders I sighed tucking hair behind my ear. "I want it to be a surprise. That is why. Because I am hoping this time it's a boy."
"That's great mom." Eve runs forward gently hugging me where I wrapped my arms around her waist squeezing her gently. She wrapped her arms around me following Aurora doing the same.
Breaking the hug I intertwined their hands with mine staring down at my stomach then back up to them. “Now that is settled. I need you two to promise me that you won’t say anything to your daddy.”
“I won’t say anything, momma.” Aurora vowed, sending me a head nod yes.
Evelyn gave me a soldier salute smiling. “Yes ma’am.”
“Alright now, finish getting packed for the trip.” I told them to leave their room helping Georgie get everything in the back trunk. We stopped by Connie’s house. Missy and Mary were flying in later than us so we didn’t have time to stop and chat with them. Getting into the airport was fine until the girls insisted on both trying to get a window seat.
Eve and Rora were shoving the other until Connie came and sat down on the aisle seat. “Sit down you two. Eve gets it now and on the way home Rora will get her turn you hear.”
“Thank you, Connie.” I whispered sitting across the row beside Georgie.
She reached across the row grabbing my hand in hers smiling. “You’re welcome dear.”
I actually slept for most of the ride with me basically laying my head in my husband’s lap. He didn’t care or was bothered by it because when he would come home late from work I would do this exact thing. Putting everything up in the hotel Sheldon had sent us the address to his apartment so the four of us left. Connie said she was going to meet up with Mary and Missy when they landed. Georgie held the door open before the girls ran around our legs wanting to check everything out. “Girls slow down and don’t break any of their stuff.” I called out.
“They should be fine as long as they don’t go into Sheldon's bedroom. Oh and don’t sit in that spot on the couch because…” Leonard started explaining.
Georgie and I both knew where this was going so we finished his sentence for him. “Because it’s his spot.”
Leonard smiles when a blonde haired girl comes over to greet us hugging the both of us immediately. “Hi I’m Penny, Leonard’s wife. So you must be Sheldon’s brother and you’re his wife right?”
“I’m Y/n. And those are our daughters Aurora and Evelyn.” I pointed my index finger at the girls aweing at the view from up this high. This was the full on city compared to our little town that they were used to.
Penny looked over her shoulder seeing that the girls were a lot older than she would have expected them to be. "I hope this isn't rude but at what age did you have them?"
"Oh it's fine. Aurora was when we were seventeen and Eve was about two years after that when we both were around twenty." I shrugged my shoulders with a half smile twirling my wedding ring on my finger eyeing my husband.
Georgie moved to one of the chairs and I sat on the armrest of it feeling him wrap his arm around my waist so I didn’t fall off the chair. Leonard and Penny pulled up some chairs sitting beside us before the apartment door opened and I recognized Sheldon walking in with a girl with dark brown hair who saw us. “Georgie, Y/n. I would like you to meet Amy.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Amy.” Getting to my feet I hugged the girl before our two little girls bumped into my leg. “Oh and I’d like you to meet little Aurora or Rora for short and Evelyn or Eve.”
Penny rose to her feet grabbing her keys from the kitchen island heading for the door of the apartment. She waved bye to us, shutting the door behind herself. “I’ll be back. Amy, I'm going to pick up your parents from the airport.”
“So, you're Sheldon's big brother.” Amy sat down beside Sheldon while I sat back down on the armrest.
Georgie chuckled, glancing up at me with a smirk causing me to lightly blush at his words when he tugged me closer where I was almost sitting in his lap. “Uh, yeah. He got the brains. I got the bod. And the face and the hair….which landed me my high school sweetheart.” He nuzzled his nose in my hair where I struggled to hold back a giggle.
“Georgie! Stop, we're visiting with family.” I giggled with his arms wrapping around my waist with me basically sitting in his lap.
He kissed me softly where I couldn’t help but smile wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him back when he mumbled back. “I can’t help it, darlin’. I love you.”
“I like your accent. Sheldon, did you used to sound like that? Can you still?” Amy shifted on the couch looking at the young Cooper brother smiling in our direction.
Sheldon paused, turning his head back in our direction sending his brother a glare that basically said why did you have to say anything. “I can. I will not…Amy, you said something about my bow tie that I can't stop thinking about.”
