#Ethan Pogue
screamforyani · 1 year
still into you
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pairing ↠ ethan landry x (f) reader x jj maybank
genre .. warnings ↠ smut, angst, friends to lovers, childhood best friend!ethan, unprotected sex, mentions of a ghostface attack, violence, mentions of alcohol consumption
summary ↠ when ethan visits the outerbanks with his friends, he doesn’t expect to find you there. you don’t expect to see him there, either, but trying to reconcile during a series of ghostface attacks is harder than it seems.
wc ↠ 6.3k
author’s note ↠ pt. 1/4 of the still friends, not lovers series. feedback is appreciated!
Summer break was en route. 
Everyday was summer break with the pogues. Impromptu escapades around the island and treasure hunts that took you across the ocean, to your parents’ chagrin. 
Anything to spite them. Six years later and you still didn’t appreciate being bulldozed eight hours away from home. Alas, your ailing grandmother was dying, and you were an optionless fourteen-year-old. Not that you didn’t care about your grandmother. Matter of fact, it wasn’t until she passed and all the grief wore you thin that you fell out with your parents. 
They just didn’t understand that you were an adult. You were more than capable of making your own decisions. Sure, plenty of them were careless, but half of it was their fault. 
That said, you fell in love with your life in the Outer Banks. The reckless exploits and dangerous feats. Your toes in the sand and the sun in your eyes. The splashing and surfing. 
You fell in love with something else, too. 
An engine resounded down the street and you turned, catching an eye full of dirty blonde while the ground reverberated beneath your feet as JJ parked in your driveway. 
“Dude,” you started, jogging over to your best friend. “Didn’t I tell you that you can’t just speed through here?”
“Damn, y’all strict on Figure Eight,” JJ retorted, a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. “Hop on, everyone’s waiting for us and I told ‘em we’d be there in an hour.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “Fuck, did I forget to mark another scavenger hunt in my calender?”
JJ’s sunglasses fell onto the bridge of his nose and he made no move to fix them, chirping, “You know, I was actually thinking more of a beach day. Surfing and sunburn. That kind of thing.”
You huffed, “Because you always forget to wear sunscreen. Why do I have to be the one to remind you?”
“Uh, because we’re best friends and you love me,” JJ said, flashing a full set of teeth. 
You rolled your eyes, backing away from his bike (and ignoring the warmth spreading through your chest). “Don’t move. I’m going to throw on my bikini.”
JJ shouted behind you, watching you run up your front steps, “Yo, could you bring some sunscreen?”
You shook your head in disbelief, vying against a beaming smile for control and losing miserably. When you were safely in your room, you rummaged your drawer and exited in your favorite, racy orange bikini with a beach bag slung loosely over your shoulder. 
Your father was currently occupying the living room and you parted your lips to tell him bye, opting to get out of there as quickly as possible after you spotted the scowl on his face, but he stood squarely in front of you.
Oh, brother, you thought to yourself. This guy gave other overprotective fathers a run for their money. 
“That boy is on my lawn again,” he hissed indignantly. 
“Yes, I know,” you chirped offhandedly. “And the longer you stand in front of me, the longer he’ll be waiting out there.”
Your father wasn’t pleased, if the disdainful glance he cocked you was any indication. “Your mother and I don’t like you going out with those kids. You know this.”
“Yes, I know, you hate pogues. We’ve been over this,” you droned, fighting a roll of your eyes. “Sorry to break it to you, Dad, but I’m a pogue!”
“It’s not about kooks or pogues - it’s about keeping you safe! This family has been troubled with enough grief,” your father shouted. 
You bristled, raising your voice even louder, “For fuck’s sake, Dad. We’re just going to the beach! Don’t you see the bikini? The worst case scenario is I drown.”
Your father opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. 
“I’m not a kid anymore, Dad. If I want to hang out with people from The Cut I will and there’s nothing you or Mom can do to stop me,” you seethed, stepping around him and slamming the door on the way out. 
Fortunately JJ was right where you’d left him and his eyes flitted over to you when he heard the loud, forceful slam of your front door. Your obvious shift in body language coupled with the less than faint shouting he heard told him everything he needed to know. 
“Get me far, far away from this place,” you grumbled, mounting his bike and wrapping your arms around his waist snugly. 
JJ revved the engine for effect, like he was trying to make a statement. “Let me guess - your old man old-manning again?”
“Yeah,” you huffed. “No worries. My mom will probably be home soon and they’ll talk about how much of a thorn in their side I am together.”
Pulling out of the driveway, JJ quipped, “They’ve got the house all to themselves. Maybe they’ll make another baby so they can finally stop treating you like one.”
You grimaced at the idea. “And risk having it turn out just like me? I’m sure they’d rather chew bricks.”
Your best friend clenched his jaw. He couldn’t even count on both hands anymore the amount of times he’d thought of pummeling your father to the ground. Something about the guy and how he treated you just triggered a different dimension of rage. 
The beach was all the fun you could ask for. Sarah and John B decided it would be a great idea to bring water guns without telling anyone and ambush the other five of you. You slipped off your flip flops to travel faster, hot sand scalding your bare feet. 
Had JJ not shoved you out of the way, you would’ve been blindsided by the volleyball hurling your direction. 
“Sorry!” came a distant voice, jogging over to check up on you. 
When their face came into your vision, you saw their eyes widen and their lips split, but you spoke before he got the chance, “Ethan?”
JJ whispered in your ear, “You know this uncoordinated klutz?”
Ethan whispered your name. 
Longing possessed you and you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. Tears threatened. The sun was your best friend, his warmth spreading through you. Feelings hit you like a freight train. “I thought I’d never see you again,” you whimpered. 
Ethan gently placed his arms around you, unsure of where to put his hands. You were very exposed and he didn’t want to touch you in any of the wrong places. But Jesus Christ you were working the hell out of that bikini. 
Something switched in Ethan when he saw you. You didn’t at all look the same as when he’d last saw you six years ago. For one, you were taller and your hips were a little fuller now. You were a grown ass woman. 
Ethan’s eyes flickered. It’s been that long?
Holding you in his arms, sensing his heart race, he wondered why all those feelings he had for you never changed. 
JJ cleared his throat and you shuffled back a couple of feet. You awkwardly introduced, “Oh, um, JJ this is Ethan. We were best friends when I lived in Manhattan. Ethan, this is JJ - my new best friend.”
Ethan smiled sheepishly, stretching out his hand. “Nice to, uh, meet you.”
“Yeah, man. Something like that,” JJ replied, forcing a grin while shaking Ethan’s hand for the most fleeting of seconds. 
Feeling the tension, you glimpsed back at the pogues and said, “Jay, Kie looks like she’s struggling with something and Pope and John B are fussing, and I don’t see Sarah or Cleo, so...”
JJ glanced towards the ground, chuckling. “Yeah, I should probably go help her with that. I’ll get outta y’alls way.”
You called behind him, “No, wait, it’s not like that!”
“I’m going,” JJ replied without looking back, taking off his cap and tousling a hand through his blond hair.
You blew out a breath, turned to face Ethan, and froze. For a second, you were borderline catatonic. You couldn’t even breathe. Like the fish were sucking up all the air. You gathered the strength to ask, “What are you doing in the Outer Banks?”
“Oh, for summer break my friends and I wanted to go on vacation together. I didn’t think I’d see you here since, you know, you never told me where you were heading. Or said goodbye.”
His obvious disdain weighed on his tone and you understood every bit of his feelings, but the gleam of yearning in his pretty brown eyes betrayed the hurt. 
“You know I wanted to,” you replied, taking a step closer. You were panicking, worried your best friend hated you like you thought he would have. If you could even call him that anymore. “I desperately wanted to stop the car then and there and run the whole way to your house, but I couldn’t do that and I’m sorry.”
“Yo, who’s this?” came a masculine voice. You immediately noticed the dude throwing an arm over Ethan’s shoulder, about his height, give or take. 
Five more people followed. You assumed correctly that they were the friends he spoke of. Good to know someone’s been keeping you company, you thought to yourself. 
Ethan made a face and hurriedly gave them your name before introducing, “This is Chad, my roommate. Mindy, his sister. Sam, Tara, Anika, and Quinn.”
Your eyes widened when you laid eyes on Quinn.
You almost spoke, but Ethan beat you to a word. “Hey, can I talk to you alone for a second?”
“Yeah, sure,” you said, furrowing your brows, but following him nonetheless. 
Once his friends were out of earshot, Ethan asked, “Could you please not say anything about Quinn being my sister?”
You made a face. “What - why?”
Ethan searched his brain for a convincing lie and came up with, “Nobody knows and we made a bet about who would slip up first.”
You didn’t question the authenticity of his words. Why would Ethan lie? “Good luck with that. You were never the lucky sibling when it came to bets.”
Ethan chuckled. “I’ve changed. And I can sell a good lie. For example, my name’s Ethan Landry and I have no siblings.”
“Okay, Ethan Landry, no siblings,” you quipped. “Your friends are waiting for you and mine are waiting for me. I’ll catch you later?”
Ethan bobbed his head. “Yeah. Sure. That’s cool.”
“It was nice seeing you.”
“Nice seeing you, too,” Ethan replied. 
You watched him walk away, getting a view of his sexy back and broad shoulders. He sure did change, that was for sure. Holy fucking shit. 
You walked back over to the pogues, oblivious to the huge grin you were sporting. Maybe you would notice it once your cheeks started to hurt. 
Cleo had returned with Sarah and was sitting on the cooler. “Who’s that?”
“Some asshole with really bad aim,” JJ replied with a straight face.
You cocked him a glance, hissing, “JJ!”
JJ threw up his hands, but didn’t back down. “You didn’t see the way he threw that ball. Even my nephew has better eye-hand coordination.”
Pope nodded his head in agreement. “I mean, it was a bad throw.”
John B winced, adding, “Yeah, you’ve got to admit it was kind of off.”
You rolled your eyes.
Nightfall came down. You’d been tipsy by dusk, thanks to your best friend’s idea of a good time. Everyone was officially spent, ready to sleep in till noon. Your legs ached from running all day like the police were hot on your trail.
Approaching you while you were helping your friends pack was one of Ethan’s friends, specifically his roommate. Chad, if memory served. He spoke your name and said, “Special delivery for a special lady.”
Your eyes flickered in surprise.
Chad handed you a card as if he was doing business with you, shot you an inviting smile, and leaned into your ear to whisper, “Just in case you need help finding your way.”
Then, he was gone. 
Sarah was amused. “What was that all about?”
“Yeah, what’s on the card?” asked Kiara, draping a duffle bag over her shoulders. 
You stood there, eyes flitting down to the card in your hands. There was an address scribbled in black ink, with a little note at the bottom and a smiley face. Whenever you’re ready, you can knock. 
You vaguely recognized the address as one of the houses along the shoreline. That must have been where they were staying. And Ethan was indirectly inviting you to come see him?
“Nothing important,” you lied, swiftly shoving the card into your bag. If you noticed the way JJ’s eyes lingered over you, you didn’t say anything. 
That night, you hardly slept. Your mind was roaring and your thoughts were restless. For a second, you thought Ethan hated you, just like fourteen-year-old you dreaded. But he invited you over. That was definitely his doodle and handwriting. There was no way it was a prank. 
When you did finally sleep, you dreamt of him. Bonding with your childhood best friend and making up for lost time. You dreamt of professing your love to him like you never got the chance to and kissing him like you’d always wanted. 
All you could see was the stars in his eyes for a minute. It made no sense for you to still be head over heels for Ethan after all these years. But all that history was conflicting with your current feelings and it was like a head-on collision. 
Crash and burn. 
After a sleepless night, you were at the chateau bright and early. Apparently John B had a lead and another day spent looking for treasure didn’t sound like the worst thing ever. 
Especially considering you were trying to take your mind off of recent events. 
Sirens blared down the street, making each of you turn your heads. One by one, you saw police cars zipping down the roads. You shuddered. You were getting deja vu. 
Confusion tensed Pope’s features and he squinted at the sight. Only the seven of you typically merited that level of attention, though as it turned out, they had a new target. “Is that a parade?” he asked. 
John B gave him a look. “Really? You think parades go that fast?”
“Nope. That’s a full-blown cop inroad,” JJ replied, watching the column of cars disappear.
You furrowed your brows, wondering what had them up so early. 
Perfectly on cue, Kie, who had been noticeably late, hopped out of her car and sped up the porch like lightning. “You guys aren’t going to believe what I just heard,” she panted, dropping in a chair.
“What happened?” you asked. 
Kie caught her breath before replying, “Before I snuck out, I overheard my parents talking about how a friend got attacked last night by someone in a Ghostface costume, but survived.”
“Ghostface?” JJ repeated, throwing you a glance. “Ain’t that like that Stab shit you watch?”
You bobbed your head, keeping quiet. You watched way too many scary movies for this kind of bullshit. You’d heard of the original attacks in Woodsboro, but you never expected them to come to you. A different kind of fear choked your lungs. 
Kie continued, “I drove by the scene on the way here, and you know what I hear Shoupe saying? It’s probably one of us damn pogues.”
“Well, his opinion of us is in the dirt,” Pope muttered under his breath. 
