#Eris home life is shit
unanswered-stars · 5 months
I'm getting mad at my own characters for being jerks to my boy Eris. Why can't I just make everyone fall in love with him and give Eris the HEA he deserves?
Tags are mildly spoiler for the next chapter of Shadows of Regret and Redemption I’m working on
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life-of-eris · 1 year
I just did some quick math and the motherfuckers I work for pay me literally exactly enough so that I don't qualify for medicaid. Bastards.
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elssero · 23 days
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being pro hero eraserheads full time babysitter.
when agreeing to take on eri full time he didn’t quite realise how often he would be forced to leave her alone- forcing him to drop her off with friends or call someone at all hours in the morning to pick her up.
the hours began to increase and he knew this situation wasn’t good for her- she shouldn’t be seeing a new face everynight.
he needed a babysitter. and off on the hunt he went.
it began after he took one look at your profile on some job app and decided you were the perfect fit, there was no picture on the photo- no age for him to go on.
your quirk was listened as a canceling quirk- having the ability to stop the use of a persons quirk by simply touching them.
it was incredibly strong- and perfect for the type of work you did.
you had specialised in teaching children with unstable quirks- often putting yourself in danger to be able to help those who needed it most.
you accepted the position immediately- it beginning as an on-call night job whenever he required.
you were beyond happy to help- it also helped that the hourly rate was nearly as much as you made in a day.
the first time you babysat you didn’t see him- walking into the house to find a man with blonde hair who you didn’t recognise-
after forcing him to prove to you his relationship with the family he quickly made his way out- face red and clearly impressed you had been so protective of eri already.
the nights you spent with eri were easy- it wasn’t until your third time babysitting you actually met eraserhead.
normally you would sleep in the quest room when you stayed over- leaving in the morning before heading to ur teaching job.
you found yourself never crossing paths with the man who seemed to go straight to bed after coming home in the early hours of the morning.
tonight however was different- he’d came home earlier than expected.
it was near 11pm when you heard the rattling of the door- immediately snapping you up from your place on the couch.
preparing for the worst you brace yourself when the door finally opens- only to reveal a very tired looking eraserhead.
he sounds surprised to see you- as if he’s not paying you an insane amount to be there.
the first meeting is awkward- he makes tired small talk before he sends you home early and thanks you for your hard work.
his mind is in shambles when you leave- yes mic had said you were pretty but holy shit.
your younger than him- maybe by a couple years. seeing your work history he had assumed you had been working with children for alot longer than he had.
you took his breath away. the way you were so ready to protect eri had his heart swelling and seeing you in comfortable clothes had his heart beating a little faster- he almost regrets sending you home.
he tells mic about it immediately in work the next day- his friend only laughs at his little crush on his babysitter. giving a quick “told you so.”
he makes an effort to get home earlier now- your asleep most of the time when he gets in, he begins going into the quest room to look at you check on you before he heads to bed.
you begin to realise that he has started doing handover with you- noticing how he struggles to keep eye contact with you, how the tips of his ears go a little red everytime you get closer to him.
you notice how his stare lingers a little too long on your thighs- how his eyes snap between your cleavage and the wall.
he can’t remember the last time he was intimate with someone- it’s been over a year at this point.
he tries to blame his current lack of a sex life for his infatuation with you, he excuses his teenage like crush on the fact it’s been awhile- he’s sure once he gets some this feeling in his chest when he sees you will go away.
it doesn’t though- he tries to sleep with someone! but he doesn’t get past awkward bar flirting before he’s heading home to you- the smell of alcohol on his breath.
he doesn’t know why he does it- why he invites you to have a drink with him- why he sits right next to you on the couch. it just feels right.
the feeling he’d been looking for all night suddenly explodes in his stomach when he sits next to you- attraction, intimacy, lust.
he can’t remember the last time he’s wanted someone this badly. he shouldn’t though- your eri’s babysitter and a perfect one at that.
you get increasingly drunk as the night goes on- drifting into conversation about your teaching jobs and his pro-hero life.
the atmosphere is intense- feelings sitting on the tip of his tongue as he looks at you- taking in the way your lips wrap around the beer bottle he’d handed you. god.
suddenly he’s inviting you to move in with him- it completely shocks you both as it leaves his lips. a moment of silence is created before he begins to stutter out his explanation.
your here almost everynight anyway? the spare room is basically yours- the drawers filled with your own belongings.
it would mean you’d see eri more- (and him)
it doesn’t take long to convince you in your drunken state- eyeing him suspiciously as he helps you put ur apartment up for sale- you’d probably regret this in the morning.
he celebrates you moving in with him with a kiss-
it doesn’t take you by surprise- your no idiot.
you’d seen the way the older man had looked at you the first night he met you- you’d noticed it straight away.
you had began wearing more revealing clothing around him weeks ago- putting on pretty sleepwear when you’d found out he had been watching you sleep.
he thinks he’s won here- he’s gotten you drunk and coerced you into moving in with him, you can’t back out now.
he doesn’t know that this had been your plan from the start- that your belongings in your home have been packed for days.
he’d played right into your trap- you had decided on the first night you met him you were going to have him- and now you finally did.
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Stranded | Part Two
Featuring : (future) Azriel x Fem!Reader, Eris x Reader (platonic), Rhys x Sister!Reader
Summary: Amarantha is dead and you finally get to go home. Requested by @sidthedollface2 here.
Warnings: 18+ only, description of ruined wings and skin scarring, canon level violence, not proofread (i'll do it later), let me know if anything was forgotten...
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika
Part One
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You felt your magic return to you the day Amarantha died. It was such an ordinary day.
You were in your cabin, that Eris had found for you the moment your wings were burned. You couldn't return to the Night Court without putting yourself in danger of Amarantha finding you, so you stayed in Autumn.
You were cooking when it washed over you, feeling as if you could finally breath again. You tested your abilities, seeing how much you could do. You were able to engulf the entire room in darkness when you were satisfied it returned.
You lost hope 10 years prior, when one of the local villagers said that all of Amarantha's court was bound to Under the Mountain. That meant you wouldn't be getting anymore visits from Eris, and even in the 40 years before that, those were few and far between. You were lucky Autumn Court was on her "good" side, because she never looked too deep into the woods. From what Eris told you, Rhys had taken her to bed.
You knew Rhys, and you could guess that he did it to keep her eyes from turning towards the Night Court. Towards you. Or Velaris.
So, you lived your simple life. The cabin Eris gave you came with a horse, that you would take to and from the local village. You were able to maintain a garden. And the best thing about living in Autumn was you never had to brace a bad winter or a sweltering summer. You missed the seasons dearly, you missed Solstices and Starfalls. Most of all, you missed your family.
It still haunted you that Rhys was taking on the burden of the Night Court by himself. You wished you could be there with him.
And, the rest of your family was running Velaris. Without you. You had to wonder if Azriel and Mor ended up together, being trapped in the beautiful, romantic city all these years. You wouldn't if Azriel regretted leaving you that night. Or if he was happy you were gone.
One thing you couldn't get over, even after all these years, was that he left you. Sure, you could handle yourself, but he left you. His best friend. Even when you were young, you always wanted to be around Azriel. Once Cassian and Rhys stopped tormenting him, you were allowed to be around him. He was always the first one to show you techniques with his sword, or new flying maneuvers. But then Mor came alone, slept with Cassian, and that was it. Azriel had been pining after her since then. You weren't resentful of it until he left you the night everything went to shit. When you lost your magic and your ability to fly.
Even know, when the wind was raging in the forest, you teared up. You wish there was some way to be able to fly again. But you grew up in the Illyrian war camp with your mother and brother. You knew what destroyed tendons looked like. There was no hope. Even after Eris and his healers did everything they could to heal them as best as they could. The membrane was in tact, albeit thinner than normal, and you had full function of stretching them in and out. But, the proper strength to fly would never be resorted.
At least you had your magic back. And you waited for Eris to come find you, to placate his father enough that he had time to tell you what happened. You assumed, knowing the depletion of magic was tied to Amarantha, that she died. You really hoped that was the case. You could go home. You could see your brother. You could ignore Azriel for the rest of your life. It never even occurred to you that you could probably winnow back home. You hadn't been able to do it for a long time.
Instead of Eris bursting through the door that afternoon, it was shadows, followed by a heaving Azriel trying to catch his breath.
"(Y/N)!" Azriel exclaimed, bounding over to you. Before you had a chance to step away, he wrapped you in an embrace. One you couldn't help but melt into. You might be mad at him, but after 50 years of being apart, you were happy to see him.
You pulled away, seeing tears in Azriel's eyes as he looked you over. His eyes landed on your wings. "What did they do to you?" He asked, searching your eyes.
"After you left me that night, three of Beron's sentinels burned my wings." You said, taking a deep breath.
"I need to write a note, and then you can take me home. Is Rhys there yet?" You asked.
"I don't know, I've spent all day having my shadows look for you. I was hoping you made it to Winter... I didn't think you would still be here." He said, pausing as you started to write.
You wrote to Eris, letting him know that you would be going back to the Night Court. You also told him that you would support him if he ever needed anything. You tucked the note into an envelop and left it on the counter.
"Okay... can you winnow us?" You asked, holding out your hand.
He gazed over you again, unsaid words clear in his eyes. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). For everything. For leaving you. For not coming to get you-"
"Azriel.. please.. take me home. And then we can talk about it." You said.
He nodded, staring at you for a few moments before he took you hand and darkness enveloped you both.
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Rhys was pissed.
He may have been happy to see his family, and to tell Mor and you about how he found his mate (even if she was with Tamlin), but the instant he saw your wings, he knew something was wrong. Before even asking the rest of his family what happened, he pulled you into a room alone.
After recapping what happened Under the Mountain, and more tearful hellos, he asked you to sit down. "Tell me what happened." He said.
You looked down, taking a deep breath. "That night that Amarantha took your magic, and you closed the borders to Velaris, I got stuck in Autumn. Azriel had left to go help Mor with something. I couldn't even winnow to the Night Court borders." You told him what happened with the sentinels, how Eris found you, and then watched as Rhys settled into the quiet deathly rage.
"He did this to you?" He asked, barely above a whisper.
"No," you quickly corrected. "Eris helped me." There were tears in your eyes now. "He- Let me just tell you how it started..."
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Eris brought you to a cabin on the outskirts of the Autumn borders, close to a village but far enough that no one would look for you here. He had his best healers come to help heal you, but with their lack ox experience repairing wings, they couldn't completely heal them. You back even still had scarring on it from how hot the sentinels burned through them.
When Eris couldn't stay because Amarantha sent for all High Lords and their heirs, he had a healer stay with you. Until you were back to your normal health. And then, he offered to help you get to the Night Court. Said he would personally take you to the Moonstone Palace. But he warned you how cruel Amarantha already was, and how she was taking more and more people prisoner (to be part of her "court") Under the Mountain. You chose to stay in the cabin. If you couldn't go back to Velaris, you didn't want to go to the Night Court. Not when your brother was actively trying to get Amarantha to avoid it. The return of the Lady of the Night Court would surely set her eyes towards you. And Rhys would pay the price.
Eris would visit you as often as he could. Since Autumn was on Amarantha's good side, she let Eris and his brothers out more. When he was able to step away from the Forest House, he would visit you. Bring you more supplied, new clothes, sometimes even new furniture or paint to refresh the cabin. All the while, he kept you up to date on what was happened. One day, you asked why he was helping you.
"Because I can... and it was my family's sentinels that harmed you. You had no one else around. If you were to die out here, what would I tell you brother? It would have caused an even worse relationship between us. And I'm hoping to have his support when I overthrow my father. If we can tackle Amarantha first... and.. I'm hoping one day you can counsel your brother to help me as well." He explained.
"So you're helping me for your own gain?" You asked.
"I'm helping you because it's the right thing to do... and I've grown fond of this little escape." He answered.
That's how it was until three courts tried to rebel, and Amarantha barred anyone from leaving Under the Mountain. Even Eris. You wondered why he hadn't shown up when you went into the village to grab some more food, when you overheard the rumors.
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"He truly helped you? He never hurt you?" Rhys asked.
You shook your head. "No, he never hurt me. He never tried anything. He... was kind. And caring. And I owe him my life." You said, looking up at Rhys.
He nodded, thinking for a moment. He paused his pacing and looking at you dead in the eyes. "Azriel left you?" He asked, seeming to recall what you first told him.
"...Yes." You said after hesitating.
"I'm going to kill him." He growled.
Your heart skipped a beat, knowing Rhys might just well kill Azriel for putting you in harms way.
"Wait- no. Please.. go easy on him." You said.
He paused, taking a deep breath. Darkness was pooling around his ankles. You could tell he was trying to reel it in. "I'm going to beat him to a pulp."
Better than killing him, you thought. You relaxed for a moment before Rhys rushed out from the door. You chased after him to see the first blow to Azriel's face. Then to his gut. Then to his legs to knock him on the floor. All while Rhys growled out in between each punch,"You. Left. My. Sister. In. Autumn?!"
Azriel didn't even fight back.
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Part Three
A/N: Another tough one... I think this will have 1 or 2 more parts... which I probably won't get to writing until Sunday or Monday night (I know, i'm sorry!) Thank you all so much for your support!
Tagging: @feiwelinchen @circe143 @sidthedollface2 @crazylokonugget @i-am-infinite @thestartitaness @buttermilktea11 @tele86 @yearninglustfully @bunnyredgirl
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marvelsmylife · 1 month
The Long Lost Archeron Sister Chapter Two: Just Trying To Find His Mate
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron!reader, Xaden Riorson x Archeron!reader
Plot: Azriel just wants to have someone to love. He thought he was going to have it with Elain until Rhysand told him to stay away from her because she’s mates with Lucien. Right when he’s about to give up on love he finally meets you, his mate.
A/n I was going to wait until Saturday to post this but I feel like you guys waited long enough.
ACOTAR Masterlist
Fourth Wing Masterlist
TLLAS Masterlist
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Azriel has always been unlucky when it comes to love. He spent over five hundred years pining after a female who had no interest in him. He kept trying to convince himself that he would be able to change her mind over time. Sadly, she showed no signs of changing her mind. So, he tried to move on by sleeping with multiple females for a few years. Of course, that made him feel more lonely and stopped a few months before a certain Archeron sister came into his life.
Azriel thought he was finally going to have a happy ending with Elain. Sure, they weren’t mates, but they were spending all their free time together, and he swore that she felt the same way. Unfortunately, the night he was finally going to make his move, Rhysand summoned him into his office. That’s when he scolded Azriel for his actions and reminded him that Elain already had a mate. “What if the cauldron is wrong? What are the odds that her two sisters are mated to my two brothers? We’re meant to be together !” Azriel argued.
