#Error is so funny to me. bro has self worth issues from being told to suppress his magic and make 'useful' things the 'right' way for so
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spotaus · 5 months ago
New Age Au (Nighttime Worries)
Okay remember how I said I'd be back? Yeah. I'm unwell. This is a shorter one that I think could definitely be approved upon, but I live for posting drabbles so 🫡🫡 good luck soldiers <3
This is an Error pov set maybe a month or two after Night became small.
Also @ancha-aus and @papiliovolens and @mutzelputz ! Welcome back! :]
   "Nightmare?" Error's voice broke through the blackness of the space outside his workshop. The inside wasn't much brighter, a few loose blue strings being the only thing giving the room a faint glow. "What're you doing up here so late?"
   There was no point in titles right now. Error had always been pretty bad about using then, but especially now that the king was... younger than him. Now that Nightmare was smaller.
   Besides, it was the middle of the night, up in the top room of a fairly tall tower. He was the only one who came up here, and he'd know if there was anyone aside from Nightmare around.
   The King had come to his door, and now stood outside it. He had his cloak wrapped at his shoulders, but Error was pretty sure he could see the soft, thin, purple of his sleepwear. He didn't even see Night's mask. It was just that soft white eyelight peering up at him in the dark.
   "I... I'm not sure." Nightmare replied quietly.
   Error let a breath pass between them.
   "You're not sure?" Error repeated incredulously.
   Surely Nightmare wasn't visiting for no reason. Surely the king hadn't just popped by far into the night for fun.
   Nightmare seemed to clutch at his cloak a bit tighter.
   "I was in my study reading over documents, and I mentioned being thirsty, so Dust left to go get Ccino up and have him make something." He explained, then. The words coming quickly. "They took longer than I expected, so I moved to go meet them, but-" His breath quickened.
   Error was piecing it together now. The stiffness. The rapid way he'd grabbed for the strings which would alert Error to his presence.
   "I swore someone was following me, and you were the nearest." He finished, his eyelight dragging away to gaze back at the stairs behind him.
   They were cold, and unwelcoming, and curved shortly out of sight into a dark pit. Away from Error's guiding lights.
   Error gazed at Nightmare as he gathered a few more strings from his sockets. The magic spooled and glowed between his fingers, growing bright enough to cast Nightmare's shadow. Long and tall. Like his old form.
   He wasn't focusing much on that, though. More, the dark circles that seemed to be under Nightmare's sockets. They made him look so weary, and sad. Tired.
   "Well, I can tell you no one followed you up here. I'd know." Error offered him the quick comfort, and watched as Nightmare gave a hesitant little nod. Though, he couldn't seem to draw his gaze away.
   It was like he was straining to hear any little noise. See any hidden face in the darkness.
   Error sighed to himself.
   Internally, of course. He wasn't that comfortable around the king. If only because he doubted the jumpy ruler would appreciate a fond sigh in the midst of his worry.
   He'd heard from Ccino that Nightmare tended to get worried, and seen it enough times now that he had been spending more time outside his workshop.
   "We should go back to your study, your highness." Error suggested, his strings already flying behind him, clutching and wrapping at his current project. Pulling it towards him, slinging in a satchel to hold tight to his side.
   Nightmare glanced back to him briefly. In worry.
   "If Ccino and Dust are both up and they get back to find you missing?" He asked loosely, "They're going to turn the castle upside down."
   Something in that seemed to register for Nightmare, because he seemed to jolt and look fully towards Error.
   "You're accompanying me?"
   Error really held in that fond sigh this time. He cursed himself for picking up on that habit from his brothers.
   "Sure. I mean, who am I to deny a chance to work in the study again?" He joked, before changing his tone slightly. "Plus, I have my magic. Anyone following you would be dusted before they could try anything."
   This seemed to finally reassure Nightmare enough.
   Error didn't think about Night's past all that often. He certainly thought of the king, but never what led him to feel so vulnerable. He figured it wasn't just that loss of magic.
   Error stepped out of his workshop and stood beside Nightmare on the small landing.
   They were very close. Close enough that Error's bones fizzled with the ghost of pressure as Nightmare's robe fell into one of Error's arms.
   He flinched away, and Nightmare did the same with a quick little 'apologies'.
   They stood there a moment, collecting themselves, before Error started down.
   The stairs were long, and cold, and Error regretted his choice to not slip on his sandals before exiting his workshop, but there was no way he was turning around and being a big baby about it.
   He kept a sense on Nightmare. His shoes clicked quietly and diligently against the tone, Light little patters just behind him.
   Error remembered a time when he used to move in complete silence. He preferred it like this.
   The steps were illuminated in blue magic, a Cyan coating every crack and crevice, giving them a little bubble of sight coming directly from Error's hand where he held the wad of illuminating magic.
   It wasn't a very long trip. Not at all. But the quite felt tense and nervous. Error figured it was just Nightmare's worries feeding into his own tired energy. He'd not slept yet either.
   Soon enough they came to the break in the hall, where the arch to the stairway intercepted the main hallway between the Twin's wing (the one where Nightmare resided with the Knights) and the rest of the castle.
