#Especially with the fact in Mind that Crowley had not shot a gun until the magic trick
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hekate1308 · 1 year ago
I’m not saying I didn’t like it.
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Prompt: I’m not saying I didn’t like it
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Drowley
Normally, Crowley’s affairs, for lack of a better word, didn’t last long – if they ever got past the first night. After one or two weeks, it was usually over.
Which was why it was so bloody confusing that he had been seeing Dean, the local librarian, Lawrence’s helpful darling and everyone’s best friend, for six months now, especially because, as everyone who knew about him had let him know, they had absolutely nothing in common.
As if Crowley didn’t know that.
But he didn’t have the time to focus on Dean and whatever they were to one another at the moment, because… well…
He had other things to deal with.
Simmons should really have known better than to let herself get taken so easily, but then, he had all the experience in the world. And now that he thought about it her real mistake had been to try and oust him in the first place.
At least she seemed to have worked alone. That was something – it meant the other members of his organization had at least the good sense to try and not die by his hand.
Which, of course, Simmons did even as she begged for her life. Pathetic, he thought as he let the gun sink. She had to have known that her actions would have consequences, and exactly the one she had just experienced.
Alright. Now to dealing with the body –
“Clean shot.”
He turned around to find Dean studying the scene in front of him.
He didn’t know what to say or do. Normally, he would have shot immediately… but… well…
This was Dean. And he happened to… happened to…
And then, for the first time in his life, his world was turned upside down.
“Oh relax, Peaches. I’m not saying I didn’t like it.“
He turned his head to stare at him. Had Dean – the kindest, gentlest soul he had ever met, the librarian who regularly arranged readings to children, the man who at least half a dozen people would call first if they needed help just said –
“It lacked a certain… finesse, I’ll give you that” he then continued simply. “Normally you’re more subtle.”
A pause. He hated to ask – he always hated to ask, no matter the topic or the person – but he had to know. “So you were aware…”
“Oh, what you do? Of course. Recognized you immediately when you came into the library. It was a lucky coincidence – I’d been wondering how to meet you properly for some time now.”
“Had you?” The thought that Dean might be an undercover police officer entered his mind, but he dismissed it immediately. No – that glitter in his eyes, the excitement in his voice – he knew those very well.
That was why Dean had never bored him.
He had found a kindred spirit without being aware of it.
He was walking towards him now – no, rather stalking, the glitter in his eyes becoming more prominent. “You see, ever since I was a kid I’ve had these… urges. To do… certain things. Only they don’t align with my values, and anyway, there was Sammy… could hardly do something that would risk leaving him alone with Dad. At least until I was old enough to solve that problem.”
So the car accident he had told him about right at the beginning of their… affair had not been an accident after all.
“He was the first, but needless to say, not the last. Always make sure they deserve it, though. And I’m not talking about the poor or the homeless or something like that –“
“So Ketch – that was you?”
He nodded. “Was fun.” He grinned. “I realized soon enough that it just wouldn’t be fair to drag someone – how should I say – normal into all of this. So since my early twenties, I’ve been looking for someone who could be… quite literally… my partner in crime. And when I figured out what you are…” he trailed off.
Crowley should perhaps have been shocked, or angry, but in fact he was impressed by the thought he had put into all of this. “And you think I could be?”
“I think you might be… intrigued by everything you just heard. And I already know you’re good in bed, and it’s not like you would go to the police to rat me out.”
His hands found Dean’s hips to draw him closer. “Intrigued is not exactly the word I would use… captivated, I would rather say.”
“Well, then… what do you propose we do, then?” Dean grinned again that boyish grin of his that would have convinced everyone of his innocence immediately, even if suspicion had ever fallen on him, which it most likely would not.
“Well, darling” he drawled. “You wouldn’t be interested in learning about the inner workings of my firm, for a start, wouldn’t you?”
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spnsisterimagines · 5 years ago
Free Dogs
Summary - Y/N sneaks a dog into the bunker without telling her brothers and she spends several days keeping it away from them until the dog smells the ribs Dean brought home. 
Pairings - Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader, Sam Winchester x Sister!Reader, Slight!Castiel x Winchester!Reader
Word Count - 3,672 words 
Who could resist such a cute face? The puppy was a Labrador mix, left alone in a box with the word 'FREE' written on the side in big black marker. He yipped excitedly when Y/N approached, her hand clasped around the plastic bag that held the take-out she was bringing back to the bunker for her brothers to enjoy. The box was cleverly placed between the restaurant and the parking lot where the Impala sat comfortably, not knowing it would be sharing its leather seats with a slobbery, eager guest. 
Y/N truthfully would've just pet him and moved on, knowing well enough how much Dean hated dogs. Not to mention the life they lived was no place for a pet other than Castiel. But how could she just leave him there? He was clearly the last of the bunch and nobody was giving him any attention. Not that he minded. He bounced up and down excitedly in the empty box, trying his best to lick Y/N's hand. 
"I can't, I can't, I can't," Y/N pleaded, jumping from foot to foot, readjusting her grip on the bag. The puppy, on his seventh hop, caught the edge of the box and sent it falling to its side with the puppy flopping over, his ear falling over his big brown eyes. That didn't hinder him in the slightest. He took the opportunity to jump back to his feet and make a dash for Y/N, jumping so his front paws laid across her lap. "Damn it! Okay, fine, you win!" 
