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euderm · 8 months ago
Get the Best Acne scars Treatment from Euderm Acne scars can be a persistent reminder of past breakouts, affecting self-esteem and confidence. But don't let them hold you back as the Acne Scar Treatment could cure it all. From healing the stubborn acne scar to helping with skin regeneration, this treatment is ideal to get you back that smooth skin. Book your appointment at Euderm today.Call us at +91 9966551150 or visit our website https://www.euderm.com/
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truffleshop · 4 months ago
HAIRMED Набір Family "Зволоження волосся"
HAIRMED kit Trattamento Idratante capelli secchi Family Size Набір “Зволоження волосся” 1) HAIRMED B9 Hydration moisturizing eudermic shampoo for dry hair Еудермальний зволожувальний шампунь для сухого волосся 200мл Зволожувальний і живильний шампунь, ідеальний для сухого і тьмяного волосся. М’яка формула з очищувальною основою з рослинних і поновлюваних джерел делікатно видаляє забруднення,…
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frumusetesisanatate · 2 years ago
Natura tenului meu
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INGRIJIREA TENULUI Pentru o ingrijire cat mai eficienta a tenului trebuie sa cunoastem mai intai tipul tenului, cu toate caracteristicile lui. Aceasta identificare este necesara pentru a ne putea orienta asupra produselor si preparatelor cosmetice pe care ar urma sa le folosim in scopul ingrijirii tenului. Determinarea naturii tenului nu se poate face decat de catre o persoana care poseda cunostinte in domeniul stiintei cosmetice si aceasta nu este decat cosmeticiana. Exista cabinete de cosmetica, utilate cu aparatura moderna si incadrate cu personal calificat, care ne stau la dispozitie in acest scop. A aplica la intamplare, din proprie initiativa sau la indemnul prietenelor, tratamente cu diversele preparate si produse cosmetice, fara cunoasterea naturii tenului, inseamna a obtine rezultate nesatisfacatoare. De pilda, a aplica pe un ten gras creme cu un continut mare de grasimi sau pe un ten uscat lotiuni astringente etc. duce la obtinerea unor efecte daunatoare tenului, in detrimentul mentinerii tineretii si frumusetii. Uneori,  ceste ef ecte pot fi destul de serioase.
Tenul normal sau eudermic.
Acest tip de ten se intslneste la persoanele cu functiile pielii normale. Este fin si catifelat, avind porii mici si aproape invizibili. ( cantitatea ponderata de grasime naturala ii da un aspect sanatos si frumos. Din pacate, foarte putine femei mature au tenul normal. Tipul acesta de piele se intilneste, in general, la copii.
Tenul gras (seboreic).
Tenul gras isi are originea in hipersecretia glandelor sebacee, care produc o cantitate mai mare de sebum decit are nevoie pielea respectiva. Din aceasta cauza tenul are un aspect unsuros, lucios si aspru, indeosebi pe aripile nasului, pe barbie si pe frunte. Porii se dilata, iar obrazul capata aspectul unei coji de portocala. Abundenta de sebum, formeaza usor comedoanele (punctele negre), in unele cazuri acestea transformindu-se in cosuri. Tenul gras se rideaza mai tirziu, insa cu timpul capata o culoare cenusie, facind impresia ca este murdar. Tratamentele si ingrijirile cosmetice pentru tenul gras vor fi bazate pe curatirea pielii si pe aplicarea unor creme semigrase sau uscate.
Tenul uscat.
Pielea persoanelor cu tenul uscat este subtire, fina, se rideaza repede, se irita, se inroseste si se descumeaza usor. Pielea uscata este lipsita de elasticitate si rezistenta din cauza secretiei insuficiente de sebum. Cunoastem insa doua categorii de ten uscat: prima cauzata de lipsa de grasime, care poarta denumirea de ten alipic, iar a doua, cauzata de lipsa de lichide, pur- tind denumirea de ten deshidratat. In afara de tipurile de ten descrise, exista si unele tenuri asa-zise intermediare, la care grasimea sau uscaciunea sint mai mult sau mai putin accentuate pe una sau alta dintre portiunile fetei. Astfel, unele persoane au zone grase pe frunte, pe pometi si pe virful nasului, in rest tenul fiind uscat, in raport cu distributia glandelor sebacee. Acest tip de ten poate fi socotit intr-o categorie careia am putea sa-i dam denumirea de ten mixt.
