fe-smashorpass · 3 months
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dimas-favorite · 2 years
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My faves are Beyard and Eubans from FE7. I’ve always thought they were kinda handsome, tbh…
I also like Mustafa in Awakening. He made me sad…
You can reblog with your answer and add pics if you want! ✨
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furryprovocateur · 1 year
accidentally completed kinship's bond without recruiting rath 🤪
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mirabellomonferrato · 4 months
Az első papírt aláírtam Illetve az állandó lakcímről
Ez még csak a módosított ajánlattétel, amiben rögzítjük, hogy én szeretném megvenni, az eladó szeretné nekem eladni, ezért ezzel kapcsolatban vállalunk kötelezettségeket. Én pl vállalom, hogy majd kifizetem az ingatlanközvetítői díj rám eső részét (mindkét fél fizet), elfogadom a fizetési ütemezést, ismerem az ingatlan állapotát és ezzel kapcsolatban vagy erre hivatkozva a későbbiekben nem állhatok el a szerződés megkötésétől. Ide törvény is be van idézve, szóval ez a papír már pert és pénzt ér. Az is kiderült számomra, hogy az eladó kötelessége, hogy hivatalos földmérővel vagy nem tudom ki a szakember, felméresse a házat, hogy a jelenlegi állapota azonos-e a földhivatalban rögzített adatokkal. Ha nem azonos, az viszont nekem lenne költség, de mivel a bejáráskor kaptam földhivatali kivonatot, alaprajzzal, az meg teljesen megegyezett azzal amit láttam, így remélem nem lesz semmi költséges meglepetés. Igen, ez egy elég fura olasz szokás, hogy amikor megveszel valamit, akkor megveszed vele az elmulasztott adminisztrációs kötelezettségeket is. nem hivatkozhatsz arra, hogy ez vagy az az előző tulaj dolga lett volna –mert aláíratják veled, hogy vállalod. Ha olasz lennék, akkor persze veszekedhetnék hadarva mutogatva, hogy én biztosannnem, de így csak reménykedem, hogy rendben lesz.
Na és az állandó lakcím Olaszországban. Azért kellett ezt körbejárnom, mert állandó tartózkodás, állandó lakcím esetén 6% az adó, míg ha máshol van az állandó lakcímed, akkor 9%. nem mindegy. Nagyobb értékű ingatlannál meg aztán nagyon nem mindegy. A jogszabályok alapján EU-ban egy polgárnak csak egy tagállamban lehet bejelentett állandó lakcíme, de több országban tarthat fenn tartózkodási helyet. Viszont nincsenek szinkronizálva az országok címnyilvántartásai, így akár ki is játszhatná az ember ezt a szabályt (ki tudja meddig?). A gond az egészségügyi ellátásnál lehet. Hogy ott vagy jogosult az egészségügyi ellátásra, abban az országban, ahol az állandó lakcímed van. Baleset meg sürgősségi ellátást igénylő esetben ellátnak bárhol az EUban, aztán rendezik a saját országoddal vagy a biztosítóddal a dolgot, de ahol nincs állandó, életvitel szerű tartózkodási helyed, ott miért mennél orvoshoz valami nem sürgősségi panasszal? A jogszabályok szerint két helyen nem fizethetsz TB-t. Túl kockázatos, túl macerás átláthatatlan és bizonytalan következményekkel járó dolog. De a legfőbb baj, ahogy olvastam, az autó. Olaszországban, ha ott van az állandó lakcímed, nem közlekedhetsz nem Olaszországban nyilvántartott autóval. Úgy megbüntetnek mint a huzat, nem is kicsit, elveszik az autódat, és ki se jössz többet a bürokrácia szövevényéből. Allergiásak az adókerülésre. Rákérdeztem, hogy közüzemi szerződéseket meg bármiféle szerződéseket (pl bankszámlát) köthetek-e, ha nincs állandó lakcímem Olaszországban. Igen – volt a válasz. Úgyhogy kihagyom a lakcímmel való nyerészkedést.
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unearthlytwilight · 11 months
totally forgot that Eliwood actually ...informs other people that the plot is happening.
that feels so rare. nowadays the main plot is obvious enough (Plot Zombies, etc) to be a substitute for an explanation when the lord rolls up. "yeah, clearly something's up. here, take some dudes and fix it."
as far as most people know, though, Darin was just trying to start a war for reasons and then fell off the face of the earth. we see this a little pre-21E, where Eubans' mercenaries are farting around in Lycia because they rebelled against Ostia to join the war ...and then the war just didn't happen. Heath even points out that Darin vanished on them, so they have no reason to fight the lords
it makes Eliwood feel more realistic. of course he'd ask for help, he found all this out yesterday and feels out of his league! there's also the aspect of him wanting other rulers to be able to make good, informed decisions about the situation, which is such an Eliwood thing to do, honestly
you really get the sense he's exercising his agency towards a more specific goal of protecting people - that he has a motivation beyond just killing the bad guy because they want to do bad stuff. this is what I mean when I say he's a good character
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pipipike · 2 years
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átlag feletti a bizalom az euban Mo.-n
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stickalittle · 2 years
Mi lesz itt, ha magyar lesz a soros elnökség az EUban? Egyenesen Moszkva hangja fog szólni. Azzal mit fog tudni kezdeni a többi 27 ország?
soros elnökség??? soros???