The puppy almost seemed to understand that she gave into him, barking excitedly and running in circles. Eventually Y/N bent down and bundled him up in her arms before grabbing the food and running toward the Impala before anyone had a chance to chastise her because Dean was going to be so pissed off if he found out she picked a dog up. As for Sam...he'd most likely just tell her the cons of having a dog around with all the hunting. There was a huge possibility the dog could be hurt. But she couldn't just leave him there! That was cruel, and she knew he'd do the same. 
"Okay, just let me put my jacket over the seats so you don't get hair every-" The puppy seemed to ignore her, jumping from her arms as soon as she opened the passenger door. He quickly made himself comfortable, turning thrice in one place before sitting down. "Oh, God, Dean's gonna disown me. But that's what you want, right?" The puppy panted in response, his tail wagging obnoxiously fast. Deciding to get the drive over with, Y/N rushed to the driver's side and slipped herself inside, jamming the key into the ignition and putting her in drive and taking off back to the bunker where her brothers were waiting impatiently for the food they had asked for. 
The drive didn't take long, but Y/N spent several minutes waiting in the driver's seat. She was in the garage, where Dean had been keeping her since Dorothy had blown through. She calculated how she could sneak the puppy past the living area where Sam and Dean always were to her room and put the puppy there before coming back to give them the food. She decided to make a run for it and hope for the best. She turned to the puppy, looking at him seriously. He sniffed at her face, giving her a lick. 
"Stop, we need to focus," she demanded. "Okay, I'm going to pick you up and I'm going to run to my room and leave you there until I'm done with dinner. I'll come back once the coast is clear and give you water. I'll have to wait until the morning to get you food. How does that sound? Does that sound like a decent plan?" The dog merely stared. "Great, let's go."
Getting him and the food up the long staircase was easier said than done. The puppy was squirming, wanting to explore his new surroundings, but if he ran right to Sam and Dean, everything would be ruined. Y/N grunted, finally making it to the top without much trouble. She slyly peeked over the railing to the main floor, cursing when she saw Sam and Dean sitting at one of the long tables, Sam typing away at his laptop and Dean scrolling mindlessly through his phone. Neither had noticed their sister had returned, nor that she was holding something very much alive that smelled like rain and dirt. She hoped to God the puppy's black fur wouldn't show up on Baby's upholstery, but since when did that guy pull through? 
"Dude, where the hell is she? I'm starving!" Dean grunted, making Y/N freeze midstep on her way to the opposite staircase that led to the hall of rooms for the Men of Letters. "Try and call her."
"I'm sure she's almost here, Dean. Maybe the restaurant was packed," Sam aided, making Y/N sigh in relief. She tip-toed across the stone floor, keeping the puppy close as she descended down the second staircase and sprinted to her room, ripping it open and dumping the puppy unceremoniously on her bed. 
"Stay," she hissed, putting a hand up. "You're welcome to watch TV. Be back in a little bit... I'm going to figure out a name for you while I'm gone." 
Closing the door quietly behind her, she made her way back to her brothers, holding the bag up high for them to see once she was within their sight. 
"Why are you coming back from your room?" Sam asked while Dean dashed and grabbed the bag from her. 
"I, um...I thought I left my phone in there, so I went to check," Y/N lied through her teeth, moving to sit beside him.
"Pie!" Dean exclaimed behind her. "Good job, sis. And is Baby..."
"She's just fine in the garage, De," Y/N smiled, completely nonchalant. Neither of them had a clue there was a living and breathing puppy quite possibly destroying her room at the moment. 
And they didn't notice for about a week. 
Y/N had decided to name him Romeo as a joke, considering Crowley had a personal hell hound he affectionately nicknamed Juliet. She knew the King of Hell would get a kick out of that, but nobody could know Y/N's dark secret. Sam and Dean remained completely in the dark. The only time her cover was nearly blown was when Castiel had arrived on an impromptu visit. 
"Y/N, I couldn't help but overhear something in your room just now," he declared, walking into the library where her and her brothers sat. 
"What were you doing near my room, Cas?" Y/N hastily changed the subject. 
"I was grabbing the journal from Dean's room like he asked. He suspects we're looking for a vampire nest in Atlanta. Did I do something wrong?" Castiel asked curiously, seeing the nervousness on Y/N's face. 
"What are you, hiding a boy?" Sam joked. Dean's head quickly shot up in alarm. Castiel looked rather offended at the thought. 
"No, I'm not hiding a boy when we're supposed to be going on a hunt," Y/N scoffed. "How would I even sneak a boy under your noses?"
"Well, there are many entrances here, so I assume it could be quite easy," Castiel said, shrugging his shoulders as he passed the journal to Dean. 
"I would hope my dear little sister isn't that stupid," Dean said, grabbing the journal and flipping it open. "Because Sam and I are proud gun owners." 
"It's not a boy, it's...you know what? Castiel and I will go check just to prove you wrong. C'mon, Cas," Y/N huffed, jumping to her feet and grabbing his hand. She turned around to Sam and Dean. "And I'm very good with a gun, too, so you would never get the first shot." She stuck out her tongue childishly at him. He mirrored it, also giving her the stink eye. Sam shook his head, giving a small smile as he continued to click through articles on the situation in Atlanta while Y/N pulled Castiel to her room. 
"I have a secret." she said finally, throwing caution to the wind. She understood if she played her cards right, she could get Castiel to help her keep her secret. 