“Don't you mean...Ya’ll said something ‘bout my bow tie?” Amy attempted to mimic Georgie’s accent, making me burst into a quiet laugh by the look Sheldon gave her. Aurora and Evenpaused their game of hide and seek bursting into laughter at the woman who would become their aunt.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
The Sandwich Incident
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Request: "Congrats on hitting the 500!!! :D :D
Let's see...I'm going to give you some prompts and let YOU pick the character! Switch it up a bit. :)
Prompts: - A sandwich - Reader has red hair - "I can't wait to regret this in the morning, dear."" - Requested by @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 ! 😄
Summary: You got quite a bit drunk at the afterparty of the premier of Loki Season One, causing a sandwich incident to happen...
Warnings: fluff, mentions of alcohol, this is actually very funny
Word Count: 1,2k
a/n: Ahhh, this was SO much fun to write! Thanks for giving me those great prompts @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 ! I loved the challenge! I hope you like it! 😁 Hope it's okay that I chose Tom himself... 😊
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @fictive-sl0th
If you want to be added to my Tom Taglist, please let me know! 😄
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"Oh gods..." You giggled, while literally stumbling down the stairs of the fancy bar. "I think I wasn't that tipsy in a loooong ti- woah!" Your feet suddenly weren't able to work correctly anymore, causing you to stumble. You would've fallen down the last few steps, if two strong arms around your middle wouldn't have prevent you from doing exactly that. "Careful, darling." The voice of your beloved boyfriend announced behind you with a teeny-tiny chuckle. He pulled you against his chest and held you secure. You just broke out in another fit of giggles. "Thank you, Tommy."
It had been the evening of the premier of the Loki series - season one, here in London. And well, the afterparty had been... let's say wild...
"Of course, darling. Wouldn't want you to fall, would I?" You beamed up at your infamous boyfriend, smirking smugly. You started to ran your hands up and down his suit clad chest, up to his broad shoulders and strong arms. "Sometimes I forget how strong you are, babe." You giggled again, "My strong, strong handsome man." and wiggled your eyebrows, trying to look seductive. Tom just shook his head and smiled lovingly at you. "Darling, I think you are not just tipsy. Come on, I'll take you home." He placed a soft kiss on top of your head, which was covered in a wild mane of almost untamable ginger curls, before he gently swept you off your feet and carried you down the last few stairs - what you commented with even more giggles. "Yes! Take me home, cowboy!" You practically purred, causing the British gentleman to blush. Tom knew, of course, how you acted when you were tipsy - or well, drunk, so he just played along. "That's what I intend to do. Come on, love." He gently let you down again, but wrapped his arm securely around you, steadying you.
Luckily, the bar you had been in wasn't that far away from your London home. And therefore, that you two took the back entrance of the bar on your way out, Tom didn't have to deal with paparazzi's. A thing the actor was very glad about this evening.
Giggling, you stumbled through the main door of yours and Tom's shared home, pulling him with you. Being the gentleman he was, he helped you out of your black heels, with you almost toppling over and falling on top of him, but again, he 'rescued' you. "Babe, you truly are my hero tonight!" You slurred and smirked at him, biting your lip. "I thought I am always your hero?" You giggled, "You are, but tonight especially." and leaned over to kiss the top of his nose. Tom just sighed with a smile and led you into your shared bathroom to help you peel off your tight dress and change you into your pyjama - something your drunk self didn't quite appreciate...
"Nooooo." You whined like a small child, pouting, as your boyfriend tried to slip the soft, cosy pyjama top over your head. Tom pulled back, frowning. "Why? What's wrong, darling?" "Don' want that... Want you." Tom was slightly confused. "Me?" You nodded, "Uh.Huh." and started to clumsily peel off Tom's loosened tie and white button up. Now he understood. "You want to wear my shirt tonight, love?" "Mhh." You slurred, trying to undo the buttons, but didn't quite make it. "Wanna feel you close." Tom smiled at your sweet words and gently took your hands in his and removed them from the white fabric of his shirt, before he unbuttoned the piece of clothing himself. As soon as he shrugged it down his shoulders, you made grabby hands at him, reaching for the shirt. Tom helped you slip into it. "Better, sweetheart?" You nodded, still beaming at him. "Perfect. Now let's get you to bed, yes?" "Mhmm." He helped you stand and wanted to guide you towards the bedroom, but you had other plans... You wrapped your hands around his neck and pressed your body against his bare chest. "Carry me?" You looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes Tom had ever seen. "Pleaseeeee!" He gave, of course, in, "Alright, come on." and picked you up to carry you once again. A happy giggle left your lips and you gave him a sloppy kiss on his clean shaved cheek. When Tom had reached the bedroom, he tucked you in and made sure to switch off all the lights, before he joined you. He pulled you against his chest and cuddled you close to him. "Good night, my love." "Mhhh, night, babe." Tom placed another kiss on top of your head and closed his eyes, trying to sleep.