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theinclusionmasala · 1 year
🥽 Microplastics will now be restricted in the EU
📏Microplastics are tiny particles of plastic that measure less than 5 millimeters in size.
They are formed from the breakdown of larger plastic items, such as bottles, bags, and packaging, as well as from the release of synthetic fibers during washing.
Microplastics can also be intentionally manufactured for use in various products.
🌊They can be found in various environments, including freshwater, marine environments, and even in the air we breathe.
⚠️However, due to their small size, they are often difficult to detect and remove, posing potential risks to ecosystems and even human health.
🌍 There is still a way to go but this ban is a great step forward for the planet and our health.
⁉️Need help with the S in ESG?
💕Don’t hesitate to contact us @esg-consultancy.be
👍Follow us for more on sustainability.
#ESGconsultancy #ESG #climatechange #sustainablebusiness #climatecrises #sustainability #plasticpollution #saynotoplastic #EUban #microplastics
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Juniusban először lett harmadik a BEV és előzte be a dízelt az EUban
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szalacsi · 2 years
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mikozben az EUban:
szoval van az hogy Orbanek leuraljak a videket az EU meg eppen taknyosra szopatja az egesz EUt ezzel itt fent es az egyik problemarol a 444/index/lofasz kommer media nem hoz le hirt. vagy nagyon nacionalistak ezek a sracok vagy nagyon hulyek.
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memesgagblog-blog · 5 years
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flowerbuds-stuffs · 6 years
Ok, this is actually a very serious topic that really needs some attention. Article 13 is putting a LOT of content creators (including fanart creators) at risk, included everyone one this very site! Millions of people around the world could lose their jobs if we don't act now.
PLEASE, share this with as many people as you can! Even something as simple as a reblog or telling your friends about this can make a huge impact.
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furryprovocateur · 1 year
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my cup cumeth over
what is there to say about kinship's bond, one of my favorite defend chapters in the series? it was absolute agony to do this chapter because while you don't HAVE to kill eubans, you absolutely want to because a. he drops a knight crest b. boss kill experience c. the chapter ends the second he dies d. the chapter turn requirement is the max amount of turns spent defending, so basically as long as you kill him before turn 10 enemy phase, you'll be saving at least one turn, if not multiple. the problem is that he's basically in the asshole of the chapter, being surrounded by forest squares and being in the very corner of the map whereas you start near nearly the opposite side. still, getting to him isn't hard if you overextend with marcus/any other non-isadora paladin you might have by this point and just haul ass with a javelin, hand axe, and iron axe equipped at various points. if anything, the hardest part is surviving with everyone up to that point.
LMAO JK did you think i was serious? the hardest part is the dicerolling for killing eubans because i cannot tell you how many times i got to the end only to see "sain is attacking eubans. he has a 70%-80% hit rate and he only has to hit once and is doubling. OOPS he missed both hits" or even better the classic "both hits missed on the enemy phase and now you can't kill him because the forest square he attacked you from is preventing a 1RKO LOL haha". i swear to god it's not even HHM or the ranked run that's making my blood fucking boil, it's the fucking probability always swinging against me in the most fucking improbable circumstances. i had like 2 80%s miss then a 30% to kill hit me. i just. i know it gets exhausting to see me complain about RNG in this game but holy fucking CUNT FUCK does it incense me. like i cannot overstate how mad it makes me because i'm literally not making any mistakes and still losing because of it. i'm trying so so so hard not to mald harder but whatever.
heath got a level and change and got good stats. the plan is to use the shit out of him next chapter by prepping him with a barrier and letting him go to town on as many of the magic units that he can. iirc he's not gonna be doubling but if i give him the short spear, he might be 1HKOing until he either can 1HKO with the javelin or double. isadora meanwhile did 2 things for me this chapter: she used a nearly broken iron sword to kill an annoying mage and then she hauled ass to the secret shop to buy a bunch of shit with the silver card (another physic, two torch staves, two barriers, and a 5 use chest key (i'm going to need this for BBD and NOF i imagine)). the best part about buying a bunch of shit with the silver card is that it doesn't cost any money due to how the game calculates funds, so even if i am overbuying, i'm just making my liquid gold solid.
last thing to note: we're in red alert territory because my collective lord levels are only at 46 right now and FFO is right around the corner. i need to average getting 2 level in living legend and genesis. i THINK this is fairly doable considering there's two berserker bosses next turn and i think i can at least get lyn to kill one of them, ideally eliwood would be able to tank out the other one. the biggest problem is living legend has a short turn count so i have to be quick, but i also need to make sure i'm hitting the experience benchmark. i'll burn turns if i HAVE to, but i want to avoid that at all costs. at the same time, i absolutely refuse to do lloyd's FFO, so the conflicting desires there are gonna come to a head soon.
