bamsara · 1 year
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local vampire lesbian realizes she has a chance
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alexandertheanxious · 5 months
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Adam and Eve loved eachother and you can't change my mind
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gritsandbrits · 2 months
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Eve doesn't curse which makes her assessment even more damning.
Based on this tweet:
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 months
Trans girl named Adam X trans boy named Eve (they kill monsters together)
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astr-hal · 11 months
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eve wants to become a bass hero!!!
based on ime-chan wants to become a guitar hero by ime44
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ur-local-kiwi · 1 year
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more doobles
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fat-butch-dyke · 1 year
you, void
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tell me about your ocs
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok they're still new so I'm still developing them BUT
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Adam is an eldritch horror type creature (they/it) who basically eats people for fun, their enjoy feeling the despair coming from someone before they make them a meal. They generally have no regard for human life and very loose to no morals I'm afraid. They are ancient, coming from a time so far past they can't even remember their origin very clearly but their form on earth appears to be in their early 30s. They meet Eve when she stumbles upon them in the middle of dinner and they're not entirely sure why they let her leave that alleyway alive either but they take it upon themselves to find out why she has this influence over them. They couldn't eat or kill her if they tried (which is sooo annoying can't you tell.)
They can change their "human" form pretty much at will provided they aren't starving or badly injured although big changes take significantly more energy. A common problem for them as that their skin always looks too tight, like it doesn't quite fit their frame and hugs their bones too tightly. Eve calls it a "cute quirk" of theirs but if people see it on the street they cross over. They can tell its not normal, a prey drive Adam calls it.
They don't have a name when they meet Eve, they don't particularly care about names. But upon her insistence that she can't just call them "that guy" all the time, they give her the privilege of naming them. She takes awhile to consider before settling on Adam and when asked why Adam she explains the creation myth to them. Adam simply snorts, calling the story ridiculous but they don the name with a feeling almost like pride, enjoying how it makes them feel connected to her.
Adam generally tries to keep their bloody business away from Eve but some things slip through the cracks (or they forget) so she's definately seen her fair share of blood or body parts at this point. It still freaks her out but a soft touch from Adam and she's basically forgotten it (though whether that's because of its influence or simply how smitten she is with them, who's to say.)
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Eve is a 26 year old trans femme (she/her) secretary who enjoys dancing and embroidery, she considers herself to be quite plain and generally unappealing. She happens upon Adam while they're...eating...one night and for reasons she can't fathom, she leaves that alleyway alive (and slightly flustered). She lives alone and has one older sister but her parents have passed away. She has a cat she's named King George, a big fluffy orange creature she treats like actual royalty.
Despite her best efforts to keep her composure and distance from the creepy being she's started calling Adam, she can't help but continue to be drawn to them. From what they tell her their influence should be making her naturally fear them, like she's some prey animal. And yet she can't help herself. When they start following her around town she almost feels safer with them around and she actively searches out ways to make them talk to her again (it takes awhile, Adam is shy)
I created these characters for the purpose of exploring darker aspects off horror, romance, and kink so expect that at some point to be reflected in the art/writing about them. I will put warnings appropriately and probably won't post anything too graphic on Tumblr but I did make a Twitter for that if anyone's interested
(I'm sure I'll expand on this at some point but I gotta go to work lol, if you have any questions I'm here)
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wayfindarts · 1 year
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dreamberry24 · 6 months
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late late sketch
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askeveandtally · 1 year
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Hello This is Eve!
She is mostly known as an herbalist and potion maker for the city of Coin. She got popular off of good deeds she had done in the city and quickly made a name for herself.
She lives alone in her shop spending most of her morning looking after her plants and during the night is an advisor for the king.
She's incredibly religious.
Enjoys reading and conversing with people.
Also enjoys messing around with potions and magic.
(a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeeeeeeeee gossip)
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bamsara · 2 years
if you ever want to, i would LOVE to know more about maddie and eve! sounds amazing
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I've written them more than I've drawn them so I don't really have any super new updated art of them but I've had these OCs since 2019 I think, and I remember the first art of them being like,,,super anime style lmao. (Also if you know where Eve's trench coat inspiration came from....iykyk)
I'm still not entirely satisfied with Eve's design but I think Maddie is okay where she is. Eve has gone through the most character changes.
