wolfylch · 2 years
Alucard spent nearly 2 years in a dream before he realized he'd miss his sister if she were gone.
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444names · 2 years
tahitian names + greek islands
Agiontines Agongela Agoni Agoula Airistros Aithous Aitithi Alada Alairimno Amaki Amatahi Amikoula Anasokos Anasos Anaxi Angatipsi Angylidos Aniamanysa Anisi Anisia Anissi Anorfua Antipapai Araatri Aramoros Arasi Aravalonti Ariamoa Arinos Armaetipa Armata Arofia Arteroi Askaragi Astahiros Ateraiti Atereriza Aterinana Athoiria Atikorfua Cepau Chlokliaea Corfuaihos Coros Corpis Diarepapi Dololos Donera Draki Elafos Elaki Elama Eliano Ellouda Ereami Ereui Eurahinisi Eurova Faafos Faammega Faammo Faaparuiho Faatalai Faathi Fadera Faihi Falafos Fanalolo Fanisi Fargos Faruhilimi Fauames Fereamio Ferii Flega Fleiamvi Fokon Fonies Fonimoa Fonis Fonisi Frachi Fradakros Fraittaeva Gantho Gantia Gavalia Grandra Grasofa Gremaronis Gretelos Grianouss Griieri Grimou Gyaihos Gyllouda Haioniani Haoanti Hapadi Hapipsos Hapua Hareva Harii Haurakiotu Hautua Heihua Heisia Hereteha Hereva Herii Heriiti Herisi Hiotoo Hiraia Hirii Htereha Huihoea Huutuia Imiareui Ioatoanti Iotuanti Ioulos Irios Iteros Ittaatu Kalafonoi Kalee Kalevaski Kalia Kalko Kallia Kalos Kamadili Kamaros Karines Karogi Kastahu Kavgo Kaviti Kefaite Kelos Kerii Keripsymi Kerono Kiteros Klideresi Koiri Kopoussoni Koudas Koulaves Koura Kouragria Kouratu Kouri Kroki Kyronisi Kythe Kythoi Kythryoni Kyttahi Kyttos Lagos Laskougria Lavalkia Legatho Legio Leikopore Lekhos Lichi Loula Loussa Maami Maathasa Mados Maevalydra Mahinisi Mahoirai Maihoutai Maino Maiothaki Maira Mairos Maitaia Makio Makles Manaxa Mandras Mangelafos Manisoulos Mantzedes Manutoa Manutuputa Maragi Maras Mareromaho Marhanea Marii Marlos Marmaaia Maronissa Maros Matallos Mathetau Matisi Matua Matuare Mavala Mavasi Mavgono Megaia Mehahu Meitaundi Menisi Milidonia Miniaere Moeami Moeve Mongelenes Mykolos Mykos Mytinos Namviti Nesbos Nisymikara Nuifokos Nuihoi Otahuhila Otahuti Oxeisi Oxeiti Paamvia Paiamos Paihotos Paoanis Paoantiki Paofada Paoulaxos Paoussa Parahu Pariati Parii Pariina Parmai Paros Parua Pautu Paximadi Paximarimo Perai Perefa Peremano Perifu Peros Petuata Pevalasos Piparoa Pipaximia Pitaa Pitahimara Pomada Pomaea Ponissare Ponistera Ponos Pontiamai Poria Poroa Poruoti Pouda Poussa Prahua Prandia Proana Prono Pseia Pserios Psoulia Psyri Pumaeo Pumau Raafos Raarokos Raati Raatuare Raigo Raithos Raitokoras Ravgos Remaeve Rhada Rhaua Rhimandi Rhouroa Roomos Rotoo Sapina Saramato Saretera Sarii Sarmaros Sastraca Schaheia Schakynti Schara Scharafare Schiranisi Schodos Schoto Schrakio Serehari Serimu Serondroi Siapaximos Skariiti Skasa Sklida Skyntisi Skyri Skytha Skythno Skythoni Sovrasa Speron Sphahu Spida Stautupara Steni Steri Steria Stoantia Stokouss Strak Strikoudi Surania Syllimous Symia Syrnaa Sythi Sythnoi Taammori Taetehadi Tahareva Taheina Tahimo Taida Taitai Taitinerii Tammegala Tamoni Tamos Tapaxi Tapidi Tapigati Tapipari Tapitehe Tarakia Taraurnana Tarii Tarokoni Tarotipa Taruotua Tauanga Tauarifos Tauhinos Taumua Tauri Tavaios Teahu Teamairana Tearkonis Tearlia Tearos Tefai Tefoniss Tehaa Tehere Teianisi Teira Temakoussa Temakythri Temariarau Temateraio Temehala Temoati Temoleiho Temora Temos Temoti Tepasos Tepaxos Tepon Tepuhi Teraurafia Tereino Tereitos Terii Teriitai Teripa Terizo Teroni Teros Tetamilos Teteri Tetoanes Tetsos Tettauotui Teubelaiti Teuia Teuraea Teves Tevetahira Thina Thnos Thodos Tiatahiri Tihane Timiloni Timoa Tipete Tokoussi Tonisi Torfu Torpipsa Totuita Trisi Tsouraihi Tuahu Tuathetui Tuheia Tuhisi Tumani Tunama Tunui Vahandroni Vaios Vaiouda Vaira Vaitalo Vaitetua Valous Valymaa Vantines Vatauraki Veros
