#Especially because after watching the cutscenes I really REALLY wish Helena got to be a part of this game
childofaura · 2 years
Y’know I will make ONE post about the Bayonetta 3 controversy, just to get it off my chest. And I’m gonna be fair, balanced, and mellow about it.
I’m very disappointed over how every party involved in this whole fiasco couldn’t be honest and professional about it.
For Helena Taylor: On the one hand, I get it. She’s not a heavily credited VA, and therefore needs to corner more of a higher wage because of that, and because VAs already make peanuts despite being one of the most important aspects of any media. And no, shut up, her politics do not mean that she’s allowed to be discriminated against. If someone said the same thing about Kyle McCarley’s Mob Psycho situation, John DiMaggio’s Bender situation, or Tara Strong’s Bubbles situation (that awful PPG reboot where the female actresses were replaced completely), they deserve to go fuck themselves.
On the other hand, and the more important one, she LIED. She absolutely knew that her status as the OG Bayonetta would be played to her advantage so instead of being honest and saying, “They did offer me more money than the last two games, but as a lower credit VA, I couldn’t afford to settle for those wages so I tried to negotiate for higher”.
And even worse in my opinion, she treated Jennifer Hale like shit. It’s one thing to fight for yourself in this situation, it’s a WAY different choice to attack a fellow VA who probably also needs to make money. It’s so disgustingly unprofessional and I hate seeing VAs behaving like screaming toddlers.
For Platinum Games and Kamiya, the fact that they danced around this whole issue without giving anyone a straight answer (and in Kamiya’s case blocking people trying to get a straight answer) is discouraging and reflects incredibly poorly on the company. Especially lying about it when you’re an official corporation and have nothing to lose from addressing what’s going on. Fans like me who were pulled this way and that way, trying to hold out for all the facts but getting absolutely nothing because EVERYONE LIED. I canceled my preorder because even though something was up with Helena’s story, Platinum was being dishonest and I decided that buying it used a few months later was the best thing to do.
All in all, it’s such a shitty situation and it could have all been avoided if even one person had some fucking integrity.
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