You pulled out your phone, pretending to get a notification. All you cared about right now was making sure all of your friends were safe. The old and new ones. You grabbed your keys and blurted, “Gotta go. My dad wants me back home. See you guys later!”
Before anybody could protest or remind you of today’s plans, you were already halfway to your car. 
Sarah glanced between her friends, confused, and asked the question everyone was thinking to themselves, “Since when does she listen to her dad?”
Speeding back to the beach, your thoughts were with Ethan. Obviously some random kook had been attacked, but you wanted to make sure the news reached him - and his friends - in time. You’d just gotten your friend back. You couldn’t have him added to the list of casualties. 
You double, quadruple checked the address when you parked in the driveway before you ran to the front door. Your heart was racing. Every second spent waiting made you nauseous. 
When the door opened, you saw Ethan. You didn’t even give him a chance to speak, pulling him in for a hug as you heaved a breath of relief. “Thank goodness, you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” Ethan said, hugging you a little more comfortably this time. “I’m guessing you heard the news too, huh?”
You bobbed your head, pulling back. “Yeah. I came as soon as I heard. I wanted to make sure you weren’t left in the dark.”
“That’s, uh, thoughtful of you.”
You grinned sheepishly. 
Ethan mirrored your smile. To say things were awkward would be the understatement of the year. He added, “I think we should talk.”
You chuckled nervously, looking down at your toes. “Kinda overdue, huh?”
Ethan pointed backwards with his thumb, replying, “I’ve got a beach for a backyard and nobody’s back there.”
Glancing down, you gulped. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. When did Ethan Bailey get hot? You banished the thoughts immediately. Priorities, girl. Priorities, you chided to yourself. Hoping he hadn’t noticed your distracted gaze, you chirped, “Sounds good.”
Ethan beckoned you inside, shutting the door behind you, and brought you towards the back. You briefly greeted his friends when you passed them on your way out, the distressed looks on their faces not being lost on you. 
You breathed in the fresh beach air when you stepped outside, opting to abandon your sandals on the patio so that you could bury your toes in the hot sand again. 
Minutes of just wallowing in the silence together passed. Maybe it wasn’t exactly silent, but peaceful. You could hear seagulls cooing and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore before drawing back into the ocean. 
“I’m not mad,” Ethan said after a prolonged pause. 
Your eyes darted to his face. “Why?”
Ethan was looking at you with unfathomable tenderness, like you created the very sea rushing before your bodies. There was something reminiscent in his stare. “Because you were fourteen. Your hands were tied.”
That was true. You couldn’t get that day out of your head. Driving past his house with your fingers flat to the window like you were trapped in the backseat of your parents’ car, watching him obliviously help his dad out in the yard for all of two seconds before the sight was gone. 
And you never saw him again. Until yesterday, of course. 
“I heard from your neighbor that your grandma was sick,” Ethan whispered. 
Your heart was taut with emotion, a weight sitting squarely on your chest. “Yeah. We left as soon as we got the news. She, uh… she passed away four years ago.”
Ethan’s eyes widened. “I’m so sorry.”
“We were expecting it,” you said, not that it made it any better. Tears burned your eyes, but you fought them with all your strength. You remembered spending every waking hour in that goddamn hospital. “She wasn’t getting any better. She was dying and she knew. After she passed, I had a falling out with my parents. All things considered.”
Spotting the petulant look on your face, Ethan was quick to slip his fingers through yours in consolation. You fought a smile. That always did make you feel a bit better. “If it helps, I lost someone too.”
Ethan heaved a breath. His face was dark for a fraction of a second before he confessed, “Richie.”
Your heart dropped. “No way. Are you serious? What happened?”
“He was murdered. Last year,” Ethan whispered, wistful. “Stabbed.”
That made you even more sad. You’d always liked Richie. He was like the older brother you never had and the sole reason you loved horror movies. 
You squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry,” you crooned. “Did they catch who stabbed him?”
“My dad says they’re working on it,” Ethan said quietly. 
“They better catch them.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, mood shifting. “Would’ve made a difference if I had you to lean on.”
There was a sinking feeling in your chest, but Ethan didn’t give you the chance to speak.
Ethan gave you a knowing look, pulling you flush to him, and said tenderly, “You have nothing to feel guilty about. If you’re guilty, then I’m guilty. I wasn’t there for you either. But we have each other right now.”
You locked eyes with him, wanting to be everything he needed. You would hurt twice as much if it meant you could take away all of his pain. “That’s all that matters.”
One second, you were staring at each other, sporting beaming smiles. And the very next? Your lips were locking. 
Kissing him was even better than you used to (and admittedly still did every now and again) dream of. It was slow and sweet, like you were taking your time with each other. Your heart thudded. 
Pulling back, the two of you giggled. Ethan confessed, “I’ve always wanted to kiss you like that.”
That made your heart do somersaults. Like twenty. “Me, too.”
You were giddy with excitement. Ethan took your hand in his again and walked with you along the shore, chatting with you about everything under the sun. Like old times.  
There was no doubt that you missed Ethan. He was your person and you were his. It felt euphoric to be in his arms where you’d longed to be for six whole years. And it felt… right. Almost as if you’d left your heart with him. 
Maybe you did. A piece of it, at least. 
When you returned, he brought you to a hammock. All he could think about was you. How you laughed at all his stupid jokes. She still has a mesmerizing smile. He was squinting at you, deep in thought. 
You sat on the hammock, peering up at your best friend. “Why are you squinting at me?”
Ethan was smiling like an idiot. “The sun’s in my eyes.”
You gave him a look, baffled. Both of you were in the shade. The tree that the hammock was hanging from served as a great shelter. Then, you realized he was talking about you. 
Heat filled your cheeks. You wrapped your legs around his waist and steered his head towards your face, kissing him again. You just couldn’t get enough. 
First, it was steady and gentle. You were kissing each other with all the affections you had to give, feeling every inch of your bodies burn with want and passion. Ethan’s hand slipped down to your hips, holding you still. He sucked on your tongue and you moaned, tightening your legs. 
In a matter of seconds, the mood shifted. 
A gasp of surprise escaped you when Ethan pushed your back to the hammock and trapped you under his weight, only slightly rougher than before. His lips bruised your neck, marking you for all the island to know who you belonged to. 
Your dad was going to go ballistic when he saw those, but ironically, he wasn’t who you were worried about. 
Ethan caught your worries in his palm and crushed them. All you could think about when he kissed you was how badly you needed him to mend the ache between your thighs. Your skin was on fire, your heart skipping a beat the closer he got to your waist. 
Anticipation was killing you softly. Ethan glanced up at you and asked, “Can I take off your shirt?”
You nodded. You didn’t trust yourself to speak. 
Ethan grabbed your shirt and you briefly sat up while he pulled it over your head, revealing your lacy black bra. His mouth was watering. 
His stare combined with his lack of speech or action made you slightly self-conscious. “Are you just going to look at me?” you prodded. 
“Sorry. It’s just… you’re beautiful,” Ethan whispered, breathless. “I have to stop and marvel for a second.”
You playfully rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t battle the smile on your lips. 
Bringing a hand behind your back, you unclipped your bra and let it drop, throwing it somewhere on the hammock. You desperately pulled Ethan into you, sucking a bruise onto your neck while he made a noise and kneaded your breasts. 
Nobody could see you. You were in a little nook by the shore, cloaked by trees. As far as you were concerned, it was just you and your best friend. And the sea. 
His body was so warm in your hands, so sensitive. You saw him shudder and suck in a breath every time you marked him, sinking your teeth into his skin. Your lips felt like silk and the sensations were colliding. 
Ethan tapped your bare back, making you grind to a screeching halt. You immediately pulled back, wanting to be sure you hadn’t hurt him, but he was quicker. “Are we really doing this?”
“If you want to, yeah,” you told him, brows furrowed. Then, you asked, “Do you not want to?”
Ethan hurriedly explained, “No, I want to. But I’ve never done this before.”
“Really?” That surprised you. He kissed like a pro. And with how confident he was, you would have never guessed. Plus he was fine as hell. Girls must have been throwing themselves at him. 
Ethan sat to your right, more than a little flushed. “Yeah. Never gone past third base. I mean, I had all the chances in the world, but I didn’t want to.” Because I was waiting for you. 
“That’s okay. Everybody moves at their own pace,” you reassured him, smoothing a hand down his thigh. 
His eyes darted to your hand. “What about you?”
You laughed, though it was nervous. The body count conversation. Your favorite. “Well, I’m not exactly pure anymore. I lost my virginity to Topper Thornton. Not my favorite guy in the world. Then, I fucked some dude whose name I don’t remember. And finally, I fucked my best friend.”
Ethan reeled his head. “The one that hates me?”
You blew out a breath. “Yeah. The one that hates you.”
“Well,” Ethan started, sporting a wry grin. “Fourth time’s the charm?”
You giggled, grabbing the back of his head and kissing him again and again. Until your lips were swollen and Ethan decided he wanted to kiss something else. 
Sucking in a breath, you parted your legs for him, your panties now tossed into oblivion. Ethan, knees buried in the sand, met your eyes and said sternly, “If you want me to stop, don’t be afraid to tell me.”
You bobbed your head. “Okay.”
Then, he was eating you out. 
You made a noise at the sensation of his hot mouth against your warm cunt. He was licking and sucking, his tongue out to devour you whole. Your chest heaved when he rounded your clit, making your pussy tighten. 
Ethan’s big hands were holding your thighs on either side of his head, his firm grip keeping them locked in place. You couldn’t move them if you tried. His strength was a little more arousing than you cared to admit. 
If you were counting, you’d only been eaten out once before now. Both times by your best friends. Jesus fucking Christ, they didn’t miss with the foreplay. 
Muscles tensed in your thighs. Your whole body was awake, far from numb to the sensation. You were so sensitive that even his brushing lips made you tremble and try to squirm, but Ethan had power over your entire body. Including its movements. 
“Shit. You’re really good at this. Like,” you stammered, your words canceled by a moan. God fucking dammit. You couldn’t even speak. 
That was the kind of control he had over you. 
Ethan was getting hard watching you break at his mercy, his half-hard cock aggressively twitching in his pants. He didn’t want to bust a nut in his pants, but he neared dangerously close every time you called out his name. 
Your anchor was his hair, fingers tangled through his fluffy head. You needed to feel like there was something to ground you. Every time you closed your eyes, you were convinced you were levitating. And every time his thumb circled your clit, you winced your eyes shut. 
She tastes like heaven, was all Ethan could think. He didn’t want to stop. Not until you’d come undone in his arms, crying out his name. If nothing else, he wanted to make you scream. 
You were already halfway there. For fuck’s sake, it made no sense how quick he was to finish you. You were so aroused, so full of wanting. Your body was calling out to him. 
So was your heart, but you tried to ignore her. She didn’t know what the hell she wanted. Or what the hell was good for you. Nor did she care. 
Fuck, you were so restless. It was too much, but not enough all at once. You didn’t understand. How could your body be so conflicted? Your heart was already warring with itself. No man should have had this kind of power over you. 
But Ethan did. The ecstasy he made you feel was otherworldly, like the gods had sent him to you and it was no coincidence that you’d met again. Like we were meant to be. 
“Baby, I’m so close,” you rasped, losing your grip. Your vision was blurring and everything was hazy. 
Ethan perked up at the little name, but something about it - combined with the announcement of your impending orgasm - made him pull out all the stops. His hand abandoned its clutch on your thigh, fingers slipping into your cunt. 
You cried out when his thumb brushed your clit again, but nothing could prepare you for the pair of fingers between your walls, coating themselves in your slick. Throwing your head back, you balled your hands into fists. You were broken. So fucking broken. 
“Eth,” you whispered, because it was all that you could manage. You desperately endeavored to meet his movements, grinding your hips into his mouth. Your body was begging for release. 
Ethan was more than happy to give it to you. His tongue lingered at your clit, applying way too much pressure to be safe, and it was enough to finish you then and there. You shook with climax, trying to fight him away, because you couldn’t handle the overstimulation. 
Slumping on the hammock, your whole body went limp. Your lips parted in a loud, euphoric cry of his name, weakness gathering in your eyes as you tried to get over the high of your orgasm. It hit you like a damn freight train.
For a second, you couldn’t speak. You could hardly breathe. Ethan pulled back, admiring his handiwork. He all but came in his pants. 
You blinked a couple of times, sensitive tears in your eyes. “Jesus.”
Ethan perked up. “How did I do?”
All you could do was give him a thumbs up. Your throat was hoarse from screeching his name and you more than likely needed a glass or two of water. 
“Can I fuck you now?”
“You can do whatever you want with me,” you replied without a second of hesitation.
There was a smile on Ethan’s face before he pushed your back to the hammock for a third time (not that he was counting) and kissed your neck. You gulped, aroused. Not only at the feeling of his teeth in your neck, but his hard cock. 
He couldn’t believe how naked you were in front of him, only for him. Taking you on a hammock on the beach was something he would have never imagined. Not even in his wildest dreams. 
Ethan stripped out of his clothes, leaving you to watch with bated breath. Your heart stopped when you caught sight of his dick, curling tall against his stomach. He had no business being this size. 