Ritual de ingrijire Aqua. 
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Setul conține:  Gel de curățare 100ml Serum hidratant 30ml Cremă hidratantă 50ml Cremă de ochi 20ml Click pentru reducere Read the full article
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random-topics · 3 years ago
You could be using the wrong product for your skin.
I know you all care about looking good. And feeling good too. This post is for you. Read along.
In the recent past, people's engagements have massively shifted online. You no longer need to wake up each morning and report to the office because you can now work from home. Creating online content on social sites like Youtube, Tiktok, Facebook among others is a highly paying venture. This means that one person can reach many people in a single live session or a recorded video. The need to look neat in the videos has created a huge market for photo manipulating service providers. You will often come across photos served with filters on these sites. Video streaming sites too are not left behind. Take google meet for example, before you join a call with your video on, you will be tasked to choose if you prefer to modify your looks with filters. This trend has seen makeup businesses flourish. 
Unknown to many people however is that there are different skin types. Different makeup products are made for different skin types. Unfortunately, this information is not readily available to the vast majority.  Most of the users of these products rely on unverified street information to decide what products to use. I want to submit to you that simply because a specific product worked well for your friend does not automatically mean it will do so for yours too. You both could have different skin types. In other words, the beauty product you are using could be the reason your skin does not stop itching. But how do you then know which type is your skin?
I am going to keep things simple so that you understand. There are various procedures you can follow to help you identify your skin type. Although they all lead to the same thing ultimately, some are not as easy to follow. This article gives you an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide. Here, I am going to limit myself to discussing skin types.
There are four basic types of healthy skin: normal, dry, oily, and combination skin. Skin type is determined by genetics. The condition of our skin can, however, vary greatly according to the various internal and external factors it is subjected to.
Understanding the four skin types
Normal skin
Eudermic is the scientific term for healthy skin. Normal skin refers to well-balanced skin. Its characteristics include not too dry and not too oily, no or few imperfections, no severe sensitivity, and barely visible pores.
Dry skin
This is a skin type that produces less sebum than normal skin. It lacks the lipids that it needs to retain moisture and build a protective shield against external influences. Significantly more women suffer from dry skin than men and all skin gets dryer as it ages.
Skin moisture depends on the supply of water in the deeper skin layers and on perspiration
Oily skin
This is a skin type with heightened sebum production. An over-production is known as seborrhea. It is characterized by enlarged, clearly visible pores, a glossy shine, and thicker, pale skin.
Combination skin
An oily T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dryer cheeks indicate the combination skin. It is characterized by an oily T-zone, enlarged pores in this area perhaps with some impurities, and normal to dry cheeks.
Now that you know the different skin types, go ahead and take a skin test here and be able to make an informed choice when next you go shopping for beauty products. And on it, ensure you buy your products from certified dealers. There are several counterfeit products out there that could harm your skin. All the best as you seek that stunning look.
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skincaremalaysia · 3 years ago
What are Different Types of Skin?
There are four basic types of healthy skin: normal, dry, oily and combination skin. Skin type is determined by genetics. The condition of our skin can, however, vary greatly according to the various internal and external factors it is subjected to.
Normal skin
‘Normal’ is a term widely used to refer to well-balanced skin. The scientific term for healthy skin is eudermic.
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Dry skin
‘Dry’ is used to describe a skin type that produces less sebum than normal skin. As a result of the lack of sebum, dry skin lacks the lipids that it needs to retain moisture and build a protective shield against external influences.
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Oily skin
‘Oily’ is used to describe a skin type with heightened sebum production. This over production is known as seborrhea.
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Combination skin
Combination skin is, as the name suggests, skin that consists of a mix of skin types.
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Learn more about different skin types and their conditions.
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skinlife · 5 years ago
Skin types and how to identify them
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It is important to know what type of skin you have before using or buying a skincare products, this blog will help you understand the different types of skin and how to identify them.
Skin types
- Normal: It is a term widely used to refer to well-balanced skin. The scientific term for well-balanced skin is eudermic. How to tell if you have normal skin is that you experience almost no sensitivity, dryness or oiliness because overall sebum and moisture is balanced and the skin is neither too oily nor too dry. Your skin can tolerate most ingredients, and rarely experience breakouts. Your skin doesn’t tend to react negatively to new products or weather changes. 