“I don’t give a shit what you think,” Rhysand argued back, “whether you like it or not, Elain is already mated to another male, and I’m telling you right now to back off or there will be consequences.”
The following day, Azriel sat down and informed Elain that it would be best if they stopped spending time together. He told her that he couldn’t ignore the fact that she was a mated female anymore. It would be wise for her to spend time with Lucien because whether she liked it or not, she was destined to be with Lucien.
It pained Azriel to see Elain hurt by his words, and it nearly destroyed him watching her accept her mating bond with Lucien. He watched from afar as Elain began to fall in love with the male she swore she was never going to love. He used to listen as she ranted about not loving a male just because the cauldron told her they were supposed to be together. So he left.
Azriel went from court to court as he tried to get over his crush on Elain. He did make a point to avoid the spring and autumn court. He didn’t want to risk running into Elain and Lucien in the spring court, and he didn’t want to cross paths with Eris in the autumn court.
After three months, Azriel finally decided to go home. As much as he needed the change of scenery, he grew homesick and decided to head home. Upon arriving, Azriel noticed that the house was unusually quiet and decided to investigate why. When Azriel entered Rhysand’s office, he noticed Rhysand and Feyre were talking in a hushed tone. “What’s wrong?” Azriel asked.
Rhysand and Feyre exchanged glances before Rhysand decided to speak, “Tamlin has requested a high lord meeting. Someone important from Navarre wants to have all of the high lords attend a meeting in their land.”
“I told Rhysand it would be a foolish idea to go,” Feyre interrupted her mate, “but Rhysand insists we must go, at least to hear what the other high lords think.”
Azriel knew why Feyre didn’t want to attend the High Lord's meeting. He still remembers the last one they attended and he didn’t blame her for not wanting to go. At the same time, he was intrigued and curious as to why someone from Navarre wanted to speak to them. “I think we should go,” Azriel replied and earned a glare from Feyre. “We haven’t had any contact with people from Navarre for decades if not centuries. Something serious must be going on if they are suddenly contacting us.” Feyre didn’t want to admit it, but Azriel was right and told Rhysand to respond that they would be attending the meeting. 
After weeks of back and forth, all seven high lords agreed to hold the meeting in the dawn court again. They decided to be civil, primarily because they were there to discuss a serious topic. To everyone’s surprise, they all agreed that they should go to the meeting together.
When they arrived, they expected to be greeted by the leaders of Navarre. Instead, there were a bunch of cadets cluttering the courtyard. “Uh, is this normal?” Azriel whispered to Rhysand, who looked just as surprised as him.
“No” Rhysand replied as he managed to slip into someone's mind to see what was going on. “Something is wrong,” Rhysand added before looking at the other high lords, “It’s your call if you want to head back home.”
The other high lords and their entourage were ready to reply that they wanted to leave. That’s when you popped up with a badly beaten Violet and her friends. You made your way to the center of the field, “our leadership has been lying to all of us!” you shouted and got everyone’s attention, “Liam died because a Wyvern killed Deigh, and they covered it up.”
While everyone in the courtyard started freaking out over your words, Azriel’s eyes widened in shock. He looked back and forth between you and Elain. You were twins, the only difference was that Elain was wearing feminine clothes, and you were in black leathers. You looked intimidating, yet all he wanted to do was walk up to you and ask for your name.
“How do we know you’re telling us the truth?” someone shouted back.
“Ask your dragons! They know everything that’s going on,” you shouted back before the leadership came running towards you.
Azriel didn’t know why, but he had a strong urge to rush over to you and protect you from danger. He didn’t get the opportunity to do so though. Instead, he watched Bodhi step in front of you and counter the attack from one of the leaders.
“Wrap it up !” Bodhi shouted, and you nodded.
You looked back at the sea of people and shouted, “You are free to stay here if you want, but know that the wards won’t protect us forever.”
While riders began shouting that their dragon confirmed what you said, Jesinia rushed over to you and signed, “Some of us wish to go with you as well,” before pointing to the scribes that were behind her.
“Of course,” you signed back before you looked around and noticed the high lords with their entourage. “You,” you whispered when you spotted Nesta, Elain, and Feyre.
Right as you were about to walk over, Xaden walked over to you and said, “We have to go now.” Xaden looked in the direction you were staring at, “fuck. Well, this just confirms that your mother lied to you. You weren’t an only child.”
Nesta, Elain, and Feyre wanted to run up to you and hug you. Instead, Tairn decided to land between you, “Young one, we have to go now.”
Looking up at Tairn, and asked him, “There are scribes who want to come with us. Is there any way to get the other dragons to carry them to Aretia?”
“Yes, but we have to go now,” Tarin replied.
“Ok, but I need to do something first,” you rushed over to where Nesta, Elain, and Feyre were and said, “I have no idea why you are here, but chances are the leadership lied to you. You are free to stay and listen to what they have to say, or you can come with us, and we’ll explain what is currently happening.”
“And why should we trust you?” Beron asked.
You looked at him for a split second before you felt something trying to break down your mental shield. Looking over, you spotted Rhysand and knew he was the one trying to get inside your head. You knew it was going to be a risky move, but you lowered your shield and allowed him in. Rhysand had a horrified look on his face as you showed him what you experienced. “She’s not lying,” Rhysand announced, “we need to go with them. If we don’t help them, Pythian will be the next target.”
While Beron wanted to protest and return home, every other high lord and entourage agreed to follow you to Aretia. “I don’t know how you got here, but we’ll have one of our dragons guide you to Aretia.” All of the high lords thanked you and started making their way back to their ships.
While that was happening, Azriel stared at you as if he was in a trance until he finally felt what he desperately wished for—the mating bond.
Azriel couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh as he realized why he felt so connected to Elain. She was your twin sister. 
Azriel's body was telling him to go to you, but just as Azriel was about to walk towards you, he spotted Xaden pulling you into a kiss. “I’ll see you in Aretia,” Xaden pressed his forehead against yours before you mounted Tairn and shot up into the sky.
@a-frog-with-a-laptop @saltedcoffeescotch @lilah-asteria @kksbookstuff @nerdygirlyy @angstylittleb1tch @snoopyspace  @thecraziestcrayon @vickykazuya @noelli-smv @flowerprincezz @bookwormysblog @jessimay89  @randomperson1234sblog @ghostwritermia @we-were-beautiful @acotarfics-mharmie009 @sheblogs @mistymoocow @sleepylunarwolf @thestartitaness @sorrybaeeeeee @mybestfriendmademe @annamariereads16 @wolfbc97 @honethatty12 @atomi-mi @feyres-fireheart @katrina0-0 @demirunner @st4r-girl-official @rafeecameronsbitch @tincanhat @rcarbo1 @missus-shadowsinger
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crossfandomslut · 4 months
At Peace in Your Fire pt. 3
part 1 and part 2
Summary: Hewn City bs and lots of Eris screen time haha
Pairing: ErisxArcheron!reader
Word Count: 4k
Notes: I am so so excited that people are liking this story so far !!! I love all your comments and am so appreciative of the likes and reblogs ! For this chapter, I did use a big chunk of the direct dialog from ACOWAR for the Hewn City meeting with Eris, because I think its important context and I wasn't about to rewrite SJM's mastery. So disclaimer, I do not own any of SJM's characters or speak for her or them in anyway ! This is just for shits and gigs and I hope y'all enjoy this chapter ! Also please let me know how we feel about the Eris POV :)
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Amber eyes and a pale face littered in freckles, framed by fiery red hair,  stared wildly at her. Eyes full of fear and confusion contorted his beautiful features. He was stunning, truly. Rakish, almost lanky, but toned muscles rippled under his well-fitted clothes as he fell to the ground gripping and clawing at his throat, trying to force air back into his lungs. Y/n did that to him. She made another being feel that pain and suffering. But he was hurting her sister. He was hurting Feyre. Y/n didn’t know why she had to remind herself of that fact so often to justify her actions that day on the frozen lake, but she had fallen asleep thinking about the male every night since.
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Now that Feyre was home, things started moving pretty quickly. Hybern was making moves in the Spring Court to bring down the wall to the human lands, and thus putting Prythian on the brink of another war. Everyone was hard at work planning, coordinating, and scheming, but Y/n was told to just keep training. She wanted to be useful when the time came, so she was going to need to hone her powers and her physical abilities. She finally got to be a part of the plans when Rhys announced at family dinner that everyone would be taking a trip to Hewn City.
Y/n wasn’t afraid per-say, but she wasn’t sure what to expect. Feyre had told her that Amarantha’s ‘lair’ for lack of a better term, was designed after the city. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see that firsthand after hearing about everything that Feyre and Rhys went through. She was going to put on a brave face though. It’s not about her. It was about helping this court, her new family, and potentially the fate of the world as they knew it.
She studied herself in the mirror after selecting the right dress. Rhys had told her to wear whatever color she wanted, but she knew that this visit to Hewn City was all about appearances and she needed to help show that they were a united front. She had never been fond of black. It always looked so good on her twin, but Y/n preferred softer, neutral tones that helped her blend into the trees and underbrush. Tonight however, she would step out of her comfort zone. Adapt. Her constant mantra. So, she studied herself in the mirror, eyes gliding along her body that was no longer too thin, but now tones and showing real muscle. Her hips were wider, her arms and thighs thicker. A body to fill out such a fine dress. It was a floor length gown, as black as obsidian. It had see-through long sleeves and a modest neckline. Nothing flashy, she didn’t need to draw attention to herself, she just needed to blend in and help silently from the dais. But as she looked at herself, she thought that she looked quite pretty. She always thought she was the most plain of her sister, even now as Fae, but tonight, Y/n would try to wear this dress with confidence and that casual coolness that came so naturally to all the others.
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 Eris’ POV
 That beautiful female on the frozen lake haunted him every waking and sleeping hour of Eris’ life. The way she literally took his breath away. If it weren’t for her power actually stealing the air from his lungs, her beauty alone would have stopped him in his tracks. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his many centuries of existence. He could help but laugh when she stormed up to him in the Winter Court wearing little more than pajamas. He shouldn’t have laughed. If the Illyrians thought she was important enough to bring along, he shouldn’t have underestimated her. He saw her face every time he closed his eyes. Her y/e/c orbs staring straight into his soul. It ratted him, which not much did anymore.
Eris hated Hewn City and he hated Keir. He was so tired of playing these court games and scheming behind the scenes. He knew Rhys liked to make an entrance, but he was growing bored and restless. Until he saw her. She was just as beautiful as the first time he saw her, but now, dressed in a night court black gown, she didn’t glow like she did when she was comfortable in her chestnut brown pants and a forest green sweater. Who is she?
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Y/n’s POV
Stood atop the dais behind the single throne that Feyre and Rhys shared, Y/n scanned the room. Doing her best to keep her face carefully neutral, she stood there while Rhys addressed the court introduced Feyre as their High Lady, and coolly demanded that they kneel. After a long pause, the whole room on their knees before them, he released them to enjoy the festivities.
A man with blonde hair, that Y/n identified as Keir, Mor’s father only by blood, approached the dais. Then, the last person she expected to see approached as well. The male from the lake, with the glowing amber eyes and hair that reminded her of a maple trees falling red leaves. She swore her heart stopped beating when he made eye contact with her as he bowed. Not to Rhys or Feyre, but to her.
“Keir. Eris. So kind of you to join us. But don’t be so eager to get our meeting over with, go enjoy the evening. Azriel’s shadows will find you when we’re ready.” Rhys slid his bored gaze over each male and waved a hand in dismissal.
Eris. That was his name. Eris Eris Eris. The name clanged around her brain, and she had to choke back the desire to know how it felt on her tongue. She knew his name now and it made falling asleep to picturing his face feel like she was violating him in some way. She knew she shouldn’t have been thinking about him in the first place. He tried to kill her sister, or bring her back to his father who was a known tyrant and took brutality to another level. She should definitely not be thinking about him. But there he was. And gods damn he was even more devastating than she remembered. For starters, he wasn’t covered in blood, and she wasn’t choking the daylights out of him. But more than that, he had this air about him. He exuded a confidence that was purely Fae male and came from centuries of a life lived. Then she remembered the way that fire had danced from his fingertips. He could wield flame like an extension of his own body. It was beautiful. Y/n once again had to reprimand herself, because those same beautiful flames coming from his long, calloused fingers, were causing harm and pain to her own sister. That light and radiance that fire had was diminished in the context of it’s use. How dare he make Y/n fear something she loved so dearly? How dare her use fire, which is the root of all life, use it to hurt and destroy?
Y/n was snapped out of her daydreaming by the sound of someone clearing their throat. She realized Eris had not broken eye contact with her and was now starring at her expectantly. With no small amount of embarrassment, she realized she was probably just standing here gazing into his eyes while her whole family stood there and watched. He cheeks heated and Eris’ smirk grew.
“I asked you for a dance, lady…?”
“Y/n, you do not have to dance with him. Honestly, you don’t even have to talk to him.” Rhys said.
“Y/n...” She hated how much she liked her name falling from his lips. “Just once dance, Lady Y/n, and I’ll share what I know of the Spring Court in our meeting this evening.” Still smirking, he held out a hand.
“Fine.” Y/n unceremoniously slapped her hand into his. Just because she was practically vibrating with anticipation of being so close to the male, didn’t mean he needed to know that. And neither did her family. For all anyone else knew, she hated Eris as much as they all did. She certainly should if she knew what was good for her. Gods, what was wrong with her!?
That smirk turned into a cocky grin as Eris led Y/n to the dance floor. He tugged on her hand still held in his and pulled her close to his body. Not pressing against her, but close enough that she could feel the heat coming off his body. He was unnaturally hot being a fire wielder, but Y/n never minded the heat. Even found herself having to hold back from pressing every inch of her against the warmth. He stood close to a foot taller than her, and she had to tilt her head up to lock eyes with him. She was met with amber eyes dancing with amusement, and he was met with a cold hard glare.
Eris blew out a soft laugh and asked, “why, little dove, do you hate me so much? We don’t even know each other yet.”
Y/n tried not to linger on the ‘yet’ as she leveled him an incredulous glare. “You mean aside from the fact that you chased my sister across a frozen lake, blasting fire at her and then restrained her with said fire?”
He had the audacity to laugh again. “Yes, Y/n, aside from that. I would very much like to know you. You hating me makes that slightly difficult.”
Gods that smirk. Y/n was trying to think straight as he floated her around the dance floor like it was nothing. She hoped he didn’t realize she was using her magic to keep herself from tripping over her own feet or stepping on his. He was such a beautiful dancer. And the truth was, she wanted to know him too. But instead she said, “you use your gift of fire to hurt others. You use that delicate flame to inflict pain and fear.” She desperately hoped her voice was staying steady, but then he scoffed at her and the leash she had on her temper slipped from her fingers. She feels her voice raising and her cheeks heating as she goes on. “Fire is not meant to cause pain, Eris!”