"There is, in fact, a boy in your room?" Castiel asked, deflating slightly at the thought of it.
"What? No!" Y/N scoffed, pulling him toward her door. "Okay...I'm about to show you something, but you have to swear to me you won't tell Dean or Sam anything about it. Especially Dean!"
"Is it something dangerous?"
"Cas, will you just swear?"
"But I am unsure if I will want to tell on you or not. I would like to know first what it will be before I decide."
Y/N gave him a deadpanned stare, her mouth stretched into a frown. He sighed, his shoulders slumping. 
"Fine, I swear."
"Thank you. C'mon," Y/N said, grabbing his hand again and ignoring the tingles in her fingers as she carefully opened the door and pulled him inside. 
Romeo was growing fast in just the span of a week, but he still only came up to Y/N's knees. He now had on a dark red collar with a nametag she had made herself two days prior when she was supposed to procure fake IDs for herself and her brothers when they would go to Atlanta to take care of the vampire nest. It had his name on the front with her phone number on the back. He excitedly ran to her, hopping up on his hind legs in an attempt to reach her face and give her welcoming kisses. 
"It's a dog," Castiel said in surprise.
"Yes, and his name is Romeo," Y/N stated, leaning down to scoop him up in her arms. She held him up for Castiel to see, who backed up in shock as the dog attempted to litter his face with his kisses. "He doesn't bite, Cas. He's the sweetest thing in the world. Look. Romeo, give Mama kissies!" Romeo turned his head to her and eagerly licked her face, his tail wagging. 
"You are hiding a dog from your brothers? Why?"
"You know how Dean is. Remember when he came back from Purgatory and sat in Baby for the first time? He knew automatically there had been a dog inside. If he knows there is one in the bunker, I'm dead meat and he'll kick him out. And Sam's a snitch." 
"You want me to keep Romeo as a secret from your brothers?" Castiel asked, hesitantly putting his hand out for Romeo to sniff. "I think I can do that." 
"Yes! Thank you!" Y/N squealed, putting Romeo down and hugging him close. Castiel flushed a bright pink, his mouth twitching. "Okay...now I need one more favor and I promise never to ask for anything ever again."
"What's that?"
"While my brothers and I are in Atlanta...do you mind coming and checking in on him? Just switch out his food and water bowls and the potty pads? I hate to leave him alone, but if I stay, Sam and Dean will know something's up. I promise I will owe you one," Y/N bit her lip, pressing her hands together almost as though she were praying to him. 
"I suppose that is...doable. Yes, I will help keep Romeo alive until you are back," Castiel smiled.
"Thank you! Now, let's go back before my brothers come looking for us. I'll be back in a little bit, Romeo!" Y/N cooed, bending down to scratch the dog behind the ears before following Castiel out the door. 
Another week had passed and everything was going great. Castiel had successfully kept Romeo taken care of while they took out that vampire nest. Romeo had also practically claimed him as a second owner, getting excited every time Castiel poofed into her room to see her(although, Y/N was sure Castiel just wanted to see the dog). Sam and Dean were none the wiser. 
Romeo was a lively spirit. He loved to play, often taking Y/N's clothes from her dresser and running around her room with it until she caught him and gave him belly rubs before he gave it back. He was falling in love with being her dog, and Y/N was sure she would never be able to give him up even if she tried. She loved him far too much. She wished Sam and Dean could be clued in on him and not have her give him up. She knew Romeo was probably tired of being cooped up in one room. Sometimes, when her brothers went to the bar for a drink, she'd take him out to the park and give him room to run, but when Sam or Dean would text her that they're on their way home, she'd rush to coop Romeo up once more.
That was the system for a long while until Dean spontaneously decided to bring home ribs from the local barbecue place that recently opened. He was excited to sample their famous dishes, whereas Sam and Y/N were content in just eating Chinese take-out. Nothing really seemed to be off as they ate until they heard a loud whine and several scratching noises coming suspiciously from their room area. 
"What the hell was that?" Dean asked, already on guard. Y/N froze. 
"U-Um...I left the TV on in my room," Y/N said, accidentally stabbing her chopsticks a little too harshly into her sesame chicken. "Yeah, I was watching...Cujo."
"I thought you hated that movie because of what happens to the dog," Sam cut in, looking down at her. "Every time Dean would put it on in the motel room you'd cry like a baby until he turned it off."
"Well...I tried to watch it all the way through just for you guys," Y/N played it off as best as she could, but they both continued to look down at her oddly. She was always such a terrible liar. Thankfully, Dean was too distracted by his food to care, taking another giant bite out of his ribs. Seeing that their eldest brother wasn't questioning her, Sam decided to shrug it off and continue poking at the rice he was currently munching on. 
Unfortunately, Romeo was stubborn today and gave another loud whine. Y/N tried to overpower it with her own cry, suddenly clutching her side. 
"Lady cramps," she grunted as her brothers stared at her. She needed to get Romeo to calm the hell down before he ruined everything. She slowly inched out of her chair. "You know what? I should go change my...pad. Cramps aren't a good sign for me. It usually means Niagara Falls." Dean and Sam grimaced in disgust. Perfect. That meant they wouldn't follow her. 
"For God's sake, sis, I'm eating!" Dean growled, gesturing to his barbecue platter. 