- Oily: Oily skin is easy to identify because people with oily skin is always seem to have a ‘glowing’ skin, due to the heightened sebum production. Oily skin is prone to comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and to the varying forms of acne. 
- Dry: Dry skin is caused by lack of oil in the skin, usually the skin feels tight, brittle and rough and look dull, skin elasticity is also low. It is also more sensitive to irritation, redness and the risk of infection. if this type of skin is not treated correctly, it could lead to a worst condition for the skin, such as scaling or flakiness.
- Combination: People with combination skin usually have a trouble on figuring out what type of skin they have, because this type of skin is a mix of the other skin types. Certain areas of the skin can be oily and dry, for example, you feel your skin to be more oily on the T-zone (the strip across the forehead and the line down the nose) and dry or normal skin on the rest of the face.
I, personally, have a combination skin, and it has been a rollercoaster ride with this skin type. It’s hard to find the right skincare for my skin, if I choose a product that is too hydrating, it will make the oily area of my face even worse, and vice versa. 
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yve-by-yveskin-blog · 6 years ago
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Hair & Barb for shine and softness   Hair & Barb is with jojoba oil and essences of bergamot, lavender and blood orange for the brittle beard or strawy hair with a fresh and fruity fragrance. It gives shine and softness and is very nourishes to the scalp Application: Into dry hair massage a few drops in your hands and knead in the beard or hair. It is possible after shampooing and wet hair to knead very little drops in your hair tip. Anytime applicable in dry and brittle hair. Jojoba oil is ideal for mature skin for its hygroscopic characteristics. It absorbs quickly, nourishes and smoothers the skin and can be universally used in skin and hair care. The oil is rich in vitamin E and is long-lasting and extends the shelf life of other oils. Lavender is anti-inflammatory, activates regeneration and reduces scarring. Strengthens the nerves, soothes and helps relieve tension. Inner clarity and the energies are balanced. With lavender are the male and female forces in harmony. Blood Orange is eudermic, disinfects and helps pimples. It acts as a stimulant, helps to relax. The essence of blood orange can also soothe and revitalize. Balancing with unrest and new energies are released. Bergamot, with its fresh and warm fragrance a real good mood and against inflammation. Helps for winter depression and brings light in life. Bergamot is also successfully used in smoking cessation. @yveskin #vegan #noplastic #hairandbarb #crueltyfree #sustainability #3in1 #sportsman #naturalboy #bart #bartpflege #barbershop #mensworld #manstyle (hier: Zürich, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAOBf0Ivq6/?igshid=1jfrsoz394uqe
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444names · 2 years ago
roman emperor names, places and deities + imperial names from tes BUT excluding "s"