He halts their movement. That was enough to make her blink and remember where they were. Her eyes and her voice soften as she tries to look straight into his soul and speak directly to it. Her hands drift to hold both of his in her much smaller ones. “Fire is beautiful and lovely and soft and warm. Fire is nurturing and breathes life into everything. Fire is a gentle protector and a kind companion. I am so sorry someone told you otherwise and that you’ve been told to use it as a weapon.” He just blinked at her for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly the music stops, and the room erupts into applause for the musicians. “Eris…?” Y/n sys his name as gently as she can, but he pulled away from her so fast and muttered an ‘excuse me’ before he turned on his heels and practically ran out of the ball room.
Y/n stands there until someone accidently bumps into her and jolts her out of her head and back into her body. Slowly, she makes her way back to the dais staring at her feet, still not totally present. She looks up when she reaches her family only to see them all with a hand over their mouth to choke back a laugh. “What?” Y/n’s brow scrunches and she tilts her head in confusion.
Cassian is the first to break, laughing so loud a few partygoers jump and glasses shatter. The next is Mor, and finally, Feyre asks through tears in her eyes and a barely concealed giggle, “What the hell did you say to him!?”
Y/n just took her spot on the dais next to Feyre and Rhys as they laughed and laughed together and resumed staring at the floor trying not to be eager to see Eris at the meeting later this evening.
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Eris’ POV
He had to get out of there. Had to get out of that room that felt too similar to under the mountain and away from that female who was far too gentle and kind to be anywhere near him. ‘The Mother must really hate me’ he thinks as he reaches the city’s edge and can finally breathe again. He knew the shadowsinger would find him soon and call for the meeting, but before then he needed to regain his composure. Y/n didn’t need to use her power to stop his breathing and make his heart race.
He took a few deep breaths and the shaking in his hands and the ache in his chest eased slightly. His mind drifted to the feeling of her in his arms, how well they danced across the floor together and how lovely her hands felt pressed to his chest. ‘Fire is not meant to cause pain’ Y/n had said. The words had come from her mouth with such passion and determination that he almost believed her. He wanted to. Gods did he want to believe her and her kind words and her cold calloused hands that soothed his burning skin. There was no way for Y/n to have known his father had struck him across the chest just this morning. A show of power after his father bested him during sparring. The punishment for winning would have been far more gruesome. Y/n’s cold unassuming hand placed directly over where his father’s had left the flesh raw and painful. Her lovely hand placed there while she looked him in the eyes and told him that fire wasn’t meant to cause pain and that she was sorry. He couldn’t believe she was real, and his need to know her just grew tenfold. But he wasn’t good enough for her. He wasn’t good. He should keep his distance and save her the misery of his company again.
Eris was dreading the mask he would dawn in this meeting and the monster she would think of him as afterward. A shadow wrapped around his wrist and tugged. It was time. Eris schooled his features into the calm, bored, arrogant heir, winnowed back into the halls of the palace, and sauntered his way into the meeting.
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Y/n’s POV
The meeting was nothing of what Y/n expected. Eris came in, and straight up avoided eye contact with her. She couldn’t lie, that stung a bit.
He sat across from Rhys, but looked to Mor with a knowing glint in his eye and said, “you look well, Mor.”
“You don’t speak to her,” Azriel said softly.
Eris gave a bitter smile. “I see you’re still holding a grudge.”
Y/n was so confused.
“This arrangement, Eris,” Rhys spoke, “relies solely upon you keeping your mouth shut.”
Eris huffed a laugh. “And haven’t I done an excellent job? Not even my father suspected when I left tonight.”
Feyre glanced between her mate and Eris. “How did this come about?”
Apparently, Feyre was just as lost as you were.
Eris explains that he caught Azriel’s shadows snooping around the Autumn court after they returned from the frozen lake, and that his brothers ‘mysteriously’ forgot about Feyre’s powers. He said that he had taught himself a few things about daemati powers and how to block them out. He says that he didn’t tell his father because he knew that Baron would want to hunt Feyre down and kill her for his belief that she stole part of his power. He doesn’t believe that Baron knows just how much of a threat Hybern is, but that he wont join forces with them if he finds out about Feyre’s powers.
“So what’s the asking price for you silence then, Eris?” Mor demanded. “Another little bride for you to torture?”
All the blood drained from Y/n’s face as her eyes darted between Mor and Eris. Her head hurt from trying to put this puzzle together without having all the pieces. She knew that Mor’s father had tried to marry her off and Mor took control of her own fate by sleeping with Cassian, but she hadn’t known the male she was sold off to was supposed to be Eris. The pounding in her head did not cease.
Something flickered in Eris’ eyes. “I don’t know who fed you those lies to begin with, Morrigan,” he said with vicious calm. “Likely the bastards you surround yourself with.”
A sneer from Azriel. And a sharp intake of breath from Y/n. If he had looked at her she would have seen the brief flash of guilt in his eyes.
Mor snarled, rattling the glasses. “You never gave any evidence to the contrary. Certainly not when you left me in those woods.”
“There were forces at work that you have never considered,” Eris said coldly. “And I am not going to waste my breath explaining them to you. Believe what you want about me.”
“You hunted me like an animal,” Feyre cut in. “I think we will choose to believe the worst.”
Y/n didn’t know how to feel. Couldn’t think of anything to say or do, so she just dropped her gaze to the floor. She shouldn’t come to Eris’ defense. She just met the male and apparently her gut feeling about him was wrong. Her family hated him and he hurt Mor. Something didn’t feel right, but what would she even say? There were literal centuries of bad blood between her found family and this male who for some gods forsaken reason, she couldn’t stop thinking about. This arrogant, spiteful, male who attacked her sister! Not just Feyre it seems, but Mor as well. Even if he didn’t have direct hand in harming her, he didn’t help her. Why didn’t he help her? Her head was still spinning trying to sort through all these conflicting feelings. She felt like she needed to come to Eris’ defense, but why? Maybe because she felt deep down in her soul that no one ever had. She could feel that he was good, so why were his actions such the opposite? The pounding in her head wouldn’t stop and she felt as if she might faint. The conversation starting to sound like they were underwater.
“I was given and order. And sent to do it with two of my…brothers.”
“And what of the brother you hunted down alongside me? The one whose lover you helped to execute before his eyes?” Feyre accused.
Eris slammed a hand on the table, which did nothing to help Y/n headache. No one seemed to notice her flinch and start to sway. “You know nothing about what happened that day. Nothing.”
“Indulge me,” was all Feyre said in response.
“How do you think he made it to the Spring border,” Eris’ voice had returned to its normal low and sharp nature. “I wasn’t there- when they did it. Ask him. I refused. It was the firs and only time I have denied my father anything. He punished me. And by the time I got free… They were going to kill him too. I made sure they didn’t. Made sure Tamlin got word- anonymously- to get the hell over to his own border.” Eris picked at a stray thread on his jacket, “not all of us were as lucky in our friends and family as you, Rhysand.”
Sharp, stabbing, shooting pain ran through Y/n’s head and it was so surprising that she let out a yelp as she dropped to the floor, and everything went black. The last thing she remembered hearing was the voice of Eris’ panicked voice crying her name.
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Taglist: @abysshaven @myromanempiree @lilah-asteria @96jnie @ivy-34 @minaethrym
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kedreeva · 4 months
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I've spoken a lot about body type/conformation in peafowl before, but like. This is it.
Eris in the background, Bismuth up front. These birds are half siblings (they share a father), but whereas Eris' mother was a random peahen chosen without eye for conformation, Bismuth's mom was Aris' mom- and we all know how I feel about Aris (best conformation of any of my birds). Eris was also not raised by me for the first few months of her life (the most important few months for growth). She was fed a chow that didn't have enough protein, and didn't have as much space as she should have had. So, there's a chance that she has a bit more hidden potential than she shows, but honestly I took her home for her personality not her looks.
Because. Well. Look at them. Look at the sheer leg on him. The long, graceful neck. That remarkably long tail- he doesn't have a train yet, but he's going to have a massive tail to hold it up. Every time I look at him, it's just like... Holy shit. This man is perfect. AND he's chill with people. He still takes treats from my hand and comes over to see what we're doing when I'm hanging out with Bug. And he's polite to Bug, and she doesn't think it's funny to hunt him for sport the way she does Earl.
And Bismuth is, and I cannot stress this enough, not even 1 year old yet. He still has growing to do.
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I love this stupid creature. Look at him in this hole.
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dee-writes-smut · 5 months
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DAFFODILS (Chapter One)
FEATURING Eris Vanserra x pregnant!reader
SUMMARY The Spring Court has gone to shit, and while you would normally be able to tolerate it, the new discovery that you were pregnant pushes you to the gates of The Autumn Court and unknowingly into Eris' arms.
CONTENT WARNINGS pregnancy, Eris being a slight douche (you know how it is yall), violence (reader is kicked in the stomach), and mentions of Tampon (Tamlin).
AUTHORS NOTE who's excited for the kick-off of yet another series? I am! Of course, I had to start an Eris series, I love him too much not to! Strap in, darlings, I have a feeling this is going to be a long one.
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The once vibrant Spring court had gone to shit, a shadow of its former glory. Tamlin, the once revered and compassionate High Lord, had vanished, abandoning his people to suffer in the decay his negligence had allowed to fester.
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Amid the desolation, there were attempts to salvage what remained of the Spring Court. Lucien's name surfaced as one who strove to preserve our home. I recall his desperate sacrifice on Calanmai, offering himself to Ianthe in a futile bid to rescue us. He still occasionally visits, perhaps clinging to a hope that he might stumble upon signs of revival, our High Lord restored to his former benevolence. Yet each return only reinforces the stark reality of our decline, leaving him unsurprised by the sight of our dwindling realm.
And now, here I stand, just beyond the borders of the Autumn Court, clad in nothing but the ragged remnants of my escape, imploring the impassive sentries to grant me sanctuary within their walls. They offer no response, their stoic countenances unmoved as I plead and weep at their feet.
In my disheveled state, I must present a pitiful sight—my attire threadbare and stained, my once-glamorous countenance marred by streaks of dirt and smudged cosmetics, my limbs adorned with bruises like macabre adornments.
As I teeter on the brink of desperation, a voice cuts through the stillness, emerging from the depths of the forest to my right. The guards snap to attention at its sound, their posture stiffening even further, if such a thing were possible, in deference to its commanding presence.
"What is the meaning of this?" The voice, smooth as silk and sharp as a blade, belonged to a man with cascading locks of fiery hair, who strode forth from the underbrush with an air of regal authority.
Gods, he was a vision to behold. Despite the earthy stains marring his attire and the tousled state of his tunic sleeves, he exuded an otherworldly allure.
"A mere denizen of the Spring Court, attempting to beg her way into our domain, my lord," one of the guards grumbled, offering a curt bow before callously nudging me aside with his boot. I winced as the blow landed squarely in my stomach.
"And what, pray tell, do you think you are doing, you imbecile!" The fiery-haired man's voice dripped with disdain as he strode forward, confronting the offending guard with palpable fury. "Can you not discern her condition, you fool? She carries life within her."
My heart lurched as I instinctively cradled my abdomen, a protective gesture born of maternal instinct. Though every fiber of my being yearned to retaliate against the guard's callousness, I forced myself to breathe deeply, refusing to succumb to the animalistic urges that society expected of Spring Court members in these desperate times.
"Are you alright?" the man inquired, his amber eyes ablaze with a captivating mix of concern and authority, their gaze so intense that it stole the very air from my lungs.
"I'm… I'm fine," I managed to utter, brushing aside the tangled strands of hair obscuring my face and inhaling deeply to steady my frayed nerves.
"I must apologize for the behavior of my soldier. Rest assured, appropriate measures will be taken, my lady," the man assured me, his smile radiant as he inclined his head with graceful deference. His charm nearly brought a wry laugh to my lips.
"No need for such formalities," I replied weakly, the weight of my displaced status as a refugee gnawing at my throat like a persistent ache. But I steeled myself with the thought of my unborn child, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. "I am no longer a lady—well, not in the traditional sense, anyway."
"How so?" the man persisted, his expression a blend of curiosity and genuine concern, prompting me to draw my arms tighter around myself.
"I find it quite audacious for someone whose name I don't even know to ask such personal questions," I retorted, feigning a hint of indignation that rang hollow even to my own ears.
"Fair point," he conceded with a charming grin, though his adherence to formality still grated on my nerves. "Allow me to rectify that oversight. My name is Eris. Eris Vanserra, Heir to the Autumn Court," he declared, and I felt a strange mixture of relief and weariness wash over me at his introduction.
Eris. Lucien had spoken sparingly of his older brother during his time in the Spring Court, but whenever he did, a profound sense of affection tinged with melancholy colored his words. I shook myself from my reverie, extending a hand in a gesture of polite acknowledgement as I reciprocated with my own name. Eris repeated my name softly, testing it on his tongue, and my heart twinged at the striking resemblance in mannerism between him and Lucien, one so distant yet familiar, the other painfully close.
"Now," Eris began, his hands making a smooth, sweeping gesture that hinted at his readiness to delve deeper into the matter at hand, "what brings you to the borders of the Autumn Court, my lady?"
"The Spring Court is…" My voice faltered, and I let out a weary sigh, my hand instinctively resting on my still-flat stomach for comfort.
"It's gone to shit," he finished for me, his smirk sharp but not unkind.
"Well, I wouldn't have phrased it quite so bluntly, but yes," I responded, my fingers tracing small circles over my abdomen. "That place and its ruler are no fit environment for a child. Considering the proximity of your court, I was hoping I might find a new beginning here."
"What about the father?" Eris inquired, one eyebrow—a mirror image of Lucien's—arching skeptically.
I clear my throat awkwardly and look at my well-worn shoes. How does one tell the Heir to the Autumn Court that they are pregnant with his youngest brother's babe? How does one also explain how he is mated to another female, that they knew as soon as that brother found out about said babe, he would give up all hope to find his true mate in order to be there for his child?
"Not in the picture," I manage to say, my voice faltering slightly as I reach up to scratch the back of my neck, a gesture betraying my discomfort.
Eris hums, a low, thoughtful sound that vibrates with suspicion, his striking eyes narrowing as he scrutinizes my uneasy demeanor. The weight of his gaze feels like it could peel back the layers of my hastily constructed defenses, compelling me to confront truths I'd rather leave unspoken. Eris's scrutinizing gaze doesn't waver, and the silence stretches taut between us like a bowstring. "Not in the picture," he echoes thoughtfully, each word heavy with the promise of unasked questions.