"Be right back," Y/N smiled, taking off to her room to quiet Romeo down with a treat. This was far too close for comfort. Her brothers would see what she's been hiding. She got to her door. Smelling her from the other side, Romeo got more rambunctious, thrusting his paws at the door, probably scratching up the paint. He whined cutely, wanting to be let out. "Romeo...please. You need to back up and let Mama inside. If Sam and Dean see you, we're both dead. C'mon, now...just let me...NO!"
As soon as the door opened, Romeo bolted past her in the direction of her brothers. Crying under her breath, she took off after him. Of course, Romeo proved to be much faster. Soon she could hear her brother let out a surprised shout. 
Y/N grit her teeth, moving faster until she could see Dean's chair completely flipped over along with her brother, who was struggling to move as Romeo eagerly licked his face clean of all the barbecue sauce. Once he was deemed clean, he moved onto the fallen ribs, taking it into his mouth and scurrying to sit behind Y/N's legs and enjoy his treat. 
Sam was frozen in his chair, the rice halfway to his mouth, but he didn't know when to move. Dean slowly sat up, his face glistening with Romeo's slobber. They both looked to Y/N, obviously waiting for her to speak first. 
"I...can explain," she squeaked. "I...I'm dog-sitting for...for a friend. And...he's...well...I'm..."
"I'm gonna kill you," Dean growled under his breath. 
"Fair enough," Y/N replied, nodding. "But look how cute he is!" She moved so they could see Romeo going to town on the ribs. He didn't seem to notice how devastated Dean appeared now that his dinner was lost to a dog he had no idea was even in the bunker. Sam finally put his food down, looking up at Y/N with his mouth still agape. 
"How long has he been here?"
"A few weeks..."
"A few weeks. You've kept that beast in the bunker for a few weeks and now he's eating my supper." Dean grunts, finally getting to his feet. "What the hell were you thinking, Y/N?"
"I was thinking I was saving a poor dog from being all alone? Look, he was the last dog in the box. It was dark, and I was scared he would be left to starve or he'd jump and run into traffic! If anything, I was doing him a favor! And one thing led to another and I just fell in love with him. He's really, really good. He's been getting better at potty training and he even knows a trick! Look, here...Romeo! Sit!"
Romeo quickly dropped the ribs and dropped down into a sitting position, looking up at Y/N expectantly. 
"That's so cool," Sam grinned, but he quickly dropped it as soon as Dean whipped around. "But seriously, seriously irresponsible, Y/N. You know you can't keep a dog."
"But he's been here for a while now and you guys didn't even know! I've been taking very good care of him! Plus...he never even has to leave the bunker. He can stay here a-and Cas can check up on him! Cas likes to do that, he loves Romeo."
"No, there's no way. He is a menace to us all. Look at him!" Dean jabbed a finger to Romeo, who wagged his tail in response, his tongue hanging happily from his mouth. Y/N caught Sam smiling affectionately at him.
"But if you just-"
"I said no!"
Y/N slumped, defeated. Dean had his arms crossed, and his face pulled into his 'stern' expression. She knew that meant his decision was final. But she just couldn't bring herself to look at Romeo and know he was going to go to a different place. She loved him far too much. She bit her lip, turning to Romeo, who looked up at her, his wide grin still very much wide. He had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that he had ribs and he was happy. He stood from his spot and trotted toward Y/N, butting his head against her leg in an attempt to get her to pet him. 
"Dean, just let her keep the dog," Sam said, getting to his feet. 
Dean scoffed, whipping around toward him. "I'm sorry. What?"
"Look at them!"
Y/N was kneeled down beside Romeo, pulling his head toward her so she could rub him behind the ears. He leaned into her touch, his tail wagging even harder if it were possible. 
"She's had the dog for several weeks. To dump him now would just be cruel," Sam declared, moving around his brother to approach his sister and her pooch. He held out a hand for Romeo to sniff before giving in and scratching him lovingly behind the ears. "I think you're just mad because he took your ribs."
"Wha-that's beside the-" Dean sputtered indignantly before he quickly found himself. "Look, I don't wanna be the bad guy, but this place ain't built for a dog. Our lives aren't built for a dog. We're gone all the time, and if a demon happens to waltz in here and takes the dog out...I don't wanna have to watch the both of you break down over it. I'm sorry, no. We just have to find another home for him."
"But we can train him to run and hide if a stranger ever comes in! And Castiel loves him, he can watch him!" Y/N begged, getting to her feet. Sam remained knelt down, continuing to pet Romeo as he looked up at Dean with his own version of puppy-dog eyes. "Dean, please? I'll never ask for anything! He'll be my responsibility. He's a good dog, I promise!"
Dean shook his head. "Why do you have to make me out to be the bad guy?"
"You're doing that all on your own! Dean, I've never wanted anything more than this. Look at Sam! He's already attached!" Y/N gestured to her other brother. 
"I am attached, Dean. To separate us would be sinful," Sam jokingly said. "C'mon, Dean, just give in! Who knows? You might end up liking him, too!"
Dean looked from his brother to his sister, his face as stubborn as ever. But Y/N and Sam were both begging him while Romeo threw himself onto his back so Sam could rub his stomach. He sighed, bringing a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose. 
"That dog stays out of my room and off the furniture. If I ever happen to walk onto his...droppings, I will personally go and dump him on Crowley's doorstep. Alright?"
Y/N squealed excitedly, clapping her hands before she threw her arms around her brother. Sam grinned, pulling Romeo close. He loved dogs as much as his sister, so he was excited, too. As for Dean, he gave a soft smile and patted Y/N's head. 
