#Europa 2018
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brklynlewis · 11 months ago
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﹔𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞. ₊˚⊹
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kaileidoscopio · 7 months ago
dreamcatcher anuncio hoy fechas en latinoamerica y OBVIAMENTE van a mexico brasil y chile. cosa que me da MUCHA bronca porque en 2018 vinieron a buenos aires y la pasaron re bien. Y ENCIMA EN ESE TOUR NO FUERON A EEUU O EUROPA!!!! literalmente el tour fue fechas en asia y el resto todas en latam. ellas les dijeron no a los gringos y si a nosotros, PORQUE AHORA NO VAN A VENIR???
entiendo que no tenemos un mango pero dale!!!! se les subio la fama a la cabeza, el fandom argentino esta desde siempre no se hagan las tontas ENCIMA en ese tour hicieron un cover de SHAWN MENDES tipo ellas tenian menos de 20 canciones y con ese tour vinieron a argentina!!!!! ahora que tienen ochocientas canciones mas y son mucho mas exitosas que les cuesta
encima me da mucha bronca porque justo dreamcatcher son muy distintas a otras bandas porque las categorizan como kpop porque hacen coreos y tienen todo el lio de que su discografica tambien es una agencia de entrenamiento y qsy pero en realidad ellas hacen todo rock (si alguien esta leyendo esto les invito a escuchar especificamente "Chase Me", "REASON" y "VISION" que son mis favs)
y ENCIMA como el 80% del fandom de dreamctcher son queers tipo dale amigo tiranos una buena que en un año prohiben la marcha del orgullo y necesitamos algo para mantenernos en pie
en fin, que bronca que las bandas nunca vengan a argentina, incluso cuando saben que tienen fans aca
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ifreakingloveroyals · 1 year ago
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,253/∞) 17 October 2018 | King Felipe of Spain attends the funeral for the 12 people who died due to a flood after a heavy rain in the town of Sant Llorenc des Cardassar in Mallorca, Spain. (Photo by Europa Press/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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futbol-xxi · 2 years ago
Copa de Campeones de Europa "Champions League" - 64ta. Edición - 2018/19
https://josenicolascarluccio.blogspot.com/2023/05/copa-de-campeones-de-europa-champions.html El Liverpool FC festeja en Madrid en 2019
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masochistartt · 1 year ago
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chelsea fc trophy cabinet, 2002-2018 ;;
champions league 2012 premier league 2005, 2006, 2010, 2015, 2017 fa cup 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2018 league cup 2005, 2007, 2015 europa league 2013 community shield 2005, 2009
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thespacewirednews · 1 month ago
Jupiter Ascending 🛰️⁣
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Our Juno spacecraft captured a departing view of the planet’s swirling southern hemisphere in the final moments of a close flyby of Jupiter on Sept. 6, 2018. This color-enhanced image was captured as the spacecraft performed its 15th close flyby of Jupiter about 55,600 miles (89,500 kilometers) above the planet’s cloud tops. As of October 2024, Juno has performed 66 flybys!⁣ ⁣ Since 2016, Juno has been penetrating Jupiter’s deep, colorful zones and belts in a quest to answer fundamental questions about the gas giant’s origin and evolution. Now in its extended mission, Juno will continue to explore the solar system’s largest planet through September 2025, or until the spacecraft’s end of life. This mission extension expands to the full Jovian system – Jupiter and its rings and moons – with an additional pass planned for two of Jupiter’s most intriguing moons: Europa and Io.⁣ ⁣ Image description: Jupiter’s hemisphere takes up the right half of the screen. As a color-enhanced image, its colors appear more saturated and richer, allowing the details of Jupiter’s swirls to be more defined. Jupiter’s stripes radiate from the center of the planet out, first in a deep teal, transitioning to a stripe of a lighter green, followed by beige, terracotta, and beige once again.⁣ ⁣ Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt⁣
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eucanthos · 1 year ago
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Diego Velázquez (ES, 1599 - 1660)
Las Hilanderas (The spinners) / The Fable of Arachne (La fábula de Aracne) ca. 1657. Oil on canvas 222,5 × 293 cm. Prado
The x-ray of the canvas reveals the multiple patches used to expand the originally cramped yet ingeniously reversed POV of the theme.
In 1948, art historian Diego Angula produced a convincing argument that the iconography of Las Hilanderas suggests the Fable of Arachne. The helmeted figure in the background is Pallas Athena, and the tapestry visible to the viewer as the Rape of Europa, the subject that Arachne was said to depict.