I nod, feeling the weight of the moment settling around us. The air in the forest seems to hold its breath, the usual whispers of leaves and distant calls of woodland creatures falling into a hushed reverence. "And you must understand, my lord, that my child is my utmost priority," I assert with unwavering resolve, emphasizing his title with a hint of disdain, as if challenging the very foundations of our unequal stations.
The guards stationed behind me draw in sharp, anticipatory breaths, seemingly prepared for their lord to mete out swift retribution for my boldness. I steel myself against the expected blow, a silent rehearsal of defiance.
Yet, the expected strike does not materialize. Instead, Eris regards me with what could only be described as admiration. His gaze, intense and calculating, appraises me not as a threat, but as a formidable presence in my own right.
"Well, little fox," he begins, his voice carrying a playful undertone that belies the depth of his contemplation. He strokes his chin thoughtfully, his fingers tracing the lines of his jaw as if to physically underline his ponderings. "It appears you've presented quite the compelling argument for yourself here."
The use of "little fox" — a term perhaps meant to denote cunning and resilience — sparks a flicker of amusement within me, mixed with a surge of cautious optimism. His demeanor suggests a blend of challenge and respect, hinting at a dynamic that could evolve beyond mere formalities or supplications. This man before me is not just the heir to a court; he is a strategist weighing his next move.
"You seek shelter for yourself and the babe?" Eris inquires with a hint of slyness, as if to subtly test my resolve, though it's a point I've already made abundantly clear.
"Indeed," I retort sharply, refusing to waver under the weight of his penetrating gaze.
"Then shelter you shall have," he declares, pivoting on his heel to fix the guards with a stern glare. "You will allow her passage," he commands, his tone uncompromising. The guards, obedient to their lord's decree, quickly acquiesce, parting to allow me entry with a mere flick of Eris's wrist.
The heady scent of spices and autumnal freshness assaults my senses as I approach the threshold, beckoning me forward with its tantalizing allure. It's as if the very essence of this court implores me to embrace my true purpose, to seize control of my destiny without hesitation. The boldness of it all catches me off guard, stirring a sense of rebellion that courses through my veins like wildfire.
Pausing at the threshold, I find myself suspended between the tranquility of the wilderness behind me and the vibrant chaos of the court ahead. I hesitate, grappling with the weight of the choices that lie before me.
Eris slows his stride beside me, as if attuned to my uncertainty, and extends his arm—an offering both courteous and suggestive. His demeanor exudes confidence and assurance, as if he expects me to surrender to his lead without question.
But I refuse to yield to the expectations of courtly decorum. Chin held high, I meet his gaze with unwavering resolve, ignoring the disheveled state of my attire as I assert my independence. My feet remain firmly planted, refusing to advance until I am ready, on my own terms.
Eris's arm lingers in the air for a moment, a flicker of surprise crossing his features at my defiance. His amber eyes search mine, silently probing, yet beneath the scrutiny, I detect a glimmer of curiosity and… respect.
"I am quite capable of managing on my own," I declare, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging within me.
His expression softens, and he nods, gracefully retracting his arm. "As you wish," he concedes, gesturing for me to take the lead as we finally step through the threshold together.
The walk through the streets of Autumn was like stepping into a painting come to life. The cobblestone pathways wound gracefully between quaint buildings adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant splashes of ivy. Overhead, colorful banners fluttered in the gentle breeze, their designs depicting scenes of seasonal splendor and courtly festivities.
Stands and stalls lined the streets, each one a miniature wonderland of treasures waiting to be discovered. From intricately woven tapestries to gleaming trinkets and baubles, the offerings were as diverse as they were captivating. Merchants called out to passersby in melodious voices, their wares displayed with care and pride.
The smells that wafted through the air were a symphony of sensory delights. Spices mingled with the scent of freshly baked bread, their fragrances intermingling in a tantalizing dance that made my mouth water. Roasted chestnuts crackled and popped over open fires, their warm, nutty aroma floating on the breeze alongside the sweet perfume of ripe fruit and fragrant flowers.
Eris's sudden change in direction pulled me from my reverie, my gaze following his lead as we approached a magnificent structure nestled within the heart of the Autumn Court. The Forest House loomed before us, its grandeur and mystique commanding attention as we drew nearer.
Surrounded by a wrought iron gate, the house stood as a bastion of elegance amidst the bustling streets. Tall trees swayed gently in the breeze, their branches reaching out to embrace the ancient structure with a sense of reverence. Vines climbed the walls, their verdant tendrils weaving intricate patterns against the weathered stone.
The sight of the Forest House sent a shiver down my spine, a visceral reaction to the aura of power and mystery that seemed to emanate from its very core. It was as if the house held secrets untold, whispering tales of bygone days and forgotten legends to those who dared to listen.
"Wait!" I called out, the urgency in my voice halting Eris in his tracks. His steps faltered, and he turned to face me, a glint of amusement dancing in the depths of his eyes. The sunlight filtering through the canopy overhead cast dappled shadows across his features, lending an air of intrigue to his already enigmatic presence.
"Yes?" he inquired, his voice smooth and tinged with playful curiosity, his smirk hinting at secrets hidden just beneath the surface.
"What's going to happen to me? Where will I stay?" I blurted out, the fierce confidence I had summoned earlier dissipating like morning mist in the face of uncertainty. Nervously, I began to pick at my nails, the weight of the unknown pressing down upon me like a heavy cloak.
Eris regarded me with a knowing glint in his eyes, as if he had anticipated my question long before I had voiced it. "You will stay with me, of course," he replied simply, his voice carrying an air of nonchalance that belied the gravity of his words. There was a subtle confidence in his demeanor, a quiet assurance that spoke of his authority within the court.
I recoiled at his casual response, a surge of apprehension coursing through me. "But what about Beron? Won't he object to having a… a lowborn in his household?" I ventured cautiously, the weight of his father's disapproval looming like a specter in the back of my mind.
"Nonsense," Eris scoffed, his arms crossing over his chest in a dismissive gesture. "You are now a member of this court, and given your condition," he added with a subtle nod towards my abdomen, "it is only fitting that you reside in more suitable accommodations." His words were tinged with a hint of defiance, a silent challenge to anyone who would dare question his authority.
Despite his reassurances, doubt gnawed at the edges of my mind, uncertainty clouding my thoughts like a thick fog. "Absolutely not!" I protested vehemently, a surge of protectiveness coursing through me as I instinctively placed a hand over my stomach, as if to shield my unborn child from the absurdity of Eris's suggestion. "I refuse to stay in your chambers, Eris. It's… it's utterly preposterous."
Eris's eyebrow lifted slightly, his gaze holding a hint of amusement mixed with something darker. "Stubborn, aren't we?" he remarked, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "But if you prefer to sleep on the streets, far be it from me to stand in your way."
His words, though seemingly casual, carried a sharp edge that hinted at the depth of his cunning. It was a subtle reminder of his position of power, a reminder that I was at his mercy whether I liked it or not.
I bristled at his thinly veiled threat, my jaw clenching as I met his gaze with a glare of my own. "You wouldn't dare," I challenged, though a flicker of uncertainty danced behind my eyes.
Eris's smirk widened, the glint in his amber eyes turning predatory. "Try me," he replied, his tone dripping with promise and menace in equal measure.
With a frustrated huff, I reluctantly relented, realizing that I was in no position to defy him. "Fine," I conceded through gritted teeth, my hand slipping from my stomach to clench into a fist at my side. "But don't expect me to thank you for it."
Eris's smirk softened into a smirk, his gaze lingering on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "Who said anything about gratitude?" he mused, his voice low and husky. "I'm merely extending a courtesy to a fellow refugee."
His words were laced with sarcasm, a reminder that his generosity came with strings attached. It was a stark contrast to the charming facade he wore, a glimpse of the ruthlessness that lay beneath.
I swallowed hard, a bitter taste rising in the back of my throat as I followed him towards the Forest House. It was clear that my time in the Autumn Court would be far from easy, but as I glanced back at the crumbling ruins of the Spring Court behind me, I knew that I had no other choice.
As we reached the grand doors of the Forest House, Eris turned to me with a smirk. "Welcome to your new home, little fox," he remarked, his tone dripping with irony. "Try not to get too comfortable."
My brows furrowed at his words, suspicion creeping into my mind. "What's the catch?" I asked warily, narrowing my eyes at him.
Eris chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "Though I do have one condition," he said, his smirk widening into a grin.
"And what is that?" I asked, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of my stomach.
"You must walk with me once a day for the duration of your stay," Eris declared, his tone teasing yet firm.
My jaw dropped in disbelief. "You're joking," I exclaimed, disbelief evident in my voice.
Eris's grin widened, his amber eyes dancing with amusement. "Do I look like I'm joking?" he retorted, his tone challenging.
I narrowed my eyes at him, a surge of defiance rising within me. "This is ridiculous," I protested, shaking my head in disbelief. "I won't be your captive audience."
Eris's expression softened, a hint of something unfamiliar flickering in his eyes. "It's not about being captive," he said softly, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "Consider it… a chance to explore the court, to clear your mind. Besides," he added with a smirk, "I could use the company."
I bristled at his suggestion, my pride warring with my better judgment. "And if I refuse?" I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest.
Eris's smirk widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Then you'll miss out on some truly breathtaking views," he replied, his tone teasing yet earnest.
I sighed in frustration, realizing that I was fighting a losing battle. "Fine," I relented, though the words tasted like ash on my tongue. "But don't expect me to enjoy it."
Eris's grin widened into a smirk, his eyes alight with amusement. "Oh, I have a feeling you'll come to enjoy it more than you think," he remarked cryptically, before turning to lead the way into the Forest House.
As Eris escorted me to the grand Forest House, his steps were measured, exuding an air of regal confidence that was unmistakably his. His fiery locks seemed to dance with each movement, and his amber eyes held a glint of mischief, hinting at the cunning that lay beneath his charming exterior.
Upon entering my chambers, Eris's gaze swept over the room with a critical eye, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I trust the accommodations meet with your approval, my lady?" he inquired, his voice smooth as honey but tinged with a hint of sarcasm.
I nodded, unable to suppress a smirk of my own at his thinly veiled jest. "They're quite lovely, thank you," I replied, matching his playful tone with one of my own.
Eris's smirk widened into a grin, his amusement evident in the curve of his lips. "Excellent," he remarked, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than strictly necessary before turning away to survey the room once more.
As I explored my new surroundings, I couldn't help but notice Eris's watchful gaze following my every move. It was as if he were sizing me up, gauging my reactions to the opulence that surrounded us. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye, a depth of character hidden behind his charming facade.
Spotting the single daffodil on the table near the window, I couldn't suppress a chuckle at the sight. It was a quintessentially Eris gesture—playful yet meaningful, a subtle reminder of our earlier exchange. I picked up the note beside it, the elegant script a testament to Eris's attention to detail.
"I will be seeing you real soon, little fox. Wouldn't want you slacking off on our daily walks now, would we?" the note read, the teasing tone perfectly in line with Eris's mischievous nature. I couldn't help but smile at his audacity, the unspoken challenge sparking a flicker of excitement within me.
Setting the note back down, I turned to find Eris watching me with a knowing smirk, his amber eyes alight with amusement. "I take it you approve of my choice of decor?" he quipped, the smirk widening into a grin as he met my gaze.
I rolled my eyes playfully, unable to suppress a laugh at his antics. "It's certainly… unique," I replied, the hint of sarcasm in my tone mirroring his own.
Eris chuckled softly, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "I'm glad to hear it," he replied, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer than strictly necessary before turning away to hide the flush that crept across his cheeks.
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@purple-writer8 @defnotlucienvanserra @cherry-cin @julesofvolterra @mirandasidefics @mandziaaa @lilah-asteria @littlestw01f @skylarkalchemist @babypeapoddd
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 6 months
Where The Shadows Dance - The Bodyguard (ii)
Bodyguard!Azriel x AutumnDaughter!Reader
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CHAPTER II: The Bodyguard
SUMMARY: The Night Court must decide who shall remain to protect the Daughter of Autumn, while also getting to know the princess with a fiery soul.
WARNINGS: More misogyny! yay! mentions of alcohol, tw: beron (we all hate him its ok), people talking shit behind y/n's back, probably swearing i can't remember (also i just swore in the warning so like... it's possible), daddy issues!
NOTE: once again special thank you to my moots @icey--stars and @fieldofdaisiies for reading over my work! <33
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Sitting in the quarters Beron had assigned to the Night Court guests, the inner circle debated how to approach this situation they had found themselves in. 
One of them was to play bodyguard for the Princess of the Autumn Court. Of course, there were many logistics to sort out, ranging from the most obvious one – who would be the assigned bodyguard – to smaller details, such as whether they needed more than one Night Court member to remain in Autumn.
“I’m telling you, they’re a bunch of snakes,” Cassian said firmly. “We can’t just leave one person behind. What if this is a ploy?”
“That is true,” Feyre mused, “but why bother to make a ploy at all? We fought in the war together, and an unprovoked attack against the Night Court would cause another war. And Beron must know that the other courts would be on our side.”
Amren sighed. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Cassian. We can’t trust these people.”
Azriel stayed silent, mulling it all over. It was all true — fighting for the same side in the war had brought the courts together, but then again, there were people like Eris and his brothers lurking in this court.
A soft knock on the door prompted everyone to look towards the sound. After a moment, the door opened, revealing Eris, a small smile on his face.
“It is lovely to see you all in a different scenery,” Eris commented after he had closed the door.
“Eris,” Rhysand greeted. “How can we help you?”
Eris went ahead and took a seat in a scarlet chair beside the fireplace, relaxing with ease. Azriel supposed it would be easier to do so now that he was in his own home, but the sight still frustrated the shadowsinger.
“I just wanted to see what you all thought of my father’s… proposition,” Eris said casually.
“Did you know?” Cassian questioned.
Eris shrugged. “I did tell you that it had something to do with my sister.”
“There was an attempt on her life, which you failed to mention,” Azriel stated.
Eris just smiled calmly. “Must have slipped my mind.”
This was exactly what Cassian had been talking about before, Azriel knew. They were cunning and sly in the Autumn Court, and that made them dangerous.
“Anything else that may have ‘slipped your mind’?” Azriel inquired.
Eris turned his gaze to the shadowsinger, a small smirk on his face. Azriel wanted to punch the male, and he remembered the feel of his neck beneath his hands, and how close he could have come to killing the heir before him. He sort of wished he had.
“My father has already chosen which member of your court he wants as Y/n’s bodyguard,” Eris revealed.
Azriel blinked. Despite the fact that Beron had given them the illusion of free choice, of course the male had already decided. After looking at Eris expectantly, Rhysand realised the male would not freely give up this information.
“Who?” the High Lord asked.