"Alright, squirt, but now you gotta drive into town and get me more of that barbecue since Fido took the rest."
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the--blackdahlia · 6 years ago
This Life Chapter 13
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Title: This Life Chapter 13
Summary: Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language, violence, character death
AN: Thank you to the lovely @sams-serialkiller-fetish ! The song for this chapter is You Could Be Mine by Guns n’ Roses. And I know Dagon is one of the princes of hell and not Alastair, but the Horsemen are an old fashion group and don’t let women into the club.
“Fuck!” Ramiel called out as Abbadon dapped at his wounds with peroxide.
“Quit your whining.” She said, blowing a red curl out of her face. “The less you wiggle around, the faster I can get this done.”
“Those fuckers are dead!” Ramiel called out to the others sitting away from him. “They made me scratch up my bike.”
“Do you think there’s a new relationship brewing between those asshole hunters and that club that shot out Ramiel’s tires?” Alastair asked, taking a beer from Dagon. “Thanks love.”
“I say yes.” Asmodeus said, his feet up on the table as he polished an old pocket watch. His good luck charm. “Why the fuck else would those two be out here?”
“Looking for Sammy.” Azazel said. “And, if they’ve found him, we can find him.”
“And get back at the Hunters.” Lilith added as she rubbed Azazel’s shoulder.
“I don’t care what we do,” Ramiel sucked down the whiskey that was offered to him. “Those fucking Hunters are going to die. All of them. Starting with Dean Winchester.” That’s when the door opened and someone walked in.
“Am I late?” A voice asked.
“Gordon. So good of you to finally join us.” Asmodeus said, looking at his watch before snapping it shut.
“I had to lay low for a little bit. Things are getting a little heated over in Texas.” Gordon explained taking a seat. “I have information that little Sammy is in fact in that new club in California. I’ve heard some whispers.”
“Whispers aren’t good enough.” Azazel said. “We need proof.”
“I can get you proof.” Gordon said. “But I have this that you might be interested in.” He handed over a slightly blurry image that had been printed off at a library. Gordon had been doing some recon on the new club.
And his findings really did interest the princes.
“He’s alive.” Azazel said, passing around the image to everyone. “That bastard is still alive.”
“You know what they say. It’s hard to kill a cockroach.” Abbadon said, seeing the image of John Winchester.
“Then I guess we need to squish him properly.” Ramiel said. “Gather the other members. I think we need to head to California.”
Dean was passed out on the couch, drool drying on his cheek. Benny had made himself comfy on the floor. The two Hunters didn’t want to go back to their room for the night. They had stayed up talking with John most of the night. Andy had come home early in the morning to John, Dean, and Benny laughing. He didn’t stay to talk to them. Instead, he went upstairs to talk to Sam about the night at the bar and how Meg broke some guy’s nose.
But when Dean woke up in the morning, Sam wasn’t there. Andy was snoring away and John was in the kitchen making coffee. Dean shuffled into the kitchen, stepping over Benny and rubbing his eyes.
“Morning.” John said, pouring some coffee into a cup. “Want some?” Dean nodded. John slid him the cup he had just poured and made himself a new cup.
“When does Sam get up?” Dean asked. John looked at the clock on the stove.
“He should’ve actually already left by now.” John said. Dean choked a little on his coffee. “You okay?”
“Where’s he going?” Dean asked.
“Business.” John said. “He’s really good at this. I wish we could’ve convinced him to stay in the Hunters instead of going to college.” Dean just nodded and sipped on his coffee. “If you’re not going back to Texas right away, I thought that maybe Andy could show you guys around. Maybe you’d like to hang out at the bar.”
“I’ve always wanted to be a bartender.” Dean laughed.
“I’m taking the day off. Damn back is acting up.” John groaned. “But Andy would be happy to have you and Benny around. Especially if we’re going to make a partnership.” Dean nodded. They had talked about it the night before. Dean and Benny were going to have to go back to Texas, and they were going to have to tell the others that John was still alive. But John wanted to stay where he was with the Wayward Sons. He didn’t want to take the reins of the Hunters again.
Benny and Andy came in a little bit later as John and Dean were talking. John nodded at the two of them.
“Morning.” Benny grumbled, going to the coffee pot that still had a little bit left in it.
“Andy, I want you to take Dean and Benny with you to the bar today.” John said. “My back is acting up, so I’m staying home. But I want you to show off to them.”
“Yeah, sure.” Andy said. “I bet Ruby and Meg will love having them around.” John chuckled some.
“We gotta go back to our motel room and change.” Benny said. “I ain’t going near them girls again with the same clothes on.”
“Doesn’t matter. They still have to look at your face.” Dean joked, rinsing out his cup. “Drink up and we’ll head out. I’ve gotta take a piss.” Benny nodded as Dean left.
Fifteen minutes later, Dean and Benny headed back to their motel to clean up and change before they headed to the bar to meet Andy. A bar, Dean’s happy place. Someday he would leave the club and start his own bar. He sometimes wished that’s what John and Bobby had started instead of an auto shop.
John enjoyed the house to himself for a couple hours before Sam came home. He had been working a deal for John. He was learning how to be a great negotiator. John was really proud of him, even if he never said anything.
“Hey dad.” Sam said. “Things went good.”
“Fantastic.” John said.
“Where’s Dean?” Sam asked, going to the fridge looking for something to eat.