The tapestry is a copy after Titian's Rape of Europa, also copied by Rubens in 1629, both prized items in the Spanish royal collection.
The reference to Titian and Rubens's copies could be a parallel to Arachne's conviction of being able to surpass goddess Athena. The POV reverse could also be a provocation by setting lay women just in the front layer...
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beardedmrbean · 4 months ago
Six employees of New York City’s public school system took their children or grandchildren on trips to Disney World, New Orleans and other locations using tickets that were meant for homeless students, investigators said in a newly released report.
The trips intended as enrichment for students living in shelters and other temporary housing also included excursions to Washington, D.C., Boston and Broadway shows, said Anastasia Coleman, the special commissioner of investigation for New York City schools.
According to the report released this month, Linda Wilson, the Queens regional manager for the office that supports students in temporary housing, took her own children on trips that were paid for through grants for homeless students and encouraged employees she supervised to do the same but to keep quiet about it.
“What happens here stays with us,” one staffer quoted Wilson as saying.
Read: SpaceX to launch NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft to study Jupiter moon
Contacted by the New York Post, Wilson denied bringing her two daughters on trips or encouraging staff members to bring their children. Wilson called the special commissioner’s probe “a witch hunt.”
The investigation began after a whistleblower brought a complaint in March 2019. The special commissioner’s report, which concerned trips that took place between 2016 and 2019, was completed in January 2023 but only made public on Sept. 9.
The special commissioner’s office said in an emailed statement that the report was not released because of the pending administrative actions.
According to the report, Wilson forged permission slips to bring family members on trips and evaded city Department of Education oversight by using an outside agency to book travel arrangements.
Some of the trips were intended as college tours, but the students and chaperones never actually visited the campuses, witnesses told the investigators.
A group including Wilson and one of her daughters as well as other staff members and their children ate lunch at Syracuse University during a June 2018 trip but never toured the school, witnesses said. They left and went to Niagara Falls instead, according to the investigation.
The special commissioner’s office recommended that Wilson and the other staff members faulted in the report be fired and that they be required to reimburse the school system for their family members’ trips.
Wilson told the Post that she retired and was not fired.
Department of Education spokesperson Jenna Lyle said in a statement, “All staff identified in this report are no longer employed by New York City Public Schools.”
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falcemartello · 1 year ago
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Gli europei si stanno ribellando contro Net Zero
Negli ultimi dieci anni circa, i politici tradizionali di tutta Europa hanno smesso di promettere di migliorare il tenore di vita dei loro elettori.
Invece, si sono vantati dei loro piani per limitarlo.
Hanno esaltato le virtù di un costo della vita più elevato, della deindustrializzazione e delle restrizioni alle libertà personali.
E si aspettavano che la maggior parte delle persone non se ne sarebbe preoccupata o forse addirittura se ne sarebbe accorta, perché tutto ciò doveva essere fatto in nome del "salvataggio del pianeta" dal cambiamento climatico.
Ma nel 2023, quel consenso dell’élite verde si è schiantato sulla Terra.
La crescente rabbia pubblica nei confronti di Net Zero ha iniziato a scuotere un'élite politica compiacente. In effetti, l’opposizione al greenismo è oggi uno dei principali motori del populismo europeo.
Ha portato la gente in strada, con le proteste degli agricoltori nei Paesi Bassi e Irlanda e, più recentemente, Germania. E ha ispirato una serie di rivolte alle urne.
A novembre, Geert Wilders, attaccabrighe dell'estrema destra e scettico sul clima, ha ottenuto una vittoria elettorale shock, sconfiggendo il suo rivale più vicino, Frans Timmermans, l'architetto e il volto delle politiche climatiche dell'UE.
In Germania, una disputa sulle pompe di calore ha recentemente minacciato di far cadere il governo, di cui il Partito dei Verdi è uno dei partner minori della coalizione.
La “legge sul riscaldamento” proposta dalla Germania avrebbe vietato l’installazione di nuove caldaie a gasolio e gas.
Inoltre, questo costo doveva essere imposto a una nazione che si sta già riprendendo da una grave crisi energetica, dove le bollette delle famiglie sono tra le più alte d'Europa e dove industrie critiche stanno chiudendo a causa degli esorbitanti costi energetici.
Più o meno nello stesso periodo, dall'altra parte della Manica, il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron ha chiesto una "pausa" nelle nuove norme ambientali.
Aveva già imparato a sue spese che il pubblico non sopporterà politiche ambientali rigorose.
Nel 2018 e nel 2019, un'eco-tassa sul carburante ha scatenato proteste gilets jaunes durate un anno la ribellione pubblica più significativa avvenuta in Francia dal maggio ’68.