“That is going to take me out,” you said, almost a little worried. 
“I was hoping that I could take you out,” Ethan quipped, always having time to make silly jokes no matter the occasion. Only he was half serious. 
“You are,” you exhaled. “And you can.”
Ethan smirked. Everything was falling into place. 
You gasped when he finally penetrated you after what felt like ages. Ethan whimpered, slowly sinking into you in fear of hurting you, but he couldn’t wait to move. Your pussy gripped him immediately, throttling his cock. 
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pulled him into you, deepening his position. When he was finally buried to the hilt inside of you, the two of you let out a noise of perfect sync. 
“Holy shit,” he hissed, grabbing at your thighs and finding purchase in them. 
You were extremely sensitive from climax and felt so overcome, but a little bit of your fight returned when you remembered you were his first. “How does it feel?”
“Tight,” Ethan staggered, breathless. “Really tight.”
You hummed. “What else?”
The only way Ethan could see this was as you trying to break him back. “Warm. And wet. Holy fucking shit.”
You smiled contentedly. That was what you liked to hear. 
Ethan found a rhythm, particularly one that made your eyes roll. For a virgin, he wasn’t as bad as some of the other people you’d slept with. For one, he wasn’t jack-hammering you. 
It felt so good for him, but he wanted to make sure that the feeling was mutual. Ethan locked eyes with you, asking, “Is this okay?”
“Baby, this couldn’t be better,” you panted, grabbing onto his forearm. 
That was a great answer. Ethan leaned into you, resting some of his weight on you, and kissed you with desperation. Like he would never get the chance again. You moaned into his mouth, fisting your fingers through his hair while your other hand raked down his back. 
His eyes winced shut at the feeling of your nails in his back, but there was something about the pain that was also pleasure. Plus as long as you were enjoying yourself, he couldn’t give less of a damn. 
If you wanted to use him for your own pleasure, he was more than content with that. He wanted to serve you. He wanted to be everything - and the only thing - you needed. Your friend and your lover. 
But you were also so snug around his cock that he was going to bust. Luckily for him, you were close. The previous orgasm helped him make short work of you. 
Ethan grunted, all the heat going straight to his dick. “Where do you want me to cum?”
“Flip me over,” you said through ragged breaths. 
Ethan’s eyes widened, but he followed your commands. You cried out when he flipped you over, spread your legs apart again, and stuffed you full of his cock again. You were floating on a cloud. There was no way this was really happening. 
A couple more thrusts was as long as you could hold out and you came again, your orgasm ripping through you. Your hands bundled into fists, gripping nothing in particular. 
That was all it took to finish Ethan. He wallowed in the godly sight of your ass and your pussy squeezing him for dear life, and he pulled out at the very last second, releasing with a deep sound rising from the very back of his throat. You could feel his cum on your ass. 
Ethan collapsed over you, his weight on your chest. Both of you spent a moment catching your breath, completely and thoroughly spent. You smirked at the blank look on his face and panted, “Home run.”
The joke took Ethan a second, but once he understood, he burst into a fit of giggles with you. 
Both of you got cleaned up and removed all evidence of sexual intercourse. Then, you decided to walk the shore again, arm in arm. You leaned against his chest, smiling. 
Ethan couldn’t get enough of you. Just the sight of you made his chest warm. He whispered softly, “You have a really pretty smile, you know.”
You parted your lips to reply, but before you got the chance, you felt something scrape at your shoulder and cried out in a mixture of pain and shock.
Turning, you saw a masked figure holding a knife. You gulped. 
Ethan exclaimed, “Run!”
You grabbed his hand, pulling him with you. Like hell you were leaving him alone with a psychopathic killer. Unfortunately, Ghostface gave chase. 
“Baby,” he started. “Run back to the house.”
You gave him a look, shouting, “And abandon you to get murdered? New plan.”
“Listen to me,” Ethan said sternly. “Go back to the house. Tell everyone to lock the doors. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
You shook your head. Tears threatened. 
Ethan grabbed your hand, kissing the back. “I love you. Do this for me. Please.”
You heaved a breath, finally nodding. “Okay. I love you, too.”
Then, you split up, darting back to the house. You didn’t look back. You were too scared of seeing something worthy of haunting you in your nightmares. 
Ethan hid behind a cart, obscured from your view. Ghostface came up to him, lowered their knife, and Ethan hissed, “What the hell, Quinn? This wasn’t a part of the plan.”
Quinn snatched off her mask, seething, “That bitch almost exposed us yesterday. She could have ruined our plans.”
“But she didn’t,” Ethan spat back, full of vitriol. “I’ve got it under control. I told her we’re in a bet. Don’t fucking hurt her. She’s off-limits.”
Quinn obviously wasn’t pleased, throwing back on her mask and walking away without another word. 
Ethan ran a hand through his hair. Finding you here was both a blessing and a curse. He didn’t need you to be collateral damage. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he mumbled under his breath. 
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taglist ↠ @xyzstar @bugballer @maybankspov @sweatytriumphwhispers @alinag11 @niyahwhoreworld @tvdumarvelhpsimp @imvenqeance @ravisinghs-wife @aquarium777 @dessxoxsworld @yuimius @swiftsgirlfriend
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 2 months
thehorrorgirlstyles's Masterlist !
Updated 9/9/2024
welcome to my masterlist
Hi thank you for reading! Request are open. Most of my stories will include 18+ content. Some have mentions of non-consensual and dark themes. Warnings will be included, read at your own risk! If you wish to be tagged to a future post please comment on that post and I will try to get back to you. Tags will be found at the end of each post. My stories and this account are for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously! My stories are not proofread and there could be spelling errors, just skip over them. :) If a story or part contains some type of smut an 18+ sign will be by the title. I will try to make updates and finish parts as soon as I can! If I plan to make a lot of fics of a certain character I will post a separate page for that character, all links can be found here. More stories on the way......
New writer please be nice, everyone is welcomed here!
Note: Sometimes the links don't work, just let me know and I will fix it asap!
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Eddie Munson
Opposites Attract
You are the queen of Hawkins high, being a cheerleader and dating the football captain Jason, however after spending time with the dungeon master and getting to know just how attractive he is, while Jason shows his true colors one night, your love for the blonde slowly starts to fade away and is replaced by an ache needing to be relieved by Eddie “the freak” Munson…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 18+
Part 4
Part 5 18+
Billy Hargrove
Best Kept Secret
Billy is a dick to everyone and your brother is his number one hater, however, he's so hard to resist.
Part 1 18+
Part 2
Part 3
Steve Harrington
coming soon......
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Ethan Landry
Tainted Love 18+
You meet Ethan at a Halloween party Chad invited you to and start to become close to him, when the truth is later then revealed of his family’s plan. Was your relationship ever real or was it all a lie?
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Peter Parker
Your dad has been keeping Peter away from you, making you want even more attention from him, so you come up with a plan that will have Peter drooling at the site of you.
Be my Queen
Loki has taken a liken to you, wanting you to be his queen....his mother has other plans in mind.
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Rafe Cameron
coming soon.....
JJ Maybank
The Kook Princess
Being best friends with Kiara means spending a lot of time with the Pogues, something that your boyfriend, Rafe, isn't to happy about.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Other fics
Dick Grayson
Family Affairs
You and Dick have been dating without your family knowing. What happens when they find out the truth?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Elijah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Klaus Mikaelson
coming soon...
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ellebakers · 1 year
☆ Then she start dancing.
Ethan Landry x reader (Outer Banks crossover)
Request from @volturi-girl-imagines
Warning(s) : Language, slight sexual mention.
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When Ethan and Chad had decided to find a third roommate, it was to have less expenses to pay. The boys they had met did not have the profile they were looking for, with each application, there was something wrong. Either they were too brainy and geeky for Chad. Either they were too much of a party animal and big mouth for Ethan.
Then came Rafe. Rafe Cameron.
A daddy's boy who came straight from the Outer Banks. Ethan wasn't his biggest fan, but Chad loved him and it was after putting up with son Meeks' constant demands for a month that Ethan agreed to take him on as his roommate.
The brunette was really struggling with this newcomer, but he was rich and, it must be said, Chad and Ethan had worked odd jobs, they had trouble paying all their bills.
It's just out of friendship for Chad and for the money that Ethan was nice to Raf, it's also for his reasons that he found himself waiting outside the door of a New York nightclub.
"He said he would be a little late." Chad informed him.
Ethan rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, "It's usual."
Chad glared at him. "Ethan, could you at least be nice to him?!"
The brunette faked a smile that made his roommate laugh. "He said he had to pick someone up on his way."
"A prostitute ? Again ?"
Chad shrugged. "I don't know."
"Seriously. How does he keep from catching sexual diseases with all the girls he brings home."
Chad was about to answer but the crowd began to whistle and cheer in the direction behind them.
Ethan turned with a frown to see what they were cheering for and what he saw took his breath away. A girl about his age, with long y/h/c hair approached them. She was smiling and her smile could have lit up an entire city. She wore a red corset dress. The bottom of the dress was split at the thighs, she had put on waders and had a leather blazer over her dress.
And on his arm there was. Rafe.
Ethan could have died of jealousy. The girl broke away from him and waved to the crowd. Rafe walked over to Ethan and Chad as she went to greet the bouncers. The brunette followed her with his gaze, it was as if he could no longer look away.
"Hi guys."
Chad and Rafe were talking as Ethan looked down at the girl. Cameron noticed that Ethan wasn't listening, and when he realized what the boy was looking at, he smiled and yelled. "Y/N!"
The girl turned smiling and walked towards them when Rafe waved at her. "Guys, this is Y/n. Y/n these are my roommates, Chad and Ethan."
The girl's gaze flicked to Chad, then to Ethan. She smiled at him and the boy could have sworn he saw her biting her lip.
"Delighted to meet you."
Ethan was opening and closing his mouth like a fish, it's like his brain was telling him to speak, but he couldn't. Seeing this, Chad came to his friend's aid. "It's a pleasure for us. Excuse Ethan, he's a bit shy."
Y/n laughed and Ethan thought he heard an angel. The girl looked at her watch and gasped. "Shit. I have to go get ready, see you later."
The brunette was confused and he turned to Rafe. "Where's she going ?"
The Cameron’s boy put an arm around Chad and Ethan's shoulders. "Boys, that's why I wanted you to come tonight. Y/n is a dancer. Her mother is an underwear designer and her father owns this nightclub. And tonight, the mother of my dear Y/n is doing a show to launch her new collection, and my girlfriend is the star of this show."
Chad and Ethan exchanged looks as they entered the nightclub in front of everyone. The three boys sat down at a reserved table close to the stage. Ethan looked at the decorations, red, a lot of red.
"So, Y/n and you ?" began Chad.
Rafe undid his cuffs and sneered. "No. She's best friends with my sister Sarah. We grew up together in the Outer Banks, but even though she's a Kook, Y/n always had a Pogue soul."
Ethan rolled his eyes, this Kook and Pogues story was beyond him. "I've lost count of the number of times her parents have come in the middle of the night asking us to help them find Y/n because she's been on yet another treasure hunt with Maybank and Roudledge."
Chad chuckled. "And you ever try anything with her ?"
Rafe shook his head. "She's like my little sister. I keep an eye on her, that's all."
Ethan didn't know why but hearing that you and Rafe aren't a couple relieved him. Suddenly the light dimmed and a voice was heard.
"Ladies and gentlemen, for the new collection of Y/M/N, please welcome the magnificent Y/N!"
The crowd cheers and "THE HILLS" came out of the speakers. That's when you appeared on stage, hips swaying to the beat of the music. Your mother was famous for her brand of underwear and now Ethan understood why.
He couldn't take his eyes off you. The way you moved, the movements of your body. Not to mention the midnight blue ensemble you wore that accentuated your curves. Other dancers had joined you but Ethan didn't care, he still only had eyes for you.
The longer the show went on, the hotter Ethan got. He felt the heat rising, just like something else. He had to put the palm of his hand down to keep his friends from noticing his erection. But it was too late, Chad had noticed it and he was biting his lip to keep from laughing.
The dance was very sexual, there came a time when one of the dancers knelt in front of you and put your thigh on his shoulder to lift you up and continue the choreography, but when he got down on his knees you put your hand in his hair as you looked Ethan straight in the eye.
And it was from there that he knew. He knew he had to make you his.
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niya-writesshit · 1 year
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¡! ❞ first of all, i need to say that i love requests so much!!! and would really appreciate it if you did request because i can't think of anything on my own! but! there are some things that i dont enjoy in my inbox - soo
anal, incest, heavy angst (abuse or sa is the basis of the story)
the next couple are more "maybes" :
NO x OC - the only time i will write a character with an oc is when its a full fic; and since most of my work is oneshots, i just don't like it??
ONLY FEM! READER (maybe gender neutral) - i always feel so bad about this one but i'm so sorry i just cant do male! reader.. i think it must be because i identify as female, and i just can't really write from the perspective of a male!!
fandoms + characters
↪ everyone!!!!1!!!!
harry potter
↪ slytherin boys (canon + non-canon)
↪ golden trio
↪ cedric diggory
↪ marauders
↪ ANYONE (pls keep in mind i dont really mean anyone im not writing fanfiction about peter pettigrew).