“Benny and him went to the bar with Andy.” John explained. Sam let the fridge door slam and he flopped down in the living room.
“As good as it is to see him, can he go back already?” Sam asked. John sighed.
“They’ll get bored and head back soon.” John said, looking at the magazine he grabbed off the floor. Sam nodded and let his eyes close.
That’s when the front door burst open and three guys ran in. John and Sam barely had time to react before bullets were flying. Sam cried out as a bullet hit his arm. John grabbed his gun that was laying on the coffee table and fired, hitting one of the guys. But someone came in through the backdoor and pointed his gun right at John’s head.
“Howdy Johnny boy.” Azazel laughed. “God, I didn’t think you’d be going into Heaven, but to still be here on earth? That’s mind blowing.”
“Azazel.” John growled. He didn’t lower his gun.
“Easy.” Azazel said. He motioned for one of the guys to switch places with him. Sam was on the couch, holding his bleeding arm as Azazel walked over and sat down by him. “Hey there Sammy.”
“Leave him alone.” John said. “This argument is between us.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Azazel hissed. “Now, why don’t you lower the gun so we can have a nice little discussion?” Azazel pointed his gun at Sam’s stomach then. One gut shot along with the arm wound and Sam would be dead. John looked between his bleeding son and the man with the gun before he clicked the safety on and lowered his.
“What do you want?” John asked.
“I want to know how you survived the fire.” Azazel said. “My informant told me how you were hiding out in California. It wasn’t that hard to find you once I knew that. You should cover your tracks better.”
“I’ll remember that.” John said. He started to get up, but Azazel clicked the hammer on his gun.
“Sit.” Azazel growled. John sat down again. “It’s rude to get up while we’re having a pleasant conversation.” John glared at him. “Now, tell me. How did you survive?”
“I got out before it caught.” John said. Azazel nodded his head.
“So that other charred body was one of my guys?” He asked. John nodded. “Well, that justifies this then.” He pointed his gun at John and shot, hitting him square in the chest. Sam screamed.
“Dad! No!” He made to get up, but Azazel quickly wrapped his arms around his neck, putting a perfect chokehold on him. Sam struggled to get away.
“Shh, shh. Relax.” Azazel said. “It’s okay. Naptime Sammy.” Sam’s struggles became weaker until he passed out, slumping against Azazel. “Shh, it’s okay.” He petted his hair, smiling some.
“Crowley.” Azazel said, getting on of his goons attention. “Go bring the van around so we can put Sam here in it. And that body.” He pointed over at the dead goon laying on the ground.
“What about him?” Crowley asked, motioning to John.
“Leave him. I don’t care what happens to him now.” Azazel said. “I got what I was after.” Crowley nodded and left to get the van. Things went quickly, even though it took three guys to load Sam in. Azazel and the others got on their bikes, ready to leave. Crowley was the last one out. He looked around at the broken in door, the blood, the chaos.
“I...I guess that’s what we do.” He mumbled to himself. He looked over at John and saw a little bit of chest movement as he sucked in shaky, shallow breaths. He knew he wasn’t going to survive unless something drastic happened. But he doubted that anyone was going to show up in the next twenty minutes or so to save him.
Crowley always carried markers and pens with him in his vest pocket. A lot of times, they would have to write something and he had seen one of the princes stab some poor kids fingers to get blood to write with. So he took to carrying writing utensils to save not only himself, but some of the others from being stabbed. He took one of those makers and wrote Horsemen in big letters on the wall. Because killing John was one thing, but kidnapping Sam was something else entirely.
Crowley ran out of the house then and headed back to Arizona, leaving John there to die.
It was later that afternoon when Benny and Dean returned to the house. Dean wanted to have lunch with Sam, and Benny was willing to tag along. They parked their bikes by the porch and Dean saw Sam’s sitting there.
“Good, he’s home.” Dean laughed. Benny smiled and they made their way up the porch when they noticed that the front door was wide open. Reacting, they grabbed their guns from their waistbands and made their way inside. They could smell the metallic tinge of blood. That’s when Dean’s eyes locked on the chair that held his dad’s body.
“Dad!” Dean yelled, running over to him. His head was slumped forward and his shirt was soaked in blood. “Dad!” He shook him, his head just rolling to the side. “Oh god.” He looked around and saw blood on the couch and blood on the carpet. “Sammy?!” Dean called out, but the house was silent.
“Dean.” Benny said, pointing at the wall Crowley had wrote on.
“I’m going to kill them.” Dean growled. “I’m going to kill them all.”
“We need backup on this one.” Benny said. “I’m going to make a couple calls but we will fix this.” Dean nodded and looked back at his dad. He was really dead this time. No smoke and mirrors this time.
But now, Dean was free from prison, and the Horsemen needed to be dealt with, once and for all.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @nanie5 @feelmyroarrrr @marvel-af @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @supernaturalwincestsblog @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23
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writingfromkitchenator · 7 years ago
Crowley ~ Look!  A...
Complete the sentence 500 Followers Challenge.
Requested by @gettinjoyful (I nearly always go overboard on word count for Crowley fics XD)
Your head swam as the world slowly came into focus before the light really hit your eyes and you groaned heavily.
You felt terrible.
Somehow, promising yourself that you wouldn’t get drunk, you’ve now woken up with the worst hangover of your life.