Abian Abianium Abitia Abnuetia Accia Accina Actumaniala Adrenna Adrinix Aeratior Aergano Aerum Agapia Agrivaclon Alecadayn Aleptum Allia Alonium Alothran Amitum Ammina Ancer Anciptelia Anthan Antilarria Antino Antuarcela Anzio Aporand Appitia Aquentyr Aquina Arbitellia Ardiver Arena Ariman Armagna Armitel Arquinia Arvatian Atich Audinacagna Audio Augul Aunia Aurenea Aurne Aveniffio Avennia Avereven Avitta Baepteff Barnea Belia Bellexian Bellia Bellyberri Belubria Bentar Bercera Bionia Blaea Blono Boria Brori Brudian Caccand Cacradanch Caene Caeva Caina Calium Cammarita Canine Capia Capium Carat Caratia Catium Cavio Cectavina Cenia Cepha Cepolan Clamilia Cledurro Clemo Clentuat Cleodiullia Clibleyn Cloea Clotinna Cobia Comidina Conian Conin Continae Cordecia Crelia Cricia Criunia Crudele Cyrovia Daena Daeny Dagaligon Damina Damutord Darra Delviran Derdia Dinatta Domian Domiania Domino Dordan Doriant Dratan Dravo Dravrena Drudexa Durria Edarayn Eneent Equend Etian Etina Ettia Euderme Fabenna Fabonti Falia Falina Fallia Fallic Famal Famevuria Faudacitt Faurendria Fauth Feravo Flara Flaunia Flonia Flonyan Flottum Follepudan Foratia Foria Fulan Galita Gamphillia Gatelwyn Gavido Gedia Gentianor Geodea Geraecelvum Gercel Germa Gilav Glana Glorio Golan Grallia Gratrum Grellia Grene Grenta Grian Grutia Gureena Halia Harentulana Hatina Hedro Helvinia Heonalia Herella Hertav Hieveia Hilia Hirilia Honilitina Honna Hortiana Hypol Idaroana Idelwyn Ildocin Ilena Ilfra Ilnorierra Imbria Imiantia Indaritt Itina Iulaculan Janna Jarim Jarrum Jemere Jemori Jerana Jerand Jerum Julcaria Julidan Junderedio Jurnurgera Kanernovia Lacariduria Laelladar Laudii Lauri Lavia Legua Leonea Libora Lidian Lignatil Loclo Lonerti Lonian Lorenicia Lorpudia Luccia Lucraka Lupio Lurevario Lurian Lurna Mabia Macia Mactav Maeld Maerentorva Magile Malbela Maliundan Malububra Malvatina Mania Manta Marallan Maran Maratian Marcera Mardalero Marien Marilia Maripiulo Marthric Marti Matalenna Maxia Maxio Meder Melli Mentilia Merendra Metra Mettorne Mevin Midarrix Monia Morapio Moraria Morattia Morulalaca Murian Mutory Mytinarcuta Natel Nathro Nator Nebobia Neptoth Nerag Neratirte Nerdia Nertia Nerulia Netio Nuccia Nucinia Numnum Nuncto Nunecia Oblentinav Oblio Ocermidea Octarin Octonia Olian Oricinia Ormaccian Ortian Ortorachle Palioveni Palva Pandan Paolicer Parogena Parvar Pedardea Pelecae Pelilia Peren Peria Petella Phicick Pictara Pinia Pitia Plarba Plath Plellia Plentitia Plilia Poria Porne Pratia Preld Prina Prontern Pulanna Pullialgae Puroni Quenovan Quentia Raftrabo Ragnatorr Rebentia Redican Redramulno Reglia Relia Rellex Renth Riania Rielia Rompeta Ronina Rorianna Rufferatia Ruffixoth Rulvo Rutro Rutum Sabrium Sadata Sadrex Safor Saphontian Saravila Sarran Sauda Saugothae Sauro Scale Scame Scatia Selled Senturtia Sepielia Sepora Sergia Serne Sevato Sevum Sheocia Siberene Sibitian Silia Sillicia Sintia Skyrona Somin Somita Sompe Sopidon Steld Sterin Sterval Strina Talontunka Tarax Tefan Tegrich Telinia Terandia Terex Thadia Titia Tordix Traco Tralia Tremena Trexia Trono Tucinia Umbaitio Uncutim Valavon Vallum Vandilowyn Vantia Vanuennia Varia Varobaroma Varonia Varvanna Vediana Vedren Venia Vennertia Ventan Ventaunicor Venti Venum Verum Vetan Veticanniae Vicela Viche Vidianelavo Viend Vilitelia Villona Vitar Vitia Vitta Vlaria Vlian Vonth Vorrondra Vottinian Wotian Yentina Zedhad Zellara Zellona
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euderm · 8 months ago
Experience Flawless Skin at Euderm's Premier Laser Hair Removal Clinic in Hyderabad
Discover the best in laser hair removal at Euderm's top-rated clinic in Hyderabad. Our advanced technology and experienced professionals ensure safe, effective, and painless treatments for smooth, hair-free skin. Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to confidence with Euderm's customized solutions tailored to your needs. Book your consultation today and start your journey towards perfect skin.