Eris glanced at Azriel. “The shadowsinger, of course.”
Everyone looked at Azriel, and the Illyrian wanted to shrink away from the attention. Why him? Yes, perhaps he appeared more gentlemanly than Cassian, as he knew how to keep his mouth shut, but what else? Yes, he was the Spymaster for the Night Court, but Cassian was the general of the armies. Amren terrified everyone, and yes, she’d be more than capable to be a bodyguard, but then again, Amren might kill the princess if she annoyed her.
“Why Azriel?” Rhys questioned.
Eris looked at the High Lord as if he was incompetent. “Is he not the most obvious choice? That one–” he nodded to Cassian, “–has already tainted a female promised to the Autumn Court.”
Rage, icy cold, flowed through Azriel at the implications behind Eris's words. ‘A female promised to the Autumn Court’ was very obviously Mor, and the entitlement in his tone…
“First of all, I have a mate–” Cassian growled, but Rhysand cut him off.
“Let's not argue,” the High Lord said firmly, although silent fury shone in his eyes at Eris's words. “We're all allies here.”
Eris rolled his eyes but said nothing more, and Cassian glared at the Autumn Court heir, clearly imagining all the ways he could rip him apart.
“Didn't Azriel try to kill you at the High Lord's meeting?” Amren mused.
Eris glowered at the female. “Well, we certainly can't have you here. Your mere presence makes the courtiers uneasy.”
“I did save your asses during the war,” Amren reminded him, but she seemed more than pleased that she still terrified people. 
Azriel let out a breath. He had guessed that it would be himself who would have to play bodyguard, but how could he do so when his job was one of utmost importance to the Night Court? Even now, with Nyx only half a year old, there were so many threats that needed to be uncovered and eliminated.
Azriel glanced at Rhysand and Feyre. Both had been reluctant to leave their son behind for a week, but they knew it would be much too dangerous to bring him to the Autumn Court. Nesta, Elain, and Mor had promised to take care of him while they were gone, and Nyx was probably having the time of his life with his Aunts.
What do you think? Rhys asked Azriel, mind to mind.
Azriel pondered his answer for a moment. I would be willing to do it, but to leave you without a Spymaster for the Cauldron knows how long…
I think we can manage for a little while, Rhys replied, a grin twinkling in his eyes.
Azriel nodded his confirmation. It was true — his court members were not truly useless without him. Just slightly disadvantaged, but they knew how to take care of themselves.
“I'll do it,” Azriel said aloud.
Cassian looked at his brother, eyes widened slightly with silent warning. Amren appeared disinterested in the conversation, but Azriel knew she was listening to every word. Eris simply nodded, as if he already knew Azriel would agree.
“Good,” Eris replied. “I will allow you to share the news with my father in your own time.”
The heir then got up and exited the room, leaving the Night Court members by themselves.
“I need a drink,” Amren muttered.
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The following week was a whirlwind. Every morning, afternoon, and evening, the Night Court members dined with the Autumn Court, and the Autumn Court members also showed them their home. It was mostly Y/n showing them around the palace and the grounds, with Autumn guards trailing closely behind.
Y/n was a different person when she was not around her father. She was much more talkative, and quick to joke and tease. After a few days, it was clear that Cassian adored the princess and her witty comebacks, and she clearly enjoyed the freedom of banter with him. It was almost as if they were destined to be best friends. But whenever any member of her family was present, she would go quiet, and exhibit “lady-like” speech and actions.
Azriel had heard many of the Autumn Court’s opinions of her through his shadows, and none of them were particularly fond. Wild, untamed, unlady-like, and irritating, were the words most commonly used to describe the princess in secret, but Azriel had a feeling she did not care what she thought about them. He could tell that she only cared what her father thought — perhaps not for praise, but rather in fear of punishment.
“So, have you decided which of you will be protecting me after this week?” she asked the Night Court members as they walked through the Royal apple orchard. The apples were the finest Azriel had ever tasted, and he wondered whether there was some kind of magic behind it to make them so.
“We have discussed it,” Rhysand replied, plucking an apple from a tree and handing it to his mate. Feyre took the apple with a smile.
Y/n sighed deeply. “I wish I could go to the Night Court with you. It sounds beautiful.”
While the Night Court members had told the princess a little bit about their home, the Autumn daughter was an avid reader, and had mentioned that she’d always been interested in The Night Court. She would read any book on their court a hundred times, and had learned about Starfall, Illyrians, and many other Night Court customs. When Rhys questioned her on the books she had read, she had become slightly evasive in her answers.
“I borrowed them,” Y/n had said casually.
Azriel had raised an eyebrow. “Borrowed, or stole?”
The grin the princess threw his way had set his heart racing, but he had no idea why. “I prefer the term 'mischievously possess.’”
Cassian had barked out a laugh, and even Amren had smiled slightly.
But as well as spending time with the princess, Azriel had other things to do. When she showed him the castle, he memorised it. He marked every exit, window, door, hiding place — everything. If he was to be her bodyguard, he would have to have the entire layout memorised. For her protection, but also for his. He didn’t doubt for one second that if he let his guard down, one of her brothers, maybe even Eris himself, would try to stab him in the back. Literally.
Eventually, the week came to an end, and the members of the Night Court gathered in the Autumn Court throne room. Azriel supposed that bonds had been slightly strengthened between the courts, but not by much. Mistrust was hard to get rid of, especially when there were centuries and generations of it.
“We have come to a decision,” Rhy told Beron, his hands resting in his pockets. “And my High Lady and I shall allow you to employ one of my warriors as your daughter’s bodyguard.”
Beron nodded, his gaze flicking to Azriel for a brief moment before going back to Rhys. “And have you decided which warrior shall be protecting my daughter?”
That glance told Azriel that Eris had been telling the truth. Beron hoped that it was the shadowsinger who would be playing bodyguard, and it made sense now. Although what didn’t make sense was the fact that Eris had not lied.
“Azriel shall remain behind to guard your daughter,” Rhys promised. 
“Wonderful,” Beron said with a nod. “Thank you for this, Rhysand. The Autumn Court shall never forget this favour.”
Rhys nodded at the High Lord, and both of them shook hands, their goodbye quick and brief. The Night Court's goodbyes to Azriel were lengthy in comparison.
“Stay safe,” Rhys told Az, clapping him on the back. “Our mental bridge will be open at all times. Let me know if there’s any trouble.”
“You act as if I can’t take care of myself,” Azriel replied, a half smirk on his face.
Rhys rolled his eyes and brought his brother into a hug, the eyes on them be damned. When Rhys pulled away, Cassian was there next, squeezing the shadowsinger into a hug that nearly crushed his bones.
“I’ll miss you, Azzie,” Cassian whispered in Azriel’s ear, which set him scowling. Cassian grinned and pulled away, Feyre replacing him. She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek in farewell, and before Az knew it, the Night Court disappeared into the void, leaving him alone in the Autumn Court.
TAGLIST: @honeybee54321 @marigold-morelli @lucky7rosie @itsswritten @paankhaleyaar @bubybubsters @5onedirection5 @lilah-asteria @sheblogs @thelov3lybookworm @blushingfawnsposts @thisiskaylin @morganisheree @sleepylunarwolf @bakananya @bookishbroadwaybish @namelesssaviour @glitterypirateduck @sfhsgrad-blog @ash-mcj @feyres-fireheart @ib525 @azrielswhore @copenhagenspirit @eternallyelvish @teenagellamaangel @thisiskaylin @littleladdty
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sarawritestories · 6 months
All Too Well Synopsis/ Masterlist (Coming Soon!)
CassianX OC (Rhys' Sister), Eris VanserraX OC (Rhys' Sister) (eventually)
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I watched the Eras Tour Movie today and had wave of inspiration hit me and also correlated well with an idea @awkardnerd gave me
Content Warnings: This will talk about SA under the Mountain, mentions of suicidal ideation, cheating, depression, PTSD (I think this covers most of it I will adjust accordingly)
Summary: Cassian and Rhys' Sister Estella had fallen love and had a happy little life before her and Rhysand were taken away and were Under The Mountain for 50 years. Both are Amarantha's play things, and Estella yearns to be back home with her love. Though the Heir of the Autumn Court has his eyes set on the Princess of Night.
After Amarantha Cassian's and Estella's relationship is tested until the one thing she feared most happened. Cassian began to distance himself and inevitably found his mate. Leaving her behind and not getting support for her family, Estella flees and finds comfort in the one place she never thought; The Autumn Court.
Each Chapter will be Titled a Taylor Swift Song-Though consider All Too Well the Theme Song. If you want to be on the tag list when I start posting this please let me know!
Mood Board
Estella's Character Bio
Love Story Part 1 Part 2
Tolerate It
Last Kiss
Wildest Dreams
My Tears Ricochet
Invisible String
...Ready For It?
Vigilante Shit
Long Live
Never Grow Up
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sirenpearldust · 6 months
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The Void
Pair: Azriel x reader
Word count: 389
Warnings: Angst no happy end, reader is furious, mentions of harming and killing, big fight
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‘You are really a piece of shit Azriel’, she laughed as her tears fell.
The thunder outside intensified, as did the rain, echoing the ache in her heart.
She composed herself and met his gaze. Wrath and Fury burned within her eyes. Azriel noticed they were void of any hint of love. He had ignited something else within her, something dark, forbidden and dangerous.
The house trembled as she spoke again, ‘May your soul remain restless, Azriel. I hope you suffer for the rest of your miserable life. I’ve opened myself up to you. I’ve told you how I had been betrayed, humiliated and used, and this is how you treat me? You promised you would be different!’ ,she yelled out.
Opposite her, he stood. His wings drooping, his head hung in shame and his shadows engulfing his body. He attempted to speak, but he knew every word would be in vain. Meeting her gaze, he saw no sign of brokenness; instead she appeared poised to unleash her fiery wrath up on him.
‘ Leave! I can’t look at you, you hideous beast, you monster!’, she spat. ‘ Eris was right about you, you’re nothing, nothing but a low born bastard nobody. Leave, or I’ll give you scars that will make your hands seem insignificant!’
His eyes widened, his tears fell, he began to sob. ‘I’m sorry,’ he cried as his face twisted in grief. He fell on his knees, begging her for forgiveness.
Enraged, she started throwing things at him, screaming for him to leave her alone and at his audacity to beg her while he had ruined them himself. He stood up, still pleading, before he could take a step towards her, scorching hot fire was directed at him.
Shadows swooped just in time, forming a protective barrier around him, shielding him from her blast.
‘ I said leave, or I will kill both of us if I have to’
Her anger fuelled her flames even more. His shadows started to struggle. Against his will they winnowed him away as he struggled to break free, fighting to be with her.
Leaving her alone as she had desired, she hurled more objects at the spot where he had stood and kneeled.
Unleashing some screams she destroyed the bedroom they’ve shared. Leaving it unrecognisable.
After while, she collapsed while sobbing, enveloped by her own grief. He had betrayed her, used her for his own game.
The thunder and rain drowned out her misery as her soul shattered and fire started to spread all around her burning the rest of their home.
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Main Taglist: @bubybubsters
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rabbitsrants · 7 months
Could you tell me what's your opinion about kogoro,like you always appear like you hate kogoro that's why I wanted to know (whenever you mention him you tell that unbothered fuckin father) wanna know your opinion please answer my ask
fun question!
with that being said, i have a very nuanced opinion on him
do i think he's a good detective, husband or father? NO, absolutely not. i don't even think he's a good guardian in regards to conan lol
kogoro can be very self-absorbed, impatient and superficial. his alcoholism and gambling addiction strain every aspect of his life, but kogoro doesn't seem to care enough to change
a few examples:
chapter 1
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chapter 370
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initially, i blamed his attitude on his lack of success as a detective. but he shows signs of being irresponsible in his youth as well, despite working for the police:
chapter 572
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even after shinichi saves kogoro's career and introduces him to a lot of fame, kogoro shows no willingness to change. he's chronically self-indulgent:
chapter 853
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on top of that, the rare times that ran asks him to do something for her, he acts like it's a complete burden:
chapter 528
ran asks him to watch eri's cat while she's in school and kogoro tries to pass the responsibility on to conan
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speaking of conan, kogoro repeatedly gets violent with him when he's investigating alongside him
chapter 12
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the reason why it appears like i hate him is because my posts are mainly about shinran and interestingly enough, gosho decided to write kogoro as shinichi's polar opposite in a lot of ways. which he even admits in his own writing:
chapter 163
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it's evidently a writing choice that gosho decided to go for on purpose. and i think that's fucking brilliant. think about it: ran growing up with an irresponsible, unreliable dad who often prioritizes drinking and gambling over his own daughter? and that same girl falling in love with a guy who's incredibly dependable, attentive, selfless and everything her father is not? IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
so whenever i analyze certain shinran moments, it becomes glaringly obvious to me that shinichi often acts like an anti-kogoro, so to speak.
examples i already mentioned in my acts of service post: kogoro refusing to help ran - shinichi stepping up as a result in chapter 457 and 716.
additional examples:
chapter 192
kogoro drops off ran at this weird, isolated mansion for a meeting that sonoko arranged with a bunch of strangers online and he feels off about the whole thing and i'm like YES LOVE THAT, SHOWING GREAT PARENTAL INSTINCTS
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he even warns one of the guys and i'm like YEAH YOU'RE BEING A GOOD DAD, LETS GO KOGORO
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naturally, shinichi feels weird about the situation as well, so he insists on staying with his girl, even though it's already been discussed that he's too sick:
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so, despite the fact that a) kogoro feels like something is odd about the meeting, b) he warns the guy to leave ran tf alone... HE STILL LEAVES HER AT THE MANSION UNPROTECTED
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and i'm like... WHY????? and gosho immediately answers my question:
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LIKE????????????????????? talk about bad parenting lol
anyway, turns out something about the meeting was indeed off and ran is potentially in danger. both shin and kogoro lose their shit:
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but there's a key difference between kogoro and shinichi and i feel like gosho wrote this difference on purpose - nothing, and i mean absolutely NOTHING will ever stop shinichi from trying to keep ran safe:
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chapter 347-349
the case barely even begins and shinichi immediately observes that ran isn't feeling well:
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he even tries to convince her to ditch dinner and go back home:
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when shit starts hitting the fan and ran is getting incredibly dizzy, kogoro doesn't even notice:
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again, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but i think the fact that gosho depicts kogoro's ignorance in this situation is 100% by design and as a result shinichi gets to be the anti-kogoro again:
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throughout the whole case shinichi worries about ran and tries to take care of her. which is very impressive considering that ran constantly tries to downplay her symptoms:
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examples like this occur way too often for me to write them off as a coincidence. we're clearly dealing with a pattern. how could i not point that out in my analysis? especially when shinichi's unwavering loyalty towards ran is something that she gushes about constantly?
with all that being said, just because i regurarly point out kogoro's flaws as a dad, doesn't mean i hate him. it's just that i aim to reach a full, comprehensive conclusion with every analysis i write and that entails important details like the glaring differences between shinichi and kogoro regarding their treatment of ran.
i still adore kogoro. cause like i said, there's nuance. i feel like there's a lot of hidden depth behind kogoro's character that i wish gosho explored more:
he's smarter than people think
chapter 11
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chapter 165
to everyone's suprise, kogoro deducts that eri lost her wedding ring and he goes out of his way to find it for her:
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there are more examples of him showing decent detective skills during certain cases but this post is already long enough lol so i'm not getting into that
he can be very idealistic
chapter 86
him holding an old and dear friend accountable for murdering someone:
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chapter 376
him doing the same again with a childhood friend:
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chapter 266
I LOVE IT when kogoro shows his vulnerable side, i find it so heartwarming:
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chapter 986
OR HIS BADASS SIDE (this is him protecting eri from a guy who's about to sexually assault her)
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and even though i shit on his parenting a lot he can be very endearing at times! examples:
chapter 207
his reaction to ran dreaming about the one time that shinichi asked her to give him her bra (it was for a case lol)
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chapter 254
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it's a small but incredibly touching gesture and i love him so much for moments like this
chapter 255
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chapter 765
even though i criticized him for his treatment of conan earlier, shinichi and kogoro have their moments as well. the ramen case is one of my favorite moments between them, it's just so wholesome!