Feeling heavy, you struggle for a moment to grab a hold of the blanket and pull it over your head, getting yourself back into somewhat darkness.
Your head throbbed angrily and your stomach churned, making you wonder for a moment on whether or not you were going to be sick, which would definitely be a first.
Luckily, your stomach settled and you settled into the bed, determined to go back to sleep.
Then there was loud knocking on your door, making you almost jump out of your skin.
“Y/N!  Come on, we need to hit the road!”  Dean’s voice yelled through the door.
You groaned, curling tighter under the blankets as your head disagreed.  “Just leave me here to die.”
“I said give me a minute!”  You shouted, throwing the blankets off you and instantly regretting it, groaning again.
There was a chuckle through the door.  “Are you hungover?”
“No…” You mumbled.  “I’m on my damned death bed.”
“We warned you Y/N.”
“Dean, if you don’t shut up, I’m going to show you exactly how hung over I am.”
His laughter fades as he moves away from the door and after a moment of sitting with your head in your hands, you struggle to your feet and head to the bathroom.
The shower helped, a little, and you managed to make your way back out without too much hassle, feeling better being clean.
Digging through your bag, you quickly down several aspirin, hoping it would help with the occasional throb still going through your head, as you did, you noticed that your phone was flashing.
Frowning, you pick it up and open it, seeing a message.
How is the little hunter feeling this morning?
You blinked and then looked at the contact.
“Crowley?”  You said to yourself and trying to think back on the night before for the first time, a lot of it coming back very fuzzy.
Cautiously, you replied.  Why would you care?
A knock on the door made you jump, this time Sam’s voice coming through.  “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, yeah.”  You said quickly, pocketing your phone and grabbing your bag.  “Although you may want to tell Dean to take it easy on the drive, I’m still not entirely sure of my stomach.”
This earned a chuckle.  “We warned you.”
“Shut up.”
It wasn’t until about ten minutes into the drive that you remembered your phone, pulling it out and just as surprised to see a message there again.
Given the state you were in, I thought it would be polite.
You glared at the phone, looking up at Sam and Dean and quickly deciding it wasn’t safe to ask.
You weren’t there.  How would you even know?
Wasn’t there?  My, my, that hangover must be worse than even what I thought it would be.
You weren’t going to lie, your heart was hammering a little now.  Great. You know I’m hungover.  Well done and lucky guess.  Find someone else to entertain you.
His reply definitely gave away his smirk.  It’s not a guess, more a careful observation.  Why don’t you ask those two what happened?
You swallowed and glanced up at Sam and Dean again in the front seat.  You really didn’t want to.
“Guys…” You cleared your throat.  “Um, I know I’m going to regret asking this, but, um, what happened last night?”
Dean looked at you in the mirror.  “You mean before or after you started stripping on the table?”
You gasped.  “I did not!”
Dean chuckles.  “Maybe not, but you came close to it.”
“You’re a jerk Dean.”
“He’s not lying Y/N.”  Sam said, turning in his seat to look at you. “You were pretty far gone. If we hadn’t dragged you away and sat you somewhere quiet, then you probably would’ve gone pretty far.”
“It was bad enough when you disappeared.” Dean said, a bit of anger coming into his voice.  “We were just lucky that your phone tracker worked and Sam could see you’d gone back your hotel.”
You swallowed.  “Alone I take it?”
Dean shrugs.  “I don’t know, I don’t make that my business.”
You groaned. “Why did you guys let me drink so much!?”
“Hey, you’re an adult,” Dean said.  “And you looked like you were having a good time. It was about time you unwound a little.”
Huffing, you turn to watch out the window, ignoring them for a little bit, making them both roll their eyes.
Eventually, you went back to your phone.  Okay, I asked, I made an arse out of myself, but there was definitely no mention of you.
Crowley had clearly been waiting.  Well, no, as you put it when you called me, ‘you’d left the boring ones behind’.
You stared at your phone for a moment.  I drunk dialled you?
It was very amusing.  Certainly made my night.
You felt your cheeks flare up and you swallowed. Do I even want to know?
You invited me out for a drink.
You had to close your eyes as you read that one, knowing full well if Sam and Dean found out, you’d never hear the end of it.
Your phone buzzed again.  Naturally I accepted.
You locked your phone and threw it on the other side of the car at that, determinedly staring out the window, even as it buzzed a few times.
Sam glanced back at you.  “You going to get that?”
Dean smirked.  “No doubt it’s the one night stand.”
You shot Dean a filthy look before grabbing your phone.
I knew by your voice on the phone however that you weren’t going to be in much condition to actually do much.
And knowing that you were on your own, I couldn’t risk my favourite little hunter getting hurt now, could I?
You felt your cheeks heat up more and shifted a little uncomfortably in your seat.
I have to say, it was rather amusing, seeing you in that state.
That’s not funny Crowley.  Nor do I find the idea of you being a knight in shining armour a good thought.
You wound me.  I was a complete gentleman.
You are anything but a gentleman.
Correction, I am not a man, however, that doesn’t stop me from being a gentleman.  It also didn’t stop you from being all over me when I got there.
You groaned, making Dean instantly look at you.
“You’re not going to be sick are you?”
“What?  No.”
Dean frowns.  “You didn’t throw up on your friend last night did you?”
“Dean, just shut up.”
He grins and shrugs, Sam shaking his head.
You’re lying.
Would I ever do such a thing?
Should I list examples alphabetically or chronologically?