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tiblog158 · 4 years ago
Sharp Electric Alarm Clock
Sharp Electric Alarm Clock With Battery Backup
Sharp Electric Alarm Clock
Alarm Clock
Sharp Atomic Clock Instructions
Westclox Electric Alarm Clock
Download 6 Sharp Clock PDF manuals. User manuals, Sharp Clock Operating guides and Service manuals. Sharp Digital Alarm Clock - Ascending Alarm Begins Faintly and Grows Increasing Louder, Gentle Wake Up Experience, Dual Alarm - Battery Back-up, Easy to Use with Simple Operation 3,315 11 offers from $22.49. Product Description Wake up on time every day with this stylish Sharp, model SPC1225A, digital LED alarm clock with a Jumbo 1.8” display easily viewed across the room. This clock features an on/off night-light button, a snooze function and on/off alarm button all accessed on the front of the clock with the easy keyboard style controls. Sharp Digital Alarm Clock – Black Case with Red LEDs - Ascending Alarm Grows Increasing Louder, Gentle Wake Up Experience, Dual Alarm - Battery Back-up, Easy to Use with Simple Operation Visit the Sharp Store 3,868 ratings 42 answered questions. Sharp® Battery Backup Electric-Powered Digital Alarm Clock, 2 3/4' x 4 1/4' x 2', Black/Silver Item # 184926.
Model – SPC585
Projection Alarm Clock – Sleep Sounds
UPC – 0049353995120
Time Projection
8 Soothing Sleep Sounds
Dual Alarm
Display Dimmer Control
Battery Backup
Dimensions – 7.5 x 7 x 4.6 inches
Where to find your ip address on your computer. BUY NOW Instruction Manual
The Sharp Projection Alarm Clock with 8 Soothing Sleep Sounds is the perfect clock for the bedroom, kids, room, senior’s room. You can project the time directly on the ceiling of a dark room (optional) to make it easy to read, even in the middle of the night. Fall to sleep faster or block out background sounds by listening to 8 different soothing sounds, all designed to promote better sleep. The +/- buttons on the clock can be used to increase the volume of the nature sound for optimal preference and settings.
Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze
Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze,Snooze Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display, children, teens, seniors and the elderly,EASY TO USE DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK WITH DUAL ALARM - This clock has been designed with absolute simplicity in mind and is very easy to operate, Perfect for adults, Discount Prices, Easy Exchanges Hot sales of goods Free Same Day Shipping With Every Order! Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm.
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Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze
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Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze
Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze. EASY TO USE DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK WITH DUAL ALARM - This clock has been designed with absolute simplicity in mind and is very easy to operate. Perfect for adults, children, teens, seniors and the elderly. Condition:: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See the seller's listing for full details. See all condition definitions : Material: : Plastic , Color: : Silver: Movement: : Quartz (Mains/Electric) , MPN: : Does not apply: Power Source: : Electrical , Brand: : Branded: Type: : Standard Alarm Clock , Era: : 21st Century (2000-now): Features: : 12 Hour Display, 24 Hour Display, Battery Backup, Dual Alarm , Display Type: : Digital: UPC: : Does not apply , 。
Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze
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Sharp Electric Alarm Clock With Battery Backup
Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze
Sharp Electric Alarm Clock
Alarm Clock
children, teens, seniors and the elderly,EASY TO USE DIGITAL ALARM CLOCK WITH DUAL ALARM - This clock has been designed with absolute simplicity in mind and is very easy to operate, Perfect for adults, Discount Prices, Easy Exchanges Hot sales of goods Free Same Day Shipping With Every Order!
Sharp Atomic Clock Instructions
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Sharp Electric Digital Dual Alarm Clock Battery Backup LED Large Display Snooze
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truffleshop · 4 months ago
HAIRMED Набір Try Me "Зволоження та захист"
HAIRMED kit Try Me idratante e protettivo Набір “Зволоження та захист” 1) HAIRMED B9 Hydration moisturizing eudermic shampoo for dry hair Еудермальний зволожувальний шампунь для сухого волосся 100мл Зволожувальний і живильний шампунь, ідеальний для сухого і тьмяного волосся. М’яка формула з очищувальною основою з рослинних і поновлюваних джерел делікатно видаляє забруднення, кондиціонує та…
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skinbae01 · 4 years ago
Buy Best Oily Skin Products- Skinbae
Several things you need to keep in mind when you plan to Buy Oily Skin Products. Normal skin is probably the best type which is well known as Eudermic skin for its balanced pH levels.