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this case is giving dad and son-in-law eneregy!
to sum up my very long response: kogoro is an overall shitty person but he can be very smart, idealistic and sweet and i wish gosho explored those aspects of his character more, cause i feel like he gets sidelined a lot. he often uses kogoro for comedic relief which is fair to a certain extent cause kogoro is HILARIOUS and makes me laugh all the time but gosho keeps giving the bigger and more meaningful plotlines to characters that I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT (looking at you amuro) and i think that's a fucking shame cause kogoro has a lot of potential
hope that answers your question! :)
visit the shinran library for more
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throneofsmut · 11 months
Kinktober Day Twenty-Nine : Corruption Cassian x Female Reader
You were only 17 years old when you first went ‘Under the Mountain’. As the only daughter of Beron Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court and his youngest child, he believed you were weak.
Eris, your eldest brother was more of a father than Beron ever was. Everyone knew the High Lord of Autumn was a cruel sadistic bastard, especially your mother, siblings and you.
But a week before, Amarantha tricked all seven courts, you lost it. Eris had spies and he knew something bad was coming. He was trying to get you to the Spring Court where you’d be safe with Lucien. They were the only ones out of all your brothers that were kind to you.
The night before you were set to leave, your father found out and was going to punish Eris. Beron had barely lifted the whip in the air, Eris with his back out tied to the whipping post, as you burnt his guards to ash. And the whip in his hand while having a shield of fire around your brother.
You met Beron’s wrathful gaze, untying Eris from the post. Growling, “If you touch my brother, I will rip you apart.” Letting your immense power that you kept hidden roil off you in waves, daring him to try you.
He didn’t.
He didn’t speak to you again after that, let alone look at you. So when Amarantha was going to punish you for defending your mother, he did nothing. Yet the High Lord of the Night Court did.
Rhysand saved you and made a bargain with you, Eris was pissed but was relieved that you were safe now. Or as safe as one could be Under the Mountain. At first you and Rhys were suspicious of one another but throughout the years the both of you had gotten close, like siblings. It was nice.
At times it felt like all you had was each other.
After the events Under the Mountain, you went with Rhys to the Night Court. He trusted you with his life and with the City of Starlight. Velaris. You missed the Autumn Court sometimes but Velaris was your real home.
The inner circle was suspicious of you at first but once they saw how Rhys was with you they embraced you as part of their family. Which was why you were sitting in a booth at Rita’s with them, playing two truths and a lie.
It was your turn.
Looking down at your drink, rubbing your finger around the rim of the glass, you hummed, “Beron isn’t my father, I want to move back to the autumn court and I’ve never done anything with anyone. Sexually.” The last word brought a flush to your cheeks but you could blame it on the alcohol in your system.
You pointed at the inner circle for their answers starting with Azriel, “Easy. You’ve never done anything with anyone, sexually.” He answered, repeating what you said.
Then Cassian, “What he said.” But there was a look in his eyes that you couldn’t place.
Next was Mor, “What Az said.”
Rhys agreed with them, “The last one.”
Finally Amren, bore her silver eyes into yours before saying, “The last one, girl.”
Looking all of them in the eye, before giving them a shit eating grin, “Wrong !” You howled in laughter.
All of them looked at you before simultaneously yelling, “Bullshit !” You shook your head, not being able to speak through the laughter.
Once you had stopped you looked at all of them, they all looked shocked, “Beron isn’t your father ?” Rhys whispered, looking around to see if anyone was listening.
“Nope,” you said popping the ‘p’ as you lifted your cup to your mouth before he pushed it back down.
“Who is ?” Azriel questioned.
You made them all promise not to tell anyone, once they agreed you felt the light stinging sensation - a bargain tattoo forming - on your right pinky finger. They all felt it too. All eyes were still on you as you uttered one name, “Helion.”
Az whispered yelled his shock, cassian only said three words - “What the fuck” - Rhys, Mor and Amren were just staring at you with wide eyes and jaws dropped. You couldn’t do anything else but laugh.
Later in the night after playing a couple more rounds of two truths and a lie, you all decided it was time to head back to the House of Wind where Azriel, Rhys, Mor, Cassian and you were staying. Amren was going back to stay at her apartment.
Last minute Mor decided to go to another place for drinks, trying to convince everyone to go with her but you were tired. “Y/n ! Please, please come !” She was practically begging you and you just giggled shaking your head. “Mor, i’m tired. I’ll go next time.”
“Are you sure ?” She stuck her bottom lip out faking a pout.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
She looked at you before relenting, “Fine, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Do you want me to fly you back ?” Rhys offered.
But before you could answer him Cassian’s voice cut you off, “I’ll take you, I-i’m tired too.” He stammered eyes on you.
Nodding your head, “Okay, Cass will take me,” - placing your hand on Rhys’s shoulder - “have fun.”
You and Cassian waved at them as they walked away before he lifted you in his arms and took off towards the House of Wind.
The flight was silent until he cleared his throat, getting your attention, “Yes, Cass ?”
His eyes were on yours but you didn’t miss the way his throat bobbed, “So you’ve really never done anything anyone ?” Moving the arm that was wrapped around his neck, so your fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, lips curving up in a teasing smirk, “Why… You tryna fuck me or something ?”
The grip he had on your back and thighs tightened, fingers digging into the soft skin covered by your dress. “Don’t play with me right now,” his voice came out rougher than he wanted, the sound of it giving you goosebumps all over, "have you ?"
“No.” Your words were barely audible but he heard.
He opened his mouth but shut it - he had one shot not to ruin this - swallowing thickly. “Do you want… to ?”
Turning your head to glare at him, “Are you just saying this to get back at Eris ? Because I’m not some-“ He winced, cutting you off.
“No. No, gods no. I just want you to be comfortable for your first time.” He couldn’t just blurt out and tell you that as soon as he’d laid eyes on the most beautiful female he’d ever seen the mating bond snapped into place. But also he couldn’t stand the thought of you being with someone else. You looked at him trying to find any hint of a lie but found none. He was being sincere, vulnerable even.
“All I’m saying is if you want some help changing that… I could.” He met your gaze, trying to now show any signs of being nervous.
“Are you offering to help as a friend, Cass ?” Your voice coming out as a tease to ease the tension.
“I am.”
“Alright. I’m all yours tonight.”
His lust filled gaze roamed all over your face before settling on your lips, then back on your eyes. Lips parting slightly, pupils dilating as you took him in. He wore a cocky smirk on his lips, nostrils flaring as he scented your arousal. You were already blushing but now you were sure you were red as he scented the effect he had on you. Holding you tighter to his body, he beat his wings faster towards the house that was now coming into view. You couldn’t do anything else but roll your eyes and giggle at his antics.
As soon as you landed on one of the balconies, Cassian readjusted his hold on you, carrying you into the House of Wind bridal style. Throwing your head back in a laugh, “What are you doing, Cass ?” you asked in between laughs.
Looking down at you, giving you a sinful smirk, he answered, “Treating you the way you should be treated, Princess.”
“Oh gods, what did I get myself into ?” You mumbled against his chest.
You felt his reverberating chuckle, “You have no idea.” Without having to look up, you knew his eyes were on you.
Hearing a door open you lifted your head, assuming you’re in his room but you’re in yours. Brows furrowed as you looked at him, “Why my room ?”
His face is serious except for the sweet smile on his lips, “I want you to be comfortable.”
You simply nod your head at his words.
Before sitting on your bed, Cassian moved you as if you weighed nothing, to straddle his lap. Running his large calloused hands up and down your thighs, “Relax, princess. I’m not in any rush. We’ll go at your pace.” His words put you at ease along with his soothing touch.
You let out a soft sigh wiggling a bit, settling comfortably on his lap. Looking down at your hands that were between the two of you, avoiding his gaze. You don’t know how much time passed when suddenly he was talking, “What have you done ?”
Letting out a shuddering breath before you spoke, “Don’t laugh.” Rising on your knees to move but he only gripped your waist, stopping you. “Nothing.”
“Not even a kiss ?” He asked incredulously.
You huffed, hesitating whether you should tell him or not. “Yes and no.”
He tilted his head at you trying to look you in the eyes. “What does that mean ?”
Biting your bottom lip, finally meeting his gaze, “Under the Mountain, a male from Summer kissed me but I didn’t kiss him back because I didn’t want him. ”
He let out a growl, eyes darkening with the promise of violence.
Cassian felt your soft hands cupping his face, faintly hearing you call his name, but all he could imagine is some bastard trying to kiss what was his… his mate. “Cass, it's okay. It’s in the past.” Your voice made him refocus on what was in front of him.
Then his throat bobbed, “Has anyone ever touched you ?”
“No.” You breathed, he silently thanked the mother.
“Have you ever touched yourself ?”
You nodded your head almost imperceptibly. “I need words, princess.”
You felt your cheeks heat, “Yes.” You whispered.
Cassian grunted at your confession, his hands moving over the curve of your ass, squeezing slightly, making you whimper. You felt him harden beneath you, instinctively grinding against him, “Fuck” he hissed lowly.
“Have you ever had an orgasm ?”
“You’re gonna be the death of me.” He groaned, pressing his forehead against yours.
Then he was moving his hands to cradle your face. His thumb rubbing over your bottom lip, his eyes on your plush lips, “Can I kiss you ?” He rasped out.
“Please.” You whispered breathlessly.
In an instant his lips were on yours, claiming them as his. Your lips were soft and plush moving in tandem with his. They parted in a moan and he took that as his chance to deepen the kiss. He groaned into your mouth as your clothed cunt brushed over his hard cock. Right then and there, he decided he was going to ruin you and love every second of it.
Pulling back, eyes half lidded with lust, you tugged at his shirt, “Take this off. I want to feel you.” Cassian did so immediately. Your eyes roved over his form hungrily, bottom lip between your teeth, looking at him for approval.
“How do you know how to kiss ?” He asked breathlessly.
“I read books.” You answered without hesitation. Nodding his head, you ran your hands over his tanned tattooed chest, down his torso, over the little scars that littered it before kissing him again.
Without breaking the kiss he stood up. Sliding your dress off your body, then your bra, and finally your panties, laying you down on the bed. Setting himself between your thighs. Pulling away his breath hitched as he took in your naked form. You moved your arm to cover up but he held them at your sides.
“Beautiful. You are so beautiful.” His voice rougher than you’ve ever heard it. Body shivering at his words.
Then he was looking at your soaked cunt, a feral smirk on his lips, “Touch yourself.” He commanded. Making your pupils dilate as you move your hands over your breasts, groping them, tugging at your peaked nipples. Trailing down your tummy and teasingly running two fingers between your wet folds before drawing light circles over your swollen clit.
Your eyes closed as you applied more pressure to your clit, lewd moans and whimpers escaping your lips. His eyes flickered between your face - taking in your expressions - and the way you touched yourself.
You opened your eyes, reaching for one of his large hands, putting two of his fingers in your mouth. Swirling your tongue around them. Pulling them out with a soft pop, he raised an eyebrow, “Books ?” Lowering his hand to your cunt, you nodded once, “Books.”
“Please, touch me, Cassian.” His name on your lips was a sound he’d never get tired of. But his restraint was thinning, he was trying to go at your pace yet it was taking everything in him not to take you the way he wanted. He ran his fingers between your folds before licking a single broad stroke, tongue flat, through them. Making you suck in a harsh breath as your back arched. Then sucking gently at your clit, you let out a shaking breath as he began to flick it. Feeling fire pooling in your tummy and then it began to spread throughout your whole body.
Your body going taut as it begged for release - that’s what this was - it felt like it was too much and yet not enough at the same time. You felt like you were on fire then you felt the coil inside of you beginning to snap.
“F-f-fuck Cass.” You stuttered. Legs starting to shake as his tongue sucked you clit again, harshly. “Please don’t - don’t stop !” You cried out, one hand fisted in his hair the other fisting the sheets. He hummed in response and at the same time you felt a long thick finger enter you. Hips bucking as Cassian curled his finger inside you.
Your walls clenching around his finger as you came undone. Cassian’s name a chant on your lips as you shatter under his touch. His finger and mouth, not stopping their assault on your sensitive cunt until you were a shaking, panting, mess.
Eyes meeting his, as you were trying to catch your breath, he couldn’t stop himself - sucking the taste of you off his fingers - he would never get enough of you.
At the sight of him, a golden thread lit up in your chest - in your soul - the mating bond sang out for the male before you. He looked at you, a playful smirk on his lips, “Can you go another round or are you too tired, princess ?”
“I want you to show me everything, mate.”
Something flickered in his eyes at your words, “I’m going to ruin you. You’re mine.”
The possessiveness in his words, making you shiver, goosebumps covering your body as you gave him a wicked smirk, “Please.”