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fantasyimmortal · 7 years
You’re All I Want
Royal AU with Zen... first chapter ^^
               “You’re doing it again, _____.”
               I looked over at my best friend Eden and felt a blush rise to my cheeks. “Sorry. I just—“
               “Yes, yes, I know you’re over the moon. Head over heels. So happy that those around you feel nauseous looking at your smile and annoyed listening to your incessant humming.” She laughed as she bumped her shoulder into mine playfully.
               “Hey.” I laughed as I bumped her back. “That’s mean to say.”
               She shrugged as she grabbed a pile of clothes to put away. “Well can you blame me? A hunk like that. I may be your best friend but I can be a little jealous can’t I?” She laughed again as she walked away from me, not allowing me to answer her.
               I smiled and put a hand on my hip, shaking my head slightly as I rolled my eyes. Eden had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. We always picked on each other about things going on in our lives. Her favorite teasing ammunition? My boyfriend, Zen.
               I had met him at a local coffee shop. I had picked up mine and Eden’s orders and was leaving the small shop when I ran into him. Literally. I was looking down at my phone to let Eden know I was on my way and with my vision zeroed in on my phone’s screen I didn’t realize that the door was opening. I stuck my foot out to open the door and when it didn’t connect with anything solid I began to fall forward.
               I giggled as I remembered the coffee, which had been iced coffees thankfully, had spilt on both of us as he reached out to catch me. With my two left feet we somehow ended up tripping over each other as we tried to right ourselves. I ended up falling on top of him, practically straddling his leg and keeping myself off him by pressing my hands against the pavement.
               The first thing I had noticed was his long silver-white hair and then his piercing ruby-red eyes. He smiled up at me and my heart skipped a beat before I stammered out an apology as I scrambled off of him. I remember blushing to the point where he asked if I needed a doctor which resulted in me flailing my hands nervously.
               I had offered to get his clothes dry cleaned which he vehemently refused. Instead he offered to pay for new coffee for me, and wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. Blind-sided by his good looks I couldn’t find the words for an argument. I just wanted to look at him as long as I could, knowing I would never see him again.
               After that day however I always saw him at the coffee shop when I went. He would ignore everyone around him just to wave to me. Eventually I approached him, accusing him of stalking me. He looked shocked and when he regained his composure he smiled at me and pulled out a rose from inside his jacket.
               Apparently he had been going to the coffee shop every day, whether I went or not, just to see me. He also bought a fresh rose every morning just for me, though this was the first one I had received. I had asked him why he didn’t approach me. His response was that he became very curious when I saw him again and didn’t act like a love struck fan-girl and more or less ignored him. I had been one of the only woman to treat him that way. That, and he didn’t want coffee spilled on him again because he had gotten in trouble.