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shesinfashioncc · 4 years ago
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Ciao Amiche, oggi sono davvero felice di condividere con voi la mia esperienza. Sono rari i casi in cui dei prodotti mi soddisfano pienamente lasciandomi stupita, ma @cydoniacosmetici per me è stata una vera scoperta! Innanzitutto si capisce subito quanto amore e passione si nasconde dietro questa linea di prodotti . La professionalità nel seguire i clienti e le loro esigenze non ha eguali, non sono mai stata ascoltata e coccolata così , ve lo assicuro. La mia conoscenza di Cydonia Eudermic Active Skincare è iniziata con un prodotto che mira alla detersione della cute. L'Olio Gel Detergente specifico per pelli secche e mature è incredibilmente piacevole sulla pelle, la sua texture in gel diventa impalpabile a contatto con l'acqua e agisce in modo efficace purificando il viso , che dopo l'utilizzo è al tatto molto più morbido e liscio. Subito dopo la fase di detersione ho proseguito la mia Cydonia beauty routine con la Crema viso e collo Nutri-Intensive 24h. La sua texture è delicatissima, molto facile da massaggiare e far penetrare, è nutriente, ma non unge. La profumazione quasi impercettibile è proprio naturale e davvero piacevole. Già dopo la prima applicazione la mia pelle al tatto era più liscia e morbida, sono rimasta davvero molto colpita. Sono davvero felice che un marchio di così alta qualità sia made in Italy e vi consiglio di provarlo perchè ne vale davvero la pena! . . . #cydonia #skin #skincare #skincareroutine #skincareproducts #beauty #beautyblogger #mammablogger #shesinfashionblog #Genova #italy #igersgenova #bloggeritalia #life #italianblogger #review #nature #bautycare #viso #collo #pelle #pelleperfetta #cosmeticinaturali #cosmetica #baby #cosmesi #cosmesinaturale #cosmetics #green (presso Genova, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFYztEJopXO/?igshid=1d3l6rkz35e7p
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thehealthynaturals · 5 years ago
Some Facts You Need to Know About Oily Skin
For every woman, their skin is the most valuable asset so use less makeup and proper skincare is an essential activity to do every day. Our skin is the most sensitive, delicate and longest part of our whole body. Every single person is having different skin type and 70% of the people has mistaken while guessing their actual skin type and use wrong methods that can affect their skin too.
Four Skin Types Found in Humans
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There are mainly four skin types that are found in human skin such are as follows:
Normal Skin type: The scientific term for normal skin is Eudermic and it refers to a well-balanced skin type. Sometimes T-zone area (forehead, chin, and nose) may be a little bit oily, but the sebum and moisture are balanced and the skin is neither too oily nor too dry.       
Dry Skin type: According to a survey, most women suffer the most with dry skin as compared to men. In this skin type, the skin produces less sebum rather than normal skin which results in drier skin.
Combination Skin type: In a combination of skin, the T-zone can differ from a very slim zone to an affected area. The oily parts of combination skin are caused by an overproduction of sebum. The drier parts of combination skin are caused by a lack of sebum and a corresponding lipid deficiency.
Oily Skin type: The name explains the skin type, an oily skin type means excess oil on the skin which gives a constant shiny or oily and lustrous appearance. If the skin is not getting a proper cure, then the pores can become clogged and enlarged, and dead skin cells may accumulate. Blackheads, pimples and other types of skin problems are very common with this skin type.
Are you one of them who are suffering from any skin type problem especially from oily skin? If yes then you must read this blog, today you are going read about the pros and cons of having oily skin.
Benefits of excess oil on the skin
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Lock moisture and make it softer
Those people who have oily skin knows it very well that the excess oil present in the skin can help to get moisturized and softer skin as compared to other skin types. The scientific reason behind it is the natural hydration present in oily skin allows it to repair and regenerate easily to preserve natural youthfulness.
Because of excess oil, the skin produces more sebum which needs special care that means you need to be more careful while choosing cosmetics or skincare products for oily skin. Even the dermatologist also suggest not to use harsh products and too much scrubbing for oily skin.
It helps to tan easier
Excess oil makes it easier to tan and also creates an extra layer on the skin which protects you with the skin issues that come with tanning. Generally, tanning is bad for your skin because it dries out the skin by ultraviolet rays, but in case of oily skin excess oil protects you with harmful UV rays.
It slows down the skin aging
One of the best advantages of having oily skin is, it will surely slow down the aging process of your skin. Besides, the presence of excess oil can give you a lustrous, smooth, and softer skin which removes all the wrinkles, fine lines visible on your skin. That means those who have oily skin doesn’t need to spend too much money on makeup to hide their skin flaws.