Point taken, but in this case I’m not.  Seems you’ve had a thing for me for a while Y/N.
Crowley, if you repeat a single word I said last night, to anyone, including me, then you are dead.
Amusing, but I know you wouldn’t.  You told me that you couldn’t harm a single hair on my body even if you wanted to.
It took a lot of strength to not react to that, but your grip tightened on your phone and fought to bite down your anger.
But…I hate to say it love, that wasn’t the best bit.
You froze as more than a few thoughts raced through your mind.
I didn’t sleep with you did I?
Like I would’ve let you in such a state.
Then what happened?
Are you sure you want to know?
Don’t test me Crowley.
There was a long pause after this and for a moment, you wondered what he could possibly be doing.
Then your phone beeped, but it wasn’t an explanation.
It was a picture.
A picture of you kissing Crowley.
The noise you made had both Sam and Dean look back at you, although Dean quickly looked back at the road.
“Are you alright Y/N?”  Sam asked.
You nod, not currently trusting yourself to speak.
“That was a hell of a noise to make for being alright.”  Dean said, frowning at you in the mirror.
After a moment, you cleared your throat.  “Oh, you know, just discovering something I did last night.”
Sam and Dean share a look.  “And?”
Your mind raced as you tried to think of something that would sound believable.  The fact that they were convinced you had a one night stand…
“Well, I think you guys jinxed me.”  You said bitterly.  “Looks like there are pictures as proof.”
“What?!”  The car swerved as Dean both turned and tried to turn and slow down.
Dean flushed.  “It’s okay, I got it.  I got it.”
“I was just a little shocked.”  You said.  “But there’s no way that’s staying on my phone, especially around you two perverts.”
“Don’t ‘hey’ me Dean, I’ve caught you in my underwear draw.”
“I told you I was looking for something.”
“Uh huh.”
You left it at that, focusing back on your phone.
That’s the first question you ask?
What did you expect me to ask?!
Well, there could’ve been a number of things.
In all fairness, you were the one that kissed me.
You huffed.  Look!  A kiss means nothing.  But taking a picture…
While I beg to differ, especially to a demon, how else was I to convince you otherwise?
Be normal about it and actually talk to me?
There was no response to this one and you spent the rest of the car ride more than a little agitated and wondering exactly what you were going to do when you next saw the demon.
It had certainly not been a part of the plan.
Back in the bunker, you weren’t in the mood to deal with more teasing from Sam and Dean, so you quickly hurried to your room, collapsing onto your bed with a groan and ready to sleep away the last of the hangover still plaguing you.
When someone cleared their throat in your room though, it took a lot of effort not to scream as you scrambled up.
Crowley held up his hands, smirking, as your gun trained on him.
“What are you doing?” You hissed, not wanting to alert Sam and Dean.
He shrugs.  “You suggested talking.  So here I am.”
Heat flooded your face. “Really?  Now?  Here? In the bunker?”
“Well, I could’ve appeared in that car of theirs, I’m sure that would’ve have been amusing.”
You sighed and threw your gun down.  “You know what?  I’m really just-not-no.  This is some sort of weird, hungover…illusion?  Dream? I don’t even know…”
Crowley chuckles.  “If this makes you uncomfortable, we could go somewhere else.”  You glared at him and he raises and eyebrow.  “Or I could stand here and argue the point that you made me uncomfortable last night.  Whatever makes you feel better.”
Sighing, you fold your arms. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?  I had more than I could handle and, by the sounds of it, Sam and Dean weren’t letting me do what I wanted to do, which, apparently, was make an idiot out of myself anyway, which I’ve still then managed.”
He shrugs, the smile not leaving him.  “Well, it was an interesting way of getting the truth out of you.”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure it was great.”  You sit tiredly.  “What do you want out of this Crowley?  Apart from amusement and, no doubt, that picture?”
Crowley seems to take a moment, thinking.  “Well, I’ve already got both of those things, so they’re not important, but, what this lovely talk, or talks, has done, has given me an opportunity to think.”
You stared at him, waiting for him to get to his point.
“It was mostly about what you said to me, some of which I may eventually tell you,” He smirks.  “Although most, I think it’s better if I kept to myself, mostly to save you from embarrassment of course.”
“Of course.”
“Well, I think I want to take you up on a little offer you made.”
You frowned.  “What offer?”
He shrugs.  “Companionship.”
“Your original offer on the phone was for company,” He said plainly.  “No matter how drunk you were, that was all you were after, what eventuated after, was…well, maybe a little my fault, but I think you mostly just needed someone to talk to.  It can’t be easy after all living with Moose and Squirrel, so focused on each other as they are.”
“Crowley,” You said, a little confused.  “Are you offering to be my friend?”
“More or less, although I think companion is a more suitable word.”
“Is that because it can also imply something else?”
He shrugs.  “Maybe.  If you want it to or need it to.”
You stared at him and thought, heavy, until your head gave an angry throb, making you sigh and wave your hand.  “You know what, let me sleep on it and digest it, because I have a feeling any answer I give now, may seem fruitless because I can hardly think.”
“That’s fair enough. I had a day after all.”  He then proceeds to pull out a piece of paper and place it on your bedside table.
“What’s that?”
Crowley smirks.  “The address of our first date.”  And with a snap, he vanishes.
You stare after him for a moment before staring at the paper and shaking your head, collapsing back onto your bed.  “Bloody hell…”
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