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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ladydeath-vanserra · 9 months
its amazing that every single thing in the acotar series paints Rhys the one In the Right so often and the v few times he's ever acknowledged to be in thr wrong he gets forgiven in like. a chapter. and I'm not even talking about Rhys and Nesta bec I understand nuance and neither of them are 100% in the right for most situations
but Rhys with Az and warning him off Elain? Rhys is in the right. Rhys going behind Mors back and letting her abusers into her safe space and then lying to her face? it's a war 🥺 and he'd have killed Amarantha on the spot 🥺🥺🥺. he gets to cry about it and all is forgiven. Rhys threatens Amrens life if she didn't help with Azriel behind her ready to attack if need be. Rhys making a rape joke about Luciens abused mother? Feyre growls at Lucien when Lucien gets upset, Azriel and Cassian #stiffen waiting in case Rhys gives the order to strike Lucien dead. Rhys keeping a life threatening pregnancy from his wife and putting a gag order on EVERYONE else? Well Nesta was cruel and mean about it and just wanted to hurt her so she's the one in the wrong, actually
meanwhile Nesta has been punished again and again for the cabin years. She has been murdered for helping Feyre after agreeing to help Feyre bec of "everything Feyre sacrificed for them". Nesta is punished again and again by the ICs snarky comments, by Feyre not painting her. Nesta is punished for using the bar tab left open and a bribery to self medicate to smother her powers that scare her and to numb herself. Rhys somehow butts his way into the relationship between Feyre and Nesta, every time they find common ground and begin to mend their relationship. SOMEHOW every time Rhys gets involved they now have to start back at square one
yes. Nesta could have been a kinder sister. yes. Nesta could have done more in the cabin. yes. Nesta could have asked for/taken the help. yes. Nesta could not have abused the money that Rhys just So Selflessly bribed her with Gave Her
Have you Noticed that Nesta has zero beef with Azriel because he does not instigate a fight with her. He never insults her and they are perfectly civil.
Mor compared her to the people who shoved nails in her stomach and told her to "keep her forked tongue behind her teeth." Amren calls her a waste of life. Cassian watches Nesta waste away and then comments on her breasts in the same breath he notices how thin she is. Nesta almost dies to the Hike from Hell and being severely dehydrated and weak carrying the bags. he let's his friends talk shit about her and agree with them when they suggest she'd thrive in the Court of Nightmares. Rhys is a fuckhead who takes away her home, her autonomy, uses Elain against her, uses her trauma and grooming against her to get her to seduce Eris
I. fucking. get. it. She failed as a sister. I GET IT. she doesn't deserve to be punished for it over and over and over again. it is within Feyres right to cut her off and not interact with her. the IC, the *governing body* do not get to keep kicking and kicking her while she's already down
how much beating does this girl have to take to make it even. How much does she have to give to earn basic decency
she's just a girl. She's a traumatized, flawed, imperfect 23 year old girl getting beat down by 500 year olds
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
can i please request a rhysand x reader where reader is extremly blunt, like they’re at a high lord meeting and beron keeps chatting shit and she just says something like ”oh my gods does he ever shut up? ” or ” no one here wants to hear you speak anymore ” and rhys just loves it even tho he has a stone face. Or when she’s in the mood and they’re at dinner w the inner circle she says ”do you wanna fuck?” or ”i’m horny let’s go home” and everyone stares at her with amusement bc she’s so real🤞 and one time she might be getting hit on and the guy just doesn’t quit so she lists all the things wrong with him, not to be rude but bc she honestly thinks that. PLEASE🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🖤
Rhys x reader who does not give two fucks hc
A/n: I wish I could be this blunt 😂 If I were this honest every problematic person in my life would be gone
Rhys loved that you were an honest person
You aren’t afraid to speak your mind and he found it quite amusing since he couldn’t really say what he wanted
The inner circle finds it funny
You even rival Amren for bluntness
You two butt heads sometimes but it makes for fun entertainment
Something everyone feels bad about is telling Cassian no but you have no issue shutting down his dumbass ideas
“No Cass. That’s a shit idea babe.” “What?! Why?” “Cassian I could list a million reasons but you wouldn’t listen to a Single one.”
You and Azriel got a long very well
He’d even ask you to come to a few interrogations bc your bullshit detector is amazing
You can always tell when someone is lying
If you guys are out at Rita’s you’d be staring at Rhys watching him dance which is very hot
Back at the table while you all wait for more drinks you’re just staring at him, your feet in his lap as you stroke his jaw you just blurt out, “Im done here. Can we go home and fuck?”
Cassian and Mor would be shocked and then have that face like ‘yeah she’d say that’
Rhys was pulling you from the booth winnowing you home immediately
High Lords meetings are whole other ordeal
You can’t hide when you don’t like someone on your face
And there are A LOT of people you don’t like
The main two you hate are Tamlin, for what he did to Feyre and her sisters, and Beron bc he’s an abuser and a moron
Beron is complaining about the human lands again and how we’re too connected now
No one would cut him off for the safety of everyone else
You’d be lightly hitting your head on the back of your chair, your face pulled in an annoyed look
“Oh my gods!” Everyone turns to you and Rhys just gives you an amused look
“Excuse me?” Beron says like he can’t believe someone would cut him off “you’re excused if you’re going to keep complaining. No one can stand your shit. It’s all mindless crap with you. Wah-wan-wah not everything can go your way Beron!”
You settled back in your chair
Your court was trying not to laugh, Rhys had a straight face, and Eris was trying not to smile
Helion made eye contact with you and he looked like a kid in a candy shop
“Well…” Thesan said carefully, “I think we’re done for the day.”
Rhys winnowed you home and you all had a good laugh about Beron that night
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daydreaming-nerd · 4 months
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 13
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: This is more of a filler chapter before shit gets fucking wild in the next one. I'm telling you I'm so pumped for the next chapter ahhhhh! It's not super exciting but I hope you all enjoy it! If you're new here from The Prophecy... Hi!🥰🖤
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: Mentions of under the mountain and what Eris did
Word Count: 5,338
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Rhys POV: 
I had finally allowed myself to hope. 
The circumstances of which I had granted myself that hope was…well… unpleasant. I would never wish Feyre to be under duress for any reason, but it did bring her into my court for good. When Mor came back with her I had never felt so relieved. I wanted to say that I couldn’t believe that Tamlin would lock her up like that, but I would be lying to myself. 
It wasn’t the first time she had been to Velaris. Once I saw the state she was in at the wedding, too thin, too pale, I started calling in the bargain. I saw her improving dramatically since I started doing so, pink lining her cheeks, muscles building on her arms. She had yet to meet anyone but Mor. Y/n had been dying to meet my mate, but I didn’t want to overwhelm Feyre. She was still learning what it meant to be fae, still getting used to her new life, and still learning to trust me. 
“So you are both High Fae and Illyrian?” Feyre asks, messing with the leftover food on her plate. 
“Yes, my mother was Illyrian and my father was High Fae. That is why I can summon Illyrian wings when I want to.” I answered her question truthfully. I knew that no matter what I wanted to be honest with her, let her see every dark part of me and choose to love me anyways, I owed her that. 
“Were they mates?” she inquires further. 
“Yes they were,” I replied, secretly hanging on every word she said. I tried my best to act aloof, but when she was here? In my home? It was hard to keep my cool. 
“How do you know someone is your mate?” she queries and my heart drops. 
I know that she is talking about Tamlin in her own subtle way, wondering if the High Lord of Spring is her mate. 
“You don’t always know right away, take Kallias and Viviane, they didn’t know they were mates until they were married,” I explained to her, I watched her face lighten, no doubt thinking that there was still a chance for her and Tamlin. 
“I’ve never met a set of mates before,” she said with a hint of longing, like if she could just set eyes on a pair it might ease her mind.
“Would you like to?” My words slipped out before I could think of the implications of them. 
Her eyes flitted up in amusement and I swore I melted at her lighthearted gaze, “I would.” she said.
“My younger sister, y/n. She’s mates with my general, Cassian. We can go and see them if you would like.” I say thinking about how excited y/n will be to finally meet the cursebreaker.
“I would like that very much,” Feyre smiled. 
I stood and walked with Feyre to the edge of the property outside the townhouse. It wasn’t the first time I had flown with her, but I could still tell she was apprehensive of the height. I took the fastest route to The House of Wind and made sure to fly like I was holding my mothers china. Feyre was far from breakable, she was strong enough to withstand just about anything. But that didn’t mean I was going to be someone who challenged that strength, not like Tamlin did. When we arrived at the huge mansion I could feel the female's eyes glancing over the exterior in awe. 
“This is another one of my homes, but I tend to stay in the townhouse. My little sister and Cassian live here with Azriel.” I say opening the door for her. 
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed, her eyes taking in every single detail.
I try to pry into y/n and Cassian’s mental shields but I’m met with nothing. They were here though, their scents lingered in the library we passed on the way to Cassian’s room. I knock on the door and I’m met with silence.
“Cassian? Y/n?” I call out hoping for some sort of answer but hear nothing once more. 
As Feyre looks at me expectantly I weigh my options, which would make my sister angrier? Waking her up to meet Feyre or not waking her up to meet Feyre?  I let out a shallow breath and chose the latter, opening the door to reveal a giant heap of limbs. 
“Oh I didn’t know they were asleep,” Feyre said, moving away. 
“Don’t worry about it, y/n will have my head if I don’t introduce you two,” I laugh walking into the dark room, Feyre trailing behind me.
When I approach the bed I can’t even see my little sister, her body covered entirely by Cassian’s wing. The only indication that she’s even there is her small hand peeking out from under it and a tendril of hair on the pillow.   
“I thought you said that Illyrians were protective of their wings?” Feyre whispered, clearly questioning why Cass’ wing was draped over y/n. 
“They are,” I whisper back. “But she’s his mate. He would rather have his wings shredded than have anything happen to her.” I say fondly. I had to admit, while I was still getting used to Cassian and my little sister being together, it was nice to not have to worry about her safety as much. Anyone who dared to harm her would have to face Cassian. Gods spare that poor fool. 
“Even in his sleep?” she asked in a hushed tone. 
“Especially in his sleep,” I laugh, moving to shake my sister's hand, trying to wake her. 
The second I grasp that small hand to shake it awake Cassian’s eyes fly open and the next thing I know there’s a dagger aimed at my throat and a murderous gaze thrown my way. 
“Easy Cass it’s just me,” I chuckle as I hear Feyre gasping and taking a step back. 
“Cauldron Rhys you scared the shit out of me,” Cassian sighed lowering the dagger, beside him my sister stirred. 
“Cass what’s going on?” she asked, her voice laced with sleep. 
“Nothing princess, it's just Rhys,” he answered, smoothing her hair out of her face. It was strange to see my war general so docile and domestic. 
“And Feyre Archeron,” I corrected as Feyre took a step further. “Why don’t you two wake up and meet us outside.” I laugh leading Feyre towards the door. 
Behind me I can hear Cass gently explaining to a very tired y/n what’s going on. 
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y/n’s POV: 
“Do you think she saw me?” I ask frantically putting on my dress.
My older brother had just ambushed me with his mate and the first time she saw me might’ve been with a bed head. I was angry with him for waking me, but I would’ve been more pissed if he hadn’t done so, not when I wanted to meet the cursebreaker so badly. 
“I’m sure she did,” Cassian chuckled, strapping his daggers to his side, no doubt going to train when this is over. 
“Ugh,” I sigh, running a brush through my hair. “I probably looked awful.” I sigh, setting down the brush. 
I see Cassian walking up to me through the mirror. He wraps his arms around my waist and places a kiss on my shoulder, sending reassurance and affection down the bond.
“I don’t think you’ve ever looked awful a day in your life, princess.” he smiled into my shoulder. 
“You have to say that you’re my mate,” I laughed, turning in his arms. 
“And your husband don’t forget that title too,” he says, tilting my chin up to meet his warm gaze. 
“How could I ever forget that, husband.” I smile, pecking his lips.
Without another word Cassian and I walk hand in hand down the hallway to where Rhys and Feyre are sitting in the living room. I take a moment to survey their body language. While my brother leans on his knees, seemingly drinking in every breath and movement Feyre has to offer, the cursebreaker sits stiffly on the couch. I make eye contact with my brother and he stands immediately.
“Feyre darling I would like to introduce you to Cassian, the general of my armies and y/n, my little sister,” Rhys says proudly gesturing to the two of us. 
Feyre turns to see us and I swear my heart stops. The last time I saw the female she was prone on the floor underneath the mountain. Every High Lord had sacrificed a bit of power to save her. Becoming high fae seemed to suit her.
“Hello Feyre, it's an honor to meet you,”  I smile. 
“The honor is all mine,” she says timidly, giving a slight bow. “I’ve heard stories of your beauty before. Tamiln and Lucien used to talk about you a lot, I never believed them but now I see they were right.” 
“Oh really?” Cassian inquired brisling at her words and I considered elbowing him in the ribs. 
“You flatter me too much, Feyre.” I say and look to change the subject. “How are you liking Velaris so far?”
“I like it very much, it’s beautiful here.” she says looking around the townhouse. “Rhysand says that you and Cassain are mates?”
“We are, we just had our mating ceremony and our wedding last month,” I say happily. Cauldron, had it already been a month?
“Congratulations to the both of you,” she smiled stiffly.
“I was just about to take a walk through the city, there’s a pastry shop down there that makes croissants stuffed with this delicious chocolate and hazelnut filling. Would you like to join?” I ask, my brother gave me a weary eye, but I shrugged him off. What Feyre needed was a friend, a female friend that is, and I was more than happy to jump at the opportunity. 
“I would like that,” she smiles, the blue in her eyes lighting up ever so slightly. “May I walk with your sister oh so powerful high lord?” Feyre turned to Rhys, sarcasm dripping from her voice. 
Rhys barked out a laugh, one I hadn’t heard in quite some time, “Feyre darling I told you that you are not my prisoner, you may take the air with my sister if it pleases you.” he says gesturing to me.  
“Well then shall we?” the cursebreaker asked me. 
I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle as I looped my arm in hers, I had a feeling she and I were going to be fast friends. 
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“You’re right this is incredible,” Feyre’s words were nearly inaudible as flakes of pastry fell from her mouth. 
“I know right? I’ve been going there once a week for years. Well sort of…when I was growing up I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. My parents were weird and feared my beauty would be too tempting for males. So they locked me up tight and threw away the key. Rhys used to bring me these pastries all the time, he was my only real window to the outside world.” I divulge, almost regretting telling her so much until I remember how she came to be here in Velaris. 
“So you haven’t really seen the other courts then have you?” she asks, wiping some chocolate from the corner of her mouth. 
“I actually have,” I smile finishing the last bite of my treat. “When Rhys learned to fly the first thing he did was come and get me and take me to a candy shop. From that day forward he snuck me out whenever he got the chance, that’s how I know Tamlin and Lucien. It never sat right with my brother, what my parents did to me,” I continue, hoping to show a side of Rhys that I knew he would never offer up himself. 
Feyre continued walking beside me, for a moment there was silence, as if she was considering my story, comparing it with hers. If she had something to say about Rhys she didn’t divulge, instead turning the conversation to other matters.