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jacky-luluwrites · 6 years
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Jacky-lulu Writes
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Hello everyone, I am Jacky-lulu, and I will be writing about Video Game content nostalgic media, new media, project updates that I am apart of, and other such subjects that I find interesting. At first, I will be posting three links to SpineOnline then I will be posting just to Tumblr and Twitter. I also have an Instagram that I will be showing off photos that I take in my day to day life. 
As such, having Tumblr as my host this no way means I agree with the new changes in its Adult Content. I am greatly disappointed that a hunt for Porn-bots has turned to silence Artists and people who wish to inform and teach others. This may be ‘TMI,’ but I learned a lot about my sexuality and identity from Tumblr and I will always be thankful to those people who spoke out. I listened, and I thank each and every one of you. I also wish to take a moment to call out Yahoo! and @staff for their sexist rules, damages, and panic they are causing. 
If you are upset about the Tumblr 18+ ban then you all must be steaming about Article13, if you have not heard about it, Matpat does a good explanation of it and the harm it can do. In short, Bye-bye ability to draw fanart and Memes! 
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unearthlytwilight · 11 months
chapter 21E!
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thoughts under the cut! but more importantly...
if you take away one thing from this post: stan Heath. he is a great character. he deserves love and affection. anyway, on to actual content:
...and it's miniboss squad time! that was an abrupt cut
Sonia tells the Four Fangs to kill Eliwood because reasons
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Lloyd calls bullshit, but Sonia has Brendan under mind control or something don't worry about it and makes him agree. that's good enough for him
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anyway! Uther is traveling out of Ostia in secret to meet with the gang personally. Nils is sick or something so Ninian goes out to check on him
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he collapses. Hector wants to call a medic, but Ninian objects. Eliwood agrees with this
suddenly, the fort is being invaded! it's defend map time!
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Eubans (left) tells Heath (right) to attack with his unit from the west. Heath tells him that's a stupid idea
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these guys got hired by Darin to do war, but then we killed him, so. they're kinda spinning their wheels
Heath objects to attacking women and children, but Eubans insists (read: does blackmail). and so the chapter begins.
I forgot Rath joined this chapter. he's there I guess? it is interesting that the NPC calls him "Rath of Sacae" while Rath and Lyn address each other more traditionally. it's a nice little detail
interestingly, both the mercenaries and the npcs have unique descriptions:
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it's a nice detail
but remember how Heath was being regretful? speak to him with any of the lords (in practice Eliwood or Hector, since Lyn will be busy recruiting Rath) or Ninian to recruit.
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what a line. Heath is shooting up my list of favorite characters as we speak. love him
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oh, Eliwood. trying to ensure he doesn't have to fight. I love you
also, boss convo time!
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and what a convo it is. not even a chapter and I'm already invested in him. this is how you do characterization
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huh. I didn't expect that. he still cares a little. bless him
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stop being mean to Heath he's doing his best. anyway, he's dead. let's talk to Uther about the plot
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oh, Hector.
anyway! Eliwood explains. it turns out Uther knows about Nergal, but not the whole dragons thing and Elbert's death. Eliwood says "nothing could have been done", which is interesting and I'll talk about it later
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fuck, my emotions. anyway, after Uther hears about dragons he leaves to think. Hector notes it's unusual for him not to have made a decision already. the lords discuss what to do
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considering how modern FE games don't bother to justify why only the heroes do plot, this is pleasantly surprising! makes the world feel more real as well
anyway, Ninian can track Nergal. it's magic don't worry about it. he's in Bern. that's bad because Bern's very militant and their king sucks
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yeah, I don't like desert chapters either, Eliwood, but that's what we're doing
some level ups:
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balanced character
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she's been weirdly good. idk why
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he's gonna be a staffbot for a little while but. S in dark magic. oh yeah.
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speed and res unexpected, but welcome!
anyway! next time, we go to Nabata, dig for treasure, and meet two legends!
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lunacalx · 6 years
This matters. Save the internet and protect the world from the big business. Educate yourself. We are all in this together
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