The bedroom was silent for a long moment, but then... "Baaaabe?" You whispered into the darkness, causing Tom to snap out of his doze. "What is it, darling? Is everything alright?" The Brit was shortly worried that the amount of alcohol you had consumed caused you to feel sick or dizzy, but that wasn't the case... "M hungry." He blinked. "You are hungry?" "Uh.Huh... Can I have a sandwich?" "You want to have a sandwich? Now?" "Yes, ehehe." Tom sighed deeply, but turned around to switch on his bedside lamp, knowing very well, that you wouldn't go to sleep without having something to eat. "I am going to make you a sandwich, okay?" He would do everything for you, anyway. Even make your drunk self a sandwich in the middle of the night. After all, you were the love of his life. You nodded excitedly, with a big smile on your face. Tom threw the blanket aside and stood up. "Any special wishes, milady?" You giggled at Tom's sublime language, before tapping your chin in a thinking manner. "I waaaaant... Toast... Butter... Jam... Aaaand pickles." The man frowned in disgust and... shock? "Beg your pardon, my love... You want what? Jam and pickles??" You giggled, nodding. Tom blinked. "You, uh... You are not pregnant, are you?" He had to ask, didn't he? You shook your head, still giggling. "Noooo, babe..." Tom lifted an eyebrow, sceptically. Sure, you were not exactly yourself right now, but nevertheless, he had to make sure, right? "Are you... sure?" "Mhhh... Jus' drunk." Tom shook his head and just decided to leave it like that. "Alright, darling... I'll be right back." Then he left you and went to the kitchen to make the sandwich you requested.
Ten minutes later, he witnessed with disgust, how you devoured the jam and pickles packed sandwich, like it was some kind of delicacy. "I can't wait for you to regret this in the morning, dear." You eagerly shook your head. "Nuh.Uh. 'M not gonna regret this, babe." You stated, while still munching on the sandwich. Tom just shook his head, giving you a lopsided grin.
Needless to say, Tom had been right... You did, in fact, regret it. Especially, as you were leaning over the toilet, emptying your stomach of the sandwich - and alcohol. The only thing which made this unpleasant situation you were in better, was your doting boyfriend, who rubbed small, comforting circles in your back and held your hair back.
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gaiahypothesims · 4 months
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Jake- <chugging> Ugh... I'm seriously not twenty anymore.
Evelyn- <laughing> You're doing great! You're a big boy, you can handle it!
Jake- How are you good at this? You been practicing??
Evelyn- <laughs> Why do you think I have this ping pong table if not for beer pong? I used to be fun!
Jake- <grins> You're still fun. You ready to get back into it tomorrow?
Evelyn- Oh come on! Don't ruin my night with thoughts of work and parenthood! Though I do miss my baby. Drink up! We're on to round three! I want you good and sloppy for what I'm about to do to you tonight. Why do you think I brought you back home?
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ladylooch · 1 year
OMFG jealous em ensues. maybe at a bar or a club, emma is absolutely staring her down after she comes up to emma and t.
her hand lingers on timos arm for too long, emma doesn’t like that. now, emma’s ass is grinding against timo, she’s letting his hands roam all over her on the dance floor.
emma doesn’t even care that she’s going to get teased
I'm usually unaffected by moments like this. My husband is hot. I'm aware and he attracts attention. Fine. At times, I might even be honest and tell you I like the way people crave what is mine.
But not when it's this girl.
This girl is a known pass around with the younger boys on the Devils. She's around, but none of the wives get involved with her; a few of the girlfriends considered her a friend. Mostly though, she's an outlier with the Devils women. Before tonight, I never had a thought about her one way or the other.