La classe politica deve riconoscere che gli elettori non vogliono pagare bollette energetiche più alte, pagare una cifra esorbitante per l’uso della propria auto o installare pompe di calore costose e inaffidabili invece delle affidabili caldaie a gas.
Come hanno dimostrato le rivolte dello scorso anno, nessun discorso sul “salvare il pianeta” potrà cambiare la situazione. L’opinione pubblica non si lascerà ingannare dai tentativi di etichettare l’austerità come “verde”.
Nel 2024, abbiamo bisogno di una nuova politica che metta gli standard di vita delle persone al centro. L’abbandono di Net Zero sarebbe il punto di partenza perfetto.
(da un art. di Fraser Myers – Spiked)
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brklynlewis · 2 years ago
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this house no longer feels like home
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notasfilosoficas · 4 months ago
“Si tienes que elegir, sé el que hace las cosas en vez del que es percibido como el que hace las cosas”
Jordan Peterson
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Jordan Bernt Peterson es un psicólogo clínico, crítico cultural y profesor de psicología canadiense, nacido en Alberta en junio de 1962, y especialista en la psicología de las creencias religiosas e ideológicas y la evaluación y mejora de la personalidad y el rendimiento laboral.
Su madre era bibliotecaria y su padre maestro de escuela, y es el mayor de tres hermanos.
Estudió ciencias políticas y literatura inglesa y en 1982, obtuvo un Bachiller en artes en la Universidad de Alberta.
Al terminar sus estudios viajó por Europa, en donde desarrolló un interés particular por los orígenes psicológicos de la guerra fría y sobre los totalitarismos europeos del siglo XX. Como resultado de esto, Jordan comenzó a preocuparse y razonar sobre la capacidad del hombre para el mal y la destrucción, profundizando su estudio de las obras de Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn y Fiodor Dostoyevsky.
En 1984 se licenció en psicología, y en 1991, obtuvo su doctorado en psicología clínica y permaneció como investigador postdoctoral en el hospital Douglas de McGill hasta 1993.
Entre 1993 y 1998 trabajó como profesor e investigador en el departamento de psicología de la Universidad de Harvard, en donde estudió la influencia del abuso de las drogas y el alcohol y el aumento del comportamiento agresivo de las personas.
Entre sus obras mas destacadas figuran “Maps of Meaning; The Architecture of Belief”, un libro que Peterson tardó 13 años en escribir y que describe una teoría exhaustiva de como las personas constituyen sus ideas y creencias, basándose en la figura mitológica del héroe explorador. Una interpretación de los modelos religiosos y míticos de la realidad, acompañados de una interpretación científica de cómo funciona el cerebro.
En 2018, se publica su segundo libro “12 Rules of life: An Antidote for Chaos”, cuyo contenido aborda principios éticos sobre la vida, en un estilo mas accesible que Maps of meaning, alcanzando, ser numero uno en ventas de libros de Amazon en los Estados Unidos y Canadá y el numero cuatro en el Reino Unido.
En abril de 2019, su esposa Tammy es diagnosticada con un cáncer terminal y Peterson experimentó lo que había hablado extensamente en sus libros y conferencias; un colapso del orden y la aparición del caos. Ante tan terribles noticias la ansiedad de Peterson se disparó. Llevaba mucho tiempo tomando medicamentos para la ansiedad y ante el aumento de la dosis, Peterson generó una peligrosa dependencia física, desarrollando una condición llamada acatisia, sufriendo delirios y alucinaciones. 
Peterson ha sido catalogado políticamente como un Liberal Clásico y un observador tradicionalista. 
Peterson afirma que las universidades en Estados Unidos y Europa, son en gran parte responsables de una ola de lo “políticamente correcto”, destacándose este fenómeno a partir de la década de 1990, en donde la “cultura apropiada”, se ha visto afectada por el posmodernismo y el neomarxismo, abarcando temas como el feminismo, la teoría critica de la raza, el supremacismo blanco y el ecologismo.
Peterson afirma, que existe una “crisis de masculinidad”, y una reacción violenta contra la masculinidad, en donde la izquierda caracteriza a la jerarquía social existente como un patriarcado opresivo, que no admite que la jerarquía actual podría basarse en la competencia.