↪ ethan landry
↪ chad meeks-martin
↪ billy loomis
↪ stu macher
↪ amber freeman
↪ tara carpenter
spiderman: into the spider-verse
↪ miles morales (+ earth 42 miles)
↪ hobie brown
↪ miguel o'hara
outer banks
↪ pretty much everyone.
↪ mc pogues
↪ mc kooks (NO TOPPER)
↪ barry
the summer i turned pretty
↪ jeremiah fisher
↪ conrad fisher
↪ cam cameron
↪ im a belly hater till i die idc (NO BELLY)
↪ evan buckley
¡! ❞ this is a long read, guys!! proud of you if u made it this far
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seventiesweetheart · 4 months
⋆.˚ movies & tv shows
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scream franchise
♱ billy loomis
sweet serial killer ✷ dark! ghostface! billy x shy! fem! reader
♱ stu macher
♱ ethan landry
it (2017)
♱ bowers gang
ghost boy ✷ patrick hockstetter x best friend! fem! reader fluff
♱ losers club
outer banks
♱ jj maybank
♱ rafe cameron
party monster ✷ dark! ex bf! rafe x pogue! fem! reader
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zyafics · 7 months
STAY THE NIGHT | Rafe Cameron
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MASTERLIST (oneshot) | x FWB!Female Reader
Summary — When Rafe sees you as just a fuck buddy, you embody the role and remind him what that truly means.
Word Count — 5.5K
Content — 18+, Smut, Jealousy (From Rafe), Dominance Play, Oral Receiving (F + M), Fingering, P in V Sex, Unprotected Sex, Cockwarming, Praise Kink, Fluff At The End
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Rafe Cameron doesn't get jealous.
You two aren't a couple. You are nothing more than casual fuck buddies that are conveniently located within proximity of one another when one of you need to blow off some steam or get off. The feeling is completely mutual.
However, you've been exclusive.
It's unspoken, of course. No one is willing to admit that they don't want the other to be sleeping with other people and you settled on that ambiguity.
You thought it could mean something more.
You thought wrong.
The other day, after fooling around, you laid in his bed, wearing nothing, and asked if you could stay the night. As part of your undefined relationship, you don't do sleepovers. Rafe doesn't do sleepovers. However, he was the one who was calling you after midnight. He was the one who wanted you to sneak out of your house, where your parents placed a curfew. If you go home now, you would be caught dead in the act and get into trouble. It would be easier to save yourself and stay over.
"No." Rafe declared, not letting the suggestion linger for more than a second. You lifted yourself from the bed by propping your elbows against his mattress, staring at the man who's searching for his throwaway clothes on the floor and redressed himself. "We don't do sleepovers. I don't want to be caught with a Pogue."
"Rafe." You said with a hint of annoyance. He saw you naked, but he was afraid of being seen with you in public? "It's fucking four in the morning. My parents are going to see me."
He scoffed. "Not my problem."
"So what? You don't care if I get in trouble?"
He shrugged, pulling his shirt over his chest. "You're just a fuck."
You said nothing. You just stared at him. He quickly gets dressed and finds your clothes around his floor, throwing them on the bed for you to take. With a huff, you pull yourself from the comforts and put them on.
"I'll call you." He said as you walked out of his bedroom, but you didn't answer him. All you did was flip him off and make your way out.
The next morning, you got in trouble with your parents regarding your absence. But, you said nothing, taking the lecture they gave you and headed to your room.
And you thought, if he sees me as a quick fuck, fine. I'll be just that.
The next Kook party, you were there. You always attended Kook parties, despite being a Pogue, simply because the alcohol is all free and it tasted better. No more cheap beer on The Boneyard, but you had to admit—the music was better.
Kooks can't play for shit.
This party happened to be on Tanneyhill, the mansion where Rafe lived. You haven't seen him since the last time you hooked up, and it's been the longest you've gone without seeing each other. Sure, he called you but you let it go to voicemails and all his texts were left on read. You know, without a doubt, Rafe would be looking for you and attempting to pull you to the nearest bathroom to fuck your brains out.
But you didn't care.
(Maybe just a little).
After dancing for a while, grinding against random strangers and making conversations with some friends of yours, you settled into a seat next to a Kook. He introduced himself as Ethan, and you chat with him as you drink from your cup, making small talk about what you're doing this summer.
He seemed interested enough. His eyes shamelessly glance down at your top, which practically shows off your tits, and floats back to your lips a couple of times. You knew if you wanted to, he would've follow you to a bedroom and fuck you.
But you didn't.
You laughed at his jokes. You told some of your own.
All while having an nagging feeling of a pair of eyes on the back of your head.
You didn't need to turn around to know who it was. You know exactly who.
And Rafe Cameron is fuming.
He noticed you when you first walked in, in a top that shows off too much and a skirt that covers practically nothing. You walked into Tanneyhill as if you owned the place, despite being a Pogue, and that's one of the things that irritates him about you.
But it also made him attracted to you.
Your confidence. Your demeanor. You never backed down when Rafe tries to put you in your place and you never let him gain control without a fight. He likes that you make him work for it; there's a thrill in the chase. Because he knows, at the end of the day, it's his bed that you ended up in. It's his cock that you're sucking.
But, at this moment, he isn't so sure. Instead of being in his arms, talking to him, you were talking to some random fucking guy who attended Kook Academy and is making you laugh.
You didn't even bother to tell him you were coming.
Rafe thought he could hold it in until he got you alone.
But that was before the guy put his hand on your upper thigh and you let him.
It takes mere seconds for Rafe to cross the yard, and when he comes behind you, it surprises you at how silent he was. "Get your hands off my fucking girl," he snapped at Ethan and before Ethan got the chance to back off, Rafe grabs your arm and pulls you off the chair, taking you inside of Tanneyhill.
You let him drag you for a few moments. The booze in your system is making your reaction sluggish, but when the realization dawns on you, you finally pull away when you reach in front of his bedroom, hidden in a dark hallway.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
He scoffs at your words. "What am I doing?" He repeats. You nod. He jabs an accusing finger in your direction. "What the fuck are you doing?"
You lift the cup to your lips. "I'm drinking."
His eyes are livid. "With that guy?" He gestures outside where Ethan is, jealousy pouring from his words and he sounds like he's using every inch of restraint he has to hold everything together. You shouldn't be enjoying it so much, but you are. When you don't answer him, feigning a bored expression, Rafe gets more frustrated. He doesn't like that you aren't reacting. He doesn't like it at all. "What's your fucking problem?"
You lift your shoulders in a casual shrug, pressing the red solo cup against your lips and says, "thought I was just another fuck."
He knows you were throwing his words back at him. He knows that this is some fucking test that you're doing to drive him bad. He also knows it's working, so much so that he knocks the cup out of your hands, causing the content to spill all over his marble floor. "Fuck you."
You scoff, unfazed by his aggression. "You already did." You say, and while Rafe is silently raging underneath, you decide to take it a step further. Closing in the distance until you're right in front of his face, you smirk, "and you fucking loved it."
Rafe is breathing hard, his blue eyes searching your face, his chest raising and falling in rapid beats as frustration rolls off of him, all while you tip your head to the side, raising your brow, challenging him to respond.
He does.
By slamming his lips against yours.
One of his hands catches the back of your neck as he presses a bruising and punishing kiss against your lips, eliciting a moan from the back of your throat. Instinctively, you throw your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer.
"You're mine." He breathes against your lips when you break apart, trailing kisses down the column of your neck as you tip your head back to give him more access, feeling his mouth working against your skin. "And no fucking asshole from the Academy is going to take you away from me."
Wanting to tease him further, you say. "What if I leave?"
He answers you by sucking on a sensitive spot on your neck, causing you to arch into him and let out an involuntary moan as his free hand descends down to your short skirt and roughly palms your ass. Rafe chuckles against your skin, satisfied by your body's reaction to him. "Then no one is going to make you feel like I do."
His hands move to pull down your top, causing your tits to spill out of the fabric. The cold air pricks at your exposed skin and Rafe takes a beat of a second to admire you before lifting his gaze to meet you in an easy, cocky grin.
"So ready for me," he teases, moving his hand up to play with your hardened nipples between his fingers. You let out a small sigh. "God, you're fucking gorgeous."
"Shut up," you say, not liking how his words are making your cheeks flush with heat and a flutter of butterflies to swarm your stomach. This is just a fuck, you remind yourself. He lifts his blue eyes to meet you for a brief second before descending his mouth down to cover one of your nipples.
You always like playing with yourself there. As his tongue swirls around the sensitive tip, his teeth lightly graze against the bud, causing your moan to echo across the hallway and his hand immediately slaps over your mouth, silencing them.
Rafe's eyes lock with yours. "You don't want anyone to hear what a needy girl you are, do you?"
You clench your jaw underneath his hand, at his dominance, but when you don't answer fast enough, he asks again. "Do you?"
You shake your head and he pulls himself off of you, the cold invades the absence of his heat. But, Rafe doesn't leave you for long. He grabs your hand and pulls you into his bedroom. The moment the door slams close, his lips return on yours and his hands explore over your exposed body.
Your core clenches as Rafe slams you against the back of the door, kissing you hungrily as he lowers his hand to the cutoff of your skirt and pushes the flimsy material up to your hips before cupping your pussy.
"God, you're dripping," he says with a small laugh, looking up to you. "Are you this wet for me, baby?"
You are. Rafe Cameron has a way to make your entire body responsive to him, his touch, his kisses, his everything. But, you don't want to let him know that. You don't know how much you want it, how much you need it.
Instead of answering him, you say with a roughness to your voice, "if you don't fuck me, Cameron, I'll find someone else who will."
Humor leaves his face and his expression hardens. He cups your cunt hard, causing you to involuntary jolt forward into his hand and a small whimper to escape you. "This is mine. No other fucking man is going to touch this but me."
"Big words for someone who hasn't made me come."
His eyes darken and, with your taunting and teasing getting to him, he finally pushes your panties to the side and inserts a rough finger inside of your pussy, causing you to wince at the abrupt motion. "Can you handle it?"
You nod with closed eyes, feeling as he adds a second finger, thrusting in a steady but rough pace, his other hand fondling with your tits.
You lean back against the door with heavy breaths, moaning and clenching as your orgasm builds from his rhythm. Rafe knows your body, he knows you're about to come, and as your moans get more erratic and you grind harder into his hand, he quickens his thrusts. Leaning into you, he says to your ear, "let it out, baby."
You do.
Your walls clench around his fingers tightly as you ride on your high, so much so that you hear his muttered fuck under his breath. When you're slowly coming down from your climax, Rafe removes his hand. The loss of his touch causes you to frown but before you get the chance to open your eyes and complain, he pushes the wet digits against the entrance of your lips. "Suck."
You want to argue back, about him telling you what to do, but you can't seem to help but listen. Your eyes open and find his face, watching you as you suck his fingers clean of your arousal. "Good girl."
When he withdraws his fingers, clarity dawns on you. He's wearing too much while you're practically exposed. You didn't like how uneven the playing field is, and with a gesture to his shirt and pants, you demand. "Take it off."
His smirk is smug. "Eager, aren't we?"
"If I have to be naked, so do you."
"You aren't naked." He gestures back to you and you look down at yourself. While your tits are showing and your panties are soak, he's right, you technically aren't naked. Not afraid of backing down from a challenge, you easily pull your tiny top over your shoulders and push your skirt and panties down to your ankles.
Stepping out of them, you look back to see Rafe admiring your naked body. You can see the outline of his erection straining against his pants, and for a moment, a self-consciousness creeps up on you and you blush. With a hard swallow, you point to him. "Your turn."
The corner of his lips quirks up at how demanding you are and he pulls his shirt over his body, revealing the defined and taunt muscles of his chest underneath. Your mouth waters. You watch as he goes for his belt—knowing you’re watching—that he teases it out slowly. He messes with the buckle, taking his sweet time, that you grow impatient. 
"Goddammit," you mutter under your breath, approaching him and pushing his hands out of the way, sinking to your knees as you unbuckle the belt with ease—practices from all the other times. When you pull it out of his pants, you stop, looking up to Rafe.
"Go on, princess." He gestures, a cocky grin at the sight of you on your knees for him. "Finish what you started."
You hate how much power he has over you this time, how he is telling you what to do, but because of how needy you are, how much you want him between your legs and his cock to be in you, you listen. You unzip and pull down his pants, revealing an impressed bulge underneath his briefs. With one easy tug, you freed his cock and it stood in front of you, hard and leaking with pre-cum.
On your knees, you look up to see Rafe watching you, waiting to see what you do. His eyes are hungry and his arousal is obvious. Tentatively, you wrap your hand around the thick cock, your fingers barely connecting together because of his girth.
And slowly, you rub up and down his shaft.
A hiss leaves the back of Rafe's throat and satisfaction pools in your core at the realization that you are making him feel this way, that you have this much control. "Faster." He commands, his voice thick with desire.