“Can I ask about you and your mate?” she queries. “I’m not sure if it’s a personal subject or not, I’m not well versed in the customs of fae.” 
“Ask anything you like, I assure you I have no problem talking about my mate,” I laugh thinking of Cassian’s smiling face now. 
Feyre gives a subtle laugh, “How did you know he was your mate?” she says, turning her head to read my expression as we further walked down the Sidra, seemingly clinging on my every word just like Rhys had clinged to hers. 
“Well Cassian knew first, I didn’t know until much later,” I start recalling the moment the bond snapped, the joy followed by pure terror. “I was set to marry Eris Vanserra, an arrangement made by our fathers a long time ago. When Rhys and I returned from under the mountain we both grew apart as we were both processing what had happened in our own way. He found the arrangement in my fathers things and thought that we could use the Autumn Court’s armies if Hybern should come to call, and after he saved me under the mountain I didn’t want to say no.” 
“He saved you, yet you were still down there?” Feyre asked, and I paused for a moment. Rhys had not told her the conditions of his servitude. 
“You don’t know?” I ask to make sure. If Rhys didn’t explain to his mate why he took the actions he did, it would be a great disservice to both him and his character, one I would rectify.
“Know what?” she asked clearly not seeing the big deal as she finished off her own croissant. 
“The only reason Rhys was Amarantha’s whore was because of me,” I start, feeling the shame seep in. “When we first arrived under the mountain he was able to keep me hidden, but then Hybern paid a visit and he wanted to take me for his wife. Rhys begged Amarantha not to let him take me, she agreed on the condition that he would come to her bed willingly.”  
“I-I had no idea,” the cursebreaker stuttered as her eyes zoned out on something far away. 
“It’s not something he and I talk about much, but it’s for that reason I chose to marry Eris, to try  and repay his sacrifice. However, Eris was cruel, he hurt me and assaulted me, I was nothing more than a pet to him. Cassian was the one to take me back and forth to the Autumn Court during our courtship and I fell in love with him. One night we couldn’t stay away any longer and I found myself in his bed. I knew I couldn’t end the courtship with Eris without bargaining for armies so I kept our relationship a secret.” 
“That must’ve been torture,” Feyre gasped her eyes finally finding me. 
“It was,” I nodded. “I didn’t know we were mates, and I ended up finding out the day of the wedding, but it was too late. I married Eris to save Velaris and Cassian was banished from Autumn. That night Eris found out I was impure, he dumped me over the Autumn court border and left me to die. If it wasn’t for the bond Cassian never would have found me.” I finished telling the story. 
“I- I’m sorry that you had to go through those things. That you came to be with Cassian under such hard circumstances.” she says, as if she doesn’t trust her own words. “But things are better now right? You’re safe?” 
I let out a light hearted laugh, trying to keep the conversation from veering anywhere dark, “I’ve never been safer. Eris is out of the picture now that my brother and Cassian have chased him out of town. Now it’s just Cassian and I in our newly mated bliss.” I smile. 
“I can see how anyone would run from Rhys,” Feyre rolls her eyes dramatically. 
A warm chuckle rumbles through my chest, one so infectious it finds Feyre’s lips too, “I know my brother can be a bit of an ass sometimes. But give him a chance, he might be the king of sarcasm, but underneath all that he truly cares.” I tell her, bumping into her shoulder playfully. 
“I suppose I can try, at least I know I have you now,” she smiles looking across the way at a nearby vendor. 
My heart smiles at her words. 
At least I have you.
My mission was complete. I was able to get her to trust me, to feel like she had a friend in me. Maybe, just maybe, her knowing that there was someone else on her side would bring her closer to Rhys, maybe I could finally find a way to repay the sacrifice my brother gave for me. 
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I swing the wooden sword down at Cassian’s, the hard impact of them meeting causing a grunt to leave my lips. The hot sun beat down on us as we spared as best we could. He could easily beat me if he wanted to, I was still a beginner after all,  but he never made me feel like I was inferior. We had been out here for over an hour, the evidence of it being seen on my sweaty fighting leathers. My second set, to be exact. Once my first set got dirty and sweaty Cassian bought me another so I didn’t have to wash them so often. 
I had no clue where he got them, but somehow these were even more beautiful than the last set. My mate even got me a Illyrian steel corset that would keep me from being lacerated, as well as metal bracers to protect my wrists. At first they took some getting used to, the weight of them a new feeling, but now they were like a second skin. 
“Sword high princess,” Cassian instructed me as I felt the weight of the wooden sword start to bring my arm down. 
“It's heavy!” I protest swinging at him again, this time with both hands on the hilt to hit him harder, even though he told me not to do that.
His sword clashes with mine and in one swoop he uses his wooden blade to raise my own. My hands were high above my head as he stood inches from me. 
“I know it’s heavy just wait until you wield a real sword,” he says, placing a kiss on my nose, taunting me. “And don’t use both hands, in real combat you’ll have a shield as well, you’ll need to be able to use that sword with one hand.” 
I let out a low growl before stepping on his foot, earning a groan from him as he didn’t see it coming. My sword sits heavy in my hands as I swing it, knocking his legs out from under him and using my shoulder as extra force to put him on the ground. He lies on his back below me, wooden sword tumbling from his hand. I see him reach for it and lightly press the toe of my boot into his wrist and lower myself on top of him, placing the pretend blade to his throat.    
Cassian’s hazel eyes look up at me in pure awe and amusement and something I had only ever seen from him, pride. 
“Is it bad that this is turning me on right now?” he barked out a laugh causing me to break my menacing stare. 
I snort at his words, letting up the pressure I had on his arms in the process, “Cass you ruin everything!” I laughed, tossing my sword to the side and shifting my foot off his wrist so that I sat fully on his stomach. 
“You call it ruining the moment, I say I’m making it better,” he smirks as his hands find my hips. 
The Lord of Bloodshed leans up to place a passionate kiss on my lips. My hands find either of his cheeks needing him closer to me than he already is. As his tongue swipes my bottom lip and enters my mouth I let out a small moan that has him shifting beneath me. 
“Really guys on the training mat? Is nowhere sacred anymore?” Azriel’s causes us both to nearly jump out of our skin. 
“Cauldron Az,” Cassian curses, putting a hand over his heart like it might’ve stopped. “Enough with the spymaster shit you scared the piss out of me.” 
A smirk tugged at Azriel’s lips, “You deserved it,” he remarked, going to wrap his hands. 
I shift my weight off Cassian and stand offering him my hand. He takes it, even though he’s twice my size and if he truly used my help I would end up on the ground again.  
“You’re getting better princess,” Azriel praised me. “I’d say it’s time you wield a steel sword instead of a wooden one.” 
“Maybe,” Cass warns, dusting himself off. “The last thing I need is you slicing yourself open.” he said to me.
“What afraid I’ll mar my pretty skin?” I tease rocking back and forth on my toes, remembering how Cassian all but worshiped me last night, claiming that the stories of my rose petal soft skin were true. 
“No I’m afraid that you’ll accidentally bleed out on me,” he replies, flicking my nose. 
Azriel chuckles beside us, “You’re far too protective of your mate brother, she can handle a real sword if she can handle your ass.” he taunts. 
“You forget that if anything were to happen to her Rhys would have my head,” Cassian rolls his eyes, placing our swords back on the rack behind him. 
“I suppose you’re right, but she has to start sometime.” Az shrugs, finishing the wrappings on his hands. “Alright princess who you got today?” he asked me. 
I let out a laugh as our new tradition reared its head again. For weeks now after Cass trained me Azriel would come down and they would spar. I would always gamble on who would win the first match, sometimes I would win, sometimes I would lose, it was all in great fun. But lately the boys had been taking it much more seriously and I couldn’t help but laugh at them and call them “Illyrian babies”. 
“Hmmm,” I said, pretending to think. “Considering I just handed Cassian his ass I think you’ve got this one Azriel.”
“Pfft in his dreams,” Cassian scoffs, ripping off his shirt. Azriel copies the motion and I can’t help but feel my cheeks heat at the sweaty males in front of me.  
“Then let’s raise the stakes then,” Azriel boasts. “I win, y/n trains with steel tomorrow” 
“You’re on,” Cassian taunts as he squares up. “Baby, I hope you aren’t prone to splinters because you’re going to be getting them for a while.”
Azriel took two steps back towards me, “Wanna give me some good luck?” he asked with a cheeky grin.
I laughed and gave the shadow singer a playful kiss on the cheek. 
“Now we’re talking,” Azriel laughed, flipping his swords in his hands. 
“Oh you’re a dead male where you stand,” Cassian smirked.
In an instant they were a storm of steel. If it had been a real fight I’m sure wisps of cobalt and crimson power would be among that twister of metal. But their rule was no siphons when training.  In a weird way it was beautiful the way they fought. During the training sessions with Cass I had come to learn that fighting was much like dancing, it was about anticipating your enemies next movement. Knowing where to step when, how to move your feet. 
They were both evenly matched in every way. Even though I spent every day pretending to think about who might win I never truly knew. It was always a guess, or a gut feeling. So far I had bet mostly on Cassian, for obvious reasons, but whenever I put my money on Azriel he seemed to show up. 
As I watched them deflecting eachothers blows and grunting with the sheer force of striking and blocking, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would ever be as good as them. If I would ever be able to truly fight and win against the warriors. 
My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Azriel’s back hit the ground, his wing being pinned underneath him. Cassian stood above him, chest heaving and pointing his sword at the shadowsingers neck. 
“Do you yield?” Cassian asked out of breath. 
Azriel simply held up his hand to ask his brother for a lift up, silently admitting defeat. Cass took it and hauled the spymaster up in one heave. 
I clapped my hands slowly as Cass walked over to me knowing that this is when I typically took my leave to wash up for dinner.
“It was a good match,” I smiled at my mate trying to hide my disappointment about not being able to train with real swords yet.
Cass slid his fingers under my chin and tilted it up so he could place a goodbye kiss on my lips, “You’ll train with steel tomorrow,” he smiled before returning to his own training. 
I gave an enthusiastic whoop before retreating to The House of Wind to clean up and prepare for dinner with Feyre and Rhys. 
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Months Later…
It had finally happened. Feyre had found out that Rhys was her mate and she wasn’t taking it well at all. 
Rhys was distraught when he found me in the library reading. He told me what had happened, from the ambush, to the Suriel telling Feyre about the bond. I honestly spent most of the time being surprised that the cursebreaker had been able to find the Suriel in the first place. My brother told me that his mate sat in the old cabin in the Illyrian mountains and I knew instantly that I needed to see her. 
I had watched the two of them come alive for each other these past few months. Saw Feyre become stronger and more sure of herself. Watched my brother turn back into the male he was when we were just kids. I had befriended the Archeron girl all the while, offering her comfort when I could, as we shared many of the same experiences, being locked up, being in an abusive relationship, being under the mountain…
I ran to Cassian asking him to fly me to the cabin and he did so without a second thought. He saw the panic in my eyes, the need to be there with her, to offer her some sort of comfort. Because as if fate had intertwined us we now shared another experience… being the last to know about our mating bonds. 
As Cassian landed in the snow outside the cabin I wished I had brought more furs. The wind ripped around me, chilling me to the bone. I shook off the memories of being thrown into the Winter Court and marched my way up to the cabin door giving it a knock. 
Feyre opened the cabin door dressed in breeches and a thick sweater, her hands and face covered in paint. 
“I can leave if you would like some privacy, I just wanted to check on you,” I say earnestly trying to keep my teeth from chattering. 
Feyre’s blue eyes look to me and then back to Cassian who stands a few yards away. “Come on in, I could use a friend.” she said quietly and my heart warmed at the word ‘friend’.
I nod to Cassian who takes off into the sky before stepping into the cabin. The warmth of the raging fire immediately heats my cheeks and I discard my furs onto a nearby chair. It had been years since I had been back here. We used to spend solstice here, just the four of us. Of course that was before mother and father died, and I hadn’t been back since. 
I look around and gasped. All over the walls Feyre had painted our eyes, my family's eyes. Each so distinct I could name each one. Amren and Mors, Azriel’s, Rhys’ distinct violet, and at the end, Cassian and I’s painted together. 
“These are beautiful,” I say in awe, looking over each set again. 
“I just needed something to get my mind off things,” she sighed, collecting the paints in a box. 
There was a moment of silence as I tried to let her decide where she wanted the conversation to go. She closed the box with a sigh and then turned to me. 
“Did you know?” she inquired, her eyes flickered with hope and I realized she prayed that I was just as in the dark as she was, that she wasn’t alone in this. 
My heart dropped and her eyes faltered as she heard the answer in my hesitation. “I wanted so badly to tell you, but I knew it wasn’t my place to say anything, it was between you and Rhys.” I say sitting on the floor by the fire. 
“I understand why you didn’t say anything but I wish someone had told me,” she says solemnly before joining me on the rug. 
“Believe me I wanted someone to tell me too,” I chuckle as I lean forward more soaking up the heat of the flames. 
Her eyes shoot to me as she seems to remember how I was in the same situation not too long ago, “When you found out Cassian was your mate, that he had kept the bond a secret from you, were you upset with him?” she asked. 
I cocked my head trying to remember what I felt that day in the Autumn Court, “Honestly it happened so fast that I can’t remember what I was feeling exactly, but I know I wasn’t angry,” I chuckled. “I had loved Cass long before I ever said it. He kept the bond from me because he thought he was taking a weight off my shoulders. He didn’t want me to feel like I had to choose between my mate and my court. I wish I would’ve known, it would’ve saved me a world of trouble because I would’ve chosen him no questions asked. But I understand he had his reasons for keeping it from me.” 
Feyre gave a shallow nod, signaling that she had heard me. “But why didn’t Rhys tell me?” she asked, her words desperate and I wasn’t sure if it was a question I could answer.
“I don’t know for sure.” I said honestly. “But I do know this, Rhys has spent his whole life believing he is a monster because of the front he has to put on for others. I think sometimes he forgets why he puts on that front, to protect his people and his family.” 
I take a deep breath wondering if I should continue but I can’t stop the overflow of words coming from me, “I think he didn’t want you to feel shackled to a monster. All you’ve ever known is the darker parts of him, he wanted to give you a chance to let you know the good parts, then let you decide for yourself,” I place my hand on her arm and her eyes snap to mine. “All I can say is that Rhys wouldn’t keep it from you if he didn’t have a good reason. You don’t have to hear him out today, tomorrow or even next week. But I think you should at some point, if only to give yourself the peace of mind of knowing the full story.” 
Feyre nods again, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tight, “I’m really glad you’re here,” she confessed, her eyes going glassy. 
“Anything for you Archeron,” I smile, feeling my eyes glass over too.
I'm so fucking excited for the next chapter I'm buzzin' guys...
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