Fuente Wikipedia y fundacionales.org
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ifreakingloveroyals · 1 year ago
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,260/∞) 30 October 2018 | King Felipe of Spain attends the Fernandez Latorre Award to President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at Santiago Rey Fernandez-Latorre Museum in Arteixo, Spain. (Photo by Europa Press/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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longliveblackness · 2 years ago
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Sister Rosetta Tharpe, famous in the 1930s for her upbeat electric guitar playing style, is the original godmother of rock and roll music. She was inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2018, and recognized for her contributions in paving the way for other artists in the industry.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who was born in 1915, grew up in a small town in Arkansas. Raised in the Pentecostal church, she honed her talent in music during tent revivals and church gatherings.
In the 1930s, she started making a name when she moved to New York, where she performed in the city's nightclubs. In 1938, she became famous for her record called "Rock Me." Her 1945 recording "Strange Things Happening Every Day" is considered the first gospel song that bridged the "race" (later called "R&B") charts after it reached number two.
Her fame was sustained until the 1950s when she could fill arenas with thousands of fans who want to watch her perform on stage with her electric guitar.
By the 1960s, a new generation of musicians seemed to have overshadowed her fame. Still, she went to Europe to perform for new audiences in London and Liverpool.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe died in 1973 at the age of 58. Even though her name was somehow forgotten by most people, her influence is very much alive.
"She influenced Elvis Presley, she influenced Johnny Cash, she influenced Little Richard," says Tharpe's biographer Gayle Wald. "She influenced innumerable other people who we recognize as foundational figures in rock and roll."
She was posthumously inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of fame on May 5, 2018 for her essential role in the industry.
"Without Sister Rosetta Tharpe, rock and roll would be a different music," according to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame website. "She is the founding mother who gave rock's founding fathers the idea."
Sister Rosetta Tharpe, famosa durante la década de 1930 por su estilo animado de tocar la guitarra eléctrica, es la madrina original del rock and roll (rocanrol). Se le indujo al salón de la fama del Rock and Roll en el 2018 y se le reconoció por sus contribuciones en pavimentar el camino para otros artistas en la industria.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe, quién nació en el año 1915, creció en una pequeña ciudad en Arkansas. Criada en la iglesia Pentecostal, ella perfeccionó su talento musical durante avivamientos en carpas y reuniones de la iglesia.
En los 1930, comenzó a darse a conocer cuando se mudó a Nueva York, donde hacía presentaciones en los clubes nocturnos de la ciudad. En 1938, se hizo famosa por su canción llamada “Rock Me”. Su grabación de "Strange Things Happening Every Day", hecha en 1945, es considerada la primera canción góspel combinado o unida con “race” (luego llamado R&B). La canción llegó a segunda posición en las carteleras.
Su fama se sostuvo hasta la década de 1950, cuando solía llenar estadios con miles de fanáticos que querían verla en el escenario con su guitarra eléctrica.
Para los 1960, su fama fue opacada por una nueva generación de artistas. Aún así, se fue a Europa para hacer presentaciones a nuevas audiencias en Londres y Liverpool.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe falleció en 1973 a la edad de 58 años. Aunque su nombre fue olvidado por muchas personas, aún así su influencia estaba muy viva.
“Ella influenció a Elvis Presley, ella influenció a Johnny Cash, ella influenció a Little Richard” dijo el biógrafo de Tharpe, Gayle Wald. “Influenció a innumerables personas que hoy reconocemos como figuras fundacionales del rock and roll (rocanrol).”
Fue incluida póstumamente en el salón de la fama del Rock & Roll el 5 de mayo del 2018 por su papel esencial en la industria.
“Sin Sister Rosetta Tharpe, el rock and roll sería una música diferente”, según el sitio web del Salón de la Fama del Rock & Roll. “Ella es la madre fundadora que le dio la idea a los padres fundadores del rock”.
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justineportraits · 2 years ago
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Alejandro Decinti Rapto de Europa 2018
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soulmusicsongs · 7 months ago
Soul Around the World in 24 tracks
Soul music became popular around the world, influencing countless artists across the world. We’ve put together a list with awesome soul tracks form Africa, Asia, Europa and Latin America.