But then she put her hand on my husband like that was okay and now I have many thoughts, none of them good.
The boys are all out on the dance floor, being obnoxious drunks at the end of another season. The Devils had an amazing year, but fell short of their Stanley Cup dream. This one stings, especially after winning it the year before. So, they're processing the best way they know with shots of tequila and taking their shirts off.
"Uhhh?" Lexi questions next to me, watching as Evelyn skims Timo's arm again. "You better go get her away from your man." I watch my husband step back again. He is sloppy drunk but still fends off her advance. He begins to dance around Nico, leaving Evelyn by him. "She better not touch Nico. I'll be over there slapping a bitch."
I don't respond. Instead, I'm watching as Evelyn‘s eyes follow to Timo's new position. She takes another sip of her drink, then begins to move towards him. I scoff. Exactly what I thought, she's really trying to make a move on my husband. That won't do.
"Now I have to go out on this sweaty dance floor and take care of this." I slam down the rest of my drink, then hike my skin tight jeans back up to my hips. "Your time with the Devils is done." I mutter to myself as I make my way out to the group.
"Emma!!!!!!!!!!" Nico greets me by drunkenly tossing an arm over my shoulder. "I love you. I'm so glad our kids are growing up together here." I chuckle at how unsteady he is, and shoulder his weight for a moment.
"Yeah, baby brother?" I tease, kissing his cheek affectionately. "You should go see Lexi. She said she missed you."
"Oh!" He exclaims, whipping his head to his wife. He grins dopely when he seen her. There is no doubt who he loves most in this world. Nico stumbles off as I sigh, happy to know my brother is safe from the vulture. My gaze moves beyond the rest of the Devils to my husband. Timo's eyes are locked and wide on me, begging for help. I purse my lips against a laugh, then begin to shimmy my way over to him. I bop my shoulders as I approach. He steps beyond Evelyn and captures my hips.
"Baby, help me."
"I got you, T." I pull his mouth down to mine, gripping the back of his neck tightly. Our tongues crash together, tasting each other and the various liquors we've consumed tonight. Electricity and heat shoots through my body. He pulls me tighter, grinding my front into his as he builds between us.
The song changes to My Type by Saweetie and I tilt my head back to laugh.
"Rich, eight figure, yeah, that's my type." I yell to Timo, turning in his grasp to put my butt against his bulge. He moans hotly into my ear.
"You feel so good." He presses me deeper into him. He’s firmed completely against my ass. His fingers move from my hips, working up my body to my breasts. He squeezes them obviously rotating his hips into me as I grip his head close to mine.
“Mom and Dad, get a room!” Luke Hughes shouts in disgust.
“Let’s go home.” Timo suggests.
“All the Devils’ babies are there with the babysitters.” I remind him. “Fuck me in the bathroom like old times.”
“You gonna be quiet?”
Timo grins, putting his hand in my back pocket as we work our way out of the crowd. I glance over my shoulder at Evelyn who frowns at our departure. I give her a smug look then forget about her completely. Instead, I follow my husband, debating about what position I want him to take me in.
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pbforeva · 2 months
back in my one d phase 😛
part 13
Evelyn's pov:
That was a mistake. I can't believe we kissed. I don't even like girls like that, I mean imagine if my parents found out. They're not the most accepting people when it comes to same sex relationships. I mean they cut off my cousin, Eleanor, because she has a girlfriend.
Oh my gosh, and Blake, we're still together. I don't know if he'll let me stay friend with Paige, oh gosh Paige. There's no way we can be friends now. Tears streak down my cheeks as I try not to think about how Blake never kisses me. When he does, it's because he wants something out of me, it's never just because he loves me. We used to kiss all the time, he wouldn't hit me, and he let me have friends. What has our relationship become?
I remember the first time he hit me, it was two years ago, yet I recall every detail of that night. I had just gotten back around 2 a.m. from a night out with Aurora, she chose my outfit at her house and I never showed him. But when I got home, he stormed up to me, his eyes glazed over with anger and he began to yell at me.
"Why are you wearing that?" He said angrily, but before I could answer he started again. "Do you like making me jealous? Of you like looking like a slut for other men?" I was too shocked to answer because Blake had never spoken to me before.