               My memories paused and shook my head and turned towards the dressing rooms of my workplace. “He still hasn’t told me why or whom he got in trouble with.” He would always skirt around those answers. I figured it was something that he didn’t want to talk about, like an abusive family or something. If it’s a touchy subject I don’t want to force him.
               I sighed as I gathered the pile of clothes sitting on one of the dressing room benches. “Don’t know what’s so hard about putting things back on hangers.” I muttered to myself as I carried them out to the desk and began hanging the items on the appropriate hangers.
               I jumped slightly when I felt arms being wrapped around me from behind. “There she is.” I heard Zen’s voice close to my ear.
               “Don’t.” I laughed and jerked my head towards my shoulder. “That tickles.”
               “I know. You just look so cute I can’t help myself.” He said softly. I closed one eye as he placed a soft kiss beside it.
               “Zen, stop I’m working right now.” I unwrapped his arms from around me and turned to face him. His smile was infectious and I couldn’t help but smile back.  “I thought you had work today.”
               “Yes, well, that’s finished. Though, while on the subject of work… I haven’t been home in about a year and my mother would like to see me.” He reached out and held one my hands in his own. “I want you to come with me.”
               Come with him?! He gave my hand a light squeeze when my body tensed. We’ve only been together a few months and he wants to take me to meet his mother?! “Sweetheart, everything will be fine. I’ll be with you.” He said in a soft voice as he used his fingertips to draw little circles on the back of my hand.
               I stared into his eyes while furrowing my brow. “How can you always seem to read my mind and say the right things to ease my mind?”
               “Because I care deeply for you.”
               I looked away as my heart thudded strongly in my chest. I wasn’t those three little words but the way he talked was slightly embarrassing given the place we were. “But don’t you think it’s a little fast to meet your family?”
               “Not at all. Things are done rather quickly in my country.” He started to raise my hand to kiss the back of it.
               “Wait a minute.” I pulled my hand away before his lips could touch my skin. “What do you mean your country?” I didn’t hear that incorrectly did I?
               His eyes widened before his lips pressed into a thin line like he was inwardly cursing himself. “Okay, yes. I wanted to tell you later but I am from another country, Eurova.”
               I frowned slightly as I tried to rake my brain on the location of Eurova. I remember it in geography class in high school but I couldn’t, for the life of me, remember where it was located. I shook my head and looked at him. “Well I can’t go. I don’t have a passport.”
               “About that.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a little booklet that had golden letters that read ‘passport’ on the front. “All we need to do is add your picture.”
               He excitedly held the passport booklet out to me. Confused, I took it from him and opened to the first page. “Aren’t you supposed to have your picture taken when you go to apply for a passport?”
               He looked away from me and rubbed the back of his neck. “I have…connections. Anyways, please say you’ll come. I don’t want to leave you here alone where anyone could snatch you away from me.” He pulled me close and held me against him as he pressed his lips to my forehead.
               “She’ll go.” I heard Eden say behind us.
               I quickly pulled away from Zen and looked at her. “What are you talking about? We have that thing with work.”
               “Nice try.” She smirked at me before looked at Zen. “When do you leave?”
               “Tonight, actually.”
               “Tonight?!” I screeched before slapping a hand over my mouth and nodding an apology to nearby customers.
               “Yes. So we must get going.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, walking us towards the breakroom.
               “But my boss—“
               “Has already been informed.” He smiled brightly down at me. “You don’t have to worry about a thing with me around.” He stopped in front of the door to the breakroom and gave the small of my back a light push. “Now go get your things and we can get going.”
               A few hours later I was looking out the window of the airport, staring at the plane that would be flying us to Zen’s country.
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wolfylch · 2 years
After a bazillion years im posting art of my OCs!!
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Here's some Antoinette and @imagionary Alucard! X3 ⭐️💕
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