Also I don't know how to talk about these characters personality or history because I have a habit of keeping most if not a lot of my OC lore and stuff to myself vs fandom stuff. I guess the best way to describe them is that Maddie is an anxiety-riddled girl with a penchant for conspiracy therories and airplanes. Eve is more quiet, observational-type who likes pranks and just so happens to be a vampire. They're best friends and go on ghost and cryptid adventures together, maybe throw some romantic tension in there.
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gritsandbrits · 2 months
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"I am the mother of humanity, sinner and winner alike. Earth is our home and you are not welcome here!"
After spending the whole show on a journey of self rediscovery, Eve reminds everyone and Roo what her true purpose is and why you don't piss off an overprotective mom.
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
the witch’s paladin
Basic info: Melissa (she/her)
Background: Former imperial soldier. She was loyal to her crown until she found out the abhorrent things it did. She then fled her position and met a witch, whom she swore loyalty to.
Role: Protagonist
Main traits: Pragmatic, skeptical, responsible, effective, fair
*Notes: She has a tragic backstory btw.
Basic info: Adam (she/her)
Background: [not fleshed out] Healer magician.
Role: Main character
Main traits: Stubborn, eccentric, self-centered
*Notes: Insufferable as hell. Voiceclaim is Brandon Rogers
Basic info: Eva/Eve (he/him)
Background: [not fleshed out] Magician.
Role: Main character
Main traits: Blunt, mean, lighthearted, irresponsible
*Notes: Transgender as well. He and Adam together are insufferable.
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astr-hal · 1 year
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eve trading card is READY!!!!
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heepthecheep · 1 year
Oof even though I'm not the biggest fan of apocalypse/post apocalypse stories I'm having brain rot for this one idea I had....
Basically, in the 1930s, there was a massive break out of a filovirus disease. Because there was a very poor understanding of viruses and an even poorer, if not entirely non-existent, understanding of filoviruses, this virus rises to pandemic levels. It infects humans, but maybe it has the ability to jump to other mammals as well? Like, not over night, but maybe eventually there'd be a strain that infects cattle, or a strain that infects horses, or something. The virus also seems to linger, in the soil, in the water, again, in ways that the people of this time couldn't understand.
So a lot of people die. Infact, it would seem that most people died from this disease. Of course, there are several places where this disease didn't kill everyone.
Four generations after the initial outbreak of the disease, there are several small communities that eek out an existence for themselves. Because of the break down of any sort of mass or quick communication, these settlements genuinely believe that they are the last people left on earth.
First, there is a settlement deep in the mountains of Appalachia. They were remote when the pandemic began, and protected themselves by enforcing strict boundaries and physical borders. These people are deeply religious and superstitious. From this group comes "Johnny"
Another group lives in what was once coal mines, that they've converted the mines into a space somewhat habitable for humans. They've also expanded these mines. These people fled underground during the pandemic, and have kept themselves somewhat healthy by avoiding the aboveground. I think it would be neat to explore how they made food and resources, and what exactly their culture got up too. I think they'd be somewhat...impersonal? Like, purely utilitarian, to the point where they avoid close relationships, and only have intercourse to reproduce? Anyways, "Eve" is from this group.
Finally, there's a scattered group of people that lives in what remains of human buildings and homes. These people protect themselves by staying far apart from each other, only communicating through systems of messages that they invent. Children are raised by a single parent, a person who has proven themselves to be an efficient member of the community, until they are eventually left alone to care for themselves. From this group comes "Anne"
Anyways, for there own reasons, each of these people leave the group that they were raised in, and find each other. Something happens, like maybe they have to go and find a cure? Or uncover government plans for a vaccine? Or something idk. I'm just fond of these kiddos owo.
Uhh.... Pennsylvania hopeful post apocalypse story
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tk-sketches · 9 months
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a quickie to say happy new years!! ⭐ they're based on those fireworks LED lights
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