"Yeah, and you're not answering because you know I'm right." He said, and just when I thought he was finished, he turned around and slapped me.
My mouth is agape, I can't believe he just did that. Tears well in my eyes, not because it hurt, but because I didn't believe he was capable of this. I turn my head towards him, with a perplexed look across my face.
As soon as he realized what he did, his eyes softened and he immediately apologized.
"Oh God, Evelyn-, I can't believe I did that." He tried to continue, but he seems to be lost for words, "I am so sorry, I promise it will never happened again, please forgive me," He practically begs.
Pathetically, I believe him, I know I shouldn't but he's been so good to me. This is the first time he's ever raised his voice, and everyone deserves second chances. So, I nod slowly to indicate I forgive him, and he hugs me. He doesn't stop kissing me and apologizing the whole night, and by morning I almost forget it had happened. Until I saw the bruise that had formed on my cheek.
**flashback over**
Blake only got worse from there when he realized I would forgive him. It was our system, he'd hit me and then he would love bomb me until I forgot. But I was so stupid that he no longer had to love bomb me after, he just had to act like it never happened.
The kind, loving man I fell in love with was no longer there, and there wasn't a trace of him. He was now a monster. How was I so stupid it took me this long to notice?
I clutch my knees to my chest as my tears begin to fall harder. Not only was I ignorant enough to believe Blake loved me and stay with him, but I think I liked the kiss between Paige and I. Soon, my tears are no longer enough to keep me awake and I fall asleep, still crying.
Paiges pov:
I stumbled into my dorm, my vision blurry from the amount of tears coming out of my eyes. I try to find my way down the hallway and into my room, but I accidentally open Azzi's door. Before I could shut it and hope she hadn't noticed, she shot up from her bed and pulled the door open wider, and ushered me inside.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She worriedly questions, trying to look me in the eye but I keep diverting my eyes from hers. Instead of answering, I start crying harder as she wraps her arms around me, because I know I ruined it tonight and I'll never get to hug Evelyn again.
After a few moments Azzi calms me down a bit and stops hugging me. "So P, are you ready to talk about it?" She asks quietly.
Begrudgingly, I answer, "Yeah, I guess."
"Ok, now what happened, it's been forever since i've seen you this upset," Azzi asks cautiously.
"Well, I had a little crush on Evelyn and I thought she had one too, you know?" I start, trying to figure out how i'm going to say this.
"Yeah, I've noticed, have you acted on it?" She questions while rubbing my back, as I'm still crying.
"Umm yeah, Evelyn and I left not long after you guys left the beach, and in the car I decided to test if she liked me a bit by putting my hand on her thigh. When I did, she didn't say anything about it but we made light conversation, so I thought she liked me too. But I guess she didn't because after we got to her apartment complex, I kissed her before she got out of the car. And I think she kissed back for a minute before she freaked out and ran out." I say while trying to avoid Azzi's sympathetic gaze.
"Oh Paige, I'm so sorry," she says, but adds, "I honestly think she likes you back but she has too many things holding her back."
"What's holding her back?" I question desperately, while placing my head in my hands.
"Well first Blake, but also Duke and I were talking about our extended family and he mentioned how his parents don't talk to one of their cousins cause she's gay, but he thinks it's bullshit and still talks with her every so often.” She says before embracing me again.
“I just don’t know what to do,” I sob into her shoulder.
“You’ll figure it out soon, you always do the right thing, and I’m here if you need me.” She says as she rubs my back.
I’m tired of talking, but I don’t think I can bear being alone right now, so we lay in her bed and go to sleep while she comforts me a bit more.
hmm kinda short buttt
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peachymilkandcream · 29 days
Her Biggest Fan|Levi x Evelyn AU
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Request: Hello, could you do a chapter of Evelyn being an idol and having Levi as her obsessive fan?
(A/N: AO3 request, very interesting and I'm so excited for this one, enjoy!)
WARNINGS: noncon/dubcon, graphic descriptions of violence, domestic violence, manipulation, mind breaking, yandere behaviour/themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, wishing rape upon someone, misogyny, mentions of child abuse, blackmail, revenge porn, murder, second chance, stalking, etc.