Instead of listening to his orders, you open your mouth and take his cock in your mouth, swallowing the salty taste as you swirl your tongue at his head. Added with the motion of your hand playing with his balls, and rubbing him up and down, Rafe can’t help but rock his hips against your face. 
“Fuck,” he swears, his hand finds your hair and pulls your closer to him, as your grip around him gets firmer and you hollow your cheeks, creating a stronger suction. Rafe groans under your touch, tugging the root of your strands, wanting you to do anything and everything to build him closer to his climax. “Fuck, baby, I’m close.” 
With that pride of information, you slow down, your fingers loosen their pace and you pop the cock out of your mouth. Rafe feels the instant loss of touch and he looks down at you, his expression hard and angry.
"What the fuck?"
"Say please."
He says your name in a command, but you don't budge.
Rafe's blue eyes are hard. He knows you do this. He knows you like to mess with him, take back control whenever you find yourself in a small position of power and remind him of his place. Irritation builds in his chest, this time worse than the others, but so does his delayed climax. He needs it more.
With a reluctant sigh, he says, "please."
You return your motion, moving in slow, torturous strokes as your hand moves up and down his slick length, creating enough pleasure for him to feel but not enough friction to ease into his climax. Your mouth has yet to return on his cock and without the added assistance, his jaw tense and his frustration and horniness builds. 
In a desperate plea, Rafe begs, "baby, please."
His voice didn't sound like his own and his words are so rough, so willing, that you can't help but alleviate him from his misery. You reconnect your lips on his tip and begin to rub his faster, firmer, sucking him harder. With the edge of delay, Rafe comes fast with a guttural groan, spilling in your mouth as you lap over the taste, swallowing all of it.
Rafe lowers himself and guides you back to your feet, pulling you towards the bed and pushing you flat against the mattress, laying on your back.
He lowers himself off the edge of the bed, sinking to his knees as he steps in front of your exposed pussy, and looks up to see the self-satisfied smirk on your face at the little stunt you pulled back there. In a low voice, he says, "you're going to regret that."
A finger drags up your slit, in a slow motion, gathering your wetness on the digit but producing enough pressure that it makes you whine. You try to grind yourself against his hand but he lays his palm on the flat of your stomach, holding you in place. 
When his eyes connect with your needy gaze, he says, “my turn.” 
Dipping his head between your legs, he kisses your inner thighs in slow, agonizing touches. It produces an aching feel to your core as he gives careful attention to both of your thighs, slowly creeping up to your throbbing cunt, but not quite giving you a release. 
Rafe lingers on a particular sensitive spot near your pussy, sucking and kissing the placement until you're writhing in pleasure and frustration, desperate to feel his tongue in you.
"Rafe," you say with a throaty beg and he grins against your skin.
"I said you're going to regret it."
"Yeah, and if you take any longer, I'm going to go downstairs to find Ethan."
Rafe hates it when you mention other men, or even think of other men, especially when he’s fucking you, but it does the trick as he moves between you and his fingers spread your folds. “You are this wet for me, baby, not Ethan,” he reminds you, before lowering himself to your pussy, flattening his tongue against your center before moving up and down in slow strokes. 
“Fuck,” you moan as he finds your sensitive clit and sucks on the nub, the sound of wetness fills the bedroom as the low volume of the music thumps from downstairs. He lets one finger enter your cunt, beginning at a slow pace. “Rafe, ohmygod.”
He moves faster, rougher, lapping out your taste as if he was dying of thirst. With his finger quickening and his tongue working a miracle on you, another orgasm builds. 
“I’m close,” you whisper and he nods. He moves with precision and god, Rafe Cameron is good at eating pussy. When his tongue enters into you and the pad of his thumb rubs circular motions around your clit, you can’t help but arch into his pleasure and come on his face. 
You fall against the mattress with a heavy breath, but Rafe doesn’t stop. He continues to suck and lap and rub, causing you to wrap your thighs tightly around his head. You’re already so exhausted, so sensitive, coming down from your high, but that does nothing to satiate the man between your legs—fingers and tongue buried inside of you, still hungry. 
Your thighs violently shake and your fingers rack through his hair, pulling, “ohmygod, ohmygod,” you moan as he works another orgasm from you, your stomach tightening and the pressure being so unbearable you feel as if you’re going to cave and explode. 
“Come for me, baby, I want another one.” He mumbles against your cunt, the low hum of his voice vibrates through your body in a pleasurable sensation. With a rougher pace and a harder suction around your clit, you come for a second time in a row. 
You’re an absolute wreck when he pulls away and, assessing the damage he caused, Rafe chuckles at the sight before him. You splay out on the mattress, breathing heavily with low lids and the prettiest pussy. He lowers himself, placing both hands on either side of your head to carry his weight, he plants a soft kiss on your lips. 
His eyes set on you, a gentle gaze, and whispers. “Can you take another, baby?” 
Though you are weak from all the orgasms you endured, you still nod, looping your arms around his neck as he descends closer to you, planting kisses against your lips, the corner of your mouth, to the edge of your jawline. You can feel his erection grazing at your entrance, waiting to enter, and the thought itself ignites another round of passion and need within you. 
Rafe pulls back just enough to line his cock against your wet folds. Before he enters, he looks up to you, waiting for a confirmation sign. When you nod, he slowly pushes the length into your aching core and you jerk forward. 
He goes in slow at first, allowing your walls to adjust to his size because, no matter how many times he’s been inside of you, it still takes a moment for your pussy to register that this is him. That this is his pussy. A hiss escapes the back of his throat. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” 
You, with what little strength you have left, push yourself up as he rocks against your hips, beginning his thrusts. You get closer to him, grabbing his shoulders, while he takes the opportunity to play with your tits. 
This new position allows him to enter deeper inside of you, hitting a new angle, causing you to let out a cry from the explosion of pleasure. In addition to the remnants of the orgasms you had a few moments prior, as Rafe pounds into your very sensitive core, you begin to feel as if you’re seeing stars. 
Rafe leans down, closer to your ear as he asks, "who's fucking you?"
You feel your stomach knot and tighten, knowing he’s getting you close. But, you also can feel his cock twitching inside your walls, alerting you that he’s also getting close. With this dynamic power, you turn your head to face Rafe, connecting your heavy-lid eyes with his. 
Rafe stills. His eyes darken at your words, watching the way your lips curl with an innocent look and he decided he hates it. He hates this little power play you're doing to him, he hates how it's working. He knows that you two are nothing more than fuck buddies, but without the reassurance that you are his—fully, devotedly his—he doesn't know if you haven't fucked another guy before. If you haven't had Ethan's name on your lips.
His hand lowers between the two of you, lightly grazing against your sensitive clit. You jolt into his touch. "Did you fuck him?"
His voice is low, dangerously low, as you watch how serious he turned with the tease of another man's name. You tilt your head to the side, challenging him. "And if I did?"
He pinches your clit and your hips arch forward, but he uses his other hand to grab it still. Your core throbbing while he remains inside of you and does nothing. You realize, in this moment, that you might've gone too far. You feel full and have everything in your possession to make you reach your highest peak but you chose to delay it with a joke that wasn't even that funny.
Especially not now.
Rafe slowly rubs your clit with his fingers, painfully light, teasing and punishing you all in one. You gasp into his touch, but he doesn't let you move. His grip remains firm on your hips, holding you in place as you ache around his cock, as he can feel your walls clench around him, begging to be fucked.
But he needs to hear you say it.
"Rafe," you choke, and his eyes connect with yours. Your eyes are teary, your breathing is erratic, and you are trying desperately to produce some friction between your legs and give you some semblance of pleasure. "Rafe, move."
"No, princess," he says with a deadly calm, shaking his head. "You want to play mind games with me all night, fine. But tonight, I'm going to fucking hear you say my name." He repeats himself with aggression, his fingers skims across your sensitive nub. "Who. Is. Fucking. You?"
You grip his shoulders, your eyes meeting his, and your core aches painfully. You try to grind yourself against him, trying to produce some friction of your own, but he uses both hands to grab your hips, stilling you in place with a deadly grip you are sure is going to leave a mark.
He shakes his head, firm on getting the answer out of you.
With teary eyes, you beg. "Please, Rafe. Please."
He grins with that self-satisfying charm. He loves it when you finally break your dominance. He loves it more when he can break you.
His thrust begins at a slow rate, still on the edge of punishment, but at least you can feel some friction producing between your legs. You look down at his cock entering and leaving your cunt, the image gratifying, but Rafe roughly grabs your chin and forces you to look back up.
"Look at me." He commands, his voice shallow as the slow thrust is killing him, but he needed to teach you a lesson. "I want you to remember this when you're looking at anyone else. Talking to any other fucking guy. Remember how I make you feel."
You nod frantically. Desperate at this point to say anything to get Rafe to move faster, harder, providing you with your climax. He sees it in your eyes, how he finally got you, that it makes him smile. 
"God, look at you," he chuckles. "You want me to fuck you so bad."
"Yes," you beg, "yes, please. I'll do anything."
"Anything?" He asks again, the proposition is too nice to tease out.
You nod, blinking through the tears. "Anything."
He grins at this exchange of power, when he holds all of it, that he finally relents and quickens his pace. You grip harder on his shoulders as Rafe thrusts into you, rocking his hips against yours.
You claw and moan against his skin, using it as an anchor for all the pain and pleasure ripping through you, and he takes it as a mark of honor. When he lowers one hand between the two of you, using the pad of his thumb to rub small circles around your clit, you see stars float in your vision. 
"I'm coming," you pant against his skin. "God, please, I'm coming."
Rafe's hand finds the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him, and nods. "Come for me, baby."
When you feel your orgasm hit its all-time high, you slump in exhaustion against his shoulders, while he continues to move in and out of you. It takes a few seconds later before Rafe comes, feeling his hot cum leaking out of you.
He doesn’t remove his cock from your pussy and honestly, you don’t want him to. You want to stay like this for a moment, to catch your breath and come to the dawning realization that this is the best sex of your life. You didn’t want it to end. 
Rafe lays his chin on your small shoulder, pushing your wet hair to the side as he recovers. 
“Be my girl.” He whispers, so quiet, that you thought you imagined it. You weakly pull back, connecting your widened eyes with his. 
"Be my girl," he repeats once more, his blue eyes vulnerable and tracing your features to see if there's any hint of rejection on the bay. "I can't fucking stand you with other guys. I don't even want you to say their names. I want you. All of you."
You hesitate. "Rafe..."
"You said you'll do anything." He reminds you.
"You said you don't want to be seen with a Pogue."
He growls. "Fuck what I said," he snaps with a shake of his head, raising his hand to wipe the leftover tears from your face. "I want you. I don’t care about anything else. Just say yes."
You look at him and soften your gaze. You have wanted this, you admit, you wanted him to confess to you that he wants you as much as you want him. But, for a moment, in this brief second, you’re afraid that if you agree you would submit to everything you’ve fought against. The control you tried so hard to retain. 
He sees it. He knows you’re having an internal battle. Using his hand, he cups the side of your face, the heat and comfort of his palm makes you instinctively lean into him. “Please.” He begs softly, giving you one last shred of power. 
With a small chuckle of your own, you finally nod. "Okay."
He grins, and without hesitation, presses another kiss against your lips. This time, it lacks the power and control you two have been fighting for all night but rather is sweet, sensitive and patient. He pushes you back against the mattress, using his arms to hold up his weight. 
When he pulls apart, both of you are out of breath and breathing heavily. He offers you a genuine smile, at how proud he is that you’re his, and uses the pad of his thumb to rub across your flushed cheeks. “God, you’re gorgeous.” 
You blush, waiting to pull away from his touch but Rafe knows you. He grabs a hold of your face, holding you in place so you can’t tear your gaze from him. “I’m serious. Since you’re my girlfriend now, you have to get used to that or else people are going to assume I don’t compliment you enough.” 
You scoff. “You don’t. The only times you say nice things to me is when you’re in me.” 
“Yeah?” He challenges, cocking one of his brows. You nod. “That’s going to change. Prepare for me to shower you with compliments every time I see you,” he says, as he lowers himself and plants a soft kiss on your shoulder blade. “Especially when I’m in you.” 
You roll your eyes, pushing him off as your eyes find the clock in the back of the wall. You didn’t realize how late it was. 
“Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. Rafe turns to you, his brows knit together in confusion. 
"It's almost one am. I promised my parents I was going to go home at eleven."
He glances at the clock, before returning his gaze back to you. "Stay the night."
"You said it would save you trouble, right?" You hesitantly nod. "Just stay the night."
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You can’t believe how much he’s willing to give in now that you’re finally his. Maybe you should’ve made him jealous a long time ago. Your first instinct is to tease him about it, but you decide that you had enough power play. The both of you deserve some rest and plus, sleeping with Rafe would be a comforting feel after the sex you just had. 
When he comes to approach you, settling between your legs as he waits for an answer, you run your hands through his messy blond locks. “Okay.” 
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wikiuntamed · 10 months
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from yesterday: Saturday, 9th December 2023
Welcome, tervetuloa, dobrodošli, vítejte 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (9th December 2023) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: Ryan O'Neal "Ryan O'Neal (April 20, 1941 – December 8, 2023) was an American actor. Born in Los Angeles, he trained as an amateur boxer before beginning a career in acting in 1960. In 1964, he landed the role of Rodney Harrington on the ABC nighttime soap opera Peyton Place. It was an instant hit and boosted..."