   Error hadn't realized how true it was that Night must've panicked halfway to his destination and rushed up to Error.
   The hall was quiet so far, and devoid of people, so he led the charge into the wide, cold space.
   The floors here had nice rugs lining the center, and he hopped onto the island of comfort away from the ruthless stone. Nightmare followed him swiftly.
   He tried to appear comfortable, because he could tell Nightmare was staring. He always did that when he was trying to figure something out.
   Something about feeling emotions when he was big and goopy. He couldn't do it anymore.
   "Still clear." Error reported, and Nightmare nodded again.
   They moved towards Nightmare's wing.
   Error hadn't been here long, but he knew that Nightmare's wing was where he had his room, one he's had since childhood, his study, and the rooms where his knights had all eventually ended up.
   It wasn't separated by a physical barrier, but no one dared to go into it unless they were invited by Night or the Knights. Or Ccino.
   Error has had permission since first arriving, Nightmare insisting if he needed anything he could come searching. Error had never taken the offer before all this.
   Of course, now was different.
   Now the king was small, and his age, and they were friends. Or, he hoped they were, at least.
   They moved quietly down the hall, passing rooms Error figured held Nightmare's resting elite guard. Or, maybe they were all off doing projects. He was pretty sure Cross was the only one with a decent sleep schedule among them.
   Regardless, there wasn't any sign of movement, no other souls anywhere in the stretch of hall.
   When they arrived to the study door, it was slightly ajar.
   Error held out an arm, halting both himself and Nightmare just outside. A glance revealed Nightmare was surprised to see the door open.
   Nightmare always closed doors behind him. It was a force of habit Error had seen plenty of times.
   "Dust?" Nightmare tentatively called out.
   Thank the gods Nightmare has faith in his knights. The thought that Dust might be inside hadn't even crossed is mind.
   Error flinched slightly as the door swung inwards, revealing Dust.
   He seemed to scan the hall, quickly taking in the scene. Error, standing partially between Night and the door. Night unharmed.
   "My lord, you had me worried." Dust said quietly, that voice low and almost a mumble.
   He moved out into the hall, past the two of them.
   Dust was short. Nearly shorter than Nightmare. He'd apparently never been tall, if the joking he'd heard was to be believed.
   Nightmare muttered an apology, quietly, and Error grumbled a bit to himself as Nightmare started around him, towards the study.
   He followed, quickly moving from carpet to stone to carpet again.
   He stayed on the ground just long enough for Nightmare to get comfortable on one of his sofas, where a few documents were strewn, before pulling himself and his project up into the air. To the small platform of strings he'd been constructing among the rafters of the high-ceiling. 
   "Nightmare, you alright?" Dust questioned more quietly once he shut the door, "Why'd you leave?"
   Error watched from his perch as Nightmare sunk in on himself a bit. Though he didn't flinch away as Dust took up a spot on the nearest chair.
   "I thought I heard something, so I came to find you." He said smally. "But I thought I heard it again in the hall, and I wasn't sure how far away you had gone to find Ccino, so- so I rushed up to Error's workshop instead of coming back."
   Dust seemed to think about it for a second, before he nodded to himself. Error couldn't see his eyelights thanks to the angle.
   "Alright, I understand." He said simply, "I apologize for leaving you alone like that."
   Nightmare just nodded a bit to himself, turning back to his papers.
   "It's alright. Error brought me back safely." He said, then.
   Error was glad he was up in his perch, because Nightmare's voice was very nice when he was calm. And it felt really nice to have Nightmare speak highly of him. He tried not to react as he saw Dust lift his skull and squint up at his platform among the shadowy rafters.
   He stuck a hand out, the one with the strings still glowing around it, and gave a thumbs up to the knight.
   He was well aware the Knights weren't all that trusting of him. But, then again Error was the newest one, and seemingly someone Nightmare had decided to trust all on his own.
   Though, Dust seemed different. He just nodded and focused again on Nightmare. He didn't chastise him for sticking around or bother him to come down.
   In the ensuing silence, Error got to work unraveling his project from his satchel.
   The glowing string moved about to light the dim space, as a few well-placed pulls allowed the pieces of his work to gently spread out onto the woven ground of his platform.
   Several arrowheads were spread before him, a few shafts discarded to the side. Each arrow point was covered in different magical layers, some looser than others, some more obvious.
   Error had been working for a bit now on an idea he'd had when he first got to the town where the wizards had been setting up for the King's arrival. To impress him, and hopefully be hired.
   One of those people had been accompanied by an archer, and their showing had been of magic-tipped arrows that could harness blue magic once they were stuck inside, forcing an enemy to a full stop if they were hit.
   It was a clever idea, but it was a one-trick show, and could only be used by the monster shooting them because they had a blue soul trait. Humans, non-patience monsters, they'd be out of luck.
   Error wanted to try something like that, but better. Use pre-made arrows and find a way to easily coat them in his magic. His strings always stayed, and the potency always remained strong, no matter how far away he was. He'd not realized that back at school, when he was testing something at his house, and accidentally set a room on fire back at the academy with strings he'd left behind.
