#Euria Reed
illidraws · 5 months
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wilde-writing · 5 years
Find the Word Tag
Thank you @ardawyn for tagging me.
Since I still didn’t really start writing on my new wip, I’ll do this for The Devil’s Seals.
The pebble beach ended after a few metres and transformed to a sated green meadow. On her right was a sea of reeds.
Euria considered them with an expression so full of hatred that even Annie withdrew her hand.
Ten, maybe fifteen metres, until she was at Lynn’s side. She fell into the grass next to him. 
And that meant that there still was at least one person in these woods that thought they were murderers.
I’m tagging @aquiniawrites, @siarven, @unfocused-overwriter and @desperatlytryingtowriteabook.
Your words are: cloud, glance, exist, red
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illidraws · 3 years
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wilde-writing · 6 years
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The Devil’s Seals ~ Snippet compilation
Chapter 7 
„Somebody is missing and you don’t search for her?“ Annie’s eyebrows almost met on her forehead.
„We are looking for her“, Niamh defended herself, still with a motionless expression. „Through you.“
„But what if we never appeared?“
„That is not up for debate.“
„If I may…“
Hedy’s head spun around, when Euria’s soft voice arose behind her. She was not thrilled to learn about the nixie’s opinion, but for the moment it was probably better to keep quiet about it. 
„I think Annie’s right in a way.“ It was interesting to observe how Euria talked to her leader. Her head was respectfully lowered, her voice mellifluous. „A nixie could find Sapir way faster than any common human. We know the forest and its waters, can track down her steps and follow the nature’s lead. So“ She grinned a broad smile, her eyes small and scheming. „I want to accompany the group.“
The pebble beach ended after a few meters and transformed into a lush green meadow. On her right extended an ocean made of reeds. In a distance huge trees hovered invitingly. She almost caught up to the others, when she suddenly heard her name being called.
Somebody was right behind her. Slowly and cautiously she turned around. She recognised the face. It was the male nixie, that got in a fight with Euria two days ago.
„Your name is Hedy, isn’t it?“, he asked when she didn’t show a reaction.
Crossing her arms in front of her chest she looked him over. „Yes.“ She forced herself to keep the eye contact up, everything else could be interpreted as weakness. He had remarkably grey eyes, with swirling rust-brown nebulas. So immensely captured by the vortex of his eyes, she had to be brought back to the here and now by his clear voice. 
„It’s about Euria.“
Hedy snorted. „Is it just me, or is everything about her right now?“ Just hearing the name almost caused the urge to vomit inside her. 
The nixies lips curled up to a small smile. „You don’t like her. And it is justified to do so.“
@unfocused-overwriter, @madmooninc, @blackandwhitesunsets
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wilde-writing · 6 years
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The Devil’s Seals ~ Snippet compilation
Chapter 6 
After maybe an hour the trees got sparser and Hedy perceived a new smell. Water, she realised and the adrenaline rushed back in her system. Without noticing she walked closer to Ben when they stopped on top of a small hill. In a distance she saw more forest and even farther away mist-shrouded mountains. But right in front of her was the clearest lake she ever laid eyes on. 
It was framed by reeds and bushes. The landscape was beautiful but did not compare to the beings that bathed in between the silent waves.
The nixies were like colourful splashes of paint in and around the lake. Skin and hair existed in various shades; Hedy saw a blue face emerging from the water, another nixie was orange like a goldfish and one was green like the reeds she was sitting in.
The water licked around her calves as she strode out of the lake. She was a tall and slender nixie with high cheekbones and a stern look on her face. She formed a contrast to the rest of her kind, whose bodies gleamed in the sun in light greens and blues and yellows. Her hair was jetblack and shone in the light like an oil spill in all colours of the rainbow, just like her scales. First Hedy that her whole body was covered in scales but on a closer look she identified them as freckles which shades ranged from a dark violet to emerald.
As the other nixies saw her, they immediately went silent. An aura of authority hovered in the air, tingling on one’s skin. 
The dark nixie’s eyes studied every inch of her surroundings and remained on Hedy, Ben and Annie at last. „What are humans doing here?“
The three of them looked at each other nervously. At least Ben cleared his throat and his fingers searched for Hedy’s Hand. „We hoped that you could help us with a certain… issue“, he said with a remarkably steady voice.
The dark nixie wrinkled her forehead. „We do not care about human problems“, she said with apparent indifference. „Nor do we peddle our help.“ 
The grip around Hedy’s wrist got stronger when Ben struggled for words. „But our problems could become important for you too.“
She laughed a bell-like, clear laugh, but it was also ice-cold. „I doubt that.“ „Listen!“, it escaped Hedy. When she was met by the cold gaze, she winced. „It’s not only about us humans. In fact it’s about the sylphs.“
„What could you possibly know about sylphs?“, Euria asked snobbishly but immediately went silent when the other nixie raised her hand. 
Hedy interpreted that as an invitation to continue. She had to concentrate, to not stumble over her own tongue. „We have a valid suspicion, that the sylphs plot a coup to seize power. And we can’t rule out, that they won’t hurt other elementals along the way“, she quickly added, hoping to grab the nixies’ attention this way.
The nixie considered her words for a moment, before she made an inviting gesture. „Well, tell your story.“
Full of curiosity Annie looked at Hedy and Ben. This was the thing she wanted from the beginning: the truth. 
„It began a week ago“, Ben started. And then he told the whole story. He started with the finding of their dead classmates, following with the ritual ring and the runes. At last Hedy took over and told them about her encounter with the sylph. 
The whole time Niamh quietly listened and did not interrupt them. At some point she sat down in the shallow waters and absentmindedly drew patterns on the surface. „There is still one thing, that does not reveal itself to me.“ She raised her head. „Why exactly do you beseech our help?“
„Oh“, Ben uttered. „We are looking for any kind of information, that can help us with the sylphs. What do you know about them? Where do they live? What are their plans?“
„That are a lot of questions.“
Sheepishly he closed his mouth. 
But Niamh didn’t seem upset. „I won’t pretend as if we know the answers to all your questions.“
„But you could answer some?“, Ben blurted out. Hedy nudged him in the rips so he would be quiet. 
Behind them a hiss arose. Heads turned around to Euria, who looked like a blue avenging angel with her face consumed by hate. „Don’t you think, that we’ll share our knowledge with you, unworthy humans.“ 
Hedy had decided not to let Euria provoke her again, so she gave all her attention to Niamh. She seemed to be the one who made the rules anyway. 
When Euria ended her cursing, Niamh plainly said: „She is right.“
Taken aback Hedy, Ben and Annie exchanged glances. Was this trip all for naught? 
„I already told you, that we do not peddle our help“, the nixie continued. „But you could still earn it.“
@unfocused-overwriter, @madmooninc, @blackandwhitesunsets
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