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Image by Wire photo
2️⃣: Animal (2023 film) "Animal is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language action drama film directed and edited by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Pranay Reddy Vanga and Saurabh Gupta. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Murad Khetani and Pranay Reddy Vanga under T-Series Films, Bhadrakali..."
3️⃣: Leave the World Behind (film) "Leave the World Behind is a 2023 American apocalyptic psychological thriller film written, directed and produced by Sam Esmail. It is based on the 2020 novel of the same name by Rumaan Alam. The film stars Julia Roberts (who also produced the film), Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke, Myha'la, and Kevin..."
4️⃣: Shane MacGowan "Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowan (25 December 1957 – 30 November 2023) was an Irish singer-songwriter and musician best known as the lead vocalist and primary lyricist of Celtic punk band the Pogues. He also produced solo material and collaborated with artists including Joe Strummer, Nick Cave, Steve..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Masao Nakagami
5️⃣: Premier League "The Premier League is the highest level of the English football league system. Contested by 20 clubs, it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the English Football League (EFL). Seasons typically run from August to May, with each team playing 38 matches against all other teams, both..."
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llpodcast · 1 year
(Literary License Podcast)
Sinister (2012)
Sinister is a 2012 American supernatural horror film directed by Scott Derrickson and written by C. Robert Cargill and Derrickson. It stars Ethan Hawke as a struggling true-crime writer whose discovery of videos depicting grisly murders in his new house puts his family in danger. Juliet Rylance, Fred Thompson, James Ransone, Clare Foley, and Michael Hall D'Addario appear in supporting roles.  Sinister was inspired by a nightmare Cargill had after watching the 2002 film The Ring.  Principal photography on Sinister began in Autumn of 2011 in Long Island, NY with a production budget of $3 million.[3] To add the authenticity of old home movies and snuff films, the Super 8 segments were shot on actual Super 8 cameras and film stock
We Are Still Here (2015)
 We Are Still Here is a 2015 American horror film written and directed by Ted Geoghegan and starring Andrew Sensenig and Barbara Crampton as grieving parents who find themselves the focus of an attack by vengeful spirits. The film had its world premiere on 15 March 2015 at South by Southwest.
  Opening Credits; Introduction (1.04); Background History (10.02);Sinister  Film Trailer (12.00); The Original (14.29); Let's Rate (41.05); Introducing the Double Feature (44.43); We Are Still Here Film Trailer (45.33); The Attraction (47.08); How Many Stars (1:05.06); Overall End Credits (1:09.28); Closing Credits (1:10.56)
  Opening Credits– Epidemic Sound – copyright 2021. All rights reserved
 Closing Credits:  Haunted by the Pogues. Taken from the Sid and Nancy Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.  Copyright 1986 Epic Records
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved.  Used with Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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rafeysbafey · 10 months
rafeysbafey’s fic recs
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- rafe cameron
mean!rafe x crybaby reader
gentle sex
live like a kook (enemies to lovers)
pillow talk (mean!rafe)
perfect (fluff)
first kiss (mean!rafe x innocent reader)
mean!rafe soft for reader
enough (angst)
dealer!rafe (fluff)
vanilla (illusions to sex)
“i’ll make it fit” (hate sex)
caught in public
indebuted (dark!rafe)
soux chef (pogue!reader)
praising (dealer!rafe)
hate sex
don’t blame me
the trip (enemies to lovers)
- jj maybank
undercover (fluff)
opposites attract (mafia!arranged marriage)
breeding kink!jj
stuck with you
the art of going all the way
- ethan landry
how you get the girl (smut at end)
let the games begin (hogwarts au)
secret mornings
can’t get rid of me (dark!ethanlandry)
diary (brothers bestfriend!ethan, enemy!ethan)
jealous boy
- draco malfoy
enemies with benefits (hate sex)
- theodore nott
“my love language is bullying people” (fake dating)
you’re the best i ever had, you’re the worst i ever had
- miguel o’hara
la apuesta
perfect morning
smut blurb
- coriolanus snow
ways to destress
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screamforyani · 1 year
lmao what did it for you for rafe what was the last straw
so here’s the story that you did not ask for! I started obx like last year but lost interest after john b and sarah hooked up at the bell tower or something but i’m currently hyperfixating on ethan landry, and a lot of ethan writers also like rafe. so I was like hm. I never liked this dude but i’ll pick up the show again and try to get the hype! and then immediately after he shot peterkin and I was like okay nvm I am never going to like him
like it was an instant turn off and I wasn’t even turned on to begin with. I can’t forgive that like the whole cameron family will crumble save for the sisters. idgaf if I like serial killers
so yeah i’m team pogue and I love jj’s crazy ass
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kcarreras · 3 years
November Rain
Fandom: Outer Banks Pairing: JJ Maybank / Kiara Carrera Summary: A fist fight defending Kie’s honour leads to an argument in the rain...
It was a rainy Sunday lunchtime when JJ punched Danny Johnson for a comment he made about Kiara.
He had been sitting at the counter of the Wreck with John B, Pope and Kiara - all perched on stools in a messy line to his right. They were downing free sodas and devouring bowls of shrimp and grits, caught up in lively conversation, and so he hadn’t paid much attention to the two boys sitting a few tables behind them to his left.
That was until Kiara’s stool scraped slightly against the floor as she pushed it back and hopped down. 
She headed to the bathroom situated at the opposite end of the restaurant, her back to the boys, when JJ heard laughing and muffled voices coming from the other table. 
As the weather was miserable and a storm was most likely rolling it’s way in, The Wreck wasn’t overly busy - just them, the two boys behind them and one large table of tourists in the faraway corner who’s bus had stopped nearby for gas and to wait out the weather.
JJ couldn’t quite hear what exactly was being said, on account of the distance between them and the rain that was hammering down against the roof and windows, but he knew for sure by the way they were craning their necks to watch her walk away - combined with the overly-pleased-with-themselves expressions on their faces - that it wasn’t something he’d be happy about.
“Something you wanna share with the class, boys?” JJ hollered across to them sarcastically, once Kiara had safely reached the bathroom and the door had swung shut behind her.
John B and Pope stopped talking, mid-conversation, and turned in perfect sync to see who JJ was talking to.
It was Danny Johnson and Ethan Thomas. They went to Kildare High with the rest of the Pogues and hung out at the Boneyard. JJ had seen them around, and given what he’d heard about them, they definitely weren’t high up on his list of favourite people. 
“What’s it to you, Maybank?” the one sitting furthest away - Ethan - replied with a grin, leaning back in his chair.
“She your girlfriend or something now?” he laughed.
Ethan looked at Danny who smirked in response.
“Took you long enough,” he added, with a nod of his head in the direction Kiara had walked off in.
John B, who was sitting nearest JJ, felt him tense and shot his hand out to grab at JJ’s forearm before he could move.
“Not worth it, man. Her dad’s right over there,” John B said in a hushed tone, his eyes darting to Mike Carrera who was serving the crowd of tourists down at the opposite end of the counter. 
“He’ll boot us if we start any trouble in here.”
“Yeah, and let’s not forget, he’s already not your biggest fan. You’ll end up barred - again. Possibly for life this time.” Pope interjected, his head suddenly appearing in JJ’s view from behind John B.
JJ took a deep breath, the tension in his fists releasing as he sat back around on his stool. John B and Pope shared a look of surprise at how quickly he’d let it go, before going back to their food and previous conversation.
A minute or two passed, and JJ heard the two boys moving around behind him as they stood from their table, laying cash out next to their bill.
Then, he heard the door of the restroom creak open before swinging shut again, Kiara’s footsteps getting louder the closer she got to them.
“Damn,” he heard Danny comment in a sleazily appreciative tone that made his skin crawl and his blood simmer. “She looks even better from the front.”
Danny raised a hand to childishly bump fists with Ethan as they laughed, and Kiara’s head turned in their direction as she passed by them and rolled her eyes.
“What are those idiots even talking ab-” Kiara began, but before she could finish her sentence, JJ was on his feet and stalking towards the boys.
JJ’s hand landed on Danny’s shoulder, pulling him to turn until they were facing each other.
“What the fuck, Maybank?” Danny exclaimed as he tried to pull back from JJ’s grip, but he had a handful of Danny’s shirt in his fist.
“Imma tell you this one time, Johnson.” JJ threatened through gritted teeth. “Don’t talk about her like that. Actually, don’t talk about her at all. In fact, don’t even look at her, or I swear to God I’ll put you in the ground.” 
“JJ, don’t do this. Not here,” Kiara reprimanded in a shouted-whisper as she pushed past John B and Pope - who had also jumped to their feet - desperately trying to avoid catching her dad’s attention, which was still focused on serving the group of tourists at the other side of the restaurant.
“Careful, Maybank. Better do as your girl says,” Ethan chimed in, coming to stand directly beside Danny. John B mirrored the action, his shoulder coming in front of JJ's defensively, jaw tensed, as his eyes met Ethan’s whilst JJ’s remained focused on Danny’s.
“JJ, please. Whatever it is, just let it go,” Kiara pleaded, eyes darting from the scene in front of her, to her oblivious dad, and back again.
JJ’s gaze shifted from Danny to Kiara at his side, and he dropped his hand from the boy’s shirt, taking a step back. 
Kiara sighed in relief, but then Danny laughed under his breath.
“At least we know which one she’s fucking now.”
JJ’s fist instantly collided with the side of his face, and all hell broke loose as Kiara jumped back, throwing her hands into the air in exasperation and cursing under her breath. 
Danny swung for JJ and he ducked instinctively, causing Danny’s punch to land on John B’s jaw. John B staggered back for a second, caught off guard before surging forward. Ethan intercepted him, tackling him to the ground, as JJ lunged for Danny, the two of them landing on a table a few feet behind them.
By now, Kiara’s dad was charging across the restaurant toward them and customers were gathering to watch as cutlery and chairs clattered to the floor.
“Enough!” Mike’s voice bellowed out above the chaos and all four boys, in various states of disarray, paused and looked up at him from the ground.
“Out, now,” he commanded, and Danny and Ethan scrambled to their feet from beneath JJ and John B, who rolled over onto their backs, out of breath and groaning. 
Danny was bleeding just above his eye, and his lip was split from where JJ’s fist had struck him. Ethan, held at his ribs, where John B had landed a few punches, and blood trickled from his nose. They hastily made their way to their door, still muttering under their breaths as they hobbled out.
Mike’s gaze followed them until they were out of the door, before turning his attention to the two boys still on the floor. John B got to his feet first, extending a hand down to JJ who gladly accepted the extra help. They both winced as they settled up right on their feet, and JJ wiped at the blood coming from his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Both of you, too. Out.” Mike demanded, raising his arm in the direction of the door. Kiara appeared beside him instantly, her hand pulling his arm back down as she pleaded with him.
“Dad, c’mon. It wasn’t their fault, okay? Danny and Ethan started it-” she began, but Mike pulled his arm from her grasp and turned to look down at her.
“I don’t care who started it, Kiara. I’m trying to run a business here. This is our livelihood. I can’t have kids brawling in my restaurant, causing damage as well as a scene.”
“Mr Carrera, we’re really sorry, we didn’t mean for it to go that far-” John B tried, but Mike’s cold gaze landing on him stopped him mid-sentence.
“I don’t care, and I’ve had enough. Out, now.” Mike repeated, turning to look at Kiara again.
“All of you,” he said to her and Pope, his head tilting toward the door.
“Fine.” Kiara huffed, pushing past her dad and towards the door.
The three boys stood fixed in place, their eyes darting from Kiara who was marching toward the door, and her dad, who stood - arms crossed and face stoney - on their other side.
“Are y’all deaf? He wants us gone, so let’s go.” Kiara yelled, not even turning to face them, as she slammed the door open and stepped out into the still-torrential rain outside.
The three boys began scrambling after her, practically tripping over their own feet as they tumbled out the door behind her.
Once they had disappeared from view, Mike called a server over to help tidy up the mess as he began apologising to by-standing customers.
The four of them traipsed through the rain towards the Twinkie in uncomfortable silence, Kiara still walking ahead of the three boys. They exchanged silent looks and hand gestures, trying to decide how best to proceed. 
Soon, the Twinkie came into view, and the three boys began to jog towards it, overtaking Kiara. John B jumped into the driver’s seat, dragging his hands down his face to wipe away the rain droplets, and JJ shook his hair out before running a hand through it as he sat in the passenger’s seat.
Pope pulled open the sliding door leading to the back, holding it open as Kiara approached. At the last minute, she paused briefly before veering off to the side and around the Twinkie. 
“Where the hell is she going?” John B asked, squinting through the windscreen as the rain streamed down it, distorting his view.
“Shit,” JJ muttered, pushing his door back open and hopping out, making his way around the front.
“JJ, what the hell?” Pope asked, batting rain out of his eyes.
“Just get in,” JJ said, nodding his head inside the van and Pope sighed a dramatic, “whatever” before climbing in. 