As per nature’s rule that everything having their good side or bad side so here are a few disadvantages of having oily skin:
·         The biggest drawback of having oily skin is that too much oil can clog pores which result in acne or other skin related problems.
·         Oily skin gives you an extra shine or glows on your face, but too much shine can also harm your skin. To avoid it, wash your face with gentle facewash or soap with regular intervals of time to reduce excess oil from your skin.
·         Sometimes oily skin can embarrass you and the situation can be worst, you may lose your self-confidence too.
Suggestion to care oily skin
So there are some advantages and disadvantages of oily skin generally people face. If you are also suffering from the same issues, then you can suggestions to the experts of Healthy Naturals or you can try their product Turmeric Curcugin for skin solutions safely and healthily.
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wechicagorussianriders · 5 years ago
Long An – quà tặng mỹ phẩm dành cho sinh nhật sếp nam ● Set quà mỹ phẩm Châu Âu tại Shapeline.vn
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Hotline: 0935 31.31.31
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Long An – quà tặng mỹ phẩm dành cho sinh nhật sếp nam
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Set quà mỹ phẩm Châu Âu duy nhất tại viện Shapeline Việt Nam ● Shapeline cần hợp tác với nhà phân phối mỹ phẩm Châu Âu toàn quốc
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Shapeline Việt Nam là nơi chăm sóc sức khỏe và sắc đẹp từ thiên nhiên.
● Shapeline một trong những thương hiệu đi đầu trong lĩnh vực sức khỏe và làm đẹp độc quyền được phân phối và nhập khẩu trực tiếp từ Châu Âu.
● Đến nay thương hiệu Shapeline tại Việt Nam đã là 1 thương hiệu mỹ phẩm, thẩm mỹ viện uy tín, 1 địa chỉ làm đẹp uy tín, 1 nơi chăm sóc sức khỏe đáng được lựa chọn, được hàng ngàn khách hàng sử dụng và khen ngợi chân thực và chia sẻ khắp cả nước cũng như báo chí và chương trình sức khỏe, làm đẹp ở các đài truyền hình Việt Nam như: VTV 9, HTV 7, HTV 9, O2TV, TODAY TV …
● Shapeline Việt Nam đã lựa chọn các sản phẩm, mỹ phẩm, dịch vụ cũng như các công nghệ trong lĩnh vực sức khỏe và làm đẹp dáng, làm đẹp da được coi là hoản hảo cho tất cả các khách hàng khó tính nhất.
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Các mỹ phẩm độc quyền và nhập khẩu trực tiếp từ Châu Âu như: Đặc biệt là các loại mỹ phẩm đặc trị chuyên sâu và có tính năng nổi trội: EUDERME ( ITALY ), FANGOCUR ( AUSTRIA ), ATOSWELLNES …
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Các dịch vụ lựa chọn: Chăm sóc sức khỏe bằng công nghệ cao đặc biệt là 1 hệ thống máy chuyên sâu phục hồi xương khớp, phục hồi sau tai biến, sau đột quỵ, giảm béo, giảm cân, tạo dáng cơ thể, giải độc hiện đại và an toàn nhất hiện nay.
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Các dịch vụ chuyên sâu về da: Trẻ hóa da, thẫm mỹ mắt, thẩm mỹ không phẩu thuật, triệt lông, chăm sóc da chuyên sâu …
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Các công nghệ chuyên sâu tiêu biểu: Công nghệ điều trị và trẻ hóa da, trị sẹo, xóa nhăn Plasma, Công nghệ nâng cơ, săn chắc, chống lão hóa Derma Xlite, công nghệ triệt lông xóa nám, tàn nhan, sắc tố, trị mụn SHR Motion, công nghệ chăm sóc trẻ hóa Face Systum và màn hình ánh sáng Nano cho các loại da tổn thương, công nghệ chăm sóc trẻ hóa da mới nhất EUMIX.
10 mỹ phẩm Châu Âu giúp làm đẹp & trẻ hóa da, xóa mờ vết nhăn, trị dứt điểm các loại mụn, se khít lỗ chân lông, làm căng lại cấu trúc cho da mịn & sáng 1 cách hiệu quả và nhanh nhất:
1) Penta Cleansing Gel – Dưỡng da đặc biệt dành cho mọi loại da.