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Bechayane Tegodahu - Alemayehu Eshete (Bechayane Tegodahu / Teredechewalehu, 1971) - Ethiopia
Boogie Fever - Geraldo Pino (Boogie Fever, 1978) - Nigeria
Country Scenes - Golden Hands (Golden Hands,1978) - Marocco
Crashes In Love - William Onyeabor (Crashes In Love, 1977) - Nigeria
Dag Dagui - Mazouni (Fariza / Dag Dagui, 1973) - Algeria
Haka Dunia - Orchestre Abass (Operation Bye Bye / Haka Dunia, 1972) - Togo
Hari Siva - Ramasandiran Somusundaram (Skinny Woman, 1974) - India
Hipguard - Acid (Hipguard / Freedom Lover, 1972) - Austria
Jungle Soul - ORF Big Band, Johannes Fehring & The Chicks (ORF Big Band, Johannes Fehring & The Chicks, 1972) - Austria
Love Is Fair - Black Children Sledge Funk Group (Love Is Fair, 1976) - Nigeria
Marabayasa - Rail Band (Rail Band, 1973) - Mali
Melissa - Oscar Rocchi e il suo Modern Sound (Erbe Selvatiche, 1977) - Italy
Message From A Black Man - Derrick Harriott & The Crystalites (Psychedelic Train 1970) - Jamaica
Miri Magnin - Keletigui & Ses Tambourinis (Miri Magnin / Marie, 1973) - Guinea
Mona Ami Kibala - Ruy Mingas (Angola Canções Por Rui Mingas, 1970) - Angola
No One Else (But Me) - Rock Town Express ( Rock Town Express, 1974) - Nigeria
Pula Yetla - Letta Mbulu (Letta Mbulu Sings, 1967) - South Africa
Roots Talk - Mabrak (Ital Talk - Liquid Talk, 1976) - Jamaica
Shmasha - Kamal Keila (Muslims and Christians, 2018) - Sudan
Soy Muy Feliz = I Got You - Los Tamara (A Santiago Voy / Soy Muy Feliz, 1967) - Spain
Use Me - The Outfit (Use Me / Stop The World, 1974) - Barbados
Wayakangai - Camayenne Sofa (A Grands Pas, 1983) - Guinea
Words To My Song - Dry Bread (Yamar / Words To My Song, 1974) - Bahamas
Zina - Ouiness (Bahebek Mara / Zina, 1979) - Marocco
More Soul Around The World
Soul Around The World
Soul Around The World in 34 songs
Soul Around The World in 27 Songs
Soul Around the World in 20 tracks
Soul Around The World in 22 tracks
Soul Around The World in 33 songs
Soul Around The World in 20 tracks
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sefaradweb · 2 months ago
China y el Lejano Oriente en el relato de Benjamín de Tudela (siglo xii). Realidades y fantasías
🇪🇸 Benjamín de Tudela, un viajero judío del siglo XII, realizó un extenso recorrido entre 1165 y 1173, documentando en su obra Séfer Masa’ot (Libro de los Viajes) una gran cantidad de información sobre diversas culturas, religiones y geografías, desde Bagdad hasta lugares remotos de Asia Central, India, Tíbet y China. En su relato, destaca no solo la descripción de las rutas comerciales centroasiáticas y los centros de intercambio como Samarcanda, sino también la presencia de comunidades judías en Kaifeng (China) y las interacciones con otras culturas. Sin embargo, sus observaciones mezclan hechos reales y mitos, dando pie a la creación de fantasías sobre criaturas y lugares lejanos. La influencia de las rutas comerciales de los Radanitas, los mercaderes judíos que conectaban Europa y Asia, es crucial en sus relatos. A través de su obra, Benjamín contribuyó al conocimiento europeo sobre Oriente y dejó una huella significativa en la documentación histórica y cultural de su tiempo. Las descripciones sobre China y sus mitos, aunque muchas veces imprecisas, reflejan el asombro ante culturas distantes y misteriosas.
🇺🇸 Benjamin de Tudela, a 12th-century Jewish traveler, undertook an extensive journey between 1165 and 1173, documenting in his work Sefer Masa’ot (Book of Travels) a wealth of information about various cultures, religions, and geographies, from Baghdad to remote places in Central Asia, India, Tibet, and China. His account highlights not only the description of Central Asian trade routes and exchange hubs like Samarkand, but also the Jewish communities in Kaifeng (China) and interactions with other cultures. However, his observations blend real facts with myths, leading to the creation of fantasies about creatures and distant places. The influence of the Radhanite trade routes, Jewish merchants who connected Europe and Asia, is crucial in his narratives. Through his work, Benjamin contributed to European knowledge of the East and left a significant mark on the historical and cultural documentation of his time. His descriptions of China and its myths, though often inaccurate, reflect the awe towards distant and mysterious cultures.
Magdalena Mironesko, A., & Magdalena Nom de Déu, J. R. (2018). Xina i l’Orient Llunyà en el relat de Benjamín de Tudela (segle XII). Realitats i fantasies. Quaderns De Filologia - Estudis Literaris, 23, 143–156. https://doi.org/10.7203/qdfed.23.13467
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