   Though, progress had been slow. It was hard to work with materials he didn't make, but it made no sense to craft them from scratch himself, it'd be a waste of time to make enough for the entire guard, especially since arrows were a one-time use.
   The ones he'd made technically worked, but the strings either dulled the point, or loosened on impact and were easy to pull out. He needed them to stay put.
   An idea rushed into his head, and he scooped up one of his unused arrowheads, spinning it between his fingers, before collecting more of his magic and getting to work on his idea.
   It didn't take long, not at all, but it took just long enough that he hadn't noticed Ccino enter the room.
   Error rolled to the edge of his platform, leaning over a bit, to spot that Ccino was now sat on the couch beside Nightmare, the king tucked into the older skeleton's side. Was he shivering?
   Error figured that, just maybe, Nightmare wouldn't be in the mood to look at his deadly magical weapon right this second. He was fine with that, he'd just show him tomorrow. Or whenever he visited again.
   Before he could commit to rolling back out of sight, he found his eyelights meeting Ccino's over Nightmare's skull.
   "Oh, Error!" He greeted quietly. Ccino was always careful around him. Not unkind. "Would you like some tea? Dust's not having any, so I have an extra cup."
   The offer was surprising, and Error debated.
   Sure, why the hell not. He hadn't had tea in a while, and should probably drink something.
   He wordlessly rolled off his platform, one hand ensuring strings dropped him gently to the carpet behind the couch that Nightmare and Ccino were sat on.
   Ccino smiled at him, gently nudging Nightmare to sit up so that he could pour a new cup.
   When Night straightened, he wiped at his sockets before turning around to face Error. One hand held his tea gently, the other was free and braced against the wooden couch back.
   It seemed like he was going to say something, when he blinked and focused in on Error's hand.
   "Oh! You were working on a project?" He asked quietly, and Error internally cursed his habits.
   He still had the arrowhead loosely draped from strings in his other hand. He hadn't even realized it. It was just easier to not forget where he put things if he kept hold of them.
   "Yeah. It's... not finished yet. This is just the best version I have right now." He said, lifting his hand up so that Nightmare could see it better.
   By proxy, the other two could see it as well. Ccino returned with the cup, and held it out on its saucer to Error over the back of the couch.
   He didn't seem offended when Error used strings to grip it and hold it. It was easier to keep from spilling, and free up his hands as he did other tasks. He had better awareness with his strings than he did his normal body.
   "Mm. Magic arrows, like from the Wizard Tryouts?" Dust spoke up from his seat a bit further away.
   Nightmare blinked in surprise as he seemed to be reminded of that showing. Then his brow furrowed. "Didn't you say that those were poorly designed?"
   It was true, Error had given a full report on why he hadn't been impressed by anyone else at the showing once he was hired. He was surprised Nightmare's remembered it.
   "Those ones had shit design, yes." He confirmed, flicking his wrist so the strings shortened and pulled the arrow closer to his palm. "These ones aren't custom-made. It's your regular everyday arrow with a sleeve that wraps tight to the arrowhead."
   He couldn't help himself as he stepped a bit closer to the couch. "The ideal design would be something that stays on when entering the target, but remains in the wound after the arrow is removed." His strings shifted, he used his free hand to point to a band of bright blue wrapped around the center of it. "This version adds barbs to the edges, so as long as it stayed on until it hit the target, it would leave blue magic behind, dug into the wound"
   He jostled his hand a bit so the string would allow it to spin a bit. "Of course, this sort of design would only work being made of my magic, but if I made enough tiny sleeves anyone in the guard could have some nasty archery shots."
   He was grinning. He always got excited when he got to explain his creations. They were his pride and joy.
   "Gods, that's... a little terrifying, kid." Dust said with a weary chuckle.
   Error's offense, though, was quickly overridden by a motion from Night.
   The King reached a hand out to gently cup under the arrow as it swung to a stop.
   "I think it's very clever!" The King said slightly, eyelight plastered on the prototype weapon, "It's far more efficient than training our magic users in blue magic, and would certainly take enemies out with less arrow cost and man-power on our end."
   That was exactly it. Error was always relieved when the two of them were on the same page.
   "You were right Error, your design is far more impressive than that man's was." Error was less relieved when he recieved a compliment. It always felt jarring and undeserved.
   And yet Nightmare always seemed to genuine.
   "Of course it's better, my liege." He said, grinning as he retracted his hand. The arrow moving with it. "It hasn't been tested, though, so I'll need to continue working on it before we can be sure." He redirected, trying very hard to hope he hadn't blushed at the kind words.
   Nightmare hummed, "Right. I'm sure we can arrange for a few archers to try them out once you're ready." He agreed gently. "Thank you for sharing your design early, Error. It's always a treat."
   Ohh. Nightmare why infront of the others??
   Error nodded, "I'll let you know when I think I have the perfect version to test." He agreed, before stepping away to let his strings tug him back up into the darkness, along with his newly acquired tea.
   The others spoke for a bit longer below, but Error hardly listened. His cheekbones were surely flushed, and his hands shook a bit. He had to reply on pure stubbornness to continue improving on the design and not get caught up in the thoughts of how much he enjoyed Nightmare's company.
   He just had to get this right. 
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