2) Mặt Nạ Bùn Khoáng Fangocur – Đặc trị mụn, viêm nhiễm.
3) Penta Tonic Lotion – Tinh chất đặc trị cho da dơ bẩn, dầu nhờn, viêm nhiễm.
4) Serum PENTA – Làm mịn & sáng cho da.
5) Equiskin 30 Di Serum – Trị dút điểm các loại mụn & làm sáng mịn da.
6) Rosaskin 30 Di Serum – Làm tan các mao mạch được sử dụng cho tất cả các loại da nhạy cảm, dị ứng.
7) Rosaskin 30 Di Crema – Làm làn da mềm & bóng mịn.
8) Brufol stop – Đặc trị mụn chuyên sâu. ( mụn bọc, mủ, cơm, gạo, thịt, ruồi )
9) Tinh chất ngọc trai Shinju Shinju – Làm sáng da, xóa mờ các vết nám, vết thâm, đốmnâu.
10) Golden rose 99.9 – Làm đẹp & mang đến làn da căng bóng, sáng ngời khỏe mạnh tức thì.
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Shapeline cần tìm đại lý và đối tác mới để phân phối mỹ phẩm Châu Âu & phát triển thương hiệu Shape-line Việt nam
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Shapeline thành tâm xin lỗi tới quý vị và quý khách hàng trong 5 năm qua đã không ít khách hàng gọi điện và ghé viện Shapeline để xin được chuyển giao công nghệ và thiết bị độc quyền từ Châu Âu trong lĩnh vực làm đẹp và chăm sóc sức khỏe, và đã không sẵn sàng chuyển giao cũng như phát triển nhà phân phối cho quý vị.
Đến nay Shapeline xin thông báo để tất cả quý đối tác được biết là Shapeline đã sẵn sàng chào đón với quý vị đã từng quan tâm và muốn được là chủ của hệ thống này, mong quý vị cùng nắm tay nhau phát triển để mọi người dân trên cả nước có cơ hội để tự chăm sóc chính mình được khỏe hơn và đẹp hơn, và Shapeline thành thật xin lỗi với bà con đã tin yêu và ủng hộ dịch vụ và sản phẩm của chúng tôi trong thời gian qua, thời gian 5 năm có mặt phục vụ ở Việt Nam sẽ có rất nhiều thiếu sót và chưa chu đáo mong bà con từ bi hỉ xả!!
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Trung tâm chăm sóc sức khỏe & làm đẹp da – Hotline:
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Công nghệ Độc quyền Châu Âu duy nhất ở Việt Nam: Không phẫu thuật, không xâm lấn, an toàn.
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Địa chỉ: 3/1 Hoàng Sa, P. Đakao, Q.1, TP. HCM & 2/1i1 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, P. Đakao, Q.1, TP. HCM
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The post Long An – quà tặng mỹ phẩm dành cho sinh nhật sếp nam ● Set quà mỹ phẩm Châu Âu tại Shapeline.vn appeared first on Chicago Russian Riders.
source https://chicagorussianriders.com/long-an-qua-tang-my-pham-danh-cho-sinh-nhat-sep-nam-%e2%97%8f-set-qua-my-pham-chau-au-tai-shapeline-vn/
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yve-by-yveskin-blog · 6 years ago
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Skin Wash is a mild, vegan cleansing gel with orange blossom- and lemon essences for daily facial, body and hair cleansing. With soothing Cocos surfactants, no alcohol, dyes and plastic pieces. - Frees the skin of impurities, seburn and dirt - Cleans thoroughly and gently without drying - Anti-bacterial - Suitable for sensitive skin Application: Foam with a little water in your palm and gently massage on your skin. For very dry skin mix it with YveSkin precious oils. Lemon is cleansing, antibacterial and antiseptic. The scent stimulates the mind, improves concentration, strengthens the memory and develops an invigorating and uplifting energy. Blood Orange is eudermic, disinfects and helps pimples. It acts as a stimulant, helps to relax. The essence of blood orange can also soothe and revitalize. Balancing with unrest and new energies are released. #yveskin #skinwash #relax #spa (hier: Zürich, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0BIfJI5p0/?igshid=rsiglenbltdz
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