“Pass me her jacket,” JJ said to Pope, extending his arm into the van, hand open.
“I don’t know, JJ. She seems pretty mad right now,” Pope countered.
“Pope, would you just-“ JJ snapped, taking the hand that was bracing him against the side of the van and banging it against the panel as he squeezed his eyes shut for a second. 
“Just pass me the jacket. Please.”
“Fine, it’s your funeral,” Pope grumbled, stretching across the seat to dig through the pile of clothes they had built up in the back of the van. 
“I don’t see it,” Pope said, as he continued to rummage around.
“It’s gotta be there. I mean, she’s clearly not wearing it,” JJ replied, pointing after her quickly disappearing, jacket-less silhouette.
“I’m telling you, man. I can’t see it,” Pope responded, dropping the clothes back down on the heap.
“Fuck it, just give me mine,” JJ sighed, and Pope tossed the tan-coloured, hooded jacket at JJ’s chest, and the blonde took off running into the rain after her.
A few minutes later, he caught up with her as she made her way on-foot along the side of the road. 
“Kie! Wait up!” JJ called after her, over the sound of the rain bouncing off the tarmac road.
No response.
“Kie! C’mon, I brought you a jacket,” he tried again.
JJ quickened his steps, finally catching up with her and reaching out to put his hand on her shoulder.
She shrugged away from him, turning on the spot to face him, rain running down her face, droplets falling from her lashes.
Her once loose fitting, yellow cropped tee clung to her, soaked through to her skin. Her light-wash, high-waisted denim shorts were now a darker shade of blue and her long dark hair hung in loose, wet curls down around her face and stuck to her exposed neck and collarbone.
“You couldn’t just let it go, could you?” she snapped, looking up at him through dark lashes, yelling over the sound of the rain and distant thunder.
“Look, Kie, you didn’t hear what those guys were saying, alright? They deserved it,” JJ defended himself, and Kie scoffed.
“JJ, I couldn’t care less what those two idiots have to say, ok? You didn’t have to start a fist fight in the middle of my dad’s restaurant!”
“Yeah, I know, and I’m sorry about that, okay? And I’m sorry your dad’s mad, I’ll apologise to him just as soon as he doesn’t wanna kill me. But I’m not sorry I did it.” 
Kie huffed out an exasperated laugh, and then a shiver ran through her, and she crossed her arms, rubbing her hands up and down her arms. When she’d first stormed off, she’d been so mad she didn’t fully think through the repercussions of wandering off into a storm in her current outfit. The walking had kept the cold at bay, but now that they were stopped still at the side of the road, the chill of the rain against her skin was beginning to sink into her bones.
“Here,” he said, holding the jacket out to her.
“So you’d do it again?” she asked, childishly ignoring the offer of the jacket she desperately wanted to accept.
“What?” he asked with a confused sigh, looking down at the jacket still in his hand and then back at her, trying to follow along with her line of questioning.
“The fight with Danny? If you could go back, would you do it again?”
Their eyes locked for what felt like an eternity, but it was only a few seconds and JJ replied instantly.
“Hell yeah, I’d do it again.” JJ admitted with an unapologetic shrug. “No one talks about you like that, Kiara. Not in front of me.”
Kie rolled her eyes as she snatched the jacket from his grip and spun on her heels, pulling it on and tugging the hood up over her already wet hair.
She felt instantly warmer with the material wrapped around her, and it smelled like JJ - a mix of weed and cheap body wash, and yet distinctly him - and it was strangely comforting. 
She found herself pulling it tighter around herself than necessary as it swallowed her petite frame, and if she hadn’t been so mad at him she wouldn’t have tried so hard to push down the fluttering feeling that started in her stomach and made its way up her chest.
The problem Kiara found herself facing was that, yes, she was angry that he started a fight in her dad’s restaurant, got himself hurt and bleeding, and then tossed out into the rain. But part of her was - as much as she hated to admit it, even to herself - flattered. 
Flattered that this handsome, wreckless, trouble-maker with a heart of sheer fucking gold got into a fight defending her honour.
She was annoyed with herself for even thinking it - she was far from a damsel that needed rescuing by any boy. Hell, she’d have happily put Danny Johnson and his little smart-mouth sidekick in their place herself given half the chance.
But on a basic, ‘teenage girl with an unconfessable crush on her best friend’ level, her heart quickened and her stomach fluttered at the thought of JJ caring enough to do it on her behalf.
Therefore, it was easier to pretend that she was more mad than she actually was - to mask the confusing array of feelings his behaviour brought out in her - than to admit the truth.
“Unbelievable,” she muttered, storming off ahead of him as she attempted to bury her inner conflict for a later date.
“I don’t know what else you want me to say, Kie.” JJ called after her, throwing his arms up.
“You’ve gotten as much of an apology as you’re gonna get from me because yeah, I’ll put anyone who talks about you like that flat on their ass every fucking time. That’s just how this works.”
She stopped walking, casting her eyes upwards with a sigh before squeezing them shut, silently cursing the way his words were still having an effect on her, before turning to face him again.
His dark grey cut off was soaking, hanging off his strong shoulders and clinging to his solid stomach. His usually dishevelled hair was slick with rain and stuck to his face, droplets dripping from the ends and running down his cheekbones and jaw. He looked dangerously handsome, his cheeks flushed from arguing, his eyes blue and glittering with sincerity.
As she stood looking at him, she desperately wanted to ask what exactly “this” was, but she had to remind herself that no matter how tempted she was or how much she loved him, she could never admit that she’d let herself fall in love with him.
It would just mess everything up.
“Now can we please just go find the Twinkie?” JJ asked, his tone softer now that he could see her expression wasn’t as stoney and cold as before, a forearm thrown over his forehead to shield his eyes from the unrelenting rain.
“Fine,” she said, giving in and heading towards him. A smile broke out across his face that reached all the way to his eyes, and when she fell into step beside him, it was only a few seconds until she felt him bump his shoulder into hers.
She looked up at him, his hands buried deep into his pockets, shoulders pulled up to his neck and head tipped forward to avoid the rain, and she laughed - soft and genuine - before nudging him back.
“Dumbass,” she muttered affectionately, and just then the headlights of the Twinkie came into view as it pulled up beside them and came to a stop. Pope slid the door open, a less than impressed expression on his features.
“If you two are quite finished, maybe you could hurry the hell up and get in the freakin’ van? Some of us would like to get changed into clothes that are actually dry. I swear I’m about 15 minutes away from developing a very serious chill.” 
“A very serious chill?” JJ repeated, sharing an amused look with Kie as he gestured for her to climb in first. 
“It’s not funny, JJ. Chills can be serious. And don’t get me started on the flu, because I have three papers due and if I end up with the flu-”
“Shut up,” JJ, Kiara and John B yelled in perfect sync, as JJ clambered ungracefully into the back of the Twinkie after Kiara, and Pope slid the door closed with a rattle.
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bloatedandalone04 · 5 years
BloatedandAlone04′s Character Masterlist
DO NOT republish my writings as your own and do not post my work anywhere other than my own account. Reblogs are fine, of course. Enjoy! ❤️
Authors Favourite = ⭐ 
Reader Favourite = 💌
Fluff = 💕
Angst = 💋
Smut (mentions of smut) = 🔥
DISCLAIMER: ALL my writings are x female reader!
Real Life Masterlist | Hayden Christensen Character Masterlist | Ethan Landry Masterlist
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Sweet Like Cinnamon 💕🔥
➪the one where bradley goes down on you in public.
Greatest Fan of your Life 💕
➪the one where you get your wisdom teeth removed and bradley takes care of you.
If It Makes You Happy 💕💋🔥⭐💌 
➪the one where you give bradley your heart and he breaks it. It Can’t Be That Bad 💕💋🔥 ➪the one where bradley fixes his mistake. (part 2 of IIMYH)   The Kind of Girl You Take Home 💕🔥 ➪the one where bradley can’t get enough of you after making things official. (part 3 of IIMYH/ICBTB) I Promised You I’d Never Give Up 💕🔥 ➪the one where bradley comes home and the two of you finally celebrate your engagement. (part 4 of IIMYH/ICBTB/TKOGYTH)
Love in the Dark 💋
➪the one where the deployments become too much.
Bets & Bargains Masterlist 💕💋🔥
➪the one where bradley makes a bet that will surely break both your heart and his own.
Bleeding Love AU 💕💋🔥
➪the one where bradley is a boxer and also your boyfriend.
Things Unseen & Heard 💕💋🔥
➪the one where you overhear bradley talk about you to jake and decide to give him the space he apparently wanted.
Midnight Rain 💕💋🔥
➪the one where bradley is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, but even he can’t fully erase the bad memories of your last relationship.
Chasing Cars 💕💋🔥
➪the one where bradley risks his life to prove a point to mav, and you call him out on it as soon as he gets back to base, then later at home.
Crossing that Line 💕🔥
➪the one where you and bradley drive each other crazy in more ways than one, but would do anything for each other, and all it takes is one confession to solidify your places in each others lives.
Tramp Next Door 🔥
➪the one where you and bradley decide to really give your cranky next door neighbor something to complain about.
Guys My Age 💕🔥
➪the one where you’re bradley’s kid’s babysitter, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting you in every way.
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Something Borrowed 💕💋🔥
➪the one where you and jake run into his ex at a friends wedding.
Purple All Over 💕🔥
➪the one where you can’t resist jake, and he can’t say no to you.
All Over Me 💕🔥
➪the one where jake can’t resist you after proposing, so much so he declines a night at the hard deck with his friends just so he can go home to you faster.
Date Night 💕💋🔥💌
➪the one where jake intentionally ruins your date just so he can have one with you instead.
Love Drug 💕💌
➪the one where you have a girls night while jake has a guys night, and he gets a surprise when he comes home and finds you acting more clingy than usual.
Don’t Ever Leave My Side 💕🔥
➪the one where you finally let jake take you out on a date after countless rejections, but it turns out that the guy you convinced yourself he was, isn’t who he is at all.
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Love Like Ours 💕
➪the one where you and jj sneak off during a keg party for some alone time.
Little Black Dress 💕🔥
➪the one where you and the pogues are invited to a fancy party at the cameron’s, and jj can’t seem to keep his hands (and lips) off you.
Like My Boyfriend 💕🔥
➪the one where you and jj sneak away from your friends during a party. (round 2)
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Ugly Christmas Sweater 💕
➪the one where you give leon an early christmas gift.
Everything I Didn’t Say 💋⭐️ 💌
➪the one where you leave and leon lets you. The Only Reason 💕💋 ➪the one where leon finally gives you some much needed closure after four months of  feeling nothing but regret from what he did. (part 2 of EIDS)
Bury My Love 💕💋
➪the one where you and leon go on, what neither of you knew, was your final mission together. Never Let Me Go 💕💋 ➪the one where you and leon reunite. (part 2 of BML)
Infectious Love 💋
➪the one where you and leon return from a mission acting a bit different than before.
You Made it Shine 💕🔥
➪the one where you’ve been feeling a bit lonely, and leon intends on making it up to you.
Illicit Affairs 💕💋🔥
➪the one where leon is yours entirely, even though he is married to someone else.
Good as Gold 💕💋
➪the one where leon fell in love with you from the second he saw you.
They Don’t Know About Us 💕
➪the one where you and leon can’t stand each other in front of your friends, but it’s secretly all an act.
Too Close Series 💕💋🔥⭐️
➪the one where you and leon sneak around behind your fathers back. (mafia au)
➪one shots for this au.
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The time it All Changed 💋💌
➪the one where lucas invites you to tag along with him at dan’s party and brooke can’t keep her mouth shut.   Part 2 💕💋⭐️ ➪the one where a weekend getaway is just what you needed to realize your true feelings for lucas.
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Summer Love 💕🔥💌⭐
➪the one where nick falls in love with a shadysider at camp nightwing.  (1978)
Made For Me 🔥
➪the one where nick loves how small you are compared to him. (1978)
Only Angel 💕
➪the one where nick is a secret sweetheart. (1978)
Trick or Treat 💕🔥
➪the one where you and nick spend halloween together. (1978)
Family Legacy 💕💋
➪the one where it’s time for nick to sacrifice another resident of shadyside, but calls his old flame instead. (1978-1994)
The Dreaded 25th 💕
➪the one where you and nick spend christmas together. (1978)
Better Circumstances 💕
➪the one where you meet nick after your brother gets arrested. (1994)
Even If It Kills Me series 💕💋🔥⭐️
➪the one where nick has been in love with you for many years and now he’s finally got you all to himself. (1978 version)
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Everything I Wanted 💕💋
➪the one where both you and rick are really bad at communicating your feelings. 
It’s Not Love 💕💋⭐
➪the one where you’re ‘with’ shane but fall in love with rick.  The Lucky Ones 💕💋 ➪the one where you and rick reunite after the events at the prison.
Not Yet Alone💕💋
➪the one where you receive the worst of the governor’s interrogation and find comfort in rick.
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Dating Nick Furcillo would include 💕🔥
Dating Jacob Custos would include 💕🔥
Just a Taste 💕🔥💌
➪the one where nick craves you more than ever after he gets infected.