Levi waited his turn in line patiently, this wasn't the first time that he had seen her in person, but each time was just as exciting as the last. Evelyn had been a previously struggling icon when Levi had come across her music. He was always finding new content to help him go through the day, and her more hardcore style was something he looked for.
At first, she had very minimal followers. And that's how Levi liked it. He enjoyed being one of the only people to get a kick out of her music. It was something intimate that only they shared, he felt like he was the only one that cared for her and was interested in helping her music.
When she started gaining popularity the more he didn't like it. Levi was one of her only dedicated fans, and now she had many men and women fawning over her, her pick of men right there for the taking.
It drove him crazy.
He scoured her social media for any hint of a significant other. All shadows and any special items in a room that would mean that there was another man in her life. Thankfully nothing of the sort had been seen so far, but that didn't mean it would be that way forever. One of his reasons for purchasing yet another VIP pass to her most recent show.
Now that it was his turn he approached the love of his life once more. As usual Evelyn smiled and gave him a hug. each time a thing that he utterly reveled in. The feel of her against him, her scent, her skin. It was addictive. What he wouldn't give to make sure that he was the only one that go to do this with her for the rest of her life.
"Do you remember me?" Was his first question.
"Of course, Levi. You've come to all of my concerts, always a VIP pass, and buying merch. I appreciate all of your support."
"Mm. I always want to help smaller creators, but now that you've grown I suppose you don't need it anymore."
"Aw, of course not. I love all my fans."
The word love, despite being used generally set his heart ablaze. Such a sweet word being used to describe him was such a euphoric feeling that he couldn't get over. He had to do something about this, he couldn't live with this feeling forever, he had to do something about it before she went crazy.
As Levi was gestured to go so that the next paying attendee could have their time with her. He complied, not wanting to start a scene, but as he started to walk away he noticed her bag sitting near the door. Without effort he dropped a small tracking device in it, knowing that after tonight this would be the last show she preformed for anyone but him.
That night, Levi checked the tracker app on his phone. Following it after the show had ended.
It led him to a hotel where she was staying. Thankfully her being in a strange city would make it harder for her to find her surroundings, so when he finished his plan she would be utterly helpless.
Without much hassle Levi found her room number and obtained a master key. He'd been practicing this now for weeks. Going to each of her shows and spying on her while she slept. Now that she was in his home town, he could finally complete his mission.
Levi opened the door and let himself in. She was asleep, in her bed. He snuck over to her, picking up a heavy lamp and holding it high above her head so that as she woke up to the sound of him, like she did now, the lamp landing on her forehead knocked her out.
As Evelyn went limp Levi smirked in satisfaction, now he could finally get everything he wanted.
With skill, he took everything out of her suit case and stuffed her in. He'd have to hurry or she'd suffocate, but he had no plan on letting her die like this.
She was his.
When Evelyn woke up she was bound to a bed in a small apartment. Posters and merch of herself covering every surface. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't be free.
"No need to struggle, I won't hurt you."
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ok so for pints of guinness i wrote this:
i really like the beginning. "evelyn i'm not coming home tonight" immediately makes me think of emily dickinson. love the vocals. the rawness and drawn out words "toniiiiiiiiight" is excellent.
i love that i can hear the strumming pattern of the acoustic guitar (i think that's acoustic. it might be unplugged electric idk tho)
there's a song that this reminds me of. it's by Crywank, it's called Welcome To Castle Irwell. i recommend you give it a listen! anyway back to pints of guiness make you strong.
the "i just wouldve let myself die" part made me tear up augh. i really like the SLIGHTLY out of sync backing vocals it makes it feel real. i dont know how else to explain it haha!
i liked the little short strum at the end i pictured fingers trying to strum one last time but just falling down and off of the strings from lack of strength or will to strum anymore. yeah 👍
9/10 i very much enjoyed it and i'll be listening to this again!! sorry that was so long 😮‍💨
it was written abt her grandmother!, i just think thats so sweet
pretty sure its all acoustic on that album and it was recorded in like one day? maybe two, but very fast and yes GOD the RAWNESS of everything just cuts so deep (when you can fucking understand what shes hollering lmao)
since you like it i very much recommend the whole of reinventing axl rose, the self titled ep, the crime ep, and also stay alive which is laura’s solo album. its different way more similar in vibe to the mountain goats but h o l y s h i t
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