The Last Time 💋
➪the one where nick hurts you before transforming. This is me Trying 💕💋 ➪the one where nick has to deal with the aftermath of what he did. Celestial Body 💕💋 ➪the one where you and nick deal with the first full moon since getting back together.
In the Meantime 💕🔥
➪the one where you and max get bored while waiting for the sun to rise. 
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More Than Anything 💕💋🔥⭐💌
➪the one where you hide your injury from tyler, resulting in you being bedridden for a few weeks, and you both have to suffer the lack of touching allowed as you heal.
If You Feel It 💕🔥
➪the one where you’re the only person tyler wants to celebrate with after a successful chase. Love of My Life 💕🔥 ➪the one where it’s yours and tyler’s wedding night. (part 2 of IYFI)
To The One I Love Series 💕💋🔥
➪the one where you lose your memory, and tyler - your boyfriend of eleven years, is there for you every step of the way, even if his own heart is slowly breaking.
Game of Love & Chase 💕🔥
➪the one where tyler fell for you the second he saw you, and he uses his cocky persona and charm to worm his way into your heart.
She Keeps Me Up 💕🔥
➪the one where you and tyler decide to spend some time on the kitchen counter after a night out.
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
like a brother - reader x jj/platonic john b
requested?: nope!
warnings/triggers: death, depression, kinda shitty parents, i think that’s it?
overview: reader seeks comfort from john b and jj after her brothers are taken from her in two very similar ways (1.7k)
a/n: wrote most of this while high (lol) so forgive me for any mistakes!! everything in italics is 2 years before canon plot, everything in normal text is based on and after s1e10
Tropical Storm Harold painted the sky black.
You started your car, and you felt it sway a little under someone’s weight as they jumped from the back of the car to the ground. Ethan opened the passenger side door, slid in, and you pulled out of the driveway as he slammed it shut.
It was a decently long drive to the Boneyard from Figure Eight. You saw John B’s van already there, the side door open, John B, JJ, Kiara, and Pope crouched inside seeking temporary shelter from the rain. As soon as you pulled up, you heard their whoops as they jumped out, and began to unstrap their boards from the top of the van.
You parked and helped your brother get your boards off the top of the Land Cruiser. It had started to rain, the water cold against your bare skin. Across from you, Ethan had a devilish grin spreading across his face, his long dark hair plastered to his forehead and temples. After you loosened the straps on your side, he pulled the boards off the top of the car and you grabbed yours.
“Wait for us!” Ethan called, sprinting after the boys and Kiara, who had already reached the water. You took off running after them, your board awkwardly tucked under your arm.
It was a tradition, to surf the surge. The shape of the land around the Boneyard and the bathymetry of the continental shelf under the water worked to funnel and amplify the waves. You hit the water, following the boys through the choppy surf and into the darkness.
Tropical Storm Danielle painted the sky black.
You had to leave the tent. It was chaos around you; Kiara and Pope were sobbing into each other, and JJ was being restrained by two officers. You stood from your chair and walked from the crowded space, passing by Kiara and Pope’s parents but not your own. Of course they wouldn’t be here. Your brain was oblivious to the rain coming down in sheets, and your feet took you onto the beach before your legs gave out and you fell to your hands and knees.
The sand grains pressed uncomfortably into your knees. The rain was cold on your skin and you shivered, sitting up so that you were kneeling, looking towards the sea. Waves crashed on the shore, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the lighthouse illuminated the empty horizon.
“That was awesome!” John B yelled. You were laying on your back in the sand, catching your breath, the surf violently lapping up to your waist. The rain, the adrenaline, and the salty sting of the water in your eyes made you feel alive, reminding you why surfing the surge was a sacred tradition within your group.
After a few moments you stood, hearing JJ’s voice join John B’s. They had gathered slightly farther up the beach, far enough so that their boards weren’t going to get sucked out to sea. Kiara ran up to you, dropping her board and jumping onto you, smiling. Once she was back on her own two feet, you ran towards JJ and John B with your board, dropping it onto the ground and hopping into JJ’s outstretched arms. He spun you around, and you could feel the rain pelting your body.
Your bare feet touched the sand again and as you went to tug on your swimsuit top to readjust it, JJ cupped your face with his hands. You smiled up at him, water beading off his skin and clinging to his eyelashes.
JJ kissed you, almost violently, and you knew he was feeling the same way as you. His body quivered under your touch, and his teeth gently pulled on your bottom lip as he pulled back.
You smiled at each other, but as you turned around to face John B and Pope and the surf, your smile dropped.
Your heart dropped too. “Where’s E?” you asked, stepping away from JJ and towards the shoreline. “Ethan!”
The wind carried your screams away as soon as they left your mouth. JJ had run after you, and John B was standing a short distance away, shielding his eyes from the rain with his hand and looking out to sea.
“Ethan!” you kept yelling. You started running down the shore in the direction of the current.
John B’s voice was almost lost in the wind. You stopped, immediately, and sprinted towards him, where he and JJ were crouched on the ground.
Your brother laid motionless on the beach. John B was on the phone, while JJ was performing CPR. Pope tried grabbing at you, but you easily slipped out of his grasp.
The world crumbled as you fell to your knees. You were hardly aware of JJ’s grunts of effort, or John B’s frantic voice, or even Kiara clinging onto you from behind, talking in your ear. The feeling of the rain and lapping of the waves was replaced by absolute numbness.
You were numb that whole night. The paramedics arrived and took Ethan away from you. You ended up in the back of the ambulance. You were sat in a seat at the hospital and told not to move. Your parents ran to you, hugging you and crying.
But you hardly noticed any of these happening. The only thing you did notice was JJ beside you through it all.
You were numb, oblivious to the stinging of the rain and the chaotic crashing of the waves in front of you or the voices behind you.
The only thing that you did notice was JJ, kneeling down behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his face into your wet hair. His touch sent you over the edge, your body heaving with sobs, threatening to double over but JJ’s strong hold kept that from happening. You scrambled around in his arms to face him, your hands clutching fistfuls of his t-shirt.
“Baby…” he eventually murmured, one hand moving to cup half of your face. “Let’s go, okay?”
You don’t remember nodding, but you followed JJ to the tents and had Heyward drop you off at your empty house.
It had felt empty for the past two years, ever since Ethan died in a storm eerily similar to the one that took your best friend just hours before.
After your brother died, your parents took their anger out on you. You for going out surfing that night, for letting Ethan die. It was the last straw for them, after disapproving of you and your brother’s behavior and relationship with the Pogues. They had been emotionally and often physically absent ever since, leaving you with nothing but emptiness.
It took all your energy to climb the stairs with JJ to your bedroom. Neither of you changed clothes, opting to strip naked instead. You just didn’t care enough. Both of you were shivering – whether it was from cold your bodies, soaked to the bone, or from the adrenaline, sadness, and rage coursing through you, you didn’t know.
All through the night, JJ held you while you laid in bed like he was never going to let go.
John B held you while you laid in bed.
He must have heard you crying, as he gently pushed open the bedroom door. You froze at the sound, trying to muffle your tears, snapping your eyes shut and forcing your body to look relaxed, but it was impossible.
“I know you’re awake,” he had said softly. You couldn’t help but let out a shaky sigh, and felt the bed move as John B laid down next to you. “Y/N?”
“Go away,” you said quietly and unconvincingly. You had managed to get away from JJ for the night, tired of his constant reassurances and questioning. Are you okay? he kept asking, though he knew the answer.
John B shifted his weight beside you, and wrapped an arm around you, laying his head beside yours. “You can’t keep pushing people away.” His voice was sad and tired. “It wasn’t your fault.”
You shivered but couldn’t bring yourself to respond. You just rolled over to face him, and you realized how shaky your breaths were and how your body was trembling under the sheets, as If you were about the burst.
“Let it out, Y/N.”
You cried. They were ugly, loud sobs, and you curled up, John B had moved to sit with you in his lap, the tips of his fingers running in circles on your back.
“We’re going to get through this, okay?”
You nodded, your cheek rubbing on his t-shirt. It felt wet under your skin.
“JB?” you asked shakily, finally able to push yourself up. You sat beside him, your back and head leaning against the wall.
“Yeah, Y/N?” he responded. His words were soft and comforting.
“Don’t ever leave me. Leave us.”
“Of course not,” he whispered. You rolled your head to the side, looking at him. His eyes were soft, full of sadness. With one hand he reached over to wipe the tears from your face. “You’re not getting rid of me anytime soon, okay? You’re like a sister to me, Y/N.”
You managed to give him a soft smile. “You’re like a brother to me, JB.”
He chuckled. “Well, I’m not as good at giving advice as Ethan was, but I want you to know you can come to me with anything, okay? I know he can’t be replaced, but I’ll your new brother.”
“Really?” you asked.
John B grabbed your hand, smiling at you before replying. “Of course. I’ll do anything for you, Y/N.”
“Does that mean you’ll beat up JJ for me?” you replied, smiling and leaning your head on his shoulder.
You feel him laugh. “Of course. Lay down, try to fall asleep for me, okay?”
John B gently pushed you off of him, pulling the covers over you. “Good night, sis.”
“Hey JJ?”
Your voice broke the silence in the dark bedroom. The digital clock on the dresser in the corner of the room read 3:51. 
“Yeah, Y/N?” JJ responded quietly. He rolled over, pulling you into him. 
“Promise to never leave me,” you murmured against his chest. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Never in my wildest dreams,” he whispered in your ear. JJ gently kissed your temple, tightening his grip on you reassuringly, as if backing up his words.
It was in each other’s arms that, for the first time in two days, both of you found peace.
hope you guys like it! my requests are open and feel free to message me if you want to be on any taglists, whether it’s for all obx, jj fics, etc <3
taglist: @macchiatohno @dpaccione @canibeoneofthepogues @bailspogue @wicked-laugh @jjmaybankx @jjsmentalpolaroids
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radiantroope · 4 years
cast your mututals as teen wolf characters🥺🥺🥺
derek @void-maybank
scott @storiesbymads
stiles @ptersparkers
isaac @sortagaysortahigh
liam @obbx-tings
jackson @ssjiara
lydia @harrysbbby
malia @pixelated-pogues
allison @softstarkey
theo @pankowrudeth
peter @letsgofullkook
kira @scandalousfemale
parrish @jjmbanks
brett @queenk00k
cora @spilledtee
hayden @jjsmentalpolaroids
kate @ims0golden
erica @shawnssongs
corey @sarahcxmeron
mason @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar
argent @jjmaybcnks
aiden @drewsephsmiles
danny @canibeoneofthepogues
braeden @prettyboyreid
boyd @kiarascarreras
mama mccall @sunnypogue
ethan @butgilinsky
coach finstock @popcsheyward
sheriff stilinski @drewstarkey
chyna’s 500 celebration
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ewoodx · 4 years
The way Ethan saw it, he was never late; everyone else was simply early. It was no different on the first day of filming as he strode through the beach house, chin held high, fingers wrapped around the neck of a bottle of UNC’s finest. He couldn’t tell you what exactly the shit was made of, just that it was strong and if he was going to be living with a bunch of pogues all summer, Ethan sure as hell could use a shot– or five. 
He didn’t even bother to find his room or say hello to any of the roommates he passed yet and went straight for the kitchen. With his signature smirk, he reached over the countertop of the kitchen island, retrieving as many miniature shot glasses as he could manage, then arranging them hastily in a line. He poured a generous dose of clear liquid in each, saving the bottle for himself.
“Alright–!” he shouted to nobody in particular. “Grab a shot!”
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wikiuntamed · 10 months
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from yesterday: Friday, 8th December 2023
Welcome, 欢迎 (huānyíng), chào mừng, ongi etorri 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (8th December 2023) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: Animal (2023 film) "Animal is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language action drama film directed and edited by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Pranay Reddy Vanga and Saurabh Gupta. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Murad Khetani and Pranay Reddy Vanga under T-Series Films, Bhadrakali..."
2️⃣: Ryan O'Neal "Ryan O'Neal (April 20, 1941 – December 8, 2023) was an American actor. Born in Los Angeles, he trained as an amateur boxer before beginning a career in acting in 1960. In 1964, he landed the role of Rodney Harrington on the ABC nighttime soap opera Peyton Place. It was an instant hit and boosted..."
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Image by Wire photo
3️⃣: Shane MacGowan "Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowan (25 December 1957 – 30 November 2023) was an English-born Irish singer-songwriter, musician and poet, best known as the lead vocalist and primary lyricist of Celtic punk band the Pogues. He also produced solo material and collaborated with artists including Joe..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Masao Nakagami
4️⃣: Benny Blanco "Benjamin Joseph Levin (born March 8, 1988), known professionally as Benny Blanco (stylized in all lowercase), is an American record producer. He is the recipient of the 2013 Hal David Starlight Award from the Songwriters Hall of Fame. He also won the BMI Songwriter of the Year Award five..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Matt Adam
5️⃣: Leave the World Behind (film) "Leave the World Behind is a 2023 American apocalyptic psychological thriller film written, directed and produced by Sam Esmail. It is based on the 2020 novel of the same name by Rumaan Alam. The film stars Julia Roberts (who also produced the film), Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke, Myha'la, and Kevin..."
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